Esempio n. 1
    def reflect(self, line):
        from diofant import atan, Point, Dummy, oo

        g = self
        l = line
        o = Point(0, 0)
        if l.slope == 0:
            y = l.args[0].y
            if not y:  # x-axis
                return g.scale(y=-1)
            reps = [(p, p.translate(y=2 * (y - p.y))) for p in g.atoms(Point)]
        elif l.slope == oo:
            x = l.args[0].x
            if not x:  # y-axis
                return g.scale(x=-1)
            reps = [(p, p.translate(x=2 * (x - p.x))) for p in g.atoms(Point)]
            if not hasattr(g, 'reflect') and not all(
                    isinstance(arg, Point) for arg in g.args):
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    'reflect undefined or non-Point args in %s' % g)
            a = atan(l.slope)
            c = l.coefficients
            d = -c[-1] / c[1]  # y-intercept
            # apply the transform to a single point
            x, y = Dummy(), Dummy()
            xf = Point(x, y)
            xf = xf.translate(y=-d).rotate(-a, o).scale(y=-1).rotate(
                a, o).translate(y=d)
            # replace every point using that transform
            reps = [(p, xf.xreplace({x: p.x, y: p.y})) for p in g.atoms(Point)]
        return g.xreplace(dict(reps))
Esempio n. 2
 def _eval_subs(self, old, new):
     from diofant.geometry.point import Point, Point3D
     if is_sequence(old) or is_sequence(new):
         if isinstance(self, Point3D):
             old = Point3D(old)
             new = Point3D(new)
             old = Point(old)
             new = Point(new)
         return self._subs(old, new)
Esempio n. 3
    def arbitrary_point(self, parameter='t'):
        A parameterized point on the curve.


        parameter : str or Symbol, optional
            Default value is 't';
            the Curve's parameter is selected with None or self.parameter
            otherwise the provided symbol is used.


        arbitrary_point : Point


            When `parameter` already appears in the functions.

        See Also



        >>> from diofant import Symbol
        >>> from import s
        >>> from diofant.geometry import Curve
        >>> C = Curve([2*s, s**2], (s, 0, 2))
        >>> C.arbitrary_point()
        Point2D(2*t, t**2)
        >>> C.arbitrary_point(C.parameter)
        Point2D(2*s, s**2)
        >>> C.arbitrary_point(None)
        Point2D(2*s, s**2)
        >>> C.arbitrary_point(Symbol('a'))
        Point2D(2*a, a**2)

        if parameter is None:
            return Point(*self.functions)

        tnew = _symbol(parameter, self.parameter)
        t = self.parameter
        if ( != and
       in ( for f in self.free_symbols)):
            raise ValueError('Symbol %s already appears in object '
                'and cannot be used as a parameter.' %
        return Point(*[w.subs(t, tnew) for w in self.functions])
Esempio n. 4
def test_geometry():
    p1 = Point(1, 2)
    p2 = Point(2, 3)
    p3 = Point(0, 0)
    p4 = Point(0, 1)
    for c in (GeometryEntity, GeometryEntity(), Point, p1, Circle,
              Circle(p1, 2), Ellipse, Ellipse(p1, 3, 4), Line, Line(p1, p2),
              LinearEntity, LinearEntity(p1, p2), Ray, Ray(p1, p2), Segment,
              Segment(p1, p2), Polygon, Polygon(p1, p2, p3,
                                                p4), RegularPolygon,
              RegularPolygon(p1, 4, 5), Triangle, Triangle(p1, p2, p3)):
        check(c, check_attr=False)
Esempio n. 5
def test_sympyissue_7457():
    pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(Point(1.1, 2.1).evalf()))  # not raises

    a = Float('1.2')
    b = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(a))
    b.evalf(strict=False)  # not raises
    assert a == b
Esempio n. 6
    def rotate(self, angle=0, pt=None):
        """Rotate ``angle`` radians counterclockwise about Point ``pt``.

        The default pt is the origin, Point(0, 0).


        >>> from diofant.geometry.curve import Curve
        >>> from import x
        >>> from diofant import pi
        >>> Curve((x, x), (x, 0, 1)).rotate(pi/2)
        Curve((-x, x), (x, 0, 1))
        from diofant.matrices import Matrix, rot_axis3
        pt = -Point(pt or (0, 0))
        rv = self.translate(*pt.args)
        f = list(rv.functions)
        f = Matrix(1, 3, f)
        f *= rot_axis3(angle)
        rv = self.func(f[0, :2].tolist()[0], self.limits)
        if pt is not None:
            pt = -pt
            return rv.translate(*pt.args)
        return rv
Esempio n. 7
    def scale(self, x=1, y=1, pt=None):
        """Scale the object by multiplying the x,y-coordinates by x and y.

        If pt is given, the scaling is done relative to that point; the
        object is shifted by -pt, scaled, and shifted by pt.

        See Also

        rotate, translate


        >>> from diofant import RegularPolygon, Point, Polygon
        >>> t = Polygon(*RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 1, 3).vertices)
        >>> t
        Triangle(Point2D(1, 0), Point2D(-1/2, sqrt(3)/2), Point2D(-1/2, -sqrt(3)/2))
        >>> t.scale(2)
        Triangle(Point2D(2, 0), Point2D(-1, sqrt(3)/2), Point2D(-1, -sqrt(3)/2))
        >>> t.scale(2,2)
        Triangle(Point2D(2, 0), Point2D(-1, sqrt(3)), Point2D(-1, -sqrt(3)))

        from diofant.geometry.point import Point
        if pt:
            pt = Point(pt)
            return self.translate(*(-pt).args).scale(x, y).translate(*pt.args)
        return type(self)(*[a.scale(x, y) for a in self.args
                            ])  # if this fails, override this class
Esempio n. 8
def scale(x, y, pt=None):
    """Return the matrix to multiply a 2-D point's coordinates by x and y.

    If pt is given, the scaling is done relative to that point."""
    rv = eye(3)
    rv[0, 0] = x
    rv[1, 1] = y
    if pt:
        from diofant.geometry.point import Point
        pt = Point(pt)
        tr1 = translate(*(-pt).args)
        tr2 = translate(*pt.args)
        return tr1 * rv * tr2
    return rv
Esempio n. 9
    def scale(self, x=1, y=1, pt=None):
        """Override GeometryEntity.scale since Curve is not made up of Points.


        >>> from diofant.geometry.curve import Curve
        >>> from diofant import pi
        >>> from import x
        >>> Curve((x, x), (x, 0, 1)).scale(2)
        Curve((2*x, x), (x, 0, 1))
        if pt:
            pt = Point(pt)
            return self.translate(*(-pt).args).scale(x, y).translate(*pt.args)
        fx, fy = self.functions
        return self.func((fx*x, fy*y), self.limits)
Esempio n. 10
 def _eval_subs(self, old, new):
     if old == self.parameter:
         return Point(*[f.subs(old, new) for f in self.functions])