Esempio n. 1
def maskoutliers(spec, nsig=5, verbose=False):
    Mask large positive outliers and negative flux pixels in the spectrum.

    spec : Spec1D object
       Observed spectrum to mask outliers on.
    nsig : int, optional
       Number of standard deviations to use for the outlier rejection.
       Default is 5.0.
    verbose : boolean, optional
       Verbose output.  Default is False.

    spec2 : Spec1D object
       Spectrum with outliers masked.

    .. code-block:: python

         spec = maskoutliers(spec,nsig=5)


    print = getprintfunc(
    )  # Get print function to be used locally, allows for easy logging

    spec2 = spec.copy()
    wave = spec2.wave.copy().reshape(spec2.npix, spec2.norder)  # make 2D
    flux = spec2.flux.copy().reshape(spec2.npix, spec2.norder)  # make 2D
    err = spec2.err.copy().reshape(spec2.npix, spec2.norder)  # make 2D
    mask = spec2.mask.copy().reshape(spec2.npix, spec2.norder)  # make 2D
    totnbd = 0
    for o in range(spec2.norder):
        w = wave[:, o].copy()
        x = (w - np.median(w)) / (np.max(w * 0.5) - np.min(w * 0.5)
                                  )  # -1 to +1
        y = flux[:, o].copy()
        m = mask[:, o].copy()
        # Divide by median
        medy = np.nanmedian(y)
        if medy <= 0.0:
            medy = 1.0
        y /= medy
        # Perform sigma clipping out large positive outliers
        coef = dln.poly_fit(x, y, 2, robust=True)
        sig = dln.mad(y - dln.poly(x, coef))
        bd, nbd = dln.where(((y - dln.poly(x, coef)) > nsig * sig) | (y < 0))
        totnbd += nbd
        if nbd > 0:
            flux[bd, o] = dln.poly(x[bd], coef) * medy
            err[bd, o] = 1e30
            mask[bd, o] = True

    # Flatten to 1D if norder=1
    if spec2.norder == 1:
        flux = flux.flatten()
        err = err.flatten()
        mask = mask.flatten()

    # Stuff back in
    spec2.flux = flux
    spec2.err = err
    spec2.mask = mask

    if verbose is True:
        print('Masked ' + str(totnbd) + ' outlier or negative pixels')

    return spec2
Esempio n. 2
def maskdiscrepant(spec, model, nsig=10, verbose=False):
    Mask pixels that are discrepant when compared to a model.

    spec : Spec1D object
       Observed spectrum for which to mask discrepant values.
    model : Spec1D object
       Reference/model spectrum to use to find discrepant values.
    nsig : int, optional
       Number of standard deviations to use for the discrepant values.
       Default is 10.0.
    verbose : boolean, optional
       Verbose output.  Default is False.

    spec2 : Spec1D object
       Spectrum with discrepant values masked.

    .. code-block:: python

         spec = maskdiscrepant(spec,nsig=5)


    print = getprintfunc(
    )  # Get print function to be used locally, allows for easy logging

    spec2 = spec.copy()
    wave = spec2.wave.copy().reshape(spec2.npix, spec2.norder)  # make 2D
    flux = spec2.flux.copy().reshape(spec2.npix, spec2.norder)  # make 2D
    err = spec2.err.copy().reshape(spec2.npix, spec2.norder)  # make 2D
    mask = spec2.mask.copy().reshape(spec2.npix, spec2.norder)  # make 2D
    mflux = model.flux.copy().reshape(spec2.npix, spec2.norder)  # make 2D
    totnbd = 0
    for o in range(spec2.norder):
        w = wave[:, o].copy()
        x = (w - np.median(w)) / (np.max(w * 0.5) - np.min(w * 0.5)
                                  )  # -1 to +1
        y = flux[:, o].copy()
        m = mask[:, o].copy()
        my = mflux[:, o].copy()
        # Divide by median
        medy = np.nanmedian(y)
        if medy <= 0.0:
            medy = 1.0
        y /= medy
        my /= medy
        # Perform sigma clipping out large positive outliers
        coef = dln.poly_fit(x, y, 2, robust=True)
        sig = dln.mad(y - my)
        bd, nbd = dln.where(np.abs(y - my) > nsig * sig)
        totnbd += nbd
        if nbd > 0:
            flux[bd, o] = dln.poly(x[bd], coef) * medy
            err[bd, o] = 1e30
            mask[bd, o] = True

    # Flatten to 1D if norder=1
    if spec2.norder == 1:
        flux = flux.flatten()
        err = err.flatten()
        mask = mask.flatten()

    # Stuff back in
    spec2.flux = flux
    spec2.err = err
    spec2.mask = mask

    if verbose is True: print('Masked ' + str(totnbd) + ' discrepant pixels')

    return spec2
Esempio n. 3
def meascutout(meas, obj, size=10, outdir='./'):
    """ Input the measurements and create cutouts. """

    expstr = fits.getdata(
        '/net/dl2/dnidever/nsc/instcal/v3/lists/nsc_v3_exposures.fits.gz', 1)
    #expstr = fits.getdata('/net/dl2/dnidever/nsc/instcal/v3/lists/nsc_v3_exposure.fits.gz',1)
    decam ='/home/dnidever/projects/delvered/data/decam.txt',

    objid = obj['id'][0]

    # Sort by MJD
    si = np.argsort(meas['mjd'])
    meas = meas[si]

    ind1, ind2 = dln.match(expstr['base'], meas['exposure'])
    nind = len(ind1)
    if nind == 0:
        print('No matches')
    # Sort by input meas catalog
    si = np.argsort(ind2)
    ind1 = ind1[si]
    ind2 = ind2[si]

    # Create the reference WCS
    wref = WCS(naxis=2)
    pixscale = 0.26  # DECam, "/pix
    npix = round(size / pixscale)
    if npix % 2 == 0:  # must be odd
        npix += 1
    hpix = npix // 2  # center of image
    wref.wcs.ctype = ['RA---TAN', 'DEC--TAN']
    wref.wcs.crval = [obj['ra'][0], obj['dec'][0]]
    wref.wcs.crpix = [npix // 2, npix // 2] = np.array([[pixscale / 3600.0, 0.0], [0.0, pixscale / 3600]])
    wref.array_shape = (npix, npix)
    refheader = wref.to_header()
    refheader['NAXIS'] = 2
    refheader['NAXIS1'] = npix
    refheader['NAXIS2'] = npix

    # Load the data
    instrument = expstr['instrument'][ind1]
    fluxfile = expstr['file'][ind1]
    fluxfile = fluxfile.replace('/net/mss1/', '/mss1/')  # for thing/hulk
    maskfile = expstr['maskfile'][ind1]
    maskfile = maskfile.replace('/net/mss1/', '/mss1/')  # for thing/hulk
    ccdnum = meas['ccdnum'][ind2]
    figfiles = []
    for i in range(nind):
            if instrument[i] == 'c4d':
                dind, = np.where(decam['CCDNUM'] == ccdnum[i])
                extname = decam['NAME'][dind[0]]
                im, head = getfitsext(fluxfile[i], extname, header=True)
                mim, mhead = getfitsext(maskfile[i], extname, header=True)
                #im,head = fits.getdata(fluxfile[i],header=True,extname=extname)
                #mim,mhead = fits.getdata(maskfile[i],header=True,extname=extname)
                im, head = fits.getdata(fluxfile[i], ccdnum[i], header=True)
                mim, mhead = fits.getdata(maskfile[i], ccdnum[i], header=True)
            import pdb

        # Get chip-level information
        exposure = os.path.basename(fluxfile[i])[0:-8]  # remove fits.fz
        chres = qc.query(sql="select * from nsc_dr2.chip where exposure='" +
                         exposure + "' and ccdnum=" + str(ccdnum[i]),

        w = WCS(head)
        # RA/DEC correction for the object
        lon = obj['ra'][0] - chres['ra'][0]
        lat = obj['dec'][0] - chres['dec'][0]
        racorr = chres['ra_coef1'][0] + chres['ra_coef2'][0] * lon + chres[
            'ra_coef3'][0] * lon * lat + chres['ra_coef4'][0] * lat
        deccorr = chres['dec_coef1'][0] + chres['dec_coef2'][0] * lon + chres[
            'dec_coef3'][0] * lon * lat + chres['dec_coef4'][0] * lat
        # apply these offsets to the header WCS CRVAL
        w.wcs.crval += [racorr, deccorr]
        head['CRVAL1'] += racorr
        head['CRVAL2'] += deccorr

