Esempio n. 1
def render_markdown_from_file(f):
    """Renders Markdown text to HTML.

    The Markdown text will be sanitized to prevent injecting custom HTML.
    It will also enable a few plugins for code highlighting and sane lists.
    return djblets_markdown.render_markdown_from_file(f, **MARKDOWN_KWARGS)
def render_markdown_from_file(f):
    """Renders Markdown text to HTML.

    The Markdown text will be sanitized to prevent injecting custom HTML.
    It will also enable a few plugins for code highlighting and sane lists.
    return djblets_markdown.render_markdown_from_file(f, **MARKDOWN_KWARGS)
Esempio n. 3
def render_markdown_from_file(f):
    """Render Markdown text from a file to XHTML.

    The Markdown text will be sanitized to prevent injecting custom HTML.
    It will also enable a few plugins for code highlighting and sane lists.

    Version Changed:
        This has been updated to sanitize the rendered HTML to avoid any
        security issues.

        f (file):
            The file stream to read from.

        The Markdown-rendered XHTML.
    return clean_markdown_html(
        djblets_markdown.render_markdown_from_file(f, **MARKDOWN_KWARGS))