def send(self, template_name, from_email, recipient_list, context, cc=None, bcc=None, fail_silently=False, headers=None, template_prefix=None, template_suffix=None, template_dir=None, file_extension=None, **kwargs): msg = EmailMessage(from_email=from_email, to=recipient_list) msg.template_name = template_name msg.global_merge_vars = context msg.fail_silently = fail_silently if cc: = cc if bcc: msg.bcc = bcc msg.use_template_subject = kwargs.get('use_template_subject', True) msg.use_template_from = kwargs.get('use_template_from', True) msg.async = kwargs.get('async', True) try: msg.send() except Exception as e: if not fail_silently: raise return msg.extra_headers.get('Message-Id', None)
def send( subject, body, to, from_email = None, cc = None, bcc = None, attachments = None ): """ Send the email using Django's EmailMessage class :param: subject :param: body :param: to :param: from_email :param: cc :param: bcc :param: attachments :return: String """ if not settings.IS_PROD: return True email = EmailMessage() email.content_subtype = "html" email.subject = subject email.body = body = [to] if isinstance( to, str ) else to if from_email: email.from_email = from_email if cc: = [cc] if isinstance( cc, str ) else cc if bcc: email.bcc = [bcc] if isinstance( bcc, str ) else bcc if attachments: for attachment in attachments: email.attach( attachment ) return email.send()
def send_expired_email(membership): email = EmailMessage() email.subject = "Your Rhizome membership has expired." = [] email.bcc = [admin[1] for admin in settings.ADMINS] email.body = """ Dear %s, Did you notice that your Rhizome Membership expired? You can renew quickly and easily here: You're missing out on all those great benefits that come with Rhizome Membership. Indispensable Resources where you can find educational programs, syllabi and residencies from around the globe to deepen your knowledge and skills. View hundreds of proposals and cast your vote for Rhizome's annual Commissions program. Flex your curator muscles with your very own Member Exhibition. Interact with artists and artworks in our comprehensive archive by leaving comments, saving artworks to your profile and access to full artwork records with the ArtBase Special Features. And on top of all that, a bonus 10 percent discount on all your purchases at the New Museum Store. Seriously, it only takes a minute to click here and renew now! Sincerely, Rhizome P.S. If you have made a donation within the past year, you are probably receiving this email because you have multiple records in our database. If this is the case then no further action needs to be taken. Please contact %s if you believe that there has been an error that should be resolved or needs to be investigated. + + + is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. For U.S. taxpayers, contributions to Rhizome are tax-deductible, minus the value of any goods or services received, to the extent allowed by law. """ % (membership.user.get_profile(), settings.SUPPORT_CONTACT[1]) email.send(fail_silently=False)
def send_enrollment_decision(participation, approved, request=None): # type: (Participation, bool, http.HttpRequest) -> None with translation.override(settings.RELATE_ADMIN_EMAIL_LOCALE): course = participation.course if request: course_uri = request.build_absolute_uri( reverse("relate-course_page", args=(course.identifier, ))) else: # This will happen when this method is triggered by # a model signal which doesn't contain a request object. from six.moves.urllib.parse import urljoin course_uri = urljoin(getattr(settings, "RELATE_BASE_URL"), course.get_absolute_url()) from django.template.loader import render_to_string message = render_to_string( "course/enrollment-decision-email.txt", { "user": participation.user, "approved": approved, "course": course, "course_uri": course_uri }) from django.core.mail import EmailMessage msg = EmailMessage( string_concat("[%s] ", _("Your enrollment request")) % course.identifier, message, course.get_from_email(), []) msg.bcc = [course.notify_email] if not settings.RELATE_EMAIL_SMTP_ALLOW_NONAUTHORIZED_SENDER: from relate.utils import get_outbound_mail_connection msg.connection = get_outbound_mail_connection("robot") msg.send()
def send_email(self): email_to = [] list_option = int(self.cleaned_data['mailing_list']) if list_option == 1: email_to = UserService.get_inactive_users_emails() elif list_option == 2: email_to = UserService.get_active_users_emails() elif list_option == 3: email_to = UserService.get_officer_users_emails() elif list_option == 4: email_to = UserService.get_sponsor_users_emails() elif list_option == 5: email_to = UserService.get_madcon_pending_emails() elif list_option == 6: email_to = UserService.get_madcon_accepted_emails() elif list_option == 7: email_to = UserService.get_madcon_confirmed_emails() else: email_to = [EMAIL_WEBMASTER] mail = EmailMessage(subject=self.cleaned_data['subject'], body=self.cleaned_data['message'], from_email=DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL) mail.bcc = email_to = [DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL] mail.send() pass
def handle(self, *args, **options): conf = GlobalConf.objects.get() dow_tancament = dows[ conf.dow_tancament ] hora_tancament = conf.hora_tancament.strftime('%H:%m') text = """ Hola %s, aquest email és un recordatori perquè facis la comanda de la setmana que ve. No et despistis! La propera comanda es tanca %s a les %s h, Per fer la comanda vés a Comissió d'informàtica responsable de l'Almàixera :) """ % ("Almaixerenc@", dow_tancament, hora_tancament ) assumpte = "Recordatori per fer comanda" email = EmailMessage( assumpte, text ) # Socis dest = [] for e in Soci.objects.all(): if dest.append( ) # Envia email email.bcc = dest #['*****@*****.**'] #print(email.message() # debug) email.send()
def send_enrollment_decision(participation, approved, request=None): with translation.override(settings.RELATE_ADMIN_EMAIL_LOCALE): course = participation.course if request: course_uri = request.build_absolute_uri( reverse("relate-course_page", args=(course.identifier,))) else: # This will happen when this method is triggered by # a model signal which doesn't contain a request object. from urlparse import urljoin course_uri = urljoin(getattr(settings, "RELATE_BASE_URL"), course.get_absolute_url()) from django.template.loader import render_to_string message = render_to_string("course/enrollment-decision-email.txt", { "user": participation.user, "approved": approved, "course": course, "course_uri": course_uri }) from django.core.mail import EmailMessage msg = EmailMessage( string_concat("[%s] ", _("Your enrollment request")) % course.identifier, message, course.from_email, []) msg.bcc = [course.notify_email] msg.send()
def send_email(self): email_to = [] list_option = int(self.cleaned_data['mailing_list']) if list_option == 1: email_to = UserService.get_disabled_users_emails() elif list_option == 2: email_to = UserService.get_open_rushie_users_emails() elif list_option == 3: email_to = UserService.get_closed_rushie_users_emails() elif list_option == 4: email_to = UserService.get_pledge_users_emails() elif list_option == 5: email_to = UserService.get_active_users_emails() elif list_option == 6: email_to = UserService.get_officer_users_emails() elif list_option == 7: email_to = UserService.get_board_users_emails() elif list_option == 8: email_to = UserService.get_inactive_users_emails() elif list_option == 9: email_to = UserService.get_alumni_users_emails() else: email_to = [EMAIL_WEBMASTER] mail = EmailMessage(subject=self.cleaned_data['subject'], body=self.cleaned_data['message'], from_email=DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL) mail.bcc = email_to = [DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL] mail.send() pass
