def signup(request): status = 0 if request.user.is_authenticated(): return HttpResponseRedirect('/') else: if request.method == 'POST': form = SignupForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): if form.cleaned_data.get('username') and form.cleaned_data.get('password') and form.cleaned_data.get('email'): username = form.cleaned_data.get('username') password = form.cleaned_data.get('password') email = form.cleaned_data.get('email') User.objects.create_user(username=username, password=password, email=email, first_name='No', last_name='Name') MyUser.objects.create(user=User.objects.get(username=username)) status = 1 else: form = SignupForm() context = RequestContext(request, { 'form': form, 'status': status, }) context.update(csrf(request)) return render_to_response("signup.html", context)
def render_admin_menu_item(request, page, template=None): """ Renders requested page item for the tree. This is used in case when item must be reloaded over ajax. """ if not template: template = "admin/cms/page/menu_item.html" if not return HttpResponse(NOT_FOUND_RESPONSE) # Not found - tree will remove item # languages languages = [] if page.site_id in settings.CMS_SITE_LANGUAGES: languages = settings.CMS_SITE_LANGUAGES[page.site_id] else: languages = [x[0] for x in settings.CMS_LANGUAGES] context = RequestContext(request, { 'has_add_permission': permissions.has_page_add_permission(request), 'site_languages': languages, }) filtered = 'filtered' in request.REQUEST context.update(get_admin_menu_item_context(request, page, filtered)) # add mimetype to help out IE return render_to_response(template, context, mimetype="text/html; charset=utf-8")
def lightbox_login(request): t = loader.get_template('lightbox/login.html') c = RequestContext(request, { 'subscribe_form': ExpressRegistrationForm(), }) c.update(csrf(request)) return HttpResponse(t.render(c))
def add_occurrence(request): t = loader.get_template('add-occurrence.html') c = RequestContext(request) c.update(csrf(request)) return HttpResponse(t.render(c))
def user_manage(request): context = RequestContext(request) context.update(csrf(request)) if not request.user.is_authenticated(): return HttpResponse("(\/)~(-_-)~(\/) Вы не туда попали (\/)~(-_-)~(\/)") context["device"] = device_check(request) return HttpResponse(get_template("manage.html").render(context))
def confirm(request): context = RequestContext(request) context.update(csrf(request)) if not request.user.is_authenticated(): return HttpResponse("(\/)~(-_-)~(\/) Вы не туда попали (\/)~(-_-)~(\/)") if not request.method == "POST": return HttpResponse("(\/)~(-_-)~(\/) Вы не туда попали (\/)~(-_-)~(\/)") value = [] for key in request.POST: if key[:4] == "dish" and request.POST[key] == u"on": try: value.append(int(key[4:])) except: return HttpResponse("Error {0}: {1}".format(str(exc_info()[0]), exc_info()[1])) tDishes = Dish.objects.filter(numbro__in=value) summ = 0 for item in tDishes: summ += item.price context["tDishes"] = tDishes context["summ"] = summ context["device"] = device_check(request) return HttpResponse(get_template("omnomnom/confirm.html").render(context))
def add(request): """ @attention: 发表评论 """ content = request.POST.get('content', '').strip() nick = request.POST.get('nick', '').strip() email = request.POST.get('email', '').strip() user_href = request.POST.get('user_href', '').strip() outerobj_type = request.POST.get('outerobj_type', 'default') outerobj_id = request.POST.get('outerobj_id') comment_show_type = request.POST.get('comment_show_type', 0) cob = interface.CommentOperateBase() flag, result = cob.add(nick, email, user_href, content, outerobj_type, outerobj_id, ip=utils.get_clientip(request)) if flag: lst_comment = format_outerobj_comment([result, ], request.user) # 两种类型,一种给用于单条外部对象,一条用于可能有多条的 tem = template.loader.get_template('comment/_comment_single_list%s.html' % comment_show_type) context_instance = RequestContext(request) context_instance.update(dict(c=lst_comment[0], outerobj_type=outerobj_type, outerobj_id=outerobj_id)) # 设置留言用户session request.session['comment_user'] = dict(nick=nick, email=email, user_href=user_href) return HttpResponse(tem.render(template.Context(context_instance, autoescape=False))) else: return HttpResponse('$%s' % result)
def multipartite_view_sbol(request, multi_type=None): 'view of the multipartite tool' if multi_type is None: return render_to_response('multipartite_initial.html', {}, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) elif multi_type not in PARTS_TO_ASSEMBLE.keys(): return Http404 context = RequestContext(request) context.update(csrf(request)) if request.method == 'POST': request_data = request.POST elif request.method == 'GET': request_data = request.GET else: request_data = None form_class = get_multipartite_form(multi_type, request.user) if request_data: form = form_class(request_data) if form.is_valid(): multi_form_data = form.cleaned_data part_types = [p[0] for p in PARTS_TO_ASSEMBLE[multi_type]] assembled_seq = assemble_parts(multi_form_data, part_types) filename = + '.xml' response = HttpResponse(convert_to_sbol(assembled_seq), content_type='xml/plain') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; ' response['Content-Disposition'] += 'filename="{0}"'.format(filename) return response return HttpResponseBadRequest()
def get_placeholders(request, template=None): """ Return a list of PlaceholderNode found in the given template """ if not template: template = get_template_from_request(request) try: temp = loader.get_template(template) except TemplateDoesNotExist: return [] user = request.user request.user = AnonymousUser() context = RequestContext(request)#details(request, no404=True, only_context=True) template = get_template_from_request(request) old_page = request.current_page request.current_page = "dummy" context.update({'template':template, 'request':request, 'display_placeholder_names_only': True, 'current_page': "dummy", }) output = temp.render(context) request.user = user placeholders = re.findall("<!-- PlaceholderNode: (.+?) -->", output) request.current_page = old_page return placeholders
def render_single_to_response(request, comic, template='comics/single.html', contextDict=None): t = loader.get_template(template) c = RequestContext(request) thisId = # The out-commented alternatives should not be necessary because a webcomic should follow a strict id sequence firstId = 1 # firstId = Comic.objects.order_by('dateTime')[0].id if firstId == thisId: firstId = 0 latestId = get_published_comics().order_by('-dateTime')[0].id if latestId == thisId: latestId = 0 prevId = 0 if firstId: prevId = thisId - 1 # prevId = Comic.objects.filter(dateTime__lt=comic.dateTime).order_by('-dateTime')[0].id nextId = 0 if latestId: nextId = thisId + 1 # nextId = Comic.objects.filter(datetime__gt=comic.dateTime).order_by('dateTime')[0].id c.update({ 'baseUrl': request.build_absolute_uri('/')[:-1], 'comic': comic, 'comicTemplate': 'comics/types/{0}.html'.format( comic.type.lower() ), 'title': comic.title, 'subtitle': comic.get_comic_obj().pageSubtitle, 'firstId': firstId, 'latestId': latestId, 'prevId': prevId, 'nextId': nextId }) if contextDict: c.update(contextDict) return HttpResponse( t.render(c) )
def connect(request): ''' Exception and validation functionality around the _connect view Separated this out from _connect to preserve readability Don't bother reading this code, skip to _connect for the bit you're interested in :) ''' facebook_login = to_bool(request.REQUEST.get('facebook_login')) context = RequestContext(request) #validation to ensure the context processor is enabled if not context.get('FACEBOOK_APP_ID'): message = 'Please specify a Facebook app id and ensure the context processor is enabled' raise ValueError(message) #hide the connect page, convenient for testing with new users in production though if not facebook_login and not settings.DEBUG and facebook_settings.FACEBOOK_HIDE_CONNECT_TEST: raise Http404('not showing the connect page') try: response = _connect(request, facebook_login) except open_facebook_exceptions.FacebookUnreachable, e: #often triggered when Facebook is slow warning_format = u'%s, often caused by Facebook slowdown, error %s' warn_message = warning_format % (type(e), e.message) send_warning(warn_message, e=e) response = error_next_redirect(request, additional_params=dict( fb_error_or_cancel=1) )
def draw_chart(request): def validate_and_get_date(request): date_from = request.GET.get('date_from') date_to = request.GET.get('date_to') date_from = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_from, '%Y-%m-%d').date() date_to = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_to, '%Y-%m-%d').date() if date_to < date_from: messages.error(request, _('Invalid period entered')) return HttpResponseRedirect(request.META['HTTP_REFERER']), date_to, date_from return None, date_to, date_from group = None if request.GET.get('group'): group = request.GET.get('group') response, date_to, date_from = validate_and_get_date(request) if response: return response quality = Orderfailure.calculate_service_level(date_from, date_to, group) tooltip_date = "%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %p" extra_series = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " calls"}, "date_format": tooltip_date} chartdata = { 'x': quality.keys(), 'name1': _('Quality cofficient'), 'y1': quality.values(), 'extra1': extra_series } charttype = "cumulativeLineChart" data = { 'charttype': charttype, 'chartdata': chartdata, } rc = RequestContext(request, {}) rc.autoescape = False res = render_to_response('graph.html', data, rc) return res
