def copy_to_version(ctx, source, outputdir=None, kind="pkg", force=False): """Copy source with version number to `outputdir`. The version type is specified by the ``kind`` parameter and can be either "pkg" (package version), "svn" (current subversion revision number), or "hash" (the md5 hash of the file's contents). Returns: (str) output file name """ # where to place the versioned file.. # print "LOCALS:", locals() source = Path(source) outputdir = Path(outputdir) if outputdir else source.dirname() outputdir.makedirs() dst_fname = source.basename() if '{version}' not in str(dst_fname): dst_fname = versioned_name(dst_fname) dst = outputdir / dst_fname.format(version=get_version(ctx, source, kind)) if force or not os.path.exists(dst): copy(ctx, source, dst, force=force) elif open(source).read() != open(dst).read(): print """ Filename already exists, add --force or call upversion: {} """.format(dst) return dst
def __call__(self, src='{pkg.sourcedir}/less/{}.less', dst='{pkg.sourcedir}/static/{}/css/{}-{version}.min.css', version='pkg', bootstrap=True, force=False, **kw): c = env(self.ctx) source = Path(fmt(src, c)) dest = Path(fmt(dst, c)) for fname in source.dirname().glob("*.inline"): urlinliner.inline(self.ctx, fname) if not force and not Directory(source.dirname()).changed(glob='**/*.less'): print "No changes: {input_dir}/{glob}, add --force to build.".format( input_dir=source.dirname(), glob='**/*.less') return path = kw.pop('path', []) if bootstrap: path.append(self.bootstrap_src) cssname = dest.relpath().format(version=get_version(self.ctx, source, version)) lessc( self.ctx, src=source.relpath(), dst=cssname, include_path=path, strict_imports=True, inline_urls=False, autoprefix="last 4 versions", clean_css="-b --s0 --advanced", ) copy( # create a copy without version number too.. self.ctx, cssname, Path(cssname).dirname() / switch_extension(source.basename(), '.css'), force=True ) return cssname
def get_version(ctx, fname, kind='pkg'): """Return the version number for fname. """ fname = Path(fname) if kind == "pkg": return ctx.pkg.version elif kind == "hash": md5 = fname.dirname() / '.md5' if md5.exists(): return return hashlib.md5(open(fname).read()).hexdigest() # elif kind == "svn": # ver = get_svn_version(source) return ""