def show_real_data(data_dir, dataset_name, number): tflib.init_tf() dataset_args = EasyDict(tfrecord_dir=dataset_name, max_label_size='full') training_set = dataset.load_dataset(data_dir=dnnlib.convert_path(data_dir), verbose=True, **dataset_args) gw = 1 gh = 1 for i in range(number): reals, _ = training_set.get_minibatch_np(gw * gh) misc.save_image_grid(reals, dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('reals%04d.png' % (i)), drange=training_set.dynamic_range, grid_size=None)
def training_loop( G_args = {}, # Options for generator network. D_args = {}, # Options for discriminator network. G_opt_args = {}, # Options for generator optimizer. D_opt_args = {}, # Options for discriminator optimizer. G_loss_args = {}, # Options for generator loss. D_loss_args = {}, # Options for discriminator loss. dataset_args = {}, # Options for dataset.load_dataset(). sched_args = {}, # Options for train.TrainingSchedule. grid_args = {}, # Options for train.setup_snapshot_image_grid(). metric_arg_list = [], # Options for MetricGroup. tf_config = {}, # Options for tflib.init_tf(). data_dir = None, # Directory to load datasets from. G_smoothing_kimg = 10.0, # Half-life of the running average of generator weights. minibatch_repeats = 4, # Number of minibatches to run before adjusting training parameters. lazy_regularization = True, # Perform regularization as a separate training step? G_reg_interval = 4, # How often the perform regularization for G? Ignored if lazy_regularization=False. D_reg_interval = 16, # How often the perform regularization for D? Ignored if lazy_regularization=False. reset_opt_for_new_lod = True, # Reset optimizer internal state (e.g. Adam moments) when new layers are introduced? total_kimg = 25000, # Total length of the training, measured in thousands of real images. mirror_augment = False, # Enable mirror augment? drange_net = [-1,1], # Dynamic range used when feeding image data to the networks. image_snapshot_ticks = 50, # How often to save image snapshots? None = only save 'reals.png' and 'fakes-init.png'. network_snapshot_ticks = 50, # How often to save network snapshots? None = only save 'networks-final.pkl'. save_tf_graph = False, # Include full TensorFlow computation graph in the tfevents file? save_weight_histograms = False, # Include weight histograms in the tfevents file? resume_pkl = None, # Network pickle to resume training from, None = train from scratch. resume_kimg = 0.0, # Assumed training progress at the beginning. Affects reporting and training schedule. resume_time = 0.0, # Assumed wallclock time at the beginning. Affects reporting. resume_with_new_nets = False): # Construct new networks according to G_args and D_args before resuming training? # Initialize dnnlib and TensorFlow. tflib.init_tf(tf_config) num_gpus = dnnlib.submit_config.num_gpus # Load training set. training_set = dataset.load_dataset(data_dir=dnnlib.convert_path(data_dir), verbose=True, **dataset_args) grid_size, grid_reals, grid_labels = misc.setup_snapshot_image_grid(training_set, **grid_args) misc.save_image_grid(grid_reals, dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('reals.png'), drange=training_set.dynamic_range, grid_size=grid_size) # Construct or load networks. with tfex.device('/gpu:0'): if resume_pkl is None or resume_with_new_nets: print('Constructing networks...') G = tflib.Network('G', num_channels=training_set.shape[0], resolution=training_set.shape[1], label_size=training_set.label_size, **G_args) D = tflib.Network('D', num_channels=training_set.shape[0], resolution=training_set.shape[1], label_size=training_set.label_size, **D_args) Gs = G.clone('Gs') if resume_pkl is not None: print('Loading networks from "%s"...' % resume_pkl) rG, rD, rGs = misc.load_pkl(resume_pkl) if resume_with_new_nets: G.copy_vars_from(rG); D.copy_vars_from(rD); Gs.copy_vars_from(rGs) else: G = rG; D = rD; Gs = rGs # Print layers and generate initial image snapshot. G.print_layers(); D.print_layers() sched = training_schedule(cur_nimg=total_kimg*1000, training_set=training_set, **sched_args) grid_latents = np.random.randn(, *G.input_shape[1:]) grid_fakes =, grid_labels, is_validation=True, minibatch_size=sched.minibatch_gpu) misc.save_image_grid(grid_fakes, dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('fakes_init.png'), drange=drange_net, grid_size=grid_size) # Setup training inputs. print('Building TensorFlow graph...') with tf.name_scope('Inputs'), tfex.device('/cpu:0'): lod_in = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='lod_in', shape=[]) lrate_in = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='lrate_in', shape=[]) minibatch_size_in = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='minibatch_size_in', shape=[]) minibatch_gpu_in = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='minibatch_gpu_in', shape=[]) minibatch_multiplier = minibatch_size_in // (minibatch_gpu_in * num_gpus) Gs_beta = 0.5 ** tf.div(tf.cast(minibatch_size_in, tf.float32), G_smoothing_kimg * 1000.0) if G_smoothing_kimg > 0.0 else 0.0 # Setup optimizers. G_opt_args = dict(G_opt_args) D_opt_args = dict(D_opt_args) for args, reg_interval in [(G_opt_args, G_reg_interval), (D_opt_args, D_reg_interval)]: args['minibatch_multiplier'] = minibatch_multiplier args['learning_rate'] = lrate_in if lazy_regularization: mb_ratio = reg_interval / (reg_interval + 1) args['learning_rate'] *= mb_ratio if 'beta1' in args: args['beta1'] **= mb_ratio if 'beta2' in args: args['beta2'] **= mb_ratio G_opt = tflib.Optimizer(name='TrainG', **G_opt_args) D_opt = tflib.Optimizer(name='TrainD', **D_opt_args) G_reg_opt = tflib.Optimizer(name='RegG', share=G_opt, **G_opt_args) D_reg_opt = tflib.Optimizer(name='RegD', share=D_opt, **D_opt_args) # Build training graph for each GPU. data_fetch_ops = [] for gpu in range(num_gpus): with tf.name_scope('GPU%d' % gpu), tfex.device('/gpu:%d' % gpu): # Create GPU-specific shadow copies of G and D. G_gpu = G if gpu == 0 else G.clone( + '_shadow') D_gpu = D if gpu == 0 else D.clone( + '_shadow') # Fetch training data via temporary variables. with tf.name_scope('DataFetch'): sched = training_schedule(cur_nimg=int(resume_kimg*1000), training_set=training_set, **sched_args) reals_var = tf.Variable(name='reals', trainable=False, initial_value=tf.zeros([sched.minibatch_gpu] + training_set.shape)) labels_var = tf.Variable(name='labels', trainable=False, initial_value=tf.zeros([sched.minibatch_gpu, training_set.label_size])) reals_write, labels_write = training_set.get_minibatch_tf() reals_write, labels_write = process_reals(reals_write, labels_write, lod_in, mirror_augment, training_set.dynamic_range, drange_net) reals_write = tf.concat([reals_write, reals_var[minibatch_gpu_in:]], axis=0) labels_write = tf.concat([labels_write, labels_var[minibatch_gpu_in:]], axis=0) data_fetch_ops += [tf.assign(reals_var, reals_write)] data_fetch_ops += [tf.assign(labels_var, labels_write)] reals_read = reals_var[:minibatch_gpu_in] labels_read = labels_var[:minibatch_gpu_in] # Evaluate loss functions. lod_assign_ops = [] if 'lod' in G_gpu.vars: lod_assign_ops += [tf.assign(G_gpu.vars['lod'], lod_in)] if 'lod' in D_gpu.vars: lod_assign_ops += [tf.assign(D_gpu.vars['lod'], lod_in)] with tf.control_dependencies(lod_assign_ops): with tf.name_scope('G_loss'): G_loss, G_reg = dnnlib.util.call_func_by_name(G=G_gpu, D=D_gpu, opt=G_opt, training_set=training_set, minibatch_size=minibatch_gpu_in, **G_loss_args) with tf.name_scope('D_loss'): D_loss, D_reg = dnnlib.util.call_func_by_name(G=G_gpu, D=D_gpu, opt=D_opt, training_set=training_set, minibatch_size=minibatch_gpu_in, reals=reals_read, labels=labels_read, **D_loss_args) # Register gradients. if not lazy_regularization: if G_reg is not None: G_loss += G_reg if D_reg is not None: D_loss += D_reg else: if G_reg is not None: G_reg_opt.register_gradients(tf.reduce_mean(G_reg * G_reg_interval), G_gpu.trainables) if D_reg is not None: D_reg_opt.register_gradients(tf.reduce_mean(D_reg * D_reg_interval), D_gpu.trainables) G_opt.register_gradients(tf.reduce_mean(G_loss), G_gpu.trainables) D_opt.register_gradients(tf.reduce_mean(D_loss), D_gpu.trainables) # Setup training ops. data_fetch_op =*data_fetch_ops) G_train_op = G_opt.apply_updates() D_train_op = D_opt.apply_updates() G_reg_op = G_reg_opt.apply_updates(allow_no_op=True) D_reg_op = D_reg_opt.apply_updates(allow_no_op=True) Gs_update_op = Gs.setup_as_moving_average_of(G, beta=Gs_beta) # Finalize graph. with tfex.device('/gpu:0'): try: peak_gpu_mem_op = tf.contrib.memory_stats.MaxBytesInUse() except tf.errors.NotFoundError: peak_gpu_mem_op = tf.constant(0) tflib.init_uninitialized_vars() print('Initializing logs...') summary_log = tf.summary.FileWriter(dnnlib.make_run_dir_path()) if save_tf_graph: summary_log.add_graph(tf.get_default_graph()) if save_weight_histograms: G.setup_weight_histograms(); D.setup_weight_histograms() metrics = metric_base.MetricGroup(metric_arg_list) print('Training for %d kimg...\n' % total_kimg) dnnlib.RunContext.get().update('', cur_epoch=resume_kimg, max_epoch=total_kimg) maintenance_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get().get_last_update_interval() cur_nimg = int(resume_kimg * 1000) cur_tick = -1 tick_start_nimg = cur_nimg prev_lod = -1.0 running_mb_counter = 0 while cur_nimg < total_kimg * 1000: if dnnlib.RunContext.get().should_stop(): break # Choose training parameters and configure training ops. sched = training_schedule(cur_nimg=cur_nimg, training_set=training_set, **sched_args) assert sched.minibatch_size % (sched.minibatch_gpu * num_gpus) == 0 training_set.configure(sched.minibatch_gpu, sched.lod) if reset_opt_for_new_lod: if np.floor(sched.lod) != np.floor(prev_lod) or np.ceil(sched.lod) != np.ceil(prev_lod): G_opt.reset_optimizer_state(); D_opt.reset_optimizer_state() prev_lod = sched.lod # Run training ops. feed_dict = {lod_in: sched.lod, lrate_in: sched.G_lrate, minibatch_size_in: sched.minibatch_size, minibatch_gpu_in: sched.minibatch_gpu} for _repeat in range(minibatch_repeats): rounds = range(0, sched.minibatch_size, sched.minibatch_gpu * num_gpus) run_G_reg = (lazy_regularization and running_mb_counter % G_reg_interval == 0) run_D_reg = (lazy_regularization and running_mb_counter % D_reg_interval == 0) cur_nimg += sched.minibatch_size running_mb_counter += 1 # Fast path without gradient accumulation. if len(rounds) == 1:[G_train_op, data_fetch_op], feed_dict) if run_G_reg:, feed_dict)[D_train_op, Gs_update_op], feed_dict) if run_D_reg:, feed_dict) # Slow path with gradient accumulation. else: for _round in rounds:, feed_dict) if run_G_reg: for _round in rounds:, feed_dict), feed_dict) for _round in rounds:, feed_dict), feed_dict) if run_D_reg: for _round in rounds:, feed_dict) # Perform maintenance tasks once per tick. done = (cur_nimg >= total_kimg * 1000) if cur_tick < 0 or cur_nimg >= tick_start_nimg + sched.tick_kimg * 1000 or done: cur_tick += 1 tick_kimg = (cur_nimg - tick_start_nimg) / 1000.0 tick_start_nimg = cur_nimg tick_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get().get_time_since_last_update() total_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get().get_time_since_start() + resume_time # Report progress. print('tick %-5d kimg %-8.1f lod %-5.2f minibatch %-4d time %-12s sec/tick %-7.1f sec/kimg %-7.2f maintenance %-6.1f gpumem %.1f' % ( autosummary('Progress/tick', cur_tick), autosummary('Progress/kimg', cur_nimg / 1000.0), autosummary('Progress/lod', sched.lod), autosummary('Progress/minibatch', sched.minibatch_size), dnnlib.util.format_time(autosummary('Timing/total_sec', total_time)), autosummary('Timing/sec_per_tick', tick_time), autosummary('Timing/sec_per_kimg', tick_time / tick_kimg), autosummary('Timing/maintenance_sec', maintenance_time), autosummary('Resources/peak_gpu_mem_gb', peak_gpu_mem_op.eval() / 2**30))) autosummary('Timing/total_hours', total_time / (60.0 * 60.0)) autosummary('Timing/total_days', total_time / (24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0)) # Save snapshots. if image_snapshot_ticks is not None and (cur_tick % image_snapshot_ticks == 0 or done): grid_fakes =, grid_labels, is_validation=True, minibatch_size=sched.minibatch_gpu) misc.save_image_grid(grid_fakes, dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('fakes%06d.png' % (cur_nimg // 1000)), drange=drange_net, grid_size=grid_size) if network_snapshot_ticks is not None and (cur_tick % network_snapshot_ticks == 0 or done): pkl = dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('network-snapshot-%06d.pkl' % (cur_nimg // 1000)) misc.save_pkl((G, D, Gs), pkl), run_dir=dnnlib.make_run_dir_path(), data_dir=dnnlib.convert_path(data_dir), num_gpus=num_gpus, tf_config=tf_config) # Update summaries and RunContext. metrics.update_autosummaries() tflib.autosummary.save_summaries(summary_log, cur_nimg) dnnlib.RunContext.get().update('%.2f' % sched.lod, cur_epoch=cur_nimg // 1000, max_epoch=total_kimg) maintenance_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get().get_last_update_interval() - tick_time # Save final snapshot. misc.save_pkl((G, D, Gs), dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('network-final.pkl')) # All done. summary_log.close() training_set.close()