def send_priority_email(log, priority): user = priority.user first_name = capfirst(user.first_name) username = user.username expire = priority.expire.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') admin_name, admin_email = settings.ADMINS[0] mail = EmailMessage() mail.subject = "Browsershots priority processing activated" mail.body = """ Hi %(first_name)s, Thank you for supporting the Browsershots project. Priority processing has been activated for %(username)s until %(expire)s. Please let me know how it works for you, and if you have ideas for improvement. Cheers, %(admin_name)s %(admin_email)s """.strip() % locals() = ['"%s %s" <%s>' % (user.first_name, user.last_name,] mail.bcc = [admin_email] mail.from_email = '"%s" <%s>' % (admin_name, admin_email) # mail.headers = {'Reply-To': admin_email} mail.send()
def notify_staff(backup): # now = # start = now - timedelta(days=7) # for backup in Backup.objects.order_by('-id').filter(status=FAILED): sender = 'ikwen DBBACKUP <*****@*****.**>' subject = _("New failed backup") recipient_list = [get_service_instance()] staff_list = [ for staff in Member.objects.filter(is_staff=True) ] job_config = backup.job_config extra_context = { 'hostname': job_config.hostname, 'db_name': job_config.db_name, 'db_type': job_config.db_type, 'status': backup.status, 'start_time': backup.created_on, 'file_size_hr': backup.file_size_hr, 'error_messages': backup.error_messages } activate('en') try: html_content = get_mail_content( subject, template_name='dbbackup/mails/failed_backup_notification.html', extra_context=extra_context) except: logger.error("Could not generate HTML content from template", exc_info=True) return msg = EmailMessage(subject, html_content, sender, recipient_list) msg.content_subtype = "html" msg.bcc = staff_list msg.send()
def send_receipt(self): receipt = EmailMessage() = ["%s" %] receipt.bcc = [admin[1] for admin in settings.ADMINS] receipt.subject = " Jobs Board Posting Payment Receipt" receipt.body = """ Dear %s, This confirms your payment to Rhizome in the amount of $%s for a Job Posting. Job Title: %s Job Posting URL: Payment Amount: $%s Payment Date: %s Thank your for using Sincerely, The Rhizome Staff """ % ( self.user.get_profile(), self.amount, self.job.title, self.job.get_absolute_url(), self.formatted_amount(), self.created.strftime("%m/%d/%Y"), ) receipt.send(fail_silently=False)
def ipn_failed(ipn, ppt): trip = ppt.trip user = ppt.user participants = ppt.participant_set.all() email = EmailMessage(subject = 'Zena Ski Group: problemi con il pagamento', to = []) body = (u"C'è stato un problema con la seguente transazione PayPal:\n" u"Gita: {destination}, {date}\n" u"Partecipanti:\n" u"{participant_names}\n" u"\n" u"Riferimento IPN interno: {ipn}\n" u"Si prega di contattare lo staff per risolvere il problema") participant_names = [' - %s' % for p in participants] email.body = body.format( destination = trip.destination, date ="%d/%m/%Y"), participant_names = '\n'.join(participant_names), ) email.bcc = [settings.ADMIN_EMAIL] email.send(fail_silently=True)
def send_notification( sender, subject, mail_content, template_name, recipient_list, cc_list, bcc_list, reply_to=None): """ send notification :param sender: :param subject: :param mail_content: :param template_name: :param recipient_list: :param cc_list: :param bcc_list: :param reply_to: """ template = get_template(template_name) ctx = Context({'request': mail_content}) message = template.render(ctx) email = EmailMessage(subject=subject, body=message, from_email=sender, to=recipient_list) if cc_list: = cc_list if bcc_list: email.bcc = bcc_list if reply_to: email.reply_to = reply_to email.send()
def email_kindle(request, book_id): """ Email the mobi format of the book to the user's kindle email address """ from django.core.mail import EmailMessage try: book = Book.objects.get(id=book_id) except: return HttpResponse('Fail') email = EmailMessage() email.subject = book.title email.body = book.description = (request.user.get_profile().kindle_email,) email.bcc = ("",) # This is a hack. I don't know why you have to set this to "" but you do otherwise it gives errors headers = {'User-Agent': settings.DEFAULT_HTTP_HEADERS} url = Format.objects.filter(ebook=book, format='mobi')[0].ebook_file.url filename = os.path.basename(url) data = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(url, headers=headers)).read() email.attach(filename, data, 'application/x-mobipocket-ebook') email.send() return HttpResponse('Okay')
def send_receipt(self): receipt = EmailMessage() = ["%s" %] receipt.bcc = [admin[1] for admin in settings.ADMINS] receipt.subject = " Jobs Board Posting Payment Receipt" receipt.body = """ Dear %s, This confirms your payment to Rhizome in the amount of $%s for a Job Posting. Job Title: %s Job Posting URL: Payment Amount: $%s Payment Date: %s Thank your for using Sincerely, The Rhizome Staff """ % (self.user.get_profile(), self.amount, self.job.title, self.job.get_absolute_url(), self.formatted_amount(), self.created.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")) receipt.send(fail_silently=False)
def notify_via_e_mail(self, sender, recipient_list, template, cc_list=[], bcc_list=[], reply_to=None): """ Send an email to the requester notifying them that their allocation has been processed. """ if not sender and recipient_list: # TODO (shauno): log this problem raise Exception plaintext = get_template(template) ctx = Context({"request": self}) text = plaintext.render(ctx) subject, body = text.split('') email = EmailMessage( subject.strip(), body, sender, recipient_list, cc=cc_list ) if bcc_list: email.bcc = bcc_list if reply_to: email.headers = {'Reply-To': reply_to} email.send()
def send_reminder_to_prospect(self, prospect): admin = prospect.invite_admin reminder = EmailMessage() reminder.subject = "Reminder: You've been invited to join Rhizome!" = [] reminder.bcc = [admin[1] for admin in settings.ADMINS] invite_url = "®istration_code=%s" % (, prospect.registration_code) reminder.body = """ Hi there, Just a reminder... %s (%s) has just offered you a membership as part of the %s membership for is a global arts platform, and your group membership allows you access to Rhizome *without* having to give a donation. (All Rhizome members are required to support the organization with an annual gift; group memberships are purchased by institutions such as schools, media centers, or libraries). Clicking on the link below will validate your account and give you access to our publications, discussion groups, ArtBase archive, community directory, and other features: %s Thanks and welcome to Rhizome, The Rhizome Crew""" % (admin,, prospect.org_sub, invite_url ) reminder.send(fail_silently=False)
def run(self): try: msg = EmailMessage(self.subject.strip(), self.body.strip(), self._from,','),self.bcc.split(','), None) if self.isAttachment: img_data = open(self.attachment,'rb').read() msg.attach('product.jpg',img_data,'image/jpg') if self.isHtml: text_content = strip_tags(self.body.strip()) msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(self.subject.strip(), text_content, self._from,','), self.bcc.split(',')) msg.bcc = self.bcc.split(',') msg.attach_alternative(self.body.strip(), "text/html") msg.send() if self.email_log_id: try: email_log = LEmail.objects.get(id = self.email_log_id) email_log.status = 'delivered' except: log.warn( 'Skipping saving email log to %s' % self.email_log_id) except Exception, e: if self.email_log_id: try: email_log = LEmail.objects.get(id = self.email_log_id) email_log.status = 'delivery_failed' except: log.warn( 'Skipping saving email log to %s' % self.email_log_id) log.exception('Error sending email %s' % self.toString())
def send_notification(sender, subject, mail_content, template_name, recipient_list, cc_list, bcc_list, reply_to=None): """ send notification :param sender: :param subject: :param mail_content: :param template_name: :param recipient_list: :param cc_list: :param bcc_list: :param reply_to: """ template = get_template(template_name) ctx = Context({'request': mail_content}) message = template.render(ctx) email = EmailMessage(subject=subject, body=message, from_email=sender, to=recipient_list) if cc_list: = cc_list if bcc_list: email.bcc = bcc_list if reply_to: email.headers = {'Reply-To': reply_to} email.send()