        # Object X/Y position
        xobj, yobj = w.all_world2pix(obj['ra'], obj['dec'], 0)
        # Get the cutout
        xcen = meas['x'][ind2[i]] - 1  # convert to 0-indexes
        ycen = meas['y'][ind2[i]] - 1
        smim = dln.gsmooth(im, 2)
        # use the object coords for centering
        #cutim,xr,yr = cutout(smim,xobj,yobj,size)

        # Mask the bad pixels
        badmask = (mim > 0)
        im[badmask] = np.nanmedian(im[~badmask])

        # Create a common TAN WCS that each image gets interpoled onto!!!
        #hdu1 =[i],extname=extname)
        smim1 = dln.gsmooth(im, 1.5)
        hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(smim1, head)
        cutim, footprint = reproject_interp(hdu, refheader,
                                            order='bicubic')  # biquadratic
        cutim[footprint == 0] = np.nanmedian(
            im[~badmask])  # set out-of-bounds to background
        #xr = [0,npix-1]
        #yr = [0,npix-1]
        xr = [-hpix * pixscale, hpix * pixscale]
        yr = [-hpix * pixscale, hpix * pixscale]

        # exposure_ccdnum, filter, MJD, delta_MJD, mag
            str(i + 1) + ' ' + meas['exposure'][ind2[i]] + ' ' +
            str(ccdnum[i]) + ' ' + str(meas['x'][ind2[i]]) + ' ' +
            str(meas['y'][ind2[i]]) + ' ' + str(meas['mag_auto'][ind2[i]]))

        #figdir = '/net/dl2/dnidever/nsc/instcal/v3/hpm2/cutouts/'
        figfile = outdir
        figfile += '%s_%04d_%s_%02d.jpg' % (str(
            obj['id'][0]), i + 1, meas['exposure'][ind2[i]], ccdnum[i])
        plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 11})
        if os.path.exists(figfile): os.remove(figfile)
        fig = plt.gcf()  # get current graphics window
        fig.clf()  # clear

        figsize = 8.0  #6.0
        ax = fig.subplots()  # projection=wcs
        med = np.nanmedian(smim)
        sig = dln.mad(smim)
        bigim, xr2, yr2 = cutout(smim, xcen, ycen, 151, missing=med)
        lmed = np.nanmedian(bigim)

        # Get the flux of the object and scale each image to the same height
        #meas.mag_aper1 = cat1.mag_aper[0] + 2.5*alog10(exptime) + chstr[i].zpterm
        #cmag = mag_auto + 2.5*alog10(exptime) + zpterm
        instmag = meas['mag_auto'][ind2[i]] - 2.5 * np.log10(
            chres['exptime'][0]) - chres['zpterm'][0]
        #mag = -2.5*log(flux)+25.0
        instflux = 10**((25.0 - instmag) / 2.5)
        print('flux = ' + str(instflux))
        # Get height of object
        #  flux of 2D Gaussian is ~2*pi*height*sigma^2
        pixscale1 = np.max(np.abs( * 3600
        fwhm = chres['fwhm'][0] / pixscale1
        instheight = instflux / (2 * 3.14 * (fwhm / 2.35)**2)
        print('height = ' + str(instheight))
        # Scale the images to the flux level of the first image
        cutim -= lmed
        if i == 0:
            instflux0 = instflux.copy()
            instheight0 = instheight.copy()
            scale = instflux0 / instflux
            #scale = instheight0/instheight
            cutim *= scale
            print('scaling image by ' + str(scale))

        #vmin = lmed-8*sig  # 3*sig
        #vmax = lmed+12*sig  # 5*sig
        if i == 0:
            vmin = -8 * sig  # 3*sig
            #vmax = 12*sig  # 5*sig
            vmax = 0.5 * instheight  # 0.5
            vmin0 = vmin
            vmax0 = vmax
            vmin = vmin0
            vmax = vmax0

        print('vmin = ' + str(vmin))
        print('vmax = ' + str(vmax))

                   extent=(xr[0], xr[1], yr[0], yr[1]),
                   cmap='viridis')  # viridis, Greys, jet
        #           vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax,cmap='viridis')   # viridis, Greys, jet

        # show one vertical, one horizontal line pointing to the center but offset
        # then a small dot on the meas position
        # 13, 8
        plt.plot(np.array([0, 0]),
                 np.array([-0.066 * npix, 0.066 * npix]) * pixscale,
        plt.plot(np.array([-0.066 * npix, 0.066 * npix]) * pixscale,
                 np.array([0, 0]),

        # Meas X/Y position
        xmeas, ymeas = wref.all_world2pix(meas['ra'][ind2[i]],
                                          meas['dec'][ind2[i]], 0)
        plt.scatter([(xmeas - hpix) * pixscale], [(ymeas - hpix) * pixscale],
        # Object X/Y position
        #xobj,yobj = w.all_world2pix(obj['ra'],obj['dec'],0)
        xobj, yobj = wref.all_world2pix(obj['ra'], obj['dec'], 0)
        #leg = ax.legend(loc='upper left', frameon=False)
        plt.xlabel(r'$\Delta$ RA (arcsec)')
        plt.ylabel(r'$\Delta$ DEC (arcsec)')
        #ax.annotate(r'S/N=%5.1f',xy=(np.mean(xr), yr[0]+dln.valrange(yr)*0.05),ha='center')
        co = 'white'  #'lightgray' # blue
        ax.annotate('%s  %02d  %s  %6.1f  ' %
                    (meas['exposure'][ind2[i]], ccdnum[i],
                     meas['filter'][ind2[i]], expstr['exptime'][ind1[i]]),
                    xy=(np.mean(xr), yr[0] + dln.valrange(yr) * 0.05),
            '%10.2f  %10.2f  ' %
            (meas['mjd'][ind2[i]], meas['mjd'][ind2[i]] - np.min(meas['mjd'])),
            xy=(xr[0] + dln.valrange(xr) * 0.05,
                yr[1] - dln.valrange(yr) * 0.05),
        ax.annotate('%s = %5.2f +/- %4.2f' %
                    (meas['filter'][ind2[i]], meas['mag_auto'][ind2[i]],
                    xy=(xr[1] - dln.valrange(xr) * 0.05,
                        yr[1] - dln.valrange(yr) * 0.05),
        print('Cutout written to ' + figfile)

        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    # Make a single blank file at the end so you know it looped
    figfile = outdir
    figfile += '%s_%04d_%s.jpg' % (str(obj['id'][0]), i + 2, 'blank')
    if os.path.exists(figfile): os.remove(figfile)
    fig = plt.gcf()  # get current graphics window
    fig.clf()  # clear
    figsize = 8.0  #6.0

    # Make the animated gif
    animfile = outdir + str(objid) + '_cutouts.gif'
    print('Creating animated gif ' + animfile)
    if os.path.exists(animfile): os.remove(animfile)
    #ret ='convert -delay 100 '+figdir+str(objid)+'_*.jpg '+animfile,shell=True)
    ret ='convert -delay 20 ' + ' '.join(figfiles) + ' ' +
    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
Esempio n. 4
def meascutout(meas, obj, size=10, outdir='./', domask=True):
    """ Input the measurements and create cutouts. """

    expstr = fits.getdata(
        '/net/dl2/dnidever/nsc/instcal/v3/lists/nsc_v3_exposures.fits.gz', 1)
    #expstr = fits.getdata('/net/dl2/dnidever/nsc/instcal/v3/lists/nsc_v3_exposure.fits.gz',1)
    decam ='/home/dnidever/projects/delvered/data/decam.txt',

    objid = obj['id'][0]

