Esempio n. 1
def swinnerton_dyer_poly(n, x=None, **args):
    """Generates n-th Swinnerton-Dyer polynomial in `x`.  """
    from .numberfields import minimal_polynomial
    if n <= 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "can't generate Swinnerton-Dyer polynomial of order %s" % n)

    if x is not None:
        x = Dummy('x')

    if n > 3:
        p = 2
        a = [sqrt(2)]
        for i in range(2, n + 1):
            p = nextprime(p)
        return minimal_polynomial(Add(*a), x, polys=args.get('polys', False))

    if n == 1:
        ex = x**2 - 2
    elif n == 2:
        ex = x**4 - 10 * x**2 + 1
    elif n == 3:
        ex = x**8 - 40 * x**6 + 352 * x**4 - 960 * x**2 + 576
    if not args.get('polys', False):
        return ex
        return PurePoly(ex, x)
Esempio n. 2
def test_sympyissue_3449():
    # test if powers are simplified correctly
    # see also issue sympy/sympy#3995
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert ((x**Rational(1, 3))**Rational(2)) == x**Rational(2, 3)
    assert (
        (x**Rational(3))**Rational(2, 5)) == (x**Rational(3))**Rational(2, 5)

    a = Symbol('a', extended_real=True)
    b = Symbol('b', extended_real=True)
    assert (a**2)**b == (abs(a)**b)**2
    assert sqrt(1/a) != 1/sqrt(a)  # e.g. for a = -1
    assert (a**3)**Rational(1, 3) != a
    assert (x**a)**b != x**(a*b)  # e.g. x = -1, a=2, b=1/2
    assert (x**.5)**b == x**(.5*b)
    assert (x**.5)**.5 == x**.25
    assert (x**2.5)**.5 != x**1.25  # e.g. for x = 5*I

    k = Symbol('k', integer=True)
    m = Symbol('m', integer=True)
    assert (x**k)**m == x**(k*m)
    assert Number(5)**Rational(2, 3) == Number(25)**Rational(1, 3)

    assert (x**.5)**2 == x**1.0
    assert (x**2)**k == (x**k)**2 == x**(2*k)

    a = Symbol('a', positive=True)
    assert (a**3)**Rational(2, 5) == a**Rational(6, 5)
    assert (a**2)**b == (a**b)**2
    assert (a**Rational(2, 3))**x == (a**(2*x/3)) != (a**x)**Rational(2, 3)
Esempio n. 3
def test_sympyissue_3449():
    # test if powers are simplified correctly
    # see also issue sympy/sympy#3995
    assert cbrt(x)**2 == x**Rational(2, 3)
    assert (x**3)**Rational(2, 5) == Pow(x**3, Rational(2, 5), evaluate=False)

    a = Symbol('a', extended_real=True)
    b = Symbol('b', extended_real=True)
    assert (a**2)**b == (abs(a)**b)**2
    assert sqrt(1/a) != 1/sqrt(a)  # e.g. for a = -1
    assert cbrt(a**3) != a
    assert (x**a)**b != x**(a*b)  # e.g. x = -1, a=2, b=1/2
    assert (x**.5)**b == x**(.5*b)
    assert (x**.5)**.5 == x**.25
    assert (x**2.5)**.5 != x**1.25  # e.g. for x = 5*I

    k = Symbol('k', integer=True)
    m = Symbol('m', integer=True)
    assert (x**k)**m == x**(k*m)
    assert Number(5)**Rational(2, 3) == cbrt(Number(25))

    assert (x**.5)**2 == x**1.0
    assert (x**2)**k == (x**k)**2 == x**(2*k)

    a = Symbol('a', positive=True)
    assert (a**3)**Rational(2, 5) == a**Rational(6, 5)
    assert (a**2)**b == (a**b)**2
    assert (a**Rational(2, 3))**x == (a**(2*x/3)) != (a**x)**Rational(2, 3)
Esempio n. 4
def test_sympyissue_6990():
    x = Symbol('x')
    a = Symbol('a')
    b = Symbol('b')
    assert (sqrt(a + b*x + x**2)).series(x, 0, 3).removeO() == \
        b*x/(2*sqrt(a)) + x**2*(1/(2*sqrt(a)) -
        b**2/(8*a**Rational(3, 2))) + sqrt(a)
Esempio n. 5
def test_root():
    from import x
    n = Symbol('n', integer=True)
    k = Symbol('k', integer=True)

    assert root(2, 2) == sqrt(2)
    assert root(2, 1) == 2
    assert root(2, 3) == 2**Rational(1, 3)
    assert root(2, 3) == cbrt(2)
    assert root(2, -5) == 2**Rational(4, 5) / 2

    assert root(-2, 1) == -2

    assert root(-2, 2) == sqrt(2) * I
    assert root(-2, 1) == -2

    assert root(x, 2) == sqrt(x)
    assert root(x, 1) == x
    assert root(x, 3) == x**Rational(1, 3)
    assert root(x, 3) == cbrt(x)
    assert root(x, -5) == x**Rational(-1, 5)

    assert root(x, n) == x**(1 / n)
    assert root(x, -n) == x**(-1 / n)

    assert root(x, n, k) == x**(1 / n) * (-1)**(2 * k / n)
Esempio n. 6
    def eval(cls, arg):
        if arg.is_Number:
            if arg is S.Infinity:
                return S.Infinity
            elif arg.is_Integer:
                if arg.is_positive:
                    return factorial(arg - 1)
                    return S.ComplexInfinity
            elif arg.is_Rational:
                if arg.q == 2:
                    n = abs(arg.p) // arg.q

                    if arg.is_positive:
                        k, coeff = n, S.One
                        n = k = n + 1

