class HelpMethods(object): # :a: :b: :information_source: :pisces: :m: :scorpio: :virgo: :capricorn: :o2: :o: :parking: :Aries: :negative_squared_cross_mark: :x: :grey_exclamation: :grey_question: # emojdup = ['🅰', '🅱', 'ℹ', '♓', 'Ⓜ', '♏', '♍', '♑', '🅾', '⭕', '🅿', '♈', '❎', '❌', '❕', '❔', '✳', '✖'] # :ab: :cl: :id: :ng: :ok: :vs: :wc: :bangbang: :interrobang: :new: :sos: :cool: :free: :10: emojdoub = [ '🆎', '🆑', '🆔', '🆖', '🆗', '🆚', '🚾', '‼', '⁉', '🆕', '🆘', '🆒', '🆓', '🔟' ] # texttomorsedic = {'A':'.-', 'B':'-...', 'C':'-.-.', 'D':'-..', 'E':'.', 'F':'..-.', 'G':'--.', 'H':'....', 'I':'..', 'J':'.---', 'K':'-.-', 'L':'.-..', 'M':'--', 'N':'-.', 'O':'---', 'P':'.--.', 'Q':'--.-', 'R':'.-.', 'S':'...', 'T':'-', 'U':'..-', 'V':'...-', 'W':'.--', 'X':'-..-', 'Y':'-.--', 'Z':'--..', '1':'.----', '2':'..---', '3':'...--', '4':'....-', '5':'.....', '6':'-....', '7':'--...', '8':'---..', '9':'----.', '0':'-----', ', ':'--..--', '.':'.-.-.-', '?':'..--..', '/':'-..-.', '-':'-....-', '(':'-.--.', ')':'-.--.-'} def cmds(self): global servers if not servers: servers = tilndb.servers.find_one() return servers def updatecmds(self, serversu): global servers servers = serversu tilndb.servers.replace_one({}, servers) def cmddisabled(self, sid, cmd): global servers if not servers: servers = tilndb.servers.find_one() server = servers.get(sid) or [] for x in server: if cmd == x: return True return False def freedom(self, sid): global freedomf if not freedomf: freedomf = tilndb.freedom.find_one() server = freedomf.get(sid) or True return server async def updateroles(self, ctx, rolestoadd, rolestoremove, client, allroles, specuser=None): updater = discord.utils.get(allroles, name='Updater') user = '' cmcs = ctx.message.content.split(' ')[1] respond = True if specuser is None: if cmcs.isdigit(): user = await ctx.message.server.fetch_member(cmcs) else: user = ctx.message.mentions[0] else: user = specuser respond = False if ).manage_roles or updater in if ((ctx.message.mentions or cmcs.isdigit()) and len( ctx.message.content.split(' ')) > 2) or respond == False: roles = user.roles for x in rolestoremove: if x in roles: roles.remove(x) for x in rolestoadd: if x not in roles: roles.append(x) await user.edit(roles=roles) # if rtrnothave: print(rtrnothave) if respond: await client.say('Successfully updated role(s)') return True else: await client.say('Please format it as ' + ctx.message.content.split(' ')[0] + ' @username role') else: await client.say( "You don't have permission to use that command or that part of that command :sweat_smile: " ) return False async def createpc(self, ctx, owner, catnid="private channels", voice=False, chin=1): cmc = ctx.message.content.split(" ")[1:] if not (chan := discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.channels, name=cmc[chin]) or discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.channels, mention=cmc[chin])): if not (cat := discord.utils.get( ctx.guild.categories, name=catnid)) and catnid.isdigit(): cat = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.categories, id=int(catnid)) if not cat: try: cat = await ctx.guild.create_category( catnid, reason="Setting up private channels") except discord.HTTPException: await"Invalid category name.") return overwrites = { ctx.guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False), owner: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True, manage_messages=True, priority_speaker=True, move_members=True) } for x in ctx.guild.roles: if x.permissions.manage_channels or ( x.permissions.manage_messages and x.permissions.ban_members): overwrites.update( {x: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True)}) try: if voice: chan = await ctx.guild.create_voice_channel( cmc[chin], overwrites=overwrites, category=cat, reason="Owner: " + str(owner) + " by command of: " + str( + ".") else: chan = await ctx.guild.create_text_channel( cmc[chin], overwrites=overwrites, category=cat, reason="Owner: " + str(owner) + " by command of: " + str( + ".") await"Channel created") except discord.HTTPException: await"Invalid channel name.") return
async def galaxy_room(self, member): ''' To-do: - Link the the text channels and the voice channel to the user in the database. - Make control commands within the text channel ''' def check_size(m): value = m.content author = if value.isnumeric( ) and author == member and == value = int(value) if value >= 0 and value <= 25: return True else: self.client.loop.create_task( member.send('**Please, a number between 1 and 25!**')) elif not value.isnumeric( ) and author == member and == self.client.loop.create_task( member.send('**Inform a valid value!**')) def check_name(m): value = m.content author = if author == member and == if 0 < len(m.content) <= 20: return True else: self.client.loop.create_task( member.send(file=discord.File( './images/smart_vc/galaxy/3 incorrect vc name.png') )) def check_cat_or_txt_name(m): value = m.content author = if author == member and == if 0 < len(m.content) <= 10: return True else: self.client.loop.create_task( member.send(file=discord.File( './images/smart_vc/galaxy/3 incorrect text chat name or category.png' ))) def check_confirm(reaction, user): return user == member and str(reaction.emoji) in '✅❌' # Setting room configs # Gets the name of the category bot_msg = '' msg = await member.send( file=discord.File('./images/smart_vc/galaxy/3 category.png')) bot_msg = msg category_name = await self.get_response(member, check_cat_or_txt_name) if category_name is None: return # Gets the size of the room msg2 = await member.send( file=discord.File('./images/smart_vc/galaxy/3 select size vc.png')) bot_msg = msg2 limit = await self.get_response(member, check_size) if limit is None: return # Gets the name of the room msg3 = await member.send( file=discord.File('./images/smart_vc/galaxy/3 select name vc.png')) bot_msg = msg3 vc_name = await self.get_response(member, check_name) if vc_name is None: return # Gets the name of the text channel 1 msg4 = await member.send(file=discord.File( './images/smart_vc/galaxy/3 select text chat 1.png')) bot_msg = msg4 txt1_name = await self.get_response(member, check_cat_or_txt_name) if txt1_name is None: return # Gets the name of the text channel 2 msg5 = await member.send(file=discord.File( './images/smart_vc/galaxy/3 select text chat 2.png')) bot_msg = msg5 txt2_name = await self.get_response(member, check_cat_or_txt_name) if txt2_name is None: return # Gets the name of the text channel 3 msg6 = await member.send(file=discord.File( './images/smart_vc/galaxy/3 select text chat 3.png')) bot_msg = msg6 txt3_name = await self.get_response(member, check_cat_or_txt_name) if txt3_name is None: return # Makes the preview image #member_id, cat_name, txt1, txt2, txt3, vc, size await self.make_preview_galaxy(, category_name, txt1_name, txt2_name, txt3_name, vc_name, limit) # Gets the configuration confirmation msg7 = await member.send(file=discord.File( f'./images/smart_vc/user_previews/{}.png')) await msg7.add_reaction('✅') await msg7.add_reaction('❌') bot_msg = msg7 reaction, user = await self.get_reaction_response( member, check_confirm) if reaction is None: return # Confirm configurations if str(reaction.emoji) == '✅': # Checks if the user has money (350łł) user_currency = await SlothCurrency.get_user_currency( member, if user_currency: if user_currency[0][1] >= 350: await SlothCurrency.update_user_money( member,, -350) else: return await member.send( "**You don't have enough money to buy this service!**") else: return await member.send( "**You don't even have an account yet!**") # Gets the CreateSmartRoom category, creates the VC and text channel and tries to move the user to there overwrites = { member.guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False, send_messages=False, connect=False, speak=False, view_channel=False), member: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True, send_messages=True, connect=True, speak=True, view_channel=True) } #, overwrites=overwrites category_created = await member.guild.create_category( name=category_name, overwrites=overwrites) vc_creation = await category_created.create_voice_channel( name=f"{vc_name}", user_limit=limit) txt_creation1 = await category_created.create_text_channel( name=f"{txt1_name}") txt_creation2 = await category_created.create_text_channel( name=f"{txt2_name}") txt_creation3 = await category_created.create_text_channel( name=f"{txt3_name}") # Inserts the channels in the database epoch = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0) the_time = (datetime.utcnow() - epoch).total_seconds() await self.insert_galaxy_vc(,,,,,, the_time) await member.send( file=discord.File('./images/smart_vc/created.png')) try: await member.move_to(vc_creation) except discord.errors.HTTPException: await member.send( "**You cannot be moved because you are not in a Voice-Channel, but your channels and category will remain alive nonetheless! 👍**" ) finally: try: os.remove( f'./images/smart_vc/user_previews/{}.png') except Exception: pass else: await self.galaxy_room(member)
async def on_member_join(self, m):"select * from welcome_auth where id = ?", (, )) auths = if auths: if bool(auths["use"]): if type(auths["next_reaction"]) is int: nr =["next_reaction"]) else: nr = auths["next_reaction"] ow = { m: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True, send_messages=True), m.guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False), discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True, send_messages=True, manage_messages=True) } for i in auths["can_view"]: rl = m.guild.get_role(i) if rl: ow[rl] = discord.PermissionOverwrite( read_messages=True) cg = m.guild.get_channel(auths["category"]) if cg: ch = await cg.create_text_channel(f"sinaauth-{}", overwrites=ow, topic=str(, position=0) else: ch = await m.guild.create_text_channel( f"sinaauth-{}", overwrites=ow, topic=str(, position=0) msg = await ch.send("please wait...\nしばらくお待ちください…") for i in auths["au_w"]: await msg.edit(content=None, embed=ut.getEmbed( f"サーバーユーザー認証", f"※{nr}で進行します。\n{i['text']}")) for r in i["reactions"]: if type(r) is int: rct = else: rct = r await msg.add_reaction(rct) await msg.add_reaction(nr) r, u = await "reaction_add", check=lambda r, u: == and == m .id and r.emoji == auths["next_reaction"]) ridx = [ i["reactions"].index(r.emoji) for r in r.message.reactions if r.count == 2 and r.emoji != nr ] for ri in ridx: grl = m.guild.get_role(i["give_role"][ri]) if grl: await m.add_roles(grl) await msg.clear_reactions() await m.add_roles(m.guild.get_role(auths["give_role"])) await ch.send("> サーバーユーザー認証\n あなたの認証が完了しました!")
