Esempio n. 1
def call(method, args, pubkey_resolver=None):
        Unified function to call Wallet and Server API methods
        Should be used by applications like `counterparty-gui`


        import dogepartycli.clientapi
        unsigned_hex ='create_send', {...}) 
        signed_hex ='sign_raw_transaction', unsigned_hex)
        tx_hash ='send_raw_transaction', signed_hex)
    if method in WALLET_METHODS:
        func = getattr(wallet, method)
        return func(**args)
        if method.startswith('create_'):
            # Get provided pubkeys from params.
            pubkeys = []
            for address_name in ['source', 'destination']:
                if address_name in args:
                    address = args[address_name]
                    if script.is_multisig(address) or address_name != 'destination':    # We don’t need the pubkey for a mono‐sig destination.
                        pubkeys += get_pubkeys(address, pubkey_resolver=pubkey_resolver)
            args['pubkey'] = pubkeys

        result = util.api(method, args)

        if method.startswith('create_'):
            messages.check_transaction(method, args, result)

        return result
Esempio n. 2
def get_pubkeys(address, pubkey_resolver=input_pubkey):
    pubkeys = []
    if script.is_multisig(address):
        _, pubs, _ = script.extract_array(address)
        for pub in pubs:
            pubkey = get_pubkey_monosig(pub, pubkey_resolver=pubkey_resolver)
            if pubkey:
        pubkey = get_pubkey_monosig(address, pubkey_resolver=pubkey_resolver)
        if pubkey:
    return pubkeys
Esempio n. 3
def compose_transaction(args, message_name, param_names):
    args = prepare_args(args, message_name)
    common_params = common_args(args)
    params = extract_args(args, param_names)
    # Get provided pubkeys from params.
    pubkeys = []
    for address_name in ['source', 'destination']:
        if address_name in params:
            address = params[address_name]
            if script.is_multisig(address) or address_name != 'destination':    # We don’t need the pubkey for a mono‐sig destination.
                pubkeys += get_pubkeys(address)
    params['pubkey'] = pubkeys

    method = 'create_{}'.format(message_name)
    unsigned_tx_hex = util.api(method, params)
    # check_transaction(method, params, unsigned_tx_hex)

    return unsigned_tx_hex
Esempio n. 4
def main():
    if == 'nt':
        from dogepartylib.lib import util_windows
        #patch up cmd.exe's "challenged" (i.e. broken/non-existent) UTF-8 logging

    # Post installation tasks

    # Parse command-line arguments.
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=APP_NAME, description='Counterparty CLI for counterparty-server', add_help=False)
    parser.add_argument('-h', '--help', dest='help', action='store_true', help='show this help message and exit')
    parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version="{} v{}; {} v{}".format(APP_NAME, APP_VERSION, 'counterparty-lib', config.VERSION_STRING))
    parser.add_argument('--config-file', help='the location of the configuration file')

    parser = add_config_arguments(parser, CONFIG_ARGS, 'client.conf')

    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='action', help='the action to be taken')

    parser_send = subparsers.add_parser('send', help='create and broadcast a *send* message')
    parser_send.add_argument('--source', required=True, help='the source address')
    parser_send.add_argument('--destination', required=True, help='the destination address')
    parser_send.add_argument('--quantity', required=True, help='the quantity of ASSET to send')
    parser_send.add_argument('--asset', required=True, help='the ASSET of which you would like to send QUANTITY')
    parser_send.add_argument('--fee', help='the exact {} fee to be paid to miners'.format(config.BTC))

    parser_order = subparsers.add_parser('order', help='create and broadcast an *order* message')
    parser_order.add_argument('--source', required=True, help='the source address')
    parser_order.add_argument('--get-quantity', required=True, help='the quantity of GET_ASSET that you would like to receive')
    parser_order.add_argument('--get-asset', required=True, help='the asset that you would like to buy')
    parser_order.add_argument('--give-quantity', required=True, help='the quantity of GIVE_ASSET that you are willing to give')
    parser_order.add_argument('--give-asset', required=True, help='the asset that you would like to sell')
    parser_order.add_argument('--expiration', type=int, required=True, help='the number of blocks for which the order should be valid')
    parser_order.add_argument('--fee-fraction-required', default=config.DEFAULT_FEE_FRACTION_REQUIRED, help='the miners’ fee required for an order to match this one, as a fraction of the {} to be bought'.format(config.BTC))
    parser_order_fees = parser_order.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    parser_order_fees.add_argument('--fee-fraction-provided', default=config.DEFAULT_FEE_FRACTION_PROVIDED, help='the miners’ fee provided, as a fraction of the {} to be sold'.format(config.BTC))
    parser_order_fees.add_argument('--fee', help='the exact {} fee to be paid to miners'.format(config.BTC))