                        if n & 1 == 0:
                            coeff = S.One
                            coeff = S.NegativeOne

                    for i in range(3, 2 * k, 2):
                        coeff *= i

                    if arg.is_positive:
                        return coeff * sqrt(S.Pi) / 2**n
                        return 2**n * sqrt(S.Pi) / coeff

        if arg.is_integer and arg.is_nonpositive:
            return S.ComplexInfinity
Esempio n. 7
 def as_real_imag(self, deep=True, **hints):
     # TODO: Handle deep and hints
     n, m, theta, phi = self.args
     re = (sqrt((2*n + 1)/(4*pi) * factorial(n - m)/factorial(n + m)) *
           cos(m*phi) * assoc_legendre(n, m, cos(theta)))
     im = (sqrt((2*n + 1)/(4*pi) * factorial(n - m)/factorial(n + m)) *
           sin(m*phi) * assoc_legendre(n, m, cos(theta)))
     return re, im
Esempio n. 8
 def as_real_imag(self, deep=True, **hints):
     x, y = self._as_real_imag(deep=deep, **hints)
     sq = -y**2 / x**2
     re = S.Half * (self.func(x + x * sqrt(sq)) +
                    self.func(x - x * sqrt(sq)))
     im = x / (2 * y) * sqrt(sq) * (self.func(x - x * sqrt(sq)) -
                                    self.func(x + x * sqrt(sq)))
     return re, im
Esempio n. 9
    def eval(cls, n, m, theta, phi):
        n, m, th, ph = [sympify(x) for x in (n, m, theta, phi)]

        if m.is_positive:
            zz = (Ynm(n, m, th, ph) + Ynm_c(n, m, th, ph)) / sqrt(2)
            return zz
        elif m.is_zero:
            return Ynm(n, m, th, ph)
        elif m.is_negative:
            zz = (Ynm(n, m, th, ph) - Ynm_c(n, m, th, ph)) / (sqrt(2)*I)
            return zz
Esempio n. 10
 def _eval_rewrite_as_besseli(self, z):
     ot = Rational(1, 3)
     tt = Rational(2, 3)
     a = tt * Pow(z, Rational(3, 2))
     if re(z).is_positive:
         return z / sqrt(3) * (besseli(-tt, a) + besseli(tt, a))
         a = Pow(z, Rational(3, 2))
         b = Pow(a, tt)
         c = Pow(a, -tt)
         return sqrt(ot) * (b * besseli(-tt, tt * a) +
                            z**2 * c * besseli(tt, tt * a))
Esempio n. 11
 def _eval_rewrite_as_besseli(self, z):
     ot = Rational(1, 3)
     tt = Rational(2, 3)
     a = Pow(z, Rational(3, 2))
     if re(z).is_positive:
         return sqrt(z) / sqrt(3) * (besseli(-ot, tt * a) +
                                     besseli(ot, tt * a))
         b = Pow(a, ot)
         c = Pow(a, -ot)
         return sqrt(ot) * (b * besseli(-ot, tt * a) +
                            z * c * besseli(ot, tt * a))
Esempio n. 12
def test_rational():
    a = Rational(1, 5)

    r = sqrt(5)/5
    assert sqrt(a) == r
    assert 2*sqrt(a) == 2*r

    r = a*a**Rational(1, 2)
    assert a**Rational(3, 2) == r
    assert 2*a**Rational(3, 2) == 2*r

    r = a**5*a**Rational(2, 3)
    assert a**Rational(17, 3) == r
    assert 2 * a**Rational(17, 3) == 2*r
Esempio n. 13
def test_rational():
    a = Rational(1, 5)

    r = sqrt(5)/5
    assert sqrt(a) == r
    assert 2*sqrt(a) == 2*r

    r = a*sqrt(a)
    assert a**Rational(3, 2) == r
    assert 2*a**Rational(3, 2) == 2*r

    r = a**5*a**Rational(2, 3)
    assert a**Rational(17, 3) == r
    assert 2 * a**Rational(17, 3) == 2*r
Esempio n. 14
def test_sympyissue_6208():
    assert sqrt(33**(9*I/10)) == -33**(9*I/20)
    assert root((6*I)**(2*I), 3).as_base_exp()[1] == Rational(1, 3)  # != 2*I/3
    assert root((6*I)**(I/3), 3).as_base_exp()[1] == I/9
    assert sqrt(exp(3*I)) == exp(3*I/2)
    assert sqrt(-sqrt(3)*(1 + 2*I)) == sqrt(sqrt(3))*sqrt(-1 - 2*I)
    assert sqrt(exp(5*I)) == -exp(5*I/2)
    assert root(exp(5*I), 3).exp == Rational(1, 3)
Esempio n. 15
def test_sympyissue_6208():
    assert sqrt(33**(9*I/10)) == -33**(9*I/20)
    assert root((6*I)**(2*I), 3).as_base_exp()[1] == Rational(1, 3)  # != 2*I/3
    assert root((6*I)**(I/3), 3).as_base_exp()[1] == I/9
    assert sqrt(exp(3*I)) == exp(3*I/2)
    assert sqrt(-sqrt(3)*(1 + 2*I)) == sqrt(sqrt(3))*sqrt(-1 - 2*I)
    assert sqrt(exp(5*I)) == -exp(5*I/2)
    assert root(exp(5*I), 3).exp == Rational(1, 3)
Esempio n. 16
    def _eval_expand_func(self, **hints):
        arg = self.args[0]
        symbs = arg.free_symbols

