def make_ratio_graphs(fref, fepps16, hname): print('[i] making [graphs] ratio of', fref, fepps16) f0 = r.TFile(fref) href = f0.Get(hname) grref = dlist.h_to_graph(href, False, True) f1 = r.TFile(fepps16) grepps0 = f1.Get("{}_set0_to_graph".format(hname)) greppsU = f1.Get("{}_epps16_uncerts".format(hname)) ryeh = [] ryel = [] exl = [] exh = [] ex = [] ey = [] for ib in range(greppsU.GetN()): ryeh.append(greppsU.GetErrorYhigh(ib)) ryel.append(greppsU.GetErrorYlow(ib)) exl.append(greppsU.GetErrorXlow(ib)) exh.append(greppsU.GetErrorXhigh(ib)) ex.append(grepps0.GetErrorX(ib)) ey.append(grepps0.GetErrorY(ib)) rx = [_v for _v in greppsU.GetX()] ry = [_v for _v in greppsU.GetY()] refy = [_v for _v in grref.GetY()] #print (ry, refy) for i in range(greppsU.GetN()): if refy[i] > 0: ry[i] = ry[i] / refy[i] ryel[i] = ryel[i] / refy[i] ryeh[i] = ryeh[i] / refy[i] ey[i] = ey[i] / refy[i] else: ry[i] = 1. ryel[i] = 1. ryeh[i] = 1. ey[i] = 1. foutname = fepps16.replace('uncerts_output', 'uncerts_ratio') fout = r.TFile(foutname, 'recreate') gr_ratio = dlist.make_graph_ae_xy('{}_epps16_uncerts_ratio'.format(hname), rx, ry, exl, exh, ryel, ryeh) gr_ratio.SetTitle('EPPS16 / default') gr_ratio.Write() gr_ratio0 = dlist.make_graph_xy( '{}_epps16_uncerts_ratio_noErr'.format(hname), rx, ry, ex, ey) gr_ratio0.SetTitle('EPPS16 / default') gr_ratio0.Write() fout.Close() print("[i] written", foutname)
def main(args): r = int(args.radius) if args.radius < 1: r = int(args.radius * 10.) sr = '0' + '{}'.format(r)[0] hnspname = 'fHLundIterative_fuJet_R{}_Sum'.format(sr) stype = 'full' if args.charged: hnspname = 'fHLundIterative_chJet_R{}_Sum'.format(sr) stype = 'charged' fin = t.TFile(args.filename) if not fin.IsOpen(): print '[e] unable to open', args.filename return None hn = fin.Get(hnspname) print hnspname, 'at', hn sfoutname = 'proj_r{}_{}.root'.format(sr, stype) fout = t.TFile(sfoutname, 'recreate') if fout.IsOpen(): ptaxis = hn.GetAxis(2) # hn.GetAxis(1).SetRange(hn.GetAxis(1).FindBin(1.), hn.GetAxis(1).FindBin(5.)) for b in range(1, ptaxis.GetNbins()): ptmin = ptaxis.GetBinLowEdge(b) ptmax = ptaxis.GetBinLowEdge(b) + ptaxis.GetBinWidth(b) print b, ptmin, ptmax ptaxis.SetRange(b, b) prj = hn.Projection(0, 1, 'EAO') prj.SetName('lund_r{}_{}_pt_{}_{}'.format(sr, stype, int(ptmin), int(ptmax))) # prj.SetTitle('lund_r{}_{}_pt_{}_{};{};{}'.format(sr, stype, int(ptmin), int(ptmax), hn.GetAxis(0).GetTitle(), hn.GetAxis(1).GetTitle())) # prj.Smooth(1) prj.Write() px = prj.ProfileX() py = prj.ProfileY() px.Write() py.Write() pyT = dlist.h_to_graph(py, drop_zero_entries=True, xerror=True, transpose=True) pyT.Write(py.GetName() + '_T') fout.Close()
def make_EPPS16_uncerts(flist, hname='hjetpt'): hset0 = None hdiffs = [] for i, f in enumerate(flist): if not os.path.isfile(f): print('[w] missing', f) continue fin = r.TFile(f) hset = fin.Get(hname) if i == 0: hset0 = hset.Clone('hset0') hset0.SetDirectory(0) print('[i] set 0 set {}'.format(hset0)) continue hsetdiff = hset.Clone('hset{}'.format(i)) hsetdiff.SetDirectory(0) # print(hsetdiff) hsetdiff.Add(hset0, -1.) hdiffs.append(hsetdiff) fin.Close() hstat_plus = hset0.Clone('hstat_plus') hstat_minus = hset0.Clone('hstat_minus') grset0 = dlist.h_to_graph(hset0, False, True) # gr_x = [x*1.1 for x in grset0.GetX()] gr_x = grset0.GetX() gr_y = grset0.GetY() gr_ex = grset0.GetEX() gr_exl = [ex for ex in gr_ex] gr_exh = [ex for ex in gr_ex] gr_eyl = [] gr_eyh = [] print(len(hdiffs)) for ib in range(1, hset0.GetNbinsX() + 1): diffplus = [] diffminus = [] for i, h in enumerate(hdiffs): diff = h.GetBinContent(ib) if i % 2 == 0: diffminus.append(diff) else: diffplus.append(diff) print('set', i) _dplus = sum([_d * _d for _d in diffplus]) _dminus = sum([_d * _d for _d in diffminus]) _dplus = math.sqrt(_dplus) _dminus = math.sqrt(_dminus) print('delta plus-minus', _dplus - _dminus) hstat_plus.SetBinContent(ib, hset0.GetBinContent(ib) + _dplus) hstat_minus.SetBinContent(ib, hset0.GetBinContent(ib) - _dminus) gr_eyl.append(_dminus) gr_eyh.append(_dplus) foutname = os.path.join(flist[0].replace('EPPS16_set0', 'uncerts')) fout = r.TFile(foutname, 'recreate') hstat_minus.Write() hstat_plus.Write() hset0.Write() grset0.Write() grassymErr = dlist.make_graph_ae_xy('epps16_uncerts', gr_x, gr_y, gr_exl, gr_exh, gr_eyl, gr_eyh) grassymErr.Write() fout.Close() print("[i] written", foutname) return foutname
def make_ratio(fref, fepps16): print('[i] making ratio of', fref, fepps16) f0 = r.TFile(fref) f1 = r.TFile(fepps16) h0 = f0.Get('hjetpt') hepps_set0 = f1.Get('hset0') hepps_plus = f1.Get('hstat_plus') hepps_minus = f1.Get('hstat_minus') h0.Sumw2() hepps_set0.Sumw2() hepps_plus.Sumw2() hepps_plus.Sumw2() dlist.scale_by_binwidth(h0) dlist.scale_by_binwidth(hepps_set0) dlist.scale_by_binwidth(hepps_plus) dlist.scale_by_binwidth(hepps_minus) hepps_set0.Divide(hepps_set0, h0, 1., 1., 'B') hepps_plus.Divide(hepps_plus, h0, 1., 1., 'B') hepps_minus.Divide(hepps_minus, h0, 1., 1., 'B') # hepps_set0.Divide(h0) # hepps_plus.Divide(h0) # hepps_minus.Divide(h0) hepps_set0.SetTitle('set0') hepps_plus.SetTitle('plus') hepps_minus.SetTitle('minus') foutname = fepps16.replace('uncerts_output', 'uncerts_ratio') fout = r.TFile(foutname, 'recreate') hepps_set0.Write() hepps_plus.Write() hepps_minus.Write() grset0 = dlist.h_to_graph(hepps_set0, False, True) gr_x = grset0.GetX() gr_y = grset0.GetY() gr_ex = grset0.GetEX() gr_exl = [ex for ex in gr_ex] gr_exh = [ex for ex in gr_ex] gr_eyl = [ hepps_set0.GetBinContent(i) - hepps_minus.GetBinContent(i) for i in range(1, hepps_minus.GetNbinsX() + 1) ] gr_eyh = [ hepps_plus.GetBinContent(i) - hepps_set0.GetBinContent(i) for i in range(1, hepps_plus.GetNbinsX() + 1) ] grassymErr = dlist.make_graph_ae_xy('epps16_uncerts_ratio', gr_x, gr_y, gr_exl, gr_exh, gr_eyl, gr_eyh) grassymErr.SetTitle('EPPS16 / default') grassymErr.Write() gr = dlist.make_graph_xy('epps16_uncerts_ratio_noErr', gr_x, gr_y) gr.SetTitle('EPPS16 / default') gr.Write() fout.Close() print("[i] written", foutname)
