Esempio n. 1
    def query(
        projects: Sequence[Project],
        retention_window_start: Optional[datetime],
        group_queryset: QuerySet,
        environments: Sequence[Environment],
        sort_by: str,
        limit: int,
        cursor: Optional[Cursor],
        count_hits: bool,
        paginator_options: Mapping[str, Any],
        search_filters: Sequence[SearchFilter],
        date_from: Optional[datetime],
        date_to: Optional[datetime],
    ) -> CursorResult:

        if not validate_cdc_search_filters(search_filters):
            raise InvalidQueryForExecutor(
                "Search filters invalid for this query executor")

        start, end, retention_date = self.calculate_start_end(
            retention_window_start, search_filters, date_from, date_to)

        if start == retention_date and end == retention_date:
            # Both `start` and `end` must have been trimmed to `retention_date`,
            # so this entire search was against a time range that is outside of
            # retention. We'll return empty results to maintain backwards compatibility
            # with Django search (for now).
            return self.empty_result

        if start >= end:
            # TODO: This maintains backwards compatibility with Django search, but
            # in the future we should find a way to notify the user that their search
            # is invalid.
            return self.empty_result

        e_event = self.entities["event"]
        e_group = self.entities["group"]

        where_conditions = [
            Condition(Column("project_id", e_event), Op.IN,
                      [ for p in projects]),
            Condition(Column("timestamp", e_event), Op.GTE, start),
            Condition(Column("timestamp", e_event), Op.LT, end),
        # TODO: This is still basically only handling status, handle this better once we introduce
        # more conditions.
        for search_filter in search_filters:
                Condition(Column(, e_group), Op.IN,

        if environments:
            # TODO: Should this be handled via filter_keys, once we have a snql compatible version?
                Condition(Column("environment", e_event), Op.IN,
                          [ for e in environments]))

        sort_func = self.aggregation_defs[self.sort_strategies[sort_by]]

        having = []
        if cursor is not None:
            op = Op.GTE if cursor.is_prev else Op.LTE
            having.append(Condition(sort_func, op, cursor.value))

        query = Query(
            match=Join([Relationship(e_event, "grouped", e_group)]),
                Column("id", e_group),
                replace(sort_func, alias="score"),
            groupby=[Column("id", e_group)],
            orderby=[OrderBy(sort_func, direction=Direction.DESC)],
            limit=Limit(limit + 1),

        data = snuba.raw_snql_query(
            query, referrer="search.snuba.cdc_search.query")["data"]

        hits_query = Query(
            match=Join([Relationship(e_event, "grouped", e_group)]),
                Function("uniq", [Column("id", e_group)], alias="count"),
        hits = None
        if count_hits:
            hits = snuba.raw_snql_query(

        paginator_results = SequencePaginator(
            [(row["score"], row[""]) for row in data],
        ).get_result(limit, cursor, known_hits=hits, max_hits=max_hits)
        # We filter against `group_queryset` here so that we recheck all conditions in Postgres.
        # Since replay between Postgres and Clickhouse can happen, we might get back results that
        # have changed state in Postgres. By rechecking them we guarantee than any returned results
        # have the correct state.
        # TODO: This can result in us returning less than a full page of results, but shouldn't
        # affect cursors. If we want to, we can iterate and query snuba until we manage to get a
        # full page. In practice, this will likely only skip a couple of results at worst, and
        # probably not be noticeable to the user, so holding off for now to reduce complexity.
        groups = group_queryset.in_bulk(paginator_results.results)
        paginator_results.results = [
            groups[k] for k in paginator_results.results if k in groups
        return paginator_results