Esempio n. 1
def erode(img):
    if not img is None:  # if no image is passed, no process is taken place and an error is printed to the command line
        h, w = np.shape(
        )  # allocates the height and width of the image to the variables "h" and "w" respectively
        new_image = np.zeros(
            (h, w), np.uint8
        )  # defines an image with coordinates 0 with the same size as the original

        # Iterate through the image pixel by pixel with {py, px} indicating the coordinates for the Kernels origin
        for py in range(0, h):
            for px in range(0, w):
                img[px, py] = 255 - img[px, py]
                # creates a complement image by subtracting the grayscale value from the max value

        new_image = dilate.dilate(
            img)  # dilates the complement image and allocates it to new_image
        for py in range(0, h):
            for px in range(0, w):
                new_image[px, py] = 255 - new_image[
                    px, py]  # creates the complements of the dilatied image

        return new_image

        print("No image file successfully loaded."
              )  # printed to tell the user that the image was not loaded
Esempio n. 2
def threesitematrix(gamma, eta, t, verbose=False, tol=1e-12):
  '''Generate the matrix corresponding to a 3-site PT symmetric
Hamiltonian with parameters gamma and eta, evolved to time t.
The form of the (non-Hermitian) Hamiltonian is:
    / i*gamma -eta     0   \
H = |  -eta     0    -eta   |
    \    0    -eta -i*gamma /
gamma   : (imaginary) on-site potential
eta     : coupling between adjacent sites
t       : evolution time
verbose : (optional) print verbose output to stdout
return  : (numpy array) time-evolution operator (not unitary)'''
  H=numpy.array([[1j*gamma, -eta, 0], [-eta, 0, -eta], [0, -eta, -1j*gamma]],\
  if abs(2*eta**2-gamma**2)<tol:
    # critical case
    raise Exception('Critical case', 'Singular matrix')
  elif 2*eta**2>gamma**2:
    # symmetric case
    if verbose:
      print "Symmetric case"
-numpy.sqrt(2*eta**2-gamma**2)], dtype=complex)
gamma**2), 2*eta, 1j*eta-numpy.sqrt(2*eta**2-gamma**2)],dtype=complex)
gamma**2), 2*eta, 1j*gamma+numpy.sqrt(2*eta**2-gamma**2)],dtype=complex)
  elif 2*eta**2 < gamma**2:
    # broken case
    if verbose:
      print "Broken case"
-1j*numpy.sqrt(gamma*2-2*eta**2)], dtype=complex)
    vplus=1/(2*gamma)*numpy.array([1j*(-gamma - numpy.sqrt(gamma**2-2*eta**2)),\
2*eta, 1j*(gamma - numpy.sqrt(gamma**2 - 2*eta**2))], dtype=complex)
    vminus=1/(2*gamma)*numpy.array([1j*(-gamma + numpy.sqrt(gamma**2 -\
2*eta**2)), 2*eta, 1j*(gamma + numpy.sqrt(gamma**2 - 2*eta**2))], dtype=complex)

  # Now calculate the exponential

                 [0,0,numpy.exp(-1j*evals[2]*t)]],dtype=complex),, numpy.linalg.inv(V)))