def med_vac(hlund2D, fname, frefname, foutname): fout = r.TFile(foutname, 'update') hmed_diff = hlund2D.Clone("{}_med_vac".format(hlund2D.GetName())) hmed_diff_relat = hlund2D.Clone("{}_med_vac_relat".format( hlund2D.GetName())) hmed_ratio = hlund2D.Clone("{}_med_div_vac".format(hlund2D.GetName())) fvac = r.TFile(frefname) hvac = fvac.Get(hlund2D.GetName()) zmin_diff = 0 hmed_diff.Add(hvac, -1) hmed_diff_relat.Add(hvac, -1) hmed_diff_relat.Divide(hvac) hmed_ratio.Divide(hvac) for ix in range(1, hmed_diff.GetXaxis().GetNbins() + 1): for iy in range(1, hmed_diff.GetYaxis().GetNbins() + 1): v = -99. if hlund2D.GetBinContent(ix, iy) > 0 or hvac.GetBinContent(ix, iy) > 0: pass else: v = hmed_diff.GetMinimum() if v < 0: hmed_diff.SetBinContent(ix, iy, v * 1.2) else: hmed_diff.SetBinContent(ix, iy, v * 0.8) vr = hmed_diff_relat.GetMinimum() if vr < 0: hmed_diff_relat.SetBinContent(ix, iy, vr * 1.2) else: hmed_diff_relat.SetBinContent(ix, iy, vr * 0.8) try: v = hlund2D.GetBinContent(ix, iy) / hvac.GetBinContent( ix, iy) # hmed_ratio.SetBinContent(ix, iy, v * 1.0) except ZeroDivisionError: hmed_ratio.SetBinContent(ix, iy, 1.0) fvac.Close() if hmed_diff: hmed_diff.Write() hprofx_diff = hmed_diff.ProfileX() hprofx_diff.Write() _hprofy_diff = hmed_diff.ProfileY() _hprofy_diff.Write() hprofy_diff = dlist.h_to_graph(_hprofy_diff, drop_zero_entries=False, xerror=True, transpose=True) hprofy_diff.Write() if hmed_ratio: hmed_ratio.Write() hprofx_ratio = hmed_ratio.ProfileX() hprofx_ratio.Write() _hprofy_ratio = hmed_ratio.ProfileY() _hprofy_ratio.Write() hprofy_ratio = dlist.h_to_graph(_hprofy_ratio, drop_zero_entries=False, xerror=True, transpose=True) hprofy_ratio.Write() hmed_diff.Write() hmed_ratio.Write() fout.Purge() fout.Close()
def file_draw_lund(fname, ptmin, ptmax, lundptmin=0, lundptmax=1e4, iterations=False): print fname, ptmin, ptmax f = r.TFile(fname) jt = f.Get("jt") lobs = jt.GetListOfBranches() # print lobs lpdg = False if 'j_lund_lpdg' in lobs: lpdg = True if lpdg: print '[i] PDG branch present' lpdg_list = [] scond = "abs(j_jeta) < 2. && j_jpt > {} && j_jpt < {}".format(ptmin, ptmax) jt.Draw("j_lund_logzdr:j_lund_log1odr>>htmp2D", scond, "e") htmp = r.gDirectory.Get("htmp2D") xmin = htmp.GetXaxis().GetXmin() xmax = htmp.GetXaxis().GetXmax() ymin = htmp.GetYaxis().GetXmin() ymax = htmp.GetYaxis().GetXmax() xmin = 0.9 xmax = 6. # xmax = 10. ymin = -8 # ymin = -10 ymax = 0. nbins = 100 jt.Draw("j_jpt>>hnjets({}, {}, {})".format(nbins, ptmin, ptmax), scond, "e") hnjets = r.gDirectory.Get("hnjets") njets = hnjets.Integral() print '[i] number of jets', njets # scond_lund = scond + " && (j_lund_pt1 + j_lund_pt2) > {}".format(lundptmin) scond_lund = scond + " && (j_lund_pt1 + j_lund_pt2) > {} && (j_lund_pt1 + j_lund_pt2) < {}".format( lundptmin, lundptmax) st = 'j_lund_logzdr:j_lund_log1odr>>hlund2D({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( nbins, xmin, xmax, nbins, ymin, ymax) bwx = (xmax - xmin) / (nbins * 1.0) bwy = (ymax - ymin) / (nbins * 1.0) jt.Draw(st, scond_lund, "e") hlund2D = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2D") hlund2D.GetXaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_log1odr") hlund2D.GetYaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_logzdr") hlund2D.Sumw2() hlund2D.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx * bwy)) hlund2D_flat = hlund2D.Clone("hlund2D_flat") flatten_2D(hlund2D_flat, 0.01) hit = [] if iterations is True: print 'iterations=', iterations for it in range(0, 11): hname = 'hlund2D_it{}'.format(it) st = 'j_lund_logzdr[{}]:j_lund_log1odr[{}]>>{}({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( it, it, hname, nbins, xmin, xmax, nbins, ymin, ymax) bwx = (xmax - xmin) / (nbins * 1.0) bwy = (ymax - ymin) / (nbins * 1.0) scond_lund_it = scond + " && (j_lund_pt1[{}] + j_lund_pt2[{}]) > {} && (j_lund_pt1[{}] + j_lund_pt2[{}]) < {}".format( it, it, lundptmin, it, it, lundptmax) jt.Draw(st, scond_lund_it, "e") hlund2D_tmp = r.gDirectory.Get(hname) hlund2D_tmp.GetXaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_log1odr") hlund2D_tmp.GetYaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_logzdr") hlund2D_tmp.Sumw2() hlund2D_tmp.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx * bwy)) hlund2D_tmp_flat = hlund2D.Clone(hname + "_flat") flatten_2D(hlund2D_tmp_flat, 0.01) hit.append(hlund2D_tmp) hit.append(hlund2D_tmp_flat) st = 'j_lund_pt1+j_lund_pt2:Iteration$>>hlund2D_ptsum_iter({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( 11, 0, 11, ptmax / 2, 0, ptmax) bwx = 1. bwy = 2. jt.Draw(st, scond_lund, "e") hlund2D_tmp = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2D_ptsum_iter") hlund2D_tmp.GetXaxis().SetTitle("iteration") hlund2D_tmp.GetYaxis().SetTitle("p_{T,a} + p_{T,b}") hlund2D_tmp.Sumw2() hlund2D_tmp.