async def match(self, ctx, *params): """ Abre un canal de texto para una carrera privada. Opcionalmente, puede asignársele un nombre. Si no se indica, se pondrá un nombre por defecto. Tras el nombre, debe mencionarse a los jugadores o roles que participarán en la carrera. Si no se menciona a ninguno, únicamente el creador de la carrera tendrá acceso al canal. Este comando solo puede ser ejecutado por un moderador. """ db_conn, db_cur = open_db( creator = if not params: close_db(db_conn) raise commands.errors.CommandInvokeError("Faltan argumentos para ejecutar el comando.") # Comprobación de límite: máximo de 10 carreras privadas en el servidor races = get_active_private_races(db_cur) if races and len(races) >= 10: close_db(db_conn) raise commands.errors.CommandInvokeError("Demasiadas carreras activas en el servidor. Contacta a un moderador para purgar alguna.") # Comprobación de nombre name = params[0] players = params[1:] if re.match(r'<@[!&]?\d+>', name): name = "carrera-privada" players = params if len(name) > 20: name = name[:20] # Obtener participantes de la carrera participants = [] roles = [] for p in players: mention = re.match(r'<@!?(\d+)>', p) if mention: discord_id = int( member = ctx.guild.get_member(discord_id) if member: participants.append(member) continue mention = re.match(r'<@&(\d+)>', p) if mention: role_id = int( role = ctx.guild.get_role(role_id) if role: roles.append(role) # Crear canal para la carrera channel_overwrites = { ctx.guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False), discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True) } for m in participants: channel_overwrites[m] = discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True) for r in roles: channel_overwrites[r] = discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True) race_channel = await ctx.guild.create_text_channel(name, overwrites=channel_overwrites) async with write_lock: for p in participants: insert_player_if_not_exists(db_cur,,, p.discriminator, p.mention) insert_private_race(db_cur, name,, commit_db(db_conn) close_db(db_conn) text_ans = 'Abierta carrera privada con nombre: {}\nCanal: {}'.format(name, race_channel.mention) await ctx.reply(text_ans, mention_author=False)
async def on_raw_reaction_add(self, payload): if payload.channel_id ==["apply_channel"]: if not payload.member: return if return channel = message = await channel.fetch_message(payload.message_id) member = payload.member if not member: return await message.remove_reaction(str(payload.emoji), member) doc = await{"user":}) if not doc: return await channel.send("**Please Link Your Account First!**", delete_after=3) uuid = doc["uuid"] ign = await uuid_to_name(, uuid) cat =["app_category"]) overwrites = { channel.guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False), discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True, send_messages=True, manage_messages=True), member: discord.PermissionOverwrite( read_messages=True, send_messages=True) } apply_for_staff = await self.check_if_in_guild(uuid) nc = await channel.guild.create_text_channel(f"app-{}", category=cat, overwrites=overwrites) if not apply_for_staff: try: embed = discord.Embed() embed.title = "Welcome to your Application" embed.description = "You now need to answer some basic questions." await nc.send(member.mention, embed=embed) embed = discord.Embed() embed.title = "Timezone" embed.description = "Which timezone are you in, eg. GMT, CET?" await nc.send(embed=embed) msg = await"message", check=lambda m: == and ==, timeout=60*10) timezone = msg.content embed = discord.Embed() embed.title = "Why do you want to join us?" embed.description = "How did you find our guild? What makes you interested?" await nc.send(embed=embed) msg = await"message", check=lambda m: == and ==, timeout=60*10) why = msg.content embed = discord.Embed() embed.title = "Can you be able to reach the guild requirement of %s?" %[ "req_xp"] embed.description = \ "If yes, tell us how much xp you'll get on average, and if not, why not and how much you can get!" await nc.send(embed=embed) msg = await"message", check=lambda m: == and ==, timeout=60*10) xpreq = msg.content embed = discord.Embed() embed.title = "Tell us a joke" embed.description = "Whats your best joke?" await nc.send(embed=embed) msg = await"message", check=lambda m: == and ==, timeout=60*10) joke = msg.content embed = discord.Embed() embed.title = "Can you join our waitlist guild?" embed.description = "If you cant, you wont be able to join our main guild." mesg = await nc.send(embed=embed) for e in ("✅", "❎"): await mesg.add_reaction(e) r = None r, u = await"reaction_add", check=lambda r, u: == and == and str( r.emoji) in ("✅", "❎"), timeout=60*10) waitlist = str(r.emoji) == "✅" except: await nc.delete(reason="Application Timed Out!") await member.send("Application Timed Out!") return await nc.send("**Application Submitted! This channel will be deleted in 5 seconds!**") embed = discord.Embed() embed.title = "Application!" embed.description = "A new application has come in!" embed.color = discord.Color(random.randint(0x000000, 0xffffff)) embed.add_field(name="IGN", value=uuid + " | " + ign, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Discord", value=member.mention, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Timezone", value=timezone, inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Reason for joining", value=why, inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Joke", value=joke, inline=False) embed.add_field(name="XP requirement", value=xpreq, inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Waitlist join", value=waitlist, inline=False) applications =["applications"]) m = await applications.send(embed=embed) await m.add_reaction("🤗") await asyncio.sleep(5) await nc.delete(reason="Application Finished!") else: try: embed = discord.Embed() embed.title = "Welcome to your Application" embed.description = "You now need to answer some qusetions on why you want to become helper." await nc.send(member.mention, embed=embed) embed = discord.Embed() embed.title = "Reason" embed.description = "Why do you want to become a helper? What qualifies you?" await nc.send(embed=embed) msg = await"message", check=lambda m: == and ==, timeout=60*10) reason = msg.content embed = discord.Embed() embed.title = "Why Are You better?" embed.description = "What puts you above other applicants? Why should we choose you?" await nc.send(embed=embed) msg = await"message", check=lambda m: == and ==, timeout=60*10) better = msg.content embed = discord.Embed() embed.title = "Referals" embed.description = "Do you have any past expirience with moderating? What other servers have you / are you moderating?" await nc.send(embed=embed) msg = await"message", check=lambda m: == and ==, timeout=60*10) referals = msg.content embed = discord.Embed() embed.title = "Senario One: Ping Spam" embed.description = "Someone is mentioning other users in the chat, repetedly and randomly. How do you react as a helper?" await nc.send(embed=embed) msg = await"message", check=lambda m: == and ==, timeout=60*10) s1 = msg.content embed = discord.Embed() embed.title = "Senario Two: Doxxing" embed.description = "Someone is sending private/personal information about another member. How do you react as a helper?" await nc.send(embed=embed) msg = await"message", check=lambda m: == and ==, timeout=60*10) s2 = msg.content embed = discord.Embed() embed.title = "Senario Three: Toxicity" embed.description = "Someone is being toxic in chat, lightly swearing at others and calling people bad. How do you react as a helper?" await nc.send(embed=embed) msg = await"message", check=lambda m: == and ==, timeout=60*10) s3 = msg.content await nc.send("**Application Submitted! This channel will be deleted in 5 seconds!**") embed = discord.Embed() embed.title = "Application!" embed.description = "A new application for helper has come in! Current status: 'POSTED'" embed.color = discord.Color(0x0000ff) embed.add_field(name="IGN", value=uuid + " | " + ign, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Discord", value=member.mention, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Reason", value=reason, inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Better than others", value=better, inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Referals", value=referals, inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Senario One: Ping Spamming", value=s1, inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Senario Two: Doxxing", value=s2, inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Senario Threee: Toxicity", value=s3, inline=False) applications =["helper_apps"]) m = await applications.send(embed=embed) for e in ("✅", "❎"): await m.add_reaction(e) await{ "user":, "answers": { "reason": reason, "better": better, "referals": referals, "s1": s1, "s2": s2, "s3": s3 }, "status": "POSTED", "message":, "deny_reason": None }) await asyncio.sleep(5) await nc.delete(reason="Application Finished!") except: await nc.delete(reason="Application Timed Out!") await member.send("Application Timed Out!") return doc = await{ "message": payload.message_id, "status": "POSTED" }) if not doc: return if not payload.member: return if return channel = message = await channel.fetch_message(payload.message_id) member = payload.member if not member: return await message.remove_reaction(str(payload.emoji), member) if str(payload.emoji) in ("✅", "❎"): await message.clear_reactions() member = channel.guild.get_member(doc["user"]) if str(payload.emoji) == "✅": color = discord.Color(0x00ff00) doc["status"] = "ACCEPTED" role = channel.guild.get_role(["helper_role"]) await member.add_roles(role) try: embed = discord.Embed(color=color) embed.title = "Application Accepted!" embed.description = "Your application has been accepted, and you have been added to the staff team." await member.send(embed=embed) except: pass else: color = discord.Color(0xff0000) await channel.send("**Please enter a reason for denial**, if you dont enter one in 30 seconds, it will default to none given.", delete_after=30) try: m = await"message", check=lambda m: == and ==, timeout=30) doc["deny_reason"] = m.content except: doc["deny_reason"] = "No Given Reason!" try: embed = discord.Embed(color=color) embed.title = "Application Denied!" embed.description = "Your application has been denied, you may re-apply in 3 months. Reason: '%s'" % doc["deny_reason"] await member.send(embed=embed) except: pass doc["status"] = "DENIED" await{ "message": payload.message_id, "status": "POSTED" }, doc) embed = message.embeds[0] embed.color = color embed.description = "Application! Current status: '%s'" % doc["status"] await message.edit(embed=embed)
async def transfer(self, ctx, member: discord.Member): # send to channel due to unsuccessful recruit try: if await isRecruiter(ctx) and await isRecruitee(ctx, member): emojis = [ "1️⃣", "2️⃣", "3️⃣", "4️⃣", "5️⃣", "6️⃣", "7️⃣", "8️⃣", "9️⃣" ] channels = self.server["channels"] field = "Please react with the corresponding number: \n" for i in range(len(channels) - 1): field += f"\n{emojis[i]} `#{self.client.get_channel(channels[list(channels)[i+1]]).name}`" embed = discord.Embed() embed.add_field(name="Where would you like to send this user?", value=field) embed.set_footer(text=self.server["general"]["footer"], icon_url=self.client.user.avatar_url) message = await ctx.send(embed=embed) for e in emojis: await message.add_reaction(e) def check(reaction, user): return user == and str( reaction.emoji ) in emojis and == try: reaction, user = await self.client.wait_for('reaction_add', check=check, timeout=300) except asyncio.TimeoutError: return await message.clear_reactions() for e in range(len(emojis)): if str(reaction.emoji) == emojis[e]: targetName = list(channels)[e + 1] targetChannel = self.client.get_channel( channels[targetName]) await, overwrite=None) overwrite = discord.PermissionOverwrite( send_messages=True, read_messages=True, read_message_history=True) if targetName == "General": await member.remove_roles( self.server["roles"]["Recruitee"])) await member.add_roles( self.server["roles"]["General"])) await targetChannel.send( f"(・ω・)ノ <@{}> has joined the party!") emoji = "" recruitees = try: recruitees.pop(str( except: pass else: if self.server["isOpen"][targetName] == "closed": embed = discord.Embed() embed.add_field( name= f"{targetName} is currently closed to new recruits! Please try a different guild ❌", value=f"** **") embed.set_footer( text=self.server["general"]["footer"], icon_url=self.client.user.avatar_url) await message.edit(embed=embed) return await message.clear_reactions() await targetChannel.set_permissions( member, overwrite=overwrite) leaderRole = self.server["roles"][targetName] await targetChannel.send( f"(・ω・)ノ <@{}> has landed! (Sent over by @{}) <@&{leaderRole}>" ) recruitees = try: recruitees[str(].append( f"[Transferred to {targetName} by @{}]" ) except: pass chatLog = "\n".join(recruitees[str(]) if len(chatLog) > 2000: chatLog = chatLog[:1900] + "..." embed = discord.Embed() embed.add_field( name= f"{}'s previous chat logs for your convenience:", value=f"** **\n```{chatLog}```") embed.set_footer( text=self.server["general"]["footer"], icon_url=self.client.user.avatar_url) await targetChannel.send(embed=embed) emoji = self.server["emojis"][targetName] embed = discord.Embed() embed.add_field( name= f"@{} has been transferred to {targetName} {emoji}✅", value=f"** **") embed.set_footer(text=self.server["general"]["footer"], icon_url=self.client.user.avatar_url) await message.edit(embed=embed) await message.clear_reactions() await logUsage( f"@{} has been transferred to {targetName} by @{}.", self.client) break except Exception as e: await handleException(e, self.client)
def override_to_dpy(override_dict: dict): # dict comprehension because the structure might change later return discord.PermissionOverwrite( **{k: v for (k, v) in override_dict.items()})
