def render(self, dir_pairs, options, data): """Render directories as HTML to stdout. Directories are rendered like in plain text, but with HTML header and footer. """ yield """<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html lang="%s"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta name="generator" content="Dnuos %s"> <title>%s</title> <style type="text/css"> body { color: %s; background: %s; } </style> </head> <body> <pre>""" % (_('en'), dnuos.__version__, _('Music List'), options.text_color, options.bg_color) for chunk in self.renderer.render(dir_pairs, options, data): yield escape(chunk) yield """</pre>
def exit_with_output_help(option, opt_str, value, parser): """Prints output help and exits program""" print _(r""" Anything enclosed by brackets is considered a field. A field must have the following syntax: [TAG] [TAG,WIDTH] [TAG,WIDTH,SUFFIX] [TAG,,SUFFIX] TAG is any of the following characters: a list of bitrates in Audiolist compatible format A artist name as found in ID3 tags b bitrate with suffix (e.g. 192k) B bitrate in bps C album name as found in ID3 tags D depth; distance from respective basedir f number of audio files (including spacers) l length in minutes and seconds L length in seconds m time of last change M time of last change in seconds since the epoch n directory name (indented) N directory name p profile P full path q quality s size with suffix (e.g 65.4M) S size in bytes t file type T bitrate type: ~ mixed files C constant bitrate L lossless compression V variable bitrate V encoder Y year as found in ID3 tags WIDTH defines the exact width of the field. The output is cropped to this width if needed. Negative values will give left aligned output. Cropping is always done on the right. SUFFIX lets you specify a unit to be concatenated to all non-empty data. Other interpreted sequences are: \[ [ \] ] \n new line \t tab character Unescaped brackets are forbidden unless they define a field. Note: If you have any whitespace in your output string you must put it inside quotes or otherwise it will not get parsed right. """) sys.exit()
def set_output_module(option, opt_str, value, parser): try: module = getattr(dnuos.output, value) except AttributeError: raise OptionValueError(_("Unknown template %s") % value) parser.values.output_module = module
def add_exclude_dir(option, opt_str, value, parser): value = os.path.abspath(value) if dnuos.path.isdir(value): parser.values.exclude_paths.append(value) else: raise OptionValueError(_("No such directory: %s") % value)
def set_cache_dir(option, opt_str, value, parser): value = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(value)) if dnuos.path.isdir(value): parser.values.cache_dir = value else: raise OptionValueError(_("No such directory: %s") % value)
def set_db_format(option, opt_str, value, parser): parser.values.outfile = value parser.values.output_module = dnuos.output.db deprecation(_('The %s option is deprecated and will be removed in a ' 'future version. Use --template=db --file=FILE instead to ' 'ensure compatibility with future versions.') % opt_str)
def set_html_format(option, opt_str, value, parser): parser.values.output_module = dnuos.output.html deprecation( _('The %s option is deprecated and will be removed in a ' 'future version. Use --template=html instead to ensure ' 'compatibility with future versions.') % opt_str)
def set_format_string(option, opt_str, value, parser): try: parser.values.format_string, parser.values.fields = ( parse_format_string2(value)) except ValueError: raise OptionValueError(_('Bad format string argument to %s') % opt_str)
def set_db_format(option, opt_str, value, parser): parser.values.outfile = value parser.values.output_module = dnuos.output.db deprecation( _('The %s option is deprecated and will be removed in a ' 'future version. Use --template=db --file=FILE instead to ' 'ensure compatibility with future versions.') % opt_str)
def indicate_progress(dir_pairs, sizes, outs=sys.stderr): """Indicate progress. Yields an unchanged iteration of dirs with an added side effect. Total size in sizes is updated to stderr every step throughout the iteration. """ for adir, root in dir_pairs: print >> outs, _('%sB processed\r') % to_human(sizes["Total"]), yield adir, root print >> outs, "\r \r",
