Esempio n. 1
def get_municipality(dolt, state, fips, city):
    # data = read_pandas_sql(dolt, "SELECT * FROM datasets WHERE url = ''")
    data = read_pandas_sql(dolt, "SELECT * FROM `municipalities`where  state_iso = '{}' and county_fips = '{}' and name = '{}'".format(state, fips, city))
    # check if a result was passed
    if data.shape[0] == 0:
        print("     [X] No Matching Municipalities")
        return None
    if data.shape[0] == 1: 
        print("     [!] Found Muncipality: ID #{}!".format(data.loc[0, 'id']))
        return data.loc[0, 'id']
Esempio n. 2
def get_dataset(dolt, dataset_url, agency):
    # data = read_pandas_sql(dolt, "SELECT * FROM datasets WHERE url = ''")
    data = read_pandas_sql(dolt, "SELECT * FROM datasets WHERE url = '{}'".format(dataset_url))
    # check if a result was passed
    if data.shape[0] == 0:
        print(" [X] No Dataset Found! Proceeding to Add New Dataset...")
        return new_dataset(dolt, agency, dataset_url)
    if data.shape[0] == 1: 
        print(" [!] Found Existing Dataset Record: ID #{}!".format(data.loc[0, 'id']))
        return data
Esempio n. 3
def get_agency_id(dolt, name, state):
        data = read_pandas_sql(
            "SELECT * FROM 'agencies' where soundex('name') = soundex('{}') and state_iso = '{}'"
            .format(name.strip(), state.strip()))
        # check if a result was passed
        if data.shape[0] == 0:
            print("       [X] No Agency Found!")
            return ''
        if data.shape[0] == 1:
            print("       [!] Found Agency ID #{}!".format(data.loc[0, 'id']))
            return data.loc[0, 'id']
        print("       [X] Error Fetching Agency")
        return ''
Esempio n. 4
def new_dataset(dolt, agency, url):
    print('   [*] Adding a New Dataset:')
    name = agency['name']
    print('     [*] name: {}'.format(name))
    print('     [*] url: {}'.format(url))

    # it appears most will have 'County' in the name
    # else make it municipal
    if 'County' in name:
        aggregation_level = 'county'
        aggregation_level = 'municipal'
    print('     [*] aggregation level: {}'.format(aggregation_level))
    source_type_id = 3 # Third Party
    print('     [*] source type: {}'.format('Third Party'))
    data_types_id = 10 # Incident Reports
    print('     [*] data type: {}'.format('Incident Reports'))
    format_types_id = 2 # CityProtect
    print('     [*] format type: {}'.format('CityProtect'))

    state = agency['state'] 
    print('     [*] state: {}'.format(state))

    # use lat and long to retrieve county fips from
    lat = agency['center']['coordinates'][1]
    lng = agency['center']['coordinates'][0]

    fcc = "{}&lon={}&format=json".format(lat, lng)
    print("     [!] Fetching County FIPS code from")
    response = requests.get(fcc)
    # print(response.text)
    json_resp = json.loads(response.text)

    fips = json_resp['results'][0]['county_fips']
    print("     [*] fips: {}".format(fips))

    if aggregation_level == 'municipal':
        print("     [!] Searching municipalities table for id")
        city_id = get_municipality(dolt, state, fips, agency['city'])
        city_id = None
    consolidator = 'CityProtect'
    print('     [*] consolidator: {}'.format(consolidator))
    update_freq = 'quarterly'
    print('     [*] update freq: {}'.format(update_freq))
    portal = 'CityProtect'
    print('     [*] portal type: {}'.format(portal))
    start = agency['reports'][0]['targetPeriodStart'] or None
    print('     [*] start date: {}'.format(start))

    # technically we could just omit these, but leaving them here in case this code
    # is reused elsewhere so they aren't forgotten
    scraper_path = None
    notes = None