  evals,evecs = linalg.eig(,numpy.conjugate(numpy.transpose(G))))
  normG = numpy.sqrt(max(abs(evals)))
  G /= normG
  U = dilate(numpy.matrix(G))
  return U, normG
Esempio n. 3
def close(img):
    if not img is None:  # if no image is passed, no process is taken place and an error is printed to the command line
        new_image = dilate.dilate(
        )  # runs dilation on the input image and allocates it to new_image
        final_image = erode.erode(
        )  # runs erosion on the new_image and allocates it to itself
        return final_image  # returns the new_image
        print("No image file successfully loaded.")
Esempio n. 4
def ptmatrix(gamma, J, t, verbose=False):
  '''Generate the matrix corresponding to a PT symmetric Hamiltonian 
with parameters gamma and J, evolved to a time t.
The form of the (non-Hermitian) Hamiltonian is:
  H = -J \sigma_x - i \gamma -sigma_z
gamma   : on-site potential
J       : cross-site tunneling
t       : evolution time
verbose : print verbose output to stdout
return  : (numpy array) time-evolution operator (not necessarily
  G = numpy.empty((2,2),dtype=complex)
  if gamma<J:
    if verbose:
      print "PT-symmetric\n"
    eps = numpy.sqrt(J**2-gamma**2)
    alpha = eps*t
    G[0,0] = numpy.cos(alpha)-gamma*numpy.sin(alpha)/eps
    G[0,1] = complex(0,J*numpy.sin(alpha)/eps)
    G[1,0] = complex(0,J*numpy.sin(alpha)/eps)
    G[1,1] = numpy.cos(alpha)+gamma*numpy.sin(alpha)/eps
  elif gamma>J:
    if verbose:
      print "non-PT-symmetric\n"
    eps = numpy.sqrt(gamma**2-J**2)
    beta = eps*t
    G[0,0] = numpy.cosh(beta)-gamma*numpy.sinh(beta)/eps
    G[0,1] = complex(0,J*numpy.sinh(beta)/eps)
    G[1,0] = complex(0,J*numpy.sinh(beta)/eps)
    G[1,1] = numpy.cosh(beta)+gamma*numpy.sinh(beta)/eps
    if verbose:
      print "PT-phase boundary\n"
    G[0,0] = 1-J*t
    G[0,1] = complex(0,J*t)
    G[1,0] = complex(0,J*t)
    G[1,1] = 1+J*t

  evals,evecs = linalg.eig(,numpy.conjugate(numpy.transpose(G))))
  normG = numpy.sqrt(max(abs(evals)))
  G /= normG
  U = dilate(numpy.matrix(G))
  return U, normG
Esempio n. 5
def main():
    # Accessing the file
    filenameIn = sys.argv[1]
    filenameOut = sys.argv[2]
    readImage = cv2.imread(filenameIn, 0)

    # My erosion implementation
    img_dilated = dilation.dilate(readImage)
    img_closed = erosion.erode(img_dilated)

    # A perfect erosion, performed by OpenCV's native method
    # img_closed2 = cv2.morphologyEx(readImage, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, numpy.ones((5,5), numpy.uint8))

    # Normally save image, but for dev we just show it
    cv2.imwrite(filenameOut, img_closed)
    # cv2.imwrite('lena_closing_perfect.png', img_closed2)

    # cv2.imshow('mine', img_closed)
def closing():

    cv2.imwrite('./lena_closing.png', erode(dilate(image)))
Esempio n. 7
# Structuring array definition
# Structuring array must satisfy these requirements:
##  Same Length and Width
##  Dimensions must be odd
##  Elements must be either 255 or 0
se5 = np.array([[255, 255, 255, 255, 255], [255, 255, 255, 255, 255],
                [255, 255, 255, 255, 255], [255, 255, 255, 255, 255],
                [255, 255, 255, 255, 255]])

se3 = np.array([[255, 255, 255], [255, 255, 255], [255, 255, 255]])

# Dilation test run
# Iterate over all images and apply operator
dilated = {}
for key in bmp:
    dilated[key] = dilate(bmp[key], se5)
    #Save. Weird jankyness that needs a conversion to work properly
    Image.fromarray(dilated[key]).convert('L').save(key[:-4] + '_dl5.bmp')

# Repeat for erode opened and closed, using different operators
eroded = {}
for key in bmp:
    eroded[key] = erode(bmp[key], se3)
    Image.fromarray(eroded[key]).convert('L').save(key[:-4] + '_er3.bmp')

opened = {}
for key in bmp:
    opened[key] = opening(bmp[key], se3)
    Image.fromarray(opened[key]).convert('L').save(key[:-4] + '_op3.bmp')

closed = {}
def opening():

    cv2.imwrite('./lena_opening.png', dilate(erode(image)))
Esempio n. 9
def closing(bitmap, strucEl):
    working = dilate(bitmap, strucEl)
    working = erode(working, strucEl)

    return working