def postToDataDog(self, numOfSitesWithStaleHistory):
     api.api_key = 'fe1cd13de75c73f4f4de29acd85c4b36'
     api.application_key = 'd0a1be7f8d3d141c8adda765ceb41f90422cbcda'
     metricName = 'foobar.staleHistory.numSites'
     self.logMsg("posting to DataDog: " + metricName + " = " +
     api.metric(metricName, numOfSitesWithStaleHistory)
def sendDataToDatadog(datadogApiKey, grokServer, grokApiKey, numRecords,
    """Get data from Grok and send to Datadog.

  This gets metric data for the metric matching metricId and converts it into
  two datasets in the Datadog format: one for the values and one for the
  anomaly scores.
    # Configure the Datadog library
    dog_http_api.api_key = datadogApiKey

    grok = GrokSession(server=grokServer, apikey=grokApiKey)
    server, metricName = _getMetricServerAndName(grok, metricId)
    valuesData, anomaliesData = _getMetricData(grok, metricId, numRecords)

    # Hack to limit number of records for Grok instances prior to version 1.3
    # that don't respect the limit parameter when getting metric data.
    valuesData = valuesData[-numRecords:]
    anomaliesData = anomaliesData[-numRecords:]

    print "Sending %i records for metric %s on server %s" % (
        len(valuesData), metricName, server)
    response = dog_http_api.metric(metricName + ".value",
    if response["status"] != "ok":
        print "Datadog upload failed with response:\n\n%r" % response
    response = dog_http_api.metric(metricName + ".anomalyScore",
    if response["status"] != "ok":
        print "Datadog upload failed with response:\n\n%r" % response
Esempio n. 3
def mailgun_event():
    ts = request.form['timestamp']
    event_tag = "event_name:" + request.form['event']
    api.metric('mailgun.event', (ts, 1),
    return "200"
Esempio n. 4
def sendDataToDatadog(datadogApiKey, YOMPServer, YOMPApiKey, numRecords,
  """Get data from YOMP and send to Datadog.

  This gets metric data for the metric matching metricId and converts it into
  two datasets in the Datadog format: one for the values and one for the
  anomaly scores.
  # Configure the Datadog library
  dog_http_api.api_key = datadogApiKey

  YOMP = YOMPSession(server=YOMPServer, apikey=YOMPApiKey)
  server, metricName = _getMetricServerAndName(YOMP, metricId)
  valuesData, anomaliesData = _getMetricData(YOMP, metricId, numRecords)

  # Hack to limit number of records for YOMP instances prior to version 1.3
  # that don't respect the limit parameter when getting metric data.
  valuesData = valuesData[-numRecords:]
  anomaliesData = anomaliesData[-numRecords:]

  print "Sending %i records for metric %s on server %s" % (
      len(valuesData), metricName, server)
  response = dog_http_api.metric(metricName + ".value", valuesData,
  if response["status"] != "ok":
    print "Datadog upload failed with response:\n\n%r" % response
  response = dog_http_api.metric(metricName + ".anomalyScore", anomaliesData,
  if response["status"] != "ok":
    print "Datadog upload failed with response:\n\n%r" % response
Esempio n. 5
    def postToDataDog(self, num):

        api.api_key = 'fe1cd13de75c73f4f4de29acd85c4b36'
        api.application_key = 'd0a1be7f8d3d141c8adda765ceb41f90422cbcda'
        metricName = 'foobar.liveServiceDown.numStations'

        self.logMessage("posting to DataDog: " + metricName + " = " + str(num))

        api.metric(metricName, num)
Esempio n. 6
def send_to_datadog(host, success):
    ts = int(time.time())
    if success:
        result = "success"
        result = "failure"
    metric_name = "example.integration.{}".format(result)
    api.metric(metric_name, (ts, 1), tags=["host:{}".format(host)])
    print ("POSTED to DataDog")
Esempio n. 7
    def report_metrics(metrics):
        Send metrics to DataDog.

            metrics (dict): data to publish

        for key, value in metrics.iteritems():
            print u"Sending {} ==> {}%".format(key, value)
            dog_http_api.metric(key, value)
Esempio n. 8
    def report_metrics(metrics):
        Send metrics to DataDog.

            metrics (dict): data to publish

        for key, value in metrics.iteritems():
            print u"Sending {} ==> {}%".format(key, value)
            dog_http_api.metric(key, value)
Esempio n. 9
def report_metrics(data, groups):
    Given a `CoverageData` object, send coverage percentages
    for each group to DataDog.