def print_bad(dir_pairs): """Print bad files. Yields an unchanged iteration of dirs with an added side effect. After each directory is yielded its bad files are output to stderr. """ for adir, root in dir_pairs: yield adir, root for badfile, traceback in adir.bad_files: print >> sys.stderr, _('Audiotype failed for:'), badfile print >> sys.stderr, traceback
def __init__(self, tag, width, suffix, options): attr_table = { "a": (_('Bitrate(s)'), lambda adir, **kw: adir.audiolist_format), "A": (_('Artist'), self._get_artist), "b": (_('Bitrate'), lambda adir, **kw: adir.bitrate), "B": (_('Bitrate'), lambda adir, **kw: adir.bitrate), "C": (_('Album'), self._get_album), "D": (_('Depth'), lambda adir, **kw: kw['depth']), "f": (_('Files'), lambda adir, **kw: adir.num_files), "l": (_('Length'), lambda adir, **kw: adir.length), "L": (_('Length'), lambda adir, **kw: adir.length), "m": (_('Modified'), lambda adir, **kw: adir.modified), "M": (_('Modified'), lambda adir, **kw: adir.modified), "n": (_('Album/Artist'), lambda adir, **kw:, "N": (_('Album/Artist'), lambda adir, **kw:, "p": (_('Profile'), self._get_profile), "P": (_('Path'), lambda adir, **kw: adir.path), "q": (_('Quality'), lambda adir, **kw: adir.quality), "s": (_('Size'), lambda adir, **kw: adir.size), "S": (_('Size'), lambda adir, **kw: adir.size), "t": (_('Type'), lambda adir, **kw: adir.mediatype), "T": (_('BR Type'), lambda adir, **kw: adir.brtype), "V": (_('Encoder'), lambda adir, **kw: adir.vendor), "Y": (_('Year'), self._get_year), } formatter_table = { "b": lambda data, depth: to_human(int(data), 1000.0), "B": lambda data, depth: locale.format('%d', data), "l": lambda data, depth: to_minutes(int(data)), "L": lambda data, depth: locale.format('%d', data), "m": lambda data, depth: time.ctime(data), "n": lambda data, depth: self.indent(data, depth), "s": lambda data, depth: to_human(data), } self.width, self.suffix = width, suffix if tag in formatter_table: self.formatter = formatter_table[tag] else: self.formatter = lambda x, y: x, self.get = attr_table[tag] self._encoding = ('utf-8', ) self._prefer_tag = options.prefer_tag
def render_bad_files(self, bad_files): yield _('Audiotype failed on the following files:') yield "\n".join([f[0] for f in bad_files])
def parse_args(argv=sys.argv): # This resizes the default format string based on the terminal's width. # A minimum width 76 characters is imposed, and a maximum 140 characters. name_width = min(max(get_terminal_width() - 28, 52), 116) default_format_string = '[n,-%d]| [s,5] | [t,-4] | [q]' % name_width format_string, fields = parse_format_string2(default_format_string) usage = _('%prog [options] basedir ...') parser = OptionParser(usage, add_help_option=False) parser.set_defaults(bg_color="white", cache_dir=appdata.user_data_dir('Dnuos', 'Dnuos'), cull_cache=False, debug=False, delete_cache=False, disp_date=False, disp_result=False, disp_time=False, disp_version=False, exclude_paths=[], fields=fields, format_string=format_string, indent=4, list_bad=True, list_files=False, merge=False, mp3_min_bit_rate=0, no_cbr=False, no_mixed=False, no_non_profile=False, outfile=None, output_module=dnuos.output.plaintext, prefer_tag=2, show_progress=True, sort_cmp=natcmp, stripped=False, text_color="black", use_cache=True, unknown_types=(), wildcards=False) parser.add_option("-h", "--help", action="callback", callback=print_help, help=_("Show this help message and exit")) parser.add_option("--help-output-string", action="callback", nargs=0, callback=exit_with_output_help, help=_('Show output string help message')) group = OptionGroup(parser, _('Application')) group.add_option("--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", help=_('Output debug trace to stderr')) group.add_option("--ignore-bad", dest="list_bad", action="store_false", help=_("Don't list files that cause Audiotype failure")) group.add_option("-q", "--quiet", dest="show_progress", action="store_false", help=_('Omit progress indication')) group.add_option("-V", "--version", dest='disp_version', action='store_true', help=_('Display version')) parser.add_option_group(group) group = OptionGroup(parser, _('Caching')) group.add_option("--cache-dir", action="callback", nargs=1, callback=set_cache_dir, type="string", help=_('Store cache in DIR (default %s)') % ( parser.defaults['cache_dir']), metavar=_('DIR')) group.add_option('--cull-cache', dest='cull_cache', action='store_true', help=_('Cull non-existent cached directories and exit')) group.add_option('--delete-cache', dest='delete_cache', action='store_true', help=_('Delete