def daemon_loop(): while True: try: job_queue = dismod3.get_job_queue() except: job_queue = [] for param_id in job_queue: print 'processing job %d' % param_id job_params = dismod3.remove_from_job_queue(param_id) id = int(job_params['dm_id']) fit_all.fit_all(id) time.sleep(dismod3.settings.SLEEP_SECS)
def daemon_loop(): on_sge = dismod3.settings.ON_SGE while True: try: job_queue = dismod3.get_job_queue() except: job_queue = [] for param_id in job_queue: #tweet('processing job %d' % id) log('processing job %d' % param_id) job_params = dismod3.remove_from_job_queue(param_id) id = int(job_params['dm_id']) dm = dismod3.get_disease_model(id) # make a working directory for the id dir = dismod3.settings.JOB_WORKING_DIR % id if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir) estimate_type = dm.params.get('run_status', {}).get('estimate_type', 'fit all individually') if estimate_type.find('posterior') != -1: #fit each region/year/sex individually for this model regions_to_fit = dm.params.get('run_status', {}).get('regions_to_fit', []) if regions_to_fit[0] == 'all_regions': regions_to_fit = dismod3.gbd_regions d = '%s/posterior' % dir if os.path.exists(d): rmtree(d) os.mkdir(d) os.mkdir('%s/stdout' % d) os.mkdir('%s/stderr' % d) dismod3.init_job_log(id, 'posterior', param_id) for r in regions_to_fit: for s in dismod3.gbd_sexes: for y in dismod3.gbd_years: # fit only one region, for the time being... # TODO: make region selection a user-settable option from the gui #if clean(r) != 'asia_southeast': # continue k = '%s+%s+%s' % (clean(r), s, y) o = '%s/stdout/%s' % (d, k) e = '%s/stderr/%s' % (d, k) if on_sge: call_str = dismod3.settings.GBD_FIT_STR % (o, e, '-l -r %s -s %s -y %s' % (clean(r), s, y), id), shell=True) else: call_str = dismod3.settings.GBD_FIT_STR % ('-l -r %s -s %s -y %s' % (clean(r), s, y), id, o, e), shell=True) time.sleep(1.) elif estimate_type.find('empirical priors') != -1: # fit empirical priors (by pooling data from all regions d = '%s/empirical_priors' % dir if os.path.exists(d): rmtree(d) os.mkdir(d) os.mkdir('%s/stdout' % d) os.mkdir('%s/stderr' % d) dismod3.init_job_log(id, 'empirical_priors', param_id) for t in ['excess-mortality', 'remission', 'incidence', 'prevalence']: o = '%s/stdout/%s' % (d, t) e = '%s/stderr/%s' % (d, t) if on_sge: % (o, e, '-l -t %s' % t, id), shell=True) else: % ('-l -t %s' % t, id, o, e), shell=True) else: #tweet('unrecognized estimate type: %s' % estimate_type) log('unrecognized estimate type: %s' % estimate_type) time.sleep(dismod3.settings.SLEEP_SECS)
def daemon_loop(): on_sge = dismod3.settings.ON_SGE while True: try: job_queue = dismod3.get_job_queue() except: job_queue = [] for param_id in job_queue: #tweet('processing job %d' % id) log('processing job %d' % param_id) job_params = dismod3.remove_from_job_queue(param_id) id = int(job_params['dm_id']) dm = dismod3.get_disease_model(id) # make a working directory for the id dir = dismod3.settings.JOB_WORKING_DIR % id if os.path.exists(dir): dismod3.disease_json.random_rename(dir) os.makedirs(dir) estimate_type = dm.params.get('run_status', {}).get('estimate_type', 'fit all individually') # sort the regions so that the data rich regions are fit first #data_hash = GBDDataHash( #sorted_regions = sorted(dismod3.gbd_regions, reverse=True, #key=lambda r: len(data_hash.get(region=r))) if estimate_type == 'Fit continuous single parameter model': #dismod3.disease_json.create_disease_model_dir(id) o = '%s/continuous_spm.stdout' % dir e = '%s/continuous_spm.stderr' % dir if on_sge: print o print e call_str = 'qsub -cwd -o %s -e %s ' % (o, e) \ + ' /home/OUTPOST/abie/gbd_dev/gbd/ %d' % id else: call_str = 'python -u /home/abie/gbd/ %d 2>%s |tee %s' % (id, e, o), shell=True) continue if estimate_type.find('posterior') != -1: #fit each region/year/sex individually for this model regions_to_fit = dm.params.get('run_status', {}).get('regions_to_fit', []) if regions_to_fit[0] == 'all_regions': regions_to_fit = dismod3.gbd_regions d = '%s/posterior' % dir if os.path.exists(d): rmtree(d) os.mkdir(d) os.mkdir('%s/stdout' % d) os.mkdir('%s/stderr' % d) os.mkdir('%s/pickle' % d) dismod3.init_job_log(id, 'posterior', param_id) for r in regions_to_fit: for s in dismod3.gbd_sexes: for y in dismod3.gbd_years: # fit only one region, for the time being... # TODO: make region selection a user-settable option from the gui #if clean(r) != 'asia_southeast': # continue k = '%s+%s+%s' % (clean(r), s, y) o = '%s/stdout/%s' % (d, k) e = '%s/stderr/%s' % (d, k) if on_sge: call_str = dismod3.settings.GBD_FIT_STR % (o, e, '-l -r %s -s %s -y %s' % (clean(r), s, y), id), shell=True) else: call_str = dismod3.settings.GBD_FIT_STR % ('-l -r %s -s %s -y %s' % (clean(r), s, y), id, o, e), shell=True) #time.sleep(1.) elif estimate_type.find('empirical priors') != -1: # fit empirical priors (by pooling data from all regions d = '%s/empirical_priors' % dir if os.path.exists(d): rmtree(d) os.mkdir(d) os.mkdir('%s/stdout' % d) os.mkdir('%s/stderr' % d) os.mkdir('%s/pickle' % d) dismod3.init_job_log(id, 'empirical_priors', param_id) for t in ['excess-mortality', 'remission', 'incidence', 'prevalence']: o = '%s/stdout/%s' % (d, t) e = '%s/stderr/%s' % (d, t) if on_sge: % (o, e, '-l -t %s' % t, id), shell=True) else: % ('-l -t %s' % t, id, o, e), shell=True) else: #tweet('unrecognized estimate type: %s' % estimate_type) log('unrecognized estimate type: %s' % estimate_type) time.sleep(dismod3.settings.SLEEP_SECS)