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx * bwy)) hlund2D_tmp_flat = hlund2D.Clone("hlund2D_ptsum_iter_flat") flatten_2D(hlund2D_flat, 0.01) hit.append(hlund2D_tmp) hit.append(hlund2D_tmp_flat) st = 'j_lund_pt2:Iteration$>>hlund2D_pt2_iter({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( 11, 0, 11, 100, 0, 100) bwx = 1. bwy = 1. jt.Draw(st, scond_lund, "e") hlund2D_tmp = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2D_pt2_iter") hlund2D_tmp.GetXaxis().SetTitle("iteration") hlund2D_tmp.GetYaxis().SetTitle("p_{T,b}") hlund2D_tmp.Sumw2() hlund2D_tmp.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx * bwy)) hlund2D_tmp_flat = hlund2D.Clone("hlund2D_pt2_iter_flat") flatten_2D(hlund2D_flat, 0.01) hit.append(hlund2D_tmp) hit.append(hlund2D_tmp_flat) st = 'j_lund_pt2*j_lund_dR:Iteration$>>hlund2D_kt_iter({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( 11, 0, 11, 60, 0, 30) bwx = 1. bwy = 30 / 60. jt.Draw(st, scond_lund, "e") hlund2D_tmp = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2D_kt_iter") hlund2D_tmp.GetXaxis().SetTitle("iteration") hlund2D_tmp.GetYaxis().SetTitle("k_{T} = p_{T,b} * #Delta") hlund2D_tmp.Sumw2() hlund2D_tmp.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx * bwy)) hlund2D_tmp_flat = hlund2D.Clone("hlund2D_kt_iter_flat") flatten_2D(hlund2D_flat, 0.01) hit.append(hlund2D_tmp) hit.append(hlund2D_tmp_flat) st = 'j_lund_z:Iteration$>>hlund2D_z_iter({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( 11, 0, 11, 20, 0, 0.5) bwx = 1. bwy = 0.5 / 20. jt.Draw(st, scond_lund, "e") hlund2D_tmp = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2D_z_iter") hlund2D_tmp.GetXaxis().SetTitle("iteration") hlund2D_tmp.GetYaxis().SetTitle("z") hlund2D_tmp.Sumw2() hlund2D_tmp.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx * bwy)) hlund2D_tmp_flat = hlund2D.Clone("hlund2D_z_iter_flat") flatten_2D(hlund2D_flat, 0.01) hit.append(hlund2D_tmp) hit.append(hlund2D_tmp_flat) if lpdg: st = 'j_lund_logzdr:j_lund_log1odr>>hlund2D_c({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( nbins, xmin, xmax, nbins, ymin, ymax) bwx = (xmax - xmin) / (nbins * 1.0) bwy = (ymax - ymin) / (nbins * 1.0) scond_c = " && abs(j_lund_lpdg) == 4" jt.Draw(st, scond_lund + scond_c, "e") hlund2D_c = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2D_c") hlund2D_c.GetXaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_log1odr") hlund2D_c.GetYaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_logzdr") hlund2D_c.Sumw2() hlund2D_c.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx * bwy)) hlund2D_c_flat = hlund2D_c.Clone("hlund2D_c_flat") flatten_2D(hlund2D_c_flat, 0.01) lpdg_list.append(hlund2D_c) lpdg_list.append(hlund2D_c_flat) st = 'j_lund_logzdr:j_lund_log1odr>>hlund2D_b({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( nbins, xmin, xmax, nbins, ymin, ymax) bwx = (xmax - xmin) / (nbins * 1.0) bwy = (ymax - ymin) / (nbins * 1.0) scond_b = " && abs(j_lund_lpdg) == 5" jt.Draw(st, scond_lund + scond_b, "e") hlund2D_b = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2D_b") hlund2D_b.GetXaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_log1odr") hlund2D_b.GetYaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_logzdr") hlund2D_b.Sumw2() hlund2D_b.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx * bwy)) hlund2D_b_flat = hlund2D_b.Clone("hlund2D_b_flat") flatten_2D(hlund2D_b_flat, 0.01) lpdg_list.append(hlund2D_b) lpdg_list.append(hlund2D_b_flat) # dead cone - only for beauty if 'beauty' in fname: st = 'j_lund_logzdr:j_lund_log1odr>>hlund2D_b_dc({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( nbins, xmin, xmax, nbins, ymin, ymax) bwx = (xmax - xmin) / (nbins * 1.0) bwy = (ymax - ymin) / (nbins * 1.0) scond_b = " && abs(j_lund_lpdg) == 5 && j_lund_dR < (4.2 / (j_lund_pt1 + j_lund_pt2))" jt.Draw(st, scond_lund + scond_b, "e") hlund2D_tmp = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2D_b_dc") hlund2D_tmp.GetXaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_log1odr") hlund2D_tmp.GetYaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_logzdr") hlund2D_tmp.Sumw2() hlund2D_tmp.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx * bwy)) hlund2D_tmp_flat = hlund2D_tmp.Clone("hlund2D_b_dc_flat") flatten_2D(hlund2D_tmp_flat, 0.01) lpdg_list.append(hlund2D_tmp) lpdg_list.append(hlund2D_tmp_flat) st = 'j_lund_logzdr:j_lund_log1odr>>hlund2D_ga({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( nbins, xmin, xmax, nbins, ymin, ymax) bwx = (xmax - xmin) / (nbins * 1.0) bwy = (ymax - ymin) / (nbins * 1.0) scond_ga = " && abs(j_lund_lpdg) == 22" jt.Draw(st, scond_lund + scond_ga, "e") hlund2D_ga = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2D_ga") hlund2D_ga.GetXaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_log1odr") hlund2D_ga.GetYaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_logzdr") hlund2D_ga.Sumw2() hlund2D_ga.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx * bwy)) hlund2D_ga_flat = hlund2D_ga.Clone("hlund2D_ga_flat") flatten_2D(hlund2D_ga_flat, 0.01) lpdg_list.append(hlund2D_ga) lpdg_list.append(hlund2D_ga_flat) st = 'j_lund_logzdr:j_lund_log1odr>>hlund2D_g({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( nbins, xmin, xmax, nbins, ymin, ymax) bwx = (xmax - xmin) / (nbins * 1.0) bwy = (ymax - ymin) / (nbins * 1.0) scond_g = " && abs(j_lund_lpdg) == 21" jt.Draw(st, scond_lund + scond_g, "e") hlund2D_g = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2D_g") hlund2D_g.GetXaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_log1odr") hlund2D_g.GetYaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_logzdr") hlund2D_g.Sumw2() hlund2D_g.