the cache directory and exit')) group.add_option('-C', '--disable-cache', dest="use_cache", action="store_false", help=_('Disable caching')) parser.add_option_group(group) group = OptionGroup(parser, _('Directory walking')) group.add_option("-e", "--exclude", action="callback", nargs=1, callback=add_exclude_dir, type="string", help=_('Exclude DIR from search'), metavar=_('DIR')) group.add_option("-i", "--ignore-case", dest="sort_cmp", action="store_const", const=lambda a, b: natcmp(a.lower(), b.lower()), help=_('Case-insensitive directory sorting')) group.add_option('-L', '--list-files', dest='list_files', action='store_true', help=_("List audio files in directories (doesn't use " "caching)")) group.add_option("-m", "--merge", dest="merge", action="store_true", help=_('Parse basedirs in parallel and merge output')) group.add_option('-u', '--unknown-types', action='callback', nargs=1, callback=set_unknown_types, type='string', help=_('A comma-separated list of unknown audio types ' 'to list'), metavar=_('TYPES')) group.add_option("-w", "--wildcards", dest="wildcards", action="store_true", help=_('Expand wildcards in basedirs')) parser.add_option_group(group) group = OptionGroup(parser, _('Filtering')) group.add_option("-b", "--bitrate", action="callback", nargs=1, callback=set_mp3_min_bitrate, type="int", help=_('Exclude MP3s with bitrate lower than MIN ' '(in Kbps)'), metavar=_('MIN')) group.add_option("-l", "--lame-only", dest="no_non_profile", action="store_true", help=_('Exclude MP3s with no LAME profile')) group.add_option("-v", "--vbr-only", dest="no_cbr", action="store_true", help=_('Exclude MP3s with constant bitrates')) group.add_option("-M", "--no-mixed", dest="no_mixed", action="store_true", help=_('Exclude directories with mixed files')) parser.add_option_group(group) group = OptionGroup(parser, _('Output')) group.add_option("-B", "--bg", dest="bg_color", help=_('Set HTML background COLOR (default %s)') % ( parser.defaults['bg_color']), metavar=_('COLOR')) group.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="outfile", help=_('Write output to FILE'), metavar=_('FILE')) group.add_option("-H", "--html", action="callback", nargs=0, callback=set_html_format, help=_('HTML output (deprecated, use --template html)')) group.add_option("-I", "--indent", dest="indent", type="int", help=_('Set indent to n (default %s)') % ( parser.defaults['indent']), metavar=_('n')) group.add_option("-o", "--output", action="callback", nargs=1, callback=set_format_string, type="string", help=_('Set output format STRING used in plain-text ' 'and HTML output. See --help-output-string for ' 'details on syntax. (default %s)') % default_format_string, metavar=_('STRING')) group.add_option("-O", "--output-db", action="callback", nargs=1, callback=set_db_format, type="string", help=_('Write list in output.db format to FILE ' '(deprecated, use --template db)'), metavar=_('FILE')) group.add_option("-P", "--prefer-tag", action="callback", nargs=1, callback=set_preferred_tag, type="int", help=_('If both ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags exist, prefer ' 'n (1 or 2) (default %s)') % ( parser.defaults['prefer_tag']), metavar=_('n')) group.add_option("-s", "--strip", dest="stripped", action="store_true", help=_('Strip output of field headers and empty ' 'directories')) group.add_option("--template", action="callback", nargs=1, callback=set_output_module, type="string", help=_('Set output TEMPLATE (default plaintext)'), metavar=_('TEMPLATE')) group.add_option("-T", "--text", dest="text_color", help=_('Set HTML text COLOR (default %s)') % ( parser.defaults['text_color']), metavar=_('COLOR')) parser.add_option_group(group) group = OptionGroup(parser, _('Statistics')) group.add_option("-D", "--date", dest="disp_date", action="store_true", help=_('Display datestamp header')) group.add_option("-S", "--stats", dest="disp_result", action="store_true", help=_('Display statistics results')) group.add_option("-t", "--time", dest="disp_time", action="store_true", help=_('Display elapsed time footer')) parser.add_option_group(group) (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) # add basedirs options.basedirs = [] for glob_dir in args: options.basedirs += [p for p in expand(options, glob_dir) if p not in options.exclude_paths] if not options.basedirs and not (options.cull_cache or options.delete_cache): if options.disp_version: print ''.join(dnuos.output.plaintext.render_version( dnuos.__version__)) sys.exit() print >> sys.stderr, (_("No folders to process.\nType `%s -h' " "for help.") % os.path.basename(argv[0])) sys.exit(2) for basedir in options.basedirs: if not dnuos.path.exists(basedir): print >> sys.stderr, _('No such file or directory: %s') % basedir sys.exit(2) # options overriding eachother if options.debug or (not options.outfile and isinstance(sys.stdout, file) and sys.stdout.isatty()): options.show_progress = False if options.output_module == dnuos.output.db: options.list_bad = False return options