async def castVote(person): global vote global playerObjectList global origChannel global townName global werewolfChannel global timeToVote global nominationsToday global townName global voting global votedLive global votedDie global canNominate global nominees global nominators global gameIsRunning if gameIsRunning: await bot.send_message(origChannel, person.player.mention + " has been nominated and seconded. ") await bot.send_message(origChannel, person.player.mention + ", you have 20 seconds to state your defense.") unmuted = discord.PermissionOverwrite(send_messages=True) muted = discord.PermissionOverwrite(send_messages=False) for i in playerObjectList: if i != person: await bot.edit_channel_permissions(origChannel, i.player, muted) await asyncio.sleep(20) await bot.send_message(origChannel, "The time has come to vote! Use the \"w!live\" command or the \"w!die\" command IN THE PRIVATE WEREWOLF DM to vote for " + person.player.mention + ". You have 20 seconds to cast your vote, or you can abstain from voting.") timeToVote = True for i in playerObjectList: await bot.edit_channel_permissions(origChannel, i.player, unmuted) await asyncio.sleep(20) result = await tallyVote(vote) if result == "live": for i in votedLive: await bot.send_message(origChannel, i.player.mention + " voted live.") for i in votedDie: await bot.send_message(origChannel, i.player.mention + " voted die.") for i in playerObjectList: if not i.hasVoted: await bot.send_message(origChannel, i.player.mention + " abstained from voting.") await asyncio.sleep(1) await bot.send_message(origChannel, "The people have spoken, " + person.player.mention + " must live.") vote = [] voting = False canNominate = True timeToVote = False votedLive = [] votedDie = [] nominees = [] nominators = {} for i in playerObjectList: i.hasVoted = False if nominationsToday == 1: await bot.send_message(origChannel, "You may nominate one more person today. The night will start automatically if no one is nominated and seconded within the next 30 seconds.") print("Nominations today = " + str(nominationsToday)) await delayStartNight(30) else: await bot.send_message(origChannel, "Having nominated two people, the town of " + townName + " goes to bed. The night will start in 30 seconds.") await night(30) elif result == "die": for i in votedLive: await bot.send_message(origChannel, i.player.mention + " voted live.") for i in votedDie: await bot.send_message(origChannel, i.player.mention + " voted die.") for i in playerObjectList: if not i.hasVoted: await bot.send_message(origChannel, i.player.mention + " abstained from voting.") await asyncio.sleep(1) await bot.send_message(origChannel, "The people have spoken, " + person.player.mention + " must be executed for their crimes.") await displayLog(person) await displayTeam(person) await bot.send_message(person.player, "You have been executed.") await bot.edit_channel_permissions(origChannel, person.player, muted) if person.role == "werewolf": await bot.edit_channel_permissions(werewolfChannel, person.player, muted) print("\n\nChecking win for vote\n\n") playerObjectList.remove(person) test = await checkWin() if test == None: vote = [] voting = False canNominate = False timeToVote = False votedLive = [] votedDie = [] nominees = [] nominators = {} for i in playerObjectList: i.hasVoted = False await bot.send_message(origChannel, "Having satisfied it's lust for blood, the town of " + townName + " goes to bed. The night will start in 30 seconds.") await night(30) elif result == None: for i in playerObjectList: await bot.send_message(origChannel, i.player.mention + " abstained from voting.") await bot.send_message(origChannel, "Since apparently everyone (INCLUDING the people who nominated and seconded) chickened out of voting, " + person.player.mention + " gets to live I guess.") vote = [] voting = False canNominate = True timeToVote = False votedLive = [] votedDie = [] nominees = [] nominators = {} for i in playerObjectList: i.hasVoted = False if nominationsToday == 1: await bot.send_message(origChannel, "You may nominate one more person today. The night will start automatically if no one is nominated and seconded within the next 30 seconds.") await delayStartNight(30) else: await bot.send_message(origChannel, "Having nominated two people, the town of " + townName + " goes to bed. The night will start in 30 seconds.") await night(30) else: print(result) await stopGame()
import discord CHANNEL_ADMIN = discord.PermissionOverwrite( read_messages=True, send_messages=True, manage_messages=True, manage_channels=True, read_message_history=True ) CHANNEL_READ_WRITE = discord.PermissionOverwrite( read_messages=True, send_messages=True, read_message_history=True, ) CHANNEL_HIDDEN = discord.PermissionOverwrite( read_messages=False, send_messages=False, read_message_history=False ) CHANNEL_READ = discord.PermissionOverwrite( read_messages=True, send_messages=False, read_message_history=True )
async def rebuildGuild(self, guild, reboot=False, verbose=False): try: config = self.get_config(guild) lst = [f"{guild} [{}]"] # leave guild not in YATA database if not len(config): lst.append(f'\tWTF I\'m doing here?') # send message to guild owner = self.get_user(guild.owner_id) await owner.send( f"Contact Kivou [2000607] if you want me on your guild {guild} [{}]." ) await owner.send( "As for now I can't do anything without him setting me up... so I'll be leaving." ) # leave guild await guild.leave() # send message to creator for administratorId in self.administrators: administrator = self.get_user(int(administratorId)) await administrator.send( f"On reboot I left **{guild} [{}]** owned by **{owner}** because no configurations were found in the database." ) if verbose: await fmt.send_tt(verbose, lst) return # push guild name to yata bot = get(guild.members, await push_guild_info(guild, bot, self.bot_id) # stop if not managing channels if not config["admin"].get("manage", False): lst.append("Skip managing") if verbose: await fmt.send_tt(verbose, lst) return # create category yata_category = get(guild.categories, name="yata-bot") bot_role = get(guild.roles, if yata_category is None: lst.append("Create category yata-bot") yata_category = await guild.create_category("yata-bot") # create admin channel channel_name = "yata-admin" if get(guild.channels, name=channel_name) is None: lst.append(f"\tCreate channel {channel_name}") overwrites = { guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False), bot_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True) } channel_admin = await guild.create_text_channel( channel_name, topic="Administration channel for the YATA bot", overwrites=overwrites, category=yata_category) await channel_admin.send( f"This is the admin channel for `!verifyAll`, `!checkFactions` or `!reviveServers`" ) # create verified role and channels if self.check_module(guild, "verify"): role_verified = get(guild.roles, name="Verified") if role_verified is None: lst.append(f"\tCreate role Verified") role_verified = await guild.create_role(name="Verified") # create faction roles fac = config.get("factions", dict({})) for k, v in fac.items(): role_name = f"{v} [{k}]" if config['verify'].get( 'id', False) else f"{v}" if get(guild.roles, name=role_name) is None: lst.append(f"\tCreate faction role {role_name}") await guild.create_role(name=role_name) # create common role com = config['verify'].get("common") if com: role_name = get(guild.roles, name=com) if role_name is None: lst.append(f"\tCreate common role {com}") await guild.create_role(name=com) for channel_name in [ c for c in config["verify"].get("channels", ["verify"]) if c != "*" ]: if get(guild.channels, name=channel_name) is None: lst.append(f"\tCreate channel {channel_name}") channel_verif = await guild.create_text_channel( channel_name, topic="Verification channel for the YATA bot", category=yata_category) await channel_verif.send( f"If you haven't been assigned the {role_verified.mention} that's where you can type `!verify` or `!verify tornId` to verify another member" ) if self.check_module(guild, "chain"): # create chain channel for channel_name in [ c for c in config["chain"].get("channels", ["chain"]) if c != "*" ]: if get(guild.channels, name=channel_name) is None: lst.append(f"\tCreate channel {channel_name}") channel_chain = await guild.create_text_channel( channel_name, topic="Chain channel for the YATA bot", category=yata_category) await channel_chain.send( "Type `!chain` here to start getting notifications and `!stopchain` to stop them." ) # if reboot: # await get(guild.channels, name=channel_name).send(":arrows_counterclockwise: I had to reboot which stop all potential chains and retals watching. Please relaunch them.") if self.check_module(guild, "crimes"): # create crimes channel for channel_name in [ c for c in config["crimes"].get("channels", ["oc"]) if c != "*" ]: if get(guild.channels, name=channel_name) is None: lst.append(f"\tCreate channel {channel_name}") channel_oc = await guild.create_text_channel( channel_name, topic="Crimes channel for the YATA bot", category=yata_category) await channel_oc.send( "Type `!oc` here to start/stop getting notifications when ocs are ready." ) if self.check_module(guild, "loot"): # create Looter role role_loot = get(guild.roles, name="Looter") if role_loot is None: lst.append(f"\tCreate role Looter") role_loot = await guild.create_role(name="Looter", mentionable=True) # create loot channel for channel_name in [ c for c in config["loot"].get("channels", ["loot"]) if c != "*" ]: if get(guild.channels, name=channel_name) is None: lst.append(f"\tCreate channel {channel_name}") overwrites = { guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False), role_loot: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True), bot_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True) } channel_loot = await guild.create_text_channel( channel_name, topic="Loot channel for the YATA bot", overwrites=overwrites, category=yata_category) await channel_loot.send( f"{role_loot.mention} will reveive notification here" ) await channel_loot.send( "Type `!loot` here to get the npc timings") await channel_loot.send( f"Type `!looter` to remove your {role_loot.mention} role" ) if self.check_module(guild, "revive"): # create Reviver role reviver = get(guild.roles, name="Reviver") if reviver is None: lst.append(f"\tCreate role Reviver") reviver = await guild.create_role(name="Reviver", mentionable=True) # create revive channel for channel_name in [ c for c in config["revive"].get("channels", ["revive"]) if c != "*" ]: if get(guild.channels, name=channel_name) is None: lst.append(f"\tCreate channel {channel_name}") channel_revive = await guild.create_text_channel( channel_name, topic="Revive channel for the YATA bot", category=yata_category) await channel_revive.send( f"{reviver.mention} will reveive notifications here" ) await channel_revive.send( "Type `!revive` or `!r` here to send a revive call" ) await channel_revive.send( f"Type `!reviver` to add or remove your {reviver.mention} role" ) if self.check_module(guild, "api"): # create api channels for channel_name in [ c for c in config["api"].get("channels", ["api"]) if c != "*" ]: if get(guild.channels, name=channel_name) is None: lst.append(f"\tCreate channel {channel_name}") channel_api = await guild.create_text_channel( channel_name, topic="API channel for the YATA bot", category=yata_category) await channel_api.send( "Use the API module commands here") # create socks role and channels if self.check_module(guild, "stocks"): stocks = config.get("stocks") # wssb and tcb for stock in [ s for s in stocks if s not in ["active", "channels", 'alerts'] ]: stock_role = get(guild.roles, name=stock) if stock_role is None: lst.append(f"\tCreate role {stock}") stock_role = await guild.create_role(name=stock) # create stock channel if get(guild.channels, name=stock) is None: lst.append(f"\tCreate channel {stock}") overwrites = { guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False), stock_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True), bot_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True) } channel_stock = await guild.create_text_channel( stock, topic=f"{stock} stock channel for the YATA bot", overwrites=overwrites, category=yata_category) await channel_stock.send( f"Type `!{stock}` to see the {stock} BB status amoung the members" ) # create alerts if stocks.get("alerts"): stock_role = get(guild.roles, name="Trader") if stock_role is None: lst.append(f"\tCreate role Trader") stock_role = await guild.create_role(name="Trader", mentionable=True) for channel_name in [ c for c in config["stocks"].get( "channels", ["stocks"]) if c != "*" ]: if get(guild.channels, name=channel_name) is None: lst.append(f"\tCreate channel {channel_name}") overwrites = { guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite( read_messages=False), stock_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite( read_messages=True), bot_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True) } channel_stock = await guild.create_text_channel( channel_name, topic=f"Alerts stock channel for the YATA bot", overwrites=overwrites, category=yata_category) await channel_stock.send( f"{stock_role.mention} will be notified here") if verbose: await fmt.send_tt(verbose, lst) except BaseException as e: print(f'ERROR in {guild} [{}]: {e}') print(f'{traceback.format_exc()}') if verbose: await verbose.send(f'```ERROR in {guild} [{}]: {e}```') await verbose.send(f'```{traceback.format_exc()}```')
async def day(delay): global playerObjectList global origChannel global time global townName global isFirstNight global werewolfVote global nominationsToday global canNominate global allWerewolvesVoted global haveWerewolvesEaten global nominationsToday global gameIsRunning await asyncio.sleep(delay) if gameIsRunning: muted = discord.PermissionOverwrite(send_messages = False) unmuted = discord.PermissionOverwrite(send_messages = True) time = "day" allWerewolvesVoted = False nominationsToday = 0 isFirstNight = False if werewolfVote != []: victim = await tallyVote(werewolfVote) victim.wasAttacked = True haveWerewolvesEaten = True werewolfVote = [] victim.causeOfDeath = " was torn to shreds by werewolves last night." await bot.send_message(origChannel, "@everyone, the sun rises on the town of " + townName + ".") for person in playerObjectList: if person.role != "lalma": person.usedAbility = False if person.wasAttacked == True and person.invulnerable == False: await bot.send_message(origChannel, person.player.mention + person.causeOfDeath) await displayLog(person) await displayTeam(person) if person.role == "werewolf": await bot.edit_channel_permissions(werewolfChannel, person.player, muted) await bot.edit_channel_permissions(origChannel, person.player, muted) playerObjectList.remove(person) elif person.wasAttacked == True and person.invulnerable == True: await bot.send_message(origChannel, person.player.mention + " was attacked last night, but miraculously survived.") person.wasAttacked = False person.invulnerable = False person.causeOfDeath = None print("\n\nChecking win for overnight kills\n\n") whoWon = await checkWin() if whoWon == None: for person in playerObjectList: if person.silenced == False: await bot.edit_channel_permissions(origChannel, person.player, unmuted) else: person.silenced = False await bot.send_message(person.player, "You have been silenced. You cannot talk for today.") await bot.send_message(origChannel, "You have 60 seconds to talk amongst yourselves before nominations can begin.") await asyncio.sleep(60) await bot.send_message(origChannel, "You may now start nominating people! Use the \"w!nominate [player name here]\" command to nominate someone, and use the \"w!second [player name here]\" command to second someone. You have 30 seconds to nominate someone before the next night will begin automatically.") canNominate = True for person in playerObjectList: if person.markedByVampire == True: await bot.send_message(origChannel, person.player.mention + " feels a sharp pain in their chest and falls to the ground.") await displayLog(person) await displayTeam(person) await bot.send_message(person.player, "You had a heart attack and died.") if person.role == "werewolf": await bot.edit_channel_permissions(werewolfChannel, person.player, muted) await bot.edit_channel_permissions(origChannel, person.player, muted) playerObjectList.remove(person) print("\n\nChecking win for vampire kills\n\n") test = await checkWin() if test == None: await asyncio.sleep(30) if nominationsToday == 0: canNominate = False await bot.send_message(origChannel, "No one was nominated and seconded today. The night will start in 30 seconds.") await night(30)