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx * bwy)) hlund2D_g_flat = hlund2D_g.Clone("hlund2D_g_flat") flatten_2D(hlund2D_g_flat, 0.01) lpdg_list.append(hlund2D_g) lpdg_list.append(hlund2D_g_flat) st = 'j_lund_logzdr:j_lund_log1odr>>hlund2D_ng({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( nbins, xmin, xmax, nbins, ymin, ymax) bwx = (xmax - xmin) / (nbins * 1.0) bwy = (ymax - ymin) / (nbins * 1.0) scond_ng = " && abs(j_lund_lpdg) != 21" jt.Draw(st, scond_lund + scond_ng, "e") hlund2D_ng = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2D_ng") hlund2D_ng.GetXaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_log1odr") hlund2D_ng.GetYaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_logzdr") hlund2D_ng.Sumw2() hlund2D_ng.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx * bwy)) hlund2D_ng_flat = hlund2D_ng.Clone("hlund2D_ng_flat") flatten_2D(hlund2D_ng_flat, 0.01) lpdg_list.append(hlund2D_ng) lpdg_list.append(hlund2D_ng_flat) st = 'j_lund_logzdr:j_lund_log1odr>>hlund2D_dsjL({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( nbins, xmin, xmax, nbins, ymin, ymax) scond_dsj = " && j_sj_delta < 0.2 && j_sj_dR < 20 && j_sd_dR > 0.1" jt.Draw(st, scond_lund + scond_dsj, "e") hlund2D_dsjL = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2D_dsjL") hlund2D_dsjL.Sumw2() hlund2D_dsjL.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx * bwy)) st = 'j_lund_logzdr:j_lund_log1odr>>hlund2D_dsjH({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( nbins, xmin, xmax, nbins, ymin, ymax) scond_dsj = " && j_sj_delta > 0.8 && j_sj_dR < 20 && j_sd_dR > 0.1" jt.Draw(st, scond_lund + scond_dsj, "e") hlund2D_dsjH = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2D_dsjH") hlund2D_dsjH.Sumw2() hlund2D_dsjH.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx * bwy)) st = 'TMath::Log(j_sd_zg * j_sd_dR):TMath::Log(1./j_sd_dR)>>hlund2D_SDzg({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( nbins, xmin, xmax, nbins, ymin, ymax) # st = 'TMath::Log(j_sd_zg * j_sd_dR):TMath::Log(1./j_sd_dR)>>hlund2D_SDzg' scond_dsj = " && j_sd_zg > 0.1 && j_sd_dR < 0.4" jt.Draw(st, scond + scond_dsj, "e") hlund2D_SDzg = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2D_SDzg") hlund2D_SDzg.Sumw2() hlund2D_SDzg.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx * bwy)) hlund2D_SDzg_flat = hlund2D_SDzg.Clone("hlund2D_SDzg_flat") flatten_2D(hlund2D_SDzg_flat) st = 'j_lund_logzdr:j_lund_log1odr>>hlund2D_zg({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( nbins, xmin, xmax, nbins, ymin, ymax) scond_dsj = " && j_lund_z > 0.1 && j_lund_dR < 0.4" jt.Draw(st, scond_lund + scond_dsj, "e") hlund2D_zg = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2D_zg") hlund2D_zg.Sumw2() hlund2D_zg.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx * bwy)) hlund2D_zg_flat = hlund2D_zg.Clone("hlund2D_zg_flat") flatten_2D(hlund2D_zg_flat) st = 'j_lund_logzdr:j_lund_log1odr>>hlund2D_zgH({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( nbins, xmin, xmax, nbins, ymin, ymax) scond_dsj = " && j_lund_z > 0.25 && j_lund_dR < 0.1" jt.Draw(st, scond_lund + scond_dsj, "e") hlund2D_zgH = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2D_zgH") hlund2D_zgH.Sumw2() hlund2D_zgH.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx * bwy)) hlund2D_zgH_flat = hlund2D_zgH.Clone("hlund2D_zgH_flat") flatten_2D(hlund2D_zgH_flat) st = 'j_lund_logzdr:j_lund_log1odr>>hlund2D_zgHdRH({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( nbins, xmin, xmax, nbins, ymin, ymax) scond_dsj = " && j_lund_z > 0.25 && j_lund_dR > 0.2" jt.Draw(st, scond_lund + scond_dsj, "e") hlund2D_zgHdRH = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2D_zgHdRH") hlund2D_zgHdRH.Sumw2() hlund2D_zgHdRH.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx * bwy)) hlund2D_zgHdRH_flat = hlund2D_zgHdRH.Clone("hlund2D_zgHdRH_flat") flatten_2D(hlund2D_zgHdRH_flat) # formation time cuts: # TMath::Log(1/(pT x t)) st = 'j_lund_logzdr:j_lund_log1odr>>hlund2Dtf0({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( nbins, xmin, xmax, nbins, ymin, ymax) bwx = (xmax - xmin) / (nbins * 1.0) bwy = (ymax - ymin) / (nbins * 1.0) scond_tf0 = " && (j_lund_logzdr > j_lund_log1odr + TMath::Log(1e-2)) && (j_lund_logzdr < j_lund_log1odr + TMath::Log(1e-1))" jt.Draw(st, scond_lund + scond_tf0, "e") hlund2Dtf0 = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2Dtf0") hlund2Dtf0.GetXaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_log1odr") hlund2Dtf0.GetYaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_logzdr") hlund2Dtf0.Sumw2() hlund2Dtf0.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx * bwy)) hlund2Dtf0_flat = hlund2Dtf0.Clone("hlund2Dtf0_flat") flatten_2D(hlund2Dtf0_flat) st = 'j_lund_logzdr:j_lund_log1odr>>hlund2Dtf1({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( nbins, xmin, xmax, nbins, ymin, ymax) bwx = (xmax - xmin) / (nbins * 1.0) bwy = (ymax - ymin) / (nbins * 1.0) scond_tf1 = " && (j_lund_logzdr > j_lund_log1odr + TMath::Log(1e-3)) && (j_lund_logzdr < j_lund_log1odr + TMath::Log(1e-2))" jt.Draw(st, scond_lund + scond_tf1, "e") hlund2Dtf1 = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2Dtf1") hlund2Dtf1.GetXaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_log1odr") hlund2Dtf1.GetYaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_logzdr") hlund2Dtf1.Sumw2() hlund2Dtf1.