def readFile(self): result = [] try: f = open(self.__fileName, "r") line = f.readline().strip() while len(line) > 0: line = line.split(";") result.append(Discipline(int(line[0]), line[1])) line = f.readline().strip() f.close() except IOError as e: print("An error occured - " + str(e)) raise e return result
def redo(self): self.index += 1 elem = self.__redoList[self.index] if elem[0] == "AddStudent": self._controller.addStudent( Student(elem[1].getId(), elem[1].getName())) elif elem[0] == "AddDiscipline": self._controllerD.addDiscipline( Discipline(elem[1].getId(), elem[1].getName())) elif elem[0] == "removeStudent": self._controller.remove(elem[1].getId()) elif elem[0] == "removeDiscipline": self._controllerD.remove(elem[1].getId()) elif elem[0] == "UpdateStudent": self._controller.update(elem[1].getId(), elem[1].getName()) elif elem[0] == "UpdateDiscipline": self._controllerD.update(elem[1].getId(), elem[1].getName())
def read(graph, login, password): phantom = webdriver.PhantomJS() phantom.get("") form = phantom.find_element_by_id("txtLogin") form.send_keys(login, Keys.TAB, password) phantom.find_element_by_id("btnOk").click() phantom.get("") regexp_code_course = re.compile(r"\(\d{5}(\d{5})") code_course = phantom.find_elements_by_css_selector('[face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]')[1].text.strip() ).groups()[0] select_course_grid(graph, "ifce", code_course) def get_element_set_semester_year(): return phantom.find_element_by_id("cmbanos") def get_element_set_semester_period(): return phantom.find_element_by_id("cmbperiodos") total_semester_year = len(get_element_set_semester_year().find_elements_by_tag_name("option")) total_semester_period = len(get_element_set_semester_period().find_elements_by_tag_name("option")) for current_semester_year in range(total_semester_year): for current_semester_period in range(total_semester_period): get_element_set_semester_year().find_elements_by_tag_name("option")[::-1][current_semester_year].click() get_element_set_semester_period().find_elements_by_tag_name("option")[::-1][current_semester_period].click() phantom.find_element_by_id("Exibir").click() for i in phantom.find_elements_by_css_selector("tbody > .conteudoTexto "): matter_name = i.find_elements_by_tag_name("td")[0].text.title() matter_status = i.find_elements_by_tag_name("td")[13].text.title() if matter_status == "Aprovado": Discipline.get_object(matter_name).set_status(DisciplineStatus.passado) elif matter_status == "Cursando": Discipline.get_object(matter_name).set_status(DisciplineStatus.cursando) elif matter_status == "Reprovado": Discipline.get_object(matter_name).set_status(DisciplineStatus.reprovado)
def handle_client(client): # Takes client socket as argument. """Handles a single client connection.""" f = open("server/data/list.txt", encoding="utf8") # файл со списком учеников и администраторов students = [] # список студентов admins = [] # список админов text = for line in text: spl = line.split("*") if spl[3] == "admin": adm = Administrator() adm.set_surname(spl[0]) adm.set_name(spl[1]) adm.set_patronym(spl[2]) adm.set_password(spl[4]) admins.append(adm) else: stud = Student() stud.set_surname(spl[0]) stud.set_name(spl[1]) stud.set_patronym(spl[2]) stud.set_login(spl[3]) stud.set_password(spl[4]) stud.set_course(int(spl[5])) stud.set_group(spl[6]) stud.set_subgroup(int(spl[7])) students.append(stud) f.close() g = open("server/data/disciplines.txt", encoding="utf8") # файл со списком дисциплин disciplines = [] text = for line in text: spl = line.split("*") subj = Discipline() subj.set_name(spl[0]) subj.set_course(spl[1]) subj.set_credits(spl[2]) subj.set_vedomost(spl[3]) disciplines.append(subj) g.close() flag = "0" while flag == "0": login = client.recv(1024).decode("utf8") password = client.recv(1024).decode("utf8") for stud in students + admins: if stud.get_login() == login and stud.get_password() == password: client.send(bytes("1", "utf8")) # логин и пароль верны flag = "1" user = stud.get_surname() break if flag == "0": client.send(bytes("0", "utf8")) msg = client.recv(1024).decode("utf8") # получаем код продвинутого\упрощенного меню if msg == "1": # продвинутое меню для администратора while True: msg1 = client.recv(1024).decode("utf8") if msg1 == "5": # внести изменения в учетную запись surname = client.recv(1024).decode("utf8") flag = "0" for stud in students: if stud.get_surname() == surname: flag = "1" break client.send(bytes(flag, "utf-8")) if flag == "1": z = client.recv(1024).decode("utf8") if z == "1": # меняем фамилию new_surname = client.recv(1024).decode("utf8") stud.set_surname(new_surname) new_login = translit(stud.get_name()[0] + stud.get_patronym()[0] + new_surname) stud.set_login(new_login) client.send(bytes("Фамилия и логин изменены", "utf8")) # меняем старую фамилию в ведомостях for subj in disciplines: m = subj.find_mark(surname) f = open(subj.get_vedomost(), encoding="utf8") text = new_lines = [] for line in text: if surname in line: new_lines.append(new_surname + " " + m) else: new_lines.append(line) f.close() f = open(subj.get_vedomost(), "w", encoding="utf8") for line in new_lines: f.write("%s\n" % line) f.close() elif z == "2": # имя new_name = client.recv(1024).decode("utf8") stud.set_name(new_name) new_login = translit(new_name[0] + stud.get_patronym()[0] + stud.get_surname()) stud.set_login(new_login) client.send(bytes("Имя и логин изменены", "utf8")) elif z == "3": new_patronym = client.recv(1024).decode("utf8") stud.set_patronym(new_patronym) new_login = translit(stud.get_name()[0] + new_patronym[0] + stud.get_surname()) stud.set_login(new_login) client.send(bytes("Отчество и логин изменены", "utf8")) elif z == "4": # курс new_course = client.recv(1024).decode("utf8") stud.set_course(int(new_course)) client.send(bytes("Курс изменен", "utf8")) elif z == "5": new_group = client.recv(1024).decode("utf8") stud.set_group(new_group) client.send(bytes("Группа изменена", "utf8")) else: new_subgroup = client.recv(1024).decode("utf8") stud.set_subgroup(int(new_subgroup)) client.send(bytes("Подгруппа изменена", "utf8")) # перезапись файла list.txt update_file(students, admins) else: client.send(bytes("Данного студента нет в системе", "utf8")) elif msg1 == "6": stud = Student() surname = client.recv(1024).decode("utf8") stud.set_surname(surname) name = client.recv(1024).decode("utf8") stud.set_name(name) patronym = client.recv(1024).decode("utf8") stud.set_patronym(patronym) # генерация логина login = translit(name[0] + patronym[0] + surname) stud.set_login(login) # генерация пароля password = generate_password() stud.set_password(password) course = client.recv(1024).decode("utf8") stud.set_course(int(course)) group = client.recv(1024).decode("utf8") stud.set_group(group) subgroup = client.recv(1024).decode("utf8") stud.set_subgroup(int(subgroup)) students.append(stud) f = open("server/data/list.txt", "a", encoding="utf8") # открытие файла на дозапись f.write( surname + "*" + name + "*" + patronym + "*" + login + "*" + password + "*" + course + "*" + group + "*" + subgroup + "\n") f.close() client.send(bytes("Регистрация прошла успешно", "utf8")) elif msg1 == "7": # удаление flag = 0 surname = client.recv(1024).decode("utf8") for stud in students: if stud.get_surname() == surname: flag = 1 students.remove(stud) update_file(students, admins) client.send(bytes("Студент отчислен!", "utf8")) break if flag == 0: client.send(bytes("Данного студента не было в системе", "utf8")) elif msg1 == "1": # зачетка flag = 0 surname = client.recv(1024).decode("utf8") for stud in students: if stud.get_surname() == surname: flag = 1 msg = str(stud.get_surname()) + " " + str(stud.get_name()) + " " + str(stud.get_patronym()) + \ "\n" + "Студент бакалавриата " + str( stud.get_course()) + " курс" + "\n" + "-------------------------------------------------" for obj in disciplines: if int(obj.get_course()) <= int(stud.get_course()): msg = msg + "\n" + str(obj.get_name()) + " " + str(obj.find_mark(str(stud.get_surname()))) client.send(bytes(msg, "utf8")) break if flag == 0: client.send(bytes("Данного студента нет в системе", "utf8")) elif msg1 == "2": # рейтинг msg = show_rating(students, disciplines) client.send(bytes(msg, "utf8")) elif msg1 == "3": # смена пароля password = client.recv(1024).decode("utf8") for adm in admins: if adm.get_surname() == user: adm.set_password(password) update_file(students, admins) client.send(bytes("Пароль изменен", "utf8")) else: # закрываем соединение client.send(bytes("До свидания!", "utf8")) client.close() break else: while True: msg = client.recv(1024).decode("utf8") # меню if msg == "1": # зачетка msg = str(stud.get_surname()) + " " + str(stud.get_name()) + " " + str(stud.get_patronym()) + \ "\n" + "Студент бакалавриата " + str( stud.get_course()) + " курс" + "\n" + "-------------------------------------------------" for obj in disciplines: msg = msg + "\n" + str(obj.get_name()) + " " + str(obj.find_mark(str(stud.get_surname()))) client.send(bytes(msg, "utf8")) elif msg == "2": # рейтинг msg = show_rating(students, disciplines) client.send(bytes(msg, "utf8")) elif msg == "3": password = client.recv(1024).decode("utf8") for stud in students: if stud.get_surname() == user: stud.set_password(password) update_file(students, admins) client.send(bytes("Пароль изменен", "utf8")) else: client.send(bytes("До свидания!", "utf8")) client.close() break