        if len(symbs) == 1:
            z = symbs.pop()
            c = Wild("c", exclude=[z])
            d = Wild("d", exclude=[z])
            m = Wild("m", exclude=[z])
            n = Wild("n", exclude=[z])
            M = arg.match(c * (d * z**n)**m)
            if M is not None:
                m = M[m]
                # The transformation is in principle
                # given by but note
                # that there is an error in this formule.
                if (3 * m).is_integer:
                    c = M[c]
                    d = M[d]
                    n = M[n]
                    pf = (d**m * z**(n * m)) / (d * z**n)**m
                    newarg = c * d**m * z**(n * m)
                    return S.Half * (sqrt(3) *
                                     (pf - S.One) * airyaiprime(newarg) +
                                     (pf + S.One) * airybiprime(newarg))
Esempio n. 17
    def _cholesky_sparse(self):
        """Algorithm for numeric Cholesky factorization of a sparse matrix."""
        Crowstruc = self.row_structure_symbolic_cholesky()
        C = self.zeros(self.rows)
        for i in range(len(Crowstruc)):
            for j in Crowstruc[i]:
                if i != j:
                    C[i, j] = self[i, j]
                    summ = 0
                    for p1 in Crowstruc[i]:
                        if p1 < j:
                            for p2 in Crowstruc[j]:
                                if p2 < j:
                                    if p1 == p2:
                                        summ += C[i, p1] * C[j, p1]
                    C[i, j] -= summ
                    C[i, j] /= C[j, j]
                    C[j, j] = self[j, j]
                    summ = 0
                    for k in Crowstruc[j]:
                        if k < j:
                            summ += C[j, k]**2
                    C[j, j] -= summ
                    C[j, j] = sqrt(C[j, j])

        return C
Esempio n. 18
 def fdiff(self, argindex=1):
     if len(self.args) == 3:
         n, z, m = self.args
         fm, fn = sqrt(1 - m * sin(z)**2), 1 - n * sin(z)**2
         if argindex == 1:
             return (elliptic_e(z, m) + (m - n) * elliptic_f(z, m) / n +
                     (n**2 - m) * elliptic_pi(n, z, m) / n -
                     n * fm * sin(2 * z) / (2 * fn)) / (2 * (m - n) *
                                                        (n - 1))
         elif argindex == 2:
             return 1 / (fm * fn)
         elif argindex == 3:
             return (elliptic_e(z, m) /
                     (m - 1) + elliptic_pi(n, z, m) - m * sin(2 * z) /
                     (2 * (m - 1) * fm)) / (2 * (n - m))
         n, m = self.args
         if argindex == 1:
             return (elliptic_e(m) + (m - n) * elliptic_k(m) / n +
                     (n**2 - m) * elliptic_pi(n, m) / n) / (2 * (m - n) *
                                                            (n - 1))
         elif argindex == 2:
             return (elliptic_e(m) /
                     (m - 1) + elliptic_pi(n, m)) / (2 * (n - m))
     raise ArgumentIndexError(self, argindex)
Esempio n. 19
    def distance(self, p):
        """The Euclidean distance from self to point p.


        p : Point


        distance : number or symbolic expression.

        See Also



        >>> from diofant.geometry import Point
        >>> p1, p2 = Point(1, 1), Point(4, 5)
        >>> p1.distance(p2)

        >>> from import x, y
        >>> p3 = Point(x, y)
        >>> p3.distance(Point(0, 0))
        sqrt(x**2 + y**2)

        p = Point(p)
        return sqrt(sum((a - b)**2 for a, b in zip(self.args, p.args)))
Esempio n. 20
    def direction_cosine(self, point):
        Gives the direction cosine between 2 points


        p : Point3D




        >>> from diofant import Point3D
        >>> p1 = Point3D(1, 2, 3)
        >>> p1.direction_cosine(Point3D(2, 3, 5))
        [sqrt(6)/6, sqrt(6)/6, sqrt(6)/3]
        a = self.direction_ratio(point)
        b = sqrt(sum(i**2 for i in a))
        return [(point.x - self.x) / b, (point.y - self.y) / b,
                (point.z - self.z) / b]
Esempio n. 21
 def _eval_rewrite_as_besseli(self, z):
     ot = Rational(1, 3)
     tt = Rational(2, 3)
     a = Pow(z, Rational(3, 2))
     if re(z).is_positive:
         return ot * sqrt(z) * (besseli(-ot, tt * a) - besseli(ot, tt * a))
         return ot * (Pow(a, ot) * besseli(-ot, tt * a) -
                      z * Pow(a, -ot) * besseli(ot, tt * a))
Esempio n. 22
def test_valued_tensor_pow():
    (A, B, AB, BA, C, Lorentz, E, px, py, pz, LorentzD, mu0, mu1, mu2, ndm, n0,
     n1, n2, NA, NB, NC, minkowski, ba_matrix, ndm_matrix, i0, i1, i2, i3,
     i4) = _get_valued_base_test_variables()