def training_loop( classifier_args={}, # Options for generator network. classifier_opt_args={}, # Options for generator optimizer. classifier_loss_args={}, dataset_args={}, # Options for dataset.load_dataset(). sched_args={}, # Options for train.TrainingSchedule. metric_arg_list=[], # Options for MetricGroup. tf_config={}, # Options for tflib.init_tf(). data_dir=None, # Directory to load datasets from. minibatch_repeats=4, # Number of minibatches to run before adjusting training parameters. total_kimg=25000, # Total length of the training, measured in thousands of real images. mirror_augment=False, # Enable mirror augment? drange_net=[ -1, 1 ], # Dynamic range used when feeding image data to the networks. network_snapshot_ticks=5, # How often to save network snapshots? None = only save 'networks-final.pkl'. save_tf_graph=False): # Initialize dnnlib and TensorFlow. tflib.init_tf(tf_config) num_gpus = dnnlib.submit_config.num_gpus # Load training set. training_set = dataset.load_dataset(data_dir=dnnlib.convert_path(data_dir), verbose=True, shuffle_mb=2 * 4096, **dataset_args) # Construct or load networks. with tf.device('/gpu:0'): print('Constructing networks...') classifier = tflib.Network('classifier', num_channels=training_set.shape[0], resolution=training_set.shape[1], label_size=training_set.label_size, **classifier_args) classifier.print_layers() # Setup training inputs. print('Building TensorFlow graph...') with tf.name_scope('Inputs'), tf.device('/cpu:0'): lrate_in = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='lrate_in', shape=[]) minibatch_size_in = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='minibatch_size_in', shape=[]) minibatch_gpu_in = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='minibatch_gpu_in', shape=[]) minibatch_multiplier = minibatch_size_in // (minibatch_gpu_in * num_gpus) # Setup optimizers. classifier_opt_args = dict(classifier_opt_args) classifier_opt_args['minibatch_multiplier'] = minibatch_multiplier classifier_opt_args['learning_rate'] = lrate_in classifier_opt = tflib.Optimizer(name='TrainClassifier', **classifier_opt_args) # Build training graph for each GPU. data_fetch_ops = [] for gpu in range(num_gpus): with tf.name_scope('gpu%d' % gpu), tf.device('/gpu:%d' % gpu): # Create GPU-specific shadow copies of G and D. classifier_gpu = classifier if gpu == 0 else classifier.clone( + '_shadow') # Fetch training data via temporary variables. with tf.name_scope('DataFetch'): sched = training_schedule(cur_nimg=0, **sched_args) reals_var = tf.Variable( name='reals', trainable=False, initial_value=tf.zeros([sched.minibatch_gpu] + training_set.shape)) labels_var = tf.Variable(name='labels', trainable=False, initial_value=tf.zeros( [sched.minibatch_gpu, 127])) reals_write, labels_write = training_set.get_minibatch_tf() reals_write, labels_write = process_reals( reals_write, labels_write, mirror_augment, training_set.dynamic_range, drange_net) reals_write = tf.concat( [reals_write, reals_var[minibatch_gpu_in:]], axis=0) labels_write = tf.concat( [labels_write, labels_var[minibatch_gpu_in:]], axis=0) data_fetch_ops += [tf.assign(reals_var, reals_write)] data_fetch_ops += [tf.assign(labels_var, labels_write)] reals_read = reals_var[:minibatch_gpu_in] labels_read = labels_var[:minibatch_gpu_in] # Evaluate loss functions. with tf.name_scope('classifier_loss'): classifier_loss, label = dnnlib.util.call_func_by_name( classifier=classifier_gpu, images=reals_read, labels=labels_read, **classifier_loss_args) classifier_opt.register_gradients(tf.reduce_mean(classifier_loss), classifier_gpu.trainables) # Setup training ops. data_fetch_op =*data_fetch_ops) classifier_train_op = classifier_opt.apply_updates() # Finalize graph. with tf.device('/gpu:0'): try: peak_gpu_mem_op = tf.contrib.memory_stats.MaxBytesInUse() except tf.errors.NotFoundError: peak_gpu_mem_op = tf.constant(0) tflib.init_uninitialized_vars() print('Initializing logs...') summary_log = tf.summary.FileWriter(dnnlib.make_run_dir_path()) if save_tf_graph: summary_log.add_graph(tf.get_default_graph()) metrics = metric_base.MetricGroup(metric_arg_list) print('Training for %d kimg...\n' % total_kimg) dnnlib.RunContext.get().update('', cur_epoch=0, max_epoch=total_kimg) maintenance_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get().get_last_update_interval() cur_nimg = 0 cur_tick = -1 tick_start_nimg = cur_nimg running_mb_counter = 0 while cur_nimg < total_kimg * 1000: if dnnlib.RunContext.get().should_stop(): break # Choose training parameters and configure training ops. sched = training_schedule(cur_nimg=cur_nimg, **sched_args) assert sched.minibatch_size % (sched.minibatch_gpu * num_gpus) == 0 training_set.configure(sched.minibatch_gpu) # Run training ops. feed_dict = { lrate_in: sched.G_lrate, minibatch_size_in: sched.minibatch_size, minibatch_gpu_in: sched.minibatch_gpu } for _repeat in range(minibatch_repeats): rounds = range(0, sched.minibatch_size, sched.minibatch_gpu * num_gpus) cur_nimg += sched.minibatch_size running_mb_counter += 1 # Fast path without gradient accumulation. if len(rounds) == 1:[classifier_train_op, data_fetch_op], feed_dict) # Slow path with gradient accumulation. else: for _round in rounds:, feed_dict) classifier_loss_out, label_out, _ = [classifier_loss, label, classifier_train_op], feed_dict) print_output = False if print_output: print('label') print(np.round(label_out, 2)) print('loss') print(np.round(classifier_loss_out, 2)) # Perform maintenance tasks once per tick. done = (cur_nimg >= total_kimg * 1000) if cur_tick < 0 or cur_nimg >= tick_start_nimg + sched.tick_kimg * 1000 or done: cur_tick += 1 tick_kimg = (cur_nimg - tick_start_nimg) / 1000.0 tick_start_nimg = cur_nimg tick_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get().get_time_since_last_update() total_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get().get_time_since_start() # Report progress. print( 'tick %-5d kimg %-8.1f minibatch %-4d time %-12s sec/tick %-7.1f sec/kimg %-7.2f maintenance %-6.1f gpumem %.1f' % (autosummary('Progress/tick', cur_tick), autosummary('Progress/kimg', cur_nimg / 1000.0), autosummary('Progress/minibatch', sched.minibatch_size), dnnlib.util.format_time( autosummary('Timing/total_sec', total_time)), autosummary('Timing/sec_per_tick', tick_time), autosummary('Timing/sec_per_kimg', tick_time / tick_kimg), autosummary('Timing/maintenance_sec', maintenance_time), autosummary('Resources/peak_gpu_mem_gb', peak_gpu_mem_op.eval() / 2**30))) autosummary('Timing/total_hours', total_time / (60.0 * 60.0)) autosummary('Timing/total_days', total_time / (24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0)) # Save snapshots. if network_snapshot_ticks is not None and ( cur_tick % network_snapshot_ticks == 0 or done): pkl = dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('network-snapshot-%06d.pkl' % (cur_nimg // 1000)) misc.save_pkl(classifier, pkl), run_dir=dnnlib.make_run_dir_path(), data_dir=dnnlib.convert_path(data_dir), num_gpus=num_gpus, tf_config=tf_config) # Update summaries and RunContext. metrics.update_autosummaries() tflib.autosummary.save_summaries(summary_log, cur_nimg) dnnlib.RunContext.get().update('%.2f' % 0, cur_epoch=cur_nimg // 1000, max_epoch=total_kimg) maintenance_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get( ).get_last_update_interval() - tick_time # Save final snapshot. misc.save_pkl(classifier, dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('network-final.pkl')) # All done. summary_log.close() training_set.close()
def training_loop_refinement( G_args={}, # Options for generator network. D_args={}, # Options for discriminator network. G_opt_args={}, # Options for generator optimizer. D_opt_args={}, # Options for discriminator optimizer. G_loss_args={}, # Options for generator loss. D_loss_args={}, # Options for discriminator loss. dataset_args={}, # Options for dataset.load_dataset(). sched_args={}, # Options for train.TrainingSchedule. grid_args={}, # Options for train.setup_snapshot_image_grid(). metric_arg_list=[], # Options for MetricGroup. tf_config={}, # Options for tflib.init_tf(). data_dir=None, # Directory to load datasets from. G_smoothing_kimg=10.0, # Half-life of the running average of generator weights. minibatch_repeats=4, # Number of minibatches to run before adjusting training parameters. lazy_regularization=True, # Perform regularization as a separate training step? G_reg_interval=4, # How often the perform regularization for G? Ignored if lazy_regularization=False. D_reg_interval=16, # How often the perform regularization for D? Ignored if lazy_regularization=False. reset_opt_for_new_lod=True, # Reset optimizer internal state (e.g. Adam moments) when new layers are introduced? total_kimg=25000, # Total length of the training, measured in thousands of real images. mirror_augment=False, # Enable mirror augment? drange_net=[ -1, 1 ], # Dynamic range used when feeding image data to the networks. image_snapshot_ticks=50, # How often to save image snapshots? None = only save 'reals.png' and 'fakes-init.png'. network_snapshot_ticks=50, # How often to save network snapshots? None = only save 'networks-final.pkl'. save_tf_graph=False, # Include full TensorFlow computation graph in the tfevents file? save_weight_histograms=True, # Include weight histograms in the tfevents file? resume_pkl=None, # Network pickle to resume training from, None = train from scratch. resume_kimg=0.0, # Assumed training progress at the beginning. Affects reporting and training schedule. resume_time=0.0, # Assumed wallclock time at the beginning. Affects reporting. resume_with_new_nets=False ): # Construct new networks according to G_args and D_args before resuming training? # Initialize dnnlib and TensorFlow. tflib.init_tf(tf_config) num_gpus = dnnlib.submit_config.num_gpus # Load training set. training_set = dataset.load_dataset(data_dir=dnnlib.convert_path(data_dir), verbose=True, **dataset_args) grid_size, grid_reals, grid_labels = misc.setup_snapshot_image_grid( training_set, **grid_args) misc.save_image_grid(grid_reals, dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('reals.png'), drange=training_set.dynamic_range, grid_size=grid_size) # Construct or load networks. with tf.device('/gpu:0'): if resume_pkl is None or resume_with_new_nets: print('Constructing networks...') G = tflib.Network('G', num_channels=training_set.shape[0], resolution=training_set.shape[1], label_size=training_set.label_size, **G_args) Gs = G.clone('Gs') if resume_pkl is not None: print('Loading networks from "%s"...' % resume_pkl) _rG, _rD, rGs = misc.load_pkl(resume_pkl) del _rD, _rG if resume_with_new_nets: G.copy_vars_from(rGs) Gs.copy_vars_from(rGs) del rGs else: G = rG Gs = rGs # Set constant noise input for both G and Gs if G_args.get("randomize_noise", None) == False: noise_vars = [ var for name, var in G.components.synthesis.vars.items() if name.startswith('noise') ] rnd = np.random.RandomState(123) tflib.set_vars( {var: rnd.randn(*var.shape.as_list()) for var in noise_vars}) # [height, width] noise_vars = [ var for name, var in Gs.components.synthesis.vars.items() if name.startswith('noise') ] rnd = np.random.RandomState(123) tflib.set_vars( {var: rnd.randn(*var.shape.as_list()) for var in noise_vars}) # [height, width] # TESTS # from PIL import Image # reals, latents = training_set.get_minibatch_np(4) # reals = np.transpose(reals, [0, 2, 3, 1]) # Image.fromarray(reals[0], 'RGB').save("test_reals.png") # labels = training_set.get_random_labels_np(4) # Gs_kwargs = dnnlib.EasyDict() # Gs_kwargs.output_transform = dict(func=tflib.convert_images_to_uint8, nchw_to_nhwc=True) # fakes =, labels, minibatch_size=4, **Gs_kwargs) # Image.fromarray(fakes[0], 'RGB').save("test_fakes_Gs_new.png") # fakes =, labels, minibatch_size=4, **Gs_kwargs) # Image.fromarray(fakes[0], 'RGB').save("test_fakes_G_new.png") # Print layers and generate initial image snapshot. G.print_layers() sched = training_schedule(cur_nimg=total_kimg * 1000, training_set=training_set, **sched_args) grid_latents = np.random.randn(, *G.input_shape[1:]) grid_fakes =, grid_labels, is_validation=True, minibatch_size=sched.minibatch_gpu) misc.save_image_grid(grid_fakes, dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('fakes_init.png'), drange=drange_net, grid_size=grid_size) # Setup training inputs. print('Building TensorFlow graph...') with tf.name_scope('Inputs'), tf.device('/cpu:0'): lod_in = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='lod_in', shape=[]) lrate_in = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='lrate_in', shape=[]) minibatch_size_in = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='minibatch_size_in', shape=[]) minibatch_gpu_in = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='minibatch_gpu_in', shape=[]) minibatch_multiplier = minibatch_size_in // (minibatch_gpu_in * num_gpus) Gs_beta = 0.5**tf.div(tf.cast(minibatch_size_in, tf.float32), G_smoothing_kimg * 1000.0) if G_smoothing_kimg > 0.0 else 0.0 # Setup optimizers. G_opt_args = dict(G_opt_args) for args, reg_interval in [(G_opt_args, G_reg_interval)]: args['minibatch_multiplier'] = minibatch_multiplier args['learning_rate'] = lrate_in if lazy_regularization: mb_ratio = reg_interval / (reg_interval + 1) args['learning_rate'] *= mb_ratio if 'beta1' in args: args['beta1'] **= mb_ratio if 'beta2' in args: args['beta2'] **= mb_ratio G_opt = tflib.Optimizer(name='TrainG', **G_opt_args) G_reg_opt = tflib.Optimizer(name='RegG', share=G_opt, **G_opt_args) # Freeze layers G_args.freeze_layers = list(G_args.get("freeze_layers", [])) def freeze_vars(gen, verbose=True): assert len(G_args.freeze_layers) > 0 for name in list(gen.trainables.keys()): if any(layer in name for layer in G_args.freeze_layers): del gen.trainables[name] if verbose: print(f"Freezed {name}") # Build training graph for each GPU. data_fetch_ops = [] loss_ops = [] for gpu in range(num_gpus): with tf.name_scope('GPU%d' % gpu), tf.device('/gpu:%d' % gpu): # Create GPU-specific shadow copies of G and D. G_gpu = G if gpu == 0 else G.clone( + '_shadow') if G_args.freeze_layers: freeze_vars(G_gpu, verbose=False) # Fetch training data via temporary variables. with tf.name_scope('DataFetch'): sched = training_schedule(cur_nimg=int(resume_kimg * 1000), training_set=training_set, **sched_args) reals_var = tf.Variable( name='reals', trainable=False, initial_value=tf.zeros([sched.minibatch_gpu] + training_set.shape)) labels_var = tf.Variable(name='labels', trainable=False, initial_value=tf.zeros([ sched.minibatch_gpu, training_set.label_size ])) reals_write, labels_write = training_set.get_minibatch_tf() reals_write, labels_write = process_reals( reals_write, labels_write, lod_in, mirror_augment, training_set.dynamic_range, drange_net) reals_write = tf.concat( [reals_write, reals_var[minibatch_gpu_in:]], axis=0) labels_write = tf.concat( [labels_write, labels_var[minibatch_gpu_in:]], axis=0) data_fetch_ops += [tf.assign(reals_var, reals_write)] data_fetch_ops += [tf.assign(labels_var, labels_write)] reals_read = reals_var[:minibatch_gpu_in] labels_read = labels_var[:minibatch_gpu_in] # Evaluate loss functions. lod_assign_ops = [] if 'lod' in G_gpu.vars: lod_assign_ops += [tf.assign(G_gpu.vars['lod'], lod_in)] with tf.control_dependencies(lod_assign_ops): with tf.name_scope('G_loss'): G_loss, G_reg = dnnlib.util.call_func_by_name( G=G_gpu, D=None, opt=G_opt, training_set=training_set, minibatch_size=minibatch_gpu_in, reals=reals_read, latents=labels_read, **G_loss_args) loss_ops.append(G_loss) # Register gradients. if not lazy_regularization: if G_reg is not None: G_loss += G_reg else: if G_reg is not None: G_reg_opt.register_gradients( tf.reduce_mean(G_reg * G_reg_interval), G_gpu.trainables) G_opt.register_gradients(tf.reduce_mean(G_loss), G_gpu.trainables) # Setup training ops. data_fetch_op =*data_fetch_ops) loss_op = tf.reduce_mean(tf.concat(loss_ops, axis=0)) G_train_op = G_opt.apply_updates() G_reg_op = G_reg_opt.apply_updates(allow_no_op=True) Gs_update_op = Gs.setup_as_moving_average_of(G, beta=Gs_beta) # Finalize graph. with tf.device('/gpu:0'): try: peak_gpu_mem_op = tf.contrib.memory_stats.MaxBytesInUse() except tf.errors.NotFoundError: peak_gpu_mem_op = tf.constant(0) tflib.init_uninitialized_vars() print('Initializing logs...') summary_log = tf.summary.FileWriter(dnnlib.make_run_dir_path()) if save_tf_graph: summary_log.add_graph(tf.get_default_graph()) if save_weight_histograms: G.setup_weight_histograms() metrics = metric_base.MetricGroup(metric_arg_list) print('Training for %d kimg...