Esempio n. 1
def show_tract(segmented_tract, color_positive, segmented_tract_negative,
               color_negative, out_path):
    """Visualization of the segmented tract.
    affine = utils.affine_for_trackvis(voxel_size=np.array([1.25, 1.25, 1.25]))
    bundle_native = transform_streamlines(segmented_tract,

    bundle_nativeNeg = transform_streamlines(segmented_tract_negative,

    renderer = window.Renderer()
    stream_actor2 = actor.line(bundle_native,

    stream_actorNeg = actor.line(bundle_nativeNeg,
    renderer.set_camera(position=(408.85, -26.23, 92.12),
                        focal_point=(0.42, -14.03, 0.82),
                        view_up=(-0.09, 0.85, 0.51))

    bar = actor.scalar_bar()

    renderer.add(bar), size=(1920, 1039), reset_camera=False)
    """Take a snapshot of the window and save it
    window.record(renderer, out_path=out_path, size=(1920, 1039))
def voxelCount():
    tractography, header =

    tractography = [streamline[0] for streamline in tractography]

    affine = utils.affine_for_trackvis(voxel_size=np.array([2, 2, 2]))

    print("---Number of voxel---")

    print(len(streamline_mapping(T_A, affine=affine).keys()))
        "Voxel", len(streamline_mapping(T_A, affine=affine).keys()))
def show_tract(segmented_tract, color):
    """Visualization of the segmented tract.
    bundle_native = transform_streamlines(segmented_tract, np.linalg.inv(affine))

    renderer = window.Renderer()
    stream_actor = actor.line(bundle_native, linewidth=0.1)
    bar = actor.scalar_bar()
    renderer.add(bar), size=(600, 600), reset_camera=False)          
    """Take a snapshot of the window and save it
    window.record(renderer, out_path='bundle2.1.png', size=(600, 600))          
Esempio n. 4
def convert_fibs(inp, outp, parcellation):
    label_nii  = nib.load(parcellation)
    label_data = label_nii.get_data()

    fiber_npz = np.load(inp)
    fibers = fiber_npz[fiber_npz.keys()[0]]

    voxel_size = label_nii.header.get_zooms()
    shape = label_data.shape
    affine = label_nii.affine

    trackvis_header = nib.trackvis.empty_header()
    trackvis_header['voxel_size'] = voxel_size
    trackvis_header['dim'] = shape
    trackvis_header['voxel_order'] = "RAS"

    trackvis_point_space = utils.affine_for_trackvis(voxel_size)
    trk = utils.move_streamlines(fibers, trackvis_point_space, input_space=np.eye(4))
    trk = list(trk)

    for_save = [(sl, None, None) for sl in trk]
    nib.trackvis.write(outp, for_save, trackvis_header)
Esempio n. 5
import nibabel as nib

# Save density map
dm_img = nib.Nifti1Image(dm.astype("int16"), hardi_img.affine)

# Make a trackvis header so we can save streamlines
voxel_size = labels_img.header.get_zooms()
trackvis_header = nib.trackvis.empty_header()
trackvis_header['voxel_size'] = voxel_size
trackvis_header['dim'] = shape
trackvis_header['voxel_order'] = "RAS"

# Move streamlines to "trackvis space"
trackvis_point_space = utils.affine_for_trackvis(voxel_size)
lr_sf_trk = utils.move_streamlines(lr_superiorfrontal_track,
lr_sf_trk = list(lr_sf_trk)

# Save streamlines
for_save = [(sl, None, None) for sl in lr_sf_trk]
nib.trackvis.write("lr-superiorfrontal.trk", for_save, trackvis_header)
Let's take a moment here to consider the representation of streamlines used in
dipy. Streamlines are a path though the 3d space of an image represented by a
set of points. For these points to have a meaningful interpretation, these
points must be given in a known coordinate system. The ``affine`` attribute of
the ``streamline_generator`` object specifies the coordinate system of the
points with respect to the voxel indices of the input data.
    T_A_filename = 'F:\Thesis\Resources\\alldata\\201111_uf.right.trk'
    threshold_short_streamlines = 0.0     

