Esempio n. 1
def random_integer_partition(n, seed=None):
    Generates a random integer partition summing to ``n`` as a list
    of reverse-sorted integers.


    >>> from diofant.combinatorics.partitions import random_integer_partition

    For the following, a seed is given so a known value can be shown; in
    practice, the seed would not be given.

    >>> random_integer_partition(100, seed=[1, 1, 12, 1, 2, 1, 85, 1])
    [85, 12, 2, 1]
    >>> random_integer_partition(10, seed=[1, 2, 3, 1, 5, 1])
    [5, 3, 1, 1]
    >>> random_integer_partition(1)
    from diofant.utilities.randtest import _randint

    n = as_int(n)
    if n < 1:
        raise ValueError('n must be a positive integer')

    randint = _randint(seed)

    partition = []
    while (n > 0):
        k = randint(1, n)
        mult = randint(1, n//k)
        partition.append((k, mult))
        n -= k*mult
    partition = flatten([[k]*m for k, m in partition])
    return partition
Esempio n. 2
                     conjugate, cos, cosh, diff, exp, exp_polar, expand_func,
                     gamma, hankel1, hankel2, hyper, im, jn, jn_zeros, log,
                     nan, oo, pi, polar_lift, re, root, series, simplify, sin,
                     sinh, sqrt, yn, zoo)
from import k, n, x, y, z
from diofant.core.function import ArgumentIndexError
from diofant.functions.special.bessel import (airyai, airyaiprime, airybi,
                                              airybiprime, fn)
from diofant.utilities.randtest import _randint
from diofant.utilities.randtest import random_complex_number as randcplx
from diofant.utilities.randtest import verify_derivative_numerically as td
from diofant.utilities.randtest import verify_numerically as tn

__all__ = ()

randint = _randint()

def test_bessel_rand():
    for f in [besselj, bessely, besseli, besselk, hankel1, hankel2, jn, yn]:
        assert td(f(randcplx(), z), z)

def test_bessel_twoinputs():
    for f in [besselj, bessely, besseli, besselk, hankel1, hankel2, jn, yn]:
        pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: f(1))
        pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: f(1, 2, 3))

def test_diff():
    assert besselj(n,
Esempio n. 3
def test_random__randint():
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: _randint('spam'))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: _randint([1, 3, 2, 4])(2, 1))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: _randint([3])(1, 2))

    assert _randint([1, 3, 2, 4])(2, 3) == 3
Esempio n. 4
                     gamma, hankel1, hankel2, hyper, im, jn, jn_zeros, log,
                     nan, oo, pi, polar_lift, re, root, series, simplify, sin,
                     sinh, sqrt, yn, zoo)
from import k, n, x, y, z
from diofant.core.function import ArgumentIndexError
from diofant.functions.special.bessel import (airyai, airyaiprime, airybi,
                                              airybiprime, fn)
from diofant.utilities.randtest import _randint
from diofant.utilities.randtest import random_complex_number as randcplx
from diofant.utilities.randtest import verify_derivative_numerically as td
from diofant.utilities.randtest import verify_numerically as tn

__all__ = ()

randint = _randint()

def test_bessel_rand():
    for f in [besselj, bessely, besseli, besselk, hankel1, hankel2, jn, yn]:
        assert td(f(randcplx(), z), z)

def test_bessel_twoinputs():
    for f in [besselj, bessely, besseli, besselk, hankel1, hankel2, jn, yn]:
        pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: f(1))
        pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: f(1, 2, 3))

def test_diff():
    assert besselj(n, z).diff(z) == besselj(n - 1, z)/2 - besselj(n + 1, z)/2
Esempio n. 5
def dmp_zz_wang(f, u, K, mod=None, seed=None):
    Factor primitive square-free polynomials in `Z[X]`.

    Given a multivariate polynomial `f` in `Z[x_1,...,x_n]`, which is
    primitive and square-free in `x_1`, computes factorization of `f` into
    irreducibles over integers.

    The procedure is based on Wang's Enhanced Extended Zassenhaus
    algorithm. The algorithm works by viewing `f` as a univariate polynomial
    in `Z[x_2,...,x_n][x_1]`, for which an evaluation mapping is computed::

                      x_2 -> a_2, ..., x_n -> a_n

    where `a_i`, for `i = 2, ..., n`, are carefully chosen integers.  The
    mapping is used to transform `f` into a univariate polynomial in `Z[x_1]`,
    which can be factored efficiently using Zassenhaus algorithm. The last
    step is to lift univariate factors to obtain true multivariate
    factors. For this purpose a parallel Hensel lifting procedure is used.

    The parameter ``seed`` is passed to _randint and can be used to seed randint
    (when an integer) or (for testing purposes) can be a sequence of numbers.


    .. [1] [Wang78]_
    .. [2] [Geddes92]_
    from diofant.utilities.randtest import _randint

    randint = _randint(seed)

    ct, T = dmp_zz_factor(dmp_LC(f, K), u - 1, K)

    b = dmp_zz_mignotte_bound(f, u, K)
    p = K(nextprime(b))

    if mod is None:
        if u == 1:
            mod = 2
            mod = 1

    history, configs, A, r = set(), [], [] * u, None

        cs, s, E = dmp_zz_wang_test_points(f, T, ct, A, u, K)

        _, H = dup_zz_factor_sqf(s, K)

        r = len(H)

        if r == 1:
            return [f]

        configs = [(s, cs, E, H, A)]
    except EvaluationFailed:

    eez_num_configs = query('EEZ_NUMBER_OF_CONFIGS')
    eez_num_tries = query('EEZ_NUMBER_OF_TRIES')
    eez_mod_step = query('EEZ_MODULUS_STEP')

    while len(configs) < eez_num_configs:
        for _ in range(eez_num_tries):
            A = [K(randint(-mod, mod)) for _ in range(u)]

            if tuple(A) not in history:

                cs, s, E = dmp_zz_wang_test_points(f, T, ct, A, u, K)
            except EvaluationFailed:

            _, H = dup_zz_factor_sqf(s, K)

            rr = len(H)

            if r is not None:
                if rr != r:  # pragma: no cover
                    if rr < r:
                        configs, r = [], rr
                r = rr

            if r == 1:
                return [f]

            configs.append((s, cs, E, H, A))

            if len(configs) == eez_num_configs:
            mod += eez_mod_step

    s_norm, s_arg, i = None, 0, 0

    for s, _, _, _, _ in configs:
        _s_norm = dup_max_norm(s, K)

        if s_norm is not None:
            if _s_norm < s_norm:
                s_norm = _s_norm
                s_arg = i
            s_norm = _s_norm

        i += 1

    _, cs, E, H, A = configs[s_arg]
    orig_f = f

        f, H, LC = dmp_zz_wang_lead_coeffs(f, T, cs, E, H, A, u, K)
        factors = dmp_zz_wang_hensel_lifting(f, H, LC, A, p, u, K)
    except ExtraneousFactors:  # pragma: no cover
        if query('EEZ_RESTART_IF_NEEDED'):
            return dmp_zz_wang(orig_f, u, K, mod + 1)
            raise ExtraneousFactors(
                "we need to restart algorithm with better parameters")

    negative, result = 0, []

    for f in factors:
        _, f = dmp_ground_primitive(f, u, K)

        if K.is_negative(dmp_ground_LC(f, u, K)):
            f = dmp_neg(f, u, K)


    return result