Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self, hrp, taumax, support_state, active_dofs):
     self.hrp = hrp
     self.taumax = taumax[:50]
     self.active_dofs = active_dofs = SurfaceContactWrench(hrp, support_state)
     self.last_jacobian = 100000 * ones((6, 56))
     self.last_jacnorm = 1.
     self.last_projectors = None
     self.nb_recomp = 0
Esempio n. 2
class WrenchConstraint(TOPPConstraint):

    def __init__(self, hrp, taumax, support_state, active_dofs):
        self.hrp = hrp
        self.taumax = taumax[:50]
        self.active_dofs = active_dofs = SurfaceContactWrench(hrp, support_state)
        self.last_jacobian = 100000 * ones((6, 56))
        self.last_jacnorm = 1.
        self.last_projectors = None
        self.nb_recomp = 0

    def compute_actuated_projector_righetti(self, q):
        """This function implements the result from

            Righetti, Ludovic, et al. "Optimal distribution of contact forces
            with inverse-dynamics control." The International Journal of
            Robotics Research 32.3 (2013): 280-298.

        with a custom weight matrix on constraint variables.

        weight_mat = eye(6)
        weight_mat[2, 2] = -X ** 2 - Y ** 2 - 2 * mu ** 2  # fz^2
        weight_mat[5, 5] = 0

        J =
        if matnorm(J - self.last_jacobian) < 5e-2 * self.last_jacnorm:
            return self.last_projectors
        elif DEBUG_WRENCH:
            print "recomputing QR decomposition...",
            print matnorm(J - self.last_jacobian),
            print self.nb_recomp,
            self.nb_recomp += 1

        Q, R0 = qr(J.T)
        Qc = Q[:, :6]  # constrained
        Qu = Q[:, 6:]  # unconstrained
        R = R0[:6, :]
        nullmat = R0[6:, :]

        assert weight_mat.shape == (6, 6)
        assert allclose(dot(Q.T, Q), eye(len(q)))
        assert Q.shape == (len(q), len(q))
        assert R0.shape == (len(q), 6)
        assert R.shape == (6, 6)
        assert allclose(nullmat, 0)
        assert allclose(dot(Qc, R), J.T)

        n_act = len(q) - 6  # number of actuated DOF
        I_act = eye(n_act)
        S = hstack([I_act, zeros((n_act, 6))])
        R_inv = inv(R)
        Wc_inside = vstack([
            hstack([alldot(inv(R.T), weight_mat, R_inv), zeros((6, n_act))]),
            hstack([zeros((n_act, 6)), I_act])])
        Wc = alldot(Q, Wc_inside, Q.T)
        W = alldot(S, Wc, S.T)
        W_inv = inv(W)
        QuTSTinv = inv(dot(Qu.T, S.T))

        # Unconstrained-space projector
        #     tau = Pu * (M * qdd + h)
        #     Pu.shape = (n_act, n)
        Pu = dot(QuTSTinv, Qu.T) \
            + alldot((I_act - alldot(QuTSTinv, Qu.T, S.T)), W_inv, S, Wc)

        # Constrained-space projector
        #     lambda = Pc * (M * qdd + h)
        #     Pc.shape = (6, n)
        Pc = alldot(R_inv, Qc.T, eye(len(q)) - dot(S.T, Pu))

        if self.last_projectors:
            print matnorm(Pc - self.last_projectors[0]),
            print matnorm(Pu - self.last_projectors[1])

        self.last_jacobian = J
        self.last_jacnorm = matnorm(J)
        self.last_projectors = (Pc, Pu)
        return (Pc, Pu)

    def compute_actuated_projector(self, q):
        J =
        P, S = zeros((6, 56)), zeros((50, 56))
        P[:, 50:] = eye(6)
        S[:, :50] = eye(50)
        Pc = dot(inv(dot(P, J.T)), P)
        Pu = S - alldot(S, J.T, Pc)
        return (Pc, Pu)

    def compute_abc(self, q, qs, qss):
        a, b, c = [], [], []

        a0, b0, c0 = self.compute_phase_components(q, qs, qss)
        Pc, Pu = self.compute_actuated_projector(q)

        # tau - taumax <= 0
        a_taumax = dot(Pu, a0)
        b_taumax = dot(Pu, b0)
        c_taumax = dot(Pu, c0) - self.taumax
        for dof in self.active_dofs:
            if dof.torque_limit is not None:

        # -tau - taumax <= 0
        a_taumin = -dot(Pu, a0)
        b_taumin = -dot(Pu, b0)
        c_taumin = -dot(Pu, c0) - self.taumax
        for dof in self.active_dofs:
            if dof.torque_limit is not None:

        C_local = array([
            [+1,  0,           -mu,   0,   0,  0],
            [-1,  0,           -mu,   0,   0,  0],
            [0,  +1,           -mu,   0,   0,  0],
            [0,  -1,           -mu,   0,   0,  0],
            [0,   0,            -1,   0,   0,  0],
            [0,   0,            -Y,  +1,   0,  0],
            [0,   0,            -Y,  -1,   0,  0],
            [0,   0,            -X,   0,  +1,  0],
            [0,   0,            -X,   0,  -1,  0],
            [+Y, +X, -mu * (X + Y), -mu, -mu, -1],
            [+Y, -X, -mu * (X + Y), -mu, +mu, -1],
            [-Y, +X, -mu * (X + Y), +mu, -mu, -1],
            [-Y, -X, -mu * (X + Y), +mu, +mu, -1],
            [+Y, +X, -mu * (X + Y), +mu, +mu, +1],
            [+Y, -X, -mu * (X + Y), +mu, -mu, +1],
            [-Y, +X, -mu * (X + Y), -mu, +mu, +1],
            [-Y, -X, -mu * (X + Y), -mu, -mu, +1]])

        R =
        import pylab
        assert pylab.norm(R - eye(3)) <= 1e-1  # tmp
        O = zeros((3, 3))
        wrench_rotation = vstack([
            hstack([R, O]),
            hstack([O, R])])
        C = dot(C_local, wrench_rotation)

        # C * wrench <= 0
        a_wrench = alldot(C, Pc, a0)
        b_wrench = alldot(C, Pc, b0)
        c_wrench = alldot(C, Pc, c0)

        return a, b, c

    def test_abc(self, q, qs, qss, sd, sdd=0):
        """Compare (a, b, c) with the DCP model."""
        a, b, c = self.compute_abc(q, qs, qss)
        a, b, c = map(array, [a, b, c])
        xW = a * sdd + b * sd ** 2 + c
        print "SWC: (a sdd + b sd^2 + c <= 0)?", all(xW < 0)

        from dcp_cons import ForceConstraint
        fcons = ForceConstraint(self.hrp, self.hrp.torque_limits,
                                self.hrp.Support.LEFT, self.active_dofs)
        a2, b2, c2 = fcons.compute_abc(q, qs, qss, sd0=sd, sdd0=sdd)
        a2, b2, c2 = map(array, [a2, b2, c2])
        xf = a2 * sdd + b2 * sd ** 2 + c2
        print "DCP: (a sdd + b sd^2 + c <= 0)?", all(xf < 0)