def connect(request, graph): ''' Exception and validation functionality around the _connect view Separated this out from _connect to preserve readability Don't bother reading this code, skip to _connect for the bit you're interested in :) ''' backend = get_registration_backend() context = RequestContext(request) # validation to ensure the context processor is enabled if not context.get('FACEBOOK_APP_ID'): message = 'Please specify a Facebook app id and ensure the context processor is enabled''CO01 Please specify a Facebook app id and ensure the context processor is enabled') raise ValueError(message) try: response = _connect(request, graph) except open_facebook_exceptions.FacebookUnreachable, e:'CO02 Probably slow FB') # often triggered when Facebook is slow warning_format = u'%s, often caused by Facebook slowdown, error %s' warn_message = warning_format % (type(e), e.message) send_warning(warn_message, e=e) additional_params = dict(fb_error_or_cancel=1) response = backend.post_error(request, additional_params)
def multipartite_view_free_sbol(request): context = RequestContext(request) context.update(csrf(request)) if request.method == 'POST': request_data = request.POST else: msg = "To get the sequence you need first to assemble parts" return HttpResponseBadRequest(msg) feats = [request_data['vector']] for k in sorted(request_data.keys()): if 'part_' in k: feats.append(request_data[k]) form_class = get_multipartite_free_form(feats) form = form_class(request_data) if form.is_valid(): last_feat = Feature.objects.get(uniquename=feats[-1]) last_suffix = last_feat.suffix if last_suffix == 'CGCT': protocol_data, part_order = _get_fragments_from_request(request) assembled_seq = assemble_parts(protocol_data, part_order) response = HttpResponse(convert_to_sbol(assembled_seq), content_type='xml/plain') filename = + '.xml' response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; ' response['Content-Disposition'] += 'filename="{0}"'.format(filename) return response return HttpResponseBadRequest('There was an error in the assembly')
def get_outerobj_comment(request): outerobj_type = request.POST.get('outerobj_type') outerobj_id = request.POST.get('outerobj_id') comment_show_type = request.POST.get('comment_show_type', 0) page_num = int(request.REQUEST.get('page', 1)) # 能否发表评论权限判断 can_create_comment_permission = request.POST.get('can_create_comment_permission', 'True') can_create_comment_permission = True if can_create_comment_permission == 'True' else False cob = interface.CommentOperateBase() objs = cob.get_outerobj_comment(outerobj_type, outerobj_id) # 分页 page_objs = page.Cpt(objs, count=10, page=page_num).info objs = page_objs[0] page_params = (page_objs[1], page_objs[4]) lst_comment = format_outerobj_comment(objs, request.user) from www.custom_tags.templatetags.custom_filters import paging from www.comment.interface import get_comment_page_onclick paging_html = paging(page_params, request, get_page_onclick=get_comment_page_onclick, page_onclick_params=dict(outerobj_type=outerobj_type, outerobj_id=outerobj_id, comment_show_type=comment_show_type, can_create_comment_permission=can_create_comment_permission)) # 两种类型,一种给用于单条外部对象,一条用于可能有多条的 tem = template.loader.get_template('comment/_comment_sub%s.html' % comment_show_type) context_instance = RequestContext(request) context_instance.update(dict(lst_comment=lst_comment, outerobj_type=outerobj_type, outerobj_id=outerobj_id, request=request, paging_html=paging_html, can_create_comment_permission=can_create_comment_permission, comment_user=request.session.get('comment_user'))) return HttpResponse(tem.render(template.Context(context_instance, autoescape=False)))
def multipartite_view(request, multi_type=None): if multi_type is None: return render_to_response('multipartite_initial.html', {}, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) elif multi_type not in PARTS_TO_ASSEMBLE.keys(): return Http404 context = RequestContext(request) context.update(csrf(request)) if request.method == 'POST': request_data = request.POST elif request.method == 'GET': request_data = request.GET else: request_data = None form_class = get_multipartite_form(multi_type, request.user) if request_data: form = form_class(request_data) if form.is_valid(): used_parts = OrderedDict() multi_form_data = form.cleaned_data for part_type in [p[0] for p in PARTS_TO_ASSEMBLE[multi_type]]: used_parts[part_type] = multi_form_data[part_type] used_parts[VECTOR_TYPE_NAME] = multi_form_data[VECTOR_TYPE_NAME] return render_to_response('multipartite_result.html', {'used_parts': used_parts, 'multi_type': multi_type}, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) else: form = form_class() context['form'] = form template = 'multipartite_template.html' content_type = None return render_to_response(template, context, content_type=content_type)
def render_admin_menu_item(request, page, template=None, language=None): """ Renders requested page item for the tree. This is used in case when item must be reloaded over ajax. """ if not template: template = "admin/cms/page/tree/menu_fragment.html" if not return HttpResponse(NOT_FOUND_RESPONSE) # Not found - tree will remove item # languages from cms.utils import permissions languages = get_language_list(page.site_id) context = RequestContext(request, { 'has_add_permission': permissions.has_page_add_permission(request), 'site_languages': languages, }) filtered = 'filtered' in request.REQUEST context.update(get_admin_menu_item_context(request, page, filtered, language)) # add mimetype to help out IE if DJANGO_1_4: return render_to_response(template, context, mimetype="text/html; charset=utf-8") else: return render_to_response(template, context, content_type="text/html; charset=utf-8")
def home(request): context = RequestContext(request) context.update({ 'msg_body' : "List of all machines", }) products = Product.objects.all() context.update({ 'products' : products, }) return render_to_response("home.html", context_instance=context)
def cfp(request): if request.method == "POST": context = {} context.update(csrf(request)) username = request.POST['username'] password = request.POST['password'] user = authenticate(username=username, password=password) if user is not None: login(request, user) if 'next' in request.GET: next = request.GET['next'] return HttpResponseRedirect(next) context['user'] = user return render_to_response('cfp.html', context) else: context['invalid'] = True context['form'] = UserLoginForm return render_to_response('cfp.html', context) else: form = UserLoginForm() context = RequestContext(request, {'request': request, 'user': request.user, 'form': form}) context.update(csrf(request)) return render_to_response('cfp.html', context_instance=context)
def order_delete(request): context = RequestContext(request) context.update(csrf(request)) if not request.user.is_authenticated: return HttpResponse("(\/)~(-_-)~(\/) Вы не туда попали (\/)~(-_-)~(\/)") if not request.method == "POST": return HttpResponse("(\/)~(-_-)~(\/) Вы не туда попали (\/)~(-_-)~(\/)") tDate = for key in request.POST: if key[:3] == "del" and request.POST[key] == u"on": try: value = int(key[3:]) tOrder = Order.objects.get(id=value) tOrder_Log = Order_Log( text="Заказ %s от %s был удалён %s в %s:%s:%s. Он содержал блюдо %s в кол-ве: %s" % ( tOrder.customer,,, tDate.hour, tDate.minute, tDate.second,, tOrder.count, ) ) tOrder.delete() except: return HttpResponse("Error {0}: {1}".format(str(exc_info()[0]), exc_info()[1])) context["device"] = device_check(request) return HttpResponseRedirect("/order_today/")
def File_form(request): if request.method == 'GET': form = FileForm() data_for_templete = {'form' : form} rc = RequestContext(request, {}) rc.autoescape = False return render_to_response('stock_info/fileimport.html', data_for_templete, rc) else: form = FileForm(request.POST, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): data = form.cleaned_data['file_name'] try: results = Data_import(data) err_msg = [] if results['not_found']: err_msg.append(unicode(ugettext_lazy('Not found operations: %d' % results['not_found']))) if results['failed']: err_msg.append(unicode(ugettext_lazy('Failed rows: %d' % results['failed']))) if len(err_msg) > 0: messages.error(request, '; '.join(err_msg)) else:, unicode(ugettext_lazy('Success: %s rows' % results['success']))) except: messages.error(request, ugettext_lazy('Import failed')) return HttpResponseRedirect('/admin/stock_info/orderfailure')
def experimentpage(request, exp_id,comesFromNewExp=False): view_url = '/experiments/'+exp_id #uploadFormForLiquidClasses = UploadForm() is_valid = False try: exp = Experiment.objects.get(pk = exp_id) except Exception as e: raise Http404 if not request.user.is_authenticated(): return index(request,message = 'user is not logged in') if request.method=='POST': f = ExperimentForm (request.POST,request.FILES,instance=exp) if f.is_valid() : is_valid = True exp = else: f= ExperimentForm(instance=exp) f.fields["liquidClass"].queryset = LiquidClass.objects.all().order_by('name') _man = exp.manualFile.file.file _rob = exp.robotFile.file.file dilsList,pipetorsCV ,dilsListForLineChart= compareManualToRobotReaderForWebApp(manualExcelFile= _man,robotExcelFile=_rob, experiment=exp) upload_url, upload_data = prepare_upload(request, view_url) distance = abs(exp.getMeans()-exp.volume) c = RequestContext(request,{'exp':exp,'exp_id':exp_id,'form':f,'messege':'New experiment submitted successfully','pipetorsCV':pipetorsCV,'dilsList':dilsList,'dilsListForLineChart':dilsListForLineChart, 'upload_url':upload_url, 'upload_data':upload_data, 'comesFromNewExperiment':False,'distance':distance}) c.update(csrf(request)) return render_to_response('experiment_page.html',c)
