def main(): # Get options. opts = optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog [options]') opts.add_option('--hostname', '-s', default='localhost',\ help='The hostname for the e-mail server to contact. Default: localhost.') opts.add_option('--port','-p',default=p.port,\ help='The port for IMAP4 communications. Default: %s.' % (p.port)) opts.add_option('--username', '-u', default=None, \ help='The username credentials for synchronization. Will ask if not specified.') options, arg = opts.parse_args() # Establish connection. socket = s.socket(s.AF_INET, s.SOCK_STREAM) # Set up socket. try: socket.connect( (options.hostname, int(options.port))) # Connect to server. except: print 'Connection binding failed when contacting %s:%s.' % ( options.hostname, options.port) exit() # Set up identifier tag for messages. tag = p.tag() # Create dispatcher to handle messages. dispatch = p.dispatcher(options.hostname, socket, tag) # Start TLS negotiations. req = p.request('STARTTLS') dispatch.sendMessage(req) # Wrap socket in SSL connection. socket = ssl.wrap_socket(socket, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) dispatch.socket = socket # Ask for username and password. if not options.username: username = raw_input('>> Username: '******'LOGIN', username, getpass.getpass('>> Password: '******'\nSecurely logged in as %s on hostname %s.' % (username, options.hostname) outOfMailbox(dispatch) # Log out of server. req = p.request('LOGOUT') dispatch.sendMessage(req) # Close socket. socket.close()
def main(): # Get options. opts = optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog [options]') opts.add_option('--hostname', '-s', default='localhost',\ help='The hostname for the e-mail server to contact. Default: localhost.') opts.add_option('--port','-p',default=p.port,\ help='The port for IMAP4 communications. Default: %s.' % (p.port)) opts.add_option('--username', '-u', default=None, \ help='The username credentials for synchronization. Will ask if not specified.') options, arg = opts.parse_args() # Establish connection. socket = s.socket(s.AF_INET,s.SOCK_STREAM) # Set up socket. try: socket.connect((options.hostname,int(options.port))) # Connect to server. except: print 'Connection binding failed when contacting %s:%s.' % (options.hostname,options.port) exit() # Set up identifier tag for messages. tag = p.tag() # Create dispatcher to handle messages. dispatch = p.dispatcher(options.hostname,socket,tag) # Start TLS negotiations. req = p.request('STARTTLS') dispatch.sendMessage(req) # Wrap socket in SSL connection. socket = ssl.wrap_socket(socket,ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) dispatch.socket = socket # Ask for username and password. if not options.username: username = raw_input('>> Username: '******'LOGIN',username,getpass.getpass('>> Password: '******'\nSecurely logged in as %s on hostname %s.' % (username,options.hostname) outOfMailbox(dispatch) # Log out of server. req = p.request('LOGOUT') dispatch.sendMessage(req) # Close socket. socket.close()
def selectMailbox(dispatch,mailbox): # Select chosen mailbox. req = p.request('SELECT', resp = dispatch.sendMessage(req) for f in resp.buffer: if 'EXISTS' in f: mailbox.num = int(f.split()[0]) print '\n%d messages in mailbox.' % (mailbox.num) elif 'RECENT' in f: mailbox.recent = int(f.split()[0]) print '%d recent messages found.' % (mailbox.recent)
def selectMailbox(dispatch, mailbox): # Select chosen mailbox. req = p.request('SELECT', resp = dispatch.sendMessage(req) for f in resp.buffer: if 'EXISTS' in f: mailbox.num = int(f.split()[0]) print '\n%d messages in mailbox.' % (mailbox.num) elif 'RECENT' in f: mailbox.recent = int(f.split()[0]) print '%d recent messages found.' % (mailbox.recent)
def getMessage(dispatch,mailbox): # Ask user for what message UID. sel = raw_input('>> Specify message UID (or b to return): ') if sel.upper() != 'B': req = p.request('FETCH','%s' % (sel),'BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (FROM SUBJECT TO DATE)]') fro = dispatch.sendMessage(req,ex=False) # from of msg head = '\n'.join(fro.buffer[1:-2]) print '\n--- Begin message %s ---\n%s' % (sel,head) req = p.request('FETCH','%s' % (sel),'BODY[TEXT]') # body text of msg text = dispatch.sendMessage(req,ex=False) tail = '\n'.join(text.buffer[1:-1]) print '\n%s\n--- End message %s ---' % (tail,sel) save = raw_input('Save e-mail to file (y/n)? ') if (save.upper() == 'Y'): fname = raw_input('Specify filepath to save to: ') try: fh = open(fname,'w') fh.write(head + '\n' + tail) except: print 'Could not write to file. Skipping.'