    parser_btcpay = subparsers.add_parser('{}pay'.format(config.BTC).lower(), help='create and broadcast a *{}pay* message, to settle an Order Match for which you owe {}'.format(config.BTC, config.BTC))
    parser_btcpay.add_argument('--source', required=True, help='the source address')
    parser_btcpay.add_argument('--order-match-id', required=True, help='the concatenation of the hashes of the two transactions which compose the order match')
    parser_btcpay.add_argument('--fee', help='the exact {} fee to be paid to miners'.format(config.BTC))

    parser_issuance = subparsers.add_parser('issuance', help='issue a new asset, issue more of an existing asset or transfer the ownership of an asset')
    parser_issuance.add_argument('--source', required=True, help='the source address')
    parser_issuance.add_argument('--transfer-destination', help='for transfer of ownership of asset issuance rights')
    parser_issuance.add_argument('--quantity', default=0, help='the quantity of ASSET to be issued')
    parser_issuance.add_argument('--asset', required=True, help='the name of the asset to be issued (if it’s available)')
    parser_issuance.add_argument('--divisible', action='store_true', help='whether or not the asset is divisible (must agree with previous issuances)')
    parser_issuance.add_argument('--description', type=str, required=True, help='a description of the asset (set to ‘LOCK’ to lock against further issuances with non‐zero quantitys)')
    parser_issuance.add_argument('--fee', help='the exact {} fee to be paid to miners'.format(config.BTC))

    parser_broadcast = subparsers.add_parser('broadcast', help='broadcast textual and numerical information to the network')
    parser_broadcast.add_argument('--source', required=True, help='the source address')
    parser_broadcast.add_argument('--text', type=str, required=True, help='the textual part of the broadcast (set to ‘LOCK’ to lock feed)')
    parser_broadcast.add_argument('--value', type=float, default=-1, help='numerical value of the broadcast')
    parser_broadcast.add_argument('--fee-fraction', default=0, help='the fraction of bets on this feed that go to its operator')
    parser_broadcast.add_argument('--fee', help='the exact {} fee to be paid to miners'.format(config.BTC))

    parser_bet = subparsers.add_parser('bet', help='offer to make a bet on the value of a feed')
    parser_bet.add_argument('--source', required=True, help='the source address')
    parser_bet.add_argument('--feed-address', required=True, help='the address which publishes the feed to bet on')
    parser_bet.add_argument('--bet-type', choices=list(BET_TYPE_NAME.values()), required=True, help='choices: {}'.format(list(BET_TYPE_NAME.values())))
    parser_bet.add_argument('--deadline', required=True, help='the date and time at which the bet should be decided/settled')
    parser_bet.add_argument('--wager', required=True, help='the quantity of XCP to wager')
    parser_bet.add_argument('--counterwager', required=True, help='the minimum quantity of XCP to be wagered by the user to bet against you, if he were to accept the whole thing')
    parser_bet.add_argument('--target-value', default=0.0, help='target value for Equal/NotEqual bet')
    parser_bet.add_argument('--leverage', type=int, default=5040, help='leverage, as a fraction of 5040')
    parser_bet.add_argument('--expiration', type=int, required=True, help='the number of blocks for which the bet should be valid')
    parser_bet.add_argument('--fee', help='the exact {} fee to be paid to miners'.format(config.BTC))

    parser_dividend = subparsers.add_parser('dividend', help='pay dividends to the holders of an asset (in proportion to their stake in it)')
    parser_dividend.add_argument('--source', required=True, help='the source address')
    parser_dividend.add_argument('--quantity-per-unit', required=True, help='the quantity of XCP to be paid per whole unit held of ASSET')
    parser_dividend.add_argument('--asset', required=True, help='the asset to which pay dividends')
    parser_dividend.add_argument('--dividend-asset', required=True, help='asset in which to pay the dividends')
    parser_dividend.add_argument('--fee', help='the exact {} fee to be paid to miners'.format(config.BTC))

