def demo_facetfunction(mesh): try: import dolfinplot as dfp except: raise IOError( "Misssing dolfinplot. git clone" ) import dolfin as df ffun = df.MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, 2, bmesh = df.BoundaryMesh(mesh, "exterior") Vb = df.FunctionSpace(bmesh, "DG", 0) fb = df.Function(Vb) mapping = bmesh.entity_map(2) for cell in df.cells(bmesh): # fb.vector()[cell.index()] = ffun[mapping[cell.index()]] if ffun[mapping[cell.index()]] == 10: fb.vector()[cell.index()] = 1 elif ffun[mapping[cell.index()]] == 30: fb.vector()[cell.index()] = 2 elif ffun[mapping[cell.index()]] == 40: fb.vector()[cell.index()] = 0 vtkfun = dfp.VTK_DolfinScalar(fb) vtkfun.SetEdgeColor((0, 0, 0)) focal = (mesh.coordinates().T[0].max()) / 2.0 vtkfun.Render(view="side", dpi=300, size=(1200, 800), focal=focal) #vtkfun.Show() return vtkfun
def __init__(self, name: str, spec: FieldSpec, mesh: df.Mesh): self._boundary_mesh = df.BoundaryMesh(mesh, "exterior") self._boundary_function_space = df.FunctionSpace( self._boundary_mesh, "CG", 1) self._data = df.Function(self._boundary_function_space) super().__init__(name, spec)
def __init__(self, *inputobj, **options): c = options.pop("c", "gold") alpha = options.pop("alpha", 1) exterior = options.pop("exterior", False) fast = options.pop("fast", False) computeNormals = options.pop("computeNormals", False) mesh, u = _inputsort(inputobj) if not mesh: return if exterior: import dolfin meshc = dolfin.BoundaryMesh(mesh, 'exterior') else: meshc = mesh poly = utils.buildPolyData(meshc.coordinates(), meshc.cells(), fast=fast) Actor.__init__( self, poly, c=c, alpha=alpha, computeNormals=computeNormals, ) self.mesh = mesh # holds a dolfin Mesh obj self.u = u # holds a dolfin function_data # holds the actual values of u on the mesh self.u_values = _compute_uvalues(u, mesh)
def loadDolfin(filename, exterior=False): """Reads a `Fenics/Dolfin` file format (.xml or .xdmf). Return an ``Actor(vtkActor)`` object.""" import sys if sys.version_info[0] < 3: return _loadDolfin_old(filename) import dolfin if filename.lower().endswith('.xdmf'): f = dolfin.XDMFFile(filename) m = dolfin.Mesh() else: m = dolfin.Mesh(filename) bm = dolfin.BoundaryMesh(m, "exterior") if exterior: poly = utils.buildPolyData(bm.coordinates(), bm.cells(), fast=True) else: polyb = utils.buildPolyData(bm.coordinates(), bm.cells(), fast=True) polym = utils.buildPolyData(m.coordinates(), m.cells(), fast=True) app = vtk.vtkAppendPolyData() app.AddInputData(polym) app.AddInputData(polyb) app.Update() poly = app.GetOutput() return Actor(poly).lw(0.1)
def p1_trace(fenics_space): """ Return the P1 trace operator. This function returns a pair (space, trace_matrix), where space is a BEM++ space object and trace_matrix is the corresponding matrix that maps the coefficients of a FEniCS function to its boundary trace coefficients in the corresponding BEM++ space. """ import dolfin #pylint: disable=import-error from bempp.api.fenics_interface.coupling import fenics_space_info from bempp.api import function_space, grid_from_element_data import numpy as np family, degree = fenics_space_info(fenics_space) if not (family == 'Lagrange' and degree == 1): raise ValueError("fenics_space must be a p1 Lagrange space") mesh = fenics_space.mesh() boundary_mesh = dolfin.BoundaryMesh(mesh, "exterior", False) bm_nodes = boundary_mesh.entity_map(0).array().astype(np.int64) bm_coords = boundary_mesh.coordinates() bm_cells = boundary_mesh.cells() bempp_boundary_grid = grid_from_element_data(bm_coords.transpose(), bm_cells.transpose()) # First get trace space space = function_space(bempp_boundary_grid, "P", 1) # Now compute the mapping from FEniCS dofs to BEM++ dofs. # First the BEM++ dofs from the boundary vertices from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix bempp_dofs_from_b_vertices = p1_dof_to_vertex_matrix(space).transpose() # Now FEniCS vertices to boundary dofs b_vertices_from_vertices = coo_matrix( (np.ones(len(bm_nodes)), (np.arange(len(bm_nodes)), bm_nodes)), shape=(len(bm_nodes), mesh.num_vertices()), dtype='float64').tocsc() # Finally FEniCS dofs to vertices. vertices_from_fenics_dofs = coo_matrix( (np.ones(mesh.num_vertices()), (dolfin.dof_to_vertex_map(fenics_space), np.arange(mesh.num_vertices()))), shape=(mesh.num_vertices(), mesh.num_vertices()), dtype='float64').tocsc() # Get trace matrix by multiplication trace_matrix = bempp_dofs_from_b_vertices * \ b_vertices_from_vertices * vertices_from_fenics_dofs # Now return everything return space, trace_matrix
def test_bem_perf(self): mesh = df.UnitCubeMesh(15, 15, 15) boundary_mesh = df.BoundaryMesh(mesh, 'exterior', False) c = time_counter.counter() while df.BoundaryMesh(mesh, 'exterior', False) print "Boundary mesh computation for %s: %s" % (mesh, c) c = time_counter.counter() while bem, _ = compute_bem_fk(boundary_mesh) n = bem.shape[0] print "FK BEM computation for %dx%d (%.2f Mnodes/sec): %s" % ( n, n, c.calls_per_sec(n * n / 1e6), c) c = time_counter.counter() while bem, _ = compute_bem_gcr(boundary_mesh) print "GCR BEM computation for %dx%d (%.2f Mnodes/sec): %s" % ( n, n, c.calls_per_sec(n * n / 1e6), c)
def test_snap_nearest(self): mesh = df.UnitCubeMesh(10, 10, 10) mesh = df.BoundaryMesh(mesh, 'exterior') V = df.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 2) f = df.interpolate(df.Expression('sin(x[0]+x[1]+x[2])', degree=2), V) # A proxy expression whose action at x eval f at closest point dof to x f_ = snap_to_nearest(f) self.assertTrue(abs(f_(1., 1., 1.) - f(1., 1., 1.)) < 1E-13) self.assertTrue(abs(f_(1.1, 1.1, 1.1) - f(1., 1., 1.)) < 1E-13)
def calculate_residual(self, mesh2): boundmesh = dolfin.BoundaryMesh(mesh2, "exterior") d = max( [ self.bbtree.query(dolfin.Vertex(boundmesh, v_idx).point().array())[0] for v_idx in range(boundmesh.num_vertices()) ] ) return dolfin.MPI.max(mpi_comm_world(), d)
def p1_trace(fenics_space): """ Return the P1 trace operator. This function returns a pair (space, trace_matrix), where space is a Bempp space object and trace_matrix is the corresponding matrix that maps the coefficients of a FEniCS function to its boundary trace coefficients in the corresponding Bempp space. """ import dolfin import bempp.api from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix import numpy as np family, degree = fenics_space_info(fenics_space) if not (family == "Lagrange" and degree == 1): raise ValueError("fenics_space must be a p1 Lagrange space") mesh = fenics_space.mesh() boundary_mesh = dolfin.BoundaryMesh(mesh, "exterior", False) bm_nodes = boundary_mesh.entity_map(0).array().astype(np.int64) bm_coords = boundary_mesh.coordinates() bm_cells = boundary_mesh.cells() bempp_boundary_grid = bempp.api.Grid(bm_coords.transpose(), bm_cells.transpose()) # First get trace space space = bempp.api.function_space(bempp_boundary_grid, "P", 1) # Now FEniCS vertices to boundary dofs b_vertices_from_vertices = coo_matrix( (np.ones(len(bm_nodes)), (np.arange(len(bm_nodes)), bm_nodes)), shape=(len(bm_nodes), mesh.num_vertices()), dtype="float64", ).tocsc() # Finally FEniCS dofs to vertices. vertices_from_fenics_dofs = coo_matrix( ( np.ones(mesh.num_vertices()), (dolfin.dof_to_vertex_map(fenics_space), np.arange(mesh.num_vertices())), ), shape=(mesh.num_vertices(), mesh.num_vertices()), dtype="float64", ).tocsc() # Get trace matrix by multiplication trace_matrix = b_vertices_from_vertices @ vertices_from_fenics_dofs # Now return everything return space, trace_matrix
def calculate_residual(self, mesh2): boundmesh = df.BoundaryMesh(mesh2, "exterior") d = max( [ self.bbtree.compute_closest_point(df.Vertex(boundmesh, v_idx).point())[ 1 ] for v_idx in range(boundmesh.num_vertices()) ] ) return df.MPI.max(df.mpi_comm_world(), d)
def boundary_grid_from_fenics_mesh(fenics_mesh): """ Return a boundary grid from a FEniCS Mesh. """ from bempp import grid_from_element_data bm = _dolfin.BoundaryMesh(fenics_mesh, "exterior", False) bm_coords = bm.coordinates() bm_cells = bm.cells() bempp_boundary_grid = grid_from_element_data(bm_coords.transpose(),bm_cells.transpose()) return bempp_boundary_grid
def _1d2d_mesh(n, m=None): '''Line mesh in 2d''' if m is None: m = n mesh1d = df.UnitSquareMesh(n, m) mesh1d = df.BoundaryMesh(mesh1d, 'exterior') cell_f = df.MeshFunction('size_t', mesh1d, 1, 0) df.CompiledSubDomain('near(x[0], 0) || near(x[1], 0)').mark(cell_f, 1) mesh1d = df.SubMesh(mesh1d, cell_f, 1) return mesh1d
def __init__(self, *inputobj, **options): c = options.pop("c", "gold") alpha = options.pop("alpha", 1) wire = options.pop("wire", True) bc = options.pop("bc", None) exterior = options.pop("exterior", False) fast = options.pop("fast", False) computeNormals = options.pop("computeNormals", False) mesh, u = _inputsort(inputobj) if not mesh: return if exterior: import dolfin meshc = dolfin.BoundaryMesh(mesh, 'exterior') else: meshc = mesh poly = utils.buildPolyData(meshc.coordinates(), meshc.cells(), fast=fast) Actor.__init__( self, poly, c=c, alpha=alpha, wire=wire, bc=bc, computeNormals=computeNormals, ) self.mesh = mesh # holds a dolfin Mesh obj self.u = u # holds a dolfin function_data self.u_values = None # holds the actual values of u on the mesh u_values = None if u: u_values = np.array([u(p) for p in self.mesh.coordinates()]) #print(u_values) if u_values is not None: # colorize if a dolfin function is passed if len(u_values.shape) == 2: if u_values.shape[1] in [2, 3]: # u_values is 2D or 3D self.u_values = u_values dispsizes = utils.mag(u_values) else: # u_values is 1D dispsizes = u_values self.addPointScalars(dispsizes, "u_values") #.mapPointsToCells()