os.stat_float_times(False) warnings.formatwarning = formatwarning try: options = parse_args(argv) except SystemExit, e: return e.code data = Data(options.unknown_types) audiodir.Dir.valid_types.extend(options.unknown_types or ()) if options.delete_cache: import shutil try: shutil.rmtree(options.cache_dir) except OSError, err: print >> sys.stderr, _('Failed to delete cache: %s') % err return 2 print _('Removed cache directory %s') % options.cache_dir return 0 adir_class = audiodir.Dir if options.use_cache: try: appdata.create_user_data_dir(options.cache_dir) cache = setup_cache(appdata.user_data_file('dirs', options.cache_dir)) if options.cull_cache: culled = cache.cull() print _('Culled %d non-existent directories') % culled return 0 adir_class = memoized(audiodir.Dir, cache)
def set_preferred_tag(option, opt_str, value, parser): if value in [1, 2]: parser.values.prefer_tag = value else: raise OptionValueError(_("Invalid argument to %s") % opt_str)
def set_mp3_max_bitrate(option, opt_str, value, parser): if value >= 0 and value <= 320: parser.values.mp3_max_bit_rate = 1000 * value else: raise OptionValueError(_('Bitrate must be 0 or in the range (1..320)'))
def parse_args(argv=sys.argv): # This resizes the default format string based on the terminal's width. # A minimum width 76 characters is imposed, and a maximum 140 characters. name_width = min(max(get_terminal_width() - 28, 52), 116) default_format_string = '[n,-%d]| [s,5] | [t,-4] | [q]' % name_width format_string, fields = parse_format_string2(default_format_string) usage = _('%prog [options] basedir ...') parser = OptionParser(usage, add_help_option=False) parser.set_defaults(bg_color="white", cache_dir=appdata.user_data_dir('Dnuos', 'Dnuos'), cull_cache=False, debug=False, delete_cache=False, disp_date=False, disp_result=False, disp_time=False, disp_version=False, exclude_paths=[], fields=fields, format_string=format_string, indent=4, list_bad=True, list_files=False, merge=False, mp3_min_bit_rate=0, mp3_max_bit_rate=0, no_cbr=False, no_mixed=False, no_non_profile=False, outfile=None, output_module=dnuos.output.plaintext, prefer_tag=2, show_progress=True, sort_cmp=natcmp, stripped=False, text_color="black", use_cache=True, unknown_types=(), wildcards=False) parser.add_option("-h", "--help", action="callback", callback=print_help, help=_("Show this help message and exit")) parser.add_option("--help-output-string", action="callback", nargs=0, callback=exit_with_output_help, help=_('Show output string help message')) group = OptionGroup(parser, _('Application')) group.add_option("--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", help=_('Output debug trace to stderr')) group.add_option("--ignore-bad", dest="list_bad", action="store_false", help=_("Don't list files that cause Audiotype failure")) group.add_option("-q", "--quiet", dest="show_progress", action="store_false", help=_('Omit progress indication')) group.add_option("-V", "--version", dest='disp_version', action='store_true', help=_('Display version')) parser.add_option_group(group) group = OptionGroup(parser, _('Caching')) group.add_option("--cache-dir", action="callback", nargs=1, callback=set_cache_dir, type="string", help=_('Store cache in DIR (default %s)') % (parser.defaults['cache_dir']), metavar=_('DIR')) group.add_option('--cull-cache', dest='cull_cache', action='store_true', help=_('Cull non-existent cached directories and exit')) group.add_option('--delete-cache', dest='delete_cache', action='store_true', help=_('Delete the cache directory and exit')) group.add_option('-C', '--disable-cache', dest="use_cache", action="store_false", help=_('Disable caching')) parser.add_option_group(group) group = OptionGroup(parser, _('Directory walking')) group.add_option("-e", "--exclude", action="callback", nargs=1, callback=add_exclude_dir, type="string", help=_('Exclude