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx * bwy)) hlund2Dtf1_flat = hlund2Dtf1.Clone("hlund2Dtf1_flat") flatten_2D(hlund2Dtf1_flat) st = 'j_lund_logzdr:j_lund_log1odr>>hlund2Dtf2({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( nbins, xmin, xmax, nbins, ymin, ymax) bwx = (xmax - xmin) / (nbins * 1.0) bwy = (ymax - ymin) / (nbins * 1.0) scond_tf2 = " && (j_lund_logzdr > j_lund_log1odr + TMath::Log(1e-4)) && (j_lund_logzdr < j_lund_log1odr + TMath::Log(1e-3))" jt.Draw(st, scond_lund + scond_tf2, "e") hlund2Dtf2 = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2Dtf2") hlund2Dtf2.GetXaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_log1odr") hlund2Dtf2.GetYaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_logzdr") hlund2Dtf2.Sumw2() hlund2Dtf2.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx * bwy)) hlund2Dtf2_flat = hlund2Dtf2.Clone("hlund2Dtf2_flat") flatten_2D(hlund2Dtf2_flat) st = 'j_lund_logzdr:j_lund_log1odr>>hlund2Dtf3({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( nbins, xmin, xmax, nbins, ymin, ymax) bwx = (xmax - xmin) / (nbins * 1.0) bwy = (ymax - ymin) / (nbins * 1.0) scond_tf3 = " && (j_lund_logzdr > j_lund_log1odr + TMath::Log(1e-5)) && (j_lund_logzdr < j_lund_log1odr + TMath::Log(1e-4))" jt.Draw(st, scond_lund + scond_tf3, "e") hlund2Dtf3 = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2Dtf3") hlund2Dtf3.GetXaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_log1odr") hlund2Dtf3.GetYaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_logzdr") hlund2Dtf3.Sumw2() hlund2Dtf3.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx * bwy)) hlund2Dtf3_flat = hlund2Dtf3.Clone("hlund2Dtf3_flat") flatten_2D(hlund2Dtf3_flat) st = 'j_lund_logzdr:j_lund_log1odr>>hlund2Dtf4({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( nbins, xmin, xmax, nbins, ymin, ymax) bwx = (xmax - xmin) / (nbins * 1.0) bwy = (ymax - ymin) / (nbins * 1.0) scond_tf4 = " && (j_lund_logzdr > j_lund_log1odr + TMath::Log(1e-6)) && (j_lund_logzdr < j_lund_log1odr + TMath::Log(1e-5))" jt.Draw(st, scond_lund + scond_tf4, "e") hlund2Dtf4 = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2Dtf4") hlund2Dtf4.GetXaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_log1odr") hlund2Dtf4.GetYaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_logzdr") hlund2Dtf4.Sumw2() hlund2Dtf4.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx * bwy)) hlund2Dtf4_flat = hlund2Dtf4.Clone("hlund2Dtf4_flat") flatten_2D(hlund2Dtf4_flat) # formation time cuts - plot z nbins_z = 10 xmax_z = 0.5 xmin_z = 0 bwx_z = (xmax_z - xmin_z) / (nbins_z * 1.0) st = 'j_lund_z>>hlund2Dtf0_z({}, {}, {})'.format(nbins_z, 0, 0.5) scond_tf0_z = scond_tf0 jt.Draw(st, scond_lund + scond_tf0_z, "e") hlund2Dtf0_z = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2Dtf0_z") hlund2Dtf0_z.GetXaxis().SetTitle("z") #hlund2Dtf0_z.Sumw2() hlund2Dtf0_z.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx_z)) st = 'j_lund_z>>hlund2Dtf1_z({}, {}, {})'.format(nbins_z, 0, 0.5) scond_tf1_z = scond_tf1 jt.Draw(st, scond_lund + scond_tf1_z, "e") hlund2Dtf1_z = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2Dtf1_z") hlund2Dtf1_z.GetXaxis().SetTitle("z") #hlund2Dtf1_z.Sumw2() hlund2Dtf1_z.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx_z)) st = 'j_lund_z>>hlund2Dtf2_z({}, {}, {})'.format(nbins_z, 0, 0.5) scond_tf2_z = scond_tf2 jt.Draw(st, scond_lund + scond_tf2_z, "e") hlund2Dtf2_z = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2Dtf2_z") hlund2Dtf2_z.GetXaxis().SetTitle("z") #hlund2Dtf2_z.Sumw2() hlund2Dtf2_z.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx_z)) st = 'j_lund_z>>hlund2Dtf3_z({}, {}, {})'.format(nbins_z, 0, 0.5) scond_tf3_z = scond_tf3 jt.Draw(st, scond_lund + scond_tf3_z, "e") hlund2Dtf3_z = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2Dtf3_z") hlund2Dtf3_z.GetXaxis().SetTitle("z") #hlund2Dtf3_z.Sumw2() hlund2Dtf3_z.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx_z)) st = 'j_lund_z>>hlund2Dtf4_z({}, {}, {})'.format(nbins_z, 0, 0.5) scond_tf4_z = scond_tf4 jt.Draw(st, scond_lund + scond_tf4_z, "e") hlund2Dtf4_z = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2Dtf4_z") hlund2Dtf4_z.GetXaxis().SetTitle("z") #hlund2Dtf4_z.Sumw2() hlund2Dtf4_z.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx_z)) # useful profiles proft = r.TProfile( "proft", "proft;p_{T,a}+p_{T,b};#LT t #GT = #LT 1/(k_{T} #Delta) #GT = #LT 1/(p_{T,b} #Delta^{2}) #GT", 12 * 3, 0, 120) jt.Draw( "1/(j_lund_dR*j_lund_dR*j_lund_pt1):(j_lund_pt1 + j_lund_pt2)>>proft", "abs(j_jeta) < 2. && j_jpt > 80 && j_jpt < 120", "colz") hit.append(proft) proft2 = r.TProfile( "proft2", "proft2;ln(1/#Delta);#LT t #GT = #LT 1/(k_{T} #Delta) #GT = #LT 1/(p_{T,b} #Delta^{2}) #GT", 10 * 3, -0.9, 6) jt.Draw("1/(j_lund_dR*j_lund_dR*j_lund_pt1):j_lund_log1odr>>proft2", "abs(j_jeta) < 2. && j_jpt > 80 && j_jpt < 120 ", "colz") hit.append(proft2) proft3 = r.TProfile( "proft3", "proft3;n_{split};#LT t #GT = #LT 1/(k_{T} #Delta) #GT = #LT 1/(p_{T,b} #Delta^{2}) #GT", 11, 0, 11) jt.Draw("1/(j_lund_dR*j_lund_dR*j_lund_pt1):Iteration$>>proft3", "abs(j_jeta) < 