def p1_trace(fenics_space): import dolfin from .coupling import fenics_space_info from bempp import function_space, grid_from_element_data import numpy as np family, degree = fenics_space_info(fenics_space) if not (family == 'Lagrange' and degree == 1): raise ValueError("fenics_space must be a p1 Lagrange space") mesh = fenics_space.mesh() bm = dolfin.BoundaryMesh(mesh, "exterior", False) bm_nodes = bm.entity_map(0).array().astype(np.int64) bm_coords = bm.coordinates() bm_cells = bm.cells() bempp_boundary_grid = grid_from_element_data(bm_coords.transpose(), bm_cells.transpose()) # First get trace space space = function_space(bempp_boundary_grid, "P", 1) # Now compute the mapping from BEM++ dofs to FEniCS dofs # First the BEM++ dofs to the boundary vertices from ._lagrange_coupling import p1_vertex_map from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix vertex_to_dof_map = p1_vertex_map(space) vertex_indices = np.arange(space.global_dof_count) data = np.ones(space.global_dof_count) bempp_dofs_from_b_vertices = coo_matrix( (data, (vertex_to_dof_map, vertex_indices)), dtype='float64').tocsr() # Now the boundary vertices to all the vertices b_vertices_from_vertices = coo_matrix( (np.ones(len(bm_nodes)), (np.arange(len(bm_nodes)), bm_nodes)), shape=(len(bm_nodes), mesh.num_vertices()), dtype='float64').tocsr() # Finally the vertices to FEniCS dofs vertices_from_fenics_dofs = coo_matrix( (np.ones(mesh.num_vertices()), (dolfin.dof_to_vertex_map(fenics_space), np.arange(mesh.num_vertices()))), shape=(mesh.num_vertices(), mesh.num_vertices()), dtype='float64').tocsr() # Get trace matrix by multiplication trace_matrix = bempp_dofs_from_b_vertices * b_vertices_from_vertices * vertices_from_fenics_dofs # Now return everything return (space, trace_matrix)
def _1d3d_mesh(n): '''Line mesh in 3d''' mesh1d = df.UnitCubeMesh(n, n, n) cell_f = df.MeshFunction('size_t', mesh1d, 3, 0) df.CompiledSubDomain('x[0] > x[1] - DOLFIN_EPS').mark(cell_f, 1)# mesh1d = df.BoundaryMesh(df.SubMesh(mesh1d, cell_f, 1), 'exterior') cell_f = df.MeshFunction('size_t', mesh1d, 2, 0) df.CompiledSubDomain('near(x[0], x[1])').mark(cell_f, 1) mesh1d = df.SubMesh(mesh1d, cell_f, 1) cell_f = df.MeshFunction('size_t', mesh1d, 2, 0) df.CompiledSubDomain('x[2] < x[1] + DOLFIN_EPS').mark(cell_f, 1) mesh1d = df.BoundaryMesh(df.SubMesh(mesh1d, cell_f, 1), 'exterior') cell_f = df.MeshFunction('size_t', mesh1d, 1, 0) df.CompiledSubDomain('near(x[2], x[1])').mark(cell_f, 1) mesh1d = df.SubMesh(mesh1d, cell_f, 1) return mesh1d
def test_cell_ordering(self): mesh = df.UnitCubeMesh(1, 1, 1) centre = np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) boundary_mesh = df.BoundaryMesh(mesh, 'exterior', False) coordinates = boundary_mesh.coordinates() for i in xrange(boundary_mesh.num_cells()): cell = df.Cell(boundary_mesh, i) p1 = coordinates[cell.entities(0)[0]] p2 = coordinates[cell.entities(0)[1]] p3 = coordinates[cell.entities(0)[2]] n = np.cross(p2 - p1, p3 - p1) print "Boundary face %d, normal orientation %g" % ( i, np.sign(, p1 - centre)))
def check_boundaries_are_marked( mesh: df.Mesh, ffun: df.MeshFunction, markers: Dict[str, int], boundaries: List[str], ) -> None: # Check that all boundary faces are marked num_boundary_facets = df.BoundaryMesh(mesh, "exterior").num_cells() if num_boundary_facets != sum( [np.sum(ffun.array() == markers[boundary]) for boundary in boundaries], ): raise RuntimeError( ("Not all boundary faces are marked correctly. Make sure all " "boundary facets are marked as: {}" "").format(", ".join( ["{} = {}".format(k, v) for k, v in markers.items()])), )