def listMailboxes(dispatch,pick=False): # Get mailboxes. req = p.request('LIST','""','*') # Displays all mailboxes on server. resp = dispatch.sendMessage(req) mailboxes = resp.parseMailboxes() # Get list of mailboxes on server. print '\n%d mailboxes were found on the server.' % (len(mailboxes)) for mailbox in mailboxes: print ' %d. %s' % (mailboxes.index(mailbox),mailbox) if pick: sel = int(raw_input('>> Select a mailbox: ')) if sel >= len(mailboxes) or sel < 0: return listMailboxes(dispatch,pick) select = mailboxes[sel] return select
def listMailboxes(dispatch, pick=False): # Get mailboxes. req = p.request('LIST', '""', '*') # Displays all mailboxes on server. resp = dispatch.sendMessage(req) mailboxes = resp.parseMailboxes() # Get list of mailboxes on server. print '\n%d mailboxes were found on the server.' % (len(mailboxes)) for mailbox in mailboxes: print ' %d. %s' % (mailboxes.index(mailbox), mailbox) if pick: sel = int(raw_input('>> Select a mailbox: ')) if sel >= len(mailboxes) or sel < 0: return listMailboxes(dispatch, pick) select = mailboxes[sel] return select
def getMessage(dispatch, mailbox): # Ask user for what message UID. sel = raw_input('>> Specify message UID (or b to return): ') if sel.upper() != 'B': req = p.request('FETCH', '%s' % (sel), 'BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (FROM SUBJECT TO DATE)]') fro = dispatch.sendMessage(req, ex=False) # from of msg head = '\n'.join(fro.buffer[1:-2]) print '\n--- Begin message %s ---\n%s' % (sel, head) req = p.request('FETCH', '%s' % (sel), 'BODY[TEXT]') # body text of msg text = dispatch.sendMessage(req, ex=False) tail = '\n'.join(text.buffer[1:-1]) print '\n%s\n--- End message %s ---' % (tail, sel) save = raw_input('Save e-mail to file (y/n)? ') if (save.upper() == 'Y'): fname = raw_input('Specify filepath to save to: ') try: fh = open(fname, 'w') fh.write(head + '\n' + tail) except: print 'Could not write to file. Skipping.'
def listMessages(dispatch,mailbox,setm=None,flag='ALL'): # List messages in mailbox by groups of 10. if not setm: req = p.request('SEARCH',flag) setm = dispatch.sendMessage(req) msgs = setm.buffer[0].split()[1:] # all uids if len(msgs) == 0: print '0 messages found.' return for nxt in xrange(len(msgs)/10+1): if len(msgs[nxt*10:nxt*10+10]) == 0: break print '\nShowing 10 messages at a time (of %d)...' % \ (len(msgs)) for i in msgs[nxt*10:nxt*10+10]: req = p.request('FETCH','%s' % (i),\ '(BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (SUBJECT)])') resp = dispatch.sendMessage(req) form = ' '.join(resp.buffer[1:-1]).strip() print ' %s. %s' % (i,' '.join(form.split())) if len(msgs[nxt*10:nxt*10+10]) == 10: t = raw_input('>> Show next or stop (s)? ') if t.upper() == 'S': break
def listMessages(dispatch, mailbox, setm=None, flag='ALL'): # List messages in mailbox by groups of 10. if not setm: req = p.request('SEARCH', flag) setm = dispatch.sendMessage(req) msgs = setm.buffer[0].split()[1:] # all uids if len(msgs) == 0: print '0 messages found.' return for nxt in xrange(len(msgs) / 10 + 1): if len(msgs[nxt * 10:nxt * 10 + 10]) == 0: break print '\nShowing 10 messages at a time (of %d)...' % \ (len(msgs)) for i in msgs[nxt * 10:nxt * 10 + 10]: req = p.request('FETCH','%s' % (i),\ '(BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (SUBJECT)])') resp = dispatch.sendMessage(req) form = ' '.join(resp.buffer[1:-1]).strip() print ' %s. %s' % (i, ' '.join(form.split())) if len(msgs[nxt * 10:nxt * 10 + 10]) == 10: t = raw_input('>> Show next or stop (s)? ') if t.upper() == 'S': break