2. && j_jpt > 80 && j_jpt < 120 ", "colz") hit.append(proft3) proft4 = r.TProfile( "proft4", "proft4;z;#LT t #GT = #LT 1/(k_{T} #Delta) #GT = #LT 1/(p_{T,b} #Delta^{2}) #GT", 20, 0, 0.5) jt.Draw("1/(j_lund_dR*j_lund_dR*j_lund_pt1):j_lund_z>>proft4", "abs(j_jeta) < 2. && j_jpt > 80 && j_jpt < 120 ", "colz") hit.append(proft4) # profiles hprofx = hlund2D.ProfileX() _hprofy = hlund2D.ProfileY() hprofy = dlist.h_to_graph(_hprofy, drop_zero_entries=False, xerror=True, transpose=True) # some projections on x # y: j_lund_logzdr nbins_proj = nbins / 4. st = 'j_lund_log1odr>>hlund_proj1({}, {}, {})'.format( nbins_proj, xmin, xmax) scond_proj1 = "abs(j_jeta) < 2. && j_jpt > {} && j_jpt < {} && j_lund_logzdr < {} && j_lund_logzdr > {}".format( ptmin, ptmax, -3., -5.) jt.Draw(st, scond_proj1, "e") hlund_proj1 = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund_proj1") hlund_proj1.GetXaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_log1odr") hlund_proj1.GetYaxis().SetTitle("counts") hlund_proj1.Sumw2() hlund_proj1.Scale(1. / njets / hlund_proj1.GetBinWidth(1)) st = 'j_lund_log1odr>>hlund_proj2({}, {}, {})'.format( nbins_proj, xmin, xmax) scond_proj2 = "abs(j_jeta) < 2. && j_jpt > {} && j_jpt < {} && j_lund_logzdr < {} && j_lund_logzdr > {}".format( ptmin, ptmax, -5., -7.) jt.Draw(st, scond_proj2, "e") hlund_proj2 = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund_proj2") hlund_proj2.GetXaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_log1odr") hlund_proj2.GetYaxis().SetTitle("counts") hlund_proj2.Sumw2() hlund_proj2.Scale(1. / njets / hlund_proj2.GetBinWidth(1)) # end projections if lundptmin == 0: foutname = '{}/hout_{}'.format(os.path.dirname(fname), os.path.basename(fname)) else: foutname = '{}/lundpt_min_{}_max_{}_hout_{}'.format( os.path.dirname(fname), lundptmin, lundptmax, os.path.basename(fname)) # make a diff and a ratio hmed_diff = None hmed_ratio = None # if 'med_' in os.path.dirname(foutname): # hmed_diff = hlund2D.Clone("med_vac") # hmed_ratio = hlund2D.Clone("med_div_vac") # fvac_name = foutname.replace("med_", "vac_") # fvac = r.TFile(fvac_name) # hvac = fvac.Get("hlund2D") # zmin_diff = 0 # for ix in range(1, hmed_diff.GetXaxis().GetNbins() + 1): # for iy in range(1, hmed_diff.GetYaxis().GetNbins() + 1): # v = hlund2D.GetBinContent(ix, iy) - hvac.GetBinContent(ix, iy) # if zmin_diff > v * 1.0: # zmin_diff = v * 1.0 # hmed_diff.SetBinContent(ix, iy, v * 1.0) # try: # v = hlund2D.GetBinContent(ix, iy) / hvac.GetBinContent(ix, iy) # hmed_ratio.SetBinContent(ix, iy, v * 1.0) # except ZeroDivisionError: # hmed_ratio.SetBinContent(ix, iy, 1.0) # for ix in range(1, hmed_diff.GetXaxis().GetNbins() + 1): # for iy in range(1, hmed_diff.GetYaxis().GetNbins() + 1): # if hlund2D.GetBinContent(ix, iy) == 0 and hvac.GetBinContent(ix, iy) == 0: # v = zmin_diff # if v <= 0: # hmed_diff.SetBinContent(ix, iy, 1.2 * v) # just to make white zeros # else: # hmed_diff.SetBinContent(ix, iy, 0.8 * v) # just to make white zeros # hmed_ratio.SetBinContent(ix, iy, 0.0) # # hproj1_vac = fvac.Get("hlund_proj1") # # hproj2_vac = fvac.Get("hlund_proj2") # fvac.Close() fout = r.TFile(foutname, "recreate") print '[i] writing to', foutname htmp.Write() hlund2D.Write() hlund2D_flat.Write() for h in lpdg_list: print 'writing', h.GetName(), h h.Write() hlund2D_dsjL.Write() hlund2D_dsjH.Write() hlund2D_SDzg.Write() hlund2D_SDzg_flat.Write() hlund2D_zg.Write() hlund2D_zg_flat.Write() hlund2D_zgH.Write() hlund2D_zgH_flat.Write() hlund2D_zgHdRH.Write() hlund2D_zgHdRH_flat.Write() hlund2Dtf0.Write() hlund2Dtf1.Write() hlund2Dtf2.Write() hlund2Dtf3.Write() hlund2Dtf4.Write() hlund2Dtf0_flat.Write() hlund2Dtf1_flat.Write() hlund2Dtf2_flat.Write() hlund2Dtf3_flat.Write() hlund2Dtf4_flat.Write() hlund2Dtf0_z.Write() hlund2Dtf1_z.Write() hlund2Dtf2_z.Write() hlund2Dtf3_z.Write() hlund2Dtf4_z.Write() for h in hit: print 'writing', h.GetName(), h h.Write() hnjets.Write() hprofy.Write() _hprofy.Write() hprofx.Write() if hmed_diff: hmed_diff.Write() hprofx_diff = hmed_diff.ProfileX() hprofx_diff.Write() _hprofy_diff = hmed_diff.ProfileY() _hprofy_diff.Write() hprofy_diff = dlist.h_to_graph(_hprofy_diff, drop_zero_entries=False, xerror=True, transpose=True) hprofy_diff.Write() if hmed_ratio: hmed_ratio.Write() hprofx_ratio = hmed_ratio.ProfileX() hprofx_ratio.Write() _hprofy_ratio = hmed_ratio.ProfileY() _hprofy_ratio.Write() hprofy_ratio = dlist.h_to_graph(_hprofy_ratio, drop_zero_entries=False, xerror=True, transpose=True) hprofy_ratio.Write() hlund_proj1.Write() hlund_proj2.Write() fout.Close()