def registration_confirmed(user, trip, participants): email = EmailMessage(subject = 'Zena Ski Group: conferma iscrizione', to = []) if trip.with_reservation: body = (u"L'iscrizione delle seguenti persone per la gita a " u"{destination} del " u"{date} è stata effettuata CON RISERVA.\n" u"In caso di conferma, verrai informato via email, oppure " u"puoi controllare lo stato della tua iscrizione " u'direttamente sul sito, nella pagina "Iscriviti online":\n' u"{participant_names}\n") else: body = (u"L'iscrizione delle seguenti persone per la gita a " u"{destination} del " u"{date} è stata effettuata con successo:\n" u"{participant_names}\n") # participant_names = [' - %s' % for p in participants] email.body = body.format( destination = trip.destination, date ="%d/%m/%Y"), participant_names = '\n'.join(participant_names), ) email.bcc = [settings.ADMIN_EMAIL] email.send(fail_silently=True)
def send_enrollment_decision(participation, approved, request=None): with translation.override(settings.RELATE_ADMIN_EMAIL_LOCALE): course = participation.course if request: course_uri = request.build_absolute_uri( reverse("relate-course_page", args=(course.identifier, ))) else: # This will happen when this method is triggered by # a model signal which doesn't contain a request object. from urlparse import urljoin course_uri = urljoin(getattr(settings, "RELATE_BASE_URL"), course.get_absolute_url()) from django.template.loader import render_to_string message = render_to_string( "course/enrollment-decision-email.txt", { "user": participation.user, "approved": approved, "course": course, "course_uri": course_uri }) from django.core.mail import EmailMessage msg = EmailMessage( string_concat("[%s] ", _("Your enrollment request")) % course.identifier, message, course.from_email, []) msg.bcc = [course.notify_email] msg.send()
def send_email(subject, body, recievers, cc=[], bcc=[]): msg = EmailMessage(subject, body, settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER, recievers) if len(cc) > 0: = cc if len(bcc) > 0: msg.bcc = bcc msg.content_subtype = "html" msg.send()
def submit_cashout_request_for_manual_processing(**kwargs): tx = kwargs.get('transaction') if tx: cashout_request = CashOutRequest.objects.using('wallets').get( pk=tx.object_id) weblet = Service.objects.using(UMBRELLA).get(pk=tx.service_id) wallet = OperatorWallet.objects.using('wallets').get(, provider=tx.wallet) config = get_config_model().objects.using(UMBRELLA).get(service=weblet) else: config = kwargs['config'] wallet = kwargs['wallet'] cashout_request = kwargs['cashout_request'] weblet = config.service iao = weblet.member if getattr(settings, 'TESTING', False): IKWEN_SERVICE_ID = getattr(settings, 'IKWEN_ID') ikwen_service = Service.objects.get(pk=IKWEN_SERVICE_ID) else: from ikwen.conf.settings import IKWEN_SERVICE_ID ikwen_service = Service.objects.using(UMBRELLA).get( pk=IKWEN_SERVICE_ID) retailer = weblet.retailer if retailer: vendor = retailer else: vendor = ikwen_service vendor_config = Config.objects.using(UMBRELLA).get(service=vendor) sender = '%s <no-reply@%s>' % (vendor_config.company_name, vendor.domain) add_event(vendor, CASH_OUT_REQUEST_EVENT, member=iao, subject = _("Cash-out request on %s" % weblet.project_name) html_content = get_mail_content( subject, '', template_name='cashout/mails/request_notice.html', extra_context={ 'cash_out_request': cashout_request, 'weblet': weblet, 'service': vendor, 'config': vendor_config, 'iao': iao, 'wallet': wallet, 'iao_profile': config }) msg = EmailMessage(subject, html_content, sender, []) msg.bcc = ['*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'] msg.content_subtype = "html" Thread(target=lambda m: m.send(), args=(msg, )).start() return HttpResponse( json.dumps({ 'success': True, 'manual_processing': True }), 'content-type: text/json')
def informStudents(self, request, selectedCompanies): print "Informing students about ",selectedCompanies; t = loader.get_template('company/informStudents_mail.html'); conn = get_connection(); #for mailing for c in selectedCompanies: #don't send email intimations about old company arrivals wrongly as done on Sat Mar 17. if c.date_of_process < #company process date has already passed print "Not informing because date of process %s has already passed!!" % (c.date_of_process) continue ppltoInform = c.came_for_group.get_query_set()[0].user_set.all() context = Context( { 'company' : c, }) body = t.render(context) to = []; for p in ppltoInform: to += ["*****@*****.**" % str(p.username)]; #for primary sicsrwala address #send mail actually. email = EmailMessage(); email.from_email = '"Ashwini Narayan" <*****@*****.**>'; email.subject = '[Placements] %s coming to campus' %; #email.from = '*****@*****.**'; #left for automatic putting email.connection = conn; email.body = body; cc = []; # Getting the From/ CC from the placement Committee group. from django.contrib.auth.models import Group; g = Group.objects.get(name = 'placement committee') for u in g.user_set.all(): cc.append( bcc = [] for m in MANAGERS: bcc.append(list(m)[1]) = to + cc; email.bcc = bcc; print "to is ",; print "bcc is ",email.bcc; print "body is ",email.body email.content_subtype='html'; email.send(); dir(email) print "Done with %s" % (c); self.message_user(request,"Successfully informd students");
def send_email(email_body, email_to, email_subject, email_cc, email_bcc, email_type): # email_to, email_cc and email_bcc should be a list # if isinstance(email_to, list): # print 'list' # else: # print 'not list' print 'in send email', email_to # print email_body print email_subject, 'email_subject' print email_type, 'email_type' if globalSettings.EMAIL_API: sg = sendgrid.SendGridAPIClient(api_key=globalSettings.G_KEY) print globalSettings.G_KEY, 'globalSettings.G_KEY' emailIDsList = [] emailIDsListObj = [] bccIds = [] ccIds = [] # for i in email_to: # emailIDsList.append(str(i)) # for i in globalSettings.G_ADMIN: # emailIDsList.append(str(i)) email_to = list(set(email_to)) for i in email_to: emailIDsListObj.append({"email": i}) data = { "personalizations": [{ "to": emailIDsListObj, "subject": email_subject }], "from": { "email": globalSettings.G_FROM, "name": globalSettings.SEO_TITLE }, "content": [{ "type": "text/html", "value": email_body }] } # print data print 'beforeeeee' response = print response else: for i in globalSettings.G_ADMIN: email_to.append(i) msg = EmailMessage(email_subject, email_body, to=email_to) if email_type == 'html': msg.content_subtype = 'html' = email_cc msg.bcc = email_bcc msg.send() return {'EmailSent': True}
def invoice_sendmail(): # Invoice filter invoice_list = [] # list of Invoice # check days before expiry for d in INVOICE_CHECK_EXPIRY: # check all invoices that will be expire in 10 days. expiry = + timedelta(d) # corret print "> check %s " % expiry for i in Invoice.objects.filter( expiry_date=expiry, status=0, organization__suspension=False): # corret code if not i in invoice_list: invoice_list.append(i) # for invoice list for li in invoice_list: print "-- %s" % (li) to = [] # send mail to # administratror for e in li.organization.administrators_(): if e.profile.user.is_active and not in to: to.append( # secretary for e in li.organization.secretary_(): if e.profile.user.is_active and not in to: to.append( # send email """ text/body order s% of python 1 = url pagamento 2 = data vencimento assinatura atual 3 = URL contato 4 = assinatura gestorPSI """ text_body = u"Bom dia.\n\nSua próxima assinatura já está disponível para pagamento em %s/organization/signature/\nVence em %s, evite ter o seu plano suspenso, pague até esta data.\n\nQualquer dúvida entre em contato pelo link %s/contato/\n" % ( URL_APP, li.expiry_date.strftime("%d %B %Y"), URL_HOME) text_body += u"Quer suspender sua assinatura? Clique aqui %s/organization/suspension/\n\n%s" % ( URL_APP, SIGNATURE) text_subject = u'Assinatura disponível para pagamento -' bcc = ADMINS_REGISTRATION msg = EmailMessage() msg.subject = text_subject msg.body = text_body = to msg.bcc = bcc msg.send()