def get_placeholders(request): # Walk through all the templates which have a html extension placeholders = [] for template_dir in settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(template_dir): for file in files: ext = file.split(".")[-1] if ext == "html": placeholders.append(os.path.join(root, file)) # Update context and get current_placeholders context = RequestContext(request) context.update({'request': request, 'display_banner_names': True }) current_placeholders = [(p.title) for p in Placeholder.objects.all()] # For every template retrieve the placeholders and add to the DB all_positions = set() for template in placeholders: file = open(template, 'r') temp_string = banner_re = r'{% banner (?P<title>[-\w]+).* %}' for match in re.finditer(banner_re, temp_string): title ='title') all_positions.add(title) placeholder, created = Placeholder.objects.get_or_create(title=title) # Delete any non-existing placeholder removable = list(set(current_placeholders).difference(set(all_positions))) for placeholder in removable: Placeholder.objects.filter(title__iexact=placeholder).delete()
def __init__(self, request, dictionary = None, current_project = None, current_story = None): self.request = request if request.user.is_authenticated(): project_list = request.user.project_set.all() if project_list is None or project_list.count() == 0: raise UserHasNoProjectException else: raise UserHasNoProjectException if current_project is None: current_project = project_list[0] else: current_project = Project.objects.get(pk = current_project) if current_story is not None: try: current_story = UserStory.objects.get(id = current_story) except UserStory.DoesNotExist: current_story = None if dictionary is None: self.dictionary = { 'project_list' : project_list, 'current_project' : current_project, 'current_story': current_story, 'last_page': request.path, } else: self.dictionary = dictionary self.dictionary['project_list'] = project_list self.dictionary['current_project'] = current_project self.dictionary['current_story'] = current_story self.dictionary['last_page'] = request.path RequestContext.__init__(self, self.request, self.dictionary)
def english_info(request): id = 0 try: id = int(request.GET.get('id', 0)) except Exception as e: log_info('english_info() errors: %s ' % str(e)) data_dict = {} if not id: data_dict.update({'msg': ErrorCodeMsgList.INVALID_PARAMETER.message}) else: item = English.get_dict_by_id(id) if item: item = format_english_dict(item, wechat=True) if not item: data_dict.update({'msg': ErrorCodeMsgList.INVALID_PARAMETER.message}) else: data_dict.update(item) context = RequestContext(request) context.update(get_seo_context(request)) context.update({'data': data_dict}) return template_response('english/info.html', context_instance=context)
def get_from_context(request, what, default=None): context = RequestContext(request) if hasattr(context, 'bind_template'): # Django 1.8: force context processors with context.bind_template(Template('')): return context.get(what, default) return context.get(what, default)
def __init__(self, request, course=None, course_instance=None, **dict): RequestContext.__init__(self, request, dict) # Initially the user is neither an assistant nor a teacher is_assistant = False is_teacher = False # If the course is not given, but an instance is, get the instance's course if course == None and course_instance != None: course = course_instance.course if request.user.is_authenticated(): # If the user is authenticated, populate is_assistant and is_teacher fields profile = request.user.get_profile() if course != None and course.is_teacher(profile): # Teachers are also allowed to act as assistants is_teacher = True is_assistant = True elif course_instance != None and course_instance.is_assistant(profile): is_assistant = True course_info = {"is_teacher": is_teacher, "is_assistant": is_assistant, "instance": course_instance, "course": course, } self.update(course_info)
def config(self, request, context=None): """配置 include 必须的参数 request_context """ request_context = RequestContext(request, {}) for c in self.context.dicts: request_context.update(c) if context: request_context.update(context) self.request_context = request_context
def _render_form_error(self, err_message): context = RequestContext(HttpRequest()) data = { 'message': err_message } context.update(data) return self.templates['form_error'].render(context)
def main(request): context = RequestContext(request) context.update(csrf(request)) if device_check(request) == "notPC": context["device"] = True else: context["device"] = False return HttpResponse(get_template("brand.html").render(context))
def private_message_wall(request,link,**kwargs): debug=[] nm=NotificationManager() nm.set_sender(request.user.username, '', 465, '*****@*****.**', '13936344120lsqshr') #get all the groups this person registered try: debug.append("get user\n") sys_user = request.user #get the joinin user user = sys_user.joinin_user except JoinInUser.DoesNotExist: raise Exception("Sorry, this user does not exist. Please contact the system administrator." \ + "USERID:" + str( groups = user.groups.all() #create the messagewall instance for this view msgw = MessageWall(user=user) debug.append("ready for the from!") if link == 'view': #check if notification is set as read if kwargs.has_key('notification_id'): notification_id=kwargs['notification_id'] #find the notification and set it as read n=Notification.objects.get(id=notification_id) n.is_read=True #deal with the form if request.method == "POST": debug.append("get in deal with form,") if 'post_msg' in request.POST: form = SendMessageForm(request.user,None,request.POST) if form.is_valid(): debug.append("form valid!") cd = form.cleaned_data if cd.has_key('web_url'): web_url = cd['web_url'] priority = cd['priority'] if cd.has_key('send_to'): send_to = cd['send_to'] if send_to is u'': send_to = None else: send_to = None belongs_to = cd['belongs_to_group'] content = cd['content'] #get all the entities try: if send_to: send_to = JoinInUser.objects.get(user__username=send_to) except JoinInUser.DoesNotExist: raise Exception("Fail to find the user to send the message. User with email:" + send_to + " does not exist.") try: belongs_to = JoinInGroup.objects.get(id=belongs_to) except JoinInGroup.DoesNotExist: raise Exception("Fail to find the group to send the message. Group with name " + belongs_to + " does not exist.") #send this message debug.append("ready to send\n") msgw.send_message(web_url=web_url,, \ send_to=send_to, belongs_to_group=belongs_to, written_by=user, content=content,priority=priority)#did not include priority #send notification to all of the members in that group nm.send_notification(to_user=None, to_group=belongs_to, text=request.user.username+\ " has posted a message in group "".\n\n"\ +str(, \ url="/message_wall/view/", sys=False, email=True) elif 'reply' in request.POST:#write reply content=request.POST['content'] message_id=long(request.POST['message_id']) group_id=request.POST['group_id'] #get message to reply to try: message=Message.objects.get(id=message_id) except Message.DoesNotExist: raise Exception("message not found") try: group=JoinInGroup.objects.get(id=group_id) except JoinInGroup.DoesNotExist: raise Exception("group not found") Message.objects.create(reply_to=message,priority=1,\, \,\ belongs_to_group=group,\ written_by=request.user.joinin_user,content=content) #change the parent message's update_datetime for sorting return HttpResponseRedirect('/message_wall/view/') elif 'apply' in request.POST: #deal with the form if request.method == 'POST': form=ApplyGroupForm(request.POST) errors=[] if form.is_valid(): cd=form.cleaned_data group_name=cd['group_name'] #find the group group_to_apply=None try: group_to_apply=JoinInGroup.objects.get(name=group_name) except JoinInGroup.DoesNotExist: errors.append("Sorry, group with name<b>"+group_name+"</b> does not exist, please check the name.") #add the user to the appliers of that group if request.user.joinin_user not in group_to_apply.appliers.all() or \ request.user.joinin_user not in group_to_apply.users.all(): group_to_apply.appliers.add(request.user.joinin_user) else:#TODO: raise "You have applied for this group or you have been a member of this group. Please be patient for the acceptance." #send notification nm.send_notification(request.user.joinin_user, None, 'You have applied to join group '\ +'.Please wait for permission. Any of the members in this group are able to allow you to join in.', None) #redirect to the private message wall return HttpResponseRedirect("/message_wall/view/") else:#group name is not in the right format errors.append("OOps!The group name is too long...") if errors: return render_to_response("accounts_modules/apply_dialog.html",{'form':form,'errors':errors},\ context_instance=RequestContext(request, {})) else: form=ApplyGroupForm() #show the apply group dialog return render_to_response("accounts_modules/apply_dialog.html",{'form':form},\ context_instance=RequestContext(request, {})) elif 'create_group' in request.POST: return create_group(request) else: pass #get all the private messages to this user p_msgs = msgw.retrieve_list() #refresh the form to render form = SendMessageForm(user=request.user) #add groups to the choicefield of the SendMessageForm #debug bundle # debug=[] # debug.append(user) # debug.append(p_msgs) #get notifications if kwargs.has_key('see') and kwargs['see'] == 'all_notifications': notifications=nm.get_all_notification(user) see_all_notifications=True elif kwargs.has_key('see') and kwargs['see']=='unread_notifications' \ or not kwargs.has_key('see'): notifications=nm.get_unread_notification(user) see_all_notifications=False return render_to_response('private_message_wall.html', {'form':form,\ 'page_name':'Hi, '+user.user.username,\ 'page_tag':'private',\ 'private_messages':p_msgs,\ "groups":groups,'notifications':notifications,\ 'see_all_notifications':see_all_notifications,\ "debug":debug,'user':request.user.joinin_user},\ context_instance=RequestContext(request, {})) #elif link=='apply': elif link == 'accept':#accept one groupe's invitation #get groupto accept invitation group_id=long(kwargs['group_id']) try: group_to_join=JoinInGroup.objects.get(id=group_id) except JoinInGroup.DoesNotExist: #TODO: raise Exception("Sorry, This group does not exist any more.") #add this user to that group if request.user.joinin_user in group_to_join.invitations.all() and \ request.user.joinin_user not in group_to_join.users.all(): group_to_join.users.add(request.user.joinin_user) for msg in group_to_join.messages.all(): PrivateMessage.objects.create(message=msg, belongs_to=request.user.joinin_user, read=False, priority=msg.priority, trashed=False) #delete the invitation group_to_join.invitations.remove(request.user.joinin_user) #TODO:send notification to this user nm.send_notification(request.user.joinin_user,None, \ "Congratulations, you are now in group "'.',\ '/message_wall/group/'+str('/view/') return HttpResponseRedirect('/message_wall/view/') elif link == 'deny': #get groupto accept invitation group_id=long(kwargs['group_id']) try: group_to_join=JoinInGroup.objects.get(id=group_id) except JoinInGroup.DoesNotExist: #TODO: raise Exception("Sorry, This group does not exist any more.") #simply remove the user from the invitations group_to_join.invitations.remove(request.user.joinin_user) return HttpResponseRedirect('/message_wall/view/')
def handler500(request): response = render_to_response('errors/500custom.html', {}, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) response.status_code = 500 return response
def add_event(request, template='schedule/schedule_form.html', event_form_class=ReferralForm, recurrence_form_class=ScheduleOccurrenceForm, redirect_to=None): # have to contains dtstart variable in URL. URL from schedule have to # contains date and time informations. if 'dtstart' not in request.GET: return http.HttpResponseRedirect('/schedule/') if request.method == 'POST': if int(request.POST.get('count')) > 40: # limit occurrence repeat return render_to_response( '403.html', { 'object': _('Sorry. You can not book more than 40 occurrence at the same \ time') }) recurrence_form = recurrence_form_class(request.POST) if recurrence_form.is_valid(): if invalid_delta_time(request.POST.get('start_time_delta'), request.POST.get('end_time_delta')): messages.error( request, _('The start time should be less than the end time')) return http.HttpResponseRedirect( request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER') or '/schedule/') # filter devices based on selection devices = DeviceDetails.objects.filter( id__in=request.POST.getlist('device')) start_occurrence_date = end_occurrence_date = datetime( year=int(request.POST.get('until_year')), month=int(request.POST.get('until_month')), day=int(request.POST.get('until_day'))) # create a start delta time start_delta = timedelta( seconds=int(request.POST.get('start_time_delta'))) # checking till one minute before next session end_delta = timedelta( seconds=(int(request.POST.get('end_time_delta')) - 1)) # get correct start time of device schedule start_device_schedule = (start_occurrence_date + start_delta) end_device_schedule = (end_occurrence_date + end_delta) # try to check if there's any occurrence with the device in # specified time occurrence_start = Occurrence.objects.filter( start_time__range=(start_device_schedule, end_device_schedule), scheduleoccurrence__device__in=devices, ) # check exact end time end_delta = timedelta( seconds=int(request.POST.get('end_time_delta'))) end_device_schedule = (end_occurrence_date + end_delta) occurrence_end = Occurrence.objects.filter( end_time__range=(start_device_schedule, end_device_schedule), scheduleoccurrence__device__in=devices, ) if len(occurrence_start) is not 0 or len(occurrence_end) is not 0: error = recurrence_form._errors.setdefault( 'device', ErrorList()) error.append('Selected device is busy') if request.POST.get('tabtitle'): # booking single client if verify_client(request.POST.get('referral')) is False: messages.error(request, _('Check the mandatory fields')) return http.HttpResponseRedirect( request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER') or '/schedule/') referral = get_object_or_404(Referral, pk=request.POST.get('referral'), service__organization=request. user.get_profile().org_active) event = elif request.POST.get('group'): # booking a group group = get_object_or_404(ServiceGroup, pk=request.POST.get('group'), service__organization=request.user. get_profile().org_active, active=True) # this check is already done in template. just to prevent # empty groups if group.charged_members(): first = True for group_member in group.charged_members(): if first: event = first = False else: if not event.errors: # ignore busy check event = group_member.referral, True) else: referral = get_object_or_404( Referral, pk=request.POST.get('select_referral'), service__organization=request.user.get_profile( ).org_active) event =, True, True) if not event.errors: messages.success(request, _('Schedule saved successfully')) return http.HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_to or '/schedule/') else: return render_to_response( 'schedule/event_detail.html', dict(event=event), context_instance=RequestContext(request)) else: dtstart = parser.parse(request.GET['dtstart']) room = get_object_or_None( Room, pk=request.GET.get('room'), place__organization=request.user.get_profile().org_active) client = get_object_or_None( Client, pk=request.GET.get('client'), person__organization=request.user.get_profile().org_active) referral = get_object_or_None( Referral, pk=request.GET.get('referral'), service__organization=request.user.get_profile().org_active) event_form = event_form_class() recurrence_form = recurrence_form_class(initial=dict( dtstart=dtstart, day=datetime.strptime(dtstart.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "%Y-%m-%d"), until=datetime.strptime(dtstart.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "%Y-%m-%d"),, )) recurrence_form.fields['device'].widget.choices = ([ (, i) for i in request.user.get_profile().org_active).filter( Q(room=room) | Q(mobility="2", lendable=True) | Q(, mobility="2", lendable=False)) ]) return render_to_response( template, dict( dtstart=dtstart, event_form=event_form, recurrence_form=recurrence_form, group=ServiceGroup.objects.filter( service__organization=request.user.get_profile().org_active, active=True), room=room, object=client, referral=referral, referrals=Referral.objects.all(),, ), context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def _datetime_view(request, template, dt, place, referral=None, client=None, timeslot_factory=None, items=None, params=None): ''' Tiago de Souza Moraes place: ''' try: referral = Referral.objects.get( pk=referral, service__organization=request.user.get_profile().org_active) except: referral = None try: object = Client.objects.get( pk=client, person__organization=request.user.get_profile().org_active) except: object = '' place = Place.objects.get(pk=place) occurrences = ScheduleOccurrence.objects.filter(start_time__year=dt.year, start_time__month=dt.month, # user = request.user timeslot_factory = timeslot_factory or create_timeslot_table params = params or {} data = dict( day=dt, next_day=dt + timedelta(days=+1), prev_day=dt + timedelta(days=-1), # get start_time and end_time_delta from place # get schedule slot time from organization timeslots=timeslot_factory( dt, items, start_time=datetime_.time(place.hours_work()[0], place.hours_work()[1]), end_time_delta=timedelta(hours=place.hours_work()[2]), time_delta=timedelta(minutes=int( request.user.get_profile().org_active.time_slot_schedule)), **params), organization=request.user.get_profile(), place=place,, occurrences=occurrences, organization=request.user.get_profile(), professionals=CareProfessional.objects.active_all( request.user.get_profile(), referral=referral, object=object, tab_daily_class="active", # class object, tab menu restrict_schedule=hide_schedule_information(request.user)) return render_to_response( template, data, context_instance=RequestContext(request), )
def resource(request, slug): page = get_object_or_404(models.Resource, slug=slug) current_item = page.title return render_to_response('pages/content_type.html', {}, context_instance=RequestContext( request, locals()))