    `groups` is a dict mapping aggregate group names to source file patterns.
    Group names are used in the name of the metric sent to DataDog.
    for group_name, pattern in groups.iteritems():
        metric = 'test_eng.coverage.{group}'.format(group=group_name.replace(' ', '_'))
        percent = data.coverage(pattern)

        if percent is not None:
            print u"Sending {} ==> {}%".format(metric, percent)
            dog_http_api.metric(metric, percent)
Esempio n. 10
def push_to_datadog(qresults, team):
    ddog_url = ""
    api.api_key = "bc7d8263101c9dce7651f783a829f403"
    api.application_key = "7d37c0dfe91e953500c1dd5c8d24ae1ab9244a80"
    # Note timestamp must be ~current per datadog API, so not useful for back porting
    # or for really even sending ever, therefore we're just going to take the first item in the array
    # Datadog api requires a float to be passed in for single values and tuple for multi values
    # FIXME don't just send team-budget and team-actual make it dynamic
    budget_value = float(qresults[0]['budget'])
    budget_name = "'team.members.budget." + team.replace(" ", "_") + "." + qresults[0]['team'].replace(" ", "_")  + "'"
    actual_value = float(qresults[0]['actual'])
    actual_name = "'team.members.actual." + team.replace(" ", "_") + "." + qresults[0]['team'].replace(" ", "_")  + "'"
    ddtags = '"team:%s, subteam:%s' % (team.replace(" ", "_"), qresults[0]['team'].replace(" ", "_")) + '"'
    response = api.metric(budget_name, budget_value, tags=[ddtags])
    #print("api.metric(%s, %s, tags=[%s])" % (budget_name, budget_value, ddtags))
    print("Datadog - response - %s" % (response))
    response = api.metric(actual_name, actual_value, tags=[ddtags])
    #print("api.metric(%s, %s, tags=[%s])" % (actual_name, actual_value, ddtags))
    print("Datadog - response - %s" % (response))
Esempio n. 11
def push_to_datadog(json_data):
    ddog_url = ""
    api.api_key = "bc7d8263101c9dce7651f783a829f403"
    api.application_key = "7d37c0dfe91e953500c1dd5c8d24ae1ab9244a80"
    for metric in json_data:
        # Note timestamp must be ~current per datadog API, so not useful for back porting
        # or for really even sending ever
        # Datadog api requires a float/int to be passed in for single values and tuple for multi values
        metric_name = "'jenkins.custom.stats." + metric + "'"
        metric_value = json_data[metric][0]['value']
        response = api.metric(metric_name, metric_value)
        #print("api.metric(%s, %s)" % (metric_name, metric_value))
        print("DataDog response - %s" % (response))
Esempio n. 12
def push_to_datadog(qresults, proj, team):
    ddog_url = ""
    api.api_key = "bc7d8263101c9dce7651f783a829f403"
    api.application_key = "7d37c0dfe91e953500c1dd5c8d24ae1ab9244a80"
    for metric in qresults:
        # Note timestamp must be ~current per datadog API, so not useful for back porting
        # or for really even sending ever
        # Datadog api requires a float to be passed in for single values and tuple for multi values
        metric_value = float(qresults[metric]['value'])
        metric_name = "'mingle." + metric.replace(" ", "_") + '.' + proj.replace(" ", "_") + '.' + team.replace(" ", "_") + "'"
        ddtags = '"project:%s, team:%s, minglemetric:%s' % (proj.replace(" ", "_"), team.replace(" ", "_"), metric.replace(" ", "_")) + '"'
        response = api.metric(metric_name, metric_value, tags=[ddtags])
        #print("api.metric(%s, %s, tags=[%s])" % (metric_name, metric_value, ddtags))
        print("response - %s" % (response))
def recordKeys(keys, keyType='inbox'):
    details = {}
    keyTypeLabel = "%sKeys" % keyType
    details["timestamp"] = str(
    details[keyTypeLabel] = len(keys)
    keyNames = []
    if len(keys) > 0:
        for key in keys:
    details[keyTypeLabel] = keyNames

    if len(lastRuns) > 60:

    if options.datadogApiKey != None:
        api.api_key = options.datadogApiKey
        api.application_key = options.datadogAppKey
        api.timeout = 15
        api.swallow = False
        metricName = "cloudops.yumrepomanager.%s.%s" % (
            options.yumRepoBucketName.replace('-', '_'), keyTypeLabel)
        log("Publishing metric to datadog: %s..." % metricName)
        log("   --> %s" % json.dumps(api.metric(metricName, len(keys))))
Esempio n. 14
from dogapi import dog_http_api as api

api.api_key = 'apikey_3'
api.application_key = '9d945c35fd7cc7abb1088fd0632ef8e25516af74'

# Submit a single point with a timestamp of `now`
api.metric('page.views', 1000)

# Submit a point with a timestamp (must be ~current)
api.metric('my.pair', (1317652676, 15))

# Submit multiple points.
api.metric('my.series', [(1317652676, 15), (1317652800, 16)])

# Submit a point with a host and tags.
api.metric('my.series', 100, host="", tags=["version:1"])
Esempio n. 15
import os
import time
from datetime import datetime as dt
from datetime import timedelta as delta
import math

# import the simple dog client
from dogapi import dog_http_api as dog

# give dog your credentials (we're using os.environ to let you experiment via environment variables)
# in this example we're only reporting data, so we only need an API key
# see: for more on API authentication
dog.api_key = os.environ.get("DATADOG_API_KEY")

# emit points one by one. timestamp is determined at call time.
dog.metric('test.api.test_metric', 4.0, host="some_host")


dog.metric('test.api.test_metric', 5.0, host="another_host")

# emit a list of points in one go as a list of (timestamp, value)
# here we pretend to send a point a minute for the past hour
now =
points = []

# create the list here (a list comprehension would do too)
for i in range(60, 1, -1):
    t = time.mktime((now - delta(minutes=i)).timetuple())
    points.append((t, math.cos(i) + 1.0))