    assert C**2 == -E**2 + px**2 + py**2 + pz**2
    assert C**1 == sqrt(-E**2 + px**2 + py**2 + pz**2)
    assert C(mu0)**2 == C**2
    assert C(mu0)**1 == C**1
Esempio n. 23
 def fdiff(self, argindex=1):
     z, m = self.args
     fm = sqrt(1 - m * sin(z)**2)
     if argindex == 1:
         return 1 / fm
     elif argindex == 2:
         return (elliptic_e(z, m) / (2 * m * (1 - m)) - elliptic_f(z, m) /
                 (2 * m) - sin(2 * z) / (4 * (1 - m) * fm))
     raise ArgumentIndexError(self, argindex)
Esempio n. 24
def test_issue_6208():
    from diofant import root, Rational
    I = S.ImaginaryUnit
    assert sqrt(33**(9 * I / 10)) == -33**(9 * I / 20)
    assert root((6 * I)**(2 * I),
                3).as_base_exp()[1] == Rational(1, 3)  # != 2*I/3
    assert root((6 * I)**(I / 3), 3).as_base_exp()[1] == I / 9
    assert sqrt(exp(3 * I)) == exp(3 * I / 2)
    assert sqrt(-sqrt(3) * (1 + 2 * I)) == sqrt(sqrt(3)) * sqrt(-1 - 2 * I)
    assert sqrt(exp(5 * I)) == -exp(5 * I / 2)
    assert root(exp(5 * I), 3).exp == Rational(1, 3)
Esempio n. 25
def jacobi_normalized(n, a, b, x):
    Jacobi polynomial :math:`P_n^{\left(\alpha, \beta\right)}(x)`

    jacobi_normalized(n, alpha, beta, x) gives the nth Jacobi polynomial
    in x, :math:`P_n^{\left(\alpha, \beta\right)}(x)`.

    The Jacobi polynomials are orthogonal on :math:`[-1, 1]` with respect
    to the weight :math:`\left(1-x\right)^\alpha \left(1+x\right)^\beta`.

    This functions returns the polynomials normilzed:

    .. math::

          P_m^{\left(\alpha, \beta\right)}(x)
          P_n^{\left(\alpha, \beta\right)}(x)
          (1-x)^{\alpha} (1+x)^{\beta} \mathrm{d}x
        = \delta_{m,n}


    >>> from diofant import jacobi_normalized
    >>> from import n,a,b,x

    >>> jacobi_normalized(n, a, b, x)
    jacobi(n, a, b, x)/sqrt(2**(a + b + 1)*gamma(a + n + 1)*gamma(b + n + 1)/((a + b + 2*n + 1)*factorial(n)*gamma(a + b + n + 1)))

    See Also

    chebyshevt_root, chebyshevu, chebyshevu_root,
    legendre, assoc_legendre,
    laguerre, assoc_laguerre,


    .. [1]
    .. [2]
    .. [3]
    nfactor = (Integer(2)**(a + b + 1) * (gamma(n + a + 1) * gamma(n + b + 1))
               / (2*n + a + b + 1) / (factorial(n) * gamma(n + a + b + 1)))

    return jacobi(n, a, b, x) / sqrt(nfactor)
Esempio n. 26
    def eval(cls, a, x):
        # For lack of a better place, we use this one to extract branching
        # information. The following can be
        # found in the literature (c/f references given above), albeit scattered:
        # 1) For fixed x != 0, lowergamma(s, x) is an entire function of s
        # 2) For fixed positive integers s, lowergamma(s, x) is an entire
        #    function of x.
        # 3) For fixed non-positive integers s,
        #    lowergamma(s, exp(I*2*pi*n)*x) =
        #              2*pi*I*n*(-1)**(-s)/factorial(-s) + lowergamma(s, x)
        #    (this follows from lowergamma(s, x).diff(x) = x**(s-1)*exp(-x)).
        # 4) For fixed non-integral s,
        #    lowergamma(s, x) = x**s*gamma(s)*lowergamma_unbranched(s, x),
        #    where lowergamma_unbranched(s, x) is an entire function (in fact
        #    of both s and x), i.e.
        #    lowergamma(s, exp(2*I*pi*n)*x) = exp(2*pi*I*n*a)*lowergamma(a, x)
        from diofant import unpolarify, I
        nx, n = x.extract_branch_factor()
        if a.is_integer and a.is_positive:
            nx = unpolarify(x)
            if nx != x:
                return lowergamma(a, nx)
        elif a.is_integer and a.is_nonpositive:
            if n != 0:
                return 2 * pi * I * n * (-1)**(
                    -a) / factorial(-a) + lowergamma(a, nx)
        elif n != 0:
            return exp(2 * pi * I * n * a) * lowergamma(a, nx)