\n' % total_kimg) dnnlib.RunContext.get().update('', cur_epoch=resume_kimg, max_epoch=total_kimg) maintenance_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get().get_last_update_interval() cur_nimg = int(resume_kimg * 1000) cur_tick = -1 tick_start_nimg = cur_nimg prev_lod = -1.0 running_mb_counter = 0 loss_per_batch_sum = 0 while cur_nimg < total_kimg * 1000: if dnnlib.RunContext.get().should_stop(): break # Choose training parameters and configure training ops. sched = training_schedule(cur_nimg=cur_nimg, training_set=training_set, **sched_args) assert sched.minibatch_size % (sched.minibatch_gpu * num_gpus) == 0 training_set.configure(sched.minibatch_gpu, sched.lod) if reset_opt_for_new_lod: if np.floor(sched.lod) != np.floor(prev_lod) or np.ceil( sched.lod) != np.ceil(prev_lod): G_opt.reset_optimizer_state() prev_lod = sched.lod # Run training ops. feed_dict = { lod_in: sched.lod, lrate_in: sched.G_lrate, minibatch_size_in: sched.minibatch_size, minibatch_gpu_in: sched.minibatch_gpu }, feed_dict) ### TEST # fakes = G.get_output_for(labels_read, training_set.get_random_labels_tf(minibatch_gpu_in), is_training=True) # this is without activation in ~[-1.5, 1.5] # fakes = tf.clip_by_value(fakes, drange_net[0], drange_net[1]) # reals = reals_read ### TEST for _repeat in range(minibatch_repeats): rounds = range(0, sched.minibatch_size, sched.minibatch_gpu * num_gpus) run_G_reg = (lazy_regularization and running_mb_counter % G_reg_interval == 0) cur_nimg += sched.minibatch_size running_mb_counter += 1 # Fast path without gradient accumulation. if len(rounds) == 1: loss, _ =[loss_op, G_train_op], feed_dict) # (loss, reals, fakes), _ =[loss_op, G_train_op], feed_dict)[data_fetch_op], feed_dict) # print(f"loss_tf {np.mean(loss)}") # print(f"loss_np {np.mean(np.square(reals - fakes))}") # print(f"loss_abs {np.mean(np.abs(reals - fakes))}") loss_per_batch_sum += loss #### TEST #### # if cur_nimg == sched.minibatch_size or cur_nimg % 2048 == 0: # from PIL import Image # reals = np.transpose(reals, [0, 2, 3, 1]) # fakes = np.transpose(fakes, [0, 2, 3, 1]) # diff = np.abs(reals - fakes) # print(diff.min(), diff.max()) # for idx, (fake, real) in enumerate(zip(fakes, reals)): # fake -= fake.min() # fake /= fake.max() # fake *= 255 # fake = fake.astype(np.uint8) # Image.fromarray(fake, 'RGB').save(f"fake_loss_{idx}.png") # real -= real.min() # real /= real.max() # real *= 255 # real = real.astype(np.uint8) # Image.fromarray(real, 'RGB').save(f"real_loss_{idx}.png") #### if run_G_reg:, feed_dict)[Gs_update_op], feed_dict) # Slow path with gradient accumulation. FIXME: Probably wrong else: for _round in rounds: loss, _, _ = [loss_op, G_train_op, data_fetch_op], feed_dict) loss_per_batch_sum += loss / len(rounds) if run_G_reg:, feed_dict), feed_dict) # Perform maintenance tasks once per tick. done = (cur_nimg >= total_kimg * 1000) if cur_tick < 0 or cur_nimg >= tick_start_nimg + sched.tick_kimg * 1000 or done: cur_tick += 1 tick_kimg = (cur_nimg - tick_start_nimg) / 1000.0 tick_start_nimg = cur_nimg tick_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get().get_time_since_last_update() total_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get().get_time_since_start( ) + resume_time tick_loss = loss_per_batch_sum * sched.minibatch_size / ( tick_kimg * 1000) loss_per_batch_sum = 0 # Report progress. print( 'tick %-5d kimg %-8.1f lod %-5.2f minibatch %-4d loss/px %-12.8f time %-12s sec/tick %-7.1f sec/kimg %-7.2f maintenance %-6.1f gpumem %.1f' % (autosummary('Progress/tick', cur_tick), autosummary('Progress/kimg', cur_nimg / 1000.0), autosummary('Progress/lod', sched.lod), autosummary('Progress/minibatch', sched.minibatch_size), autosummary('Progress/loss_per_px', tick_loss), dnnlib.util.format_time( autosummary('Timing/total_sec', total_time)), autosummary('Timing/sec_per_tick', tick_time), autosummary('Timing/sec_per_kimg', tick_time / tick_kimg), autosummary('Timing/maintenance_sec', maintenance_time), autosummary('Resources/peak_gpu_mem_gb', peak_gpu_mem_op.eval() / 2**30))) autosummary('Timing/total_hours', total_time / (60.0 * 60.0)) autosummary('Timing/total_days', total_time / (24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0)) # Save snapshots. if image_snapshot_ticks is not None and ( cur_tick % image_snapshot_ticks == 0 or done): grid_fakes =, grid_labels, is_validation=True, minibatch_size=sched.minibatch_gpu) misc.save_image_grid(grid_fakes, dnnlib.make_run_dir_path( 'fakes%06d.png' % (cur_nimg // 1000)), drange=drange_net, grid_size=grid_size) if network_snapshot_ticks is not None and ( cur_tick % network_snapshot_ticks == 0 or done): pkl = dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('network-snapshot-%06d.pkl' % (cur_nimg // 1000)) misc.save_pkl((G, None, Gs), pkl), run_dir=dnnlib.make_run_dir_path(), data_dir=dnnlib.convert_path(data_dir), num_gpus=num_gpus, tf_config=tf_config) # Update summaries and RunContext. metrics.update_autosummaries() tflib.autosummary.save_summaries(summary_log, cur_nimg) dnnlib.RunContext.get().update('%.2f' % sched.lod, cur_epoch=cur_nimg // 1000, max_epoch=total_kimg) maintenance_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get( ).get_last_update_interval() - tick_time # Save final snapshot. misc.save_pkl((G, None, Gs), dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('network-final.pkl')) # All done. summary_log.close() training_set.close()
def training_loop_vae( G_args={}, # Options for generator network. E_args={}, # Options for encoder network. D_args={}, # Options for discriminator network. G_opt_args={}, # Options for generator optimizer. D_opt_args={}, # Options for discriminator optimizer. G_loss_args={}, # Options for generator loss. D_loss_args={}, # Options for discriminator loss. dataset_args={}, # Options for dataset.load_dataset(). sched_args={}, # Options for train.TrainingSchedule. grid_args={}, # Options for train.setup_snapshot_image_grid(). metric_arg_list=[], # Options for MetricGroup. tf_config={}, # Options for tflib.init_tf(). data_dir=None, # Directory to load datasets from. minibatch_repeats=1, # Number of minibatches to run before adjusting training parameters. total_kimg=25000, # Total length of the training, measured in thousands of real images. mirror_augment=False, # Enable mirror augment? drange_net=[ -1, 1 ], # Dynamic range used when feeding image data to the networks. image_snapshot_ticks=50, # How often to save image snapshots? None = only save 'reals.png' and 'fakes-init.png'. network_snapshot_ticks=50, # How often to save network snapshots? None = only save 'networks-final.pkl'. save_tf_graph=False, # Include full TensorFlow computation graph in the tfevents file? save_weight_histograms=False, # Include weight histograms in the tfevents file? resume_pkl=None, # Network pickle to resume training from, None = train from scratch. resume_kimg=0.0, # Assumed training progress at the beginning. Affects reporting and training schedule. resume_time=0.0, # Assumed wallclock time at the beginning. Affects reporting. resume_with_new_nets=False, # Construct new networks according to G_args and D_args before resuming training? traversal_grid=False, # Used for disentangled representation learning. n_discrete=0, # Number of discrete latents in model. n_continuous=4, # Number of continuous latents in model. topk_dims_to_show=20, # Number of top disentant dimensions to show in a snapshot. subgroup_sizes_ls=None, subspace_sizes_ls=None, forward_eg=False, n_samples_per=10): # Number of samples for each line in traversal. # Initialize dnnlib and TensorFlow. tflib.init_tf(tf_config) num_gpus = dnnlib.submit_config.num_gpus # If use Discriminator. use_D = D_args is not None # Load training set. training_set = dataset.load_dataset(data_dir=dnnlib.convert_path(data_dir), verbose=True, **dataset_args) grid_size, grid_reals, grid_labels = misc.setup_snapshot_image_grid( training_set, **grid_args) grid_fakes = add_outline(grid_reals, width=1) misc.save_image_grid(grid_reals, dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('reals.png'), drange=training_set.dynamic_range, grid_size=grid_size) # Construct or load networks. with tf.device('/gpu:0'): if resume_pkl is None or resume_with_new_nets: print('Constructing networks...') E = tflib.Network('E', num_channels=training_set.shape[0], resolution=training_set.shape[1], label_size=training_set.label_size, input_shape=[None] + training_set.shape, **E_args) G = tflib.Network( 'G', num_channels=training_set.shape[0], resolution=training_set.shape[1], label_size=training_set.label_size, input_shape=[None, n_discrete + G_args.latent_size] if not forward_eg else [ None, n_discrete + G_args.latent_size + sum(subgroup_sizes_ls) ], **G_args) if use_D: D = tflib.Network('D', num_channels=training_set.shape[0], resolution=training_set.shape[1], label_size=training_set.label_size, input_shape=[None, D_args.latent_size], **D_args) if resume_pkl is not None: print('Loading networks from "%s"...' % resume_pkl) if use_D: rE, rG, rD = misc.load_pkl(resume_pkl) else: rE, rG = misc.load_pkl(resume_pkl) if resume_with_new_nets: E.copy_vars_from(rE) G.copy_vars_from(rG) if use_D: D.copy_vars_from(rD) else: E = rE G = rG if use_D: D = rD # Print layers and generate initial image snapshot. E.print_layers() G.print_layers() if use_D: D.print_layers() sched = training_schedule(cur_nimg=total_kimg * 1000, training_set=training_set, **sched_args) if traversal_grid: if topk_dims_to_show > 0: topk_dims = np.arange(min(topk_dims_to_show, n_continuous)) else: topk_dims = np.arange(n_continuous) grid_size, grid_latents, grid_labels = get_grid_latents( n_discrete, n_continuous, n_samples_per, G, grid_labels, topk_dims) else: grid_latents = np.random.randn(, *G.input_shape[1:]) print('grid_size:', grid_size) print('grid_latents.shape:', grid_latents.shape) print('grid_labels.shape:', grid_labels.shape) grid_fakes, _, _, _, _, _, _, lie_vars = get_return_v(, G) if forward_eg else grid_latents, grid_labels, is_validation=True, minibatch_size=sched.minibatch_gpu, randomize_noise=True), 8) print('Lie_vars:', lie_vars[0]) grid_fakes = add_outline(grid_fakes, width=1) misc.save_image_grid(grid_fakes, dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('fakes_init.png'), drange=drange_net, grid_size=grid_size) # Setup training inputs. print('Building TensorFlow graph...') with tf.name_scope('Inputs'), tf.device('/cpu:0'): lrate_in = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='lrate_in', shape=[]) minibatch_size_in = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='minibatch_size_in', shape=[]) minibatch_gpu_in = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='minibatch_gpu_in', shape=[]) minibatch_multiplier = minibatch_size_in // (minibatch_gpu_in * num_gpus) # Setup optimizers. G_opt_args = dict(G_opt_args) G_opt_args['minibatch_multiplier'] = minibatch_multiplier G_opt_args['learning_rate'] = lrate_in G_opt = tflib.Optimizer(name='TrainG', **G_opt_args) if use_D: D_opt_args = dict(D_opt_args) D_opt_args['minibatch_multiplier'] = minibatch_multiplier D_opt_args['learning_rate'] = lrate_in D_opt = tflib.Optimizer(name='TrainD', **D_opt_args) # Build training graph for each GPU. data_fetch_ops = [] for gpu in range(num_gpus): with tf.name_scope('GPU%d' % gpu), tf.device('/gpu:%d' % gpu): # Create GPU-specific shadow copies of G and D. E_gpu = E if gpu == 0 else E.clone( + '_shadow') G_gpu = G if gpu == 0 else G.clone( + '_shadow') if use_D: D_gpu = D if gpu == 0 else D.clone( + '_shadow') # Fetch training data via temporary variables. with tf.name_scope('DataFetch'): sched = training_schedule(cur_nimg=int(resume_kimg * 1000), training_set=training_set, **sched_args) reals_var = tf.Variable( name='reals', trainable=False, initial_value=tf.zeros([sched.minibatch_gpu] + training_set.shape)) labels_var = tf.Variable(name='labels', trainable=False, initial_value=tf.zeros([ sched.minibatch_gpu, training_set.label_size ])) reals_write, labels_write = training_set.get_minibatch_tf() reals_write, labels_write = process_reals( reals_write, labels_write, 0., mirror_augment, training_set.dynamic_range, drange_net) reals_write = tf.concat( [reals_write, reals_var[minibatch_gpu_in:]], axis=0) labels_write = tf.concat( [labels_write, labels_var[minibatch_gpu_in:]], axis=0) data_fetch_ops += [tf.assign(reals_var, reals_write)] data_fetch_ops += [tf.assign(labels_var, labels_write)] reals_read = reals_var[:minibatch_gpu_in] labels_read = labels_var[:minibatch_gpu_in] # Evaluate loss functions. if use_D: with tf.name_scope('G_loss'): G_loss = dnnlib.util.call_func_by_name( E=E_gpu, G=G_gpu, D=D_gpu, opt=G_opt, training_set=training_set, minibatch_size=minibatch_gpu_in, reals=reals_read, labels=labels_read, **G_loss_args) with tf.name_scope('D_loss'): D_loss = dnnlib.util.call_func_by_name( E=E_gpu, D=D_gpu, opt=D_opt, training_set=training_set, minibatch_size=minibatch_gpu_in, reals=reals_read, labels=labels_read, **D_loss_args) else: with tf.name_scope('G_loss'): G_loss = dnnlib.util.call_func_by_name( E=E_gpu, G=G_gpu, opt=G_opt, training_set=training_set, minibatch_size=minibatch_gpu_in, reals=reals_read, labels=labels_read, **G_loss_args) # Register gradients. EG_gpu_trainables = collections.OrderedDict( list(E_gpu.trainables.items()) + list(G_gpu.trainables.items())) G_opt.register_gradients(tf.reduce_mean(G_loss), EG_gpu_trainables) # G_opt.register_gradients(G_loss, # EG_gpu_trainables) if use_D: D_opt.register_gradients(tf.reduce_mean(D_loss), D_gpu.trainables) # D_opt.register_gradients(D_loss, # D_gpu.trainables) # Setup training ops. data_fetch_op =*data_fetch_ops) G_train_op = G_opt.apply_updates() if use_D: D_train_op = D_opt.apply_updates() # Finalize graph. with tf.device('/gpu:0'): try: peak_gpu_mem_op = tf.contrib.memory_stats.MaxBytesInUse() except tf.errors.NotFoundError: peak_gpu_mem_op = tf.constant(0) tflib.init_uninitialized_vars() print('Initializing logs...') summary_log = tf.summary.FileWriter(dnnlib.make_run_dir_path()) if save_tf_graph: summary_log.add_graph(tf.get_default_graph()) if save_weight_histograms: G.setup_weight_histograms() if use_D: D.setup_weight_histograms() metrics = metric_base.MetricGroup(metric_arg_list) print('Training for %d kimg...