    # Sort by MJD
    si = np.argsort(meas['mjd'])
    meas = meas[si]

    # Make cut on FWHM
    # maybe only use values for 0.5*fwhm_chip to 1.5*fwhm_chip
    sql = "select chip.* from nsc_dr2.chip as chip join nsc_dr2.meas as meas on chip.exposure=meas.exposure and chip.ccdnum=meas.ccdnum"
    sql += " where meas.objectid='" + objid + "'"
    chip = qc.query(sql=sql, fmt='table')
    ind3, ind4 = dln.match(chip['exposure'], meas['exposure'])
    si = np.argsort(ind4)  # sort by input meas catalog
    ind3 = ind3[si]
    ind4 = ind4[si]
    chip = chip[ind3]
    meas = meas[ind4]
    gdfwhm, = np.where((meas['fwhm'] > 0.2 * chip['fwhm'])
                       & (meas['fwhm'] < 2.0 * chip['fwhm']))
    if len(gdfwhm) == 0:
        print('All measurements have bad FWHM values')
    if len(gdfwhm) < len(meas):
        print('Removing ' + str(len(meas) - len(gdfwhm)) +
              ' measurements with bad FWHM values')
        meas = meas[gdfwhm]

    ind1, ind2 = dln.match(expstr['base'], meas['exposure'])
    nind = len(ind1)
    if nind == 0:
        print('No matches')
    # Sort by input meas catalog
    si = np.argsort(ind2)
    ind1 = ind1[si]
    ind2 = ind2[si]

    # Create the reference WCS
    wref = WCS(naxis=2)
    pixscale = 0.26  # DECam, "/pix
    npix = round(size / pixscale)
    if npix % 2 == 0:  # must be odd
        npix += 1
    hpix = npix // 2  # center of image
    wref.wcs.ctype = ['RA---TAN', 'DEC--TAN']
    wref.wcs.crval = [obj['ra'][0], obj['dec'][0]]
    wref.wcs.crpix = [npix // 2, npix // 2] = np.array([[pixscale / 3600.0, 0.0], [0.0, pixscale / 3600]])
    wref.array_shape = (npix, npix)
    refheader = wref.to_header()
    refheader['NAXIS'] = 2
    refheader['NAXIS1'] = npix
    refheader['NAXIS2'] = npix

    # Load the data
    instrument = expstr['instrument'][ind1]
    plver = expstr['plver'][ind1]
    fluxfile = expstr['file'][ind1]
    fluxfile = fluxfile.replace('/net/mss1/', '/mss1/')  # for thing/hulk
    maskfile = expstr['maskfile'][ind1]
    maskfile = maskfile.replace('/net/mss1/', '/mss1/')  # for thing/hulk
    ccdnum = meas['ccdnum'][ind2]
    figfiles = []
    xmeas = []
    ymeas = []
    cutimarr = np.zeros((npix, npix, nind), float)
    for i in range(nind):
        #for i in range(3):
        instcode = instrument[i]
        plver1 = plver[i]
            if instrument[i] == 'c4d':
                dind, = np.where(decam['CCDNUM'] == ccdnum[i])
                extname = decam['NAME'][dind[0]]
                im, head = getfitsext(fluxfile[i], extname, header=True)
                mim, mhead = getfitsext(maskfile[i], extname, header=True)
                #im,head = fits.getdata(fluxfile[i],header=True,extname=extname)
                #mim,mhead = fits.getdata(maskfile[i],header=True,extname=extname)
                im, head = fits.getdata(fluxfile[i], ccdnum[i], header=True)
                mim, mhead = fits.getdata(maskfile[i], ccdnum[i], header=True)
            import pdb

        # Turn the mask from integer to bitmask
        if ((instcode == 'c4d') &
            (plver1 >= 'V3.5.0')) | (instcode == 'k4m') | (instcode == 'ksb'):
            omim = mim.copy()
            mim *= 0
            nonzero = (omim > 0)
            mim[nonzero] = 2**((omim - 1)[nonzero])  # This takes about 1 sec
        # Fix the DECam Pre-V3.5.0 masks
        if (instcode == 'c4d') & (plver1 < 'V3.5.0'):
            omim = mim.copy()
            mim *= 0  # re-initialize
            mim += (np.bitwise_and(omim, 1) == 1) * 1  # bad pixels
            mim += (np.bitwise_and(omim, 2) == 2) * 4  # saturated
            mim += (np.bitwise_and(omim, 4) == 4) * 32  # interpolated
            mim += (np.bitwise_and(omim, 16) == 16) * 16  # cosmic ray
            mim += (np.bitwise_and(omim, 64) == 64) * 8  # bleed trail

        # Get chip-level information
        exposure = os.path.basename(fluxfile[i])[0:-8]  # remove fits.fz
        chres = qc.query(sql="select * from nsc_dr2.chip where exposure='" +
                         exposure + "' and ccdnum=" + str(ccdnum[i]),

        w = WCS(head)
        # RA/DEC correction for the object
        lon = obj['ra'][0] - chres['ra'][0]
        lat = obj['dec'][0] - chres['dec'][0]
        racorr = chres['ra_coef1'][0] + chres['ra_coef2'][0] * lon + chres[
            'ra_coef3'][0] * lon * lat + chres['ra_coef4'][0] * lat
        deccorr = chres['dec_coef1'][0] + chres['dec_coef2'][0] * lon + chres[
            'dec_coef3'][0] * lon * lat + chres['dec_coef4'][0] * lat
        # apply these offsets to the header WCS CRVAL
        #w.wcs.crval += [racorr,deccorr]
        #head['CRVAL1'] += racorr
        #head['CRVAL2'] += deccorr
        print(racorr, deccorr)

        # Object X/Y position
        xobj, yobj = w.all_world2pix(obj['ra'], obj['dec'], 0)
        # Get the cutout
        xcen = meas['x'][ind2[i]] - 1  # convert to 0-indexes
        ycen = meas['y'][ind2[i]] - 1
        smim = dln.gsmooth(im, 2)
        # use the object coords for centering
        #cutim,xr,yr = cutout(smim,xobj,yobj,size)

        # Mask the bad pixels
        if domask == True:
            badmask = (mim > 0)
            im[badmask] = np.nanmedian(im[~badmask])
            badmask = (im < 0)

        # Create a common TAN WCS that each image gets interpoled onto!!!
        #hdu1 =[i],extname=extname)
        smim1 = dln.gsmooth(im, 1.5)
        hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(smim1, head)
        cutim, footprint = reproject_interp(hdu, refheader,
                                            order='bicubic')  # biquadratic
        cutim[footprint == 0] = np.nanmedian(
            im[~badmask])  # set out-of-bounds to background
        #xr = [0,npix-1]
        #yr = [0,npix-1]
        xr = [-hpix * pixscale, hpix * pixscale]
        yr = [-hpix * pixscale, hpix * pixscale]

        # exposure_ccdnum, filter, MJD, delta_MJD, mag
            str(i + 1) + ' ' + meas['exposure'][ind2[i]] + ' ' +
            str(ccdnum[i]) + ' ' + str(meas['x'][ind2[i]]) + ' ' +
            str(meas['y'][ind2[i]]) + ' ' + str(meas['mag_auto'][ind2[i]]))

        #figdir = '/net/dl2/dnidever/nsc/instcal/v3/hpm2/cutouts/'
        figfile = outdir
        figfile += '%s_%04d_%s_%02d.jpg' % (str(
            obj['id'][0]), i + 1, meas['exposure'][ind2[i]], ccdnum[i])
        plt.rc('font', size=15)
        plt.rc('axes', titlesize=20)
        plt.rc('axes', labelsize=20)
        plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=20)
        plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=20)
        #plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 15})
        #plt.rcParams.update({'axes.size': 20})
        #plt.rcParams.update({'xtick.size': 20})
        #plt.rcParams.update({'ytick.size': 20})
        if os.path.exists(figfile): os.remove(figfile)
        fig = plt.gcf()  # get current graphics window
        fig.clf()  # clear

        gskw = dict(width_ratios=[30, 1])
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2, nrows=1, gridspec_kw=gskw)

        figsize = 8.0  #6.0
        figheight = 8.0
        figwidth = 9.0
        #ax = fig.subplots()  # projection=wcs
        med = np.nanmedian(smim)
        sig = dln.mad(smim)
        bigim, xr2, yr2 = cutout(smim, xcen, ycen, 151, missing=med)
        lmed = np.nanmedian(bigim)