def make_EPPS16_uncerts_new(flist, hname='hjetpt'): hset0 = None x = [] y0 = [] yA = [] yeplus = [] yeminus = [] hset0 = None for i, f in enumerate(flist): if not os.path.isfile(f): print('[w] missing', f) continue fin = r.TFile(f) hset = fin.Get(hname) if not hset: print('[w] missing', hname, 'in', f) continue if i == 0: hset0 = hset.Clone('{}_set0'.format(hname)) hset0.SetDirectory(0) print('[i] set 0 set {}'.format(hset0)) for ibx in range(1, hset0.GetNbinsX() + 1): if hset0.GetBinContent(ibx) > 0: x.append(hset0.GetBinCenter(ibx)) y0.append(hset0.GetBinContent(ibx)) yA.append(y0) continue if hset0 is None: print("[error] no set 0 found? - this will not work") return "" _ye = [] for ibx in range(1, hset.GetNbinsX() + 1): _ye.append(hset.GetBinContent(ibx)) yA.append(_ye) # print(yA) nparams = int((len(flist) - 1) / 2) for ix in range(len(x)): dyplus = 0 dyminus = 0 for iset in range(0, nparams): _iset_plus = iset * 2 + 1 _iset_minus = iset * 2 + 2 # print(ix, _iset_plus, _iset_minus) _dyplus = max(yA[_iset_plus][ix] - y0[ix], yA[_iset_minus][ix] - y0[ix], 0) _dyminus = max(y0[ix] - yA[_iset_plus][ix], y0[ix] - yA[_iset_minus][ix], 0) dyplus += (_dyplus * _dyplus) dyminus += (_dyminus * _dyminus) dyplus = math.sqrt(dyplus) dyminus = math.sqrt(dyminus) yeplus.append(dyplus) yeminus.append(dyminus) foutname = os.path.join(flist[0].replace('EPPS16_set0', 'uncerts')) fout = r.TFile(foutname, 'recreate') grset0 = dlist.h_to_graph(hset0, False, True) gr_ex = grset0.GetEX() gr_exl = [ex for ex in gr_ex] gr_exh = [ex for ex in gr_ex] grassymErr = dlist.make_graph_ae_xy('{}_epps16_uncerts'.format(hname), x, y0, gr_exl, gr_exh, yeminus, yeplus) hset0.Write() grset0.Write() grassymErr.Write() yplus = [y0[i] + yeplus[i] for i in range(len(x))] grplus = dlist.make_graph_xy('{}_epps16_uncerts_plus'.format(hname), x, yplus) grplus.Write() smallest_nonzero_float = numpy.nextafter(0, 1) yminus = [max(y0[i] - yeminus[i], 1e-20) for i in range(len(x))] grminus = dlist.make_graph_xy('{}_epps16_uncerts_minus'.format(hname), x, yminus) grminus.Write() fout.Close() print("[i] written", foutname) return foutname
def med_vac(hlund2D, fname, foutname): fout = r.TFile(foutname, 'update') hmed_diff = hlund2D.Clone("{}_med_vac".format(hlund2D.GetName())) hmed_ratio = hlund2D.Clone("{}_med_div_vac".format(hlund2D.GetName())) fvac_name = fname.replace("med_", "vac_") fvac = r.TFile(fvac_name) hvac = fvac.Get(hlund2D.GetName()) zmin_diff = 0 for ix in range(1, hmed_diff.GetXaxis().GetNbins() + 1): for iy in range(1, hmed_diff.GetYaxis().GetNbins() + 1): v = hlund2D.GetBinContent(ix, iy) - hvac.GetBinContent(ix, iy) if zmin_diff > v * 1.0: zmin_diff = v * 1.0 hmed_diff.SetBinContent(ix, iy, v * 1.0) try: v = hlund2D.GetBinContent(ix, iy) / hvac.GetBinContent(ix, iy) hmed_ratio.SetBinContent(ix, iy, v * 1.0) except ZeroDivisionError: hmed_ratio.SetBinContent(ix, iy, 1.0) for ix in range(1, hmed_diff.GetXaxis().GetNbins() + 1): for iy in range(1, hmed_diff.GetYaxis().GetNbins() + 1): if hlund2D.GetBinContent(ix, iy) == 0 and hvac.GetBinContent( ix, iy) == 0: # v = hmed_diff.GetMinimum() v = zmin_diff if v <= 0: hmed_diff.SetBinContent(ix, iy, 1.2 * v) # just to make white zeros else: hmed_diff.SetBinContent(ix, iy, 0.8 * v) # just to make white zeros # hmed_diff.SetBinContent(ix, iy, zmin_diff * 0.9) hmed_ratio.SetBinContent(ix, iy, 1.0) # hproj1_vac = fvac.Get("hlund_proj1") # hproj2_vac = fvac.Get("hlund_proj2") fvac.Close() if hmed_diff: hmed_diff.Write() hprofx_diff = hmed_diff.ProfileX() hprofx_diff.Write() _hprofy_diff = hmed_diff.ProfileY() _hprofy_diff.Write() hprofy_diff = dlist.h_to_graph(_hprofy_diff, drop_zero_entries=False, xerror=True, transpose=True) hprofy_diff.Write() if hmed_ratio: hmed_ratio.Write() hprofx_ratio = hmed_ratio.ProfileX() hprofx_ratio.Write() _hprofy_ratio = hmed_ratio.ProfileY() _hprofy_ratio.Write() hprofy_ratio = dlist.h_to_graph(_hprofy_ratio, drop_zero_entries=False, xerror=True, transpose=True) hprofy_ratio.Write() hmed_diff.Write() hmed_ratio.Write() fout.Close()
def file_draw_lund(fname, ptmin, ptmax): print fname, ptmin, ptmax f = r.TFile(fname) jt = f.Get("jt") scond = "abs(j_jeta) < 2. && j_jpt > {} && j_jpt < {}".format(ptmin, ptmax) jt.Draw("j_lund_logzdr:j_lund_log1odr>>htmp2D", scond, "e") htmp = r.gDirectory.Get("htmp2D") xmin = htmp.GetXaxis().GetXmin() xmax = htmp.GetXaxis().GetXmax() ymin = htmp.GetYaxis().GetXmin() ymax = htmp.GetYaxis().GetXmax() xmin = 0.9 # xmax = 6. xmax = 10. # ymin = -8 ymin = -10 ymax = 0. nbins = 100 jt.Draw("j_jpt>>hnjets({}, {}, {})".format(nbins, ptmin, ptmax), scond, "e") hnjets = r.gDirectory.Get("hnjets") njets = hnjets.Integral() print '[i] number of jets', njets st = 'j_lund_logzdr:j_lund_log1odr>>hlund2D({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( nbins, xmin, xmax, nbins, ymin, ymax) bwx = (xmax - xmin) / (nbins * 1.0) bwy = (ymax - ymin) / (nbins * 1.0) jt.Draw(st, scond, "e") hlund2D = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2D") hlund2D.GetXaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_log1odr") hlund2D.GetYaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_logzdr") hlund2D.Sumw2() hlund2D.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx * bwy)) st = 'j_lund_logzdr:j_lund_log1odr>>hlund2D_dsjL({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( nbins, xmin, xmax, nbins, ymin, ymax) scond_dsj = " && j_sj_delta < 0.2 && j_sj_dR < 20 && j_sd_dR > 0.1" jt.Draw(st, scond + scond_dsj, "e") hlund2D_dsjL = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2D_dsjL") hlund2D_dsjL.Sumw2() hlund2D_dsjL.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx * bwy)) st = 'j_lund_logzdr:j_lund_log1odr>>hlund2D_dsjH({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( nbins, xmin, xmax, nbins, ymin, ymax) scond_dsj = " && j_sj_delta > 0.8 && j_sj_dR < 20 && j_sd_dR > 0.1" jt.Draw(st, scond + scond_dsj, "e") hlund2D_dsjH = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2D_dsjH") hlund2D_dsjH.Sumw2() hlund2D_dsjH.