async def _enter_race(self, ctx): """Start an animal race and enter yourself as participant Returns: Two text outputs. One to start the race, and the second to represent the race. The second msg will be edited multiple times to represent the race. Notes: Must wait 2 minutes after every race to start a new one. You cannot start a race if a race is already active. A race is considered active once this command is used. A race is considered started once the track is displayed. The user who starts a race, will be automatically entered. The bot will always join a race. There are no cheaters and it isn't rigged. """ author = server = ctx.message.server data = self.check_server(author.server) cooldown = self.check_cooldown(author.server) settings = self.check_config(author.server) cost = settings["Cost"] timer = 600 channel = if != "race": return await "You cannot run this command in this channel. Please run this command at #race" ) if data['Race Active']: if in data['Players']: return await"You are already in the race!") elif not self.bank_check(settings, author): return await "You do not meet the cost of entry. You need at least {} credits." .format(cost)) elif len(data['Players']) == 10: return await "There are no more spots left in the race!") else: bank ='Economy').bank bank.withdraw_credits(author, cost) data['Players'][] = {} return await"**{}** entered the race!".format( author.display_name)) if time.time() - cooldown < timer: return await "You need to wait {} before starting another race.".format( self.time_format(int(timer - (time.time() - cooldown))))) if self.bank_check(settings, author): bank ='Economy').bank bank.withdraw_credits(author, cost) else: return await "You do not meet the cost of entry. You need atleast {} credits." .format(cost)) role_name = "Race" raceRole = discord.utils.get(server.roles, name=role_name) if raceRole is None: await, name=role_name) raceRole = discord.utils.get(server.roles, name=role_name) self.game_teardown(data, force=True) data['Race Active'] = True data['Players'][] = {} wait = settings['Time'] await, raceRole, mentionable=True) await ":triangular_flag_on_post: {} has started a race! Type ``{}re`` " "to join! :triangular_flag_on_post:\n{}The {} will " "begin in {} seconds!".format(author.mention, ctx.prefix, ' ' * 23, raceRole.mention, wait)) await, raceRole, mentionable=False) await asyncio.sleep(wait) racers = self.game_setup(author, data, settings['Mode']) await ":checkered_flag: The race is now in progress :checkered_flag:") data['Race Start'] = True perm = discord.PermissionOverwrite(send_messages=False, read_messages=False) await, server.default_role, perm) race_msg = await '\u200b' + '\n' + '\n'.join([player.field() for player in racers])) await self.run_game(racers, race_msg, data) first = ':first_place: {0.display_name}'.format(*data['First']) fv = '{1} {2:.2f}s'.format(*data['First']) second = ':second_place: {0.display_name}'.format(*data['Second']) sv = '{1} {2:.2f}s'.format(*data['Second']) if data['Third']: mention = "{} {} {}".format(data['First'][0].mention, data['Second'][0].mention, data['Third'][0].mention) third = ':third_place: {0.display_name}'.format(*data['Third']) tv = '{1} {2:.2f}s'.format(*data['Third']) else: mention = "{} {}".format(data['First'][0].mention, data['Second'][0].mention) third = ':third_place:' tv = '--' perm = discord.PermissionOverwrite(send_messages=None, read_messages=False) await, server.default_role, perm) embed = discord.Embed(colour=0x00CC33) embed.add_field(name=first, value=fv) embed.add_field(name=second, value=sv) embed.add_field(name=third, value=tv) embed.add_field( name='-' * 70, value= 'Type ``>race claim`` to receive prize money. \nType ``>togglerole race`` to get notified on the next race.' ) embed.title = "Race Results" embed.set_footer(text=credits, icon_url=creditIcon) await, embed=embed) self.game_teardown(data) self.cooldown[] = time.time()
async def create_interview(guild: discord.Guild, interviewee: discord.Member, raid_level: int = 0): """ Creates an interview channel for a given member, then starts the interview. """ interview_category: discord.CategoryChannel = await get_category( guild, guild_settings['interview_category_id']) channel_name = "{}-Interview".format(, interviewee.discriminator) channel_topic = "Temporary interview room for {}".format( member_role = guild.get_role(guild_settings['member_role_id']) ignore_interview_role: discord.Role = guild.get_role( guild_settings["hide_interviews_id"]) greeter_role = guild.get_role(guild_settings['team_role_id']) cooldown_configs: List[Dict] = bot.guild_setting(, 'cooldown_config') cooldown_roles: List[discord.Role] = [ guild.get_role(cooldown_config["role"]) for cooldown_config in cooldown_configs ] inactive_configs: List[Dict] = bot.guild_setting(, 'inactive_member_configs') inactive_roles: List[discord.Role] = [ guild.get_role(inactive_config["role"]) for inactive_config in inactive_configs ] new_perms = category_perms = interview_category.overwrites # Inherit perms from the category. """ Perms should be set as follows for proper functionality: @Everyone: All perms Inherit. This is essential for making the no interviews role work. @Hide Interviews: Read: Deny @Member: Read: Inherit @Greeter: Read: Allow, Send: Allow @Cooldown & @Inactive Member: Deny Role override for everyone with no roles -> Read: Deny. Role override for interviewee -> Read: Allow, Send: Allow. """ new_perms[guild.default_role] = discord.PermissionOverwrite( send_messages=None, read_messages=None, add_reactions=False ) # @Everyone: All perms Inherit. This is essential for making the no interviews role work. new_perms[member_role] = discord.PermissionOverwrite( send_messages=False, read_messages=None, add_reactions=False ) # The Member Role. Doesn't need Read perms. It will defacto get them even w/ None. This is essential for making the no interviews role work. new_perms[greeter_role] = discord.PermissionOverwrite( send_messages=True, read_messages=True, add_reactions=True ) # Make sure greeters can see and interact with interviews. # Prohibit cooldown, inactive members, & Hide interviews from seeing the interviews for deny_access_role in cooldown_roles + inactive_roles + [ ignore_interview_role ]: new_perms[deny_access_role] = discord.PermissionOverwrite( send_messages=False, read_messages=False) # Add role overrides for any user with no roles, except the interviewee roleless_members = [ member for member in guild.members if len(member.roles) == 1 ] for roleless_member in roleless_members: if roleless_member != interviewee: new_perms[roleless_member] = discord.PermissionOverwrite( send_messages=False, read_messages=False) if raid_level > 0: # Raid Protection Enabled new_perms[guild.default_role] = discord.PermissionOverwrite( send_messages=False, read_messages=False) # @Everyone new_perms[member_role] = discord.PermissionOverwrite( send_messages=False, read_messages=False) # The Member Role new_perms[interviewee] = discord.PermissionOverwrite( send_messages=True, read_messages=True, add_reactions=True) # The user who just joined # Create the channel interview_channel = await guild.create_text_channel( channel_name, category=interview_category, topic=channel_topic, overwrites=new_perms) await asyncio.sleep( 1) # Wait a sec after the channel is created before sending anything. await interview_channel.send(guild_settings['welcome_message'].format( guild=guild, user=interviewee)) await asyncio.sleep(1) # Wait another sec before opening the interview. # Open the interview. interview = await open_interviews.new_interview(interviewee, interview_channel)
async def serverload(self, ctx, server=":"): # filenames cannot contain : so I'm using this as a workaround to make it only use the current server ID if no server is given """Load an entire server?!?!?!??! Loads in the saved data from a previously saved server. Usage: >serverload - Attempt to find a save of the current server and load it. >serverload <filename> - Find a saved server by filename (if a whole filename is not given, the latest save from all of the filenames that contain the given filename is used) """ if not os.path.exists("server_save") or not os.listdir("server_save"): return await ctx.send( + "You have no servers saved!") saves = os.listdir("server_save") guild_saves = [x for x in saves if server in x or str( in x] if not guild_saves: return await ctx.send( + "That server couldn't be found in your saves.") parsed_guild_saves = [datetime.strptime(x.split("_")[2].split(".")[0], "%Y-%m-%d") for x in guild_saves] server_save = guild_saves[parsed_guild_saves.index(max(parsed_guild_saves))] await ctx.send( + "Loading server... (this may take a few minutes, check console for progress)") print("Beginning server load process...") with open("server_save/" + server_save, "r") as f: g = json.load(f) print("Loading roles...") for role in ctx.guild.roles[:]: if not in [x["name"] for x in g["roles"]]: await role.delete(reason="Loading saved server") for role in g["roles"]: permissions = discord.Permissions() permissions.update(**dict(role["permissions"])) if role["name"] not in [ for x in ctx.guild.roles]: await ctx.guild.create_role(name=role["name"], colour=discord.Colour.from_rgb(*role["colour"]), hoist=role["hoist"], mentionable=role["mentionable"], permissions=permissions, reason="Loading saved server") else: await [x for x in ctx.guild.roles if == role["name"]][0].edit(name=role["name"], colour=discord.Colour.from_rgb(*role["colour"]), hoist=role["hoist"], mentionable=role["mentionable"], permissions=permissions, reason="Loading saved server") print("Loading text channels...") for channel in ctx.guild.text_channels: if not in [x["name"] for x in g["text_channels"]]: await channel.delete(reason="Loading saved server") for channel in g["text_channels"]: overwrites = [] for overwrite in channel["overwrites"]: if overwrite["type"] == "role": if overwrite["name"] not in [ for x in ctx.guild.roles]: pass else: role = [x for x in ctx.guild.roles if == overwrite["name"]][0] permissions = discord.PermissionOverwrite() permissions.update(**dict(overwrite["permissions"])) overwrites.append((role, permissions)) else: if overwrite["name"] not in [ for x in ctx.guild.members]: pass else: member = [x for x in ctx.guild.members if == overwrite["name"]][0] permissions = discord.PermissionOverwrite() permissions.update(**dict(overwrite["permissions"])) overwrites.append((member, permissions)) if channel["name"] in [ for x in ctx.guild.text_channels]: channel_obj = [x for x in ctx.guild.text_channels if == channel["name"]][0] await channel_obj.edit(name=channel["name"], topic=channel["topic"], reason="Loading saved server") overwrites_dict = dict(overwrites) for overwrite in overwrites_dict: await channel_obj.set_permissions(overwrite, overwrite=overwrites_dict[overwrite], reason="Loading saved server") else: new_chan = await ctx.guild.create_text_channel(channel["name"], overwrites=dict(overwrites), reason="Loading saved server") await new_chan.edit(topic=channel["topic"], nsfw=channel["nsfw"], reason="Loading saved server") print("Loading voice channels...") for channel in ctx.guild.voice_channels: if not in [x["name"] for x in g["voice_channels"]]: await channel.delete(reason="Loading saved server") for channel in g["voice_channels"]: if channel["name"] not in [ for x in ctx.guild.voice_channels]: overwrites = [] for overwrite in channel["overwrites"]: if overwrite["type"] == "role": if overwrite["name"] not in [ for x in ctx.guild.roles]: pass else: role = [x for x in ctx.guild.roles if == overwrite["name"]][0] permissions = discord.PermissionOverwrite() permissions.update(**dict(overwrite["permissions"])) overwrites.append((role, permissions)) else: if overwrite["name"] not in [ for x in ctx.guild.members]: pass else: members = [x for x in ctx.guild.members if == overwrite["name"]][0] permissions = discord.PermissionOverwrite() permissions.update(**dict(overwrite["permissions"])) overwrites.append((member, permissions)) if channel["name"] in [ for x in ctx.guild.voice_channels]: channel_obj = [x for x in ctx.guild.voice_channels if == channel["name"]][0] await channel_obj.edit(name=channel["name"], topic=channel["topic"], reason="Loading saved server") overwrites_dict = dict(overwrites) for overwrite in overwrites_dict: await channel_obj.set_permissions(overwrite, overwrite=overwrites_dict[overwrite], reason="Loading saved server") else: new_chan = await ctx.guild.create_voice_channel(channel["name"], overwrites=dict(overwrites), reason="Loading saved server") await new_chan.edit(bitrate=channel["bitrate"], user_limit=channel["user_limit"], reason="Loading saved server") print("Loading emotes...") for emoji in ctx.guild.emojis: if not in [x["name"] for x in g["emojis"]]: await emoji.delete(reason="Loading saved server") for emoji in g["emojis"]: if emoji["name"] in [ for x in ctx.guild.emojis]: await [x for x in ctx.guild.emojis if == emoji["name"]][0].delete(reason="Loading saved server") await ctx.guild.create_custom_emoji(name=emoji["name"], image=requests.get(emoji["url"]).content, reason="Loaded saved server") print("Positioning channels and roles...") # set up channel and role positions for channel in g["text_channels"]: await [x for x in ctx.guild.text_channels if == channel["name"]][0].edit(position=channel["position"] if channel["position"] < len(ctx.guild.text_channels) else len(ctx.guild.text_channels) - 1) for channel in g["voice_channels"]: await [x for x in ctx.guild.voice_channels if == channel["name"]][0].edit(position=channel["position"] if channel["position"] < len(ctx.guild.voice_channels) else len(ctx.guild.voice_channels) - 1) for role in g["roles"]: if role["name"] != "@everyone": await [x for x in ctx.guild.roles if == role["name"]][0].edit(position=role["position"] if role["position"] < len(ctx.guild.roles) else len(ctx.guild.roles) - 1) print("Editing server settings...") await ctx.guild.edit(name=g["name"], icon=requests.get(g["icon"].rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".png").content if g["icon"] else None, region=discord.VoiceRegion(g["region"]), afk_channel=[x for x in ctx.guild.voice_channels if == g["afk_channel"]][0] if g["afk_channel"] else None, afk_timeout=g["afk_timeout"], verification_level=discord.VerificationLevel(g["verification_level"]), reason="Loading saved server") print("Finished loading server backup!")