        # Get the flux of the object and scale each image to the same height
        #meas.mag_aper1 = cat1.mag_aper[0] + 2.5*alog10(exptime) + chstr[i].zpterm
        #cmag = mag_auto + 2.5*alog10(exptime) + zpterm
        instmag = meas['mag_auto'][ind2[i]] - 2.5 * np.log10(
            chres['exptime'][0]) - chres['zpterm'][0]
        #mag = -2.5*log(flux)+25.0
        instflux = 10**((25.0 - instmag) / 2.5)
        print('flux = ' + str(instflux))
        # Get height of object
        #  flux of 2D Gaussian is ~2*pi*height*sigma^2
        pixscale1 = np.max(np.abs( * 3600
        fwhm = chres['fwhm'][0] / pixscale1
        instheight = instflux / (2 * 3.14 * (fwhm / 2.35)**2)
        print('height = ' + str(instheight))
        # Scale the images to the flux level of the first image
        cutim -= lmed
        if i == 0:
            instflux0 = instflux.copy()
            instheight0 = instheight.copy()
            scale = instflux0 / instflux
            #scale = instheight0/instheight
            cutim *= scale
            print('scaling image by ' + str(scale))

        #vmin = lmed-8*sig  # 3*sig
        #vmax = lmed+12*sig  # 5*sig
        if i == 0:
            vmin = -8 * sig  # 3*sig
            #vmax = 12*sig  # 5*sig
            vmax = 0.5 * instheight  # 0.5
            vmin0 = vmin
            vmax0 = vmax
            vmin = vmin0
            vmax = vmax0

        print('vmin = ' + str(vmin))
        print('vmax = ' + str(vmax))

        cutimarr[:, :, i] = cutim.copy()

                     extent=(xr[0], xr[1], yr[0], yr[1]),
                     cmap='viridis')  # viridis, Greys, jet
        #           vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax,cmap='viridis')   # viridis, Greys, jet

        # show one vertical, one horizontal line pointing to the center but offset
        # then a small dot on the meas position
        # 13, 8
        ax[0].plot(np.array([0, 0]),
                   np.array([-0.066 * npix, 0.066 * npix]) * pixscale,
        ax[0].plot(np.array([-0.066 * npix, 0.066 * npix]) * pixscale,
                   np.array([0, 0]),

        # Meas X/Y position
        xmeas1, ymeas1 = wref.all_world2pix(meas['ra'][ind2[i]],
                                            meas['dec'][ind2[i]], 0)
        ax[0].scatter([(xmeas1 - hpix) * pixscale],
                      [(ymeas1 - hpix) * pixscale],
        # Object X/Y position
        #xobj,yobj = w.all_world2pix(obj['ra'],obj['dec'],0)
        xobj, yobj = wref.all_world2pix(obj['ra'], obj['dec'], 0)
        #leg = ax.legend(loc='upper left', frameon=False)
        ax[0].set_xlabel(r'$\Delta$ RA (arcsec)')
        ax[0].set_ylabel(r'$\Delta$ DEC (arcsec)')
        ax[0].set_xlim((xr[1], xr[0]))  # sky right
        #ax.annotate(r'S/N=%5.1f',xy=(np.mean(xr), yr[0]+dln.valrange(yr)*0.05),ha='center')
        co = 'white'  #'lightgray' # blue
        ax[0].annotate('%s  %02d  %s  %6.1f  ' %
                       (meas['exposure'][ind2[i]], ccdnum[i],
                        meas['filter'][ind2[i]], expstr['exptime'][ind1[i]]),
                       xy=(np.mean(xr), yr[0] + dln.valrange(yr) * 0.05),
            '%10.2f    $\Delta$t=%7.2f  ' %
            (meas['mjd'][ind2[i]], meas['mjd'][ind2[i]] - np.min(meas['mjd'])),
            xy=(xr[1] - dln.valrange(xr) * 0.05,
                yr[1] - dln.valrange(yr) * 0.05),
        #               xy=(xr[0]+dln.valrange(xr)*0.05, yr[1]-dln.valrange(yr)*0.05),ha='left',color=co)
        ax[0].annotate('%s = %5.2f +/- %4.2f' %
                       (meas['filter'][ind2[i]], meas['mag_auto'][ind2[i]],
                       xy=(xr[0] + dln.valrange(xr) * 0.05,
                           yr[1] - dln.valrange(yr) * 0.05),
        #               xy=(xr[1]-dln.valrange(xr)*0.05, yr[1]-dln.valrange(yr)*0.05),ha='right',color=co)

        # Progress bar
        frameratio = (i + 1) / float(nind)
        timeratio = (meas['mjd'][ind2[i]] -
                     np.min(meas['mjd'])) / dln.valrange(meas['mjd'])
        #ratio = frameratio
        ratio = timeratio
        print('ratio = ' + str(100 * ratio))
        barim = np.zeros((100, 100), int)
        ind = dln.limit(int(round(ratio * 100)), 1, 99)
        barim[:, 0:ind] = 1
        ax[1].imshow(barim.T, origin='lower', aspect='auto', cmap='Greys')
        ax[1].set_xlabel('%7.1f \n days' %
                         (meas['mjd'][ind2[i]] - np.min(meas['mjd'])))
        #ax[1].set_xlabel('%d/%d' % (i+1,nind))
        ax[1].set_title('%d/%d' % (i + 1, nind))
        right_side = ax[1].spines['right']
        left_side = ax[1].spines['left']
        top_side = ax[1].spines['top']

        print('Cutout written to ' + figfile)

        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    avgim = np.sum(cutimarr, axis=2) / nind
    avgim *= instheight0 / np.max(avgim)
    medim = np.median(cutimarr, axis=2)

    # Make a single blank file at the end so you know it looped
    figfile = outdir
    figfile += '%s_%04d_%s.jpg' % (str(obj['id'][0]), i + 2, 'path')
    if os.path.exists(figfile): os.remove(figfile)
    fig = plt.gcf()  # get current graphics window
    fig.clf()  # clear
    gskw = dict(width_ratios=[30, 1])
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2, nrows=1, gridspec_kw=gskw)
                 extent=(xr[0], xr[1], yr[0], yr[1]),
                 cmap='viridis')  # viridis, Greys, jet
    ax[0].plot(np.array([0, 0]),
               np.array([-0.066 * npix, 0.066 * npix]) * pixscale,
    ax[0].plot(np.array([-0.066 * npix, 0.066 * npix]) * pixscale,
               np.array([0, 0]),
    xmeas = np.array(xmeas)
    ymeas = np.array(ymeas)
    ax[0].plot((xmeas - hpix) * pixscale, (ymeas - hpix) * pixscale, c='r')
    ax[0].set_xlabel(r'$\Delta$ RA (arcsec)')
    ax[0].set_ylabel(r'$\Delta$ DEC (arcsec)')
    ax[0].set_xlim((xr[1], xr[0]))  # sky -right
    # Make four copies
    for j in np.arange(2, 11):
        #pathfile = figfile.replace('path1','path'+str(j))
        pathfile = figfile.replace('%04d' % (i + 2), '%04d' % (i + 1 + j))
        if os.path.exists(pathfile): os.remove(pathfile)
        shutil.copyfile(figfile, pathfile)

    # Make the animated gif
    animfile = outdir + str(objid) + '_cutouts.gif'
    if os.path.exists(animfile): os.remove(animfile)
    # put list of files in a separate file
    listfile = outdir + str(objid) + '_cutouts.lst'
    if os.path.exists(listfile): os.remove(listfile)
    dln.writelines(listfile, figfiles)
    delay = dln.scale(nind, [20, 1000], [20, 1])
    delay = int(np.round(dln.limit(delay, 1, 20)))
    print('delay = ' + str(delay))
    print('Creating animated gif ' + animfile)
    #ret ='convert -delay 100 '+figdir+str(objid)+'_*.jpg '+animfile,shell=True)
    #ret ='convert -delay 20 '+' '.join(figfiles)+' '+animfile,shell=True)
    ret ='convert @' + listfile + ' -delay ' + str(delay) +
                         ' ' + animfile,
    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
Esempio n. 5
    goodwav = np.zeros((npix,len(goodap1)),float)    
    for i in range(len(goodap1)):
        wav1 = idlines[goodap1[i]].func(x)
        diff = wav1-medwav0
        meddiff = np.median(diff)
        goodwav[:,i] = wav1-meddiff
    medwav = np.median(goodwav,axis=1)