def output_detail(request, pk): """ This view is the single page of diplaying a progress bar for how close the job is to finishing, and then it will also display the job results if the job is done. Finally, it will render a 'job failed' page if the job has failed. """ try: url = OutputUrl.objects.get(pk=pk) except: raise Http404 model = url.unique_inputs taxcalc_vers_disp = get_version(url, 'taxcalc_vers', TAXCALC_VERSION) webapp_vers_disp = get_version(url, 'webapp_vers', WEBAPP_VERSION) context_vers_disp = { 'taxcalc_version': taxcalc_vers_disp, 'webapp_version': webapp_vers_disp } if model.tax_result: context = get_result_context(model, request, url) context.update(context_vers_disp) context[ "raw_reform_text"] = model.json_text.raw_reform_text if model.json_text else "" context[ "raw_assumption_text"] = model.json_text.raw_assumption_text if model.json_text else "" return render(request, 'taxbrain/results.html', context) elif model.error_text: return render(request, 'taxbrain/failed.html', {"error_msg": model.error_text.text}) else: job_ids = model.job_ids jobs_to_check = model.jobs_not_ready if not jobs_to_check: jobs_to_check = normalize(job_ids) else: jobs_to_check = normalize(jobs_to_check) try: jobs_ready = dropq_compute.dropq_results_ready(jobs_to_check) except JobFailError as jfe: print(jfe) return render_to_response('taxbrain/failed.html') if any([j == 'FAIL' for j in jobs_ready]): failed_jobs = [ sub_id for (sub_id, job_ready) in zip(jobs_to_check, jobs_ready) if job_ready == 'FAIL' ] #Just need the error message from one failed job error_msgs = dropq_compute.dropq_get_results([failed_jobs[0]], job_failure=True) error_msg = error_msgs[0] val_err_idx = error_msg.rfind("Error") error = ErrorMessageTaxCalculator() error_contents = error_msg[val_err_idx:].replace(" ", " ") error.text = error_contents model.error_text = error return render(request, 'taxbrain/failed.html', {"error_msg": error_contents}) if all([j == 'YES' for j in jobs_ready]): results = dropq_compute.dropq_get_results(normalize(job_ids)) model.tax_result = results model.creation_date = context = get_result_context(model, request, url) context.update(context_vers_disp) return render(request, 'taxbrain/results.html', context) else: jobs_not_ready = [ sub_id for (sub_id, job_ready) in zip(jobs_to_check, jobs_ready) if job_ready == 'NO' ] jobs_not_ready = denormalize(jobs_not_ready) model.jobs_not_ready = jobs_not_ready if request.method == 'POST': # if not ready yet, insert number of minutes remaining exp_comp_dt = url.exp_comp_datetime utc_now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() utc_now = utc_now.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) dt = exp_comp_dt - utc_now exp_num_minutes = dt.total_seconds() / 60. exp_num_minutes = round(exp_num_minutes, 2) exp_num_minutes = exp_num_minutes if exp_num_minutes > 0 else 0 if exp_num_minutes > 0: return JsonResponse({'eta': exp_num_minutes}, status=202) else: return JsonResponse({'eta': exp_num_minutes}, status=200) else: context = {'eta': '100'} context.update(context_vers_disp) return render_to_response( 'taxbrain/not_ready.html', context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def about(request): return render_to_response( 'about/about.html', { 'breadcrumb': (('About', None), ), 'staff_members': StaffMember.objects.all().order_by('last_name'), }, RequestContext(request))
def profile_search(request): errors = [] profile = "" if 'q' in request.GET: q=request.GET['q'] if q is None: errors.append('Enter a search term!') else: try: pro = User.objects.get(username__exact=q) return HttpResponseRedirect("/accounts/profile/%s" % q) except ObjectDoesNotExist: errors.append('The user you searched for does not exist, please enter a valid username') return render_to_response("profile_search.html" , {'errors':errors, 'profile':profile}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def email_change(request): errors = [] form = Email_Change_Form() if request.method=='POST': form = Email_Change_Form(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): if form.cleaned_data['email1'] == form.cleaned_data['email2']: u = User.objects.get(username=request.user) # get the proper user = form.cleaned_data['email1'] #^this is where the error is thrown return HttpResponseRedirect("/accounts/profile/") else: errors.append('Please enter two identical addresses!') return render_to_response("email_change.html", {'form':form , 'errors' : errors}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def preview_get(self, request): "Displays the form" f = self.form(auto_id=AUTO_ID) return render_to_response(self.form_template, {'form': f, 'stage_field': self.unused_name('stage'), 'state': self.state}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def home(request): """Docstring""" return render_to_response('signup_confirmar.html', {'user': request.user}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def add(request, activity): """Creates a request for points for an activity.""" user = request.user if request.method == "POST": form = _get_form(request, activity) if form.is_valid(): try: action_member = ActionMember.objects.get(user=user, action=activity) except ObjectDoesNotExist: action_member = ActionMember( user=user, action=activity, # Attach image if it is an image form. if "image_response" in form.cleaned_data: if activity.confirm_type == "free_image": action_member.response = form.cleaned_data["response"] path = activity_image_file_path( user=user, filename=request.FILES['image_response'].name) action_member.image = path path, request.FILES["image_response"]) action_member.approval_status = "pending" # Attach text prompt question if one is provided elif "question" in form.cleaned_data: action_member.question = TextPromptQuestion.objects.get( pk=form.cleaned_data["question"]) action_member.response = form.cleaned_data["response"] action_member.approval_status = "pending" elif activity.confirm_type == "free": action_member.response = form.cleaned_data["response"] action_member.approval_status = "pending" action_member.social_email = form.cleaned_data[ "social_email"].lower() try: except IntegrityError: messages.error = 'Sorry, but it appears that you have already added this activity.' return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse("activity_task", args=( activity.type, activity.slug, ))) response = HttpResponseRedirect( reverse("activity_task", args=( activity.type, activity.slug, ))) return response # invalid form # rebuild the form form.form_title = "Get your points" if activity.confirm_type == "text": qid =["question"] question = TextPromptQuestion.objects.get(pk=qid) form.action_question = question return render_to_response("task.html", { "action": activity, "form": form, "completed_count": 0, "team_members": None, "display_form": True, "reminders": None, }, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse("activity_task", args=( activity.type, activity.slug, )))
def register(request): """ A very simplistic register view """ """ ORIGINAL CODE backend = get_registration_backend() form_class = backend.get_form_class(request) template_name = backend.get_registration_template() if request.method == 'POST': form = form_class(data=request.POST, files=request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): new_user = backend.register(request, **form.cleaned_data) response = backend.post_registration_redirect(request, new_user) #keep the post behaviour exactly the same as django facebook return response else: form = form_class() context = RequestContext(request) context['form'] = form response = render_to_response(template_name, context_instance=context) return response""" data = {} if request.method == 'POST': email = request.POST['email'] first_name = request.POST['first_name'] last_name = request.POST['last_name'] #gender = request.POST['gender'] password = request.POST['password'] try: # user = authenticate(username=email,password=password) # This code doesn't work as intended use user = User.objects.get(username=email) if user.is_active == False: #if user has not yet activated, resend data try: user.get_profile().delete() except: pass user.delete() raise User.DoesNotExist data['title'] = "Registration Error" data['message'] = "That email exists already." form = FacebookProfileForm(request.POST) data['form'] = form return render_to_response('registration/registration_form.html',data,context_instance = RequestContext(request)) except: #errors if email doesn't exist which is good pass new_user = User() new_user.username = email new_user.first_name = first_name new_user.last_name = last_name = email new_user.set_password(password) new_user.is_active = False #new_user = authenticate( username= email, password=password) #login(request,new_user) auth_key = "" # create a 20 length random key for i in range(0,20): auth_key += random.choice(RANDOM_CHARS) verif = VerificationEmailID(user=new_user,auth_key=auth_key) full_name = new_user.get_full_name() send_templated_mail( template_name='register', from_email='Buy Near Me <*****@*****.**>', recipient_list=[add_name_to_email(full_name, email)], context={ 'auth_key':auth_key, 'first_name':new_user.first_name, 'full_name':full_name, }, ) data['title'] = "Sign Up Verification" data['message'] = """Verification email has been sent.<br>Follow the instructions on the email to activate your account.""" return render_to_response('message.html',data,context_instance=RequestContext(request)) #return render_to_response('index.html',context_instance=RequestContext(request) ) else: form = FacebookProfileForm() context = RequestContext(request) context['form'] = form response = render_to_response('registration/registration_form.html', context_instance=context) return response
def category_view(request, id): return render_to_response( 'sampleapp/category_view.html', RequestContext(request, {'category': Category.objects.get(pk=id)}))