def reject_coupons(self, request, queryset): email = queryset[0] template_name = 'rewarding/mails/coupon_rejected.html' subject = _("Your coupons were rejected") html_content = get_mail_content(subject, template_name=template_name, extra_context={'coupon_list': queryset}) sender = 'ikwen <*****@*****.**>' msg = EmailMessage(subject, html_content, sender, [email]) msg.content_subtype = "html" msg.bcc = ['*****@*****.**'] Thread(target=lambda m: m.send(), args=(msg,)).start()
def informStudents(self, request, selectedCompanies): print "Informing students about ", selectedCompanies t = loader.get_template('company/informStudents_mail.html') conn = get_connection() #for mailing for c in selectedCompanies: ppltoInform = c.came_for_group.get_query_set()[0].user_set.all() context = Context({ 'company': c, }) body = t.render(context) to = [] for p in ppltoInform: to += ["*****@*****.**" % str(p.username)] #for primary sicsrwala address #send mail actually. email = EmailMessage() email.from_email = '"Ashwini Narayan" <*****@*****.**>' email.subject = '[Placements] %s coming to campus' % #email.from = '*****@*****.**'; #left for automatic putting email.connection = conn email.body = body cc = [] # Getting the From/ CC from the placement Committee group. from django.contrib.auth.models import Group g = Group.objects.get(name='placement committee') for u in g.user_set.all(): cc.append( bcc = [] for m in MANAGERS: bcc.append(list(m)[1]) = to + cc email.bcc = bcc print "to is ", print "bcc is ", email.bcc print "body is ", email.body email.content_subtype = 'html' email.send() dir(email) print "Done with %s" % (c) self.message_user(request, "Successfully informd students")
def invoice_sendmail(): # Invoice filter invoice_list = [] # list of Invoice # check days before expiry for d in invoice_check_expiry : # check all invoices that will be expire in 10 days. expiry = + timedelta(d) # corret print "-- check %s " % expiry for i in Invoice.objects.filter(expiry_date=expiry, status=0, organization__suspension=False): # corret code if not i in invoice_list: invoice_list.append(i) # for invoice list for li in invoice_list: print "-- %s" % ( li ) to = [] # send mail to # administratror for e in li.organization.administrators_(): if e.profile.user.is_active and not in to: to.append( # secretary for e in li.organization.secretary_(): if e.profile.user.is_active and not in to: to.append( # send email """ text/body order s% of python 1 = url pagamento 2 = data vencimento assinatura atual 3 = URL contato 4 = assinatura gestorPSI """ text_body = u"Bom dia.\n\nSua próxima assinatura já está disponível para pagamento em %s/organization/signature/\nVence em %s, evite ter o seu plano suspenso, pague até esta data.\n\nQualquer dúvida entre em contato pelo link %s/contato/\n" % ( URL_APP , li.expiry_date.strftime("%d %B %Y") , URL_HOME ) text_body += u"Quer suspender sua assinatura? Clique aqui %s/organization/suspension/\n\n%s" % ( URL_APP, SIGNATURE ) text_subject = u'Assinatura disponível para pagamento -' bcc = ADMINS_REGISTRATION msg = EmailMessage() msg.subject = text_subject msg.body = text_body = to msg.bcc = bcc msg.send()
def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change): if obj.status == CashOutRequest.PAID: if not obj.reference: self.message_user(request, "Reference number missing", messages.ERROR) return obj.teller_username = request.user.username charges = obj.amount * obj.rate / 100 obj.amount_paid = obj.amount * (100 - obj.rate) / 100 service = Service.objects.get(pk=obj.service_id) wallet = OperatorWallet.objects.using('wallets').get(, provider=obj.provider) method = CashOutMethod.objects.get(slug=obj.provider) address = CashOutAddress.objects.using(UMBRELLA).get(service=service, method=method) with transaction.atomic(using='wallets'): queryset = MoMoTransaction.objects.using('wallets') \ .filter(, created_on__gt=obj.paid_on, is_running=False, status=MoMoTransaction.SUCCESS, wallet=obj.provider) aggr = queryset.aggregate(Sum('amount')) aggr_fees = queryset.aggregate(Sum('fees')) aggr_dara_fees = queryset.aggregate(Sum('dara_fees')) amount_successful = 0 if aggr['amount__sum']: amount_successful = aggr['amount__sum'] - aggr_fees['fees__sum'] - aggr_dara_fees['dara_fees__sum'] wallet.balance = amount_successful'wallets') iao = service.member if getattr(settings, 'TESTING', False): IKWEN_SERVICE_ID = getattr(settings, 'IKWEN_ID') ikwen_service = Service.objects.get(pk=IKWEN_SERVICE_ID) else: from ikwen.conf.settings import IKWEN_SERVICE_ID ikwen_service = Service.objects.get(pk=IKWEN_SERVICE_ID) sender = 'ikwen <*****@*****.**>' event_originator = ikwen_service add_event(event_originator, CASH_OUT_REQUEST_PAID, member=iao, subject = _("Money transfer confirmation") html_content = get_mail_content(subject, '', template_name='cashout/mails/payment_notice.html', extra_context={'cash_out_request': obj, 'charges': charges, 'weblet': service, 'address': address, 'service': event_originator}) msg = EmailMessage(subject, html_content, sender, []) msg.bcc = ['*****@*****.**'] msg.content_subtype = "html" Thread(target=lambda m: m.send(), args=(msg,)).start() set_counters(ikwen_service) increment_history_field(ikwen_service, 'cash_out_history', obj.amount) increment_history_field(ikwen_service, 'cash_out_count_history') super(CashOutRequestAdmin, self).save_model(request, obj, form, change)
def add(request): ''' for adding a new Job Posting ''' if 'username' not in request.session: request.session['redirect'] = request.get_full_path() return our_redirect('/ldap_login') if request.method == 'POST': # If the form has been submitted... form = JobPostingForm(request.POST) # A form bound to the POST if form.is_valid(): # All validation rules pass # Process the data in form.cleaned_data # ... print form post = request.POST print "=======POST======", post #insert code here to set the values for fields which aren't show in the form but are required to save the instance. #now actually save everything postedby = postedby.posted_by = request.session['username'] email = EmailMessage() body = "%s just posted a new job posting for %s on Please Approve it as soon as possible so that its available for all the students." % ( postedby.posted_by, postedby.company_name) email.subject = "[LaResume-X]: New job posting" email.body = body from django.contrib.auth.models import Group g = Group.objects.get(name='placement committee') for u in g.user_set.all(): email.bcc = ['*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'] print #email.send(); print email.bcc return our_redirect('/common/Thanks/done/') # Redirect after POST else: form = JobPostingForm() # An unbound form #print form #if the form was invalid OR if there wasn't any submission, just display the form. t = loader.get_template('jobposting/form.html') c = RequestContext(request, { 'form': form, 'ROOT': ROOT, }) return HttpResponse(t.render(c))
def add(request): """ for adding a new Job Posting """ if "username" not in request.session: request.session["redirect"] = request.get_full_path() return our_redirect("/ldap_login") if request.method == "POST": # If the form has been submitted... form = JobPostingForm(request.POST) # A form bound to the POST if form.is_valid(): # All validation rules pass # Process the data in form.cleaned_data # ... print form post = request.POST print "=======POST======", post # insert code here to set the values for fields which aren't show in the form but are required to save the instance. # now actually save everything postedby = postedby.posted_by = request.session["username"] email = EmailMessage() body = ( "%s just posted a new job posting for %s on Please Approve it as soon as possible so that its available for all the students." % (postedby.posted_by, postedby.company_name) ) email.subject = "[LaResume-X]: New job posting" email.body = body from django.contrib.auth.models import Group g = Group.objects.get(name="placement committee") for u in g.user_set.all(): email.bcc = ["*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"] print # email.send(); print email.bcc return our_redirect("/common/Thanks/done/") # Redirect after POST else: form = JobPostingForm() # An unbound form # print form # if the form was invalid OR if there wasn't any submission, just display the form. t = loader.get_template("jobposting/form.html") c = RequestContext(request, {"form": form, "ROOT": ROOT}) return HttpResponse(t.render(c))
