Esempio n. 1
class StreamlineDistanceMetric(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)):
    def __init__(self, num_threads=None):
        """ An abstract class for the metric used for streamline registration

        If the two sets of streamlines match exactly then method ``distance``
        of this object should be minimum.

        num_threads : int
            Number of threads. If None (default) then all available threads
            will be used. Only metrics using OpenMP will use this variable.
        self.static = None
        self.moving = None
        self.num_threads = num_threads

    def setup(self, static, moving):

    def distance(self, xopt):
        """ calculate distance for current set of parameters
Esempio n. 2
class SKLearnLinearSolver(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)):
    Provide a sklearn-like uniform interface to algorithms that solve problems
    of the form: $y = Ax$ for $x$

    Sub-classes of SKLearnLinearSolver should provide a 'fit' method that have
    the following signature: `, y)`, which would set
    an attribute `SKLearnLinearSolver.coef_`, with the shape (X.shape[1],),
    such that an estimate of y can be calculated as:
    `y_hat =, SKLearnLinearSolver.coef_.T)`
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self._args = args
        self._kwargs = kwargs

    def fit(self, X, y):
        """Implement for all derived classes """

    def predict(self, X):
        Predict using the result of the model

        X : array-like (n_samples, n_features)

        C : array, shape = (n_samples,)
            Predicted values.
        X = np.asarray(X)
        return, self.coef_.T)
Esempio n. 3
class StreamlineDistanceMetric(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)):
    def __init__(self):
        """ An abstract class for the metric used for streamline registration

        If the two sets of streamlines match exactly then method ``distance``
        of this object should be minimum.
        self.static = None
        self.moving = None

    def setup(self, static, moving):

    def distance(self, xopt):
        """ calculate distance for current set of parameters
Esempio n. 4
class SimilarityMetric(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)):
    def __init__(self, dim):
        r""" Similarity Metric abstract class

        A similarity metric is in charge of keeping track of the numerical
        value of the similarity (or distance) between the two given images. It
        also computes the update field for the forward and inverse displacement
        fields to be used in a gradient-based optimization algorithm. Note that
        this metric does not depend on any transformation (affine or
        non-linear) so it assumes the static and moving images are already

        dim : int (either 2 or 3)
            the dimension of the image domain
        self.dim = dim
        self.levels_above = None
        self.levels_below = None

        self.static_image = None
        self.static_affine = None
        self.static_spacing = None
        self.static_direction = None

        self.moving_image = None
        self.moving_affine = None
        self.moving_spacing = None
        self.moving_direction = None
        self.mask0 = False

    def set_levels_below(self, levels):
        r"""Informs the metric how many pyramid levels are below the current one

        Informs this metric the number of pyramid levels below the current one.
        The metric may change its behavior (e.g. number of inner iterations)

        levels : int
            the number of levels below the current Gaussian Pyramid level
        self.levels_below = levels

    def set_levels_above(self, levels):
        r"""Informs the metric how many pyramid levels are above the current one

        Informs this metric the number of pyramid levels above the current one.
        The metric may change its behavior (e.g. number of inner iterations)

        levels : int
            the number of levels above the current Gaussian Pyramid level
        self.levels_above = levels

    def set_static_image(self, static_image, static_affine, static_spacing,
        r"""Sets the static image being compared against the moving one.

        Sets the static image. The default behavior (of this abstract class) is
        simply to assign the reference to an attribute, but
        generalizations of the metric may need to perform other operations

        static_image : array, shape (R, C) or (S, R, C)
            the static image
        self.static_image = static_image
        self.static_affine = static_affine
        self.static_spacing = static_spacing
        self.static_direction = static_direction

    def use_static_image_dynamics(self, original_static_image, transformation):
        r"""This is called by the optimizer just after setting the static image.

        This method allows the metric to compute any useful
        information from knowing how the current static image was generated
        (as the transformation of an original static image). This method is
        called by the optimizer just after it sets the static image.
        Transformation will be an instance of DiffeomorficMap or None
        if the original_static_image equals self.moving_image.

        original_static_image : array, shape (R, C) or (S, R, C)
            original image from which the current static image was generated
        transformation : DiffeomorphicMap object
            the transformation that was applied to original image to generate
            the current static image

    def set_moving_image(self, moving_image, moving_affine, moving_spacing,
        r"""Sets the moving image being compared against the static one.

        Sets the moving image. The default behavior (of this abstract class) is
        simply to assign the reference to an attribute, but
        generalizations of the metric may need to perform other operations

        moving_image : array, shape (R, C) or (S, R, C)
            the moving image
        self.moving_image = moving_image
        self.moving_affine = moving_affine
        self.moving_spacing = moving_spacing
        self.moving_direction = moving_direction

    def use_moving_image_dynamics(self, original_moving_image, transformation):
        r"""This is called by the optimizer just after setting the moving image

        This method allows the metric to compute any useful
        information from knowing how the current static image was generated
        (as the transformation of an original static image). This method is
        called by the optimizer just after it sets the static image.
        Transformation will be an instance of DiffeomorficMap or None if
        the original_moving_image equals self.moving_image.

        original_moving_image : array, shape (R, C) or (S, R, C)
            original image from which the current moving image was generated
        transformation : DiffeomorphicMap object
            the transformation that was applied to original image to generate
            the current moving image

    def initialize_iteration(self):
        r"""Prepares the metric to compute one displacement field iteration.

        This method will be called before any compute_forward or
        compute_backward call, this allows the Metric to pre-compute any useful
        information for speeding up the update computations. This
        initialization was needed in ANTS because the updates are called once
        per voxel. In Python this is unpractical, though.

    def free_iteration(self):
        r"""Releases the resources no longer needed by the metric

        This method is called by the RegistrationOptimizer after the required
        iterations have been computed (forward and / or backward) so that the
        SimilarityMetric can safely delete any data it computed as part of the

    def compute_forward(self):
        r"""Computes one step bringing the reference image towards the static.

        Computes the forward update field to register the moving image towards
        the static image in a gradient-based optimization algorithm

    def compute_backward(self):
        r"""Computes one step bringing the static image towards the moving.

        Computes the backward update field to register the static image towards
        the moving image in a gradient-based optimization algorithm

    def get_energy(self):
        r"""Numerical value assigned by this metric to the current image pair