def mainMenu(self): keepAlive = True while keepAlive: try: UI.printMenu() command = input("Enter command: ").strip() if command == '0': print("exit...") keepAlive = False elif command == '1': z = self.readStudent() self._controller.addStudent(z) self._controllerU.addCommand( ["AddStudent", Student(z.getId(), z.getName())], ["AddStudent", Student(z.getId(), z.getName())]) elif command == '2': z = self.ReadDiscipline() self._controllerD.addDiscipline(z) self._controllerU.addCommand( ["AddDiscipline", Discipline(z.getId(), z.getName())], ["AddDiscipline", Discipline(z.getId(), z.getName())]) elif command == '3': p = int(input("Please give an id:")) name = self._controller.getNameById(p) try: self._controller.remove(p) self._controllerU.addCommand([ "removeStudent", Student(p, name) ], ["removeStudent", Student(p, name)]) self._controllerG.remove(p) except Exception as ve: print(ve) elif command == '4': p = int(input("Please give an id:")) name = self._controllerD.getNameById(p) try: self._controllerD.remove(p) self._controllerU.addCommand( ["removeDiscipline", Discipline(p, name)], ["removeDiscipline", Discipline(p, name)]) self._controllerG.remove(p) except Exception as ve: print(ve) elif command == '5': for i in self._controller.getAll(): print("%d %s" % (i.getId(), i.getName())) elif command == '6': for i in self._controllerD.getAll(): print(i.getId(), i.getName()) elif command == "7": x = self.readStudent() #new one name = self._controller.getNameById(x.getId()) y = Student(x.getId(), name) #old one self._controller.update(x.getId(), x.getName()) self._controllerU.addCommand( ["UpdateStudent", Student(y.getId(), y.getName())], ["UpdateStudent", Student(x.getId(), x.getName())]) elif command == "8": x = self.readUpdate() name = self._controllerD.getNameById(x.getId()) y = Discipline(x.getId(), name) self._controllerD.update(x.getId(), x.getName()) self._controllerU.addCommand([ "UpdateDiscipline", Discipline(y.getId(), y.getName()) ], [ "UpdateDiscipline", Discipline(x.getId(), x.getName()) ]) elif command == "9": x = UI.ReadGrade(self) self._controllerG.addGrade(x) elif command == "10": x = int(input("Id:")) y = self._controller.searchID(x) for i in y: print(i) elif command == "11": x = self.readName() y = self._controller.searchName(x) for i in y: print(i) elif command == "12": x = int(input("Id:")) y = self._controllerD.searchID(x) for i in y: print(i) elif command == "13": x = self.readName() y = self._controllerD.searchName(x) for i in y: print(i) elif command == "14": x = int(input(" Discipline Id:")) y = self._controllerG.sortAlphabetically(x) for i in y: print(i.getSname()) elif command == "15": x = int(input("Discipline Id:")) y = self._controllerG.sortByMean(x) for i in y: print(i.getSname(), i.getGValue()) elif command == "16": y = self._controllerG.FailAnExam() for i in y: print(i.getSname(), i.getGValue()) elif command == "17": self._controllerU.undo() elif command == "18": self._controllerU.redo() except Exception: print("Invalid parameters")
def ReadDiscipline(self): i = int(input("Discipline id")) r = input("Discipline=") return Discipline(i, r)
def readUpdate(self): r = int(input("Id for discipline to be change: ")) i = input("New discipline: ") return Discipline(r, i)
disciplineRepo = DisciplineRepoBinary(result[2][1].strip()) gradeRepo = GradeRepoBinary(result[3][1].strip()) else: print("Invalid text in") studentCtrl = StudentCtrl(repo) studentCtrl.addStudent(Student(1, "eminescu")) studentCtrl.addStudent(Student(2, "enescu")) studentCtrl.addStudent(Student(3, "badita")) studentCtrl.addStudent(Student(111, "gangos")) # disciplineCtrl = DisciplineCtrl(disciplineRepo) disciplineCtrl.addDiscipline(Discipline(2, "maths")) disciplineCtrl.addDiscipline(Discipline(1, "english")) disciplineCtrl.addDiscipline(Discipline(3, "physics education")) disciplineCtrl.addDiscipline(Discipline(11, "computer science")) # gradeCtrl = GradeCtrl(gradeRepo) gradeCtrl.addGrade(Grade(1, "Ana", 1, "maths", 3)) gradeCtrl.addGrade(Grade(10, "Tini", 2, "maths", 8)) gradeCtrl.addGrade(Grade(11, "Toni", 2, "maths", 6)) gradeCtrl.addGrade(Grade(3, "Ion", 1, "english", 2)) gradeCtrl.addGrade(Grade(2, "Gigi", 1, "english", 7.5)) gradeCtrl.addGrade(Grade(4, "Mihnea", 1, "english", 8)) gradeCtrl.addGrade(Grade(5, "Gheorghe", 1, "english", 9))