def boundary_grid_from_fenics_mesh(fenics_mesh): """ Create a Bempp boundary grid from a FEniCS Mesh. Return the Bempp grid and a map from the node numberings of the FEniCS mesh to the node numbers of the boundary grid. """ import bempp.api import numpy as np boundary_mesh = _dolfin.BoundaryMesh(fenics_mesh, "exterior", False) bm_coords = boundary_mesh.coordinates() bm_cells = boundary_mesh.cells() bm_nodes = boundary_mesh.entity_map(0).array().astype(np.int64) bempp_boundary_grid = bempp.api.Grid(bm_coords.transpose(), bm_cells.transpose()) return bempp_boundary_grid, bm_nodes
def __init__(self,mesh,m, parameters=sb.default_parameters , degree=1, element="CG", project_method='magpar', unit_length=1,Ms = 1.0,bench = False, mac=0.3,p=3,num_limit=100): sb.FemBemDeMagSolver.__init__(self,mesh,m, parameters, degree, element=element, project_method = project_method, unit_length = unit_length,Ms = Ms,bench = bench) self.__name__ = "Treecode Demag Solver" #Linear Solver parameters method = parameters["poisson_solver"]["method"] pc = parameters["poisson_solver"]["preconditioner"] self.poisson_solver = df.KrylovSolver(self.poisson_matrix, method, pc) self.phi1 = df.Function(self.V) self.phi2 = df.Function(self.V) # Eq (1) and code-block 2 - two first lines. b = self.Ms*df.inner(self.w, df.grad(self.v))*df.dx self.D = df.assemble(b) self.p=p self.mac=mac self.num_limit=num_limit self.mesh=mesh self.bmesh = df.BoundaryMesh(mesh,False) self.b2g_map = self.bmesh.vertex_map().array() self.compute_triangle_normal() self.__compute_bsa() fast_sum=FastSum(p=self.p,mac=self.mac,num_limit=self.num_limit) coords=self.bmesh.coordinates() face_nodes=np.array(self.bmesh.cells(),dtype=np.int32) fast_sum.init_mesh(coords,self.t_normals,face_nodes,self.vert_bsa) self.fast_sum=fast_sum self.phi2_b = np.zeros(self.bmesh.num_vertices())
def run_measurements(m, mesh, unit_length, tol, repetitions=10, H_expected=None, name="", skip=[]): S3 = df.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1) m = vector_valued_function(m, S3) Ms = 1 bem, boundary_to_global = compute_bem_fk(df.BoundaryMesh(mesh, 'exterior', False)) if H_expected is not None: H = vector_valued_function(H_expected, S3) H_expected = H.vector().array() else: # use default/default as reference then. demag = fk.FKDemag() demag.precomputed_bem(bem, boundary_to_global) demag.setup(S3, m, Ms, unit_length) H_expected = demag.compute_field() del(demag) if name == "": pass else: name = name + "_" runner = create_measurement_runner(S3, m, Ms, unit_length, H_expected, tol, repetitions, bem, boundary_to_global) solvers = [s[0] for s in df.krylov_solver_methods()] preconditioners = [p[0] for p in df.krylov_solver_preconditioners()] results_1, failed_1 = runner("first linear solve", "phi_1_solver", solvers, "phi_1_preconditioner", preconditioners, skip, "{}timings_log_1.txt".format(name), "{}results_1.pickled".format(name)) results_2, failed_2 = runner("second linear solve", "phi_2_solver", solvers, "phi_2_preconditioner", preconditioners, skip, "{}timings_log_2.txt".format(name), "{}results_2.pickled".format(name)) return solvers, preconditioners, results_1, failed_1, results_2, failed_2
