Esempio n. 1
def random_tiling(n_qubits, depth=3, gateset=None, seed=None):
    """ Returns a random Euler decomposition if n_qubits == 1,
    otherwise returns a random tiling with the given depth and gateset.

    >>> from discopy.quantum.gates import CX, H, T, Rx, Rz
    >>> c = random_tiling(1, seed=420)
    >>> print(c)
    Rx(0.0263) >> Rz(0.781) >> Rx(0.273)
    >>> print(random_tiling(2, 2, gateset=[CX, H, T], seed=420))
    CX >> T @ Id(1) >> Id(1) @ T
    >>> print(random_tiling(3, 2, gateset=[CX, H, T], seed=420))
    CX @ Id(1) >> Id(2) @ T >> H @ Id(2) >> Id(1) @ H @ Id(1) >> Id(2) @ H
    >>> print(random_tiling(2, 1, gateset=[Rz, Rx], seed=420))
    Rz(0.673) @ Id(1) >> Id(1) @ Rx(0.273)
    from discopy.quantum.gates import H, CX, Rx, Rz, Parametrized
    gateset = gateset or [H, Rx, CX]
    if seed is not None:
    if n_qubits == 1:
        phases = [random.random() for _ in range(3)]
        return Rx(phases[0]) >> Rz(phases[1]) >> Rx(phases[2])
    result = Id(n_qubits)
    for _ in range(depth):
        line, n_affected = Id(0), 0
        while n_affected < n_qubits:
            gate = random.choice(
                gateset if n_qubits - n_affected > 1 else
                [g for g in gateset if g is Rx or g is Rz or len(g.dom) == 1])
            if isinstance(gate, type) and issubclass(gate, Parametrized):
                gate = gate(random.random())
            line = line @ gate
            n_affected += len(gate.dom)
        result = result >> line
    return result
Esempio n. 2
 def box_from_tk(tk_gate):
     name =
     if name == 'Rx':
         return Rx(tk_gate.op.params[0] / 2)
     if name == 'Rz':
         return Rz(tk_gate.op.params[0] / 2)
     if name == 'CRz':
         return CRz(tk_gate.op.params[0] / 2)
     for gate in GATES:
         if name ==
             return gate
     raise NotImplementedError
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, n_qubits, params):
        from discopy.quantum.gates import H, Rx, Rz, CRz

        def layer(thetas):
            hadamards = Id(0).tensor(*(n_qubits * [H]))
            rotations = Id(n_qubits).then(*(
                Id(i) @ CRz(thetas[i]) @ Id(n_qubits - 2 - i)
                for i in range(n_qubits - 1)))
            return hadamards >> rotations
        if n_qubits == 1:
            circuit = Rx(params[0]) >> Rz(params[1]) >> Rx(params[2])
        elif len( != 2\
                or[1] != n_qubits - 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "Expected params of shape (depth, {})".format(n_qubits - 1))
            depth =[0]
            circuit = Id(n_qubits).then(*(
                layer(params[i]) for i in range(depth)))
            circuit.dom, circuit.cod, circuit.boxes, circuit.offsets)