def send(cls,message): 'Send this piece of communication' try: emails = (c.primaryEmail for c in message.getAllRecipients()) # Compose and send the message email = EmailMessage( message.title, message.message,, (e for e in emails if e) ) email.content_subtype = 'html' email.bcc = [] email.send() # message was successfully sent message.success = True except socket.error, e: raise CommunicationServerError
def send_enrollment_decision(participation, approved, request=None): # type: (Participation, bool, http.HttpRequest) -> None course = participation.course with LanguageOverride(course=course): if request: course_uri = request.build_absolute_uri( reverse("relate-course_page", args=(course.identifier,))) else: # This will happen when this method is triggered by # a model signal which doesn't contain a request object. from urllib.parse import urljoin course_uri = urljoin(getattr(settings, "RELATE_BASE_URL"), course.get_absolute_url()) from relate.utils import render_email_template message = render_email_template("course/enrollment-decision-email.txt", { "user": participation.user, "approved": approved, "course": course, "course_uri": course_uri }) from django.core.mail import EmailMessage email_kwargs = {} if settings.RELATE_EMAIL_SMTP_ALLOW_NONAUTHORIZED_SENDER: from_email = course.get_from_email() else: from_email = getattr(settings, "ENROLLMENT_EMAIL_FROM", settings.ROBOT_EMAIL_FROM) from relate.utils import get_outbound_mail_connection email_kwargs.update( {"connection": ( get_outbound_mail_connection("enroll") if hasattr(settings, "ENROLLMENT_EMAIL_FROM") else get_outbound_mail_connection("robot"))}) msg = EmailMessage( string_concat("[%s] ", _("Your enrollment request")) % course.identifier, message, from_email, [], **email_kwargs) msg.bcc = [course.notify_email] msg.send()
def send_enrollment_decision(participation, approved, request=None): # type: (Participation, bool, http.HttpRequest) -> None course = participation.course with LanguageOverride(course=course): if request: course_uri = request.build_absolute_uri( reverse("relate-course_page", args=(course.identifier,))) else: # This will happen when this method is triggered by # a model signal which doesn't contain a request object. from six.moves.urllib.parse import urljoin course_uri = urljoin(getattr(settings, "RELATE_BASE_URL"), course.get_absolute_url()) from relate.utils import render_email_template message = render_email_template("course/enrollment-decision-email.txt", { "user": participation.user, "approved": approved, "course": course, "course_uri": course_uri }) from django.core.mail import EmailMessage email_kwargs = {} if settings.RELATE_EMAIL_SMTP_ALLOW_NONAUTHORIZED_SENDER: from_email = course.get_from_email() else: from_email = getattr(settings, "ENROLLMENT_EMAIL_FROM", settings.ROBOT_EMAIL_FROM) from relate.utils import get_outbound_mail_connection email_kwargs.update( {"connection": ( get_outbound_mail_connection("enroll") if hasattr(settings, "ENROLLMENT_EMAIL_FROM") else get_outbound_mail_connection("robot"))}) msg = EmailMessage( string_concat("[%s] ", _("Your enrollment request")) % course.identifier, message, from_email, [], **email_kwargs) msg.bcc = [course.notify_email] msg.send()
def send_mail(self): email = EmailMessage() if self.email_subject: email.subject = self.email_subject if self.email_to: = [x.strip() for x in self.email_to.split(',')] if self.email_cc: = [x.strip() for x in self.email_cc.split(',')] if self.email_bcc: email.bcc = [x.strip() for x in self.email_bcc.split(',')] if self.email_reply_to: email.reply_to = [ x.strip() for x in self.email_reply_to.split(',') ] if self.email_msg: email.body = self.email_msg return email.send(fail_silently=False)
def decide_enrollment(approved, modeladmin, request, queryset): count = 0 for participation in queryset: if participation.status != participation_status.requested: continue if approved: participation.status = else: participation.status = participation_status.denied course = participation.course from django.template.loader import render_to_string message = render_to_string( "course/enrollment-decision-email.txt", { "user": participation.user, "approved": approved, "course": course, "course_uri": request.build_absolute_uri( reverse("relate-course_page", args=(course.identifier, ))) }) from django.core.mail import EmailMessage msg = EmailMessage( string_concat("[%s] ", _("Your enrollment request")) % course.identifier, message, course.from_email, []) msg.bcc = [course.notify_email] msg.send() count += 1 messages.add_message( request, messages.INFO, # Translators: how many enroll requests have ben processed. _("%d requests processed.") % count)
def template_to_email(template_name, context): """ Render a template with its context, parse the result and build an EmailMessage from it. """ context.setdefault("default_from", "*****@*****.**") context.setdefault("default_subject", "Notification from") text = render_to_string(template_name, context).strip() m = email.message_from_string(text) msg = EmailMessage() msg.from_email = m.get("From", context["default_from"]) = parse_recipient_list(m.get("To", EMAIL_PRIVATE_ANNOUNCES)) if "Cc" in m: = parse_recipient_list(m.get("Cc")) if "Bcc" in m: msg.bcc = parse_recipient_list(m.get("Bcc")) rt = m.get("Reply-To", None) if rt is not None: msg.extra_headers["Reply-To"] = rt msg.subject = m.get("Subject", context["default_subject"]) msg.body = m.get_payload() return msg
def send_html_mail(tos, subject, content, fromer=None, cc=None, bcc=None): ''' 发送html邮件 ''' if fromer: _fromer = '%s<%s>' % (fromer, settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER) else: _fromer = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER msg = EmailMessage(subject, content, _fromer, tos.split(',')) msg.content_subtype = "html" if cc: = cc.split(',') if bcc: msg.bcc = bcc.split(',') ret = msg.send(fail_silently=True) if ret == 1: ret = True else: ret = False return ret
def template_to_email(template_name, context): """ Render a template with its context, parse the result and build an EmailMessage from it. """ context.setdefault("default_from", "*****@*****.**") context.setdefault("default_subject", "Notification from") text = render_to_string(template_name, context).strip() m = email.message_from_string(text.encode('utf-8')) msg = EmailMessage() msg.from_email = m.get("From", context["default_from"]) = parse_recipient_list(m.get("To", EMAIL_PRIVATE_ANNOUNCES)) if "Cc" in m: = parse_recipient_list(m.get("Cc")) if "Bcc" in m: msg.bcc = parse_recipient_list(m.get("Bcc")) rt = m.get("Reply-To", None) if rt is not None: msg.extra_headers["Reply-To"] = rt msg.subject = m.get("Subject", context["default_subject"]) msg.body = m.get_payload() return msg
def notify_staff(): now = start = now - timedelta(days=7) sender = 'ikwen DBBACKUP <*****@*****.**>' subject = _("Succeeded Backups Report") recipient_list = [get_service_instance()] staff_list = [ for staff in Member.objects.filter(is_staff=True) ] backup_list = [ backup for backup in Backup.objects.order_by('-id').filter(status=SUCCESS) ] job_config_list = [backup.job_config for backup in backup_list] total_size = sum([backup.file_size for backup in backup_list]) s, unit = find_file_size( total_size) # s is a constant that equals to 2 power the extra_context = { 'job_config_list': list(set(job_config_list)), 'total_size': str(total_size / s) + unit, 'location': 'IKWEN_DB_BACKUPS', 'period': "From %s to %s" % (start.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M'), now.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M')) } activate('en') try: html_content = get_mail_content( subject, template_name='dbbackup/mails/succeeded_backup_notification.html', extra_context=extra_context) except: logger.error("Could not generate HTML content from template", exc_info=True) return msg = EmailMessage(subject, html_content, sender, recipient_list) msg.content_subtype = "html" msg.bcc = staff_list msg.send()