\n' % total_kimg) dnnlib.RunContext.get().update('', cur_epoch=resume_kimg, max_epoch=total_kimg) maintenance_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get().get_last_update_interval() cur_nimg = int(resume_kimg * 1000) cur_tick = -1 tick_start_nimg = cur_nimg prev_lod = -1.0 running_mb_counter = 0 while cur_nimg < total_kimg * 1000: if dnnlib.RunContext.get().should_stop(): break # Choose training parameters and configure training ops. sched = training_schedule(cur_nimg=cur_nimg, training_set=training_set, **sched_args) assert sched.minibatch_size % (sched.minibatch_gpu * num_gpus) == 0 training_set.configure(sched.minibatch_gpu, 0) # Run training ops. feed_dict = { lrate_in: sched.G_lrate, minibatch_size_in: sched.minibatch_size, minibatch_gpu_in: sched.minibatch_gpu } for _repeat in range(minibatch_repeats): rounds = range(0, sched.minibatch_size, sched.minibatch_gpu * num_gpus) cur_nimg += sched.minibatch_size running_mb_counter += 1 # Fast path without gradient accumulation. if len(rounds) == 1:[G_train_op], feed_dict)[data_fetch_op], feed_dict) if use_D:[D_train_op], feed_dict) # Slow path with gradient accumulation. else: for _round in rounds:, feed_dict) for _round in rounds:, feed_dict) if use_D:, feed_dict) # Perform maintenance tasks once per tick. done = (cur_nimg >= total_kimg * 1000) if cur_tick < 0 or cur_nimg >= tick_start_nimg + sched.tick_kimg * 1000 or done: cur_tick += 1 tick_kimg = (cur_nimg - tick_start_nimg) / 1000.0 tick_start_nimg = cur_nimg tick_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get().get_time_since_last_update() total_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get().get_time_since_start( ) + resume_time # Report progress. print( 'tick %-5d kimg %-8.1f minibatch %-4d time %-12s sec/tick %-7.1f sec/kimg %-7.2f maintenance %-6.1f gpumem %.1f' % (autosummary('Progress/tick', cur_tick), autosummary('Progress/kimg', cur_nimg / 1000.0), autosummary('Progress/minibatch', sched.minibatch_size), dnnlib.util.format_time( autosummary('Timing/total_sec', total_time)), autosummary('Timing/sec_per_tick', tick_time), autosummary('Timing/sec_per_kimg', tick_time / tick_kimg), autosummary('Timing/maintenance_sec', maintenance_time), autosummary('Resources/peak_gpu_mem_gb', peak_gpu_mem_op.eval() / 2**30))) autosummary('Timing/total_hours', total_time / (60.0 * 60.0)) autosummary('Timing/total_days', total_time / (24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0)) # Save snapshots. if network_snapshot_ticks is not None and ( cur_tick % network_snapshot_ticks == 0 or done): pkl = dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('network-snapshot-%06d.pkl' % (cur_nimg // 1000)) if use_D: misc.save_pkl((E, G, D), pkl) else: misc.save_pkl((E, G), pkl) met_outs =, run_dir=dnnlib.make_run_dir_path(), data_dir=dnnlib.convert_path(data_dir), num_gpus=num_gpus, tf_config=tf_config, is_vae=True, use_D=use_D, Gs_kwargs=dict(is_validation=True)) if topk_dims_to_show > 0: if 'tpl_per_dim' in met_outs: avg_distance_per_dim = met_outs[ 'tpl_per_dim'] # shape: (n_continuous) topk_dims = np.argsort( avg_distance_per_dim )[::-1][:topk_dims_to_show] # shape: (20) else: topk_dims = np.arange( min(topk_dims_to_show, n_continuous)) else: topk_dims = np.arange(n_continuous) if image_snapshot_ticks is not None and ( cur_tick % image_snapshot_ticks == 0 or done): if traversal_grid: grid_size, grid_latents, grid_labels = get_grid_latents( n_discrete, n_continuous, n_samples_per, G, grid_labels, topk_dims) else: grid_latents = np.random.randn(, *G.input_shape[1:]) grid_fakes, _, _, _, _, _, _, lie_vars = get_return_v(, G) if forward_eg else grid_latents, grid_labels, is_validation=True, minibatch_size=sched.minibatch_gpu, randomize_noise=True), 8) print('Lie_vars:', lie_vars[0]) grid_fakes = add_outline(grid_fakes, width=1) misc.save_image_grid(grid_fakes, dnnlib.make_run_dir_path( 'fakes%06d.png' % (cur_nimg // 1000)), drange=drange_net, grid_size=grid_size) # Update summaries and RunContext. metrics.update_autosummaries() tflib.autosummary.save_summaries(summary_log, cur_nimg) dnnlib.RunContext.get().update('%.2f' % 0, cur_epoch=cur_nimg // 1000, max_epoch=total_kimg) maintenance_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get( ).get_last_update_interval() - tick_time # Save final snapshot. if use_D: misc.save_pkl((E, G, D), dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('network-final.pkl')) else: misc.save_pkl((E, G), dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('network-final.pkl')) # All done. summary_log.close() training_set.close()
def training_loop( # Configurations cG={}, cD={}, # Generator and Discriminator command-line arguments dataset_args={}, # dataset.load_dataset() options sched_args={}, # train.TrainingSchedule options vis_args={}, # vis.eval options grid_args={}, # train.setup_snapshot_img_grid() options metric_arg_list=[], # MetricGroup Options tf_config={}, # tflib.init_tf() options eval=False, # Evaluation mode train=False, # Training mode # Data data_dir=None, # Directory to load datasets from total_kimg=25000, # Total length of the training, measured in thousands of real images mirror_augment=False, # Enable mirror augmentation? drange_net=[ -1, 1 ], # Dynamic range used when feeding image data to the networks ratio=1.0, # Image height/width ratio in the dataset # Optimization minibatch_repeats=4, # Number of minibatches to run before adjusting training parameters lazy_regularization=True, # Perform regularization as a separate training step? smoothing_kimg=10.0, # Half-life of the running average of generator weights clip=None, # Clip gradients threshold # Resumption resume_pkl=None, # Network pickle to resume training from, None = train from scratch. resume_kimg=0.0, # Assumed training progress at the beginning # Affects reporting and training schedule resume_time=0.0, # Assumed wallclock time at the beginning, affects reporting recompile=False, # Recompile network from source code (otherwise loads from snapshot) # Logging summarize=True, # Create TensorBoard summaries save_tf_graph=False, # Include full TensorFlow computation graph in the tfevents file? save_weight_histograms=False, # Include weight histograms in the tfevents file? img_snapshot_ticks=3, # How often to save image snapshots? None = disable network_snapshot_ticks=3, # How often to save network snapshots? None = only save networks-final.pkl last_snapshots=10, # Maximal number of prior snapshots to save eval_images_num=50000, # Sample size for the metrics printname="", # Experiment name for logging # Architecture merge=False): # Generate several images and then merge them # Initialize dnnlib and TensorFlow tflib.init_tf(tf_config) num_gpus = dnnlib.submit_config.num_gpus, = "g", "d" # Load dataset, configure training scheduler and metrics object dataset = data.load_dataset(data_dir=dnnlib.convert_path(data_dir), verbose=True, **dataset_args) sched = training_schedule(sched_args, cur_nimg=total_kimg * 1000, dataset=dataset) metrics = metric_base.MetricGroup(metric_arg_list) # Construct or load networks with tf.device("/gpu:0"): no_op = tf.no_op() G, D, Gs = None, None, None if resume_pkl is None or recompile: misc.log("Constructing networks...", "white") G = tflib.Network("G", num_channels=dataset.shape[0], resolution=dataset.shape[1], label_size=dataset.label_size, **cG.args) D = tflib.Network("D", num_channels=dataset.shape[0], resolution=dataset.shape[1], label_size=dataset.label_size, **cD.args) Gs = G.clone("Gs") if resume_pkl is not None: G, D, Gs = load_nets(resume_pkl, G, D, Gs, recompile) G.print_layers() D.print_layers() # Train/Evaluate/Visualize # Labels are optional but not essential grid_size, grid_reals, grid_labels = misc.setup_snapshot_img_grid( dataset, **grid_args) misc.save_img_grid(grid_reals, dnnlib.make_run_dir_path("reals.png"), drange=dataset.dynamic_range, grid_size=grid_size) grid_latents = np.random.randn(, *G.input_shape[1:]) if eval: # Save a snapshot of the current network to evaluate pkl = dnnlib.make_run_dir_path("network-eval-snapshot-%06d.pkl" % resume_kimg) misc.save_pkl((G, D, Gs), pkl, remove=False) # Quantitative evaluation metric =, num_imgs=eval_images_num, run_dir=dnnlib.make_run_dir_path(), data_dir=dnnlib.convert_path(data_dir), num_gpus=num_gpus, ratio=ratio, tf_config=tf_config, mirror_augment=mirror_augment) # Qualitative evaluation visualize.eval(G, dataset, batch_size=sched.minibatch_gpu, drange_net=drange_net, ratio=ratio, **vis_args) if not train: dataset.close() exit() # Setup training inputs misc.log("Building TensorFlow graph...", "white") with tf.name_scope("Inputs"), tf.device("/cpu:0"): lrate_in_g = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="lrate_in_g", shape=[]) lrate_in_d = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="lrate_in_d", shape=[]) step = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name="step", shape=[]) minibatch_size_in = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name="minibatch_size_in", shape=[]) minibatch_gpu_in = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name="minibatch_gpu_in", shape=[]) minibatch_multiplier = minibatch_size_in // (minibatch_gpu_in * num_gpus) beta = 0.5**tf.div(tf.cast(minibatch_size_in, tf.float32), smoothing_kimg * 1000.0) if smoothing_kimg > 0.0 else 0.0 # Set optimizers for cN, lr in [(cG, lrate_in_g), (cD, lrate_in_d)]: set_optimizer(cN, lr, minibatch_multiplier, lazy_regularization, clip) # Build training graph for each GPU data_fetch_ops = [] for gpu in range(num_gpus): with tf.name_scope("GPU%d" % gpu), tf.device("/gpu:%d" % gpu): # Create GPU-specific shadow copies of G and D for cN, N in [(cG, G), (cD, D)]: cN.gpu = N if gpu == 0 else N.clone( + "_shadow") Gs_gpu = Gs if gpu == 0 else Gs.clone( + "_shadow") # Fetch training data via temporary variables with tf.name_scope("DataFetch"): reals, labels = dataset.get_minibatch_tf() reals = process_reals(reals, dataset.dynamic_range, drange_net, mirror_augment) reals, reals_fetch = read_data( reals, "reals", [sched.minibatch_gpu] + dataset.shape, minibatch_gpu_in) labels, labels_fetch = read_data( labels, "labels", [sched.minibatch_gpu, dataset.label_size], minibatch_gpu_in) data_fetch_ops += [reals_fetch, labels_fetch] # Evaluate loss functions with tf.name_scope("G_loss"): cG.loss, cG.reg = dnnlib.util.call_func_by_name( G=cG.gpu, D=cD.gpu, dataset=dataset, reals=reals, minibatch_size=minibatch_gpu_in, **cG.loss_args) with tf.name_scope("D_loss"): cD.loss, cD.reg = dnnlib.util.call_func_by_name( G=cG.gpu, D=cD.gpu, dataset=dataset, reals=reals, labels=labels, minibatch_size=minibatch_gpu_in, **cD.loss_args) for cN in [cG, cD]: set_optimizer_ops(cN, lazy_regularization, no_op) # Setup training ops data_fetch_op =*data_fetch_ops) for cN in [cG, cD]: cN.train_op = cN.opt.apply_updates() cN.reg_op = cN.reg_opt.apply_updates(allow_no_op=True) Gs_update_op = Gs.setup_as_moving_average_of(G, beta=beta) # Finalize graph with tf.device("/gpu:0"): try: peak_gpu_mem_op = tf.contrib.memory_stats.MaxBytesInUse() except tf.errors.NotFoundError: peak_gpu_mem_op = tf.constant(0) tflib.init_uninitialized_vars() # Tensorboard summaries if summarize: misc.log("Initializing logs...", "white") summary_log = tf.summary.FileWriter(dnnlib.make_run_dir_path()) if save_tf_graph: summary_log.add_graph(tf.get_default_graph()) if save_weight_histograms: G.setup_weight_histograms() D.setup_weight_histograms() # Initialize training misc.log("Training for %d kimg..." % total_kimg, "white") dnnlib.RunContext.get().update("", cur_epoch=resume_kimg, max_epoch=total_kimg) maintenance_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get().get_last_update_interval() cur_tick, running_mb_counter = -1, 0 cur_nimg = int(resume_kimg * 1000) tick_start_nimg = cur_nimg for cN in [cG, cD]: cN.lossvals_agg = { k: None for k in ["loss", "reg", "norm", "reg_norm"] } cN.opt.reset_optimizer_state() # Training loop while cur_nimg < total_kimg * 1000: if dnnlib.RunContext.get().should_stop(): break # Choose training parameters and configure training ops sched = training_schedule(sched_args, cur_nimg=cur_nimg, dataset=dataset) assert sched.minibatch_size % (sched.minibatch_gpu * num_gpus) == 0 dataset.configure(sched.minibatch_gpu) # Run training ops feed_dict = { lrate_in_g: sched.G_lrate, lrate_in_d: sched.D_lrate, minibatch_size_in: sched.minibatch_size, minibatch_gpu_in: sched.minibatch_gpu, step: sched.kimg } # Several iterations before updating training parameters for _repeat in range(minibatch_repeats): rounds = range(0, sched.minibatch_size, sched.minibatch_gpu * num_gpus) for cN in [cG, cD]: cN.run_reg = lazy_regularization and (running_mb_counter % cN.reg_interval == 0) cur_nimg += sched.minibatch_size running_mb_counter += 1 for cN in [cG, cD]: cN.lossvals = { k: None for k in ["loss", "reg", "norm", "reg_norm"] } # Gradient accumulation for _round in rounds: cG.lossvals.update([cG.train_op, cG.ops], feed_dict)[1]) if cG.run_reg: _, cG.lossvals["reg_norm"] = [cG.reg_op, cG.reg_norm], feed_dict), feed_dict) cD.lossvals.update([cD.train_op, cD.ops], feed_dict)[1]) if cD.run_reg: _, cD.lossvals["reg_norm"] = [cD.reg_op, cD.reg_norm], feed_dict)[Gs_update_op], feed_dict) # Track loss statistics for cN in [cG, cD]: for k in cN.lossvals_agg: cN.lossvals_agg[k] = emaAvg(cN.lossvals_agg[k], cN.lossvals[k]) # Perform maintenance tasks once per tick done = (cur_nimg >= total_kimg * 1000) if cur_tick < 0 or cur_nimg >= tick_start_nimg + sched.tick_kimg * 1000 or done: cur_tick += 1 tick_kimg = (cur_nimg - tick_start_nimg) / 1000.0 tick_start_nimg = cur_nimg tick_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get().get_time_since_last_update() total_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get().get_time_since_start( ) + resume_time # Report progress print( ("tick %s kimg %s loss/reg: G (%s %s) D (%s %s) grad norms: G (%s %s) D (%s %s) " + "time %s sec/kimg %s maxGPU %sGB %s") % (misc.bold("%-5d" % autosummary("Progress/tick", cur_tick)), misc.bcolored( "{:>8.1f}".format( autosummary("Progress/kimg", cur_nimg / 1000.0)), "red"), misc.bcolored("{:>6.3f}".format(cG.lossvals_agg["loss"] or 0), "blue"), misc.bold("{:>6.3f}".format(cG.lossvals_agg["reg"] or 0)), misc.bcolored("{:>6.3f}".format(cD.lossvals_agg["loss"] or 0), "blue"), misc.bold("{:>6.3f}".format(cD.lossvals_agg["reg"] or 0)), misc.cond_bcolored(cG.lossvals_agg["norm"], 20.0, "red"), misc.cond_bcolored(cG.lossvals_agg["reg_norm"], 20.0, "red"), misc.cond_bcolored(cD.lossvals_agg["norm"], 20.0, "red"), misc.cond_bcolored(cD.lossvals_agg["reg_norm"], 20.0, "red"), misc.bold("%-10s" % dnnlib.util.format_time( autosummary("Timing/total_sec", total_time))), "{:>7.2f}".format( autosummary("Timing/sec_per_kimg", tick_time / tick_kimg)), "{:>4.1f}".format( autosummary("Resources/peak_gpu_mem_gb", peak_gpu_mem_op.eval() / 2**30)), printname)) autosummary("Timing/total_hours", total_time / (60.0 * 60.0)) autosummary("Timing/total_days", total_time / (24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0)) # Save snapshots if img_snapshot_ticks is not None and ( cur_tick % img_snapshot_ticks == 0 or done): visualize.eval(G, dataset, batch_size=sched.minibatch_gpu, training=True, step=cur_nimg // 1000, grid_size=grid_size, latents=grid_latents, labels=grid_labels, drange_net=drange_net, ratio=ratio, **vis_args) if network_snapshot_ticks is not None and ( cur_tick % network_snapshot_ticks == 0 or done): pkl = dnnlib.make_run_dir_path("network-snapshot-%06d.pkl" % (cur_nimg // 1000)) misc.save_pkl((G, D, Gs), pkl, remove=False) if cur_tick % network_snapshot_ticks == 0 or done: metric = pkl, num_imgs=eval_images_num, run_dir=dnnlib.make_run_dir_path(), data_dir=dnnlib.convert_path(data_dir), num_gpus=num_gpus, ratio=ratio, tf_config=tf_config, mirror_augment=mirror_augment) if last_snapshots > 0: misc.rm( sorted( glob.glob(dnnlib.make_run_dir_path( "network*.pkl")))[:-last_snapshots]) # Update summaries and RunContext if summarize: metrics.update_autosummaries() tflib.autosummary.save_summaries(summary_log, cur_nimg) dnnlib.RunContext.get().update(None, cur_epoch=cur_nimg // 1000, max_epoch=total_kimg) maintenance_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get( ).get_last_update_interval() - tick_time # Save final snapshot misc.save_pkl((G, D, Gs), dnnlib.make_run_dir_path("network-final.pkl"), remove=False) # All done if summarize: summary_log.close() dataset.close()