def inMailbox(dispatch, mailbox): # While in a mailbox, perform tasks inside it. item = '' while (True): print '\nMailbox: %s; specify what to do next:' % ( # List options. for t in MAILBOXOPTS: print ' %s. %s' % (MAILBOXOPTS.index(t), t) # Get option chosen. sel = int(raw_input('>> Choose an option: ')) if sel >= len(MAILBOXOPTS) or sel < 0: continue item = MAILBOXOPTS[sel] # See what to do. if item.startswith('LIST'): listMessages(dispatch, mailbox) elif item.startswith('SEE'): listMessages(dispatch, mailbox, flag='NEW') elif item.startswith('SET'): storeMessage(dispatch,mailbox,\ flag=raw_input('>> Specify flag: ')) elif item.startswith('SEARCH'): searchMailbox(dispatch, mailbox) elif item.startswith('FETCH'): getMessage(dispatch, mailbox) elif item.startswith('APPEND'): appendMessage(dispatch, mailbox) elif item.startswith('DELETE'): storeMessage(dispatch, mailbox, flag='\\Deleted') elif item.startswith('REMOVE'): storeMessage(dispatch,mailbox,\ flag=raw_input('>> Specify flag: '),cmd='-') elif item.startswith('CLOSE'): req = p.request('CLOSE') dispatch.sendMessage(req) break
def inMailbox(dispatch,mailbox): # While in a mailbox, perform tasks inside it. item = '' while (True): print '\nMailbox: %s; specify what to do next:' % ( # List options. for t in MAILBOXOPTS: print ' %s. %s' % (MAILBOXOPTS.index(t),t) # Get option chosen. sel = int(raw_input('>> Choose an option: ')) if sel >= len(MAILBOXOPTS) or sel < 0: continue item = MAILBOXOPTS[sel] # See what to do. if item.startswith('LIST'): listMessages(dispatch,mailbox) elif item.startswith('SEE'): listMessages(dispatch,mailbox,flag='NEW') elif item.startswith('SET'): storeMessage(dispatch,mailbox,\ flag=raw_input('>> Specify flag: ')) elif item.startswith('SEARCH'): searchMailbox(dispatch,mailbox) elif item.startswith('FETCH'): getMessage(dispatch,mailbox) elif item.startswith('APPEND'): appendMessage(dispatch,mailbox) elif item.startswith('DELETE'): storeMessage(dispatch,mailbox,flag='\\Deleted') elif item.startswith('REMOVE'): storeMessage(dispatch,mailbox,\ flag=raw_input('>> Specify flag: '),cmd='-') elif item.startswith('CLOSE'): req = p.request('CLOSE') dispatch.sendMessage(req) break
def storeMessage(dispatch,mailbox,flag='\\Seen',cmd='+'): # Delete a message by flagging it. sel = raw_input('>> Specify message UID (or b to return): ') if sel.upper() != 'B': req = p.request('STORE','%s' % (sel),'%sFLAGS (%s)' % (cmd,flag)) resp = dispatch.sendMessage(req,ex=False) # delete
def searchMailbox(dispatch,mailbox): # Ask user for string to search for. srch = raw_input('>> Search for: ') req = p.request('SEARCH','OR BODY "%s" SUBJECT "%s"' % (srch,srch)) resp = dispatch.sendMessage(req) listMessages(dispatch,mailbox,setm=resp)
def storeMessage(dispatch, mailbox, flag='\\Seen', cmd='+'): # Delete a message by flagging it. sel = raw_input('>> Specify message UID (or b to return): ') if sel.upper() != 'B': req = p.request('STORE', '%s' % (sel), '%sFLAGS (%s)' % (cmd, flag)) resp = dispatch.sendMessage(req, ex=False) # delete
def searchMailbox(dispatch, mailbox): # Ask user for string to search for. srch = raw_input('>> Search for: ') req = p.request('SEARCH', 'OR BODY "%s" SUBJECT "%s"' % (srch, srch)) resp = dispatch.sendMessage(req) listMessages(dispatch, mailbox, setm=resp)
def optMailbox(dispatch,opt,mailbox): # Create, delete, or rename a mailbox. req = p.request(opt,mailbox) dispatch.sendMessage(req)
def optMailbox(dispatch, opt, mailbox): # Create, delete, or rename a mailbox. req = p.request(opt, mailbox) dispatch.sendMessage(req)