async def guildTimeout(self, ogChannel, member): try: def whosent(m): return isRecruiterMessage( and == ogChannel message = await self.client.wait_for('message', check=whosent, timeout=600) except asyncio.TimeoutError: openGuilds = 0 for guild in self.server["isOpen"]: if self.server["isOpen"][guild] == "open": openGuilds += 1 if openGuilds < 2: return await ogChannel.send( "All other guilds are closed! Unable to redirect.") channels = self.server["channels"] for i in range(len(channels)): if channels[list(channels)[i]] == index = i + 1 if index >= len(self.server["channels"]): index = 2 break while True: nextChannel = list(channels)[index] if self.server["isOpen"][nextChannel] == "open": break else: index += 1 if index >= len(self.server["channels"]): index = 2 channel = self.client.get_channel(channels[nextChannel]) leaderRole = self.server["roles"][nextChannel] overwrite = discord.PermissionOverwrite(send_messages=True, read_messages=True, read_message_history=True) for role in range(1, len(member.roles)): await member.remove_roles(member.roles[role]) await member.add_roles( channel.guild.get_role(self.server["roles"]["Recruitee"])) await ogChannel.set_permissions(member, overwrite=None) await ogChannel.send( f"`User has been sent to another guild due to timeout.`") await channel.set_permissions(member, overwrite=overwrite) await channel.send( f"(・ω・)ノ <@{}> has arrived! (Redirected due to timeout) <@&{leaderRole}>\nGuild leaders have 10m to respond or <@{}> will be redirected to a new channel." ) recruitees = try: recruitees[str(].append( f"[Sent to {nextChannel} due to timeout]") except: pass chatLog = "\n".join(recruitees[str(]) if len(chatLog) > 2000: chatLog = chatLog[:1900] + "..." embed = discord.Embed() embed.add_field( name= f"{}'s previous chat logs for your convenience:", value=f"** **\n```{chatLog}```") embed.set_footer(text=self.server["general"]["footer"], icon_url=self.client.user.avatar_url) await channel.send(embed=embed) await logUsage( f"@{} has been sent to #{} by @Raider Bot due to timeout.", self.client) await self.guildTimeout(channel, member)
async def create_join_channels(client): start_time = time() if not client.is_ready(): return to_remove = [] priv_channels = list(cfg.PRIV_CHANNELS.keys()) for pc in priv_channels: try: pcv = cfg.PRIV_CHANNELS[pc] except KeyError: print("Ignoring error:") traceback.print_exc() continue if 'request_time' in pcv and time() - pcv['request_time'] > 120: # Unable to create join channel for 120s to_remove.append(pc) await pcv['text_channel'].send( ":warning: {} For some reason I was unable to create your \"⇩ Join\" channel, please try again later. " "Your channel is still private, but there's now no way for anyone to join you. " "Use `{}public` to make it public again." "".format(pcv['creator'].mention, pcv['prefix'])) log("Failed to create join-channel, timed out.") continue guild = client.get_guild(pcv['guild_id']) if guild not in func.get_guilds(client): continue settings = utils.get_serv_settings(guild) for p, pv in settings['auto_channels'].items(): for s, sv in pv['secondaries'].items(): if 'priv' in sv and 'jc' not in sv: creator = pcv['creator'].display_name vc = pcv['voice_channel'] c_position = vc.position overwrites = vc.overwrites k = guild.default_role v = overwrites[ k] if k in overwrites else discord.PermissionOverwrite( ) v.update(connect=True) overwrites[k] = v try: jc = await guild.create_voice_channel( "⇩ Join {}".format( creator), # TODO creator can change category=vc.category, overwrites=overwrites) except discord.errors.Forbidden: to_remove.append(pc) try: await pcv['text_channel'].send( ":warning: {} I don't have permission to make the \"⇩ Join\" channel for you anymore." "".format(pcv['creator'].mention)) except: log("Failed to create join-channel, and failed to notify {}" .format(creator)) break utils.permastore_secondary( settings['auto_channels'][p]['secondaries'][s][ 'jc'] = utils.set_serv_settings(guild, settings) to_remove.append(pc) try: # Set position again, sometimes create_voice_channel gets it wrong. await jc.edit(position=c_position) except discord.errors.Forbidden: # Harmless error, no idea why it sometimes throws this, seems like a bug. pass break for i in to_remove: try: del cfg.PRIV_CHANNELS[i] except KeyError: # Already deleted somehow. print("Ignoring error:") traceback.print_exc() pass end_time = time() fn_name = "create_join_channels" cfg.TIMINGS[fn_name] = end_time - start_time if cfg.TIMINGS[fn_name] > 10: await func.log_timings(client, fn_name)
async def recruit(self, ctx, member: discord.Member): # recruit a user to a guild try: if await isRecruiter(ctx) and await isRecruitee(ctx, member): channels = self.server["channels"] for c in channels: if channels[c] == channelName = c embed = discord.Embed() embed.add_field( name= f"Do you want to recruit @{} to {channelName}?", value= f"Please react with the corresponding emoji:\n\n✅`Yes`\n❌`No`\n" ) embed.set_footer(text=self.server["general"]["footer"], icon_url=self.client.user.avatar_url) message = await ctx.send(embed=embed) await message.add_reaction("✅") await message.add_reaction("❌") def check(reaction, user): return user == and ( str(reaction.emoji) == "✅" or str(reaction.emoji) == "❌") and == try: reaction, user = await self.client.wait_for('reaction_add', check=check, timeout=300) except asyncio.TimeoutError: return await message.clear_reactions() embed = discord.Embed() embed.set_footer(text=self.server["general"]["footer"], icon_url=self.client.user.avatar_url) if str(reaction.emoji) == "✅": await, overwrite=None) overwrite = discord.PermissionOverwrite( send_messages=True, read_messages=True, read_message_history=True) await member.remove_roles( self.server["roles"]["Recruitee"])) await member.add_roles( self.server["roles"][channelName])) with open("data/server.json", "w") as f: self.server["newMembers"][channelName] += 1 json.dump(self.server, f, indent=4) emoji = self.server["emojis"][channelName] embed.add_field( name= f"@{} has been recruited to {channelName} {emoji}✅", value="** **") guildChannel = self.client.get_channel( self.server["guildChannels"][channelName]) await guildChannel.send( f"<@{}> has arrived! `(Recruited to {channelName} by {})`{emoji}" ) recruitees = try: recruitees.pop(str( except: pass await logUsage( f"@{} has been recruited to {channelName} by @{}.", self.client) elif str(reaction.emoji) == "❌": embed.add_field( name=f"@{}'s recruitment has been aborted ❌", value="** **") await message.edit(embed=embed) await message.clear_reactions() except Exception as e: await handleException(e, self.client)
async def setup(self, *, creator=None, category=None): """Create the thread channel and other io related initialisation tasks"""'thread_create', self) recipient = self.recipient # in case it creates a channel outside of category overwrites = { discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False) } category = category or if category is not None: overwrites = None channel = await name=self.manager.format_channel_name(recipient), category=category, overwrites=overwrites, reason='Creating a thread channel' ) self._channel = channel try: log_url, log_data = await asyncio.gather(, channel, creator or recipient), ) log_count = sum(1 for log in log_data if not log['open']) except: # Something went wrong with database? log_url = log_count = None # ensure core functionality still works info_embed = self.manager.format_info_embed(recipient, log_url, log_count, topic = f'User ID: {}' if creator: mention = None else: mention ='mention', '@here') async def send_genesis_message(): try: msg = await channel.send(mention, embed=info_embed) self.genesis_message = msg except: pass finally: self.ready = True'thread_ready', self) await channel.edit(topic=topic) # Once thread is ready, tell the recipient. thread_creation_response = 'thread_creation_response', 'The staff team will get back to you as soon as possible.' ) embed = discord.Embed(, description=thread_creation_response, timestamp=channel.created_at, ) footer = 'Your message has been sent' if not'disable_recipient_thread_close'): footer = 'Click the lock to close the thread' footer ='thread_creation_footer', footer) embed.set_footer(text=footer, embed.title ='thread_creation_title', 'Thread Created') if creator is None: msg = await recipient.send(embed=embed) if not'disable_recipient_thread_close'): close_emoji ='close_emoji', '🔒') close_emoji = await await msg.add_reaction(close_emoji)
async def on_message(message): server = client.get_server("366177253673140224") if == client.user: return #prevent a bot talking to himself elif message.content.startswith('.'): text = message.content[1:] # the message's content without the . endCommand = text.find(" ") + 1 contenu = str(text[endCommand:]) if text == "help": content = "`.help` Affiche ce menu. ( Tu viens de le faire, non ? :thinking:)\n\ `.ping` Donne la latence du bot.\n\ `.info` Affiche la description de ProBot\n\ `.invite` Donne un lien pour inviter ProBot" emb = discord.Embed(description=content) emb.set_author(name="Probot's help menu", icon_url=client.user.avatar_url) await client.send_message(, embed=emb) if text == "ping": timePing = time.monotonic() pinger = await client.send_message(, ":ping_pong: **Pong !**") ping = '%.2f' % (1000 * (time.monotonic() - timePing)) await client.edit_message( pinger, ":ping_pong: **Pong !**\nLatence : " + '`' + ping + " ms`.") if text.startswith("say"): arguments = text[4:].split(" | ") print(arguments) if "^#" in arguments: print("un #") target = emb = discord.Embed(title="Title", description="Hope it's working...") #emb.set_author(, icon_url=client.user.avatar_url) await client.send_message(target, embed=emb) if text == "info": content = "*Mince, c'est là qu'il faut se présenter...*\n\ **Hey, salut à ~~toutes~~ et à tous !** ; ici pour augmenter le nombre de membres et faire pro.\n\ Utilisez `.help` pour la liste des commandes.\n" emb = discord.Embed(description=content) emb.set_author(name="Probot, official ProTech's bot", icon_url=client.user.avatar_url) emb.set_footer(text="Coded with ❤ by FrenchMasterSword#5079") await client.send_message(, embed=emb) #if text == "invite": # MODERATION-ONLY commands moderateur = discord.utils.get(server.roles, id='366182752602554369') print( target = None if >= moderateur: overwrite = discord.PermissionOverwrite() ID = text[-19: -1] # extract the ID of any mention ending the message if text.startswith("mute"): target = discord.utils.get(server.members, id=ID) overwrite.read_messages = False await client.edit_channel_permissions(, target, overwrite) await client.send_message(, target.mention + " ne peut plus parler ici.") if text.startswith("unmute"): target = discord.utils.get(server.members, id=ID) overwrite.read_messages = True await client.send_message(, target.mention + " peut à nouveau parler ici.") await client.edit_channel_permissions(, target, overwrite)
import dataclasses from extensions.players import Player import discord from discord.ext import commands from discord.mentions import AllowedMentions import random import typing if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from extensions import players default_role_overwrites = discord.PermissionOverwrite( read_messages=False, send_messages=True, read_message_history=True, attach_files=False, add_reactions=False, ) default_role_disabled_overwrites = discord.PermissionOverwrite( read_messages=False, send_messages=False, read_message_history=True, attach_files=False, add_reactions=False, ) jail_overwrites = discord.PermissionOverwrite( read_messages=False, send_messages=True, read_message_history=False, attach_files=False,
async def on_message(message): commands = message.content.split(" ") if commands[0] == "!buzzfeed" and is_number(commands[1]): n = min(25, int(commands[1])) await content="\n".join([get_headline() for i in range(n)])) #if it was sent to the #privacy channel if == 796169676031524915: if "!private create" in message.content: guild = name = f"private_{commands[2]}" # role_name = f"private_{commands[2]}" channel = await guild.create_voice_channel(name=name) overwrite = discord.PermissionOverwrite() overwrite2 = discord.PermissionOverwrite() overwrite.connect = False overwrite2.connect = True overwrite.view_channel = False overwrite2.view_channel = True at_everyone = guild.get_role(588794934526607370) # make it so people cannot see/connect by default await channel.set_permissions(at_everyone, overwrite=overwrite) # make it so people can connect await channel.set_permissions(, overwrite=overwrite2) if "!private add" in message.content: channel = [ channel for channel in message.guild.channels if == f"private_{commands[2]}" ][0] overwrite = discord.PermissionOverwrite() overwrite.connect = True overwrite.view_channel = True for member in message.mentions: await channel.set_permissions(member, overwrite=overwrite) await message.delete(delay=0) if "!ring" in message.content and "ringing" in if len(message.mentions) == 0: for _ in range(5): for member in [ member for member in if member != ]: # while 1: try: await member.send(content="ring ring!") # break except AttributeError: pass # continue await"@here") else: for _ in range(5): for member in message.mentions: # while 1: try: await member.send(content="ring ring!") # break except AttributeError: pass # continue await content=' '.join([m.mention for m in message.mentions])) if message.content == "!ring toggle": author = role = member_has_role = role in author.roles if member_has_role: await author.remove_roles(role) else: await author.add_roles(role) #if the message was sent to the vote-creation channel if == 707556037334401135: #if someone wants to make a new vote #if it's a !newVote commeand and the person doesn't have an active vote if commands[ 0] == "!vote" and not in members_with_active_votes: #if it's a vote to mute if len(commands) == 3 and commands[1] == "mute" and len( message.mentions) == 1: #set up the vote win_proportion = vote_attributes["mute_proportion"] duration = vote_attributes["mute_duration"] min_yes_votes = vote_attributes["mute_min_yes_votes"] mutePerson = message.mentions[0] initiative_message = "muting {0}".format( mutePerson.display_name) winCommand = (lambda x=mutePerson: x.edit(mute=True)) creator = v = vote() await, initiative_message, winCommand, win_proportion, min_yes_votes, creator) #if it's a vote to unmute if len(commands) == 3 and commands[1] == "unmute" and len( message.mentions) == 1: #and they've tagged someone #set up the vote win_proportion = vote_attributes["unmute_proportion"] duration = vote_attributes["unmute_duration"] min_yes_votes = vote_attributes["unmute_min_yes_votes"] unmutePerson = message.mentions[0] initiative_message = "unmuting {0}".format( unmutePerson.display_name) winCommand = (lambda x=unmutePerson: x.edit(mute=False)) creator = v = vote() await, initiative_message, winCommand, win_proportion, min_yes_votes, creator) #if it's a voice kick command if len(commands) == 3 and commands[1] == "disconnect" and len( message.mentions) == 1: #set up the vote win_proportion = vote_attributes["disconnect_proportion"] duration = vote_attributes["disconnect_duration"] min_yes_votes = vote_attributes["disconnect_min_yes_votes"] kickPerson = message.mentions[0] initiative_message = "disconnecting {0}".format( kickPerson.display_name) winCommand = (lambda x=kickPerson: x.edit(voice_channel=None)) creator = v = vote() await, initiative_message, winCommand, win_proportion, min_yes_votes, creator) #if it's a vote to rename someone elif len(commands) >= 4 and commands[1] == "rename" and len( message.mentions) == 1: #reconstruct the name new_name = " ".join(commands[3:]) if len(new_name) <= 32: #set up the vote win_proportion = vote_attributes["rename_proportion"] duration = vote_attributes["rename_duration"] min_yes_votes = vote_attributes["rename_min_yes_votes"] #the person to rename rename_person = message.mentions[0] #the initiative message that is sent in the message initiative_message = "renaming {} to {}".format( rename_person.display_name, new_name) #the actual command to rename them async def winCommand(x=rename_person, new_name=new_name): await x.edit(nick="Changing Nickname...") await asyncio.sleep(2) await x.edit(nick=new_name) creator = #instantiate a vote object v = vote() await, initiative_message, winCommand, win_proportion, min_yes_votes, creator) else: await content= "Error: discord only supports nicknames of length 32 or less." ) elif len(commands) >= 3 and commands[1] == "ban" and len( message.mentions) == 1: #set up the vote win_proportion = vote_attributes["ban_proportion"] duration = vote_attributes["ban_duration"] min_yes_votes = vote_attributes["ban_min_yes_votes"] #the person to ban ban_person = message.mentions[0] #the initiative message that is sent in the message initiative_message = "banning {}".format( ban_person.display_name) #the actual command to ban them winCommand = (lambda x=ban_person: x.ban( reason="DEMOCRACY", delete_message_days=0)) creator = #instantiate a vote object v = vote() await, initiative_message, winCommand, win_proportion, min_yes_votes, creator) elif len(commands) >= 3 and commands[1] == "rename_server": #set up the vote win_proportion = vote_attributes["server_rename_proportion"] duration = vote_attributes["server_rename_duration"] min_yes_votes = vote_attributes["server_rename_min_yes_votes"] #the person to ban # ban_person=message.mentions[0] new_name = " ".join(commands[2:]) #the initiative message that is sent in the message initiative_message = "renaming the server to {}".format( new_name) #the actual command to ban them winCommand = (lambda new_name=new_name, guild: server.edit(name=new_name)) creator = #instantiate a vote object v = vote() await, initiative_message, winCommand, win_proportion, min_yes_votes, creator) elif len(commands) == 2 and commands[1] == "unban": channel = server = channel.guild banned_users = [ for ban_entry in await server.bans() ] text = "" for n, banned_user in enumerate(banned_users): text += "{} : {}".format(str(n), banned_user) await channel.send(content=text) elif len(commands) >= 3 and commands[1] == "unban": unban_user_index = int(commands[2]) channel = server = channel.guild banned_users = [ ban_entry.user for ban_entry in await server.bans() ] unban_user = banned_users[unban_user_index] #set up the vote win_proportion = vote_attributes["unban_proportion"] duration = vote_attributes["unban_duration"] min_yes_votes = vote_attributes["unban_min_yes_votes"] #the initiative message that is sent in the message initiative_message = "unbanning {}".format( #the actual command to ban them winCommand = (lambda sever=server, unban_person=unban_user: server.unban(unban_person)) creator = #instantiate a vote object v = vote() await, initiative_message, winCommand, win_proportion, min_yes_votes, creator) elif len(commands) >= 2 and commands[1] == "bot_status": status = " ".join(commands[2:]) initiative_message = f"Changing the bot's status to {status}" winCommand = lambda x=status: client.change_presence( activity=discord.Game(x)) win_proportion = vote_attributes["bot_status_proportion"] duration = vote_attributes["bot_status_duration"] min_yes_votes = vote_attributes["bot_status_min_yes_votes"] creator = v = vote() await, initiative_message, winCommand, win_proportion, min_yes_votes, creator) #help command implementation if message.content == "!voteHelp": #send help message await content= "[this is WIP sory] possible syntaxes: '!newVote mute @Bruno'")
async def setup_bot(self, ctx, bot: discord.Member = None, owner: discord.Member = None): """Admin use only: For adding bot demo channels Creates channel (based on bot name) Alphabatizes channel within the Bot-Demos category Sets proper permissions Sets the channel topic to 'Maintained by [owner]' Pings owner so they see the channel and can demonstrate features Adds the "Bots" role to the bot. **Example:** /setup @bot @owner **Permissions:** Admin role required """ if not bot or not owner: return await ctx.send( "Please be sure to provide a Discord ID or mention both the bot and the owner. " "`/setup @bot @owner`") if not return await ctx.send( f"{bot.mention} does not appear to be a bot. Please try again with " f"`/setup @bot @owner`.") if return await ctx.send( f"{owner.mention} appears to be a bot, but should be the bot owner. Please try " f"again with `/setup @bot @owner`.") category = channel_name = f"{}-demo" topic = f"Maintained by {owner.display_name}" overwrites = { ctx.guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False), ctx.guild.get_role(BOTS_ROLE_ID): discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False), ctx.guild.get_role(BOT_MAKER_ROLE_ID): discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True), bot: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True, send_messages=True, read_message_history=True, manage_messages=True, embed_links=True, attach_files=True, external_emojis=True, add_reactions=True), } position = category.channels[0].position + sorted( category.channels + [channel_name], key=lambda c: str(c)).index(channel_name) channel = await ctx.guild.create_text_channel( channel_name, overwrites=overwrites, category=category, position=position, topic=topic, reason=f"Created by the setup command of Hog Rider ({})", ) # ping owner await channel.send( f"{owner.mention} This channel has been set up for your use in demonstrating the features " f"of **{}**. Limited troubleshooting with others is acceptable, but please do not " f"allow this channel to become a testing platform. Thanks!") # add the "Bots" role await bot.add_roles( ctx.guild.get_role(BOTS_ROLE_ID), reason=f"Added by setup command of Hog Rider ({})", ) # sort the Bot-Demo channels alphabetically for index, channel in enumerate(sorted(category.channels, key=lambda c: str(c)), start=category.channels[0].position): if channel.position != index: await channel.edit(position=index)
async def Candidature(ctx): if == 'apply': guild = ctx.guild authour = checkRole = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, name="Roster") idiot = "Idiot du village" if checkRole in #Already has a role await'Tu as déjà un rôle idiot !') if get(ctx.guild.roles, name=idiot): idiotRole = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, name=idiot) await authour.add_roles(idiotRole) else: idiotRole = await guild.create_role( name=idiot, permissions=discord.Permissions(3072), reason="Un idiot est née") await authour.add_roles(idiotRole) else: #No role continu #All member who can access member = admin_role = get(guild.roles, name="Sainte trinité") apply_manager_role = get(guild.roles, name="Public Relations Manager") roster_role = get(guild.roles, name="Roster") tmp = 'Candidature ' + str(authour.display_name) #Create new role if get(ctx.guild.roles, name=tmp): await else: #Create role with permissions Read / Send messages / Embed link / History / View channel role = await guild.create_role( name=tmp, permissions=discord.Permissions(84992), reason='new_apply') await authour.add_roles(role) authour_role = get(guild.roles, name=str(tmp)) #List of permissions overwrites = { guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False), discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True), admin_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True), apply_manager_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True, manage_messages=False, send_messages=True), roster_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(manage_messages=False, read_messages=True, send_messages=False), authour_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True) } #Create channel nameChannel = "candidature " + str( await guild.create_text_channel(name=nameChannel, overwrites=overwrites) #Send Private Message await await ctx.message.delete()
return self.dynamic_ready[] = asyncio.Event() guild_role = self.guild_cache[]["role"] if dynamic_name := self.guild_cache[]["dynamic_name"]: name = re.sub(r"(?i){vc}",, dynamic_name) else: name = "\N{SPEAKER WITH THREE SOUND WAVES} " + role = await guild.create_role(name=name, reason="Dynamic role for {vc}".format(vc=vc)) await self.channel_cache[]["role"] = if vc.category: overs = vc.category.overwrites else: overs = {} # inherit guild role and remove its overwrites default = overs.pop(guild_role, discord.PermissionOverwrite()) # vc-specific role, inherited from guild role overs.setdefault(role, default).update(read_messages=True, send_messages=True) # @everyone, remove read permissions overs.setdefault(guild.default_role, discord.PermissionOverwrite()).update( read_messages=False ) # add bot to the channel overs.setdefault(, discord.PermissionOverwrite()).update( read_messages=True, send_messages=True ) text = await guild.create_text_channel( name=name, overwrites=overs, category=vc.category, reason="Dynamic channel for {vc}".format(vc=vc),
async def process_message(message, result): general.add_activity(, gamelog_channel = client.get_channel(int(config.game_log)) botspam_channel = client.get_channel(int(config.bot_spam)) storytime_channel = client.get_channel(int(config.story_time)) # The temp_msg list is for keeping track of temporary messages for deletion. temp_msg = [] for mailbox in result: # If a Mailbox says so, all existing polls will be evaluated. if mailbox.evaluate_polls == True: for poll in db.get_all_polls(): # poll.msg_table -> list of message ids # poll.blamed -> name of killer # poll.purpose -> the reason of the kill poll_channel = client.get_channel(int( if poll_channel == None: await botspam_channel.send( "We got a problem! Could you send these results to the appropriate channel, please?" ) poll_channel = botspam_channel user_table = [] for msg in poll.msg_table: poll_msg = await poll_channel.get_message(msg) for emoji in poll_msg.reactions: users = await emoji.users().flatten() for person in users: if db.isParticipant( user_table.append([, emoji.emoji]) log, result, chosen_emoji = count_votes( user_table, poll.purpose, dy.get_mayor()) await gamelog_channel.send(log) await poll_channel.send(result) chosen_one = db.emoji_to_player(chosen_emoji) chosen_one = int(chosen_one) if chosen_emoji != '' and chosen_one != None: if poll.purpose == 'lynch': db.add_kill(chosen_one, 'Innocent') elif poll.purpose == 'Mayor': dy.set_mayor(chosen_one) # TODO: give Mayor role elif poll.purpose == 'Reporter': dy.set_reporter(chosen_one) # TODO: give Reporter role elif poll.purpose == 'wolf': db.add_kill(chosen_one, 'Werewolf', db.random_wolf()) elif poll.purpose == 'cult': db.add_kill(chosen_one, 'Cult Leader', db.random_cult()) elif poll.purpose == 'thing': db.add_kill(chosen_one, 'The Thing', '') for user_id in mailbox.demotions: if user_id == and message.guild == gamelog_channel.guild: member = else: member = gamelog_channel.guild.get_member(int(user_id)) if member != None: for role in member.roles: if == config.mayor: await member.remove_roles(role, reason="Demoting the Mayor") if == config.reporter: await member.remove_roles( role, reason="Demoting the Reporter") # Create a new shop instance for element in mailbox.shops: shop_data = db_shop.get_shop_config(element.shop_config) i = 1 j = 0 emoji_table = [] page_amount = int(len(shop_data["items"]) - 1 / 20) + 1 for item in shop_data["items"]: if j % 20 == 0: embed = discord.Embed( title="Shop (Page {}/{})".format(i, page_amount), description=shop_data["shop_description"], color=0x00ff00) embed.add_field(name="[{}] {}".format(item["emoji"], item["name"]), value="{} {}\n*{}*\n".format( item["price"], shop_data["currency"], item["description"]), inline=False) # Add item to shop emoji_table.append(emojize(item["emoji"])) j += 1 if j % 20 == 0: i += 1 response = await client.get_channel( int(element.destination)).send(embed=embed) db_shop.add_shop( for item in emoji_table: await response.add_reaction(item) emoji_table = [] if j % 20 != 0: response = await client.get_channel(int(element.destination) ).send(embed=embed) db_shop.add_shop( for item in emoji_table: await response.add_reaction(item) # If the Mailbox has a message for the gamelog, this is where it's sent. for element in mailbox.gamelog: msg = await gamelog_channel.send(element.content) for emoji in element.reactions: await msg.add_reaction(emoji) if element.temporary == True: temp_msg.append(msg) # If the Mailbox has a message for the botspam, this is where it's sent. for element in mailbox.botspam: msg = await botspam_channel.send(element.content) for emoji in element.reactions: await msg.add_reaction(emoji) if element.temporary == True: temp_msg.append(msg) # If the Mailbox has a message for the storytime (in-game announcements) channel, this is where it's sent. for element in mailbox.storytime: msg = await storytime_channel.send(element.content) for emoji in element.reactions: await msg.add_reaction(emoji) if element.temporary == True: temp_msg.append(msg) # The messages are sent here if they are a direct message to the one sending a command. for element in mailbox.answer: msg = await for emoji in element.reactions: await msg.add_reaction(emoji) if element.temporary == True: temp_msg.append(msg) # The messages that are destined for a specific channel, are sent here. for element in # The following code is sent if the message is an embed. if element.embed: if element.destination == "spam": msg = await botspam_channel.send(embed=element.content) for emoji in element.reactions: await msg.add_reaction(emoji) if element.temporary == True: temp_msg.append(msg) else: msg = await client.get_channel(int(element.destination) ).send(embed=element.content ) for emoji in element.reactions: await msg.add_reaction(emoji) if element.temporary == True: temp_msg.append(msg) # The following code is sent if the message is a regular message. else: msg = await client.get_channel(int(element.destination) ).send(element.content) for emoji in element.reactions: await msg.add_reaction(emoji) if element.temporary == True: temp_msg.append(msg) # DMs are sent here. for element in mailbox.player: member = client.get_user(int(element.destination)) main_guild = botspam_channel.guild if member == None: member = main_guild.get_member(int(element.destination)) if member == None: await "Couldn't send a DM to <@{}>!".format(element.destination)) await botspam_channel.send( "<@{}> has attempted to send a DM to <@{}>, but failed, because we couldn't find the specified user via `client.get_user`." .format(, element.destination)) else: try: msg = await member.send(element.content) for emoji in element.reactions: await msg.add_reaction(emoji) if element.temporary == True: temp_msg.append(msg) except discord.errors.Forbidden: botspam_channel.send( 'I wasn\'t allowed to send a DM to <@{}>! Here\'s the content:' .format( botspam_channel.send(element.content) except Exception: botspam_channel.send( 'I failed to send a DM to <@{}>! Could somebody send this, please?' .format( botspam_channel.send(element.content) # Settings of existing channels are altered here. for element in mailbox.oldchannels: # - channel to be edited; # element.victim - person's permission to be changed; # element.number - type of setting to set to: see issue #83 for more info. channel = client.get_channel( user = client.get_user(int(element.victim)) main_guild = botspam_channel.guild member = main_guild.get_member(int(element.victim)) if member == None: if user == None: await botspam_channel.send( "That\'s problematic! I couldn\'t edit the cc info of <@{0}> *(<#{0}> <@&{0}> ?)