DIR from search'), metavar=_('DIR')) group.add_option("-i", "--ignore-case", dest="sort_cmp", action="store_const", const=lambda a, b: natcmp(a.lower(), b.lower()), help=_('Case-insensitive directory sorting')) group.add_option('-L', '--list-files', dest='list_files', action='store_true', help=_("List audio files in directories (doesn't use " "caching)")) group.add_option("-m", "--merge", dest="merge", action="store_true", help=_('Parse basedirs in parallel and merge output')) group.add_option('-u', '--unknown-types', action='callback', nargs=1, callback=set_unknown_types, type='string', help=_('A comma-separated list of unknown audio types ' 'to list'), metavar=_('TYPES')) group.add_option("-w", "--wildcards", dest="wildcards", action="store_true", help=_('Expand wildcards in basedirs')) parser.add_option_group(group) group = OptionGroup(parser, _('Filtering')) group.add_option("-U", "--max-bitrate", action="callback", nargs=1, callback=set_mp3_max_bitrate, type="int", help=_('Include MP3s with bitrate lower than MAX ' '(in Kbps)'), metavar=_('MAX')) group.add_option("-b", "--bitrate", action="callback", nargs=1, callback=set_mp3_min_bitrate, type="int", help=_('Exclude MP3s with bitrate lower than MIN ' '(in Kbps)'), metavar=_('MIN')) group.add_option("-l", "--lame-only", dest="no_non_profile", action="store_true", help=_('Exclude MP3s with no LAME profile')) group.add_option("-v", "--vbr-only", dest="no_cbr", action="store_true", help=_('Exclude MP3s with constant bitrates')) group.add_option("-M", "--no-mixed", dest="no_mixed", action="store_true", help=_('Exclude directories with mixed files')) parser.add_option_group(group) group = OptionGroup(parser, _('Output')) group.add_option("-B", "--bg", dest="bg_color", help=_('Set HTML background COLOR (default %s)') % (parser.defaults['bg_color']), metavar=_('COLOR')) group.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="outfile", help=_('Write output to FILE'), metavar=_('FILE')) group.add_option("-H", "--html", action="callback", nargs=0, callback=set_html_format, help=_('HTML output (deprecated, use --template html)')) group.add_option("-I", "--indent", dest="indent", type="int", help=_('Set indent to n (default %s)') % (parser.defaults['indent']), metavar=_('n')) group.add_option("-o", "--output", action="callback", nargs=1, callback=set_format_string, type="string", help=_('Set output format STRING used in plain-text ' 'and HTML output. See --help-output-string for ' 'details on syntax. (default %s)') % default_format_string, metavar=_('STRING')) group.add_option("-O", "--output-db", action="callback", nargs=1, callback=set_db_format, type="string", help=_('Write list in output.db format to FILE ' '(deprecated, use --template db)'), metavar=_('FILE')) group.add_option("-P", "--prefer-tag", action="callback", nargs=1, callback=set_preferred_tag, type="int", help=_('If both ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags exist, prefer ' 'n (1 or 2) (default %s)') % (parser.defaults['prefer_tag']), metavar=_('n')) group.add_option("-s", "--strip", dest="stripped", action="store_true", help=_('Strip output of field headers and empty ' 'directories')) group.add_option("--template", action="callback", nargs=1, callback=set_output_module, type="string", help=_('Set output TEMPLATE (default plaintext)'), metavar=_('TEMPLATE')) group.add_option("-T", "--text", dest="text_color", help=_('Set HTML text COLOR (default %s)') % (parser.defaults['text_color']), metavar=_('COLOR')) parser.add_option_group(group) group = OptionGroup(parser, _('Statistics')) group.add_option("-D", "--date", dest="disp_date", action="store_true", help=_('Display datestamp header')) group.add_option("-S", "--stats", dest="disp_result", action="store_true", help=_('Display statistics results')) group.add_option("-t", "--time", dest="disp_time", action="store_true", help=_('Display elapsed time footer')) parser.add_option_group(group) (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) # add basedirs options.basedirs = [] for glob_dir in args: options.basedirs += [ p for p in expand(options, glob_dir) if p not in options.exclude_paths ] if not options.basedirs and not (options.cull_cache or options.delete_cache): if options.disp_version: print ''.join( dnuos.output.plaintext.render_version(dnuos.__version__)) sys.exit() print >> sys.stderr, (_("No folders to process.\nType `%s -h' " "for help.") % os.path.basename(argv[0])) sys.exit(2) for basedir in options.basedirs: if not dnuos.path.exists(basedir): print >> sys.stderr, _('No such file or directory: %s') % basedir sys.exit(2) # options overriding eachother if options.debug or (not options.outfile and isinstance(sys.stdout, file) and sys.stdout.isatty()): options.show_progress = False if options.output_module == dnuos.output.db: options.list_bad = False return options
