Esempio n. 1
    def test_find_tests(self):
        loader = DiscoveringTestLoader()

        original_listdir = os.listdir

        def restore_listdir():
            os.listdir = original_listdir

        original_isfile = os.path.isfile

        def restore_isfile():
            os.path.isfile = original_isfile

        original_isdir = os.path.isdir

        def restore_isdir():
            os.path.isdir = original_isdir

        path_lists = [[
            '', '', '', 'test_dir', '',
            '', 'another_dir'
        ], [
        os.listdir = lambda path: path_lists.pop(0)

        def isdir(path):
            return path.endswith('dir')

        os.path.isdir = isdir

        def isfile(path):
            # another_dir is not a package and so shouldn't be recursed into
            return not path.endswith('dir') and not 'another_dir' in path

        os.path.isfile = isfile

        loader._get_module_from_name = lambda path: path + ' module'
        loader.loadTestsFromModule = lambda module: module + ' tests'

        top_level = os.path.abspath('/foo')
        loader._top_level_dir = top_level
        suite = list(loader._find_tests(top_level, 'test*.py'))

        expected = [name + ' module tests' for name in ('test1', 'test2')]
        expected.extend([('test_dir.%s' % name) + ' module tests'
                         for name in ('test3', 'test4')])
        self.assertEqual(suite, expected)
Esempio n. 2
    def test_find_tests(self):
        loader = DiscoveringTestLoader()

        original_listdir = os.listdir
        def restore_listdir():
            os.listdir = original_listdir
        original_isfile = os.path.isfile
        def restore_isfile():
            os.path.isfile = original_isfile
        original_isdir = os.path.isdir
        def restore_isdir():
            os.path.isdir = original_isdir

        path_lists = [['', '', '', 'test_dir',
                       '', '', 'another_dir'],
                      ['', '', ]]
        os.listdir = lambda path: path_lists.pop(0)

        def isdir(path):
            return path.endswith('dir')
        os.path.isdir = isdir

        def isfile(path):
            # another_dir is not a package and so shouldn't be recursed into
            return not path.endswith('dir') and not 'another_dir' in path
        os.path.isfile = isfile

        loader._get_module_from_name = lambda path: path + ' module'
        loader.loadTestsFromModule = lambda module: module + ' tests'

        top_level = os.path.abspath('/foo')
        loader._top_level_dir = top_level
        suite = list(loader._find_tests(top_level, 'test*.py'))

        expected = [name + ' module tests' for name in
                    ('test1', 'test2')]
        expected.extend([('test_dir.%s' % name) + ' module tests' for name in
                    ('test3', 'test4')])
        self.assertEqual(suite, expected)
Esempio n. 3
    def test_find_tests_with_package(self):
        loader = DiscoveringTestLoader()

        original_listdir = os.listdir
        def restore_listdir():
            os.listdir = original_listdir
        original_isfile = os.path.isfile
        def restore_isfile():
            os.path.isfile = original_isfile
        original_isdir = os.path.isdir
        def restore_isdir():
            os.path.isdir = original_isdir

        directories = ['a_directory', 'test_directory', 'test_directory2']
        path_lists = [directories, [], [], []]
        os.listdir = lambda path: path_lists.pop(0)

        os.path.isdir = lambda path: True

        os.path.isfile = lambda path: os.path.basename(path) not in directories

        class Module(object):
            paths = []
            load_tests_args = []

            def __init__(self, path):
                self.path = path
                if os.path.basename(path) == 'test_directory':
                    def load_tests(loader, tests, pattern):
                        self.load_tests_args.append((loader, tests, pattern))
                        return 'load_tests'
                    self.load_tests = load_tests

            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.path == other.path

            # Silence py3k warning
            __hash__ = None

        loader._get_module_from_name = lambda name: Module(name)
        def loadTestsFromModule(module, use_load_tests):
            if use_load_tests:
                raise self.failureException('use_load_tests should be False for packages')
            return module.path + ' module tests'
        loader.loadTestsFromModule = loadTestsFromModule

        loader._top_level_dir = '/foo'
        # this time no '.py' on the pattern so that it can match
        # a test package
        suite = list(loader._find_tests('/foo', 'test*'))

        # We should have loaded tests from the test_directory package by calling load_tests
        # and directly from the test_directory2 package
                         ['load_tests', 'test_directory2' + ' module tests'])
        self.assertEqual(Module.paths, ['test_directory', 'test_directory2'])

        # load_tests should have been called once with loader, tests and pattern
                         [(loader, 'test_directory' + ' module tests', 'test*')])
Esempio n. 4
    def test_find_tests_with_package(self):
        loader = DiscoveringTestLoader()

        original_listdir = os.listdir

        def restore_listdir():
            os.listdir = original_listdir

        original_isfile = os.path.isfile

        def restore_isfile():
            os.path.isfile = original_isfile

        original_isdir = os.path.isdir

        def restore_isdir():
            os.path.isdir = original_isdir

        directories = ['a_directory', 'test_directory', 'test_directory2']
        path_lists = [directories, [], [], []]
        os.listdir = lambda path: path_lists.pop(0)

        os.path.isdir = lambda path: True

        os.path.isfile = lambda path: os.path.basename(path) not in directories

        class Module(object):
            paths = []
            load_tests_args = []

            def __init__(self, path):
                self.path = path
                if os.path.basename(path) == 'test_directory':

                    def load_tests(loader, tests, pattern):
                        self.load_tests_args.append((loader, tests, pattern))
                        return 'load_tests'

                    self.load_tests = load_tests

            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.path == other.path

            # Silence py3k warning
            __hash__ = None

        loader._get_module_from_name = lambda name: Module(name)

        def loadTestsFromModule(module, use_load_tests):
            if use_load_tests:
                raise self.failureException(
                    'use_load_tests should be False for packages')
            return module.path + ' module tests'

        loader.loadTestsFromModule = loadTestsFromModule

        loader._top_level_dir = '/foo'
        # this time no '.py' on the pattern so that it can match
        # a test package
        suite = list(loader._find_tests('/foo', 'test*'))

        # We should have loaded tests from the test_directory package by calling load_tests
        # and directly from the test_directory2 package
                         ['load_tests', 'test_directory2' + ' module tests'])
        self.assertEqual(Module.paths, ['test_directory', 'test_directory2'])

        # load_tests should have been called once with loader, tests and pattern
            [(loader, 'test_directory' + ' module tests', 'test*')])