Esempio n. 1
 def get_content_objects(self, querysets={}, annotate=[], select_related=True):
     models = {}
     objects = {}
     results = []
     order_fields = list(self.model._meta.ordering)
     annotate_fields = list(annotate)
     extras = []
     values = self.values('pk', 'object_id', 'content_type__app_label',
         'content_type__model', *extras)
     for item in values:
         pk = item.pop('pk')
         object_id = item.pop('object_id')
         app_label = item.pop('content_type__app_label')
         model_name = item.pop('content_type__model')
         annotated = dict((k, v) for k, v in item.items() if k in annotate_fields)
         ordering = dict((k, v) for k, v in item.items() if k in order_fields)
         model = get_model(app_label, model_name)
         models.setdefault(model, {}) \
             .setdefault(object_id, []).append({
                 'ordering': ordering,
                 'annotated': annotated,
     for model, objs in models.items():
         if model in querysets:
             qs = querysets[model]
             qs = model._default_manager
         if select_related:
             qs = qs.select_related()
         object_list = qs.filter(pk__in=objs.keys())
         for obj in object_list:
             objects.setdefault(model, {})[] = obj
     for model, objs in models.items():
         for pk, options_list in objs.items():
             for options in options_list:
                     fields = objects[model][pk].__dict__.copy()
                     private_fields = dict((k, fields.pop(k)) for k in \
                         fields.keys() if k.startswith('_'))
                     obj = model(**fields)
                     obj.__temp_ordering = options['ordering']
                     for name, annotate in options['annotated'].items():
                         k, v = convert_lookup_to_dict(name, annotate)
                         setattr(obj, k, v)
                 except KeyError:
     for order in order_fields:
         results.sort(key=lambda i: i.__temp_ordering[order])
     for result in results:
         del result.__temp_ordering
     return results
Esempio n. 2
    def displayed_units(self, profileunits):
        Returns a dictionary of {model_names:[profile units]} to be displayed

        :profileunits:  The default value is .all() profileunits, but you can
                        input your own QuerySet of profileunits if you are
                        using specific filters

        :models:        Returns a dictionary of profileunits, an example:
                        {u'name': [<Name: Foo Bar>, <Name: Bar Foo>]}
        models = {}

        for unit in profileunits:
            if self.is_displayed(unit):
                models.setdefault(unit.get_model_name(), []).append(getattr(unit, unit.get_model_name()))

        if self.order:
            models = self.order_units(models, self.order)

        return models
Esempio n. 3
    def displayed_units(self, profileunits):
        Returns a dictionary of {model_names:[profile units]} to be displayed

        :profileunits:  The default value is .all() profileunits, but you can
                        input your own QuerySet of profileunits if you are
                        using specific filters

        :models:        Returns a dictionary of profileunits, an example:
                        {u'name': [<Name: Foo Bar>, <Name: Bar Foo>]}
        models = {}

        for unit in profileunits:
            if self.is_displayed(unit):
                models.setdefault(unit.get_model_name(), []).append(
                    getattr(unit, unit.get_model_name()))

        if self.order:
            models = self.order_units(models, self.order)

        return models