def training_loop_hd( I_args={}, # Options for generator network. M_args={}, # Options for discriminator network. I_info_args={}, # Options for class network. I_opt_args={}, # Options for generator optimizer. I_loss_args={}, # Options for generator loss. resume_G_pkl=None, # G network pickle to help training. dataset_args={}, # Options for dataset.load_dataset(). sched_args={}, # Options for train.TrainingSchedule. grid_args={}, # Options for train.setup_snapshot_image_grid(). metric_arg_list=[], # Options for MetricGroup. tf_config={}, # Options for tflib.init_tf(). data_dir=None, # Directory to load datasets from. I_smoothing_kimg=10.0, # Half-life of the running average of generator weights. minibatch_repeats=4, # Number of minibatches to run before adjusting training parameters. lazy_regularization=True, # Perform regularization as a separate training step? I_reg_interval=4, # How often the perform regularization for G? Ignored if lazy_regularization=False. reset_opt_for_new_lod=True, # Reset optimizer internal state (e.g. Adam moments) when new layers are introduced? total_kimg=25000, # Total length of the training, measured in thousands of real images. mirror_augment=False, # Enable mirror augment? drange_net=[ -1, 1 ], # Dynamic range used when feeding image data to the networks. image_snapshot_ticks=50, # How often to save image snapshots? None = only save 'reals.png' and 'fakes-init.png'. network_snapshot_ticks=50, # How often to save network snapshots? None = only save 'networks-final.pkl'. save_tf_graph=False, # Include full TensorFlow computation graph in the tfevents file? save_weight_histograms=False, # Include weight histograms in the tfevents file? resume_pkl=None, # Network pickle to resume training from, None = train from scratch. resume_kimg=0.0, # Assumed training progress at the beginning. Affects reporting and training schedule. resume_time=0.0, # Assumed wallclock time at the beginning. Affects reporting. resume_with_new_nets=False, # Construct new networks according to I_args and M_args before resuming training? traversal_grid=False, # Used for disentangled representation learning. n_discrete=0, # Number of discrete latents in model. n_continuous=10, # Number of continuous latents in model. n_samples_per=4, # Number of samples for each line in traversal. use_hd_with_cls=False, # If use info_loss. resolution_manual=1024, # Resolution of generated images. use_level_training=False, # If use level training (hierarchical optimization strategy). level_I_kimg=1000, # Number of kimg of tick for I_level training. use_std_in_m=False, # If output prior std in M net. prior_latent_size=512, # Prior latent size. use_hyperplane=False, # If use hyperplane model. pretrained_type='with_stylegan2'): # Pretrained type for G. # Initialize dnnlib and TensorFlow. tflib.init_tf(tf_config) num_gpus = dnnlib.submit_config.num_gpus # Load training set. training_set = dataset.load_dataset(data_dir=dnnlib.convert_path(data_dir), verbose=True, **dataset_args) grid_size, grid_reals, grid_labels = misc.setup_snapshot_image_grid( training_set, **grid_args) misc.save_image_grid(grid_reals, dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('reals.png'), drange=training_set.dynamic_range, grid_size=grid_size) # Construct or load networks. with tf.device('/gpu:0'): if resume_pkl is None or resume_with_new_nets: print('Constructing networks...') I = tflib.Network('I', num_channels=training_set.shape[0], resolution=resolution_manual, label_size=training_set.label_size, **I_args) M = tflib.Network('M', num_channels=training_set.shape[0], resolution=resolution_manual, label_size=training_set.label_size, **M_args) Is = I.clone('Is') if use_hd_with_cls: I_info = tflib.Network('I_info', num_channels=training_set.shape[0], resolution=resolution_manual, label_size=training_set.label_size, **I_info_args) if resume_pkl is not None: print('Loading networks from "%s"...' % resume_pkl) if use_hd_with_cls: rI, rM, rIs, rI_info = misc.load_pkl(resume_pkl) else: rI, rM, rIs = misc.load_pkl(resume_pkl) if resume_with_new_nets: I.copy_vars_from(rI) M.copy_vars_from(rM) Is.copy_vars_from(rIs) if use_hd_with_cls: I_info.copy_vars_from(rI_info) else: I = rI M = rM Is = rIs if use_hd_with_cls: I_info = rI_info print('Loading generator from "%s"...' % resume_G_pkl) if pretrained_type == 'with_stylegan2': rG, rD, rGs = misc.load_pkl(resume_G_pkl) G = rG D = rD Gs = rGs elif pretrained_type == 'with_cascadeVAE': rG = misc.load_pkl(resume_G_pkl) G = rG Gs = rG # Print layers and generate initial image snapshot. I.print_layers() M.print_layers() # pdb.set_trace() training_set_resolution_log2 = int(np.log2(resolution_manual)) sched = training_schedule( cur_nimg=total_kimg * 1000, training_set_resolution_log2=training_set_resolution_log2, **sched_args) if not use_hyperplane: grid_size, grid_latents, grid_labels = get_grid_latents( n_discrete, n_continuous, n_samples_per, G, grid_labels) print('grid_size:', grid_size) print('grid_latents.shape:', grid_latents.shape) print('grid_labels.shape:', grid_labels.shape) if resolution_manual >= 256: grid_size = (grid_size[0], grid_size[1] // 5) grid_latents = grid_latents[:grid_latents.shape[0] // 5] grid_labels = grid_labels[:grid_labels.shape[0] // 5] prior_traj_latents =, is_validation=True, minibatch_size=sched.minibatch_gpu) if use_std_in_m: prior_traj_latents = prior_traj_latents[:, :prior_latent_size] else: grid_size = (n_samples_per, n_continuous) grid_labels = np.tile(grid_labels[:1], (n_continuous * n_samples_per, 1)) latent_dirs = get_latent_dirs(n_continuous) prior_traj_latents = get_prior_traj_by_dirs(latent_dirs, M, n_samples_per, prior_latent_size, grid_labels, sched) if resolution_manual >= 256: grid_size = (grid_size[0], grid_size[1] // 5) prior_traj_latents = prior_traj_latents[:prior_traj_latents. shape[0] // 5] grid_labels = grid_labels[:grid_labels.shape[0] // 5] print('prior_traj_latents.shape:', prior_traj_latents.shape) # pdb.set_trace() prior_traj_latents_show = np.reshape( prior_traj_latents, [-1, n_samples_per, prior_latent_size]) print_traj(prior_traj_latents_show) grid_fakes =, grid_labels, is_validation=True, minibatch_size=sched.minibatch_gpu, randomize_noise=True, normalize_latents=False) grid_fakes = add_outline(grid_fakes, width=1) misc.save_image_grid(grid_fakes, dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('fakes_init.png'), drange=drange_net, grid_size=grid_size) if (n_continuous == 2) and (n_discrete == 0): n_per_line = 20 ex_latent_value = 3 prior_grid_latents, prior_grid_labels = get_2d_grid_latents( low=-ex_latent_value, high=ex_latent_value, n_per_line=n_per_line, grid_labels=grid_labels) grid_showing_fakes =, prior_grid_labels, is_validation=True, minibatch_size=sched.minibatch_gpu, randomize_noise=True, normalize_latents=False) grid_showing_fakes = add_outline(grid_showing_fakes, width=1) misc.save_image_grid( grid_showing_fakes, dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('fakes_init_2d_prior_grid.png'), drange=drange_net, grid_size=[n_per_line, n_per_line]) img_to_draw = dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('fakes_init_2d_prior_grid.png')) img_to_draw = img_to_draw.convert('RGB') img_to_draw = draw_traj_on_prior_grid(img_to_draw, prior_traj_latents_show, ex_latent_value, n_per_line) dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('fakes_init_2d_prior_grid_drawn.png')) if use_level_training: ending_level = training_set_resolution_log2 - 1 else: ending_level = 1 # Setup training inputs. print('Building TensorFlow graph...') with tf.name_scope('Inputs'), tf.device('/cpu:0'): lod_in = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='lod_in', shape=[]) lrate_in = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='lrate_in', shape=[]) minibatch_size_in = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='minibatch_size_in', shape=[]) minibatch_gpu_in = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='minibatch_gpu_in', shape=[]) minibatch_multiplier = minibatch_size_in // (minibatch_gpu_in * num_gpus) Is_beta = 0.5**tf.div(tf.cast(minibatch_size_in, tf.float32), I_smoothing_kimg * 1000.0) if I_smoothing_kimg > 0.0 else 0.0 # Setup optimizers. I_opt_args = dict(I_opt_args) for args, reg_interval in [(I_opt_args, I_reg_interval)]: args['minibatch_multiplier'] = minibatch_multiplier args['learning_rate'] = lrate_in if lazy_regularization: mb_ratio = reg_interval / (reg_interval + 1) args['learning_rate'] *= mb_ratio if 'beta1' in args: args['beta1'] **= mb_ratio if 'beta2' in args: args['beta2'] **= mb_ratio I_opts = [] I_reg_opts = [] for n_level in range(ending_level): I_opts.append(tflib.Optimizer(name='TrainI_%d' % n_level, **I_opt_args)) I_reg_opts.append( tflib.Optimizer(name='RegI_%d' % n_level, share=I_opts[-1], **I_opt_args)) # Build training graph for each GPU. for gpu in range(num_gpus): with tf.name_scope('GPU%d' % gpu), tf.device('/gpu:%d' % gpu): # Create GPU-specific shadow copies of I and M. I_gpu = I if gpu == 0 else I.clone( + '_shadow') M_gpu = M if gpu == 0 else M.clone( + '_shadow') G_gpu = G if gpu == 0 else G.clone( + '_shadow') if use_hd_with_cls: I_info_gpu = I_info if gpu == 0 else I_info.clone( + '_shadow') # Evaluate loss functions. lod_assign_ops = [] I_losses = [] I_regs = [] if 'lod' in I_gpu.vars: lod_assign_ops += [tf.assign(I_gpu.vars['lod'], lod_in)] if 'lod' in M_gpu.vars: lod_assign_ops += [tf.assign(M_gpu.vars['lod'], lod_in)] for n_level in range(ending_level): with tf.control_dependencies(lod_assign_ops): with tf.name_scope('I_loss_%d' % n_level): if use_hd_with_cls: I_loss, I_reg = dnnlib.util.call_func_by_name( I=I_gpu, M=M_gpu, G=G_gpu, I_info=I_info_gpu, opt=I_opts[n_level], training_set=training_set, minibatch_size=minibatch_gpu_in, **I_loss_args) else: I_loss, I_reg = dnnlib.util.call_func_by_name( I=I_gpu, M=M_gpu, G=G_gpu, opt=I_opts[n_level], n_levels=(n_level + 1) if use_level_training else None, training_set=training_set, minibatch_size=minibatch_gpu_in, **I_loss_args) I_losses.append(I_loss) I_regs.append(I_reg) # Register gradients. if not lazy_regularization: if I_regs[n_level] is not None: I_losses[n_level] += I_regs[n_level] else: if I_regs[n_level] is not None: I_reg_opts[n_level].register_gradients( tf.reduce_mean(I_regs[n_level] * I_reg_interval), I_gpu.trainables) if use_hd_with_cls: MIIinfo_gpu_trainables = collections.OrderedDict( list(M_gpu.trainables.items()) + list(I_gpu.trainables.items()) + list(I_info_gpu.trainables.items())) I_opts[n_level].register_gradients( tf.reduce_mean(I_losses[n_level]), MIIinfo_gpu_trainables) else: MI_gpu_trainables = collections.OrderedDict( list(M_gpu.trainables.items()) + list(I_gpu.trainables.items())) I_opts[n_level].register_gradients( tf.reduce_mean(I_losses[n_level]), MI_gpu_trainables) # Setup training ops. I_train_ops = [] I_reg_ops = [] for n_level in range(ending_level): I_train_ops.append(I_opts[n_level].apply_updates()) I_reg_ops.append(I_reg_opts[n_level].apply_updates(allow_no_op=True)) Is_update_op = Is.setup_as_moving_average_of(I, beta=Is_beta) # Finalize graph. with tf.device('/gpu:0'): try: peak_gpu_mem_op = tf.contrib.memory_stats.MaxBytesInUse() except tf.errors.NotFoundError: peak_gpu_mem_op = tf.constant(0) tflib.init_uninitialized_vars() print('Initializing logs...') summary_log = tf.summary.FileWriter(dnnlib.make_run_dir_path()) if save_tf_graph: summary_log.add_graph(tf.get_default_graph()) if save_weight_histograms: I.setup_weight_histograms() M.setup_weight_histograms() metrics = metric_base.MetricGroup(metric_arg_list) print('Training for %d kimg...