def cambiarPass(request): return render_to_response('principal.html', context_instance=RequestContext(request, {}))
def sign_up(request): return render_to_response("signup.html", context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def policy(request): return render_to_response('about/policy.html', { 'breadcrumb': (('Policy', None), ), }, RequestContext(request))
def contato(request, cidade_slug): cidade = get_object_or_404(Cidade, slug=cidade_slug) cidades_disponiveis = Cidade.objects.all() #Mapa gmap = maps.Map( opts={ 'center': maps.LatLng('-34', '20'), 'mapTypeId': maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, 'zoom': 15, 'mapTypeControlOptions': { 'style': maps.MapTypeControlStyle.DROPDOWN_MENU }, }) marker = maps.Marker(opts={ 'map': gmap, 'position': maps.LatLng('-34', '20'), }) maps.event.addListener(marker, 'mouseover', 'myobj.markerOver') maps.event.addListener(marker, 'mouseout', 'myobj.markerOut') info = maps.InfoWindow({ 'content': '<h3>' + 'Clipper Magazine' + '</h3>' + '<p>Rua: ' + 'etc etc' + '</p>' + '<p>Telefone: ' + '62 888992212' + '</p>', 'disableAutoPan': False }), marker) #formulario de contato if request.POST: postdata = request.POST.copy() form_contato = Contato_Form(postdata) if form_contato.is_valid(): cad_contato = Contato() cad_contato.nome = form_contato.cleaned_data['nome'] cad_contato.empresa = form_contato.cleaned_data['empresa'] = form_contato.cleaned_data['email'] cad_contato.telefone = cad_contato.cleaned_data['telefone'] cad_contato.mensagem = form_contato.cleaned_data['mensagem'] mensagem_site = form_contato.cleaned_data['mensagem'] mensagem = "Ola\nO %s Mandou a seguinte mensagem:\n%s" % ( cad_contato.nome, mensagem_site) email = EmailMessage(cad_contato.mensagem, mensagem, to=['*****@*****.**']) email.send() if request.is_ajax(): return render_to_response('contato/sucesso.html') else: return redirect('contato_sucesso') else: form_contato = Contato_Form() if request.session.get('email_cadastrado', False): email_cadastrado = True email_form = None else: email_cadastrado = False email_form = EmailForm() email_duplicado = False if request.POST: postdata = request.POST.copy() email_form = EmailForm(postdata) if email_form.is_valid(): cad_email = EmailInscricao() = email_form.cleaned_data['email'] cad_email.cidade = email_form.cleaned_data['cidade'] email_cadastrado = True context = { 'form_mapa': MapForm(initial={'map': gmap}), 'email_form': email_form, 'email_cadastrado': email_cadastrado, 'form_contato': form_contato, 'cidades_disponiveis': cidades_disponiveis, 'cidade': cidade, } return render_to_response('contato/contato.html', context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
# Fall through. It will be reported inline and in the log. logging.error('Uploading SSH key failed: %s' % e) else: form = SSHSettingsForm() if key: fingerprint = humanize_key(key) else: fingerprint = None return render_to_response( template_name, RequestContext( request, { 'key': key, 'fingerprint': fingerprint, 'public_key': client.get_public_key(key), 'form': form, })) def manual_updates_required(request, updates, template_name="admin/manual_updates_required.html" ): """ Checks for required manual updates and displays informational pages on performing the necessary updates. """ return render_to_response( template_name,
def user_login(request): username = '' password = '' state = 'Please Log In' status_code = 0 if request.POST: username = request.POST['username'] password = request.POST['password'] user = authenticate(username=username, password=password) if user is not None: if user.is_active: login(request,user) status_code = 1 state = 'You have successfully Logged In' else: state = 'Your account has been deactivated' else: state = 'Invalid Login Details' return render_to_response('login.html',{'state':state,'status_code':status_code,'username':username},context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def faq(request, slug): page = get_object_or_404(models.Faq, slug=slug) current_item = page.title return render_to_response('pages/faq.html', {}, context_instance=RequestContext( request, locals()))
def http404(request): return render_to_response("errors/404.html", { 'site_location': 'Error 404', }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def occurrence_confirmation_form( request, pk, template='schedule/schedule_occurrence_confirmation_form.html', form_class=OccurrenceConfirmationForm, client_id=None, redirect_to=None, ): occurrence = get_object_or_404( ScheduleOccurrence, pk=pk, event__referral__service__organization=request.user.get_profile( ).org_active) if not occurrence.scheduleoccurrence.was_confirmed(): initial_device = [ for device in occurrence.device.all()] else: initial_device = [ for device in (occurrence.occurrenceconfirmation.device.all()) ] # check if requested user have perms to read it if not _access_check_by_occurrence(request, occurrence): return render_to_response( '403.html', { 'object': _("Oops! You don't have access for this service!"), }, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) try: occurrence_confirmation = OccurrenceConfirmation.objects.get( except: occurrence_confirmation = None object = get_object_or_None( Client, pk=client_id, person__organization=request.user.get_profile().org_active) from gestorpsi.client.views import _access_check_referral_write denied_to_write = None if not _access_check_referral_write(request, occurrence.event.referral): denied_to_write = True if request.method == 'POST': if denied_to_write: return render_to_response('403.html', { 'object': _("Oops! You don't have access for this service!"), }, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) form = form_class(request.POST, instance=occurrence_confirmation, initial={ 'device': initial_device, }) if form.is_valid(): data = data.occurrence = occurrence # client not arrive, dont save datetime field if int(data.presence) not in (1, 2, 6, 7): data.date_started = None data.date_finished = None form.save_m2m() # save occurrence comment occurrence.annotation = request.POST['occurrence_annotation'] messages.success(request, _('Occurrence confirmation updated successfully')) return http.HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_to or request.path) else: form.fields['device'].widget.choices = [(, i ) for i in ).org_active).filter( Q( | Q(mobility=2, lendable=True) | Q(, mobility=2, lendable=False))] return render_to_response(template, dict(occurrence=occurrence, form=form, object=object, referral=occurrence.event.referral), context_instance=RequestContext(request)) else: # load initial data if client dont arrive if hasattr(occurrence_confirmation, 'presence') and int( occurrence_confirmation.presence) not in (1, 2, 6, 7): occurrence_confirmation.date_started = occurrence.start_time occurrence_confirmation.date_finished = occurrence.end_time form = form_class(instance=occurrence_confirmation, initial={ 'occurrence': occurrence, 'start_time': occurrence.start_time, 'end_time': occurrence.end_time, 'device': initial_device, }) form.fields['device'].widget.choices = [ (, i) for i in ).org_active).filter( Q( | Q(mobility="2", lendable=True) | Q(, mobility="2", lendable=False)) ] #Validating the events to be dated with input and output if (((occurrence_confirmation and int(occurrence_confirmation.presence)) > 2) and ((occurrence_confirmation and int(occurrence_confirmation.presence)) < 6) or ((occurrence_confirmation and int(occurrence_confirmation.presence)) > 7)): occurrences_that_require_dates = True else: occurrences_that_require_dates = None #Creating dictionaries to return instance to template events_for_return = dict( occurrence=occurrence, form=form, object=object, referral=occurrence.event.referral, occurrence_confirmation=occurrence_confirmation, hide_date_field=occurrences_that_require_dates, #True if occurrence_confirmation and int(occurrence_confirmation.presence) > 7 else None, denied_to_write=denied_to_write) return render_to_response(template, events_for_return, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def http500(request): return render_to_response("errors/500.html", { 'site_location': 'Error 500', }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def home(request): organizaciones = Organizacion.objects.all() return render_to_response('index.html', RequestContext(request, locals()))