    # Second cut at good and bad apertures by comparing to median wave array
    sig = np.zeros(128,float)+999999.0
    std = np.zeros(128,float)+999999.0
    for i in range(128):
        if idlines[i].npoints>0:
            wav1 = idlines[i].func(x)
            std[i] = np.std(wav1-medwav)
            sig[i] = dln.mad(wav1-medwav)            

    #goodap, = np.where((npoints>0) & (sig<1.0) & (std<1.0) & (npoints>0.5*mednpoints))
    #badap, = np.where((npoints>0) & ((sig>=1.0) | (std>=1.0) | (npoints<=0.5*mednpoints)))
    goodap, = np.where((apinfo['npoints']>0) & (sig<1.0) & (std<1.0) & (apinfo['rms']<0.1) & (apinfo['npoints']>20))
    badap, = np.where((apinfo['npoints']>0) & ((sig>=1.0) | (std>=1.0) | (apinfo['rms']>=0.1) | (apinfo['npoints']<=20)))
    nbad = len(badap)
    print(str(nbad)+' bad apertures to fix')
    apinfo['good'][goodap] = True

    #goodap, = np.where((npoints>0) & (sig<1.0) & (std<1.0) & (npoints>0.5*mednpoints) & (rms<0.08))
    #badap, = np.where(rms > 0.08)
    #nbad = len(badap)
    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
Esempio n. 6
def fix_pms(objectid):
    """ Correct the proper motions in the healpix object catalog."""

    t00 = time.time()
    hostname = socket.gethostname()
    host = hostname.split('.')[0]

    version = 'v3'
    radeg = np.float64(180.00) / np.pi

    meas = qc.query(sql="select * from nsc_dr2.meas where objectid='"+objectid+"'",fmt='table')
    nmeas = len(meas)
    print('  '+str(nmeas))
    mnra = np.median(meas['ra'].data)
    mndec = np.median(meas['dec'].data)

    lim = 20.0  # 50.0
    gd, = np.where( (np.abs(meas['ra'].data-mnra)/np.cos(np.deg2rad(mndec))*3600 < lim) &
                     (np.abs(meas['dec'].data-mndec)*3600 < lim))
    ngd = len(gd)
    nbd = nmeas-ngd
    print('bad measurements '+str(nbd))
    #if nbd==0:
    #    return None
    meas = meas[gd]

    # Make cut on FWHM
    # maybe only use values for 0.5*fwhm_chip to 1.5*fwhm_chip
    sql = "select chip.* from nsc_dr2.chip as chip join nsc_dr2.meas as meas on chip.exposure=meas.exposure and chip.ccdnum=meas.ccdnum"
    sql += " where meas.objectid='"+objectid+"'"
    chip = qc.query(sql=sql,fmt='table')
    ind3,ind4 = dln.match(chip['exposure'],meas['exposure'])
    si = np.argsort(ind4)   # sort by input meas catalog
    ind3 = ind3[si]
    ind4 = ind4[si]
    chip = chip[ind3]
    meas = meas[ind4]
    gdfwhm, = np.where((meas['fwhm'] > 0.2*chip['fwhm']) & (meas['fwhm'] < 2.0*chip['fwhm']))
    if len(gdfwhm)==0:
        print('All measurements have bad FWHM values')
    if len(gdfwhm) < len(meas):
        print('Removing '+str(len(meas)-len(gdfwhm))+' measurements with bad FWHM values')
        meas = meas[gdfwhm]

    raerr = np.array(meas['raerr']*1e3,np.float64)    # milli arcsec
    ra = np.array(meas['ra'],np.float64)
    ra -= np.mean(ra)
    ra *= 3600*1e3 * np.cos(mndec/radeg)     # convert to true angle, milli arcsec
    t = np.array(meas['mjd'].copy())
    t -= np.mean(t)
    t /= 365.2425                          # convert to year
    # Calculate robust slope
        #pmra, pmraerr = dln.robust_slope(t,ra,raerr,reweight=True)

        # LADfit
        pmra_ladcoef, absdev = dln.ladfit(t,ra)
        pmra_lad = pmra_ladcoef[1]

        # Run RANSAC
        ransac = linear_model.RANSACRegressor(),1), ra)
        inlier_mask = ransac.inlier_mask_
        outlier_mask = np.logical_not(inlier_mask)
        gdmask = inlier_mask
        pmra_ransac = ransac.estimator_.coef_[0]
        print('  ransac '+str(np.sum(inlier_mask))+' inliers   '+str(np.sum(outlier_mask))+' outliers')

        # Robust, weighted linear with with INLIERS
        #pmra_coef, pmra_coeferr = dln.poly_fit(t[gdmask],ra[gdmask],1,sigma=raerr[gdmask],robust=True,error=True)
        #pmra_coef, pmra_coeferr = dln.poly_fit(t,ra,1,sigma=raerr,robust=True,error=True)
        #pmra = pmra_coef[0]
        #pmraerr = pmra_coeferr[0]
        #radiff = ra-dln.poly(t,pmra_coef)
        radiff = ra-t*pmra_lad
        radiff -= np.median(radiff)
        rasig = dln.mad(radiff)
        # Reject outliers
        gdsig = (np.abs(radiff) < 2.5*rasig) | (np.abs(radiff) < 2.5*raerr)
        print('  '+str(nmeas-np.sum(gdsig))+' 2.5*sigma clip outliers rejected')
        #if np.sum(gdsig) < nmeas:
        pmra_coef, pmra_coeferr = dln.poly_fit(t[gdsig],ra[gdsig],1,sigma=raerr[gdsig],robust=True,error=True)
        pmra = pmra_coef[0]
        pmraerr = pmra_coeferr[0]
        rasig = dln.mad(ra-dln.poly(t,pmra_coef))
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        return np.append(np.zeros(10,float)+np.nan, np.zeros(2,int))

    decerr = np.array(meas['decerr']*1e3,np.float64)   # milli arcsec
    dec = np.array(meas['dec'],np.float64)
    dec -= np.mean(dec)
    dec *= 3600*1e3                         # convert to milli arcsec
    # Calculate robust slope
        #pmdec, pmdecerr = dln.robust_slope(t,dec,decerr,reweight=True)

        # LADfit
        pmdec_ladcoef, absdev = dln.ladfit(t,dec)
        pmdec_lad = pmdec_ladcoef[1]

        # Run RANSAC
        ransac = linear_model.RANSACRegressor(),1), dec)
        inlier_mask = ransac.inlier_mask_
        outlier_mask = np.logical_not(inlier_mask)
        gdmask = inlier_mask
        pmdec_ransac = ransac.estimator_.coef_[0]
        print('  ransac '+str(np.sum(inlier_mask))+' inliers   '+str(np.sum(outlier_mask))+' outliers')

        # Robust, weighted linear with with INLIERS
        #pmdec_coef, pmdec_coeferr = dln.poly_fit(t[gdmask],dec[gdmask],1,sigma=decerr[gdmask],robust=True,error=True)
        #pmdec_coef, pmdec_coeferr = dln.poly_fit(t,dec,1,sigma=decerr,robust=True,error=True)
        #pmdec = pmdec_coef[0]
        #pmdecerr = pmdec_coeferr[0]
        #decdiff = dec-dln.poly(t,pmdec_coef)
        decdiff = dec-t*pmdec_lad
        decdiff -= np.median(decdiff)
        decsig = dln.mad(decdiff)
        # Reject outliers
        gdsig = (np.abs(decdiff) < 2.5*decsig) | (np.abs(decdiff) < 2.5*decerr)
        print('  '+str(nmeas-np.sum(gdsig))+' 2.5*sigma clip outliers rejected')
        #if np.sum(gdsig) < nmeas:
        pmdec_coef, pmdec_coeferr = dln.poly_fit(t[gdsig],dec[gdsig],1,sigma=decerr[gdsig],robust=True,error=True)
        pmdec = pmdec_coef[0]
        pmdecerr = pmdec_coeferr[0]
        decsig = dln.mad(dec-dln.poly(t,pmdec_coef))            

