Esempio n. 1
def test_hyper_as_trig():
    from diofant.simplify.fu import _osborne as o, _osbornei as i, TR12

    eq = sinh(x)**2 + cosh(x)**2
    t, f = hyper_as_trig(eq)
    assert f(fu(t)) == cosh(2*x)
    e, f = hyper_as_trig(tanh(x + y))
    assert f(TR12(e)) == (tanh(x) + tanh(y))/(tanh(x)*tanh(y) + 1)

    d = Dummy()
    assert o(sinh(x), d) == I*sin(x*d)
    assert o(tanh(x), d) == I*tan(x*d)
    assert o(coth(x), d) == cot(x*d)/I
    assert o(cosh(x), d) == cos(x*d)
    for func in (sinh, cosh, tanh, coth):
        h = func(pi)
        assert i(o(h, d), d) == h
    # /!\ the _osborne functions are not meant to work
    # in the o(i(trig, d), d) direction so we just check
    # that they work as they are supposed to work
    assert i(cos(x*y), y) == cosh(x)
    assert i(sin(x*y), y) == sinh(x)/I
    assert i(tan(x*y), y) == tanh(x)/I
    assert i(cot(x*y), y) == coth(x)*I
    assert i(sec(x*y), y) == 1/cosh(x)
    assert i(csc(x*y), y) == I/sinh(x)
Esempio n. 2
def test_hyper_as_trig():
    eq = sinh(x)**2 + cosh(x)**2
    t, f = hyper_as_trig(eq)
    assert f(fu(t)) == cosh(2*x)
    e, f = hyper_as_trig(tanh(x + y))
    assert f(TR12(e)) == (tanh(x) + tanh(y))/(tanh(x)*tanh(y) + 1)

    d = Dummy()
    assert o(sinh(x), d) == I*sin(x*d)
    assert o(tanh(x), d) == I*tan(x*d)
    assert o(coth(x), d) == cot(x*d)/I
    assert o(cosh(x), d) == cos(x*d)
    for func in (sinh, cosh, tanh, coth):
        h = func(pi)
        assert i(o(h, d), d) == h
    # /!\ the _osborne functions are not meant to work
    # in the o(i(trig, d), d) direction so we just check
    # that they work as they are supposed to work
    assert i(cos(x*y), y) == cosh(x)
    assert i(sin(x*y), y) == sinh(x)/I
    assert i(tan(x*y), y) == tanh(x)/I
    assert i(cot(x*y), y) == coth(x)*I
    assert i(sec(x*y), y) == 1/cosh(x)
    assert i(csc(x*y), y) == I/sinh(x)
Esempio n. 3
def futrig(e, **kwargs):
    """Return simplified ``e`` using Fu-like transformations.
    This is not the "Fu" algorithm. This is called by default
    from ``trigsimp``. By default, hyperbolics subexpressions
    will be simplified, but this can be disabled by setting


    >>> from diofant import trigsimp, tan, sinh, tanh
    >>> from diofant.simplify.trigsimp import futrig
    >>> from import x
    >>> trigsimp(1/tan(x)**2)

    >>> futrig(sinh(x)/tanh(x))

    from diofant.simplify.fu import hyper_as_trig
    from diofant.simplify.simplify import bottom_up

    e = sympify(e)

    if not isinstance(e, Basic):
        return e

    if not e.args:
        return e

    old = e
    e = bottom_up(e, lambda x: _futrig(x, **kwargs))

    if kwargs.pop('hyper', True) and e.has(HyperbolicFunction):
        e, f = hyper_as_trig(e)
        e = f(_futrig(e))

    if e != old and e.is_Mul and e.args[0].is_Rational:
        # redistribute leading coeff on 2-arg Add
        e = Mul(*e.as_coeff_Mul())
    return e
Esempio n. 4
def exptrigsimp(expr, simplify=True):
    Simplifies exponential / trigonometric / hyperbolic functions.
    When ``simplify`` is True (default) the expression obtained after the
    simplification step will be then be passed through simplify to
    precondition it so the final transformations will be applied.


    >>> from diofant import exptrigsimp, exp, cosh, sinh
    >>> from import z

    >>> exptrigsimp(exp(z) + exp(-z))
    >>> exptrigsimp(cosh(z) - sinh(z))
    from diofant.simplify.fu import hyper_as_trig, TR2i
    from diofant.simplify.simplify import bottom_up

    def exp_trig(e):
        # select the better of e, and e rewritten in terms of exp or trig
        # functions
        choices = [e]
        if e.has(*_trigs):
        return min(*choices, key=count_ops)

    newexpr = bottom_up(expr, exp_trig)

    if simplify:
        newexpr = newexpr.simplify()

    # conversion from exp to hyperbolic
    ex = {a
          for a in newexpr.atoms(Pow)
          if a.base is S.Exp1} | newexpr.atoms(S.Exp1)
    if ex:
        ex0 = {list(ex)[0]}
        ex = [ei for ei in ex if 1 / ei not in ex]
        if not ex:
            ex = ex0

    # sinh and cosh
    for ei in ex:
        a = ei.exp if ei is not S.Exp1 else S.One
        newexpr = newexpr.subs(ei + 1 / ei, 2 * cosh(a))
        newexpr = newexpr.subs(ei - 1 / ei, 2 * sinh(a))
        e2 = ei**-2
        if e2 in ex:
            a = e2.exp / 2 if e2 is not S.Exp1 else S.Half
            newexpr = newexpr.subs((e2 + 1) * ei, 2 * cosh(a))
            newexpr = newexpr.subs((e2 - 1) * ei, 2 * sinh(a))

    # exp ratios to tan and tanh
    for ei in ex:
        n, d = ei - 1, ei + 1
        et = n / d
        etinv = d / n  # not 1/et or else recursion errors arise
        a = ei.exp if ei.is_Pow and ei.base is S.Exp1 else S.One
        if a.is_Mul or a is S.ImaginaryUnit:
            c = a.as_coefficient(I)
            if c:
                t = S.ImaginaryUnit * tan(c / 2)
                newexpr = newexpr.subs(etinv, 1 / t)
                newexpr = newexpr.subs(et, t)
        t = tanh(a / 2)
        newexpr = newexpr.subs(etinv, 1 / t)
        newexpr = newexpr.subs(et, t)

    # sin/cos and sinh/cosh ratios to tan and tanh, respectively
    if newexpr.has(HyperbolicFunction):
        e, f = hyper_as_trig(newexpr)
        newexpr = f(TR2i(e))
    if newexpr.has(TrigonometricFunction):
        newexpr = TR2i(newexpr)

    # can we ever generate an I where there was none previously?
    if not (newexpr.has(I) and not expr.has(I)):
        expr = newexpr
    return expr