\n' % total_kimg) dnnlib.RunContext.get().update('', cur_epoch=resume_kimg, max_epoch=total_kimg) maintenance_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get().get_last_update_interval() cur_nimg = int(resume_kimg * 1000) cur_tick = -1 tick_start_nimg = cur_nimg prev_lod = -1.0 running_mb_counter = 0 while cur_nimg < total_kimg * 1000: if dnnlib.RunContext.get().should_stop(): break n_level = 0 if not use_level_training else min( cur_nimg // (level_I_kimg * 1000), training_set_resolution_log2 - 2) # Choose training parameters and configure training ops. sched = training_schedule( cur_nimg=cur_nimg, training_set_resolution_log2=training_set_resolution_log2, **sched_args) assert sched.minibatch_size % (sched.minibatch_gpu * num_gpus) == 0 training_set.configure(sched.minibatch_gpu, sched.lod) if reset_opt_for_new_lod: if np.floor(sched.lod) != np.floor(prev_lod) or np.ceil( sched.lod) != np.ceil(prev_lod): I_opts[n_level].reset_optimizer_state() prev_lod = sched.lod # Run training ops. feed_dict = { lod_in: sched.lod, lrate_in: sched.I_lrate, minibatch_size_in: sched.minibatch_size, minibatch_gpu_in: sched.minibatch_gpu } for _repeat in range(minibatch_repeats): rounds = range(0, sched.minibatch_size, sched.minibatch_gpu * num_gpus) run_I_reg = (lazy_regularization and running_mb_counter % I_reg_interval == 0) cur_nimg += sched.minibatch_size running_mb_counter += 1 # Fast path without gradient accumulation. if len(rounds) == 1:[n_level], feed_dict) if run_I_reg:[n_level], feed_dict)[Is_update_op], feed_dict) # Slow path with gradient accumulation. else: for _round in rounds:[n_level], feed_dict) if run_I_reg: for _round in rounds:[n_level], feed_dict), feed_dict) # Perform maintenance tasks once per tick. done = (cur_nimg >= total_kimg * 1000) if cur_tick < 0 or cur_nimg >= tick_start_nimg + sched.tick_kimg * 100 or done: cur_tick += 1 tick_kimg = (cur_nimg - tick_start_nimg) / 1000.0 tick_start_nimg = cur_nimg tick_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get().get_time_since_last_update() total_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get().get_time_since_start( ) + resume_time # Report progress. print( 'tick %-5d kimg %-8.1f lod %-5.2f minibatch %-4d time %-12s sec/tick %-7.1f sec/kimg %-7.2f maintenance %-6.1f gpumem %.1f' % (autosummary('Progress/tick', cur_tick), autosummary('Progress/kimg', cur_nimg / 1000.0), autosummary('Progress/lod', sched.lod), autosummary('Progress/minibatch', sched.minibatch_size), dnnlib.util.format_time( autosummary('Timing/total_sec', total_time)), autosummary('Timing/sec_per_tick', tick_time), autosummary('Timing/sec_per_kimg', tick_time / tick_kimg), autosummary('Timing/maintenance_sec', maintenance_time), autosummary('Resources/peak_gpu_mem_gb', peak_gpu_mem_op.eval() / 2**30))) autosummary('Timing/total_hours', total_time / (60.0 * 60.0)) autosummary('Timing/total_days', total_time / (24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0)) # Save snapshots. if image_snapshot_ticks is not None and ( cur_tick % image_snapshot_ticks == 0 or done): if not use_hyperplane: prior_traj_latents = grid_latents, is_validation=True, minibatch_size=sched.minibatch_gpu) if use_std_in_m: prior_traj_latents = prior_traj_latents[:, : prior_latent_size] else: prior_traj_latents = get_prior_traj_by_dirs( latent_dirs, M, n_samples_per, prior_latent_size, grid_labels, sched) if resolution_manual >= 256: prior_traj_latents = prior_traj_latents[: prior_traj_latents .shape[0] // 5] prior_traj_latents_show = np.reshape( prior_traj_latents, [-1, n_samples_per, prior_latent_size]) print_traj(prior_traj_latents_show) grid_fakes =, grid_labels, is_validation=True, minibatch_size=sched.minibatch_gpu, randomize_noise=True, normalize_latents=False) grid_fakes = add_outline(grid_fakes, width=1) misc.save_image_grid(grid_fakes, dnnlib.make_run_dir_path( 'fakes%06d.png' % (cur_nimg // 1000)), drange=drange_net, grid_size=grid_size) if (n_continuous == 2) and (n_discrete == 0): n_per_line = 20 ex_latent_value = 3 prior_grid_latents, prior_grid_labels = get_2d_grid_latents( low=-ex_latent_value, high=ex_latent_value, n_per_line=n_per_line, grid_labels=grid_labels) grid_showing_fakes = prior_grid_latents, prior_grid_labels, is_validation=True, minibatch_size=sched.minibatch_gpu, randomize_noise=True, normalize_latents=False) grid_showing_fakes = add_outline(grid_showing_fakes, width=1) misc.save_image_grid(grid_showing_fakes, dnnlib.make_run_dir_path( 'fakes_2d_prior_grid%06d.png' % (cur_nimg // 1000)), drange=drange_net, grid_size=[n_per_line, n_per_line]) img_to_draw = dnnlib.make_run_dir_path( 'fakes_2d_prior_grid%06d.png' % (cur_nimg // 1000))) img_to_draw = img_to_draw.convert('RGB') img_to_draw = draw_traj_on_prior_grid( img_to_draw, prior_traj_latents_show, ex_latent_value, n_per_line) dnnlib.make_run_dir_path( 'fakes_2d_prior_grid_drawn%06d.png' % (cur_nimg // 1000))) if network_snapshot_ticks is not None and ( cur_tick % network_snapshot_ticks == 0 or done): pkl = dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('network-snapshot-%06d.pkl' % (cur_nimg // 1000)) misc.save_pkl((I, M, Is), pkl), run_dir=dnnlib.make_run_dir_path(), data_dir=dnnlib.convert_path(data_dir), num_gpus=num_gpus, tf_config=tf_config) # Update summaries and RunContext. metrics.update_autosummaries() tflib.autosummary.save_summaries(summary_log, cur_nimg) dnnlib.RunContext.get().update('%.2f' % sched.lod, cur_epoch=cur_nimg // 1000, max_epoch=total_kimg) maintenance_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get( ).get_last_update_interval() - tick_time # Save final snapshot. misc.save_pkl((I, M, Is), dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('network-final.pkl')) # All done. summary_log.close() training_set.close()
def training_auto_loop( Enc_args={}, # Options for encoder network. Dec_args={}, # Options for decoder network. opt_args={}, # Options for encoder optimizer. loss_args={}, # Options for discriminator loss. dataset_args={}, # Options for dataset.load_dataset(). sched_args={}, # Options for train.TrainingSchedule. grid_args={}, # Options for train.setup_snapshot_image_grid(). tf_config={}, # Options for tflib.init_tf(). data_dir=None, # Directory to load datasets from. minibatch_repeats=4, # Number of minibatches to run before adjusting training parameters. total_kimg=25000, # Total length of the training, measured in thousands of real images. drange_net=[ -1, 1 ], # Dynamic range used when feeding image data to the networks. image_snapshot_ticks=50, # How often to save image snapshots? None = only save 'reals.png' and 'fakes-init.png'. network_snapshot_ticks=50, # How often to save network snapshots? None = only save 'networks-final.pkl'. save_tf_graph=False, # Include full TensorFlow computation graph in the tfevents file? save_weight_histograms=False ): # Include weight histograms in the tfevents file? # Initialize dnnlib and TensorFlow. tflib.init_tf(tf_config) num_gpus = dnnlib.submit_config.num_gpus # Load training set. training_set = dataset.load_dataset(data_dir=dnnlib.convert_path(data_dir), verbose=True, **dataset_args) grid_size, grid_reals, _ = misc.setup_snapshot_image_grid( training_set, **grid_args) misc.save_image_grid(grid_reals, dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('reals.png'), drange=training_set.dynamic_range, grid_size=grid_size) # Construct or load networks. with tf.device('/gpu:0'): print('Constructing networks...') Enc = tflib.Network('Encoder', resolution=training_set.shape[1], out_channels=16, **Enc_args) Dec = tflib.Network('Decoder', resolution=training_set.shape[1] // 4, in_channels=16, **Dec_args) # Print layers and generate initial image snapshot. Enc.print_layers() Dec.print_layers() sched = sched_args sched.tick_kimg = 4 grid_codes = / 127.5) - 1.0, minibatch_size=sched.minibatch_gpu) grid_fakes =, minibatch_size=sched.minibatch_gpu) misc.save_image_grid(grid_fakes, dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('fakes_init.png'), drange=drange_net, grid_size=grid_size) # Setup training inputs. print('Building TensorFlow graph...') with tf.name_scope('Inputs'), tf.device('/cpu:0'): lrate_in = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='lrate_in', shape=[]) minibatch_size_in = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='minibatch_size_in', shape=[]) minibatch_gpu_in = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='minibatch_gpu_in', shape=[]) minibatch_multiplier = minibatch_size_in // (minibatch_gpu_in * num_gpus) # Setup optimizers. opt_args = dict(opt_args) opt_args['minibatch_multiplier'] = minibatch_multiplier opt_args['learning_rate'] = lrate_in opt = tflib.Optimizer(name='TrainAuto', **opt_args) # Build training graph for each GPU. data_fetch_ops = [] for gpu in range(num_gpus): with tf.name_scope('GPU%d' % gpu), tf.device('/gpu:%d' % gpu): # Create GPU-specific shadow copies of Enc and Dec. Enc_gpu = Enc if gpu == 0 else Enc.clone( + '_shadow') Dec_gpu = Dec if gpu == 0 else Dec.clone( + '_shadow') # Fetch training data via temporary variables. with tf.name_scope('DataFetch'): reals_var = tf.Variable( name='reals', trainable=False, initial_value=tf.zeros([sched.minibatch_gpu] + training_set.shape)) reals_write, labels_write = training_set.get_minibatch_tf() reals_write, _ = process_reals(reals_write, labels_write, 0.0, False, training_set.dynamic_range, drange_net) reals_write = tf.concat( [reals_write, reals_var[minibatch_gpu_in:]], axis=0) data_fetch_ops += [tf.assign(reals_var, reals_write)] reals_read = reals_var[:minibatch_gpu_in] # Evaluate loss functions. with tf.name_scope('loss'): loss = dnnlib.util.call_func_by_name(Enc=Enc_gpu, Dec=Dec_gpu, opt=opt, reals=reals_read, **loss_args) # Register gradients. opt.register_gradients( tf.reduce_mean(loss), list(Enc_gpu.trainables.values()) + list(Dec_gpu.trainables.values())) # Setup training ops. data_fetch_op =*data_fetch_ops) train_op = opt.apply_updates() # Finalize graph. with tf.device('/gpu:0'): try: peak_gpu_mem_op = tf.contrib.memory_stats.MaxBytesInUse() except tf.errors.NotFoundError: peak_gpu_mem_op = tf.constant(0) tflib.init_uninitialized_vars() print('Initializing logs...') summary_log = tf.summary.FileWriter(dnnlib.make_run_dir_path()) if save_tf_graph: summary_log.add_graph(tf.get_default_graph()) if save_weight_histograms: Enc.setup_weight_histograms() Dec.setup_weight_histograms() print('Training for %d kimg...\n' % total_kimg) dnnlib.RunContext.get().update('', max_epoch=total_kimg) maintenance_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get().get_last_update_interval() cur_nimg = 0 cur_tick = -1 tick_start_nimg = cur_nimg while cur_nimg < total_kimg * 1000: if dnnlib.RunContext.get().should_stop(): break # Choose training parameters and configure training ops. assert sched.minibatch_size % (sched.minibatch_gpu * num_gpus) == 0 training_set.configure(sched.minibatch_gpu) # Run training ops. feed_dict = { lrate_in: sched.lrate, minibatch_size_in: sched.minibatch_size, minibatch_gpu_in: sched.minibatch_gpu } for _repeat in range(minibatch_repeats): rounds = range(0, sched.minibatch_size, sched.minibatch_gpu * num_gpus) cur_nimg += sched.minibatch_size # Fast path without gradient accumulation. if len(rounds) == 1:, feed_dict), feed_dict) # Slow path with gradient accumulation. else: for _round in rounds:, feed_dict), feed_dict) # Perform maintenance tasks once per tick. done = (cur_nimg >= total_kimg * 1000) if cur_tick < 0 or cur_nimg >= tick_start_nimg + sched.tick_kimg * 1000 or done: cur_tick += 1 tick_kimg = (cur_nimg - tick_start_nimg) / 1000.0 tick_start_nimg = cur_nimg tick_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get().get_time_since_last_update() total_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get().get_time_since_start() # Report progress. print( 'tick %-5d kimg %-8.1f minibatch %-4d time %-12s sec/tick %-7.1f sec/kimg %-7.2f maintenance %-6.1f gpumem %.1f' % (autosummary('Progress/tick', cur_tick), autosummary('Progress/kimg', cur_nimg / 1000.0), autosummary('Progress/minibatch', sched.minibatch_size), dnnlib.util.format_time( autosummary('Timing/total_sec', total_time)), autosummary('Timing/sec_per_tick', tick_time), autosummary('Timing/sec_per_kimg', tick_time / tick_kimg), autosummary('Timing/maintenance_sec', maintenance_time), autosummary('Resources/peak_gpu_mem_gb', peak_gpu_mem_op.eval() / 2**30))) autosummary('Timing/total_hours', total_time / (60.0 * 60.0)) autosummary('Timing/total_days', total_time / (24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0)) # Save snapshots. if image_snapshot_ticks is not None and ( cur_tick % image_snapshot_ticks == 0 or done): grid_codes = / 127.5) - 1.0, minibatch_size=sched.minibatch_gpu) grid_fakes =, minibatch_size=sched.minibatch_gpu) misc.save_image_grid(grid_fakes, dnnlib.make_run_dir_path( 'fakes%06d.png' % (cur_nimg // 1000)), drange=drange_net, grid_size=grid_size) if network_snapshot_ticks is not None and ( cur_tick % network_snapshot_ticks == 0 or done): pkl = dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('network-snapshot-%06d.pkl' % (cur_nimg // 1000)) misc.save_pkl((Enc, Dec), pkl) # Update summaries and RunContext. tflib.autosummary.save_summaries(summary_log, cur_nimg) dnnlib.RunContext.get().update('%.2f' % 0.0, cur_epoch=cur_nimg // 1000, max_epoch=total_kimg) maintenance_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get( ).get_last_update_interval() - tick_time # Save final snapshot. misc.save_pkl((Enc, Dec), dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('network-final.pkl')) # All done. summary_log.close() training_set.close()