        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        return np.append(np.zeros(10,float)+np.nan, np.zeros(2,int))

    deltamjd = np.max(meas['mjd'])-np.min(meas['mjd'])
    out = np.array([pmra,pmraerr,pmra_ransac,pmra_lad,rasig,pmdec,pmdecerr,pmdec_ransac,pmdec_lad,decsig,nmeas,deltamjd])


    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    return out
Esempio n. 7
def mkempirical(cube,order=0,coords=None,shape=None,rect=False,lookup=False):
    Take a star cube and collapse it to make an empirical PSF using median
    and outlier rejection.

    cube : numpy array
      Three-dimensional cube of star images (or residual images) of shape
    order : int, optional
      The order of the variations. 0-constant, 1-linear terms.  If order=1,
        Then coords and shape must be input.
    coords : tuple, optional
      Two-element tuple of the X/Y coordinates of the stars.  This is needed
        to generate the linear empirical model (order=1).
    shape : tuple, optional
      Two-element tuple giving the shape (Ny,Nx) of the image.  This is
        needed to generate the linear empirical model (order=1).
    rect : boolean, optional
      Return a list of RectBivariateSpline functions rather than a numpy array.
    lookup : boolean, optional
      Parameter to indicate if this is a lookup table.  If lookup=False, then
      the constant term is constrained to be non-negative. Default is False.

    epsf : numpy array
      The empirical PSF model  If order=0, then this is just a 2D image.  If
        order=1, then it will be a 3D cube (Npix,Npix,4) where the four terms
        are [constant, X-term, Y-term, X*Y-term].  If rect=True, then a list
        of RectBivariateSpline functions are returned.


    epsf = mkempirical(cube,order=0)


    epsf = mkempirical(cube,order=1,coords=coords,shape=im.shape)


    ny,nx,nstar = cube.shape
    npix = ny
    nhpix = ny//2
    # Do outlier rejection in each pixel
    med = np.nanmedian(cube,axis=2)
    bad = ~np.isfinite(med)
    if np.sum(bad)>0:
        med[bad] = np.nanmedian(med)
    sig = dln.mad(cube,axis=2)
    bad = ~np.isfinite(sig)
    if np.sum(bad)>0:
        sig[bad] = np.nanmedian(sig)        
    # Mask outlier points
    outliers = ((np.abs(cube-med.reshape((med.shape)+(-1,)))>3*sig.reshape((med.shape)+(-1,)))
                & np.isfinite(cube))
    nbadstar = np.sum(outliers,axis=(0,1))
    goodmask = ((np.abs(cube-med.reshape((med.shape)+(-1,)))<3*sig.reshape((med.shape)+(-1,)))
                & np.isfinite(cube))    
    # Now take the mean of the unmasked pixels
    macube =,mask=~goodmask)
    medim = macube.mean(axis=2)
    medim =
    # Check how well each star fits the median
    goodpix = macube.count(axis=(0,1))
    rms = np.sqrt(np.nansum((cube-medim.reshape((medim.shape)+(-1,)))**2,axis=(0,1))/goodpix)

    xx,yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(npix)-nhpix,np.arange(npix)-nhpix)
    rr = np.sqrt(xx**2+yy**2)        
    x = xx[0,:]
    y = yy[:,0]
    mask = (rr<=nhpix)
    # Constant
    if order==0:
        # Make sure it goes to zero at large radius
        medim *= mask  # mask corners
        # Make sure values are positive
        if lookup==False:
            medim = np.maximum(medim,0.0)
        if rect:
            fpars = [RectBivariateSpline(y,x,medim)]
            fpars = medim
    # Linear
    elif order==1:
        if coords is None or shape is None:
            raise ValueError('Need coords and shape with order=1')
        pars = np.zeros((ny,nx,4),float)
        # scale coordinates to -1 to +1
        xcen,ycen = coords
        relx,rely = models.relcoord(xcen,ycen,shape)
        # Loop over pixels and fit line to x/y
        for i in range(ny):
            for j in range(nx):
                data1 = cube[i,j,:]
                # maybe use a small maxiter
                pars1,perror1 = utils.poly2dfit(relx,rely,data1)
                pars[i,j,:] = pars1
        # Make sure it goes to zero at large radius
        if rect:
            fpars = []
            for i in range(4):
                # Make sure edges are zero on average for higher-order terms
                outer = np.median(pars[rr>nhpix*0.8,i])
                pars[:,:,i] -= outer
                # Mask corners
                pars[:,:,i] *= mask
                # Each higher-order term must have ZERO total volume
                # Set up the spline function that we can use to do
                # the interpolation
            fpars = pars
    return fpars,nbadstar,rms
Esempio n. 8
 def mad(self):
     """ Calculate the MAD of the image data.  Uses only unmasked data."""
     if self.mask is not None:
         return dln.mad([~self.mask])
         return dln.mad(
Esempio n. 9
def getpsf(psf,image,cat,fitradius=None,lookup=False,lorder=0,method='qr',subnei=False,
    Fit PSF model to stars in an image with outlier rejection of badly-fit stars.

    psf : PSF object
       PSF object with initial parameters to use.
    image : CCDData object
       Image to use to fit PSF model to stars.
    cat : table
       Catalog with initial amp/x/y values for the stars to use to fit the PSF.
    fitradius : float, table
       The fitting radius.  If none is input then the initial PSF FWHM will be used.
    lookup : boolean, optional
       Use an empirical lookup table.  Default is False.
    lorder : int, optional
       The order of the spatial variations (0=constant, 1=linear).  Default is 0.
    method : str, optional
       Method to use for solving the non-linear least squares problem: "qr",
       "svd", "cholesky", and "curve_fit".  Default is "qr".
    subnei : boolean, optional
       Subtract stars neighboring the PSF stars.  Default is False.
    allcat : table, optional
       Catalog of all objects in the image.  This is needed for bad PSF star
    maxiter : int, optional
       Maximum number of iterations to allow.  Only for methods "qr", "svd", and "cholesky".
       Default is 10.
    minpercdiff : float, optional
       Minimum percent change in the parameters to allow until the solution is
       considered converged and the iteration loop is stopped.  Only for methods
       "qr" and "svd".  Default is 1.0.
    reject : boolean, optional
       Reject PSF stars with high RMS values.  Default is False.
    maxrejiter : int, boolean
       Maximum number of PSF star rejection iterations.  Default is 3.
    verbose : boolean, optional
       Verbose output.

    newpsf : PSF object
       New PSF object with the best-fit model parameters.
    pars : numpy array
       Array of best-fit model parameters
    perror : numpy array
       Uncertainties in "pars".
    psfcat : table
       Table of best-fitting amp/xcen/ycen values for the PSF stars.


    newpsf,pars,perror,psfcat = getpsf(psf,image,cat)


    t0 = time.time()
    print = utils.getprintfunc() # Get print function to be used locally, allows for easy logging   

    # Fitting radius
    if fitradius is None:
        if type(psf)==models.PSFPenny:
            fitradius = psf.fwhm()*1.5
            fitradius = psf.fwhm()
    # subnei but no allcat input
    if subnei and allcat is None:
        raise ValueError('allcat is needed for PSF neighbor star subtraction')
    if 'id' not in cat.colnames:
        cat['id'] = np.arange(len(cat))+1
    psfcat = cat.copy()