    T_A, hdr = loadtrkfile(T_A_filename, threshold_short_streamlines=threshold_short_streamlines) 


    tractography = [streamline[0] for streamline in tractography]



    print ("---Number of voxel---")

    print (len(streamline_mapping(T_A,affine=affine).keys()))
    show_tract(T_A, color)
Esempio n. 7
def test_affine_for_trackvis():
    voxel_size = np.array([1., 2, 3.])
    affine = affine_for_trackvis(voxel_size)
    origin =, [0, 0, 0, 1])
    assert_array_almost_equal(origin[:3], voxel_size / 2)
Esempio n. 8
def test_affine_for_trackvis():

    voxel_size = np.array([1., 2, 3.])
    affine = affine_for_trackvis(voxel_size)
    origin =, [0, 0, 0, 1])
    assert_array_almost_equal(origin[:3], voxel_size / 2)
Esempio n. 9
def label_streamlines_density(streamlines, labels, affine, f_name, img,
    .. figure:: connectivity.png
       :align: center
       **Connectivity of Corpus Callosum**
    .. include:: ../

    shape = labels.shape
    dm = utils.density_map(streamlines, shape, affine=affine)
    sum = 0
    count = 0
    for i in dm:
        for j in i:
            for k in j:
                if (k != 0):
                    sum = sum + k
                    count += 1
    density = sum * 1.0 / count
    print density
    To do that, we will use tools available in [nibabel](

    # Save density map
    dm_img = nib.Nifti1Image(dm.astype("int16"), img.get_affine())
    dm_img.to_filename(f_name + "-dm.nii.gz")

    # Make a trackvis header so we can save streamlines
    voxel_size = label_img.get_header().get_zooms()
    trackvis_header = nib.trackvis.empty_header()
    trackvis_header['voxel_size'] = voxel_size
    trackvis_header['dim'] = shape
    trackvis_header['voxel_order'] = "RAS"

    # Move streamlines to "trackvis space"
    trackvis_point_space = utils.affine_for_trackvis(voxel_size)
    lr_sf_trk = utils.move_streamlines(streamlines,
    lr_sf_trk = list(lr_sf_trk)
    # Save streamlines
    for_save = [(sl, None, None) for sl in lr_sf_trk]
    nib.trackvis.write(f_name+"_label1.trk", for_save, trackvis_header)
    import tractconverter as tc
    density_file = f_name+"_label1.trk"
    Let's take a moment here to consider the representation of streamlines used in
    dipy. Streamlines are a path though the 3d space of an image represented by a
    set of points. For these points to have a meaningful interpretation, these
    points must be given in a known coordinate system. The ``affine`` attribute of
    the ``streamline_generator`` object specifies the coordinate system of the
    points with respect to the voxel indices of the input data.
    ``trackvis_point_space`` specifies the trackvis coordinate system with respect
    to the same indices. The ``move_streamlines`` function returns a new set of
    streamlines from an existing set of streamlines in the target space. The
    target space and the input space must be specified as affine transformations
    with respect to the same reference [#]_. If no input space is given, the input
    space will be the same as the current representation of the streamlines, in
    other words the input space is assumed to be ``np.eye(4)``, the 4-by-4 identity
    All of the functions above that allow streamlines to interact with volumes take
    an affine argument. This argument allows these functions to work with
    streamlines regardless of their coordinate system. For example even though we
    moved our streamlines to "trackvis space", we can still compute the density map
    as long as we specify the right coordinate system.

    dm_trackvis = utils.density_map(lr_sf_trk,
    assert np.all(dm == dm_trackvis)

    return dm, density
    This means that streamlines can interact with any image volume, for example a
    high resolution structural image, as long as one can register that image to
    the diffusion images and calculate the coordinate system with respect to that
Esempio n. 10
import nibabel as nib

# Save density map
dm_img = nib.Nifti1Image(dm.astype("int16"), hardi_img.get_affine())

# Make a trackvis header so we can save streamlines
voxel_size = labels_img.get_header().get_zooms()
trackvis_header = nib.trackvis.empty_header()
trackvis_header['voxel_size'] = voxel_size
trackvis_header['dim'] = shape
trackvis_header['voxel_order'] = "RAS"

# Move streamlines to "trackvis space"
trackvis_point_space = utils.affine_for_trackvis(voxel_size)
lr_sf_trk = utils.move_streamlines(lr_superiorfrontal_track,
                                   trackvis_point_space, input_space=affine)
lr_sf_trk = list(lr_sf_trk)