    parser_burn = subparsers.add_parser('burn', help='destroy {} to earn XCP, during an initial period of time')
    parser_burn.add_argument('--source', required=True, help='the source address')
    parser_burn.add_argument('--quantity', required=True, help='quantity of {} to be burned'.format(config.BTC))
    parser_burn.add_argument('--fee', help='the exact {} fee to be paid to miners'.format(config.BTC))

    parser_cancel = subparsers.add_parser('cancel', help='cancel an open order or bet you created')
    parser_cancel.add_argument('--source', required=True, help='the source address')
    parser_cancel.add_argument('--offer-hash', required=True, help='the transaction hash of the order or bet')
    parser_cancel.add_argument('--fee', help='the exact {} fee to be paid to miners'.format(config.BTC))

    parser_rps = subparsers.add_parser('rps', help='open a rock-paper-scissors like game')
    parser_rps.add_argument('--source', required=True, help='the source address')
    parser_rps.add_argument('--wager', required=True, help='the quantity of XCP to wager')
    parser_rps.add_argument('--move', type=int, required=True, help='the selected move')
    parser_rps.add_argument('--possible-moves', type=int, required=True, help='the number of possible moves (odd number greater or equal than 3)')
    parser_rps.add_argument('--expiration', type=int, required=True, help='the number of blocks for which the bet should be valid')
    parser_rps.add_argument('--fee', help='the exact BTC fee to be paid to miners')

    parser_rpsresolve = subparsers.add_parser('rpsresolve', help='resolve a rock-paper-scissors like game')
    parser_rpsresolve.add_argument('--source', required=True, help='the source address')
    parser_rpsresolve.add_argument('--random', type=str, required=True, help='the random number used in the corresponding rps transaction')
    parser_rpsresolve.add_argument('--move', type=int, required=True, help='the selected move in the corresponding rps transaction')
    parser_rpsresolve.add_argument('--rps-match-id', required=True, help='the concatenation of the hashes of the two transactions which compose the rps match')
    parser_rpsresolve.add_argument('--fee', help='the exact BTC fee to be paid to miners')

    parser_publish = subparsers.add_parser('publish', help='publish contract code in the blockchain')
    parser_publish.add_argument('--source', required=True, help='the source address')
    parser_publish.add_argument('--gasprice', required=True, type=int, help='the price of gas')
    parser_publish.add_argument('--startgas', required=True, type=int, help='the maximum quantity of {} to be used to pay for the execution (satoshis)'.format(config.XCP))
    parser_publish.add_argument('--endowment', required=True, type=int, help='quantity of {} to be transfered to the contract (satoshis)'.format(config.XCP))
    parser_publish.add_argument('--code-hex', required=True, type=str, help='the hex‐encoded contract (returned by `serpent compile`)')
    parser_publish.add_argument('--fee', help='the exact {} fee to be paid to miners'.format(config.BTC))

    parser_execute = subparsers.add_parser('execute', help='execute contract code in the blockchain')
    parser_execute.add_argument('--source', required=True, help='the source address')
    parser_execute.add_argument('--contract-id', required=True, help='the contract ID of the contract to be executed')
    parser_execute.add_argument('--gasprice', required=True, type=int, help='the price of gas')
    parser_execute.add_argument('--startgas', required=True, type=int, help='the maximum quantity of {} to be used to pay for the execution (satoshis)'.format(config.XCP))
    parser_execute.add_argument('--value', required=True, type=int, help='quantity of {} to be transfered to the contract (satoshis)'.format(config.XCP))
    parser_execute.add_argument('--payload-hex', required=True, type=str, help='data to be provided to the contract (returned by `serpent encode_datalist`)')
    parser_execute.add_argument('--fee', help='the exact {} fee to be paid to miners'.format(config.BTC))

    parser_destroy = subparsers.add_parser('destroy', help='destroy a quantity of a Counterparty asset')
    parser_destroy.add_argument('--source', required=True, help='the source address')
    parser_destroy.add_argument('--asset', required=True, help='the ASSET of which you would like to destroy QUANTITY')
    parser_destroy.add_argument('--quantity', required=True, help='the quantity of ASSET to destroy')
    parser_destroy.add_argument('--tag', default='', help='tag')
    parser_destroy.add_argument('--fee', help='the exact {} fee to be paid to miners'.format(config.BTC))