*" .format(element.victim)) print('Unable to locate member {}.'.format(element.victim)) member = user if channel == None: await botspam_channel.send( 'Unable to edit channel <#{0}> *(<@{0}> <@&{0}> ?)*'. format(int(element.victim))) elif member != None: await remove_all_game_roles(member) if element.number == 0: await channel.set_permissions(user, read_messages=False, send_messages=False) try: if int(db_get(, 'frozen')) == 0: raise NotImplementedError( "This is a purposeful error raise!") except Exception: if db.isParticipant( await member.add_roles( get_role(main_guild.roles, config.participant), reason="Updating CC Permissions") elif db.isParticipant(, True, True): await member.add_roles( get_role(main_guild.roles, config.dead_participant), reason="Updating CC Permissions") elif db.isParticipant(, True, True, True): await member.add_roles( get_role(main_guild.roles, config.suspended), reason="Updating CC Permissions") else: await member.add_roles( get_role(main_guild.roles, config.frozen_participant), reason="Updating CC Permissions") elif element.number == 1: await channel.set_permissions(user, read_messages=True, send_messages=True) await member.add_roles(get_role(main_guild.roles, config.participant), reason="Updating CC Permissions") elif element.number == 2: await channel.set_permissions(user, read_messages=True, send_messages=False) await member.add_roles(get_role(main_guild.roles, config.frozen_participant), reason="Updating CC Permissions") elif element.number == 3: await channel.set_permissions(user, read_messages=False, send_messages=False) await member.add_roles(get_role(main_guild.roles, config.participant), reason="Updating CC Permissions") elif element.number == 4: await channel.set_permissions(user, read_messages=True, send_messages=False) if db.isParticipant(, False, True): await member.add_roles( get_role(main_guild.roles, config.dead_participant), reason="Updating CC Permissions") elif element.number == 5: await channel.set_permissions(user, read_messages=True, send_messages=False) await member.add_roles(get_role(main_guild.roles, config.participant), reason="Updating CC Permissions") elif element.number == 6: await channel.set_permissions(user, read_messages=False, send_messages=False) await member.add_roles(get_role(main_guild.roles, config.participant), reason="Updating CC Permissions") elif element.number == 7: await channel.set_permissions(user, read_messages=False, send_messages=False) await member.add_roles(get_role(main_guild.roles, config.participant), reason="Updating CC Permissions") elif element.number == 8: await channel.set_permissions(user, read_messages=False, send_messages=False) await member.add_roles(get_role(main_guild.roles, config.suspended), reason="Updating CC Permissions") else: await 'Something went wrong! Please contact a Game Master.') return if db.isParticipant(element.victim, True, True): db.set_user_in_channel(, element.victim, element.number) # New channels are created here. for element in mailbox.newchannels: # - name of the channel; # element.owner - owner of the channel; # element.members - members of the channel # element.settlers - members for whom this shall become their home channel # element.secret - boolean if the channel is a secret channel if element.secret: element.owner = if ' ' not in main_guild = botspam_channel.guild # Find the guild we're in if element.owner not in element.members: element.members.append(element.owner) for buddy in element.settlers: if buddy not in element.members: msg = """**Warning:** I'm adding settlers to a channel!\nThis is should not be a problem, \ but it does at least indicate a flaw in the bot's code. Please, report this to the Game Masters!""" await client.get_channel( element.members.append(buddy) viewers = [] frozones = [] abductees = [] deadies = [] # Add dead people & spectators to cc if not element.secret: for user in [ dead_buddy for dead_buddy in db.player_list() if dead_buddy not in db.player_list(True) ]: element.members.append(user) # Categorize all players for user in element.members: member = main_guild.get_member(user) if member == None: await botspam_channel.send( "That\'s problematic! I couldn\'t add <@{0}> to a cc. *(<#{0}> <@&{0}> ?)*" .format(element.victim)) await "It doesn't seem like <@{}> is part of the server! I am sorry, I can't add them to your **conspiracy channel**." .format(user)) elif db.isParticipant(user, False, True) == True: if int(db_get(user, 'abducted')) == 1: abductees.append(member) elif int(db_get(user, 'frozen')) == 1: frozones.append(member) elif db.isParticipant(user, False, False) == False: deadies.append(member) else: viewers.append(member) elif db_get(user, 'role') == 'Suspended': pass else: deadies.append(member) # Delete any potential duplicates viewers = list(set(viewers)) frozones = list(set(frozones)) abductees = list(set(abductees)) deadies = list(set(deadies)) # Role objects (based on ID) roles = main_guild.roles # Roles from the guild game_master_role = discord.utils.find( lambda r: == game_master, roles) # TODO: Add read permissions for spectators if element.secret == False default_permissions = { main_guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False, send_messages=False), game_master_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True, send_messages=True), client.user: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True, send_messages=True), **{ member: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True, send_messages=True) for member in viewers }, **{ member: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True, send_messages=False) for member in frozones }, **{ member: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True, send_messages=False) for member in deadies } } if not element.secret: intro_msg = creation_messages.cc_intro( [ for v in viewers]) reason_msg = 'CC requested by ' + title = "s{}_cc_{}".format(config.season, category_name = 'S{} CCs PART {}'.format( config.season, db.count_categories(element.secret) + 1) else: intro_msg = secret_messages.creation(, [ for v in viewers]) reason_msg = 'Secret {} channel created.'.format( title = "s{}_{}".format(config.season, category_name = 'S{} Secret Channels Part {}'.format( config.season, db.count_categories(element.secret) + 1) # Create a new category if needed if db.get_category(element.secret) == None: category = await main_guild.create_category( category_name, reason= 'It seems like we couldn\'t use our previous category! Don\'t worry, I just created a new one.' ) db.add_category(, element.secret) else: category = main_guild.get_channel( db.get_category(element.secret)) try: # Create the text channel channel = await main_guild.create_text_channel( name=title, category=category, overwrites=default_permissions, reason=reason_msg) db.add_channel(, element.owner, element.secret) if element.secret: db.add_secret_channel(, # If the channel is meant for an amulet holder, assign the amulet holder. if == 'Amulet_Holder': for member in viewers: if db_get(, 'role') == 'Amulet Holder': db_set(, 'amulet', if element.trashy: db.add_trash_channel( await channel.send(intro_msg) # Set all access rules in the database for member in viewers: db.set_user_in_channel(,, 1) for member in frozones: db.set_user_in_channel(,, 2) for member in abductees: db.set_user_in_channel(,, 3) for member in deadies: if db.isParticipant(, True, True) == True: db.set_user_in_channel(,, 4) except Exception as e: # Catch any thrown exceptions and send an error to the user. await 'It seems like I\'ve encountered an error! Please let the Game Masters know about this!' ) await botspam_channel.send( "Oi, Game Masters! I got a problem concerning channel creation for ya to fix." ) await botspam_channel.send(e) raise e # Send the full log to Buddy1913 and his sketchy VM. # Give the settlers their own happy little residence for buddy in element.settlers: db_set(buddy, "channel", else: """This should not happen, but we'll use it, to prevent the bot from purposely causing an error everytime someone attempts to create a channel that contains spaces. 'cause believe me, that happens ALL the time.""" msg = await "I\'m terribly sorry, but you can\'t use spaces in your channel name. Try again!" ) temp_msg.append(msg) # Polls are created here. for element in mailbox.polls: # # element.purpose # element.user_id # element.description msg = element.description + '\n' emoji_table = [] msg_table = [] i = 0 for user in db.poll_list(): if db.isParticipant(int(user[0])): i += 1 msg += user[1] + " - <@" + str(user[0]) + "> " if int(user[2]) + int(user[3]) > 0: if int(user[2]) == 1: msg += "**[FROZEN]** " if int(user[3]) == 1: msg += "**[ABDUCTED] **" else: emoji_table.append(user[1]) if i % 20 == 19: msg = await client.get_channel(int( ).send(msg) for emoji in emoji_table: await msg.add_reaction(emoji) msg_table.append(msg) emoji_table = [] msg = '' else: msg += '\n' if msg != '': msg = await client.get_channel( for emoji in emoji_table: await msg.add_reaction(emoji) msg_table.append(msg) db.add_poll(msg_table, element.purpose,, element.user_id) await botspam_channel.send( "A poll has been created in <#{}>!".format( # Categories are deleted here. for element in mailbox.deletecategories: id = category = client.get_channel(id) if category != None: bot_message = await 'Please react with 👍 to confirm deletion of category `' + + '`.\n\nNote: This action will irreversibly delete all channels contained within the specified category. Please use with discretion.' ) await bot_message.add_reaction('👍') def check(reaction, user): return user == and str( reaction.emoji) == '👍' try: reaction, user = await client.wait_for('reaction_add', timeout=30.0, check=check) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await'Confirmation timed out.') try: await bot_message.delete() except Exception: pass else: await 'Ok, I\'ll get right on that.\n\n*This might take some time.*' ) for channel in category.channels: await channel.delete() await category.delete() await '\n:thumbsup: Channels and category deleted') else: await 'Sorry, I couldn\'t find that category.') clean_time = len(mailbox.cleaners) if clean_time > 0: await botspam_channel.send( "Cleaning up {} channels! This may take some time.".format( clean_time)) for channel in mailbox.cleaners: trash_channel = client.get_channel(int(channel)) if trash_channel != None: for message_id in db.empty_trash_channel(channel): message = await trash_channel.get_message(int(message_id)) if message != None: await message.delete() # Delete all temporary messages after about two minutes. await asyncio.sleep(120) for msg in temp_msg: try: await msg.delete() except Exception: # Unable to delete the message. # It was probaly already deleted or something. pass
async def on_member_join(member): guild = member.guild privateChannelName = str(member).replace(' ', '-').replace('#', '-').lower() joinLeaveChannel = guild.get_channel(JOINLEAVE) newbieRole = guild.get_role(NEWB) checkpointCategory = guild.get_channel(CHECKPOINT) securityTeam = guild.get_role(SECURITY) justJoinedNick = "(" + str(member.display_name) + ")" await member.edit(nick=justJoinedNick) now = current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S") # log join f'({current_time}) ON_MEMBER_JOIN: {} has joined the server. Private room of {privateChannelName} created' ) # Give the member the 'Just Joined' role await member.add_roles(newbieRole) # Set of permissions for the new channel overwrites = { guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False), discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True), securityTeam: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True, send_messages=True, attach_files=True, read_message_history=True), member: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True, send_messages=True, attach_files=True, read_message_history=True) } privateChannel = await guild.create_text_channel( privateChannelName, overwrites=overwrites, category=checkpointCategory) # welcome message await privateChannel.send( f'{member.mention}, Welcome! You are new to our server! Here is a private channel for us ' f'to interview you.') await privateChannel.send( f'We take security very seriously here!\n\nOne of our {securityTeam.mention} team members ' f'will be along shortly to interview you.\n\nIn the mean time stop by #welcome-to-home ' f'in order to choose why you\'ve come to HOME and be allowed to chat in #welcome-lobby. ' f'If you are here to Apply to join HOME, you can speed up the process by leaving a ' f'screenshot of your character select screen for all of your accounts.\n\nThanks for your' f' patience and welcome to HOME!') # Server Entry Exit Logging - create the Embed logEmbed = discord.Embed(title="New Member Joined", color=0x00A71E) logEmbed.description = f'{member.mention} ( {} ) has joined the server' logEmbed.add_field(name='Create Date', value=member.created_at) logEmbed.add_field(name='Private Channel', value=privateChannelName) logEmbed.set_thumbnail(url=member.avatar_url) await joinLeaveChannel.send(embed=logEmbed) f'ON_MEMBER_JOIN: Join Embed pushed to {joinLeaveChannel} channel') # check if account less than 7 days old - 604800 seconds is 7 days if time.time() - member.created_at.timestamp() < 604800: # set log message for file f'ON_MEMBER_JOIN: {} was created on {member.created_at} - which is less than 7 days ago.' ) # mention security role if the account is less than 7 days old await joinLeaveChannel.send( f'{securityTeam.mention} the above account is less than 7 days old' )