    # Initializing output PSF star catalog
    dt = np.dtype([('id',int),('amp',float),('x',float),('y',float),('npix',int),('rms',float),
    outcat = np.zeros(len(cat),dtype=dt)
    outcat = Table(outcat)
    for n in ['id','x','y']:
        outcat[n] = cat[n]
    # Remove stars that are too close to the edge
    ny,nx = image.shape
    bd = (psfcat['x']<fitradius) | (psfcat['x']>(nx-1-fitradius)) | \
         (psfcat['y']<fitradius) | (psfcat['y']>(ny-1-fitradius))
    nbd = np.sum(bd)
    if nbd > 0:
        if verbose:
            print('Removing '+str(nbd)+' stars near the edge')
        psfcat = psfcat[~bd]

    # Generate an empirical image of the stars
    # and fit a model to it to get initial estimates
    if type(psf)!=models.PSFEmpirical:
        cube = starcube(psfcat,image,npix=psf.npix,fillvalue=np.nan)
        epsf,nbadstar,rms = mkempirical(cube,order=0)
        epsfim = CCDData(epsf,error=epsf.copy()*0+1,mask=~np.isfinite(epsf))
        pars,perror,mparams =,pars=[1.0,psf.npix/2,psf.npix//2],allpars=True)
        initpar = mparams.copy()
        curpsf = psf.copy()
        curpsf.params = initpar
        if verbose:
            print('Initial estimate from empirical PSF fit = '+str(mparams))
        curpsf = psf.copy()
        initpar = psf.params.copy()
    # Outlier rejection iterations
    nrejiter = 0
    flag = 0
    nrejstar = 100
    fitrad = fitradius
    useimage = image.copy()
    while (flag==0):
        if verbose:
            print('--- Iteration '+str(nrejiter+1)+' ---')                

        # Update the fitting radius
        if nrejiter>0:
            fitrad = curpsf.fwhm()
        if verbose:
            print('  Fitting radius = %5.3f' % (fitrad))
        # Reject outliers
        if reject and nrejiter>0:
            medrms = np.median(pcat['rms'])
            sigrms = dln.mad(pcat['rms'].data)
            gd, = np.where(pcat['rms'] < medrms+3*sigrms)
            nrejstar = len(psfcat)-len(gd)
            if verbose:
                print('  RMS = %6.4f +/- %6.4f' % (medrms,sigrms))
                print('  Threshold RMS = '+str(medrms+3*sigrms))
                print('  Rejecting '+str(nrejstar)+' stars')
            if nrejstar>0:
                psfcat = psfcat[gd]

        # Subtract neighbors
        if nrejiter>0 and subnei:
            if verbose:
                print('Subtracting neighbors')
                # Find the neighbors in allcat
                # Fit the neighbors and PSF stars
                # Subtract neighbors from the image
                useimage = image.copy()  # start with original image
                useimage = subtractnei(useimage,allcat,cat,curpsf)
        # Fitting the PSF to the stars
        newpsf,pars,perror,pcat,pf = fitpsf(curpsf,useimage,psfcat,fitradius=fitrad,method=method,

        # Add information into the output catalog
        ind1,ind2 = dln.match(outcat['id'],pcat['id'])
        outcat['reject'] = 1
        for n in pcat.columns:
            outcat[n][ind1] = pcat[n][ind2]
        outcat['reject'][ind1] = 0

        # Compare PSF parameters
        if type(newpsf)!=models.PSFEmpirical:
            pardiff = newpsf.params-curpsf.params
            pardiff = newpsf._data-curpsf._data
        sumpardiff = np.sum(np.abs(pardiff))
        curpsf = newpsf.copy()
        # Stopping criteria
        if reject is False or sumpardiff<0.05 or nrejiter>=maxrejiter or nrejstar==0: flag=1
        if subnei is True and nrejiter==0: flag=0   # iterate at least once with neighbor subtraction
        nrejiter += 1
    # Generate an empirical look-up table of corrections
    if lookup:
        if verbose:
            print('Making empirical lookup table with order='+str(lorder))

        # Fit the stars again and get new RMS values
        xdata = np.arange(pf.ntotpix)
        out = pf.model(xdata,*pf.psf.params)
        newpsf = pf.psf.copy()
        # Update information in the output catalog
        ind1,ind2 = dln.match(outcat['id'],pcat['id'])
        outcat['reject'] = 1
        outcat['reject'][ind1] = 0
        outcat['amp'][ind1] = pf.staramp[ind2]
        outcat['x'][ind1] = pf.starxcen[ind2]
        outcat['y'][ind1] = pf.starycen[ind2]
        outcat['rms'][ind1] = pf.starrms[ind2]
        outcat['chisq'][ind1] = pf.starchisq[ind2]                
        if verbose:
            print('Median RMS: '+str(np.median(pf.starrms)))            
    if verbose:
        print('dt = %.2f sec' % (time.time()-t0))
    return newpsf, pars, perror, outcat
Esempio n. 10
def gausspeakfit(spec, pix0=None, estsig=5, sigma=None, func=gaussbin):
    """ Return integrated-Gaussian centers near input pixel center
    spec : float array
       Data spectrum array.
    pix0 : float or integer (scalar or array)
       Initial pixel guess.
    estsig : float
       Initial guess for window width=5*estsig (default=5).
    sigma : float array, optional
       Uncertainty array (default=None).
    func : function, optional
       User-supplied function to use to fit (default=gaussbin).

    pars : float array
       Array of best-fitting parameters (height, center, sigma, yoffset)
    perr : float array
       Array of uncertainties of the parameters.

    pars,perr = gausspeakfit(spec,10,sigma=specerr)

    # No initial guess input, use maximum value
    if pix0 is None:
        pix0 = spec.argmax()

    medspec = np.median(spec)
    sigspec = dln.mad(spec - medspec)

    dx = 1
    x = np.arange(len(spec))
    xwid = 5
    xlo0 = pix0 - xwid
    xhi0 = pix0 + xwid + 1
    xx0 = x[xlo0:xhi0]

    # Get quantitative estimates of height, center, sigma
    flux = spec[xlo0:xhi0] - medspec
    flux -= np.median(flux)  # put the median at zero
    flux = np.maximum(0, flux)  # don't want negative pixels
    ht0 = np.max(flux)
    totflux = np.sum(flux)
    #  Gaussian area is A = ht*wid*sqrt(2*pi)
    sigma0 = np.maximum((totflux * dx) / (ht0 * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)), 0.01)
    cen0 = np.sum(flux * xx0) / totflux
    cen0 = np.minimum(np.maximum((pix0 - dx * 0.5), cen0),
                      (pix0 + dx * 0.5))  # constrain the center
    # Use linear-least squares to calculate height and sigma
    psf1 = np.exp(-0.5 * (xx0 - cen0)**2 / sigma0**2)  # normalized Gaussian
    wtht1 = np.sum(flux * psf1) / np.sum(psf1 * psf1)  # linear least squares
    # Second iteration
    sigma1 = (totflux * dx) / (wtht1 * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))
    psf2 = np.exp(-0.5 * (xx0 - cen0)**2 / sigma1**2)  # normalized Gaussian
    wtht2 = np.sum(flux * psf2) / np.sum(psf2 * psf2)

    # Now get more pixels to fit if necessary
    npixwide = int(np.maximum(np.ceil((2 * sigma1) / dx), 5))
    xlo = int(np.round(cen0)) - npixwide
    xhi = int(np.round(cen0)) + npixwide + 1
    xx = x[xlo:xhi]
    y = spec[xlo:xhi]
    yerr = sigma[xlo:xhi]

    # Bounds
    initpar = [wtht2, cen0, sigma1, medspec]
    lbounds = [
        0.5 * ht0, initpar[1] - 1, 0.2,
        initpar[3] - np.maximum(3 * sigspec, 0.3 * np.abs(initpar[3]))
    ubounds = [
        3.0 * ht0, initpar[1] + 1, 5.0,
        initpar[3] + np.maximum(3 * sigspec, 0.3 * np.abs(initpar[3]))
    bounds = (lbounds, ubounds)
    # Sometimes curve_fit hits the maximum number fo function evaluations and crashes
        pars, cov = curve_fit(func,
        perr = np.sqrt(np.diag(cov))
        return None, None

    return pars, perr
Esempio n. 11
def peakfit(spec, sigma=None, pix0=None):
    Find lines in a spectrum fit Gaussians to them.

