def task_host(): """ Start a web server hosting the contents of the output directory. """ cmd = "cd {} && python -m http.server".format(output_dir) return { "actions" : [LongRunning(cmd)] }
def get_download_task(url, target_fn, md5=None, metalink=None): '''Creates a doit task to download the given URL. Args: url (str): URL to download. target_fn (str): Target for the download. Returns: dict: doit task. ''' cmd = ['curl', '-o', target_fn] if metalink is not None: cmd.extend(['--metalink', metalink]) cmd.append(url) cmd = ' '.join(cmd) name = 'download:{0}'.format(os.path.basename(target_fn)) actions = [LongRunning(cmd)] if md5 is not None: actions.append((check_hash, [target_fn, md5])) return { 'name': name, 'actions': actions, 'targets': [target_fn], 'clean': [clean_targets], 'uptodate': [True] }
def get_download_and_untar_task(url, target_dir, label=None): '''Create a doit task to download a file and untar it in the given directory. Args: url (str): URL to download. target_dir (str: Directory to put the untarred folder in. label (str): Optional label to resolve doit name conflicts when putting multiple results in the same folder. Returns: dict: doit task. ''' if label is None: label = os.path.basename(url) cmd1 = 'mkdir -p {target_dir}; curl {url} | tar -xz -C {target_dir}'.format( **locals()) name = 'download_and_untar:{0}-{1}'.format(os.path.basename(target_dir), label) done = os.path.join(target_dir, name) + '.done' cmd2 = 'touch {done}'.format(done=done) return { 'name': name, 'actions': [LongRunning(cmd1), cmd2], 'targets': [done], 'clean': [(clean_folder, [target_dir])], 'uptodate': [True] }
def get_untargz_task(archive_fn, target_dir, label=None): '''Create a doit task to untar and gunip a *.tar.gz archive. Args: archive_fn (str): The .tar.gz file. target_dir (str): The folder to untar into. label (str): Optional label to resolve doit task name conflicts. Returns: dict: doit task. ''' if label is None: label = os.path.basename(url) cmd = 'tar -xzf -C {target_dir} {archive_fn}'.format(**locals()) name = 'untargz:{0}-{1}'.format(os.path.basename(target_dir), label) done = os.path.join(target_dir, name) + '.done' touch = 'touch {done}'.format(done=done) return { 'name': name, 'actions': ['mkdir -p {0}'.format(target_dir), LongRunning(cmd), touch], 'targets': [done], 'clean': [(clean_folder, [target_dir])], 'uptodate': [True] }
def task_perf_local(): """ run locustio performance tests on local deployment """ FLASK_PORT = 5000 ENVS = envs( LOCAL_FLASK_PORT=FLASK_PORT, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="fake-id", AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="fake-key", PYTHONPATH=".", ) cmd = f"env {ENVS} {PYTHON3} src/sub/" # FIXME: should work on hub too... return { "basename": "perf-local", "task_dep": ["check", "venv"], "actions": [ f"{PYTHON3} -m setup develop", "echo $PATH", LongRunning( f"nohup env {envs} {PYTHON3} src/sub/ > /dev/null &" ), # FIXME: same as above f"cd src/sub/tests/performance && locust -f --host=http://localhost:{FLASK_PORT}", # FIXME: same ], }
def task_lint(): cmd = [ 'pylint --rcfile=setup.cfg **/*.py', 'flake8', 'bandit -r --ini setup.cfg' ] for c in cmd: yield {'name': c.split()[0], 'actions': [LongRunning(c)]}
def task_reasoning(): """Reads the RDF file with the data and starts the RDFox endpoint.""" cmd = [rdfox_path, "sandbox", dir_path, "exec scripts/reasoning/master"] return { 'file_dep': reasoning_input + ['scripts/reasoning/master.rdfox'], "uptodate": [False], 'actions': [LongRunning(cmd, shell=False)], }
def task_launch(): """launch the game""" cmd = "scopes ./src/" return { 'actions': [LongRunning(cmd)], 'file_dep': runtime_targets, 'uptodate': [False] }
def task_dynalite(): ''' dynalite db for testing and local runs: start, stop ''' cmd = f'{DYNALITE} --port {CFG.DYNALITE_PORT}' msg = f'dynalite server started on {CFG.DYNALITE_PORT} logging to {CFG.DYNALITE_FILE}' def running(): mutex.acquire() pid = None try: pid = call(f'lsof -i:{CFG.DYNALITE_PORT} -t')[1].strip() except CalledProcessError: return None finally: mutex.release() mutex.acquire() try: args = call(f'ps -p {pid} -o args=')[1].strip() except CalledProcessError: return None finally: mutex.release() if cmd in args: return pid return None yield { 'name': 'stop', 'task_dep': [ 'check', 'yarn', ], 'actions': [ f'kill {running()}', ], 'uptodate': [lambda: running() is None], } yield { 'name': 'start', 'task_dep': [ 'check', 'yarn', 'dynalite:stop', ], 'actions': [ LongRunning(f'nohup {cmd} > {CFG.DYNALITE_FILE} &'), f'echo "{msg}"', ], 'uptodate': [ lambda: running(), ], }
def _nblint(nb, nb_ok): return _ok( dict( name=f"""nblint:{nb.stem}""", file_dep=[P.YARN_INTEGRITY, P.OK_ENV["qa"], nb], actions=[ LongRunning([*P.APR_QA, *P.PYM, "_scripts.nblint", nb], shell=False) ], ), nb_ok, )
