def get_clusters(G: nx.Graph):
    S = disjoint_set.DisjointSet()
    V = G.nodes()
    for u in V:
        minL = math.inf
        minE = (-1, -1)
        for v in V:
            if u == v: continue
            p0 = V[u]["pos"]
            p1 = V[v]["pos"]
            l = (p1 - p0).length
            if l < minL:
                minL = l
                minE = (u, v)
        (u, v) = minE
        S.union(u, v)

    T = G.copy()
    for s in list(S.itersets()):
        for u, v in [(u, v) for u in s for v in s]:
    return T
    def _screen_0(self):
        d = np.load(self._args.prescreen)
        samples = d[d.keys()[0]]
        cd = loadmat(self._args.connectivity)
        cm = cd['VM']
        outfn = self._args.postscreen
        vert_ids = [i for i in range(samples.shape[0])]
        djs = disjoint_set.DisjointSet(vert_ids)
        nz_rows, nz_cols = cm.nonzero()
        for r, c in progressbar(zip(nz_rows, nz_cols)):
            djs.union(r, c)
        # Old method: pickup the root of each cluster.
        #             However root is somehow arbitrary.
        # screened = samples[djs.get_roots()]

        # New method: pick up disentangled state in each cluster
        cluster = djs.get_cluster()
        uw = self._uw
        screened_index = []
        for k in progressbar(cluster):
            nondis = []
            for member in cluster[k]:
                if not uw.is_disentangled(samples[member]):
            screened_index += nondis[:1]  # No effect if nondis == []
        screened = samples[screened_index]
        print('screened array shape {}'.format(screened.shape))
        np.savez(outfn, ReTouchQ=screened)
Esempio n. 3
def boruvka_alg(g):
  u = su.DisjointSet(g.n)
  prev_count = None
  it = 0
  selected_ids = {}
  while prev_count is None or prev_count != u.count:
    it += 1
    print(f"\n\n------------- Iteration {it} ----------------\n")
    print(u.count, prev_count)
    prev_count = u.count
    component_min = {}
    for vertex in range(g.n):
      for edge_id in range(g.rowsIndices[vertex], g.rowsIndices[vertex+1]):
        start_root = u.find(vertex)
        end_root = u.find(g.endV[edge_id])
        if start_root == end_root:
        weight = g.weights[edge_id]
        if start_root not in component_min or weight < component_min[start_root][2]:
          component_min[start_root] = (vertex, g.endV[edge_id], weight, edge_id)
        if end_root not in component_min or weight < component_min[end_root][2]:
          component_min[end_root] = (vertex, g.endV[edge_id], weight, edge_id)
    for root, min_edge in component_min.items():
      print(f"marked [{min_edge[1]}], start [{min_edge[0]}], weight [{min_edge[2]}] [id {min_edge[3]}]\n")
      u.union(min_edge[0], min_edge[1])
      selected_ids[min_edge[3]] = True
  total_weight = 0
  edges = list(sorted(list(selected_ids)))
  remap_edges(g, edges)
  for edge_id in selected_ids:
    total_weight += g.weights[edge_id]
  print(f"Total weight: {total_weight}")
  return edges
Esempio n. 4
def main(file):
    dj = disjoint_set.DisjointSet()
    for line in file:
        one, _, *rest = line.split()
        rest = [r.strip(',') for r in rest]

        for r in rest:
            dj.union(one, r)
    print(sum(1 for _ in dj.find_group('0')))
Esempio n. 5
 def kruskal(self):
     i, e = 0, 0  #our iterable variables
     ds = dst.DisjointSet(self.nodes)  #create our disjointed set with nodes
     self.graph = sorted(self.graph,
                         key=lambda item: item[2])  #sort the graph
     while e < self.V - 1:
         s, d, w = self.graph[i]  #start, destination, weight
         i += 1
         x = ds.find(s)  #find source of start
         y = ds.find(d)  #find source of distance
         if x != y:  #if they dont have the same parent we add them to our minimum spanning tree
             e += 1  #increase our iterable
             self.MST.append([s, d, w])
             ds.union(x, y)
     self.printSolution(s, d, w)
Esempio n. 6
def kruskal_min_spanning_tree(G : nx.DiGraph):
    Q = []
    S = disjoint_set.DisjointSet()
    for e in G.edges():
        u,v = e
        w = G.edges()[u,v]["weight"]
        heapq.heappush(Q, (w, e))

    T = nx.DiGraph()
    while Q:
        w, (u,v) = heapq.heappop(Q)
        if S.connected(u,v): continue
        T.add_edge(u,v, weight=w)
    return T 
Esempio n. 7
    def _ComputeTree(self, edge_dict, vertex_mult_dict, vertices):
        weight_queues = self._ComputeWeightDegreeQueue(edge_dict,
        tree_edges = dict()
        num_processed_edges = 0
        vertex_ds = disjoint_set.DisjointSet(vertices)
        for w in sorted(weight_queues.keys()):
            curr_queue = weight_queues[w]
            while not curr_queue.empty():
                edge_pair = curr_queue.get()
                weight = edge_pair[0]
                edge = edge_pair[1]
                if vertex_ds.find_index(edge[0]) == vertex_ds.find_index(
                num_processed_edges += 1
                tree_edges[edge] = edge_dict[edge]
                vertex_ds.union(edge[0], edge[1])
#        print "# processed: " + str(num_processed_edges) + ' # original edges: ' + str(len(edge_dict))
        return tree_edges
Esempio n. 8
 def setUp(self) -> None:
     self.dset = disjoint_set.DisjointSet()