        # Special values.
        if a.is_Number:
            # TODO this should be non-recursive
            if a is S.One:
                return S.One - exp(-x)
            elif a is S.Half:
                return sqrt(pi) * erf(sqrt(x))
            elif a.is_Integer or (2 * a).is_Integer:
                b = a - 1
                if b.is_positive:
                    return b * cls(b, x) - x**b * exp(-x)

                if not a.is_Integer:
                    return (cls(a + 1, x) + x**a * exp(-x)) / a
Esempio n. 27
 def _cholesky(self):
     """Helper function of cholesky.
     Without the error checks.
     To be used privately. """
     L = zeros(self.rows, self.rows)
     for i in range(self.rows):
         for j in range(i):
             L[i, j] = (1 / L[j, j]) * (self[i, j] - sum(L[i, k] * L[j, k]
                                                         for k in range(j)))
         L[i, i] = sqrt(self[i, i] - sum(L[i, k]**2 for k in range(i)))
     return self._new(L)
Esempio n. 28
 def fdiff(self, argindex=1):
     if len(self.args) == 2:
         z, m = self.args
         if argindex == 1:
             return sqrt(1 - m * sin(z)**2)
         elif argindex == 2:
             return (elliptic_e(z, m) - elliptic_f(z, m)) / (2 * m)
         z = self.args[0]
         if argindex == 1:
             return (elliptic_e(z) - elliptic_k(z)) / (2 * z)
     raise ArgumentIndexError(self, argindex)
Esempio n. 29
def test_real_root():
    assert real_root(-8, 3) == -2
    assert real_root(-16, 4) == root(-16, 4)
    r = root(-7, 4)
    assert real_root(r) == r
    r1 = root(-1, 3)
    r2 = r1**2
    r3 = root(-1, 4)
    assert real_root(r1 + r2 + r3) == -1 + r2 + r3
    assert real_root(root(-2, 3)) == -root(2, 3)
    assert real_root(-8., 3) == -2
    x = Symbol('x')
    n = Symbol('n')
    g = real_root(x, n)
    assert g.subs(dict(x=-8, n=3)) == -2
    assert g.subs(dict(x=8, n=3)) == 2
    # give principle root if there is no real root -- if this is not desired
    # then maybe a Root class is needed to raise an error instead
    assert g.subs(dict(x=I, n=3)) == cbrt(I)
    assert g.subs(dict(x=-8, n=2)) == sqrt(-8)
    assert g.subs(dict(x=I, n=2)) == sqrt(I)
Esempio n. 30
 def eval(cls, z):
     if z is S.Zero:
         return pi / 2
     elif z is S.Half:
         return 8 * pi**Rational(3, 2) / gamma(-Rational(1, 4))**2
     elif z is S.One:
         return S.ComplexInfinity
     elif z is S.NegativeOne:
         return gamma(Rational(1, 4))**2 / (4 * sqrt(2 * pi))
     elif z in (S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity, I * S.Infinity,
                I * S.NegativeInfinity, S.ComplexInfinity):
         return S.Zero
Esempio n. 31
 def fdiff(self, argindex=4):
     if argindex == 3:
         # Diff wrt theta
         n, m, theta, phi = self.args
         return (m * cot(theta) * Ynm(n, m, theta, phi) +
                 sqrt((n - m)*(n + m + 1)) * exp(-I*phi) * Ynm(n, m + 1, theta, phi))
     elif argindex == 4:
         # Diff wrt phi
         n, m, theta, phi = self.args
         return I * m * Ynm(n, m, theta, phi)
     else:  # diff wrt n, m, etc
         raise ArgumentIndexError(self, argindex)
Esempio n. 32
    def eval(cls, a, z):
        from diofant import unpolarify, I, expint
        if z.is_Number:
            if z is S.Infinity:
                return S.Zero
            elif z is S.Zero:
                # TODO: Holds only for Re(a) > 0:
                return gamma(a)

        # We extract branching information here. C/f lowergamma.
        nx, n = z.extract_branch_factor()
        if a.is_integer and (a > 0) is S.true:
            nx = unpolarify(z)
            if z != nx:
                return uppergamma(a, nx)
        elif a.is_integer and (a <= 0) is S.true:
            if n != 0:
                return -2 * pi * I * n * (-1)**(
                    -a) / factorial(-a) + uppergamma(a, nx)
        elif n != 0:
            return gamma(a) * (1 - exp(2 * pi * I * n * a)) + exp(
                2 * pi * I * n * a) * uppergamma(a, nx)