    # then grab all our vars and turn into a dataframe:
    data = pd.DataFrame([{
        'url': url,
        'name': name,
        'aggregation_level': aggregation_level,
        'source_type_id': source_type_id,
        'data_types_id': data_types_id,
        'format_types_id': format_types_id,
        'state_iso': state,
        'county_fips': fips,
        'city_id' : city_id,
        'portal_type': portal,
        'coverage_start': start,
        'scraper_path': scraper_path,
        'notes': notes
    print("   [*] Inserting data to datasets table...")
    id = uuid.uuid4()
    insert = dolt.sql("INSERT into datasets (`id`, `url`, `name`, `aggregation_level`, `source_type_id`, `data_types_id`, `format_types_id`, `state_iso`, `county_fips`, `city_id`, `consolidator`, `portal_type`, `coverage_start`, `scraper_path`, `notes`) VALUES ('{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}');".format(id, url, name, aggregation_level, source_type_id, data_types_id, format_types_id, state, fips, city_id, consolidator, portal, start, scraper_path, notes), result_format="csv")
    # and grab the record
    data = read_pandas_sql(dolt, "select * from datasets where id = '{}'".format(id))
    print(" [!] Inserted Dataset Record: ID #{}!".format(data.loc[0, 'id']))
    return data
Esempio n. 5
def new_dataset(dolt, agency, url):
    print('   [*] Adding a New Dataset:')
    name = agency['name'].replace("'", '')
    print('     [*] name: {}'.format(name))
    print('     [*] url: {}'.format(url))

    source_type_id = 3  # Third Party
    print('     [*] source type: {}'.format('Third Party'))
    data_types_id = 10  # Incident Reports
    print('     [*] data type: {}'.format('Incident Reports'))
    format_types_id = 2  # CityProtect
    print('     [*] format type: {}'.format('CityProtect'))

    # try to use soundex to find the agency ID. will not always work
    agency_id = get_agency_id(dolt, name, agency['state'])
    print('     [*] agency id: {}'.format(agency_id))
    fcc = "{}&lon={}&format=json".format(lat, lng)
    print("     [!] Fetching County FIPS code from")
    response = requests.get(fcc)
    # print(response.text)
    json_resp = json.loads(response.text)

    fips = json_resp['results'][0]['county_fips']
    print("     [*] fips: {}".format(fips))
    update_freq = 3  # quarterly
    print('     [*] update freq: {}'.format(update_freq))
    portal = 'CityProtect'
    print('     [*] portal type: {}'.format(portal))
    start = agency['reports'][0]['targetPeriodStart'] or None
    print('     [*] start date: {}'.format(start))

    # technically we could just omit these, but leaving them here in case this code
    # is reused elsewhere so they aren't forgotten
    scraper_id = ''
    notes = ''

    # then grab all our vars and turn into a dataframe:
    data = pd.DataFrame([{
        'url': url,
        'name': name,
        'source_type_id': source_type_id,
        'data_types_id': data_types_id,
        'format_types_id': format_types_id,
        'agency_id': agency_id,
        'update_frequency': update_freq,
        'portal_type': portal,
        'coverage_start': start,
        'scraper_id': scraper_id,
        'notes': notes
    print("   [*] Inserting data to datasets table...")

    id = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', '')  # UUID without dashes
    insert = dolt.sql(
        "INSERT into datasets ('id', 'url', 'name', 'source_type_id', 'data_types_id', 'format_types_id', 'agency_id', 'update_frequency', 'portal_type', 'coverage_start', 'scraper_id', 'notes') VALUES ('{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}');"
        .format(id, url, name, source_type_id, data_types_id, format_types_id,
                agency_id, update_freq, portal, start, scraper_id, notes),

    # and grab the record
    data = read_pandas_sql(dolt,
                           "select * from datasets where id = '{}'".format(id))
    print(" [!] Inserted Dataset Record: ID #{}!".format(data.loc[0, 'id']))
    return data