def add_partner(self, request): partner_id = request.GET['partner_id'] partner = Service.objects.using(UMBRELLA).get(pk=partner_id) partner_config = OperatorProfile.objects.using(UMBRELLA).get( service=partner) partner_member = partner.member service = get_service_instance() member = Member.objects.get( config = OperatorProfile.objects.get(service=service) if getattr(settings, 'IS_BANK', False):'default')'default')'default') partner_db = partner.database add_database(partner_db) PaymentMean.objects.using(partner_db).filter( slug='cashflex').update(is_active=True) PaymentMean.objects.using(partner_db).create( name=service.project_name, slug=service.project_name_slug, is_cashflex=True) subject = "Welcome" else: subject = "Request for integration" messages.success( request, _("%s successfully added." % partner_config.company_name)) html_content = get_mail_content( subject, '', template_name='trade/mails/partnership_notice.html', extra_context={'settings': settings}) sender = '%s <no-reply@%s>' % (service.project_name, service.domain) msg = EmailMessage(subject, html_content, sender, [partner_config.contact_email]) msg.bcc = ['*****@*****.**'] msg.content_subtype = "html" Thread(target=lambda m: m.send(), args=(msg, )).start() next_url = reverse('trade:partner_list') return HttpResponseRedirect(next_url)
def after_save(self, request, obj, *args, **kwargs): weblet = get_service_instance() offer_slug = kwargs.get('offer_slug') obj.member = request.user'default') staff_emails = [ for member in Member.objects.using(UMBRELLA).filter(is_staff=True) ] subject = _("Thank you for your application") cta_url = "" applicant = obj.member try: html_content = get_mail_content( subject, template_name='careers/mails/thanks.html', extra_context={ 'applicant_name': applicant.full_name, 'offer': obj.offer, 'cta_url': cta_url }) sender = 'Careers @ %s <no-reply@%s>' % (weblet.project_name, weblet.domain) msg = EmailMessage(subject, html_content, sender, []) msg.bcc = staff_emails msg.content_subtype = "html" if getattr(settings, 'UNIT_TESTING', False): msg.send() else: Thread(target=lambda m: m.send(), args=(msg, )).start() except: logger.error("%s - Failed to send notice mail to %s." % (weblet, applicant.first_name), exc_info=True) body = _( 'Congratulation!!! We received your application for position as %(position)s' % {'position':}) send_push(weblet, applicant, subject, body, cta_url) return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse('careers:thanks', args=(offer_slug, )))
def send_signup_mail(org, user, request, invoice): # notify admins msg = EmailMessage() msg.subject = u'Nova assinatura em %s' % URL_HOME msg.body = u'Uma nova organizacao se registrou no GestorPSI. Para mais detalhes acessar %s/gcm/\n\n' % URL_APP msg.body += u'Organização %s' % org = ADMINS_REGISTRATION msg.send() request.session['user_aux_id'] = # notify client user = User.objects.get(id=request.session['user_aux_id']) msg = EmailMessage() msg.subject = u"Assinatura" msg.body = u"Olá, bom dia!\n\n" msg.body += u"Obrigado por assinar o GestorPsi.\nSua solicitação foi recebida pela nossa equipe. Sua conta está pronta para usar! " msg.body += u"Qualquer dúvida que venha ter é possível consultar os links abaixo ou então entrar em contato conosco através do formulário de contato.\n\n" msg.body += u"link funcionalidades: %s/funcionalidades-2/\n" % URL_HOME msg.body += u"link como usar: %s/como-usar/\n" % URL_HOME msg.body += u"link manual: %s/media/manual.pdf\n" % URL_DEMO msg.body += u"link contato: %s#contato/\n\n" % URL_HOME msg.body += u"Instruções no YouTube:\n\n" msg.body += u"O periodo de teste inicia em %s e termina em %s.\n" % ( invoice.start_date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"), invoice.end_date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y") ) msg.body += u"Antes do término do período de teste você deve optar por uma forma de pagamento aqui: %s/organization/signature/\n\n" % URL_APP msg.body += u"IMPORTANTE: As informações inseridas no sistema podem ser editadas mas não apagadas. Por isso, se for necessário fazer testes com informações fictícias para entender como o sistema funciona, utilize a nossa versão de demonstração:\n\n" msg.body += u"Endereço do GestorPSI: %s\n" % URL_APP msg.body += u"Usuário/Login %s\n" % request.POST.get('username') msg.body += u"Senha %s\n" % request.POST.get('password1') msg.body += u"Plano %s\n\n" % org.prefered_plan msg.body += u"%s" % SIGNATURE = [] msg.bcc = ADMINS_REGISTRATION msg.send()
def send_invitation_to_prospective_user(user_email, admin_name, admin_email, invite_url): invitation = EmailMessage() invitation.subject = "You've been invited to join Rhizome!" = [user_email] invitation.bcc = [admin[1] for admin in settings.ADMINS] invitation.body = """ Hi there, %s (%s) has just offered you a membership as part of a group membership at is a global arts platform, and your group membership allows you access to Rhizome *without* having to give a donation. (All Rhizome members are required to support the organization with an annual gift; group memberships are purchased by institutions such as schools, media centers, or libraries). Clicking on the link below will validate your account and give you access to our publications, discussion groups, ArtBase archive, community directory, and other features: %s Thanks and welcome to Rhizome, The Rhizome Crew""" % (admin_name, admin_email, invite_url ) invitation.send(fail_silently=False)
def update_grade_data_from_grading_form(self, page_context, page_data, grade_data, grading_form, files_data): if grade_data is None: grade_data = {} for k in self.grade_data_attrs: if k == "grade_percent": grade_data[k] = grading_form.cleaned_percent() else: grade_data[k] = grading_form.cleaned_data[k] if grading_form.cleaned_data["notify"] and page_context.flow_session: with translation.override(settings.RELATE_ADMIN_EMAIL_LOCALE): from django.template.loader import render_to_string message = render_to_string( "course/grade-notify.txt", { "page_title": self.title(page_context, page_data), "course": page_context.course, "participation": page_context.flow_session.participation, "feedback_text": grade_data["feedback_text"], "flow_session": page_context.flow_session, "review_uri": page_context.page_uri, }, ) from django.core.mail import EmailMessage msg = EmailMessage( string_concat("[%(identifier)s:%(flow_id)s] ", _("New notification")) % {"identifier": page_context.course.identifier, "flow_id": page_context.flow_session.flow_id}, message, page_context.course.from_email, [], ) msg.bcc = [page_context.course.notify_email] msg.send() return grade_data
def decide_enrollment(approved, modeladmin, request, queryset): count = 0 for participation in queryset: if participation.status != participation_status.requested: continue if approved: participation.status = else: participation.status = participation_status.denied course = participation.course from django.template.loader import render_to_string message = render_to_string("course/enrollment-decision-email.txt", { "user": participation.user, "approved": approved, "course": course, "course_uri": request.build_absolute_uri( reverse("relate-course_page", args=(course.identifier,))) }) from django.core.mail import EmailMessage msg = EmailMessage( string_concat("[%s] ", _("Your enrollment request")) % course.identifier, message, course.from_email, []) msg.bcc = [course.notify_email] msg.send() count += 1 messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, # Translators: how many enroll requests have ben processed. _("%d requests processed.") % count)
def send_enrollment_decision(participation, approved, request): with translation.override(settings.RELATE_ADMIN_EMAIL_LOCALE): course = participation.course from django.template.loader import render_to_string message = render_to_string("course/enrollment-decision-email.txt", { "user": participation.user, "approved": approved, "course": course, "course_uri": request.build_absolute_uri( reverse("relate-course_page", args=(course.identifier,))) }) from django.core.mail import EmailMessage msg = EmailMessage( string_concat("[%s] ", _("Your enrollment request")) % course.identifier, message, course.from_email, []) msg.bcc = [course.notify_email] msg.send()