# Save streamlines
for_save = [(sl, None, None) for sl in lr_sf_trk]
nib.trackvis.write("lr-superiorfrontal.trk", for_save, trackvis_header)

Let's take a moment here to consider the representation of streamlines used in
dipy. Streamlines are a path though the 3d space of an image represented by a
set of points. For these points to have a meaningful interpretation, these
points must be given in a known coordinate system. The ``affine`` attribute of
the ``streamline_generator`` object specifies the coordinate system of the
points with respect to the voxel indices of the input data.
def compute_correlation(data, distance, prototype_policies, num_prototypes, iterations, verbose=False, size_limit=1000):
    global tracks_t,ids_l,data_original,tracks_s,id_t,tracks_n,a_ind, tracks_subsample
    print "Computing distance matrix and similarity matrix (original space):",
    data_original = data
    if data.shape[0] > size_limit:
        print "Datset too big: subsampling to %s entries only!" % size_limit
        data = data[np.random.permutation(data.shape[0])[:size_limit], :]
    od = distance(data, data)     
    print od.shape
    original_distances = squareform(od)
    #original_distances2 = squareform(od)
    my code 
    lengths = list(length(data_original)) 
    a= streamline_mapping_new_step(data_original_temp, affine=affine)
    print len(tracks_subsample)
    my code 
    rho = np.zeros((len(prototype_policies), len(num_prototypes),iterations))

    for m, prototype_policy in enumerate(prototype_policies):
        print prototype_policy
        for j, num_proto in enumerate(num_prototypes):
            print "number of prototypes:", num_proto, " - ", 
            for k in range(iterations):
                print k,
                if verbose: print("Generating %s prototypes as" % num_proto),
                # Note that we use the original dataset here, not the subsampled one!
                if prototype_policy=='random':
                    if verbose: print("random subset of the initial data.")
                    prototype_idx = np.random.permutation(data_original.shape[0])[:num_proto]
                    prototype = [data_original[i] for i in prototype_idx]
                elif prototype_policy=='sff':
                    prototype_idx = subset_furthest_first(data_original, num_proto, distance)
                    prototype = [data_original[i] for i in prototype_idx]  

                elif prototype_policy=='fft':
                    prototype_idx = furthest_first_traversal( tracks_subsample, num_proto, distance)
                    prototype = [ tracks_subsample[i] for i in prototype_idx]
                    raise Exception                

                if verbose: print("Computing dissimilarity matrix.")
                data_dissimilarity = distance(data, prototype)
                if verbose: print("Computing distance matrix (dissimilarity space).")
                dissimilarity_distances = pdist(data_dissimilarity, metric='euclidean')
                rho[m,j,k] = correlation(original_distances, dissimilarity_distances)[0]
    return rho
Esempio n. 12
def compute_correlation(data,
    global tracks_t, ids_l, data_original, tracks_s, id_t, tracks_n, a_ind, tracks_subsample
    print "Computing distance matrix and similarity matrix (original space):",
    data_original = data
    if data.shape[0] > size_limit:
        print "Datset too big: subsampling to %s entries only!" % size_limit
        data = data[np.random.permutation(data.shape[0])[:size_limit], :]
    od = distance(data, data)
    print od.shape
    original_distances = squareform(od)
    #original_distances2 = squareform(od)
    my code 

    affine = utils.affine_for_trackvis(voxel_size=np.array([2, 2, 2]))

    lengths = list(length(data_original))
    lengths = np.array(lengths)

    temp = np.where(lengths > 10)[0]
    l = np.argsort(lengths)[::-1][:len(temp)]
    data_original_temp = data_original[l]
    a = streamline_mapping_new_step(data_original_temp, affine=affine)
    tracks_subsample = data_original_temp[a]

    print len(tracks_subsample)
    my code 

    rho = np.zeros((len(prototype_policies), len(num_prototypes), iterations))

