Esempio n. 1

# We can train just as before.
rank = trainer.train(queries)

# Now that we have multiple ranking_pair instances, we can also use
# cross_validate_ranking_trainer().  This performs cross-validation by splitting
# the queries up into folds.  That is, it lets the trainer train on a subset of
# ranking_pair instances and tests on the rest.  It does this over 4 different
# splits and returns the overall ranking accuracy based on the held out data.
# Just like test_ranking_function(), it reports both the ordering accuracy and
# mean average precision.
print "cross validation results: ", dlib.cross_validate_ranking_trainer(
    trainer, queries, 4)

# Finally, note that the ranking tools also support the use of sparse vectors in
# addition to dense vectors (which we used above).  So if we wanted to do
# exactly what we did in the first part of the example program above but using
# sparse vectors we would do it like so:

data = dlib.sparse_ranking_pair()
samp = dlib.sparse_vector()

# Make samp represent the same vector as dlib.vector([1, 0]).  In dlib, a sparse
# vector is just an array of pair objects.  Each pair stores an index and a
# value.  Moreover, the svm-ranking tools require sparse vectors to be sorted
# and to have unique indices.  This means that the indices are listed in
# increasing order and no index value shows up more than once.  If necessary,
# you can use the dlib.make_sparse_vector() routine to make a sparse vector
Esempio n. 2

# We can train just as before.
rank = trainer.train(queries)

# Now that we have multiple ranking_pair instances, we can also use
# cross_validate_ranking_trainer().  This performs cross-validation by splitting
# the queries up into folds.  That is, it lets the trainer train on a subset of
# ranking_pair instances and tests on the rest.  It does this over 4 different
# splits and returns the overall ranking accuracy based on the held out data.
# Just like test_ranking_function(), it reports both the ordering accuracy and
# mean average precision.
print("Cross validation results: {}".format(
    dlib.cross_validate_ranking_trainer(trainer, queries, 4)))

# Finally, note that the ranking tools also support the use of sparse vectors in
# addition to dense vectors (which we used above).  So if we wanted to do
# exactly what we did in the first part of the example program above but using
# sparse vectors we would do it like so:

data = dlib.sparse_ranking_pair()
samp = dlib.sparse_vector()

# Make samp represent the same vector as dlib.vector([1, 0]).  In dlib, a sparse
# vector is just an array of pair objects.  Each pair stores an index and a
# value.  Moreover, the svm-ranking tools require sparse vectors to be sorted
# and to have unique indices.  This means that the indices are listed in
# increasing order and no index value shows up more than once.  If necessary,
# you can use the dlib.make_sparse_vector() routine to make a sparse vector
Esempio n. 3

# We can train just as before.  
rank = trainer.train(queries)

# Now that we have multiple ranking_pair instances, we can also use
# cross_validate_ranking_trainer().  This performs cross-validation by splitting
# the queries up into folds.  That is, it lets the trainer train on a subset of
# ranking_pair instances and tests on the rest.  It does this over 4 different
# splits and returns the overall ranking accuracy based on the held out data.
# Just like test_ranking_function(), it reports both the ordering accuracy and
# mean average precision.
print("Cross validation results: {}".format(
    dlib.cross_validate_ranking_trainer(trainer, queries, 4)))

# Finally, note that the ranking tools also support the use of sparse vectors in
# addition to dense vectors (which we used above).  So if we wanted to do
# exactly what we did in the first part of the example program above but using
# sparse vectors we would do it like so:

data = dlib.sparse_ranking_pair()
samp = dlib.sparse_vector()

# Make samp represent the same vector as dlib.vector([1, 0]).  In dlib, a sparse
# vector is just an array of pair objects.  Each pair stores an index and a
# value.  Moreover, the svm-ranking tools require sparse vectors to be sorted
# and to have unique indices.  This means that the indices are listed in
# increasing order and no index value shows up more than once.  If necessary,
# you can use the dlib.make_sparse_vector() routine to make a sparse vector
Esempio n. 4

# We can train just as before.  
rank = trainer.train(queries)

# Now that we have multiple ranking_pair instances, we can also use
# cross_validate_ranking_trainer().  This performs cross-validation by splitting
# the queries up into folds.  That is, it lets the trainer train on a subset of
# ranking_pair instances and tests on the rest.  It does this over 4 different
# splits and returns the overall ranking accuracy based on the held out data.
# Just like test_ranking_function(), it reports both the ordering accuracy and
# mean average precision.
print "cross validation results: ", dlib.cross_validate_ranking_trainer(trainer, queries, 4)

# Finally, note that the ranking tools also support the use of sparse vectors in
# addition to dense vectors (which we used above).  So if we wanted to do
# exactly what we did in the first part of the example program above but using
# sparse vectors we would do it like so:

data = dlib.sparse_ranking_pair()
samp = dlib.sparse_vector()

# Make samp represent the same vector as dlib.vector([1, 0]).  In dlib, a sparse
# vector is just an array of pair objects.  Each pair stores an index and a
# value.  Moreover, the svm-ranking tools require sparse vectors to be sorted
# and to have unique indices.  This means that the indices are listed in