def send_enrollment_decision(participation, approved, request=None): # type: (Participation, bool, http.HttpRequest) -> None with translation.override(settings.RELATE_ADMIN_EMAIL_LOCALE): course = participation.course if request: course_uri = request.build_absolute_uri( reverse("relate-course_page", args=(course.identifier,))) else: # This will happen when this method is triggered by # a model signal which doesn't contain a request object. from six.moves.urllib.parse import urljoin course_uri = urljoin(getattr(settings, "RELATE_BASE_URL"), course.get_absolute_url()) from django.template.loader import render_to_string message = render_to_string("course/enrollment-decision-email.txt", { "user": participation.user, "approved": approved, "course": course, "course_uri": course_uri }) from django.core.mail import EmailMessage msg = EmailMessage( string_concat("[%s] ", _("Your enrollment request")) % course.identifier, message, course.get_from_email(), []) msg.bcc = [course.notify_email] if not settings.RELATE_EMAIL_SMTP_ALLOW_NONAUTHORIZED_SENDER: from relate.utils import get_outbound_mail_connection msg.connection = get_outbound_mail_connection("robot") msg.send()
# administratror of org for e in x.organization.administrators_(): if e.profile.user.is_active and not in to: to.append( # secretary of org for e in x.organization.secretary_(): if e.profile.user.is_active and not in to: to.append( # send email """ text/body 1 = url pagamento 2 = data vencimento assinatura atual 3 = URL contato 4 = assinatura gestorPSI """ text = ( u"Bom dia.\n\nSua próxima assinatura já está disponível para pagamento em %s/organization/signature/\nSua assinatura atual vence dia %s. Evite ter o seu plano suspenso, pague até esta data.\n\nQualquer dúvida entre em contato pelo link %s/contato/\n\n" % (URL_APP, end.strftime("%d %B %Y, %A"), URL_HOME) ) text += u"Quer suspender sua assinatura? Clique aqui %s/organization/suspension/\n\n%s" % (URL_APP, SIGNATURE) msg = EmailMessage() msg.subject = u"Assinatura disponível para pagamento -" msg.body = text = to msg.bcc = bcc msg.send()
def run(self, **kwargs): logger = self.get_logger(**kwargs)"CheckAndCharge Started.") orgs = Organization.objects.filter( organization__isnull=True, active=True) # for p in Invoice.objects.all(): # p.expiry_date = p.expiry_date # ''' INVOICE_STATUS_CHOICES = ( (1, _('Emitido')), (2, _('Pago')), (3, _('Excluido')), ) INVOICE_TYPES = ( (1, _('Inscription')), (2, _('Monthly fee')), ) ''' for org in orgs: last_invoice = org.current_invoice # correcao temporaria para evitar problemas no desenvolvimento try: len(last_invoice.status) except: last_invoice = Invoice.objects.filter( organization=org).order_by('-date')[0] if last_invoice.status == 1: # check if the last invoice isn't paid check = last_invoice.due_date > # check if the invoice is not due elif last_invoice.status == 2: # check if this company last paid invoice is going to expire in # ten days check = last_invoice.expiry_date < + timedelta(days=10) else: check = True if check: # no need to do anything with this organization continue else: # send an email to the person responsible for the organization with a new billet to pay person = ProfessionalResponsible.objects.get( organization=org).person user = person.user # create the new invoice inv = Invoice() inv.organization = org # prefered plan pplan = org.prefered_plan # verifica se ha um invoice passado para extrair um plano, caso nao, # atribui um plano de um mes para a quantia de funcionarios # cadastrados staff_count = org.person_set.all().count() if pplan is not None: inv.plan = pplan elif last_invoice.plan is not None: inv.plan = last_invoice.plan else: inv.plan = None # define a data de vencimento(pagamento) do boleto dday = org.default_payment_day inv.due_date = last_invoice.expiry_date.replace(day=dday) # define a data de vencimento(acesso ao sistema) do boleto pplan = org.prefered_plan inv.expiry_date = inv.due_date + \ relativedelta(months=pplan.duration) org.current_invoice = inv url_boleto = gera_boleto_bradesco(, inv) email = if email is not None and len(email) > 0: bcc_list = ['*****@*****.**',] else: bcc_list = ['*****@*****.**'] msg = EmailMessage() msg.subject = 'Teste: Cobrança de mensalidade' #temp = request.META # if request is None: msg.body = render_to_string( 'async_tasks/email_cobranca_mensalidade.html', locals()) # else: # from celery.schedules import discard_all # discard_all() # return render_to_response('async_tasks/email_cobranca_mensalidade.html', locals()) # msg.from = 'GestoPSI <*****@*****.**>' = ['*****@*****.**', ] msg.bcc = bcc_list msg.content_subtype = "html" # Main content is now text/html msg.send()"CheckAndCharge Finished.\n\n")
def startedEmail(request, pk): """ Create the we have started processing your samples email """ fc = get_object_or_404(FlowCell, id=pk) send = request.GET.get('send', False) if send in ('1', 'on', 'True', 'true', True): send = True else: send = False bcc_managers = request.GET.get('bcc', False) if bcc_managers in ('on', '1', 'True', 'true'): bcc_managers = True else: bcc_managers = False email_lane = makeEmailLaneMap(fc) flowcell_users = getUsersForFlowcell(fc) estimate = estimateFlowcellTimeRemaining(fc) estimate_low, estimate_high = roundToDays(estimate) email_verify = get_template('experiments/email_preview.html') email_template = get_template('experiments/started_email.txt') sender = settings.NOTIFICATION_SENDER warnings = [] emails = [] for user in flowcell_users: # provide warning if is None or len( == 0: warnings.append((user.admin_url(), user.username)) user = None for user_email in email_lane.keys(): sending = "" # build body context = {u'flowcell': fc, u'lanes': email_lane[user_email], u'runfolder': 'blank', u'finish_low': estimate_low, u'finish_high': estimate_high, u'now':, } # build view subject = "Flowcell %s" % (fc.flowcell_id,) body = email_template.render(context) if send: email = EmailMessage(subject, body, sender, to=[user_email]) notified = set() if bcc_managers: for manager in settings.MANAGERS: if len(manager) > 0: notified.add(manager) for user in settings.NOTIFICATION_BCC: if len(user) > 0: notified.add(user) email.bcc = list(notified) email.send() emails.append((user_email, subject, body, sending)) verify_context = { 'emails': emails, 'flowcell': fc, 'from': sender, 'send': send, 'site_managers': settings.MANAGERS, 'title': fc.flowcell_id, 'warnings': warnings, } return HttpResponse(email_verify.render(verify_context))
def awaiting_approval(self, request): # shows recently submitted artworks and provides means to approve them for artbase context_instance = RequestContext(request) opts = self.model._meta admin_site = self.admin_site awaiting_approval_count = ArtworkStub.objects.filter(status = "to_consider").count() artworks_awaiting_approval = ArtworkStub.objects.filter(status = "to_consider").order_by("-submitted_date") paginator = Paginator(artworks_awaiting_approval, 25) # Make sure page request is an int. If not, deliver first page. try: page = int(request.GET.get('page', '1')) except ValueError: page = 1 # If page request (9999) is out of range, deliver last page of results. try: awaiting_approval = except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage): awaiting_approval = if request.GET.get("artwork") and request.GET.get("choice"): workd_id = request.GET.get("artwork") choice = request.GET.get("choice") new_status = None #make sure no junk entered into database via url if choice == "approved": new_status = "approved" artwork = ArtworkStub.objects.get(id = workd_id) artwork.status = new_status artwork.approved_date = #add complimetnary artwork.user.get_profile().make_complimentary_member() email = EmailMessage() email.subject = "%s has been curated into the Rhizome ArtBase!" % artwork.title = [] email.bcc = [settings.ARTBASE_GROUP_EMAIL] email.from_email = settings.ARTBASE_GROUP_EMAIL congrats_text = AutoGeneratedEmail.objects.get(email_title = "artbase_congrats_email") email.body = """ Dear %s, Congratulations! Your artwork, "%s", has been accepted to be included in the Rhizome ArtBase, the most comprehensive online archive of new media and Internet art. %s """ % (artwork.user.get_profile(), artwork.title, congrats_text.email_body) email.send(fail_silently=False) return HttpResponseRedirect("%s?page=%s" % (request.path, page)) if choice =="rejected": new_status = "rejected" artwork = ArtworkStub.objects.get(id = workd_id) artwork.status = new_status return HttpResponseRedirect("%s?page=%s" % (request.path, page)) d = {'admin_site':, 'title': "Artworks Awaiting Final Approval", 'opts': "Artworks", 'app_label': opts.app_label, 'awaiting_approval_count':awaiting_approval_count, 'awaiting_approval':awaiting_approval } return render_to_response('admin/artbase/awaiting_approval.html', d, context_instance)