        # Special values.
        if a.is_Number:
            # TODO this should be non-recursive
            if a is S.One:
                return exp(-z)
            elif a is S.Half:
                return sqrt(pi) * (1 - erf(sqrt(z)))  # TODO could use erfc...
            elif a.is_Integer or (2 * a).is_Integer:
                b = a - 1
                if b.is_positive:
                    return b * cls(b, z) + z**b * exp(-z)
                elif b.is_Integer:
                    return expint(-b, z) * unpolarify(z)**(b + 1)

                if not a.is_Integer:
                    return (cls(a + 1, z) - z**a * exp(-z)) / a
Esempio n. 33
 def eval(cls, n, m, z=None):
     if z is not None:
         n, z, m = n, m, z
         k = 2 * z / pi
         if n == S.Zero:
             return elliptic_f(z, m)
         elif n == S.One:
             return (elliptic_f(z, m) +
                     (sqrt(1 - m * sin(z)**2) * tan(z) - elliptic_e(z, m)) /
                     (1 - m))
         elif k.is_integer:
             return k * elliptic_pi(n, m)
         elif m == S.Zero:
             return atanh(sqrt(n - 1) * tan(z)) / sqrt(n - 1)
         elif n == m:
             return (elliptic_f(z, n) - elliptic_pi(1, z, n) +
                     tan(z) / sqrt(1 - n * sin(z)**2))
         elif n in (S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity):
             return S.Zero
         elif m in (S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity):
             return S.Zero
         elif z.could_extract_minus_sign():
             return -elliptic_pi(n, -z, m)
         if n == S.Zero:
             return elliptic_k(m)
         elif n == S.One:
             return S.ComplexInfinity
         elif m == S.Zero:
             return pi / (2 * sqrt(1 - n))
         elif m == S.One:
             return -S.Infinity / sign(n - 1)
         elif n == m:
             return elliptic_e(n) / (1 - n)
         elif n in (S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity):
             return S.Zero
         elif m in (S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity):
             return S.Zero
Esempio n. 34
def test_sympyissue_6068():
    assert sqrt(sin(x)).series(x, 0, 8) == \
        sqrt(x) - x**Rational(5, 2)/12 + x**Rational(9, 2)/1440 - \
        x**Rational(13, 2)/24192 + O(x**8)
    assert sqrt(sin(x)).series(x, 0, 10) == \
        sqrt(x) - x**Rational(5, 2)/12 + x**Rational(9, 2)/1440 - \
        x**Rational(13, 2)/24192 - 67*x**Rational(17, 2)/29030400 + O(x**10)
    assert sqrt(sin(x**3)).series(x, 0, 19) == \
        x**Rational(3, 2) - x**Rational(15, 2)/12 + x**Rational(27, 2)/1440 + O(x**19)
    assert sqrt(sin(x**3)).series(x, 0, 20) == \
        x**Rational(3, 2) - x**Rational(15, 2)/12 + x**Rational(27, 2)/1440 - \
        x**Rational(39, 2)/24192 + O(x**20)
Esempio n. 35
def test_sympyissue_3866():
    assert --sqrt(sqrt(5) - 1) == sqrt(sqrt(5) - 1)
Esempio n. 36
def test_sympyissue_6990():
    assert (sqrt(a + b*x + x**2)).series(x, 0, 3).removeO() == \
        b*x/(2*sqrt(a)) + x**2*(1/(2*sqrt(a)) -
                                b**2/(8*a**Rational(3, 2))) + sqrt(a)
Esempio n. 37
def test_sympyissue_6782():
    assert sqrt(sin(x**3)).series(x, 0, 7) == x**Rational(3, 2) + O(x**7)
    assert sqrt(sin(x**4)).series(x, 0, 3) == x**2 + O(x**3)
Esempio n. 38
def test_sympyissue_7638():
    f = pi/log(sqrt(2))
    assert ((1 + I)**(I*f/2))**0.3 == (1 + I)**(0.15*I*f)
    # if 1/3 -> 1.0/3 this should fail since it cannot be shown that the
    # sign will be +/-1; for the previous "small arg" case, it didn't matter
    # that this could not be proved
    assert (1 + I)**(4*I*f) == cbrt((1 + I)**(12*I*f))

    assert cbrt((1 + I)**(I*(1 + 7*f))).exp == Rational(1, 3)
    r = symbols('r', extended_real=True)
    assert sqrt(r**2) == abs(r)
    assert cbrt(r**3) != r
    assert sqrt(Pow(2*I, Rational(5, 2))) != (2*I)**Rational(5, 4)
    p = symbols('p', positive=True)
    assert cbrt(p**2) == p**Rational(2, 3)
    assert NS(((0.2 + 0.7*I)**(0.7 + 1.0*I))**(0.5 - 0.1*I), 1) == '0.4 + 0.2*I'
    assert sqrt(1/(1 + I)) == sqrt((1 - I)/2)  # or 1/sqrt(1 + I)
    e = 1/(1 - sqrt(2))
    assert sqrt(e) == I/sqrt(-1 + sqrt(2))
    assert e**Rational(-1, 2) == -I*sqrt(-1 + sqrt(2))
    assert sqrt((cos(1)**2 + sin(1)**2 - 1)**(3 + I)).exp == Rational(1, 2)
    assert sqrt(r**Rational(4, 3)) != r**Rational(2, 3)
    assert sqrt((p + I)**Rational(4, 3)) == (p + I)**Rational(2, 3)
    assert sqrt((p - p**2*I)**2) == p - p**2*I
    assert sqrt((p + r*I)**2) != p + r*I
    e = (1 + I/5)
    assert sqrt(e**5) == e**Rational(5, 2)
    assert sqrt(e**6) == e**3
    assert sqrt((1 + I*r)**6) != (1 + I*r)**3
Esempio n. 39
def test_sympyissue_6653():
    assert (1 / sqrt(1 + sin(x**2))).series(x, 0, 3) == 1 - x**2/2 + O(x**3)
Esempio n. 40
def test_dispersion():
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: dispersionset(poly(x*y, x, y),
                                                    poly(x, x)))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: dispersionset(poly(x, x),
                                                    poly(y, y)))