    for m, prototype_policy in enumerate(prototype_policies):
        print prototype_policy
        for j, num_proto in enumerate(num_prototypes):
            print "number of prototypes:", num_proto, " - ",
            for k in range(iterations):
                print k,
                if verbose: print("Generating %s prototypes as" % num_proto),
                # Note that we use the original dataset here, not the subsampled one!
                if prototype_policy == 'random':
                    if verbose: print("random subset of the initial data.")
                    prototype_idx = np.random.permutation(
                    prototype = [data_original[i] for i in prototype_idx]

                elif prototype_policy == 'sff':
                    prototype_idx = subset_furthest_first(
                        data_original, num_proto, distance)
                    prototype = [data_original[i] for i in prototype_idx]

                elif prototype_policy == 'fft':

                    prototype_idx = furthest_first_traversal(
                        tracks_subsample, num_proto, distance)
                    prototype = [tracks_subsample[i] for i in prototype_idx]

                    raise Exception

                if verbose: print("Computing dissimilarity matrix.")

                data_dissimilarity = distance(data, prototype)

                if verbose:
                    print("Computing distance matrix (dissimilarity space).")
                dissimilarity_distances = pdist(data_dissimilarity,

                rho[m, j, k] = correlation(original_distances,
    return rho
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nib
from dipy.tracking import utils
from dipy.tracking.utils import length
from mapping_test import *
Reading the track
tracks = np.array([s[0] for s in streams1], dtype=np.object) 

affine for converting the streamline cordinate with the voxel cordinate

length function from the dipy
lengths = list(length(tracks)) 

fiter the whole tractography--like we are not interested the track less than 10. 

rearrange the tracktography
def label_streamlines_density(streamlines,labels,affine,f_name,img,label_img):

    .. figure:: connectivity.png
       :align: center
       **Connectivity of Corpus Callosum**
    .. include:: ../

    shape = labels.shape
    dm = utils.density_map(streamlines, shape, affine=affine)
    sum=0 ;count=0
    for i in dm:
        for j in i:
            for k in j:
                if (k != 0):
                    count += 1
    density = sum*1.0/count
    print density
    To do that, we will use tools available in [nibabel](

    # Save density map
    dm_img = nib.Nifti1Image(dm.astype("int16"), img.get_affine())
    # Make a trackvis header so we can save streamlines
    voxel_size = label_img.get_header().get_zooms()
    trackvis_header = nib.trackvis.empty_header()
    trackvis_header['voxel_size'] = voxel_size
    trackvis_header['dim'] = shape
    trackvis_header['voxel_order'] = "RAS"
    # Move streamlines to "trackvis space"
    trackvis_point_space = utils.affine_for_trackvis(voxel_size)
    lr_sf_trk = utils.move_streamlines(streamlines,
                                       trackvis_point_space, input_space=affine)
    lr_sf_trk = list(lr_sf_trk)
    # Save streamlines
    for_save = [(sl, None, None) for sl in lr_sf_trk]
    nib.trackvis.write(f_name+"_label1.trk", for_save, trackvis_header)
    import tractconverter as tc
    density_file = f_name+"_label1.trk"
    Let's take a moment here to consider the representation of streamlines used in
    dipy. Streamlines are a path though the 3d space of an image represented by a
    set of points. For these points to have a meaningful interpretation, these
    points must be given in a known coordinate system. The ``affine`` attribute of
    the ``streamline_generator`` object specifies the coordinate system of the
    points with respect to the voxel indices of the input data.
    ``trackvis_point_space`` specifies the trackvis coordinate system with respect
    to the same indices. The ``move_streamlines`` function returns a new set of
    streamlines from an existing set of streamlines in the target space. The
    target space and the input space must be specified as affine transformations
    with respect to the same reference [#]_. If no input space is given, the input
    space will be the same as the current representation of the streamlines, in
    other words the input space is assumed to be ``np.eye(4)``, the 4-by-4 identity
    All of the functions above that allow streamlines to interact with volumes take
    an affine argument. This argument allows these functions to work with
    streamlines regardless of their coordinate system. For example even though we
    moved our streamlines to "trackvis space", we can still compute the density map
    as long as we specify the right coordinate system.
    dm_trackvis = utils.density_map(lr_sf_trk, shape, affine=trackvis_point_space)
    assert np.all(dm == dm_trackvis)
    return dm,density
    This means that streamlines can interact with any image volume, for example a
    high resolution structural image, as long as one can register that image to
    the diffusion images and calculate the coordinate system with respect to that