def run_demag_benchmark(m, mesh, unit_length, tol, repetitions=10, name="bench", H_expected=None): S3 = df.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1) m = vector_valued_function(m, S3) Ms = 1 # pre-compute BEM to save time bem, boundary_to_global = compute_bem_fk( df.BoundaryMesh(mesh, 'exterior', False)) if H_expected is not None: H = vector_valued_function(H_expected, S3) H_expected = H.vector().array() else: # if no H_expected was passed, use default/default as reference demag = fk.FKDemag() demag.precomputed_bem(bem, boundary_to_global) demag.setup(S3, m, Ms, unit_length) H_expected = demag.compute_field() del (demag) # gather all solvers and preconditioners solvers = [s[0] for s in df.krylov_solver_methods()] preconditioners = [p[0] for p in df.krylov_solver_preconditioners()] benchmark = prepare_benchmark(S3, m, Ms, unit_length, H_expected, tol, repetitions, bem, boundary_to_global) results_1 = benchmark("first linear solve", "phi_1_solver", solvers, "phi_1_preconditioner", preconditioners, name=name + "_1") results_2 = benchmark("second linear solve", "phi_2_solver", solvers, "phi_2_preconditioner", preconditioners, name=name + "_2") return solvers, preconditioners, results_1, results_2
def __init__(self, mesh, bnd, bnd_id, tol=df.DOLFIN_EPS): df.SubDomain.__init__(self) self.mesh = mesh self.bnd = bnd self.bnd_id = bnd_id self.tol = tol # Pick a random vertex on the bnd (assuming this vertex is a node) facet_id = bnd.where_equal(bnd_id)[0] facet = list(facets(mesh))[facet_id] vertex_id = facet.entities(0)[0] self.vertex = mesh.coordinates()[vertex_id] self.bnd_facets = bnd.where_equal(bnd_id) self.bmesh = df.BoundaryMesh(mesh, 'exterior') facet_dim = self.bmesh.topology().dim() self.cell_map = self.bmesh.entity_map(facet_dim)
def run_bem_computation_test(self, mesh): S3 = df.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 1, dim=3) m = df.interpolate(df.Constant((1, 0, 0)), S3) Ms = 1.0 bem_magpar, g2finmag = belement.BEM_matrix(mesh) bem_finmag = np.zeros(bem_magpar.shape) bem, b2g = compute_bem_fk(df.BoundaryMesh(mesh, 'exterior', False)) for i_dolfin in xrange(bem.shape[0]): i_finmag = g2finmag[b2g[i_dolfin]] for j_dolfin in xrange(bem.shape[0]): j_finmag = g2finmag[b2g[j_dolfin]] bem_finmag[i_finmag, j_finmag] = bem[i_dolfin, j_dolfin] if np.max(np.abs(bem_finmag - bem_magpar)) > 1e-12: print "Finmag:", np.round(bem_finmag, 4) print "Magpar:", np.round(bem_magpar, 4) print "Difference:", np.round(bem_magpar - bem_finmag, 4)"Finmag and magpar computation of BEM differ, mesh: " + str(mesh))
def method(L=3., H=1., R=0.3, n_segments=40, res=60, show=False, **kwargs): """ Generates mesh of Snausen/Snoevsen. """ info("Generating mesh of Snoevsen.") # Define points: pt_A = df.Point(0., 0.) pt_B = df.Point(L, H) pt_C = df.Point(L / 2 - 2 * R, 0.) pt_D = df.Point(L / 2 + 2 * R, 0.) pt_E = df.Point(L / 2 - 2 * R, -R) pt_F = df.Point(L / 2 + 2 * R, -R) pt_G = df.Point(L / 2, -R) tube = mshr.Rectangle(pt_A, pt_B) add_rect = mshr.Rectangle(pt_E, pt_D) neg_circ_L = mshr.Circle(pt_E, R, segments=n_segments) neg_circ_R = mshr.Circle(pt_F, R, segments=n_segments) pos_circ = mshr.Circle(pt_G, R, segments=n_segments) domain = tube + add_rect - neg_circ_L - neg_circ_R + pos_circ mesh = mshr.generate_mesh(domain, res) # check that mesh is periodic along x boun = df.BoundaryMesh(mesh, "exterior") y = boun.coordinates()[:, 1] y = y[y < 1.] y = y[y > 0.] n_y = len(y) n_y_unique = len(np.unique(y)) assert (n_y == 2 * n_y_unique) mesh_path = os.path.join(MESHES_DIR, "snoevsen_res" + str(res)) store_mesh_HDF5(mesh, mesh_path) if show: df.plot(mesh, "Mesh")
