Esempio n. 1
def command(msg):
    """Doodle that Doodle"""
    content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(msg)
    session = db.Session()
    doodle_entry = session.query(db.Doodle).filter_by(chat_id=chat_id).first()
    if not doodle_entry:
        bot.sendMessage(chat_id, "No doodle saved")

    chat_entry = session.query(db.Chat).filter_by(chat_id=chat_id).first()
    poll = doodle.Doodle(doodle_entry.url)
    message = DoodleMessage(poll=poll, chat_entry=chat_entry).get_message()

    reply_markup = None
    if not poll.is_open:
        if show_calendar_link:
            ical_url = get_ical_url_from_db(chat_id=chat_id)
            if not ical_url:
                ical_url = DropBoxUploader(poll).get_url()
                doodle_to_db(url=doodle_entry.url, chat_id=doodle_entry.chat_id, ical_url=ical_url)

            reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard=[
                [dict(text='Add to calendar', url=ical_url)]
    bot.sendMessage(chat_id, message, parse_mode="Markdown", disable_web_page_preview=True, reply_markup=reply_markup)
Esempio n. 2
# Run this file for combined verbal experiment (longVerbal+shortverbal+longVerbal+shortVerbal) 
import Short_Verbal, Long_Verbal, doodle, setup, variables,newPoints
import os, datetime, json
from psychopy import event
import functions as fc
import SQL_call as sql
#-------------make necessary objects------------------------------
myPoints = newPoints.NewPoints()
var = variables.Variables()
doo = doodle.Doodle()
dbc = fc.dbconnect()
mouse = event.Mouse(setup.mywin)
#---------------Main Function-------------------------------------
def verbal_odd(var,doo,mouse,myPoints,dbc):
    expName = os.path.basename(__file__)[:-3] # get expName of this file
    expDate ="%Y-%m-%d_T%H_%M_%S") # get expDate
    [rate_ans, dt_ans, chhist_ans]=fc.survey(doo) # survey subjects' recent time and money scarcity
    d = {'answer': rate_ans, 'decisionTime': dt_ans, 'choiceHistory': chhist_ans} # record the survey result to database
    quest = json.dumps(d)
    fc.about_to_start(doo) # show the get ready instruction
    var.points = 0 # set total points to 0 for short verbal experiments
    p_net,points_short1,trials_short1,trialsCorrect_short1 = Short_Verbal.ShortVerbal(var,doo,myPoints,dbc,mouse) # run short verbal session #1
    p_num = sql.r_subjid(dbc,p_net) # connect to next session in database
    fc.block_break(var,doo) # show the break instruction to subject
    p_net,pick1,pay_delay1,pay_num1,trials_long1,points_long1 = Long_Verbal.LongVerbal(var,doo,myPoints,dbc,mouse,getName=False,sub_id=p_net,gettrialn=0) # run the first long verbal session and record the returned info
    ses1id = sql.r_sessid(dbc,p_num)
    numl1 = sql.r_countChoice(dbc,ses1id) # count the number of trials in the first long verbal session
    fc.block_break(var,doo)  # show the break instruction to subject
    Short_Verbal.ShortVerbal(var,doo,myPoints,dbc,mouse,getName=False,sub_id=p_net,pre_points=points_short1,pre_trials=trials_short1,pre_trialsCorrect=trialsCorrect_short1) # run short verbal session #1
    fc.block_break(var,doo)  # show the break instruction to subject