    fp = poly(0, x)
    assert sorted(dispersionset(fp)) == [0]

    fp = poly(2, x)
    assert sorted(dispersionset(fp)) == [0]

    fp = poly(x + 1, x)
    assert sorted(dispersionset(fp)) == [0]
    assert dispersion(fp) == 0

    fp = poly((x + 1)*(x + 2), x)
    assert sorted(dispersionset(fp)) == [0, 1]
    assert dispersion(fp) == 1

    fp = poly(x*(x + 3), x)
    assert sorted(dispersionset(fp)) == [0, 3]
    assert dispersion(fp) == 3

    fp = poly((x - 3)*(x + 3), x)
    assert sorted(dispersionset(fp)) == [0, 6]
    assert dispersion(fp) == 6

    fp = poly(x**4 - 3*x**2 + 1, x)
    gp = fp.shift(-3)
    assert sorted(dispersionset(fp, gp)) == [2, 3, 4]
    assert dispersion(fp, gp) == 4
    assert sorted(dispersionset(gp, fp)) == []
    assert dispersion(gp, fp) == -oo

    fp = poly(x**2 + 2*x - 1, x)
    gp = poly(x**2 + 2*x + 3, x)
    assert dispersionset(fp, gp) == set()

    fp = poly(x*(3*x**2+a)*(x-2536)*(x**3+a), x)
    gp = fp.as_expr().subs({x: x - 345}).as_poly(x)
    assert sorted(dispersionset(fp, gp)) == [345, 2881]
    assert sorted(dispersionset(gp, fp)) == [2191]

    gp = poly((x-2)**2*(x-3)**3*(x-5)**3, x)
    assert sorted(dispersionset(gp)) == [0, 1, 2, 3]
    assert sorted(dispersionset(gp, (gp+4)**2)) == [1, 2]

    fp = poly(x*(x+2)*(x-1), x)
    assert sorted(dispersionset(fp)) == [0, 1, 2, 3]

    fp = poly(x**2 + sqrt(5)*x - 1, x, domain='QQ<sqrt(5)>')
    gp = poly(x**2 + (2 + sqrt(5))*x + sqrt(5), x, domain='QQ<sqrt(5)>')
    assert sorted(dispersionset(fp, gp)) == [2]
    assert sorted(dispersionset(gp, fp)) == [1, 4]

    # There are some difficulties if we compute over Z[a]
    # and alpha happenes to lie in Z[a] instead of simply Z.
    # Hence we can not decide if alpha is indeed integral
    # in general.

    fp = poly(4*x**4 + (4*a + 8)*x**3 + (a**2 + 6*a + 4)*x**2 + (a**2 + 2*a)*x, x)
    assert sorted(dispersionset(fp)) == [0, 1]

    # For any specific value of a, the dispersion is 3*a
    # but the algorithm can not find this in general.
    # This is the point where the resultant based Ansatz
    # is superior to the current one.
    fp = poly(a**2*x**3 + (a**3 + a**2 + a + 1)*x, x)
    gp = fp.as_expr().subs({x: x - 3*a}).as_poly(x)
    assert sorted(dispersionset(fp, gp)) == []

    fpa = fp.as_expr().subs({a: 2}).as_poly(x)
    gpa = gp.as_expr().subs({a: 2}).as_poly(x)
    assert sorted(dispersionset(fpa, gpa)) == [6]

    # Work with Expr instead of Poly
    f = (x + 1)*(x + 2)
    assert sorted(dispersionset(f)) == [0, 1]
    assert dispersion(f) == 1

    f = x**4 - 3*x**2 + 1
    g = x**4 - 12*x**3 + 51*x**2 - 90*x + 55
    assert sorted(dispersionset(f, g)) == [2, 3, 4]
    assert dispersion(f, g) == 4

    # Work with Expr and specify a generator
    f = (x + 1)*(x + 2)
    assert sorted(dispersionset(f, None, x)) == [0, 1]
    assert dispersion(f, None, x) == 1

    f = x**4 - 3*x**2 + 1
    g = x**4 - 12*x**3 + 51*x**2 - 90*x + 55
    assert sorted(dispersionset(f, g, x)) == [2, 3, 4]
    assert dispersion(f, g, x) == 4
Esempio n. 41
def test_sympyissue_4362():
    neg = Symbol('neg', negative=True)
    nonneg = Symbol('nonneg', nonnegative=True)
    any = Symbol('any')
    num, den = sqrt(1/neg).as_numer_denom()
    assert num == sqrt(-1)
    assert den == sqrt(-neg)
    num, den = sqrt(1/nonneg).as_numer_denom()
    assert num == 1
    assert den == sqrt(nonneg)
    num, den = sqrt(1/any).as_numer_denom()
    assert num == sqrt(1/any)
    assert den == 1

