def _do_partition(self): if not partition_lib.scanned: self._scan() m = list(partition_lib.get_layout_menu()) l = [len(x.text) for x in m] max_len = max(l) menu = [] i = 0 for x in m: menu.append( (str(i), x.text + ' ' * (max_len - l[i] + 2) + x.size_text)) i += 1 menu.append((str(len(menu)), 'Finish Partitioning')) res, sel = 'Edit partitions below. If not sure, ' + 'choose an empty disk, and select ' + '\'Automatically Set Up This Disk\'.\n', choices=menu, no_tags=True, default_item=str(len(menu) - 1) if self._switch_to_finish else '0') self._switch_to_finish = False if res != dialog.OK: return 'back' sel = int(sel) if sel == len(menu) - 1: return 'next' menu = [] for x in m[sel].ops: menu.append((x, partition_lib.get_text_for_op(x))) if not menu: dialog.msgbox('Name: ' + m[sel].text.strip(' ') + '\n' + m[sel].details_atext) return 'again' res, sel2 ='Name: ' + m[sel].text.strip(' ') + '\n' + m[sel].details_text + '\n\nChoose an action:\n', choices=menu, no_tags=True) if res != dialog.OK: return 'again' if self._handle_action(m[sel].name, m[sel].size, sel2): self._scan() return 'again'
def run_once(self): if (dialog.msgbox('Welcome to AL Installer!\n\n' + 'This guide will help you install Arch Linux.', width=50, height=8) == dialog.OK): return True
def _msgbox(self, text): if not gui.started: dialog.msgbox(text) else: event = threading.Event() def show(): from gi.repository import Gtk dialog2 = Gtk.MessageDialog( gui.window, Gtk.DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, Gtk.MessageType.INFO, Gtk.ButtonsType.CLOSE, text) dialog2.destroy() event.set() gui.idle_add(show) event.wait()
def run_once(self): res = 'again' try: res = self._do_partition() if res == 'back': return False except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt): dialog.msgbox('An error occurred:\n\n' + traceback.format_exc()) return False if res == 'next': if partition_lib.install_target == '': dialog.msgbox('A main installation target must be selected.', width=50, height=6) return True return True
def run_once(self): res = dialog.yesno('We are ready to install Arch Linux.\n' + 'Begin installing now?', width=50, height=6) if res != dialog.OK: return False res = self._do_install() if res == 0: dialog.msgbox('Installation completed.\n' + 'Your system is going to be restarted.', width=50, height=6) else: dialog.msgbox('Installation failed.\n' + 'Your system is going to be restarted.', width=50, height=6) ai_dialog_exec('reboot', msg='Restarting...', showcmd=False) sys.exit(res)
def main(): language_lib.install() GLib.set_prgname(gui_application.application_id) GLib.set_application_name(_('AL Installer')) enable_gui = False if len(sys.argv) >= 2: if sys.argv[1] in ['--help', '-h']: print( 'Usage:\n\n' + '(no argument) Run in CLI (must be run as root)\n' + '--gui Run in GUI (must be run as a password-free sudoer user)\n' + '--setup-gui Prompt and set up GUI (must be run as root)\n' ) sys.exit(0) if sys.argv[1] == '--gui': enable_gui = True if getpass.getuser() == 'liveuser': cmd = 'gsettings set download-updates false' os.system(cmd) elif sys.argv[1] == '--setup-gui': print( '\n\nTo use CLI instead of GUI, press Ctrl+C (once) in 3 seconds.' ) try: time.sleep(3) enable_gui = True except KeyboardInterrupt: enable_gui = False if enable_gui: print('\nSetting up GUI...') ai_call( 'rm /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-initial-setup-first-login.desktop' ) ai_call('rm /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-welcome-tour.desktop') ai_call( 'cp /usr/local/share/applications/*.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart' ) ai_call('useradd -c \'Live User\' -G users,wheel -m liveuser') ai_call('passwd -d liveuser') ai_call( 'sed -i \'s/\\[daemon\\]/[daemon]\\nAutomaticLoginEnable=' + 'True\\nAutomaticLogin=liveuser/\' /etc/gdm/custom.conf') with open('/etc/sudoers', 'a') as f: f.write('\n%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL\n') ai_call('systemctl start firewalld') ai_call('systemctl start NetworkManager') ai_call('systemctl start avahi-daemon') ai_call('systemctl start systemd-resolved') ai_call('systemctl start spice-vdagentd') ai_call('systemctl start gdm') sys.exit(0) if enable_gui: else: try: except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt): dialog.msgbox('Installation failed.\n\n' + traceback.format_exc())