def training_loop_vc2( G_args={}, # Options for generator network. D_args={}, # Options for discriminator network. I_args={}, # Options for infogan-head/vcgan-head network. I_info_args={}, # Options for infogan-head/vcgan-head network. G_opt_args={}, # Options for generator optimizer. D_opt_args={}, # Options for discriminator optimizer. # G2_opt_args={}, # Options for generator2 optimizer. G_loss_args={}, # Options for generator loss. D_loss_args={}, # Options for discriminator loss. dataset_args={}, # Options for dataset.load_dataset(). sched_args={}, # Options for train.TrainingSchedule. grid_args={}, # Options for train.setup_snapshot_image_grid(). metric_arg_list=[], # Options for MetricGroup. tf_config={}, # Options for tflib.init_tf(). use_info_gan=False, # Whether to use info-gan. use_vc_head=False, # Whether to use vc-head. use_vc2_info_gan=False, # Whether to use vc2 infogan. use_perdis=False, # Whether use perceptual distance network. data_dir=None, # Directory to load datasets from. G_smoothing_kimg=10.0, # Half-life of the running average of generator weights. minibatch_repeats=4, # Number of minibatches to run before adjusting training parameters. lazy_regularization=True, # Perform regularization as a separate training step? G_reg_interval=4, # How often the perform regularization for G? Ignored if lazy_regularization=False. D_reg_interval=16, # How often the perform regularization for D? Ignored if lazy_regularization=False. # G2_reg_interval=4, # How often the perform regularization for G? Ignored if lazy_regularization=False. reset_opt_for_new_lod=True, # Reset optimizer internal state (e.g. Adam moments) when new layers are introduced? total_kimg=25000, # Total length of the training, measured in thousands of real images. mirror_augment=False, # Enable mirror augment? drange_net=[ -1, 1 ], # Dynamic range used when feeding image data to the networks. image_snapshot_ticks=50, # How often to save image snapshots? None = only save 'reals.png' and 'fakes-init.png'. network_snapshot_ticks=50, # How often to save network snapshots? None = only save 'networks-final.pkl'. save_tf_graph=False, # Include full TensorFlow computation graph in the tfevents file? save_weight_histograms=False, # Include weight histograms in the tfevents file? resume_pkl=None, # Network pickle to resume training from, None = train from scratch. resume_kimg=0.0, # Assumed training progress at the beginning. Affects reporting and training schedule. resume_time=0.0, # Assumed wallclock time at the beginning. Affects reporting. resume_with_new_nets=False, # Construct new networks according to G_args and D_args before resuming training? traversal_grid=False, # Used for disentangled representation learning. n_discrete=3, # Number of discrete latents in model. n_continuous=4, # Number of continuous latents in model. return_atts=False, # If return attention maps. return_I_atts=False, # If return I_attention maps of vpex. avg_mv_for_I=False, # If use average moving for I. opt_reset_ls=None, # Reset lr list for gradual latents. topk_dims_to_show=20, # Number of top disentant dimensions to show in a snapshot. cascade_alt_freq_k=1, # Frequency in k for cascade_dim altering. n_samples_per=10): # Number of samples for each line in traversal. # Initialize dnnlib and TensorFlow. tflib.init_tf(tf_config) num_gpus = dnnlib.submit_config.num_gpus # If include I include_I = use_info_gan or use_vc_head # Load training set. training_set = dataset.load_dataset(data_dir=dnnlib.convert_path(data_dir), verbose=True, **dataset_args) grid_size, grid_reals, grid_labels = misc.setup_snapshot_image_grid( training_set, **grid_args) grid_fakes = add_outline(grid_reals, width=1) misc.save_image_grid(grid_reals, dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('reals.png'), drange=training_set.dynamic_range, grid_size=grid_size) # Construct or load networks. with tf.device('/gpu:0'): if resume_pkl is None or resume_with_new_nets: print('Constructing networks...') print('G_args:', G_args) G = tflib.Network('G', num_channels=training_set.shape[0], resolution=training_set.shape[1], label_size=training_set.label_size, **G_args) D = tflib.Network('D', num_channels=training_set.shape[0], resolution=training_set.shape[1], label_size=training_set.label_size, **D_args) if include_I: I = tflib.Network('I', num_channels=training_set.shape[0], resolution=training_set.shape[1], label_size=training_set.label_size, **I_args) if avg_mv_for_I: Is = I.clone('Is') elif use_perdis: DM = misc.load_pkl( '' ) Gs = G.clone('Gs') if resume_pkl is not None: print('Loading networks from "%s"...' % resume_pkl) if include_I: if avg_mv_for_I: rG, rD, rI, rGs, rIs = misc.load_pkl(resume_pkl) else: rG, rD, rI, rGs = misc.load_pkl(resume_pkl) else: rG, rD, rGs = misc.load_pkl(resume_pkl) if resume_with_new_nets: G.copy_vars_from(rG) D.copy_vars_from(rD) if include_I: I.copy_vars_from(rI) if avg_mv_for_I: Is.copy_vars_from(rIs) Gs.copy_vars_from(rGs) else: G = rG D = rD if include_I: I = rI if avg_mv_for_I: Is = rIs Gs = rGs # Print layers and generate initial image snapshot. G.print_layers() D.print_layers() if include_I: I.print_layers() if use_perdis: DM.print_layers() # pdb.set_trace() sched = training_schedule(cur_nimg=total_kimg * 1000, training_set=training_set, **sched_args) if traversal_grid: if topk_dims_to_show > 0: topk_dims = np.arange(min(topk_dims_to_show, n_continuous)) else: topk_dims = np.arange(n_continuous) print('topk_dims_to_show:', topk_dims_to_show) grid_size, grid_latents, grid_labels = get_grid_latents( n_discrete, n_continuous, n_samples_per, G, grid_labels, topk_dims) else: grid_latents = np.random.randn(, *G.input_shape[1:]) print('grid_size:', grid_size) print('grid_latents.shape:', grid_latents.shape) print('grid_labels.shape:', grid_labels.shape) # pdb.set_trace() if return_atts: grid_fakes, atts = get_return_v(, grid_labels, is_validation=True, minibatch_size=sched.minibatch_gpu, randomize_noise=True, return_atts=True, resolution=training_set.shape[1]), 2) # atts: [b, n_latents, 1, res, res] atts = atts[:, topk_dims] save_atts(atts, filename=dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('fakes_atts_init.png'), grid_size=grid_size, drange=[0, 1], grid_fakes=grid_fakes, n_samples_per=n_samples_per) else: grid_fakes = get_return_v(, grid_labels, is_validation=True, minibatch_size=sched.minibatch_gpu, randomize_noise=True), 1) grid_fakes = add_outline(grid_fakes, width=1) misc.save_image_grid(grid_fakes, dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('fakes_init.png'), drange=drange_net, grid_size=grid_size) if include_I and return_I_atts: if avg_mv_for_I: I_tmp = Is else: I_tmp = I _, atts = get_return_v(, grid_fakes, grid_latents, is_validation=True, minibatch_size=sched.minibatch_gpu, return_atts=True, resolution=training_set.shape[1]), 2) save_atts(atts, filename=dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('fakes_I_atts_init.png'), grid_size=grid_size, drange=[0, 1], grid_fakes=grid_fakes, n_samples_per=n_samples_per) # Setup training inputs. print('Building TensorFlow graph...') with tf.name_scope('Inputs'), tf.device('/cpu:0'): lod_in = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='lod_in', shape=[]) lrate_in = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='lrate_in', shape=[]) minibatch_size_in = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='minibatch_size_in', shape=[]) minibatch_gpu_in = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='minibatch_gpu_in', shape=[]) minibatch_multiplier = minibatch_size_in // (minibatch_gpu_in * num_gpus) Gs_beta = 0.5**tf.div(tf.cast(minibatch_size_in, tf.float32), G_smoothing_kimg * 1000.0) if G_smoothing_kimg > 0.0 else 0.0 cascade_dim = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='cascade_dim', shape=[]) # Setup optimizers. G_opt_args = dict(G_opt_args) D_opt_args = dict(D_opt_args) for args, reg_interval in [(G_opt_args, G_reg_interval), (D_opt_args, D_reg_interval)]: args['minibatch_multiplier'] = minibatch_multiplier args['learning_rate'] = lrate_in if lazy_regularization: mb_ratio = reg_interval / (reg_interval + 1) args['learning_rate'] *= mb_ratio if 'beta1' in args: args['beta1'] **= mb_ratio if 'beta2' in args: args['beta2'] **= mb_ratio G_opt = tflib.Optimizer(name='TrainG', **G_opt_args) D_opt = tflib.Optimizer(name='TrainD', **D_opt_args) G_reg_opt = tflib.Optimizer(name='RegG', share=G_opt, **G_opt_args) D_reg_opt = tflib.Optimizer(name='RegD', share=D_opt, **D_opt_args) if use_vc2_info_gan: G2_opt = tflib.Optimizer(name='TrainG2', share=G_opt, **G_opt_args) # Build training graph for each GPU. data_fetch_ops = [] for gpu in range(num_gpus): with tf.name_scope('GPU%d' % gpu), tf.device('/gpu:%d' % gpu): # Create GPU-specific shadow copies of G and D. G_gpu = G if gpu == 0 else G.clone( + '_shadow') D_gpu = D if gpu == 0 else D.clone( + '_shadow') if include_I: I_gpu = I if gpu == 0 else I.clone( + '_shadow') if use_perdis: DM_gpu = DM if gpu == 0 else DM.clone( + '_shadow') else: DM_gpu = None # Fetch training data via temporary variables. with tf.name_scope('DataFetch'): sched = training_schedule(cur_nimg=int(resume_kimg * 1000), training_set=training_set, **sched_args) reals_var = tf.Variable( name='reals', trainable=False, initial_value=tf.zeros([sched.minibatch_gpu] + training_set.shape)) labels_var = tf.Variable(name='labels', trainable=False, initial_value=tf.zeros([ sched.minibatch_gpu, training_set.label_size ])) reals_write, labels_write = training_set.get_minibatch_tf() reals_write, labels_write = process_reals( reals_write, labels_write, lod_in, mirror_augment, training_set.dynamic_range, drange_net) reals_write = tf.concat( [reals_write, reals_var[minibatch_gpu_in:]], axis=0) labels_write = tf.concat( [labels_write, labels_var[minibatch_gpu_in:]], axis=0) data_fetch_ops += [tf.assign(reals_var, reals_write)] data_fetch_ops += [tf.assign(labels_var, labels_write)] reals_read = reals_var[:minibatch_gpu_in] labels_read = labels_var[:minibatch_gpu_in] # Evaluate loss functions. lod_assign_ops = [] if 'lod' in G_gpu.vars: lod_assign_ops += [tf.assign(G_gpu.vars['lod'], lod_in)] if 'lod' in D_gpu.vars: lod_assign_ops += [tf.assign(D_gpu.vars['lod'], lod_in)] with tf.control_dependencies(lod_assign_ops): with tf.name_scope('G_loss'): if include_I: G_loss, G_reg = dnnlib.util.call_func_by_name( G=G_gpu, D=D_gpu, I=I_gpu, DM=DM_gpu, opt=G_opt, training_set=training_set, minibatch_size=minibatch_gpu_in, cascade_dim=cascade_dim, **G_loss_args) else: G_loss, G_reg = dnnlib.util.call_func_by_name( G=G_gpu, D=D_gpu, DM=DM_gpu, opt=G_opt, training_set=training_set, minibatch_size=minibatch_gpu_in, **G_loss_args) with tf.name_scope('D_loss'): D_loss, D_reg = dnnlib.util.call_func_by_name( G=G_gpu, D=D_gpu, opt=D_opt, training_set=training_set, minibatch_size=minibatch_gpu_in, reals=reals_read, labels=labels_read, **D_loss_args) if use_vc2_info_gan: with tf.name_scope('G2_loss'): G2_loss, _ = dnnlib.util.call_func_by_name( G=G_gpu, D=D_gpu, opt=G2_opt, training_set=training_set, minibatch_size=minibatch_gpu_in, is_G2_loss=True, **G_loss_args) # Register gradients. if not lazy_regularization: if G_reg is not None: G_loss += G_reg if D_reg is not None: D_loss += D_reg else: if G_reg is not None: G_reg_opt.register_gradients( tf.reduce_mean(G_reg * G_reg_interval), G_gpu.trainables) if D_reg is not None: D_reg_opt.register_gradients( tf.reduce_mean(D_reg * D_reg_interval), D_gpu.trainables) if include_I: GI_gpu_trainables = collections.OrderedDict( list(G_gpu.trainables.items()) + list(I_gpu.trainables.items())) G_opt.register_gradients(tf.reduce_mean(G_loss), GI_gpu_trainables) D_opt.register_gradients(tf.reduce_mean(D_loss), D_gpu.trainables) elif use_vc2_info_gan: GD_gpu_trainables = collections.OrderedDict( list(G_gpu.trainables.items()) + list(D_gpu.trainables.items())) G_opt.register_gradients(tf.reduce_mean(G_loss), G_gpu.trainables) G2_opt.register_gradients(tf.reduce_mean(G2_loss), GD_gpu_trainables) D_opt.register_gradients(tf.reduce_mean(D_loss), D_gpu.trainables) else: G_opt.register_gradients(tf.reduce_mean(G_loss), G_gpu.trainables) D_opt.register_gradients(tf.reduce_mean(D_loss), D_gpu.trainables) # Setup training ops. data_fetch_op =*data_fetch_ops) G_train_op = G_opt.apply_updates() D_train_op = D_opt.apply_updates() G_reg_op = G_reg_opt.apply_updates(allow_no_op=True) D_reg_op = D_reg_opt.apply_updates(allow_no_op=True) Gs_update_op = Gs.setup_as_moving_average_of(G, beta=Gs_beta) if avg_mv_for_I: Is_update_op = Is.setup_as_moving_average_of(I, beta=Gs_beta) if use_vc2_info_gan: G2_train_op = G2_opt.apply_updates() # Finalize graph. with tf.device('/gpu:0'): try: peak_gpu_mem_op = tf.contrib.memory_stats.MaxBytesInUse() except tf.errors.NotFoundError: peak_gpu_mem_op = tf.constant(0) tflib.init_uninitialized_vars() print('Initializing logs...') summary_log = tf.summary.FileWriter(dnnlib.make_run_dir_path()) if save_tf_graph: summary_log.add_graph(tf.get_default_graph()) if save_weight_histograms: G.setup_weight_histograms() D.setup_weight_histograms() if include_I: I.setup_weight_histograms() metrics = metric_base.MetricGroup(metric_arg_list) print('Training for %d kimg...\n' % total_kimg) dnnlib.RunContext.get().update('', cur_epoch=resume_kimg, max_epoch=total_kimg) maintenance_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get().get_last_update_interval() cur_nimg = int(resume_kimg * 1000) cur_tick = -1 tick_start_nimg = cur_nimg prev_lod = -1.0 running_mb_counter = 0 while cur_nimg < total_kimg * 1000: if dnnlib.RunContext.get().should_stop(): break # Choose training parameters and configure training ops. sched = training_schedule(cur_nimg=cur_nimg, training_set=training_set, **sched_args) assert sched.minibatch_size % (sched.minibatch_gpu * num_gpus) == 0 training_set.configure(sched.minibatch_gpu, sched.lod) if reset_opt_for_new_lod: if np.floor(sched.lod) != np.floor(prev_lod) or np.ceil( sched.lod) != np.ceil(prev_lod): G_opt.reset_optimizer_state() D_opt.reset_optimizer_state() # if opt_reset_ls is not None: # if cur_nimg in opt_reset_ls: # G_opt.reset_optimizer_state() # D_opt.reset_optimizer_state() prev_lod = sched.lod # Calculate which cascade_dim is to use. cur_nimg_k = cur_nimg // int(cascade_alt_freq_k * 1000) sched_cascade_dim = cur_nimg_k % n_continuous # Run training ops. feed_dict = { lod_in: sched.lod, lrate_in: sched.G_lrate, minibatch_size_in: sched.minibatch_size, minibatch_gpu_in: sched.minibatch_gpu, cascade_dim: sched_cascade_dim } for _repeat in range(minibatch_repeats): rounds = range(0, sched.minibatch_size, sched.minibatch_gpu * num_gpus) run_G_reg = (lazy_regularization and running_mb_counter % G_reg_interval == 0) run_D_reg = (lazy_regularization and running_mb_counter % D_reg_interval == 0) cur_nimg += sched.minibatch_size running_mb_counter += 1 # Fast path without gradient accumulation. if len(rounds) == 1:[G_train_op, data_fetch_op], feed_dict) if run_G_reg:, feed_dict) if avg_mv_for_I:[D_train_op, Gs_update_op, Is_update_op], feed_dict) else:[D_train_op, Gs_update_op], feed_dict) if run_D_reg:, feed_dict) if use_vc2_info_gan:, feed_dict) # Slow path with gradient accumulation. else: for _round in rounds:, feed_dict) if run_G_reg: for _round in rounds:, feed_dict) if avg_mv_for_I:[Gs_update_op, Is_update_op], feed_dict) else:, feed_dict) for _round in rounds:, feed_dict), feed_dict) if run_D_reg: for _round in rounds:, feed_dict) if use_vc2_info_gan: for _round in rounds:, feed_dict) # Perform maintenance tasks once per tick. done = (cur_nimg >= total_kimg * 1000) if cur_tick < 0 or cur_nimg >= tick_start_nimg + sched.tick_kimg * 1000 or done: cur_tick += 1 tick_kimg = (cur_nimg - tick_start_nimg) / 1000.0 tick_start_nimg = cur_nimg tick_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get().get_time_since_last_update() total_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get().get_time_since_start( ) + resume_time # Report progress. print( 'tick %-5d kimg %-8.1f lod %-5.2f minibatch %-4d time %-12s sec/tick %-7.1f sec/kimg %-7.2f maintenance %-6.1f gpumem %.1f' % (autosummary('Progress/tick', cur_tick), autosummary('Progress/kimg', cur_nimg / 1000.0), autosummary('Progress/lod', sched.lod), autosummary('Progress/minibatch', sched.minibatch_size), dnnlib.util.format_time( autosummary('Timing/total_sec', total_time)), autosummary('Timing/sec_per_tick', tick_time), autosummary('Timing/sec_per_kimg', tick_time / tick_kimg), autosummary('Timing/maintenance_sec', maintenance_time), autosummary('Resources/peak_gpu_mem_gb', peak_gpu_mem_op.eval() / 2**30))) autosummary('Timing/total_hours', total_time / (60.0 * 60.0)) autosummary('Timing/total_days', total_time / (24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0)) # Save snapshots. if network_snapshot_ticks is not None and ( cur_tick % network_snapshot_ticks == 0 or done): pkl = dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('network-snapshot-%06d.pkl' % (cur_nimg // 1000)) if include_I: if avg_mv_for_I: misc.save_pkl((G, D, I, Gs, Is), pkl) else: misc.save_pkl((G, D, I, Gs), pkl) else: misc.save_pkl((G, D, Gs), pkl) met_outs =, run_dir=dnnlib.make_run_dir_path(), data_dir=dnnlib.convert_path(data_dir), num_gpus=num_gpus, tf_config=tf_config, include_I=include_I, avg_mv_for_I=avg_mv_for_I, Gs_kwargs=dict(is_validation=True, return_atts=False), mapping_nodup=True) if topk_dims_to_show > 0: if 'tpl_per_dim' in met_outs: avg_distance_per_dim = met_outs[ 'tpl_per_dim'] # shape: (n_continuous) topk_dims = np.argsort( avg_distance_per_dim )[::-1][:topk_dims_to_show] # shape: (20) else: topk_dims = np.arange( min(topk_dims_to_show, n_continuous)) else: topk_dims = np.arange(n_continuous) if image_snapshot_ticks is not None and ( cur_tick % image_snapshot_ticks == 0 or done): if traversal_grid: grid_size, grid_latents, grid_labels = get_grid_latents( n_discrete, n_continuous, n_samples_per, G, grid_labels, topk_dims) else: grid_latents = np.random.randn(, *G.input_shape[1:]) if return_atts: grid_fakes, atts = get_return_v(, grid_labels, is_validation=True, minibatch_size=sched.minibatch_gpu, randomize_noise=True, return_atts=True, resolution=training_set.shape[1]), 2) # atts: [b, n_latents, 1, res, res] atts = atts[:, topk_dims] save_atts(atts, filename=dnnlib.make_run_dir_path( 'fakes_atts%06d.png' % (cur_nimg // 1000)), grid_size=grid_size, drange=[0, 1], grid_fakes=grid_fakes, n_samples_per=n_samples_per) else: grid_fakes = get_return_v(, grid_labels, is_validation=True, minibatch_size=sched.minibatch_gpu, randomize_noise=True), 1) grid_fakes = add_outline(grid_fakes, width=1) misc.save_image_grid(grid_fakes, dnnlib.make_run_dir_path( 'fakes%06d.png' % (cur_nimg // 1000)), drange=drange_net, grid_size=grid_size) if include_I and return_I_atts: if avg_mv_for_I: I_tmp = Is else: I_tmp = I _, atts = get_return_v(, grid_fakes, grid_latents, is_validation=True, minibatch_size=sched.minibatch_gpu, return_atts=True, resolution=training_set.shape[1]), 2) atts = atts[:, topk_dims] save_atts(atts, filename=dnnlib.make_run_dir_path( 'fakes_I_atts%06d.png' % (cur_nimg // 1000)), grid_size=grid_size, drange=[0, 1], grid_fakes=grid_fakes, n_samples_per=n_samples_per) # Update summaries and RunContext. metrics.update_autosummaries() tflib.autosummary.save_summaries(summary_log, cur_nimg) dnnlib.RunContext.get().update('%.2f' % sched.lod, cur_epoch=cur_nimg // 1000, max_epoch=total_kimg) maintenance_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get( ).get_last_update_interval() - tick_time # Save final snapshot. if include_I: if avg_mv_for_I: misc.save_pkl((G, D, I, Gs, Is), dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('network-final.pkl')) else: misc.save_pkl((G, D, I, Gs), dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('network-final.pkl')) else: misc.save_pkl((G, D, Gs), dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('network-final.pkl')) # All done. summary_log.close() training_set.close()
def generate_images(network_pkl, seeds, truncation_psi, data_dir=None, dataset_name=None, model=None): G_args = EasyDict(func_name='training.' + model + '.G_main') dataset_args = EasyDict(tfrecord_dir=dataset_name) G_args.fmap_base = 8 << 10 tflib.init_tf() training_set = dataset.load_dataset(data_dir=dnnlib.convert_path(data_dir), verbose=True, **dataset_args) print('Constructing networks...') Gs = tflib.Network('G', num_channels=training_set.shape[0], resolution=training_set.shape[1], label_size=training_set.label_size, **G_args) print('Loading networks from "%s"...' % network_pkl) _, _, _Gs = pretrained_networks.load_networks(network_pkl) Gs.copy_vars_from(_Gs) noise_vars = [ var for name, var in Gs.components.synthesis.vars.items() if name.startswith('noise') ] Gs_kwargs = dnnlib.EasyDict() # Gs_kwargs.output_transform = dict(func=tflib.convert_images_to_uint8, nchw_to_nhwc=True) Gs_kwargs.randomize_noise = False if truncation_psi is not None: Gs_kwargs.truncation_psi = truncation_psi for seed_idx, seed in enumerate(seeds): print('Generating image for seed %d (%d/%d) ...' % (seed, seed_idx, len(seeds))) rnd = np.random.RandomState(seed) z = rnd.randn(1, *Gs.input_shape[1:]) # [minibatch, component] tflib.set_vars( {var: rnd.randn(*var.shape.as_list()) for var in noise_vars}) # [height, width] images, x_v, n_v, m_v = z, None, **Gs_kwargs) # [minibatch, height, width, channel] print(images.shape, n_v.shape, x_v.shape, m_v.shape) misc.convert_to_pil_image(images[0], drange=[-1, 1]).save( dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('seed%04d.png' % seed)) misc.save_image_grid(adjust_range(n_v), dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('seed%04d-nv.png' % seed), drange=[-1, 1]) print(np.linalg.norm(x_v - m_v)) misc.save_image_grid(adjust_range(x_v).transpose([1, 0, 2, 3]), dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('seed%04d-xv.png' % seed), drange=[-1, 1]) misc.save_image_grid(adjust_range(m_v).transpose([1, 0, 2, 3]), dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('seed%04d-mv.png' % seed), drange=[-1, 1]) misc.save_image_grid(adjust_range(clip(x_v, 'cat')), dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('seed%04d-xvs.png' % seed), drange=[-1, 1]) misc.save_image_grid(adjust_range(clip(m_v, 'ss')), dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('seed%04d-mvs.png' % seed), drange=[-1, 1]) misc.save_image_grid(adjust_range(clip(m_v, 'ffhq')), dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('seed%04d-fmvs.png' % seed), drange=[-1, 1])
def training_loop( G_args = {}, # Options for generator network. D_args = {}, # Options for discriminator network. G_opt_args = {}, # Options for generator optimizer. D_opt_args = {}, # Options for discriminator optimizer. G_loss_args = {}, # Options for generator loss. D_loss_args = {}, # Options for discriminator loss. dataset_args = {}, # Options for dataset.load_dataset(). sched_args = {}, # Options for train.TrainingSchedule. grid_args = {}, # Options for train.setup_snapshot_image_grid(). metric_arg_list = [], # Options for MetricGroup. tf_config = {}, # Options for tflib.init_tf(). data_dir = None, # Directory to load datasets from. G_smoothing_kimg = 10.0, # Half-life of the running average of generator weights. minibatch_repeats = 4, # Number of minibatches to run before adjusting training parameters. lazy_regularization = True, # Perform regularization as a separate training step? G_reg_interval = 4, # How often the perform regularization for G? Ignored if lazy_regularization=False. D_reg_interval = 16, # How often the perform regularization for D? Ignored if lazy_regularization=False. reset_opt_for_new_lod = True, # Reset optimizer internal state (e.g. Adam moments) when new layers are introduced? total_kimg = 25000, # Total length of the training, measured in thousands of real images. mirror_augment = False, # Enable mirror augment? drange_net = [0,1], # Dynamic range used when feeding image data to the networks. image_snapshot_ticks = 50, # How often to save image snapshots? None = only save 'reals.png' and 'fakes-init.png'. network_snapshot_ticks = 50, # How often to save network snapshots? None = only save 'networks-final.pkl'. save_tf_graph = False, # Include full TensorFlow computation graph in the tfevents file? save_weight_histograms = False, # Include weight histograms in the tfevents file? resume_pkl = None, # Network pickle to resume training from, None = train from scratch. resume_kimg = 0.0, # Assumed training progress at the beginning. Affects reporting and training schedule. resume_time = 0.0, # Assumed wallclock time at the beginning. Affects reporting. resume_with_new_nets = False): # Construct new networks according to G_args and D_args before resuming training? # Initialize dnnlib and TensorFlow. tflib.init_tf(tf_config) num_gpus = dnnlib.submit_config.num_gpus # Load training set. training_set = dataset.load_dataset(data_dir=dnnlib.convert_path(data_dir), verbose=True, **dataset_args) grid_size, grid_reals, grid_labels = misc.setup_snapshot_image_grid(training_set, **grid_args) misc.save_image_grid(grid_reals, dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('reals.png'), drange=training_set.dynamic_range, grid_size=grid_size) # Construct or load networks. training_set.configure(minibatch_size=sched_args.batch_size) with tf.device('/gpu:0'): if resume_pkl is None or resume_with_new_nets: print('Constructing networks...') G = tflib.Network('G', num_channels=training_set.shape[0], resolution=training_set.shape[1], label_size=training_set.label_size, **G_args) D = tflib.Network('D', num_channels=training_set.shape[0], resolution=training_set.shape[1], label_size=training_set.label_size, **D_args) Gs = G.clone('Gs') start = 0 if resume_pkl is not None: print('Loading networks from "%s"...' % resume_pkl) rG, rD, rGs = misc.load_pkl(resume_pkl) if resume_with_new_nets: G.copy_vars_from(rG); D.copy_vars_from(rD); Gs.copy_vars_from(rGs) else: G = rG; D = rD; Gs = rGs start = int(resume_pkl.split('-')[-1].split('.')[0]) // sched_args.batch_size # Print layers and generate initial image snapshot. G.print_layers(); D.print_layers() grid_latents = np.random.randn(, *G.input_shape[1:]) grid_fakes =, grid_labels, is_validation=True, minibatch_size=sched_args.batch_size) misc.save_image_grid(grid_fakes, dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('fakes_init.png'), drange=drange_net, grid_size=grid_size) global_step = tf.Variable(start, trainable=False, name='learning_rate_step') learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(, global_step, sched_args.decay_step, sched_args.decay_rate, staircase=sched_args.stair) add_global = global_step.assign_add(1) D_opt = tflib.Optimizer(name='TrainD', learning_rate=learning_rate, **D_opt_args) G_opt = tflib.Optimizer(name='TrainG', learning_rate=learning_rate, **G_opt_args) for gpu in range(num_gpus): print('build graph on gpu %s' % str(gpu)) with tf.name_scope('GPU%d' % gpu), tf.device('/gpu:%d' % gpu): # Create GPU-specific shadow copies of G and D. G_gpu = G if gpu == 0 else G.clone( + '_shadow') D_gpu = D if gpu == 0 else D.clone( + '_shadow') with tf.name_scope('DataFetch'): reals_read, labels_read = training_set.get_minibatch_tf() reals_read, labels_read = process_reals(reals_read, labels_read, mirror_augment, training_set.dynamic_range, drange_net) with tf.name_scope('Loss'), tf.control_dependencies(None): loss, reg = dnnlib.util.call_func_by_name(G=G_gpu, D=D_gpu, opt=D_opt, training_set=training_set, minibatch_size=sched_args.batch_size, reals=reals_read, labels=labels_read, **D_loss_args) with tf.control_dependencies([add_global]): G_opt.register_gradients(loss, G_gpu.trainables) D_opt.register_gradients(loss, D_gpu.trainables) G_train_op = G_opt.apply_updates() D_train_op = D_opt.apply_updates() # Finalize graph. with tf.device('/gpu:0'): try: peak_gpu_mem_op = tf.contrib.memory_stats.MaxBytesInUse() except tf.errors.NotFoundError: peak_gpu_mem_op = tf.constant(0) tflib.init_uninitialized_vars() print('Initializing logs...') summary_log = tf.summary.FileWriter(dnnlib.make_run_dir_path()) if save_tf_graph: summary_log.add_graph(tf.get_default_graph()) if save_weight_histograms: G.setup_weight_histograms(); D.setup_weight_histograms() metrics = metric_base.MetricGroup(metric_arg_list) print('Training for %d kimg...\n' % total_kimg) dnnlib.RunContext.get().update('', cur_epoch=resume_kimg, max_epoch=total_kimg) maintenance_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get().get_last_update_interval() cur_nimg = int(resume_kimg * 1000) cur_tick = -1 tick_start_nimg = cur_nimg prev_lod = -1.0 running_mb_counter = 0 while cur_nimg < total_kimg * 1000: if dnnlib.RunContext.get().should_stop(): break loss_, _, _, lr_ =[loss, G_train_op, D_train_op, learning_rate]) cur_nimg += sched_args.batch_size * num_gpus done = (cur_nimg >= total_kimg * 1000) if cur_tick < 0 or cur_nimg >= tick_start_nimg + sched_args.tick_kimg * 1000 or done: cur_tick += 1 tick_kimg = (cur_nimg - tick_start_nimg) / 1000.0 tick_start_nimg = cur_nimg tick_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get().get_time_since_last_update() total_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get().get_time_since_start() + resume_time # Report progress. print( 'tick %-5d kimg %-8.1f minibatch %-4d time %-12s sec/tick %-7.1f ' 'sec/kimg %-7.2f maintenance %-6.1f gpumem %.1f loss %-8.1f lr %-2.5f' % ( autosummary('Progress/tick', cur_tick), autosummary('Progress/kimg', cur_nimg / 1000.0), autosummary('Progress/minibatch', sched_args.batch_size), dnnlib.util.format_time(autosummary('Timing/total_sec', total_time)), autosummary('Timing/sec_per_tick', tick_time), autosummary('Timing/sec_per_kimg', tick_time / tick_kimg), autosummary('Timing/maintenance_sec', maintenance_time), autosummary('Resources/peak_gpu_mem_gb', peak_gpu_mem_op.eval() / 2 ** 30), autosummary('loss', loss_), autosummary('lr', lr_))) autosummary('Timing/total_hours', total_time / (60.0 * 60.0)) autosummary('Timing/total_days', total_time / (24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0)) # Save snapshots. if image_snapshot_ticks is not None and (cur_tick % image_snapshot_ticks == 0 or done): grid_fakes =, grid_labels, is_validation=True, minibatch_size=sched_args.batch_size) misc.save_image_grid(grid_fakes, dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('fakes%06d.png' % (cur_nimg // 1000)), drange=drange_net, grid_size=grid_size) if network_snapshot_ticks is not None and (cur_tick % network_snapshot_ticks == 0 or done): pkl = dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('network-snapshot-%06d.pkl' % (cur_nimg // 1000)) misc.save_pkl((G, D, Gs), pkl), run_dir=dnnlib.make_run_dir_path(), data_dir=dnnlib.convert_path(data_dir), num_gpus=num_gpus, tf_config=tf_config) # Update summaries and RunContext. metrics.update_autosummaries() tflib.autosummary.save_summaries(summary_log, cur_nimg) dnnlib.RunContext.get().update('%.2f' % 0.0, cur_epoch=cur_nimg // 1000, max_epoch=total_kimg) maintenance_time = dnnlib.RunContext.get().get_last_update_interval() - tick_time # Save final snapshot. misc.save_pkl((G, D, Gs), dnnlib.make_run_dir_path('network-final.pkl')) # All done. summary_log.close() training_set.close()