Esempio n. 1
class Product():
    def __init__(self):
        self.__code = "Unknown"
        self.__product_dimension = Dimension()

    def __ValidateCode(code: str) -> bool:
        return True

    def __ValidateProductDimension(dim: Dimension) -> bool:
        return True

    def SetProduct(self, code: str, dim: Dimension) -> bool:
        condition = False
        if (Product.__ValidateCode(code)
                and Product.__ValidateProductDimension(dim)):
            condition = True
            self.__code = code
            self.__product_dimension = dim
        return condition

    def SetCode(self, code: str) -> bool:
        condition = False
        if Product.__ValidateCode(code):
            condition = True
            self.__code = code
        return condition

    def SetProductDimension(self, dim: Dimension) -> bool:
        condition = False
        if Product.__ValidateProductDimension(dim):
            condition = True
            self.__code = dim
        return condition

    def GetCode(self) -> bool:
        return self.__code

    def GetProductDimension(self) -> bool:
        return self.__product_dimension

    def ProductToString(self) -> str:
        string = ''
        string += 'Product Code: '
        string += self.__code
        string += '\nDimensions:\n'
        string += self.__product_dimension.DimensionToString()
        return string
Esempio n. 2
class Model():
    def __init__(self):
        self.__name = "Unknown"  #Model name, please read doc
        self.__type = "Unknown"
        self.__oil_capacity = 0
        self.__oil_consume = 0
        self.__entire_dimension = Dimension()
        self.__trunk_dimension = Dimension()  #In here dim refer to capacity

#################### Model Validations

    def __ValidateName(name):
        return True

    def __ValidateType(type):
        return True

    def __ValidateOilCapacity(oil):
        return True

    def __ValidateOilConsume(oil):
        return True

    def __ValidateEntireDimension(dim):
        return True

    def __ValidateTrunkDimension(dim):
        return True

#################### Model instances creating and edit

    def SetModel(self, name: str, type: str, oil_capacity: float,
                 oil_consume: float, entire_dimension: Dimension,
                 trunk_dimension: Dimension) -> bool:
        This is the intended method to setup an instance of the class rather than
        the only one-long variables ones that are designed for exception handling.

        made = False
        if (Model.__ValidateName(name) and Model.__ValidateType(type)
                and Model.__ValidateOilCapacity(oil_capacity)
                and Model.__ValidateOilConsume(oil_consume)
                and Model.__ValidateEntireDimension(entire_dimension)
                and Model.__ValidateTrunkDimension(trunk_dimension)):

            made = True
            self.__name = name
            self.__type = type
            self.__oil_capacity = oil_capacity
            self.__oil_consume = oil_consume
            self.__entire_dimension = entire_dimension
            self.__trunk_dimension = trunk_dimension

        return made

    def SetName(self, name: str) -> bool:
        This function is for manually changing only vehicle's name.
        If change couldn't be made won't raise error, will return
        False instead.
        made = False
        if Model.__ValidateName(name):
            made = True
            self.__name = name
        return made

    def SetType(self, type: str) -> bool:
        This function is for manually changing only vehicle's type.
        If change couldn't be made won't raise error, will return
        False instead.

        made = False
        if Model.__ValidateType(type):
            made = True
            self.__type = type
        return made

    def SetOilCapacity(self, oil: int) -> bool:
        This function is for manually changing only vehicle's oil capacity.
        If change couldn't be made won't raise error, will return
        False instead.
        made = False
        if Model.__ValidateOilCapacity(oil):
            made = True
            self.__oil_capacity = oil
        return made

    def SetOilConsume(self, oil: int) -> bool:
        This function is for manually changing only vehicle's oil consume.
        If change couldn't be made won't raise error, will return
        False instead.
        made = False
        if Model.__ValidateOilConsume(oil):
            made = True
            self.__oil_consume = oil
        return made

    def SetEntireDimension(self, dim) -> bool:  #dim:Dimension()
        This function is for manually changing only vehicle's dimensions.
        This only accept Dimension() object as argument, however it won't
        raise error in other case, it will return False f change couldn't
        be done.
        made = False
        if Model.__ValidateEntireDimension(dim):
            made = True
            self.__dimension = dimension
        return made

    def SetTrunkDimension(self, dim) -> bool:  #dim:Dimension()
        This function is for manually changing only vehicle's dimensions.
        This only accept Dimension() object as argument, however it won't
        raise error in other case, it will return False f change couldn't
        be done.
        made = False
        if Model.__ValidateTrunkDimension(dim):
            made = True
            self.__dimension = dimension
        return made


    def GetName(self) -> str:
        return self.__name

    def GetType(self) -> str:
        return self.__type

    def GetOilCapacity(self) -> float:
        return self.__oil_capacity

    def GetOilConsume(self) -> float:
        return self.__oil_consume

    def GetEntireDimension(self) -> Dimension:
        return self.__entire_dimension

    def GetTrunkDimension(self) -> Dimension:
        return self.__entire_dimension

    def ModelToString(self) -> str:
        string = 'Modelo: '
        string += self.__name
        string += '\nVehículo tipo: '
        string += self.__type
        string += '\nTanque con capacidad de: '
        string += str(self.__oil_capacity)
        string += 'L\nConsumo: '
        string += str(self.__oil_consume)
        string += 'L/100km\nDimensiones del vehículo:\n'
        string += self.__entire_dimension.DimensionToString()
        string += '\nDimensiones de carga útil:\n'
        string += self.__trunk_dimension.DimensionToString()

        return string