def login(request, custom_message=None, force_form=False, initial_email=None, override_target=None): """ View for logging in. custom_message is a string to display at the top of the login form. force_form is used when you want to force display of the original form (regardless of whether it's a POST request). override_target can be used to set the form's target URL; otherwise it's self-POSTing. """ if not request.user.is_anonymous(): # If the user is already logged in, redirect to the dashboard. next_url = reverse(dashboard) return http.HttpResponseRedirect(next_url) if request.method == 'POST' and not force_form: next_url = (request.session.pop(REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME, None) or request.POST.get(REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME) or reverse(dashboard)) form = forms.LoginForm(request, request.POST) if form.is_valid(): utils.login(request, form.user_cache) if request.session.test_cookie_worked(): request.session.delete_test_cookie() # If the session contains a 'pending_login' variable, it will be a # tuple of (callback_name, data), where data is an unserialized # Python object and callback_name corresponds to a callback in # ebpub/accounts/ if 'pending_login' in request.session: try: callback, data = request.session['pending_login'] message = callbacks.do_callback(callback, form.user_cache, data) except (TypeError, ValueError): message = None # We're done with the callbacks and don't want to risk them # happening again, so we delete the session value. del request.session['pending_login'] # Save the login message in the session so we can display it # for the user. if message: request.session['login_message'] = message return http.HttpResponseRedirect(next_url) else: form = forms.LoginForm(request, initial={'email': initial_email}) # Rendering the form. request.session.set_test_cookie() if request.REQUEST.get(REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME): request.session[REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME] = request.REQUEST[ REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME] custom_message = request.session.pop('login_message', custom_message) context = RequestContext( request, { 'form': form, 'custom_message': custom_message, 'target': override_target or reverse(login), }) return eb_render(request, 'accounts/login_form.html', context)
def group_message_wall(request, group_id,link,**kwargs): nm=NotificationManager() nm.set_sender(request.user.username, '', 465, '*****@*****.**', '13936344120lsqshr') #get the group group_id = long(group_id) group = None try: group = JoinInGroup.objects.get(id=group_id) except: raise Exception("Sorry, this group does not exist..." ) #see if this user has permission to view the group content try: group.users.get(user__username=request.user.username) except JoinInUser.DoesNotExist: return HttpResponse("sorry, you do not have the permission to view this group. Group Name:"\ +str("Your user id:"+str( if link == 'view':#deal with when the url is like /group_id/view/ # #get all the messages to render messages=group.messages.all() #get all the members users=group.users.all() msgw=MessageWall(user=request.user.joinin_user,group=group) #TODO: get all the files ####################deal with form######################################### if request.method == "POST": if "post_msg" in request.POST: form = SendMessageForm(request.user,group, request.POST) if form.is_valid(): cd = form.cleaned_data if cd.has_key('web_url'): web_url = cd['web_url'] priority = cd['priority'] if cd.has_key('send_to'): send_to = cd['send_to'] if send_to is u'': send_to = None else: send_to = None belongs_to = cd['belongs_to_group'] content = cd['content'] #get all the entities try: if send_to: send_to = JoinInUser.objects.get(user__username=send_to) except JoinInUser.DoesNotExist:#TODO: raise Exception("Fail to find the user to send the message. User with email:" + send_to + " does not exist.") try: belongs_to = JoinInGroup.objects.get(id=belongs_to) except JoinInGroup.DoesNotExist: raise Exception("Fail to find the group to send the message. Group with name " + belongs_to + " does not exist.") #send this message msgw.send_message(web_url=web_url,,\ send_to=send_to, belongs_to_group=belongs_to,\ written_by=request.user.joinin_user, content=content,priority=priority)#did not include priority #send notification to all of the members in that group nm.send_notification(to_user=None, to_group=belongs_to, text=request.user.username+\ " has posted a message in group "".\n\n"\ +str(, \ url="/message_wall/view/", sys=False, email=True) elif "invite" in request.POST:#deal with the form=InviteForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): cd=form.cleaned_data username=cd['username'] #get the user errors=[] try: user=JoinInUser.objects.get(user__username=username) except JoinInUser.DoesNotExist: #show the form again. errors.append("Sorry! The user does not exist.") #see if the user is in the group now try: group.users.get(user__username=username) errors.append("Sorry! The user has already been added to this group!") except JoinInUser.DoesNotExist: pass if errors: NotificationManager().send_notification(request.user.joinin_user, None, ';'.join(errors), None, True,False) return HttpResponseRedirect('/message_wall/group/'+str('/view/') #create new invitation to the user. else: group.invitations.add(user) return HttpResponseRedirect('/message_wall/group/'+str('/view/') elif 'reply' in request.POST:#write reply content=request.POST['content'] message_id=long(request.POST['message_id']) group_id=request.POST['group_id'] #get message to reply to try: message=Message.objects.get(id=message_id) except Message.DoesNotExist: raise Exception("message not found") try: group=JoinInGroup.objects.get(id=group_id) except JoinInGroup.DoesNotExist: raise Exception("group not found") Message.objects.create(reply_to=message,priority=1,\, \,\ belongs_to_group=group,\ written_by=request.user.joinin_user,content=content) #change the parent message's update_datetime for sorting return HttpResponseRedirect('/message_wall/group/'+str('/view/') elif 'apply' in request.POST: #deal with the form if request.method == 'POST': form=ApplyGroupForm(request.POST) errors=[] if form.is_valid(): cd=form.cleaned_data group_name=cd['group_name'] #find the group group_to_apply=None try: group_to_apply=JoinInGroup.objects.get(name=group_name) except JoinInGroup.DoesNotExist: errors.append("Sorry, group with name<b>"+group_name+"</b> does not exist, please check the name.") #add the user to the appliers of that group if request.user.joinin_user not in group_to_apply.appliers.all() or \ request.user.joinin_user not in group_to_apply.users.all(): group_to_apply.appliers.add(request.user.joinin_user) else:#TODO: raise "You have applied for this group or you have been a member of this group. Please be patient for the acceptance." #send notification nm.send_notification(request.user.joinin_user, None, 'You have applied to join group '\ +'.Please wait for permission. Any of the members in this group are able to allow you to join in.', None) #redirect to the private message wall return HttpResponseRedirect("/message_wall/view/") else:#group name is not in the right format errors.append("OOps!The group name is too long...") if errors: return render_to_response("accounts_modules/apply_dialog.html",{'form':form,'errors':errors},\ context_instance=RequestContext(request, {})) else: form=ApplyGroupForm() #show the apply group dialog return render_to_response("accounts_modules/apply_dialog.html",{'form':form},\ context_instance=RequestContext(request, {})) else: pass #get all the private messages to this user p_msgs = msgw.retrieve_list() #refresh the form to render form = SendMessageForm(user=request.user,initial_group=group) #get applisers to this group appliers=group.appliers.all() return render_to_response('group_message_wall.html', \ {'form':form, 'page_name':'Group '' Message Wall',\ 'page_tag':'public',\ 'private_messages':p_msgs, "groups":request.user.joinin_user.groups.all(),\ 'users':users,'group':group,'appliers':appliers},\ context_instance=RequestContext(request, {})) elif link == 'invite': if request.method=="POST"and "invite" in request.POST: form=InviteForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): cd=form.cleaned_data username=cd['username'] #get the user errors=[] try: user=JoinInUser.objects.get(user__username=username) except JoinInUser.DoesNotExist: #show the form again. errors.append("Sorry! The user does not exist.") #see if the user is in the group now try: group.users.get(user__username=username) errors.append("Sorry! The user has already been added to this group!") except JoinInUser.DoesNotExist: pass if errors: return render_to_response("accounts_modules/invite_dialog.html",\ {'errors':errors,'form':form,'group':group},\ context_instance=RequestContext(request, {})) #create new invitation to the user. else: group.invitations.add(user) #TODO:should send user a notification to notify success of inviting the user. return HttpResponseRedirect('/message_wall/group/'+str('/view/') else:#no submit form form=InviteForm() return render_to_response("accounts_modules/invite_dialog.html",\ {'group':group,'form':form},\ context_instance=RequestContext(request, {})) elif link == 'leave': #delete the current user from this group group.users.remove(request.user.joinin_user) #TODO:send notification to notify user that the user has left the group #redirect to the private message wall #if the group has no more user, this group should be deleted if len(group.users.all()) is 0: group.delete() return HttpResponseRedirect("/message_wall/view/") elif link == 'accept': #get user try: user_to_add= JoinInUser.objects.get(user__username=kwargs['username']) except JoinInUser.DoesNotExist: raise "User Does not exist!"#TODO: #see if this user is in the group, not? add! if user_to_add not in group.users.all()\ and len(group.users.all())<=12: group.users.add(user_to_add) else: NotificationManager().send_notification(request.user.joinin_user, None, 'User '+user_to_add.user.username+\ ' has already been in the group. Or there are already 12 members in this group, which reached the top limit.',\ None,True,False) #delete this user from appliers group.appliers.remove(user_to_add) #delete the user from the invitations, if there are invitation was sent to this user if user_to_add in group.invitations.all(): group.invitations.remove(user_to_add) #send all the messages in that group as private messages to the user, #since the new user should see the historical messages for msg in group.messages.all(): PrivateMessage.objects.create(message=msg, belongs_to=user_to_add, read=False, priority=msg.priority, trashed=False) #redirect return HttpResponseRedirect('/message_wall/group/'+str('/view/') elif link== 'deny': #get user #get user try: user_to_add= JoinInUser.objects.get(user__username=kwargs['username']) except JoinInUser.DoesNotExist: raise "User Does not exist!"#TODO: #simply remove this joinin user from the appliers group.appliers.remove(user_to_add) return HttpResponseRedirect('/message_wall/group/'+str('/view/') else: return HttpResponse("not working"+link)