    def eqn(num, den, pow):
        return (num/den)**pow
    npos = 1
    nneg = -1
    dpos = 2 - sqrt(3)
    dneg = 1 - sqrt(3)
    assert dpos > 0 and dneg < 0 and npos > 0 and nneg < 0
    # pos or neg integer
    eq = eqn(npos, dpos, 2)
    assert eq.is_Pow and eq.as_numer_denom() == (1, dpos**2)
    eq = eqn(npos, dneg, 2)
    assert eq.is_Pow and eq.as_numer_denom() == (1, dneg**2)
    eq = eqn(nneg, dpos, 2)
    assert eq.is_Pow and eq.as_numer_denom() == (1, dpos**2)
    eq = eqn(nneg, dneg, 2)
    assert eq.is_Pow and eq.as_numer_denom() == (1, dneg**2)
    eq = eqn(npos, dpos, -2)
    assert eq.is_Pow and eq.as_numer_denom() == (dpos**2, 1)
    eq = eqn(npos, dneg, -2)
    assert eq.is_Pow and eq.as_numer_denom() == (dneg**2, 1)
    eq = eqn(nneg, dpos, -2)
    assert eq.is_Pow and eq.as_numer_denom() == (dpos**2, 1)
    eq = eqn(nneg, dneg, -2)
    assert eq.is_Pow and eq.as_numer_denom() == (dneg**2, 1)
    # pos or neg rational
    pow = Rational(1, 2)
    eq = eqn(npos, dpos, pow)
    assert eq.is_Pow and eq.as_numer_denom() == (npos**pow, dpos**pow)
    eq = eqn(npos, dneg, pow)
    assert eq.is_Pow is False and eq.as_numer_denom() == ((-npos)**pow, (-dneg)**pow)
    eq = eqn(nneg, dpos, pow)
    assert not eq.is_Pow or eq.as_numer_denom() == (nneg**pow, dpos**pow)
    eq = eqn(nneg, dneg, pow)
    assert eq.is_Pow and eq.as_numer_denom() == ((-nneg)**pow, (-dneg)**pow)
    eq = eqn(npos, dpos, -pow)
    assert eq.is_Pow and eq.as_numer_denom() == (dpos**pow, npos**pow)
    eq = eqn(npos, dneg, -pow)
    assert eq.is_Pow is False and eq.as_numer_denom() == (-(-npos)**pow*(-dneg)**pow, npos)
    eq = eqn(nneg, dpos, -pow)
    assert not eq.is_Pow or eq.as_numer_denom() == (dpos**pow, nneg**pow)
    eq = eqn(nneg, dneg, -pow)
    assert eq.is_Pow and eq.as_numer_denom() == ((-dneg)**pow, (-nneg)**pow)
    # unknown exponent
    pow = 2*any
    eq = eqn(npos, dpos, pow)
    assert eq.is_Pow and eq.as_numer_denom() == (npos**pow, dpos**pow)
    eq = eqn(npos, dneg, pow)
    assert eq.is_Pow and eq.as_numer_denom() == ((-npos)**pow, (-dneg)**pow)
    eq = eqn(nneg, dpos, pow)
    assert eq.is_Pow and eq.as_numer_denom() == (nneg**pow, dpos**pow)
    eq = eqn(nneg, dneg, pow)
    assert eq.is_Pow and eq.as_numer_denom() == ((-nneg)**pow, (-dneg)**pow)
    eq = eqn(npos, dpos, -pow)
    assert eq.as_numer_denom() == (dpos**pow, npos**pow)
    eq = eqn(npos, dneg, -pow)
    assert eq.is_Pow and eq.as_numer_denom() == ((-dneg)**pow, (-npos)**pow)
    eq = eqn(nneg, dpos, -pow)
    assert eq.is_Pow and eq.as_numer_denom() == (dpos**pow, nneg**pow)
    eq = eqn(nneg, dneg, -pow)
    assert eq.is_Pow and eq.as_numer_denom() == ((-dneg)**pow, (-nneg)**pow)

    assert ((1/(1 + x/3))**-1).as_numer_denom() == (3 + x, 3)
    notp = Symbol('notp', positive=False)  # not positive does not imply real
    b = ((1 + x/notp)**-2)
    assert (b**(-y)).as_numer_denom() == (1, b**y)
    assert (b**-1).as_numer_denom() == ((notp + x)**2, notp**2)
    nonp = Symbol('nonp', nonpositive=True)
    assert (((1 + x/nonp)**-2)**-1).as_numer_denom() == ((-nonp - x)**2,

    n = Symbol('n', negative=True)
    assert (x**n).as_numer_denom() == (1, x**-n)
    assert sqrt(1/n).as_numer_denom() == (I, sqrt(-n))
    n = Symbol('0 or neg', nonpositive=True)
    # if x and n are split up without negating each term and n is negative
    # then the answer might be wrong; if n is 0 it won't matter since
    # 1/oo and 1/zoo are both zero as is sqrt(0)/sqrt(-x) unless x is also
    # zero (in which case the negative sign doesn't matter):
    # 1/sqrt(1/-1) = -I but sqrt(-1)/sqrt(1) = I
    assert (1/sqrt(x/n)).as_numer_denom() == (sqrt(-n), sqrt(-x))
    c = Symbol('c', complex=True)
    e = sqrt(1/c)
    assert e.as_numer_denom() == (e, 1)
    i = Symbol('i', integer=True)
    assert (((1 + x/y)**i)).as_numer_denom() == ((x + y)**i, y**i)