Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self,memory):
     self.pcbTable = PcbTable()
     self.memory = memory
     self.disc = Disc()
     self.cpu = CPU()
     self.programLoader = Loader(self.memory,self.disc)
     self.readyQueue = Queue()
     self.interruptionManager = InterruptionManager()
Esempio n. 2
    def test_terminated(self):
        #load some program with base dir = 3, has 6 instructions and the pc is in the last instruction of the pcb
        pcbTerminado =  PCB(pid=0,pc=6,basedir=3,numberofinstructions=6)
        self.cpu = CPU(self.memory, pcbTerminado)

    #def test_NOTterminated(self):
    #    self.assertFalse(self.cpu.terminated())

    #def test_fetchFirstInstruction(self):
        #instruction = self.cpu.fetch_instruction()
        #the third instruction of the pcb is instruction3
Esempio n. 3
class TestCpu(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.memory = Memory(begin=0,end=13)
        #load some program with base dir = 3 and has 6 instructions
        self.pcb = PCB(pid=0,pc=2,basedir=3,numberofinstructions= 6)
        self.interruptionManager = InterruptionManager()
        self.cpu = CPU(self.memory, self.pcb,self.interruptionManager)

    def test_terminated(self):
        #load some program with base dir = 3, has 6 instructions and the pc is in the last instruction of the pcb
        pcbTerminado =  PCB(pid=0,pc=6,basedir=3,numberofinstructions=6)
        self.cpu = CPU(self.memory, pcbTerminado)

    #def test_NOTterminated(self):
    #    self.assertFalse(self.cpu.terminated())

    #def test_fetchFirstInstruction(self):
        #instruction = self.cpu.fetch_instruction()
        #the third instruction of the pcb is instruction3
Esempio n. 4
class Kernel:

    def __init__(self,memory):
        self.pcbTable = PcbTable()
        self.memory = memory
        self.disc = Disc()
        self.cpu = CPU()
        self.programLoader = Loader(self.memory,self.disc)
        self.readyQueue = Queue()
        self.interruptionManager = InterruptionManager()

    def  run(self,cmd,programName):
            program = self.programLoader.getFromDisc(programName)
            pcb = self.pcbTable.isPcbOf(program)
            #pass the pcb to set the basedir
            if(pcb is None):
                #new NewInterruption
                instructionNew = Instruction(InstructionType.New)
                newPcb = self.pcbTable.createPcbFor(self,program)
        except ProgramNotInDiscException as p:

#-pasar de running a ready -> interrupcion de timeout. Alerta va al kernel
#-pasar de running a terminado -> disparo interrupcxion de kill, estoy en la ultima instruccion.
#algun componente tuyo te lo expropia, limpia memoria y elimina pcb
#y el scheduler le asigna un nuevo pcb al cpu
#-interrupcion de termine de hacer IO

#si cola de ready esta vacia va a cpu directo
#cpu le avisa al kernel que hay interrupcion
#reloj envia click y cpu hace fetch de instruccion

#falta setear estados a los pcbs

#modo usuario - cpu ejecuta instruccion
#modo kernel - tareas de SO. el Clock no puede generar clicks

#mientras se ejecuta una interrupcion no se pueden hacer clicks y por ende fetchs de instruccion
#programar por prioridad con round robin. Cuando creas el kernel configuras con que politica de planificacion queres que trabaje


#from threading import Thread
#class Impresor(Thread)

    #def __init__(self,name):
    #    Thread.__init__(self)
    # = name

    #def run

#CPU es un thread, i/o es otro thread

#cola I/O es estructura compartida entre dos Threads distintos. El CPU para grabar e I/O para acceder
#cola de ready tambien porque es leida por el scheduler y escrita por el kernel. Manejador de interrupciones

#Thread CPU
#mientras SO este running
#hago fetch
Esempio n. 5
 def setUp(self):
     self.memory = Memory(begin=0,end=13)
     #load some program with base dir = 3 and has 6 instructions
     self.pcb = PCB(pid=0,pc=2,basedir=3,numberofinstructions= 6)
     self.interruptionManager = InterruptionManager()
     self.cpu = CPU(self.memory, self.pcb,self.interruptionManager)