def main(): resolution = 32 # 32 * 3 # filename = 'data/mesh_res_%d_boundary.xml' % resolution filename = 'data/mesh_res_%d_boundary.xml' % resolution if os.path.exists(filename): print '=' * 60 print 'Mesh file exists, loading from file' print '=' * 60 mesh_3d = dolfin.Mesh(filename) else: geometry_3d = get_geometry(), True) print '=' * 60 print 'Creating mesh' print '=' * 60 mesh_3d = dolfin.Mesh(geometry_3d, resolution) print '=' * 60 print 'Converting to a boundary mesh' print '=' * 60 mesh_3d = dolfin.BoundaryMesh(mesh_3d, 'exterior') # Since much smaller, it's much easier to refine the boundary mesh # as well. It may be worth doing this via: # mesh_3d = dolfin.mesh.refine(mesh_3d) print '=' * 60 print 'Saving to file:', filename print '=' * 60 data_file = dolfin.File(filename) data_file << mesh_3d # Plot in either case. print '=' * 60 print 'Plotting in interactive mode' print '=' * 60 fh = dolfin.plot(mesh_3d, '3D mesh', interactive=True, window_width=900, window_height=700)
def mplot_mesh(ax, mesh, **kwargs): tdim = mesh.topology().dim() gdim = mesh.geometry().dim() if gdim == 2 and tdim == 2: return ax.triplot(mesh2triang(mesh), color='#808080') elif gdim == 3 and tdim == 3: bmesh = dolfin.BoundaryMesh(mesh, "exterior", order=False) mplot_mesh(ax, bmesh, **kwargs) elif gdim == 3 and tdim == 2: xy = mesh.coordinates() return ax.plot_trisurf(*[xy[:, i] for i in range(gdim)], triangles=mesh.cells()) elif tdim == 1 and gdim == 1: x = mesh.coordinates()[:, 0] return ax.plot(x, 0 * x, 'o') elif tdim == 1: x = [mesh.coordinates()[:, i] for i in range(gdim)] return ax.plot(*x) else: raise AttributeError( 'Matplotlib plotting backend only supports 2D mesh.')
def __init__(self, *inputobj, **options): c = options.pop("c", None) alpha = options.pop("alpha", 1) exterior = options.pop("exterior", False) fast = options.pop("fast", False) computeNormals = options.pop("computeNormals", False) mesh, u = _inputsort(inputobj) if not mesh: return if exterior: import dolfin meshc = dolfin.BoundaryMesh(mesh, 'exterior') else: meshc = mesh if hasattr(mesh, "coordinates"): coords = mesh.coordinates() else: coords = mesh.geometry.points poly = utils.buildPolyData(coords, meshc.cells(), fast=fast, tetras=True) Mesh.__init__( self, poly, c=c, alpha=alpha, computeNormals=computeNormals, ) self.mesh = mesh # holds a dolfin Mesh obj self.u = u # holds a dolfin function_data # holds the actual values of u on the mesh self.u_values = _compute_uvalues(u, mesh)
def mplot_mesh(ax, mesh, **kwargs): tdim = mesh.topology().dim() gdim = mesh.geometry().dim() if gdim == 2 and tdim == 2: color = kwargs.pop("color", '#808080') return ax.triplot(mesh2triang(mesh), color=color, **kwargs) elif gdim == 3 and tdim == 3: bmesh = dolfin.BoundaryMesh(mesh, "exterior", order=False) mplot_mesh(ax, bmesh, **kwargs) elif gdim == 3 and tdim == 2: xy = mesh.coordinates() return ax.plot_trisurf(*[xy[:,i] for i in range(gdim)], triangles=mesh.cells(), **kwargs) elif tdim == 1: x = [mesh.coordinates()[:,i] for i in range(gdim)] if gdim == 1: x.append(np.zeros_like(x[0])) ax.set_yticks([]) marker = kwargs.pop('marker', 'o') return ax.plot(*x, marker=marker, **kwargs) else: assert False, "this code should not be reached"