    spec : float array
       Data spectrum array.
    sigma : float array, optional
       Uncertainty array (default=None).
    pix0 : float or integer (scalar or array), optional
       Initial pixel guess.

    pars : numpy structured array
       Table of best-fitting parameters and uncertainties.

    pars = peakfit(spec,sigma=specerr)


    if np.ndim(spec) > 1:
        raise ValueError('Spec must be 1-D')

    # X array
    npix = len(spec)
    x = np.arange(npix)

    smspec = median_filter(spec, 101, mode='nearest')
    sigspec = dln.mad(spec - smspec)

    # Find the peaks
    if pix0 is None:
        maxind, = argrelextrema(spec - smspec, np.greater)  # maxima
        # sigma cut on the flux
        gd, = np.where((spec - smspec)[maxind] > 4 * sigspec)
        if len(gd) == 0:
            print('No peaks found')
        pix0 = maxind[gd]
    pix0 = np.atleast_1d(pix0)
    npeaks = len(pix0)

    # Initialize the output table
    dtype = np.dtype([('num', int), ('pix0', int), ('pars', np.float64, 4),
                      ('perr', np.float64, 4), ('success', bool)])
    out = np.zeros(npeaks, dtype=dtype)
    out['num'] = np.arange(npeaks)
    out['pix0'] = pix0

    # Initialize the residuals spectrum
    resid = spec.copy()

    # Loop over the peaks and fit them
    for i in range(npeaks):
        # Run gausspeakfit() on the residual
        pars, perr = gausspeakfit(resid, pix0=pix0[i], sigma=sigma)
        if pars is not None:
            # Get model and subtract from residuals
            xlo = np.maximum(0, int(pars[1] - 5 * pars[2]))
            xhi = np.minimum(npix, int(pars[1] + 5 * pars[2]))
            peakmodel = gaussbin(x[xlo:xhi], pars[0], pars[1],
                                 pars[2])  # leave yoffset in
            resid[xlo:xhi] -= peakmodel

            # Stuff results in output table
            out['pars'][i] = pars
            out['perr'][i] = perr
            out['success'][i] = True
            out['pars'][i] = np.nan
            out['perr'][i] = np.nan

    return out
Esempio n. 12
def orig_salariscna(abund, mc=False):
    Calculate the Salaris corrected [Fe/H] according to Salaris et al. 1993 with Piersanti et al. 2007 and 
    Asplund et al. 2009. Also C and N have been added to the alpha elements and Ne has been excluded.
    abund: [9x2 array] first column is [Fe/H],[C/Fe],[N/Fe],[O/Fe],[Mg/Fe],[Si/Fe],[S/Fe],[Ca/Fe],[Ti/Fe] 
       and second column is the errors
    calc_salfeh: Salaris corrected metallicity
    calc_salfeh_err: error in corrected metallicity

    ### Salaris coefficients
    # (atomic_wgts/hydrogen_wgt) = (C,N,O,Mg,Si,S,Ca,Ti)/H
    asplund = np.array([8.43, 7.83, 8.69, 7.60, 7.51, 7.12, 6.34, 4.95])
    mass_ratio = np.array([
        12.011, 14.007, 15.999, 24.305, 28.085, 32.06, 40.078, 47.867
    ]) / 1.008  #IUPAC
    # with Ne
    # (atomic_wgts/hydrogen_wgt) = (C,N,O,Ne,Mg,Si,S,Ca,Ti)/H
    #asplund = np.array([8.43,7.83,8.69,7.84,7.60,7.51,7.12,6.34,4.95])
    #mass_ratio = np.array([12.011,14.007,15.999,20.1797,24.305,28.085,32.06,40.078,47.867])/1.008 #IUPAC
    ZX_sol = 0.0181  # (Z/X) Asplund et al. 2009
    XZ_k = np.multiply(10**(asplund - 12.0), mass_ratio / ZX_sol)
    sal_a = np.sum(XZ_k)
    sal_b = 1 - sal_a

    ### Alpha+C+N
    wgts = asplund / np.sum(asplund)

    ### Replace bad values with solar
    for i in range(len(abund[:, 0])):
        if abund[i, 0] < -10. or abund[i, 0] > 10. or np.isfinite(
                abund[i, 0]) == False:
            abund[i, 0] = 0.0
        if abund[i, 1] < -10. or abund[i, 1] > 10. or np.isfinite(
                abund[i, 1]) == False:
            abund[i, 1] = 0.0

    feh = abund[0, 0]
    feh_err = abund[0, 1]
    cnalpha = abund[1:, 0]

    cnafe = np.log10(np.sum(np.multiply(10**cnalpha, wgts)))
    salfeh = feh + np.log10(sal_a * 10**(cnafe) + sal_b)

    ### MC for Salaris Correction
    if mc:
        cnalpha_err = abund[1:, 1]
        nsamples = 1000
        salfehdist = 999999.0 * np.ones(nsamples)

        noisyfeh = np.random.normal(feh, feh_err, nsamples)
        for i in range(nsamples):
            noisycnalpha = 999999.0 * np.ones(len(cnalpha))
            for j in range(len(cnalpha)):
                noisycnalpha[j] = np.random.normal(cnalpha[j], cnalpha_err[j])

            cnafe = np.log10(np.sum(np.multiply(10**noisycnalpha, wgts)))
            salfehdist[i] = noisyfeh[i] + np.log10(sal_a * 10**(cnafe) + sal_b)

        calc_salfeh_err = dln.mad(salfehdist)

        return salfeh, calc_salfeh_err

    return salfeh
Esempio n. 13
    def normalize(self, ncorder=6, perclevel=0.95):
        Normalize the spectrum.

        ncorder : float, optional
              Polynomial order to use for the continuum fitting.
              The default is 6.
        perclevel : float, optional
              Percent level (1.0 for 100%) to use for the continuum value
              in large bins.  Default is 0.95.
        The flux and err arrays will normalized (divided) by the continuum
        and the continuum saved in cont.  The normalized property is set to




        self._flux = self.flux  # Save the original
        #nspec, cont, masked = normspec(self,ncorder=ncorder,perclevel=perclevel)

        binsize = 0.10
        perclevel = 90.0
        wave = self.wave.copy().reshape(self.npix, self.norder)  # make 2D
        flux = self.flux.copy().reshape(self.npix, self.norder)  # make 2D
        err = self.err.copy().reshape(self.npix, self.norder)  # make 2D
        mask = self.mask.copy().reshape(self.npix, self.norder)  # make 2D
        cont = err.copy() * 0.0 + 1
        for o in range(self.norder):
            w = wave[:, o].copy()
            x = (w - np.median(w)) / (np.max(w * 0.5) - np.min(w * 0.5)
                                      )  # -1 to +1
            y = flux[:, o].copy()
            m = mask[:, o].copy()
            # Divide by median
            medy = np.nanmedian(y)
            y /= medy
            # Perform sigma clipping out large positive outliers
            coef = dln.poly_fit(x, y, 2, robust=True)
            sig = dln.mad(y - dln.poly(x, coef))
            bd, nbd = dln.where((y - dln.poly(x, coef)) > 5 * sig)
            if nbd > 0: m[bd] = True
            gdmask = (y > 0) & (m == False
                                )  # need positive fluxes and no mask set
            # Bin the data points
            xr = [np.nanmin(x), np.nanmax(x)]
            bins = np.ceil((xr[1] - xr[0]) / binsize) + 1
            ybin, bin_edges, binnumber = bindata.binned_statistic(
            xbin = bin_edges[0:-1] + 0.5 * binsize
            # Interpolate to full grid
            fnt = np.isfinite(ybin)
            cont1 = dln.interp(xbin[fnt], ybin[fnt], x, extrapolate=True)
            cont1 *= medy

            flux[:, o] /= cont1
            err[:, o] /= cont1
            cont[:, o] = cont1

        # Flatten to 1D if norder=1
        if self.norder == 1:
            flux = flux.flatten()
            err = err.flatten()
            cont = cont.flatten()

        # Stuff back in
        self.flux = flux
        self.err = err
        self.cont = cont
        self.normalized = True