def render_generation_time(self, times): elapsed_time = locale.format('%8.2f', times['elapsed_time']) yield _('Generation time: %s s') % elapsed_time
def set_html_format(option, opt_str, value, parser): parser.values.output_module = dnuos.output.html deprecation(_('The %s option is deprecated and will be removed in a ' 'future version. Use --template=html instead to ensure ' 'compatibility with future versions.') % opt_str)
def set_mp3_min_bitrate(option, opt_str, value, parser): if value >= 0 and value <= 320: parser.values.mp3_min_bit_rate = 1000 * value else: raise OptionValueError(_('Bitrate must be 0 or in the range (1..320)'))
os.stat_float_times(False) warnings.formatwarning = formatwarning try: options = parse_args(argv) except SystemExit, e: return e.code data = Data(options.unknown_types) audiodir.Dir.valid_types.extend(options.unknown_types or ()) if options.delete_cache: import shutil try: shutil.rmtree(options.cache_dir) except OSError, err: print >> sys.stderr, _('Failed to delete cache: %s') % err return 2 print _('Removed cache directory %s') % options.cache_dir return 0 adir_class = audiodir.Dir if options.use_cache: try: appdata.create_user_data_dir(options.cache_dir) cache = setup_cache( appdata.user_data_file('dirs', options.cache_dir)) if options.cull_cache: culled = cache.cull() print _('Culled %d non-existent directories') % culled return 0 adir_class = memoized(audiodir.Dir, cache)
def __init__(self, tag, width, suffix, options): attr_table = { "a": (_('Bitrate(s)'), lambda adir, **kw: adir.audiolist_format), "A": (_('Artist'), self._get_artist), "b": (_('Bitrate'), lambda adir, **kw: adir.bitrate), "B": (_('Bitrate'), lambda adir, **kw: adir.bitrate), "C": (_('Album'), self._get_album), "D": (_('Depth'), lambda adir, **kw: kw['depth']), "f": (_('Files'), lambda adir, **kw: adir.num_files), "l": (_('Length'), lambda adir, **kw: adir.length), "L": (_('Length'), lambda adir, **kw: adir.length), "m": (_('Modified'), lambda adir, **kw: adir.modified), "M": (_('Modified'), lambda adir, **kw: adir.modified), "n": (_('Album/Artist'), lambda adir, **kw:, "N": (_('Album/Artist'), lambda adir, **kw:, "p": (_('Profile'), self._get_profile), "P": (_('Path'), lambda adir, **kw: adir.path), "q": (_('Quality'), lambda adir, **kw: adir.quality), "s": (_('Size'), lambda adir, **kw: adir.size), "S": (_('Size'), lambda adir, **kw: adir.size), "t": (_('Type'), lambda adir, **kw: adir.mediatype), "T": (_('BR Type'), lambda adir, **kw: adir.brtype), "V": (_('Encoder'), lambda adir, **kw: adir.vendor), "Y": (_('Year'), self._get_year), } formatter_table = { "b": lambda data, depth: to_human(int(data), 1000.0), "B": lambda data, depth: locale.format('%d', data), "l": lambda data, depth: to_minutes(int(data)), "L": lambda data, depth: locale.format('%d', data), "m": lambda data, depth: time.ctime(data), "n": lambda data, depth: self.indent(data, depth), "s": lambda data, depth: to_human(data), } self.width, self.suffix = width, suffix if tag in formatter_table: self.formatter = formatter_table[tag] else: self.formatter = lambda x, y: x, self.get = attr_table[tag] self._encoding = ('utf-8',) self._prefer_tag = options.prefer_tag
def render_sizes(self, sizes, times): line = _('+-----------------------+-----------+') yield line yield _('| Format Amount (Mb) | Ratio (%) |') yield line for mediatype in ["Ogg", "MP3", "MPC", "AAC", "FLAC"]: if sizes[mediatype]: amount = locale.format(_('%12.2f'), sizes[mediatype] / (1024 * 1024)) ratio = locale.format(_('%9.2f'), sizes[mediatype] * 100 / sizes["Total"]) yield _('| %-8s %s | %s |') % (mediatype, amount, ratio) yield line total_megs = sizes["Total"] / (1024 * 1024) total_megs_s = locale.format(_('%10.2f'), total_megs) if times['elapsed_time']: speed = locale.format(_('%10.2f'), total_megs / times['elapsed_time']) else: speed = locale.format(_('%10.2f'), 0) yield _('| Total %s Mb |') % total_megs_s yield _('| Speed %s Mb/s |') % speed yield _('+-----------------------+')