def main(): language_lib.install() GLib.set_prgname(gui_application.application_id) GLib.set_application_name(_('AL Installer')) enable_gui = False if len(sys.argv) >= 2: if sys.argv[1] in ['--help', '-h']: print( 'Usage:\n\n' + '(no argument) Run in CLI (must be run as root)\n' + '--gui Run in GUI (must be run as a password-free sudoer user)\n' + '--setup-gui Prompt and set up GUI (must be run as root)\n' ) sys.exit(0) if sys.argv[1] == '--gui': enable_gui = True elif sys.argv[1] == '--setup-gui': print( '\n\nTo use CLI instead of GUI, press Ctrl+C (once) in 3 seconds.' ) try: time.sleep(3) enable_gui = True def handle_interrupt_immediate(signum, frame): ai_call('reboot') while True: time.sleep(1000) def handle_interrupt(signum, frame): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda signum, frame: None) print('\nToo late.\n') time.sleep(2) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle_interrupt_immediate) ai_call('reboot') while True: time.sleep(1000) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle_interrupt) except KeyboardInterrupt: enable_gui = False if enable_gui: print('\nSetting up GUI...') ai_call( 'pacman -R --noconfirm --noprogressbar gnome-initial-setup && ' + 'rm -f /var/log/pacman.log') ai_call( 'cp /usr/local/share/applications/*.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart' ) ai_call('useradd -c \'Live User\' -G users,wheel -m liveuser') ai_call('passwd -d liveuser') ai_call( 'sed -i \'s/\\[daemon\\]/[daemon]\\nAutomaticLoginEnable=' + 'True\\nAutomaticLogin=liveuser/\' /etc/gdm/custom.conf') with open('/etc/sudoers', 'a') as f: f.write('\n%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL\n') ai_call( 'sudo -u liveuser dbus-launch bash -c \'' + 'gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power sleep-inactive-ac-type nothing && ' + 'gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power sleep-inactive-battery-type nothing && ' + 'gsettings set allow-updates false && ' + 'gsettings set download-updates false' + '\'') ai_call('systemctl start firewalld') ai_call('systemctl start NetworkManager') ai_call('systemctl start avahi-daemon') ai_call('systemctl start systemd-resolved') ai_call('systemctl start spice-vdagentd') ai_call('systemctl start gdm') sys.exit(0) if enable_gui: else: try: except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt): dialog.msgbox('Installation failed.\n\n' + traceback.format_exc())
def _handle_action(self, name, size, op): if op == 'autosetup': res, text = dialog.inputbox( text='Partitioning type (msdos, gpt, ...):', init=partition_lib.default_partitioning) if res != dialog.OK: return False res = dialog.yesno(text='Enable encryption?', defaultno=True) passphrase = '' if res == dialog.OK: res2, passphrase = dialog.passwordbox(text='Enter passphrase:', insecure=True) if res2 != dialog.OK: return False res2, passphrase2 = dialog.passwordbox( text='Confirm passphrase:', insecure=True) if res2 != dialog.OK: return False if passphrase2 != passphrase: dialog.msgbox('Passphrases do not match.') return False res2 = dialog.yesno( text='Are you sure you want to wipe this disk?') if res2 != dialog.OK: return False partition_lib.action(op, name, size=size, parttable=text, crypt=(res == dialog.OK), passphrase=passphrase) self._switch_to_finish = True elif op == 'parttable': res, text = dialog.inputbox( text=partition_lib.get_text_for_op(op) + '\n\n' + 'Partitioning type (msdos, gpt, ...):', init=partition_lib.default_partitioning) if res != dialog.OK: return False res = dialog.yesno(text='Are you sure you want to wipe this disk?') if res != dialog.OK: return False partition_lib.action(op, name, parttable=text) elif op == 'part': info = name.split('*') res, lst = dialog.form( text=partition_lib.get_text_for_op(op) + '\n', elements=[('Disk', 1, 1, info[1], 1, 48, -32, 1024), ('Start', 3, 1, info[2], 3, 48, 32, 1024), ('End', 5, 1, info[3], 5, 48, 32, 1024), ('Filesystem (ext4, linux-swap, fat32, ...)', 7, 1, partition_lib.default_filesystem, 7, 48, 32, 1024)]) if res != dialog.OK: return False partition_lib.action(op, name, start=lst[0], end=lst[1], fstype=lst[2]) elif op == 'format': res, text = dialog.inputbox( text=partition_lib.get_text_for_op(op) + '\n\n' + 'Filesystem type (ext4, swap, fat, ...):', init=partition_lib.default_filesystem) if res != dialog.OK: return False res = dialog.yesno(text='Are you sure?') if res != dialog.OK: return False partition_lib.action(op, name, fstype=text) elif op == 'remove': res = dialog.yesno(text='Are you sure?') if res != dialog.OK: return False partition_lib.action(op, name) elif op == 'cryptsetup': res, passphrase = dialog.passwordbox(text='Enter passphrase:', insecure=True) if res != dialog.OK: return False res, passphrase2 = dialog.passwordbox(text='Confirm passphrase:', insecure=True) if res != dialog.OK: return False if passphrase2 != passphrase: dialog.msgbox('Passphrases do not match.') return False res = dialog.yesno(text='Are you sure?') if res != dialog.OK: return False partition_lib.action(op, name, passphrase=passphrase) elif op in ['cryptopen', 'swap-cryptopen']: res, passphrase = dialog.passwordbox(text='Enter passphrase:', insecure=True) if res != dialog.OK: return False partition_lib.action(op, name, passphrase=passphrase) else: partition_lib.action(op, name) return True