def task_watch_docs(): """continuously rebuild the docs on change""" yield dict( uptodate=[lambda: False], name="sphinx-autobuild", file_dep=[P.DOCS_BUILDINFO, *P.ALL_MD, P.OK_DOCS_PIP_INSTALL], actions=[ LongRunning( [*P.APR_DOCS, "sphinx-autobuild", P.DOCS, P.DOCS_BUILD], shell=False ) ], )
def task_dynalite(): ''' dynalite db for testing and local runs: start, stop ''' cmd = f'{DYNALITE} --port {CFG.DYNALITE_PORT}' msg = f'dyanlite server started on {CFG.DYNALITE_PORT} logging to {CFG.DYNALITE_FILE}' def running(): pid = None try: pid = call(f'lsof -i:{CFG.DYNALITE_PORT} -t')[1].strip() except CalledProcessError: return None try: args = call(f'ps -p {pid} -o args=')[1].strip() except CalledProcessError: return None if f'{cmd}' in args: return pid return None pid = running() yield { 'name': 'stop', 'task_dep': [ 'check', 'npm', ], 'actions': [ f'kill {pid}', ], 'uptodate': [ lambda: pid is None ], } yield { 'name': 'start', 'task_dep': [ 'check', 'npm', ], 'actions': [ LongRunning(f'nohup {cmd} > {CFG.DYNALITE_FILE} &'), f'echo "{msg}"', ], 'uptodate': [ lambda: pid, ], }
def task_perf(): ''' run locustio performance tests ''' ID = 'fake-id' KEY = 'fake-key' PP = '.' FLASK_PORT = 5000 cmd = f'env {envs(LOCAL_FLASK_PORT=FLASK_PORT, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=KEY, PYTHONPATH=PP)} {PYTHON3} subhub/' return { 'task_dep': ['check', 'stripe', 'venv', 'dynalite:start'], 'actions': [ f'{PYTHON3} -m setup develop', 'echo $PATH', LongRunning(f'nohup {cmd} > /dev/null &'), f'cd subhub/tests/performance && locust -f --host=http://localhost:{FLASK_PORT}' ] }
def lastal_task(query, db, out_fn, cutoff=0.00001, n_threads=1, translate=False, cfg=LASTAL_CFG, pbs=False): '''Create a pydoit task to run lastal Args: query (str): The file with the query sequences. db (str): The database file prefix. out_fn (str): Destination file for alignments. translate (bool): True if query is a nucleotide FASTA. n_threads (int): Number of threads to run with. cfg (dict): Config, must contain key params holding str. Returns: dict: A pydoit task. ''' lastal_exc = which('lastal') parallel_exc = which('parallel-fasta') params = cfg['params'] lastal_cmd = [lastal_exc] if translate: lastal_cmd.append('-F' + str(cfg['frameshift'])) if cutoff is not None: cutoff = round(1.0 / cutoff) lastal_cmd.append('-D' + str(cutoff)) lastal_cmd.append(db) lastal_cmd = ' '.join(lastal_cmd) cmd = parallel_fasta(query, out_fn, lastal_cmd, n_threads, pbs=pbs) name = 'lastal:{0}'.format(os.path.join(out_fn)) return { 'name': name, 'title': title, 'actions': [LongRunning(cmd)], 'targets': [out_fn], 'file_dep': [query, db + '.prj'], 'clean': [clean_targets] }
def get_download_and_gunzip_task(url, target_fn): '''Create a doit task which downloads and gunzips a file. Args: url (str): URL to download. target_fn (str): Target file for the download. Returns: dict: doit task. ''' cmd = 'curl {url} | gunzip -c > {target_fn}'.format(**locals()) name = 'download_and_gunzip:{0}'.format(os.path.basename(target_fn)) return {'name': name, 'actions': [LongRunning(cmd)], 'targets': [target_fn], 'clean': [clean_targets], 'uptodate': [True]}
def get_gunzip_task(archive_fn, target_fn): '''Create a doit task to gunzip a gzip archive. Args: archive_fn (str): The gzip file. target_fn (str): Output filename. Returns: dict: doit task. ''' name = 'gunzip:{0}'.format(os.path.basename(target_fn)) cmd = 'gunzip -c {archive_fn} > {target_fn}'.format(**locals()) return {'name': name, 'actions': [LongRunning(cmd)], 'file_dep': [archive_fn], 'targets': [target_fn], 'clean': [clean_targets], 'uptodate': [True]}
def task_perf_local(): ''' run locustio performance tests on local deployment ''' FLASK_PORT = 5000 ENVS = envs(LOCAL_FLASK_PORT=FLASK_PORT, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='fake-id', AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='fake-key', PYTHONPATH='.') cmd = f'env {ENVS} {PYTHON3} subhub/' return { 'basename': 'perf-local', 'task_dep': ['check', 'stripe', 'venv', 'dynalite:start'], 'actions': [ f'{PYTHON3} -m setup develop', 'echo $PATH', LongRunning( f'nohup env {envs} {PYTHON3} subhub/ > /dev/null &'), f'cd subhub/tests/performance && locust -f --host=http://localhost:{FLASK_PORT}' ] }
def task_top(): cmd = "top" return {'actions': [LongRunning(cmd)],}
def task_up(): cmd = "sudo " + DOCKER + " up --remove-orphans" return {"actions": [LongRunning(cmd)], "verbosity": VERBOSITY_LEVEL}
def __init__(self, cfg): super(CodeTaskClean, self).__init__('do_clean', cfg) self.actions = [(self.save_timestamp,), LongRunning(self.format_command("clean")), cwd=self.root_dir, save_out='cleaned')] self.uptodate = [run_once]
def task_runserver(): """ django runserver """ cmd = 'python runserver' return {'actions': [LongRunning(cmd)]}