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx * bwy)) st = 'TMath::Log(j_sd_zg * j_sd_dR):TMath::Log(1./j_sd_dR)>>hlund2D_SDzg({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( nbins, xmin, xmax, nbins, ymin, ymax) # st = 'TMath::Log(j_sd_zg * j_sd_dR):TMath::Log(1./j_sd_dR)>>hlund2D_SDzg' scond_dsj = " && j_sd_zg > 0.1 && j_sd_dR < 0.4" jt.Draw(st, scond + scond_dsj, "e") hlund2D_SDzg = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2D_SDzg") hlund2D_SDzg.Sumw2() hlund2D_SDzg.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx * bwy)) hlund2D_SDzg_flat = hlund2D_SDzg.Clone("hlund2D_SDzg_flat") flatten_2D(hlund2D_SDzg_flat) st = 'j_lund_logzdr:j_lund_log1odr>>hlund2D_zg({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( nbins, xmin, xmax, nbins, ymin, ymax) scond_dsj = " && j_lund_z > 0.1 && j_lund_dR < 0.4" jt.Draw(st, scond + scond_dsj, "e") hlund2D_zg = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2D_zg") hlund2D_zg.Sumw2() hlund2D_zg.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx * bwy)) hlund2D_zg_flat = hlund2D_zg.Clone("hlund2D_zg_flat") flatten_2D(hlund2D_zg_flat) st = 'j_lund_logzdr:j_lund_log1odr>>hlund2D_zgH({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( nbins, xmin, xmax, nbins, ymin, ymax) scond_dsj = " && j_lund_z > 0.25 && j_lund_dR < 0.1" jt.Draw(st, scond + scond_dsj, "e") hlund2D_zgH = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2D_zgH") hlund2D_zgH.Sumw2() hlund2D_zgH.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx * bwy)) hlund2D_zgH_flat = hlund2D_zgH.Clone("hlund2D_zgH_flat") flatten_2D(hlund2D_zgH_flat) st = 'j_lund_logzdr:j_lund_log1odr>>hlund2D_zgHdRH({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( nbins, xmin, xmax, nbins, ymin, ymax) scond_dsj = " && j_lund_z > 0.25 && j_lund_dR > 0.2" jt.Draw(st, scond + scond_dsj, "e") hlund2D_zgHdRH = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund2D_zgHdRH") hlund2D_zgHdRH.Sumw2() hlund2D_zgHdRH.Scale(1. / njets / (bwx * bwy)) hlund2D_zgHdRH_flat = hlund2D_zgHdRH.Clone("hlund2D_zgHdRH_flat") flatten_2D(hlund2D_zgHdRH_flat) # profiles hprofx = hlund2D.ProfileX() _hprofy = hlund2D.ProfileY() hprofy = dlist.h_to_graph(_hprofy, drop_zero_entries=False, xerror=True, transpose=True) # some projections on x # y: j_lund_logzdr nbins_proj = nbins / 4. st = 'j_lund_log1odr>>hlund_proj1({}, {}, {})'.format( nbins_proj, xmin, xmax) scond_proj1 = "abs(j_jeta) < 2. && j_jpt > {} && j_jpt < {} && j_lund_logzdr < {} && j_lund_logzdr > {}".format( ptmin, ptmax, -3., -5.) jt.Draw(st, scond_proj1, "e") hlund_proj1 = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund_proj1") hlund_proj1.GetXaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_log1odr") hlund_proj1.GetYaxis().SetTitle("counts") hlund_proj1.Sumw2() hlund_proj1.Scale(1. / njets / hlund_proj1.GetBinWidth(1)) st = 'j_lund_log1odr>>hlund_proj2({}, {}, {})'.format( nbins_proj, xmin, xmax) scond_proj2 = "abs(j_jeta) < 2. && j_jpt > {} && j_jpt < {} && j_lund_logzdr < {} && j_lund_logzdr > {}".format( ptmin, ptmax, -5., -7.) jt.Draw(st, scond_proj2, "e") hlund_proj2 = r.gDirectory.Get("hlund_proj2") hlund_proj2.GetXaxis().SetTitle("j_lund_log1odr") hlund_proj2.GetYaxis().SetTitle("counts") hlund_proj2.Sumw2() hlund_proj2.Scale(1. / njets / hlund_proj2.GetBinWidth(1)) # end projections foutname = '{}/hout_{}'.format(os.path.dirname(fname), os.path.basename(fname)) # make a diff and a ratio hmed_diff = None hmed_ratio = None if 'med_' in os.path.dirname(foutname): hmed_diff = hlund2D.Clone("med_vac") hmed_ratio = hlund2D.Clone("med_div_vac") fvac_name = foutname.replace("med_", "vac_") fvac = r.TFile(fvac_name) hvac = fvac.Get("hlund2D") zmin_diff = 0 for ix in range(1, hmed_diff.GetXaxis().GetNbins() + 1): for iy in range(1, hmed_diff.GetYaxis().GetNbins() + 1): v = hlund2D.GetBinContent(ix, iy) - hvac.GetBinContent(ix, iy) if zmin_diff > v * 1.0: zmin_diff = v * 1.0 hmed_diff.SetBinContent(ix, iy, v * 1.0) try: v = hlund2D.GetBinContent(ix, iy) / hvac.GetBinContent( ix, iy) hmed_ratio.SetBinContent(ix, iy, v * 1.0) except ZeroDivisionError: hmed_ratio.SetBinContent(ix, iy, 1.0) for ix in range(1, hmed_diff.GetXaxis().GetNbins() + 1): for iy in range(1, hmed_diff.GetYaxis().GetNbins() + 1): if hlund2D.GetBinContent(ix, iy) == 0 and hvac.GetBinContent( ix, iy) == 0: v = zmin_diff if v <= 0: hmed_diff.SetBinContent(ix, iy, 1.2 * v) # just to make white zeros else: hmed_diff.SetBinContent(ix, iy, 0.8 * v) # just to make white zeros hmed_ratio.SetBinContent(ix, iy, 0.0) # hproj1_vac = fvac.Get("hlund_proj1") # hproj2_vac = fvac.Get("hlund_proj2") fvac.Close() fout = r.TFile(foutname, "recreate") htmp.Write() hlund2D.Write() hlund2D_dsjL.Write() hlund2D_dsjH.Write() hlund2D_SDzg.Write() hlund2D_SDzg_flat.Write() hlund2D_zg.Write() hlund2D_zg_flat.Write() hlund2D_zgH.Write() hlund2D_zgH_flat.Write() hlund2D_zgHdRH.Write() hlund2D_zgHdRH_flat.Write() hnjets.Write() hprofy.Write() _hprofy.Write() hprofx.Write() if hmed_diff: hmed_diff.Write() hprofx_diff = hmed_diff.ProfileX() hprofx_diff.Write() _hprofy_diff = hmed_diff.ProfileY() _hprofy_diff.Write() hprofy_diff = dlist.h_to_graph(_hprofy_diff, drop_zero_entries=False, xerror=True, transpose=True) hprofy_diff.Write() if hmed_ratio: hmed_ratio.Write() hprofx_ratio = hmed_ratio.ProfileX() hprofx_ratio.Write() _hprofy_ratio = hmed_ratio.ProfileY() _hprofy_ratio.Write() hprofy_ratio = dlist.h_to_graph(_hprofy_ratio, drop_zero_entries=False, xerror=True, transpose=True) hprofy_ratio.Write() hlund_proj1.Write() hlund_proj2.Write() fout.Close()