def update_grade_data_from_grading_form_v2(self, request, page_context, page_data, grade_data, grading_form, files_data): if grade_data is None: grade_data = {} for k in self.grade_data_attrs: if k == "grade_percent": grade_data[k] = grading_form.cleaned_percent() else: grade_data[k] = grading_form.cleaned_data[k] if grading_form.cleaned_data["notify"] and page_context.flow_session: from course.utils import LanguageOverride with LanguageOverride(page_context.course): from relate.utils import render_email_template from course.utils import will_use_masked_profile_for_email staff_email = [page_context.course.notify_email,] message = render_email_template("course/grade-notify.txt", { "page_title": self.title(page_context, page_data), "course": page_context.course, "participation": page_context.flow_session.participation, "feedback_text": grade_data["feedback_text"], "flow_session": page_context.flow_session, "review_uri": page_context.page_uri, "use_masked_profile": will_use_masked_profile_for_email(staff_email) }) from django.core.mail import EmailMessage msg = EmailMessage( string_concat("[%(identifier)s:%(flow_id)s] ", _("New notification")) % {'identifier': page_context.course.identifier, 'flow_id': page_context.flow_session.flow_id}, message, getattr(settings, "GRADER_FEEDBACK_EMAIL_FROM", page_context.course.get_from_email()), []) msg.bcc = [page_context.course.notify_email] if grading_form.cleaned_data["may_reply"]: msg.reply_to = [] if hasattr(settings, "GRADER_FEEDBACK_EMAIL_FROM"): from relate.utils import get_outbound_mail_connection msg.connection = get_outbound_mail_connection("grader_feedback") msg.send() if (grading_form.cleaned_data["notes"] and grading_form.cleaned_data["notify_instructor"] and page_context.flow_session): from course.utils import LanguageOverride with LanguageOverride(page_context.course): from relate.utils import render_email_template from course.utils import will_use_masked_profile_for_email staff_email = [page_context.course.notify_email,] use_masked_profile = will_use_masked_profile_for_email(staff_email) if use_masked_profile: username = ( page_context.flow_session.user.get_masked_profile()) else: username = ( page_context.flow_session.user.get_email_appellation()) message = render_email_template( "course/grade-internal-notes-notify.txt", { "page_title": self.title(page_context, page_data), "username": username, "course": page_context.course, "participation": page_context.flow_session.participation, "notes_text": grade_data["notes"], "flow_session": page_context.flow_session, "review_uri": page_context.page_uri, "sender": request.user, }) from django.core.mail import EmailMessage msg = EmailMessage( string_concat("[%(identifier)s:%(flow_id)s] ", _("Grading notes from %(ta)s")) % {'identifier': page_context.course.identifier, 'flow_id': page_context.flow_session.flow_id, 'ta': request.user.get_full_name() }, message, getattr(settings, "GRADER_FEEDBACK_EMAIL_FROM", page_context.course.get_from_email()), [page_context.course.notify_email]) msg.bcc = [] msg.reply_to = [] if hasattr(settings, "GRADER_FEEDBACK_EMAIL_FROM"): from relate.utils import get_outbound_mail_connection msg.connection = get_outbound_mail_connection("grader_feedback") msg.send() return grade_data
def register(request, success_url=None, form_class=RegistrationForm, template_name='registration/registration_form.html', extra_context=None): if request.method == 'POST': #the full process of registration is done here form = form_class(data=request.POST) error_found = False # remember state and city if form error form.fields['city'].initial = request.POST.get('city') form.fields['state'].initial = request.POST.get('state') # check organization name if Organization.objects.filter(short_name__iexact = slugify(request.POST.get('shortname'))): error_msg = _(u"Informed organization is already registered. Please choose another name here or login with an existing account") form.errors["organization"] = ErrorList([error_msg]) error_found = True # check password if not request.POST.get('password1') == request.POST.get('password2'): error_msg = _(u"The confirmation of the new password is wrong") form.errors["password1"] = ErrorList([error_msg]) form.errors["password2"] = ErrorList([error_msg]) error_found = True # form is valid and no errors found if form.is_valid() and not error_found: user = User.objects.get(username__iexact=form.cleaned_data['username']) profile = user.get_profile() person = profile.person # active automatic org = Organization.objects.filter(organization__isnull=True).filter(person=person)[0] = True for p in org.person_set.all(): for rp in p.profile.user.registrationprofile_set.all(): activation_key = rp.activation_key.lower() # Normalize before trying anything with it. RegistrationProfile.objects.activate_user(activation_key) prof = ProfessionalResponsible() prof.organization = org prof.person = person = # invoice i = Invoice() i.organization = org i.status = 2 bcc_list = ADMINS_REGISTRATION msg = EmailMessage() msg.subject = u'Nova assinatura em %s' % URL_HOME msg.body = u'Uma nova organizacao se registrou no GestorPSI. Para mais detalhes acessar %s/gcm/\n\n' % URL_APP msg.body += u'Organização %s' % org = bcc_list msg.send() request.session['user_aux_id'] = # message for client user = User.objects.get(id=request.session['user_aux_id']) msg = EmailMessage() msg.subject = u"Assinatura" msg.body = u"Olá, bom dia!\n\n" msg.body += u"Obrigado por assinar o GestorPsi.\nSua solicitação foi recebida pela nossa equipe. Sua conta está pronta para usar! " msg.body += u"Qualquer dúvida que venha ter é possível consultar os links abaixo ou então entrar em contato conosco através do formulário de contato.\n\n" msg.body += u"link funcionalidades: %s/funcionalidades/\n" % URL_HOME msg.body += u"link como usar: %s/como-usar/\n" % URL_HOME msg.body += u"link manual: %s/media/manual.pdf\n" % URL_DEMO msg.body += u"link contato: %s/contato/\n\n" % URL_HOME msg.body += u"Instruções no YouTube:\n\n" msg.body += u"O periodo de teste inicia em %s e termina em %s.\n" % ( i.start_date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"), i.end_date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y") ) msg.body += u"Antes do término do período de teste você deve optar por uma forma de pagamento aqui: %s/organization/signature/\n\n" % URL_APP msg.body += u"IMPORTANTE: As informações inseridas no sistema podem ser editadas mas não apagadas. Por isso, se for necessário fazer testes com informações fictícias para entender como o sistema funciona, utilize a nossa versão de demonstração:\n\n" msg.body += u"Endereço do GestorPSI: %s\n" % URL_APP msg.body += u"Usuário/Login %s\n" % request.POST.get('username') msg.body += u"Senha %s\n\n" % request.POST.get('password1') msg.body += u"%s" % SIGNATURE = [, ] msg.bcc = bcc_list msg.send() return HttpResponseRedirect(success_url or reverse('registration-complete')) # mount form, new register else: form = form_class() # WHY THIS CODE ??? if extra_context is None: extra_context = {} context = RequestContext(request) for key, value in extra_context.items(): context[key] = callable(value) and value() or value return render_to_response( template_name, { 'form': form }, context_instance=RequestContext(request) )