def selfsimilarprofiles(u, nu_t, x_coord, u_cl, y_half, mesh): """ This routine computes - the adimensional y-coord y_hat = y / y_1/2 - the adimensional velocity u_hat = u/u_cl - the adimensional viscosity nu_t_hat = nu_t / (u_hat * y_hat) INPUTS: - the velocity field u - the turbulent viscosity field nu_t - the list of x coordinates x_coord - the centerline velocities u_cl - the jet thickness y_1/2 - the mesh """ boundary_mesh = dl.BoundaryMesh(mesh, "exterior") x = boundary_mesh.coordinates() y_coord = x[np.abs(x[:, 0] - x_coord[0]) < 1e-9, 1] u1, u2 = u.split(deepcopy=True) u_hat = np.zeros((y_coord.shape[0], x_coord.shape[0])) y_hat = np.zeros((y_coord.shape[0], x_coord.shape[0])) nu_t_hat = np.zeros((y_coord.shape[0], x_coord.shape[0])) j = 0 for xj in x_coord: u_clj = u_cl[j] y_halfj = y_half[j] i = 0 for yi in y_coord: y_hat[i, j] = yi / y_halfj u_hat[i, j] = u1((xj, yi)) / u_clj nu_t_hat[i, j] = nu_t((xj, yi)) / (u_clj * y_halfj) i += 1 j += 1 return y_hat, u_hat, nu_t_hat
def spreadFunction(u, mesh, x_max=None): """ This routine computes the following quantities as a function of the distance x from the inflow: - The centerline velocity: u_cl - The integral jet thickness: L - The spread function (derivative of jet thickness): S - The jet thickness: y_1/2 INPUTS: - the velocity u - the mesh mesh """ boundary_mesh = dl.BoundaryMesh(mesh, "exterior") x = boundary_mesh.coordinates() x_coord = x[np.abs(x[:, 1]) < 1e-9, 0] if x_max is not None: x_coord = x_coord[x_coord <= x_max] e1 = dl.Expression(("1.", "0.")) u1, u2 = u.split(deepcopy=True) Vh_grad = dl.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'RT', 1) grad_u1 = dl.Function(Vh_grad) test = dl.TestFunction(Vh_grad) n = dl.FacetNormal(mesh) dl.solve( dl.inner(grad_u1, test) * dl.dx + u1 * dl.div(test) * dl.dx - u1 *, n) * dl.ds == 0, grad_u1) axis = dl.AutoSubDomain(lambda x: dl.near(x[1], 0.)) axis_mesh = dl.SubMesh(boundary_mesh, axis) Vh_axis = dl.FunctionSpace(axis_mesh, "CG", 2) u1_axis = dl.interpolate(u1, Vh_axis) Vh_axis_grad = dl.FunctionSpace(axis_mesh, 'CG', 1) du1_dx = dl.Function(Vh_axis_grad) test_axis = dl.TestFunction(Vh_axis_grad) left_point = dl.AutoSubDomain( lambda x, on_boundary: dl.near(x[0], x_coord[0]) and on_boundary) right_point = dl.AutoSubDomain( lambda x, on_boundary: dl.near(x[0], x_coord[-1]) and on_boundary) bb_marker = dl.FacetFunction("size_t", axis_mesh) bb_marker.set_all(0) left_point.mark(bb_marker, 1) right_point.mark(bb_marker, 2) dss = dl.Measure("ds")[bb_marker] dl.solve( du1_dx * test_axis * dl.dx + u1_axis * test_axis.dx(0) * dl.dx + u1_axis * test_axis * dss(1) - u1_axis * test_axis * dss(2) == 0, du1_dx) u_cl = np.zeros(x_coord.shape) L = np.zeros(x_coord.shape) S = np.zeros(x_coord.shape) y_half = np.zeros(x_coord.shape) i = 0 for xi in x_coord: line_segment = dl.AutoSubDomain(lambda x: dl.near(x[0], xi)) markers = dl.FacetFunction("size_t", mesh) markers.set_all(0) line_segment.mark(markers, 1) if i == 0 or (i == (x_coord.shape[0] - 1) and x_max is None): ds = dl.ds[markers] int_u1 = dl.assemble(u1 * ds(1)) int_du1_dx = dl.assemble(, e1) * ds(1)) else: dS = dl.dS[markers] int_u1 = dl.assemble(dl.avg(u1) * dS(1)) int_du1_dx = dl.assemble(dl.avg(, e1)) * dS(1)) u_cl[i] = u1((xi, 0.)) du_cl_dx = du1_dx((xi, 0.)) L[i] = int_u1 / u_cl[i] S[i] = (int_du1_dx * u_cl[i] - int_u1 * du_cl_dx) / (u_cl[i] * u_cl[i]) y_half[i] = _bisection(u1, 9., 0., .5 * u_cl[i], xi) i += 1 out = np.zeros((x_coord.shape[0], 5), dtype=x_coord.dtype) out[:, 0] = x_coord out[:, 1] = u_cl out[:, 2] = L out[:, 3] = S out[:, 4] = y_half return out