Esempio n. 1
"""Dynamic parameters can potentially vary from one sweep to the next. If a dynamic parameter is assigned multiple values in a sequence, it's treated as a Variable, and has to be added to this Experiment's Variables object"""

# bar orientation relative to orioff (deg)
d.ori = 0 #range(0, 360, 30)
# bar speed (deg/sec)
d.speedDegSec = 0
# bar x position relative to origin (deg), ignored if speedDegSec isn't 0
d.xposDeg = 0
# bar y position relative to origin (deg), ignored if speedDegSec isn't 0
d.yposDeg = 0
# bar width (deg)
d.widthDeg = 60
# bar height (deg)
d.heightDeg = 60
# bar brightness (0-1)
d.rbrightness = [x/100.0 for x in range(0,100,5)]
# bar brightness (0-1)
d.gbrightness = [x/100.0 for x in range(0,100,5)]
# bar brightness (0-1)
d.bbrightness = [x/100.0 for x in range(0,100,5)]
# background brightness (0-1)
d.bgbrightness = 0
# antialiase the bar?
d.antialiase = True
# sweep duration (sec)
d.sweepSec = 5
# post-sweep duration to display blank screen (sec)
d.postsweepSec = 0

vs = Variables()
vs.rbrightness = Variable(vals=d.rbrightness, dim=0, shuffle=False) # kwargs: vals, dim, shuffle, random
Esempio n. 2
"""Dynamic parameters can potentially vary from one sweep to the next. If a dynamic parameter is assigned multiple values in a sequence, it's treated as a Variable, and has to be added to this Experiment's Variables object"""

# bar orientation relative to orioff (deg)
d.ori = 0 #range(0, 360, 30)
# bar speed (deg/sec)
d.speedDegSec = 0
# bar x position relative to origin (deg), ignored if speedDegSec isn't 0
d.xposDeg = 0
# bar y position relative to origin (deg), ignored if speedDegSec isn't 0
d.yposDeg = 0
# bar width (deg)
d.widthDeg = 60
# bar height (deg)
d.heightDeg = 60
# bar brightness (0-1)
d.rbrightness = [0,1]
# bar brightness (0-1)
d.gbrightness = 0
# bar brightness (0-1)
d.bbrightness = 0
# background brightness (0-1)
d.bgbrightness = 0
# antialiase the bar?
d.antialiase = True
# sweep duration (sec)
d.sweepSec = 0.020
# post-sweep duration to display blank screen (sec)
d.postsweepSec = 0

vs = Variables()
vs.rbrightness = Variable(vals=d.rbrightness, dim=0, shuffle=False) # kwargs: vals, dim, shuffle, random