def graph_queryset(modeladmin, request, queryset): # noqa opts = modeladmin.model._meta perm = "{0}.{1}".format( opts.app_label.lower(), get_permission_codename('adminactions_chart', opts)) if not request.user.has_perm(perm): messages.error( request, _('Sorry you do not have rights to execute this action')) return MForm = graph_form_factory(modeladmin.model) graph_type = table = None extra = '{}' try: adminaction_requested.send(sender=modeladmin.model, action='graph_queryset', request=request, queryset=queryset, modeladmin=modeladmin) except ActionInterrupted as e: messages.error(request, str(e)) return if 'apply' in request.POST: form = MForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): try: adminaction_start.send(sender=modeladmin.model, action='graph_queryset', request=request, queryset=queryset, modeladmin=modeladmin, form=form) except ActionInterrupted as e: messages.error(request, str(e)) return try: x = form.cleaned_data['axes_x'] # y = form.cleaned_data['axes_y'] graph_type = form.cleaned_data['graph_type'] field, model, direct, m2m = get_field_by_name( modeladmin.model, x) cc = queryset.values_list(x).annotate(Count(x)).order_by() if isinstance(field, ForeignKey): data_labels = [] for value, cnt in cc: data_labels.append( str( elif isinstance(field, BooleanField): data_labels = [str(l) for l, v in cc] elif hasattr(modeladmin.model, 'get_%s_display' % data_labels = [] for value, cnt in cc: data_labels.append( smart_text(dict(field.flatchoices).get( value, value), strings_only=True)) else: data_labels = [str(l) for l, v in cc] data = [v for l, v in cc] if graph_type == 'BarChart': table = [data] extra = """{seriesDefaults:{renderer:$.jqplot.BarRenderer, rendererOptions: {fillToZero: true, barDirection: 'horizontal'}, shadowAngle: -135, }, series:[%s], axes: {yaxis: {renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer, ticks: %s}, xaxis: {pad: 1.05, tickOptions: {formatString: '%%d'}} } }""" % (json.dumps(data_labels), json.dumps(data_labels)) elif graph_type == 'PieChart': table = [list(zip(data_labels, data))] extra = """{seriesDefaults: {renderer: jQuery.jqplot.PieRenderer, rendererOptions: {fill: true, showDataLabels: true, sliceMargin: 4, lineWidth: 5}}, legend: {show: true, location: 'e'}}""" except Exception as e: messages.error(request, 'Unable to produce valid data: %s' % str(e)) else: adminaction_end.send(sender=modeladmin.model, action='graph_queryset', request=request, queryset=queryset, modeladmin=modeladmin, form=form) elif request.method == 'POST': # total = queryset.all().count() initial = { helpers.ACTION_CHECKBOX_NAME: request.POST.getlist(helpers.ACTION_CHECKBOX_NAME), 'select_across': request.POST.get('select_across', 0) } form = MForm(initial=initial) else: initial = { helpers.ACTION_CHECKBOX_NAME: request.POST.getlist(helpers.ACTION_CHECKBOX_NAME), 'select_across': request.POST.get('select_across', 0) } form = MForm(initial=initial) adminForm = helpers.AdminForm(form, modeladmin.get_fieldsets(request), {}, [], model_admin=modeladmin) media = + ctx = { 'adminform': adminForm, 'action': 'graph_queryset', 'opts': modeladmin.model._meta, 'action_short_description': graph_queryset.short_description, 'title': u"%s (%s)" % ( graph_queryset.short_description.capitalize(), smart_text(modeladmin.opts.verbose_name_plural), ), 'app_label': queryset.model._meta.app_label, 'media': media, 'extra': extra, 'as_json': json.dumps(table), 'graph_type': graph_type } if django.VERSION[:2] > (1, 7): ctx.update(modeladmin.admin_site.each_context(request)) else: ctx.update(modeladmin.admin_site.each_context()) return render_to_response('adminactions/charts.html', RequestContext(request, ctx))
def sample_view(request, **kw): context = RequestContext(request, kw) return render_to_response("sampleapp/home.html", context)
def mass_update(modeladmin, request, queryset): # noqa """ mass update queryset """ def not_required(field, **kwargs): """ force all fields as not required""" kwargs['required'] = False return field.formfield(**kwargs) def _doit(): errors = {} updated = 0 for record in queryset: for field_name, value_or_func in list(form.cleaned_data.items()): if callable(value_or_func): old_value = getattr(record, field_name) setattr(record, field_name, value_or_func(old_value)) else: setattr(record, field_name, value_or_func) if clean: record.clean() updated += 1 if updated:, _("Updated %s records") % updated) if len(errors): messages.error(request, "%s records not updated due errors" % len(errors)) adminaction_end.send(sender=modeladmin.model, action='mass_update', request=request, queryset=queryset, modeladmin=modeladmin, form=form, errors=errors, updated=updated) opts = modeladmin.model._meta perm = "{0}.{1}".format( opts.app_label, get_permission_codename('adminactions_massupdate', opts)) if not request.user.has_perm(perm): messages.error( request, _('Sorry you do not have rights to execute this action')) return try: adminaction_requested.send(sender=modeladmin.model, action='mass_update', request=request, queryset=queryset, modeladmin=modeladmin) except ActionInterrupted as e: messages.error(request, str(e)) return # Allows to specified a custom mass update Form in the ModelAdmin mass_update_form = getattr(modeladmin, 'mass_update_form', MassUpdateForm) MForm = modelform_factory(modeladmin.model, form=mass_update_form, exclude=('pk', ), formfield_callback=not_required) grouped = defaultdict(lambda: []) selected_fields = [] initial = { '_selected_action': request.POST.getlist(helpers.ACTION_CHECKBOX_NAME), 'select_across': request.POST.get('select_across') == '1', 'action': 'mass_update' } if 'apply' in request.POST: form = MForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): try: adminaction_start.send(sender=modeladmin.model, action='mass_update', request=request, queryset=queryset, modeladmin=modeladmin, form=form) except ActionInterrupted as e: messages.error(request, str(e)) return HttpResponseRedirect(request.get_full_path()) # need_transaction = form.cleaned_data.get('_unique_transaction', False) validate = form.cleaned_data.get('_validate', False) clean = form.cleaned_data.get('_clean', False) if validate: with compat.atomic(): _doit() else: values = {} for field_name, value in list(form.cleaned_data.items()): if isinstance(form.fields[field_name], ModelMultipleChoiceField): messages.error( request, "Unable no mass update ManyToManyField without 'validate'" ) return HttpResponseRedirect(request.get_full_path()) elif callable(value): messages.error( request, "Unable no mass update using operators without 'validate'" ) return HttpResponseRedirect(request.get_full_path()) elif field_name not in [ '_selected_action', '_validate', 'select_across', 'action', '_unique_transaction', '_clean' ]: values[field_name] = value queryset.update(**values) return HttpResponseRedirect(request.get_full_path()) else: initial.update({'action': 'mass_update', '_validate': 1}) # form = MForm(initial=initial) prefill_with = request.POST.get('prefill-with', None) prefill_instance = None try: # Gets the instance directly from the queryset for data security prefill_instance = queryset.get(pk=prefill_with) except ObjectDoesNotExist: pass form = MForm(initial=initial, instance=prefill_instance) for el in queryset.all()[:10]: for f in modeladmin.model._meta.fields: if not in form._no_sample_for: if hasattr(f, 'flatchoices') and f.flatchoices: grouped[] = list( dict(getattr(f, 'flatchoices')).values()) elif hasattr(f, 'choices') and f.choices: grouped[] = list( dict(getattr(f, 'choices')).values()) elif isinstance(f, df.BooleanField): grouped[] = [True, False] else: value = getattr(el, if value is not None and value not in grouped[]: grouped[].append(value) initial[] = initial.get(, value) adminForm = helpers.AdminForm(form, modeladmin.get_fieldsets(request), {}, [], model_admin=modeladmin) media = + dthandler = lambda obj: obj.isoformat() if isinstance(obj, ) else str(obj) tpl = 'adminactions/mass_update.html' ctx = { 'adminform': adminForm, 'form': form, 'action_short_description': mass_update.short_description, 'title': u"%s (%s)" % ( mass_update.short_description.capitalize(), smart_text(modeladmin.opts.verbose_name_plural), ), 'grouped': grouped, 'fieldvalues': json.dumps(grouped, default=dthandler), 'change': True, 'selected_fields': selected_fields, 'is_popup': False, 'save_as': False, 'has_delete_permission': False, 'has_add_permission': False, 'has_change_permission': True, 'opts': modeladmin.model._meta, 'app_label': modeladmin.model._meta.app_label, # 'action': 'mass_update', # 'select_across': request.POST.get('select_across')=='1', 'media': mark_safe(media), 'selection': queryset } if django.VERSION[:2] > (1, 7): ctx.update(modeladmin.admin_site.each_context(request)) else: ctx.update(modeladmin.admin_site.each_context()) if django.VERSION[:2] > (1, 8): return render(request, tpl, context=ctx) else: return render_to_response(tpl, RequestContext(request, ctx))