async def _check_channels(self): """Loop to check whether or not we should create/delete the TempChannel""" while self =="TempChannels"): await asyncio.sleep(15) # Create/maintain the channel during a valid time and duration, else delete it. try: for server in self.settings: keys_settings = self.settings[server].keys() keys_required = [ "channelName", "channelPosition", "channelCategory", "channelTopic", "channelCreated", "startHour", "startMinute", "durationHours", "durationMinutes", "nsfw", "roleallow", "roledeny", "enabled"] missing = False for key in keys_required: if key not in keys_settings: missing = True print("TempChannels: Key {} is missing in settings! Run [p]tc default.".format(key)) if missing: continue if not self.settings[server]["enabled"]: continue if ( int(time.strftime("%H")) == self.settings[server]["startHour"]) and (int(time.strftime("%M")) == self.settings[server]["startMinute"]) and (self.settings[server]["channelCreated"] is False): # Create the channel, and store the ID, and time to delete channel in the settings. if self.settings[server]["channel"] is None: # Start with permissions allow_list = [] deny_list = [] allow_perms = [ discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True, send_messages=False) ] allow_roles = [ ] deny_perms = [] deny_roles = [] if len(self.settings[server]["roleallow"]) > 0: # If we have allow roles, automatically deny @everyone read messages. deny_perms.append(discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False, add_reactions=False)) deny_roles.append( for override_roles in self.settings[server]["roleallow"]: find_role = discord.utils.get(, name=override_roles) allow_roles.append(find_role) allow_list = itertools.zip_longest(allow_roles, allow_perms, fillvalue=discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True, add_reactions=False)) # Check for deny permissions. if len(self.settings[server]["roledeny"]) > 0: deny_perms.append(discord.PermissionOverwrite(send_messages=False, add_reactions=False)) for override_roles2 in self.settings[server]["roledeny"]: find_role2 = discord.utils.get(, name=override_roles2) deny_roles.append(find_role2) deny_list = itertools.zip_longest(deny_roles, deny_perms, fillvalue=discord.PermissionOverwrite(send_messages=False)) if self.settings[server]["nsfw"]: created_channel = await, "nsfw-{}".format(self.settings[server]["channelName"]), *list(allow_list), *list(deny_list)) # This is most definitely not the best way of doing it, but since no NSFW method, we have this: header = { "Authorization" : "Bot {}".format(, "content-type" : "application/json" } body = { "nsfw" : True } async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.patch('{}'.format(,headers=header,data=json.dumps(body)) as resp: print(resp.status) print(await resp.text()) else: # Not NSFW created_channel = await, self.settings[server]["channelName"], *list(allow_list), *list(deny_list)) self.settings[server]["channel"] = self._sync_settings() print("TempChannel: Channel created at "+format(time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"))) # Change topic. await, topic=self.settings[server]["channelTopic"],name=self.settings[server]["channelName"]) # Set parent category. Must use this method because library does not # have a method for this yet. if self.settings[server]["channelCategory"] != 0: header = { "Authorization" : "Bot {}".format(, "content-type" : "application/json" } body = { "parent_id" : self.settings[server]["channelCategory"] } async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.patch('{}'.format(,headers=header,data=json.dumps(body)) as resp: print(resp.status) print(await resp.text()) # Move channel position. try: await, self.settings[server]["channelPosition"]) except: print("TempChannel: Could not move channel position") # Set delete times, and save settings. self.settings[server]["stopTime"] = time.time() + (self.settings[server]["durationHours"]*60*60) + (self.settings[server]["durationMinutes"]*60) self.settings[server]["channelCreated"] = True self._sync_settings() elif self.settings[server]["channelCreated"]: # Channel created, see when we should delete it. self._sync_settings() if time.time() >= self.settings[server]["stopTime"]: try: if self.settings[server]["channel"] is not None: try: await[server]["channel"])) self.settings[server]["channel"] = None except Exception as e: print("TempChannel: "+e) except: self.settings[server]["channel"] = None print("TempChannel: Channel deleted at "+format(time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"))) self.settings[server]["channelCreated"] = False self._sync_settings() except Exception as e: print("TempChannels: No servers. {}".format(e))
async def create(cls, member, ctx=None, **flags): player = member guild = member.guild settings = Settings.get_for( def flag(key): return cls.unpack_value( flags[key], cls.props[key] ) if key in settings.allowed_host_commands and key in flags and len( flags[key]) > 0 else None if not or not raise discord.ext.commands.errors.CommandInvokeError( "Missing Permissons") # check if able to make room if not settings.allow_multiple_rooms and cls.player_is_in_any(, if ctx: await ctx.send(settings.get_text('already_in_room')) return # activity (room name) name = player.display_name top = bottom = player.roles[1].name if len(player.roles) > 1 else top activity = flag('activity') or choice(settings.default_names).format( name, top, bottom) activity = activity[0:90].strip() # color if flag('color'): color = get_color(flag('color')) elif settings.use_role_color and player.top_role.color != discord.Color.default( ): color = player.top_role.color else: color = discord.Color(int(choice(settings.default_colors))) # role role = await guild.create_role(name="({}) {}".format( settings.get_text('room'), activity), color=color, hoist=True, mentionable=True) # overwrites accessors_ids = settings.access_all_rooms_role accessors = [] for accessor_id in accessors_ids: accessor_player = guild.get_member(accessor_id) accessor_role = guild.get_role(accessor_id) if accessor_player: accessors.append(accessor_player) elif accessor_role: accessors.append(accessor_role) if len(accessors) < 1: accessors = list(filter(lambda m:, guild.members)) overwrites = { guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False), discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True, manage_channels=True), role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True) } for accessor in accessors: overwrites[accessor] = discord.PermissionOverwrite( read_messages=True) # channel category = await get_rooms_category(guild, settings) o = category.overwrites o.update(overwrites) overwrites = o channel = await category.create_text_channel(name=activity, position=0, overwrites=overwrites) voice_channel = None if settings.default_voice_channel: voice_channel = await guild.create_voice_channel( name=activity, bitrate=settings.bitrate * 1000, category=category, position=0, overwrites=overwrites) # new room room = Room(,, if voice_channel else 0,, if ctx else 0,, players=[], activity=activity, color=color, lock=flag('lock') or settings.default_lock, nsfw=flag('nsfw') or settings.default_nsfw, description=flag('description') or choice(settings.default_descriptions), size=flag('size') or settings.default_size, timeout=flag('timeout') or settings.default_timeout, created=now(), last_active=now()) await player.add_roles(role) await channel.edit(topic="({}/{}) {}".format(len(room.players), room.size, room.description), nsfw=room.nsfw) await channel.send( choice(settings.join_messages).format(player.display_name)) if ctx: await RoomEmbed(ctx, room, 'new_room', settings).send()
async def on_raw_reaction_add(payload): guild = discord.utils.find(lambda g: == payload.guild_id, client.guilds) user = discord.utils.find(lambda m: == payload.user_id, guild.members) channel = discord.utils.find(lambda c: == payload.channel_id, guild.channels) #Проверка на новичка if not user.display_name.startswith("["): try: await user.edit(nick='[0] ' + except: print('cant add [0] to ' + #Проверка на бота if payload.user_id == 668040788482981899: return #проверка на канал поиска боксфайтов if payload.channel_id == 668140694996779072: #проверка на очередь и файты if (user in fights) or (user in queue): await user.send('Вы уже ищете боксфайт.') return queue.append(user) #очередь больше или равна двум if len(queue) >= 2: print('queue >= 2') queue.remove(user) oponnent = queue[random.randint(0, len(queue)) - 1] #если искавший = опонненту if user == oponnent: await user.send('Произошла ошибка. Попробуйте ещё раз.') queue.remove(user) return #если кто то из них бот if (user == client.user) and (oponnent == client.user): await user.send('Произошла ошибка. Попробуйте ещё раз.') queue.remove(user) return queue.remove(oponnent) #создание боксфайт канала overwrites_admin = { user.guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False), user: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True), oponnent: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True) } boxchannel = await user.guild.create_text_channel( 'boxfight-' + str(randint(1000, 10000)), overwrites=overwrites_admin, topic=str(payload.user_id) + ' p2 ' + str( embedplayers = discord.Embed(title="CIS Creative", description="Боксфайт.") embedplayers.set_thumbnail( url= "" ) embedplayers.add_field(name="Первый игрок (♥): ", value=user.mention, inline=False) embedplayers.add_field(name="Второй игрок (💩): ", value=oponnent.mention, inline=False) embedrules = discord.Embed(title="CIS Creative", description="Правила.") embedrules.set_thumbnail( url= "" ) embedrules.add_field(name="Карта:", value="7620-0771-9529", inline=False) embedrules.add_field(name="Играете до:", value="3 побед", inline=False) msg = await boxchannel.send(embed=embedplayers) await boxchannel.send(embed=embedrules) await msg.add_reaction('♥') await msg.add_reaction('💩') ######################## fights.append(user) fights.append(oponnent) if == '♥': p1 = discord.utils.find(lambda m: == int(get_p1(channel.topic)), guild.members) p2 = discord.utils.find(lambda m: == int(get_p2(channel.topic)), guild.members) message: discord.Message = await channel.fetch_message( payload.message_id) #проверка на то что голос не один. for reaction in message.reactions: if reaction.count <= 2 and reaction.emoji == '♥': return ################################## #отправить сообщение о результате embed = discord.Embed(title="CIS Creative", description="Результаты боксфайта:") embed.set_thumbnail( url= "" ) embed.add_field(name="Победитель:", + " (+10)", inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Проигравший:", + " (-10)", inline=False) await p2.send(embed=embed) await p1.send(embed=embed) ################################# #изменить никнеймы try: await p1.edit(nick='[' + str(get_points(p1.display_name) + 10) + '] ' + except: print('cant change nick for p1') try: await p2.edit(nick='[' + str(get_points(p2.display_name) - 10) + '] ' + except: print('cant change nick for p2') ## fights.remove(p1) fights.remove(p2) await channel.delete() if == '💩': p1 = discord.utils.find(lambda m: == int(get_p1(channel.topic)), guild.members) p2 = discord.utils.find(lambda m: == int(get_p2(channel.topic)), guild.members) message: discord.Message = await channel.fetch_message( payload.message_id) #проверка на то что голос не один. for reaction in message.reactions: if reaction.count <= 2 and reaction.emoji == '💩': return ################################## #отправить сообщение о результате embed = discord.Embed(title="CIS Creative", description="Результаты боксфайта:") embed.set_thumbnail( url= "" ) embed.add_field(name="Победитель:", + " (+10)", inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Проигравший:", + " (-10)", inline=False) await p2.send(embed=embed) await p1.send(embed=embed) ################################# #изменить никнеймы try: await p1.edit(nick='[' + str(get_points(p1.display_name) - 10) + '] ' + except: print('cant change nick for p1') try: await p2.edit(nick='[' + str(get_points(p2.display_name) + 10) + '] ' + except: print('cant change nick for p2') ################################# fights.remove(p1) fights.remove(p2) await channel.delete()
async def increment_roles(self, ctx): database.base.metadata.create_all(database.db) guild = BIT_names = [str(x) + "BIT" + ("+" if x == 4 else "") for x in range(5)] BIT = [discord.utils.get(guild.roles, name=role_name) for role_name in BIT_names] MIT_names = [str(x) + "MIT" + ("+" if x == 3 else "") for x in range(4)] MIT = [discord.utils.get(guild.roles, name=role_name) for role_name in MIT_names] # pridat kazdeho 3BIT a 2MIT cloveka do DB pred tim nez je jebnem do # 4BIT+ respektive 3MIT+ role kvuli rollbacku session.query(User_backup).delete() for member in BIT[3].members: session.add(User_backup( for member in MIT[2].members: session.add(User_backup( session.commit() for member in BIT[3].members: await member.add_roles(BIT[4]) for member in MIT[2].members: await member.add_roles(MIT[3]) BIT_colors = [role.color for role in BIT] await BIT[3].delete() await BIT[2].edit(name="3BIT", color=BIT_colors[3]) await BIT[1].edit(name="2BIT", color=BIT_colors[2]) await BIT[0].edit(name="1BIT", color=BIT_colors[1]) bit0 = await guild.create_role(name='0BIT', color=BIT_colors[0]) await bit0.edit(position=BIT[0].position - 1) MIT_colors = [role.color for role in MIT] await MIT[2].delete() await MIT[1].edit(name="2MIT", color=MIT_colors[2]) await MIT[0].edit(name="1MIT", color=MIT_colors[1]) mit0 = await guild.create_role(name='0MIT', color=MIT_colors[0]) await mit0.edit(position=MIT[0].position - 1) general_names = [str(x) + "bit-general" for x in range(4)] terminy_names = [str(x) + "bit-terminy" for x in range(1, 3)] general_channels = [discord.utils.get(guild.channels, name=channel_name) for channel_name in general_names] terminy_channels = [discord.utils.get(guild.channels, name=channel_name) for channel_name in terminy_names] # TODO: do smth about 4bit general next year, delete it in the meantime bit4_general = discord.utils.get(guild.channels, name="4bit-general") if bit4_general is not None: await bit4_general.delete() # move names await general_channels[3].edit(name="4bit-general") await general_channels[2].edit(name="3bit-general") await general_channels[1].edit(name="2bit-general") await general_channels[0].edit(name="1bit-general") # create 0bit-general overwrites = { guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False), discord.utils.get(guild.roles, name="0BIT"): discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True, send_messages=True) } await guild.create_text_channel( '0bit-general', overwrites=overwrites, category=general_channels[0].category, position=general_channels[0].position - 1 ) # delete 3bit-terminy await discord.utils.get(guild.channels, name="3bit-terminy").delete() await terminy_channels[1].edit(name="3bit-terminy") await terminy_channels[0].edit(name="2bit-terminy") # create 1bit-terminy overwrites = { guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False), discord.utils.get(guild.roles, name="1BIT"): discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True, send_messages=False) } await guild.create_text_channel( '1bit-terminy', overwrites=overwrites, category=terminy_channels[0].category, position=terminy_channels[0].position - 1 ) # give 4bit perms to the new 3bit terminy await terminy_channels[1].set_permissions( discord.utils.get(guild.roles, name="4BIT+"), read_messages=True, send_messages=False ) # Give people the correct mandatory classes after increment semester_names = [str(x) + ". Semestr" for x in range(1, 6)] semester = [discord.utils.get(guild.categories, name=semester_name) for semester_name in semester_names] await semester[0].set_permissions(discord.utils.get(guild.roles, name="1BIT"), read_messages=True, send_messages=True) await semester[0].set_permissions(discord.utils.get(guild.roles, name="2BIT"), overwrite=None) await semester[1].set_permissions(discord.utils.get(guild.roles, name="1BIT"), read_messages=True, send_messages=True) await semester[1].set_permissions(discord.utils.get(guild.roles, name="2BIT"), overwrite=None) await semester[2].set_permissions(discord.utils.get(guild.roles, name="2BIT"), read_messages=True, send_messages=True) await semester[2].set_permissions(discord.utils.get(guild.roles, name="3BIT"), overwrite=None) await semester[3].set_permissions(discord.utils.get(guild.roles, name="2BIT"), read_messages=True, send_messages=True) await semester[3].set_permissions(discord.utils.get(guild.roles, name="3BIT"), overwrite=None) await semester[4].set_permissions(discord.utils.get(guild.roles, name="3BIT"), read_messages=True, send_messages=True) await ctx.send('Holy f**k, všechno se povedlo, ' 'tak zase za rok <:Cauec:602052606210211850>')