    parser_address = subparsers.add_parser('balances', help='display the balances of a {} address'.format(config.XCP_NAME))
    parser_address.add_argument('address', help='the address you are interested in')

    parser_asset = subparsers.add_parser('asset', help='display the basic properties of a {} asset'.format(config.XCP_NAME))
    parser_asset.add_argument('asset', help='the asset you are interested in')

    parser_wallet = subparsers.add_parser('wallet', help='list the addresses in your backend wallet along with their balances in all {} assets'.format(config.XCP_NAME))

    parser_pending = subparsers.add_parser('pending', help='list pending order matches awaiting {}payment from you'.format(config.BTC))

    parser_getrows = subparsers.add_parser('getrows', help='get rows from a Counterparty table')
    parser_getrows.add_argument('--table', required=True, help='table name')
    parser_getrows.add_argument('--filter', nargs=3, action='append', help='filters to get specific rows')
    parser_getrows.add_argument('--filter-op', choices=['AND', 'OR'], help='operator uses to combine filters', default='AND')
    parser_getrows.add_argument('--order-by', help='field used to order results')
    parser_getrows.add_argument('--order-dir', choices=['ASC', 'DESC'], help='direction used to order results')
    parser_getrows.add_argument('--start-block', help='return only rows with block_index greater than start-block')
    parser_getrows.add_argument('--end-block', help='return only rows with block_index lower than end-block')
    parser_getrows.add_argument('--status', help='return only rows with the specified status')
    parser_getrows.add_argument('--limit', help='number of rows to return', default=100)
    parser_getrows.add_argument('--offset', help='number of rows to skip', default=0)

    parser_getrunninginfo = subparsers.add_parser('getinfo', help='get the current state of the server')

    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Logging
    log.set_up(logger, verbose=args.verbose)
    logger.propagate = False'Running v{} of {}.'.format(APP_VERSION, APP_NAME))

    # Help message

    # Configuration
    clientapi.initialize(testnet=args.testnet, testcoin=args.testcoin,
                        counterparty_rpc_connect=args.counterparty_rpc_connect, counterparty_rpc_port=args.counterparty_rpc_port,
                        counterparty_rpc_user=args.counterparty_rpc_user, counterparty_rpc_password=args.counterparty_rpc_password,
                        counterparty_rpc_ssl=args.counterparty_rpc_ssl, counterparty_rpc_ssl_verify=args.counterparty_rpc_ssl_verify,
                        wallet_name=args.wallet_name, wallet_connect=args.wallet_connect, wallet_port=args.wallet_port, 
                        wallet_user=args.wallet_user, wallet_password=args.wallet_password,
                        wallet_ssl=args.wallet_ssl, wallet_ssl_verify=args.wallet_ssl_verify,

    if args.action in list(messages.MESSAGE_PARAMS.keys()):
        unsigned_hex = messages.compose(args.action, args)'Transaction (unsigned): {}'.format(unsigned_hex))
        if not args.unsigned:
            if script.is_multisig(args.source):
      'Multi‐signature transactions are signed and broadcasted manually.')
            elif input('Sign and broadcast? (y/N) ') == 'y':

                if wallet.is_mine(args.source):
                    if wallet.is_locked():
                        passphrase = getpass.getpass('Enter your wallet passhrase: ')
              'Unlocking wallet for 60 (more) seconds.')
                    signed_tx_hex = wallet.sign_raw_transaction(unsigned_hex)
                    private_key_wif = input('Source address not in wallet. Please enter the private key in WIF format for {}:'.format(args.source))
                    if not private_key_wif:
                        raise TransactionError('invalid private key')
                    signed_tx_hex = wallet.sign_raw_transaction(unsigned_hex, private_key_wif=private_key_wif)

      'Transaction (signed): {}'.format(signed_tx_hex))
                tx_hash = wallet.send_raw_transaction(signed_tx_hex)
      'Hash of transaction (broadcasted): {}'.format(tx_hash))

    elif args.action in ['balances', 'asset', 'wallet', 'pending', 'getinfo', 'getrows']:
        view = console.get_view(args.action, args)
        print_method = getattr(console, 'print_{}'.format(args.action), None)
        if args.json_output or print_method is None:
