Esempio n. 1
def exportAndDownload(driver):
    # print(driver.page_source)
    menu1 = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//span[text()='考勤数据']")

    menu2 = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//span[text()='考勤报表']")
    # sleep(3)

    export = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//a[text()='导出日报表']")

    # print(driver.page_source)
    go_download = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//a[text()='去下载']")
    loadA = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//a[text()='下载']")
Esempio n. 2
 def getComplaints(self, year, productid, product):
  content = download.getFile("", download.getFilename(year, "product", product), self.refreshYear(year), {'product_id': productid, 'year': year})
  if content:
   complaints = re.finditer(ur"<tr align='left' valign='top'><td><b><p><a href='display.php\?ascb_number=(?P<id>[0-9]{5})'>[0-1][0-9]/[0-9]{3}(?:.*?)</b> - (?P<advert>.*?)</a></p></td><td><p>(?P<decision>.*?)</p></td><td><a href='(?P<docurl>.*?)'><p>Full Decision</p></a></td></tr>", content, flags=re.DOTALL)
   for complaintmatch in complaints:
    self.complaint.complaint = complaintmatch.groupdict()
    self.complaint.complaint["product"] = product
Esempio n. 3
 def get(self):
  if "id" in self.complaint and self.complaint["id"]:
   self.complaint["year"] = int("20" + self.complaint["id"][0:2])
   docType = self.docType(self.complaint["year"])
   docfilename = download.getFilename(self.complaint["year"], "docs", self.complaint["id"], "." + docType)
   textfilename = download.getFilename(self.complaint["year"], "text", self.complaint["id"], ".txt")
   htmlfilename = download.getFilename(self.complaint["year"], "html", self.complaint["id"], ".html")
   #download.getFile("/".join(("", self.complaint["id"][0:2], self.complaint["id"] + "." + docType)), docfilename, self.refresh, returnfile = False)
   download.getFile("" + self.complaint["id"], docfilename, self.refresh, returnfile = False)
   if docType == "doc":
    self.__getPage(download.getFile("" + self.complaint["id"], download.getFilename(self.complaint["year"], 'pages', self.complaint["id"]), self.refresh))
   for field in ["docdate", "docsize", "docwords", "complainants", "companies", "meetingdate"]:
    self.complaint[field] = None
   self.complaint["docdate"], self.complaint["docsize"] = download.getFileDetails(docfilename)
   if os.path.exists(docfilename):
    if os.path.exists(textfilename) and (self.complaint["docdate"] == os.path.getmtime(textfilename) or self.quick):
     self.complaint["doc"] = download.loadResource(textfilename)
     if docType == "doc":
      command = [antiword, "-w", "0", "-m", "8859-1.txt"]
      command = [unrtf, "--text"]
     command.append(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), docfilename))
      self.complaint["doc"] = subprocess.check_output(command).decode('unicode_escape')
     except Exception, e:
      print "Failed to convert doc " + os.path.join(os.getcwd(), docfilename) + ": " + str(e)
      if docType == "rtf":
       self.complaint["doc"] = self.complaint["doc"].split("-----------------", 1)[1]
      download.saveResourcePost(textfilename, self.complaint["doc"], (time.time(), self.complaint["docdate"]))
    if os.path.exists(htmlfilename) and (self.complaint["docdate"] == os.path.getmtime(htmlfilename) or self.quick):
     self.complaint["html"] = download.loadResource(htmlfilename)
     command2 = [unoconv, "-f", "html", "-o", os.path.join(os.getcwd(), htmlfilename), os.path.join(os.getcwd(), docfilename)]
     print "Saving: " + htmlfilename
    self.complaint["html"] ='<body(?:.*?)>(.*?)</body>', download.loadResource(htmlfilename), flags=re.DOTALL).group(1)
Esempio n. 4
from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Activation, Flatten, BatchNormalization
from keras.layers import Conv2D, MaxPooling2D
from keras.utils import np_utils
from keras.datasets import mnist
from keras import backend as K
from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator
import cPickle
from download import getFile

# Assumes you have an internet connection
# Download necessary files containing the CIFAR-100 dataset.
# Training set: 50K images.
# Test set: 5K images.
# Cross Validation set: 5K images.

x_test, y_test, x_validation, y_validation, x_train, y_train = getFile('testImages.npy'), getFile('testLabels.npy'), getFile('validationImages.npy'), getFile('validationLabels.npy'), getFile('trainImages.npy'), getFile('trainLabels.npy');

random.seed(1337)  # for reproducibility

imageSize = 32;
classes = 100;
batch_size = 128;
training_epochs = 100;
imageChannels = 3;

y_train = np_utils.to_categorical(y_train, classes);
y_test = np_utils.to_categorical(y_test, classes);
y_validation = np_utils.to_categorical(y_validation, classes);
x_train = x_train.astype('float32');
x_test = x_test.astype('float32');
x_validation = x_validation.astype('float32');
Esempio n. 5
 def __fill(self):
  decisions = list()
  decisions.append(("Chairmans Ruling: Complaint Resolved", "Chairman", "Resolved", 1))
  decisions.append(("Chairmans Ruling: Complaint Settled", "Chairman", "Settled", 1))
  decisions.append(("Chairmans Ruling: Complaint Withdrawn", "Chairman", "Withdrawn", None))
  decisions.append(("Chairmans Ruling: No Grounds To Proceed", "Chairman", "No Grounds To Proceed", 0))
  decisions.append(("Chairmans Ruling: No Jurisdiction", "Chairman", "No Jurisdiction", 0))
  decisions.append(("Chairmans Ruling: Settled - Advertiser Error", "Chairman", "Settled - Advertiser Error", 1))
  decisions.append(("Chairmans Ruling: Settled - Media Error", "Chairman", "Settled - Media Error", 1))
  decisions.append(("Chairmans Ruling: Settled - Retailer Error", "Chairman", "Settled - Retailer Error", 1))
  decisions.append(("Decision: Complaint No Determination", "Board", "No Determination", None))
  decisions.append(("Decision: Complaint Not Upheld", "Board", "Not Upheld", 0))
  decisions.append(("Decision: Complaint Resolved", "Board", "Resolved", 1))
  decisions.append(("Decision: Complaint Settled", "Board", "Settled", 1))
  decisions.append(("Decision: Complaint Upheld", "Board", "Upheld", 1))
  decisions.append(("Decision: No Grounds To Proceed", "Board", "No Grounds To Proceed", 0))
  decisions.append(("Decision: No Jurisdiction", "Board", "No Jurisdiction", 0))
  decisions.append(("Decision: Complaint Adjourned (Sine Die)", "Board", "Adjourned (Sine Die)", None))
  decisions.append(("See notes", None, "See Notes", None))
  decisions.append(("Pre-ASCB", None, "Pending", None))
  decisions.append(("Pre-Accepted", None, "Pending", None))
  decisions.append(("Chairmans Ruling: Complaint Not Accepted", "Chairman", "Not Accepted", 0))
  decisions.append(("Chairmans Ruling: Complaints Not Accepted", "Chairman", "Not Accepted", 0))
  decisions.append(("Chairman's Ruling: Complaint Settled", "Chairman", "Settled", 1))
  decisions.append(("Ruling: Complaint Settled", "Chairman", "Settled", 1))
  decisions.append(("Decision: Upheld (in part)", "Board", "Upheld (in part)", 1))
  decisions.append(("Decision: Complaint Upheld (in part)", "Board", "Upheld (in part)", 1))
  decisions.append(("Decision: Complaint Upheld In Part", "Board", "Upheld (in part)", 1))
  decisions.append(("Decision: Complaint Upheld in part and Settled in part", "Board", "Upheld (in part) and Settled (in part)", 1))
  decisions.append(("Decision: Complaint Upheld (in part) Settled (in part)", "Board", "Upheld (in part) and Settled (in part)", 1))
  decisions.append(("Decision: Complaint Settled (in part) Not Upheld (in part) Upheld (in part)", "Board", "Upheld (in part), Settled (in part) and Not Upheld (in part)", 1))
  decisions.append(("Decision: Complaint Settled (in part)", "Board", "Settled (in part)", 1))
  decisions.append(("Decision: Complaint Not Accepted", "Board", "Not Accepted", 0))
  decisions.append(("Decision: Complaint Settled (in part) / Not Upheld (in part)", "Board", "Settled (in part) and Not Upheld (in part)", 1))
  decisions.append(("Panel's Ruling: Complaint Settled", "Board", "Settled", 1))
  #Not Upheld
  #No Determination
  #No Grounds To Proceed
  #No Jurisdiction
  #Decision: Complaint: 01/29 & 01/31 - Settled
  #Decision: Complaint 01/81 Upheld
  #Decision: Complaint: Not Upheld
  self.cursor.executemany("INSERT INTO decisions (name, arbiter, ruling, success) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s);", decisions)
  self.cursor.executemany("INSERT INTO products (id, name) VALUES (%s, %s);", re.findall(ur'<OPTION value="([0-9]{1,2})">(.*?)</OPTION>', download.getFile("", download.getFilename(self.year, 'categories', "search_product")), flags=re.DOTALL))
Esempio n. 6
  #Not Upheld
  #No Determination
  #No Grounds To Proceed
  #No Jurisdiction
  #Decision: Complaint: 01/29 & 01/31 - Settled
  #Decision: Complaint 01/81 Upheld
  #Decision: Complaint: Not Upheld
  self.cursor.executemany("INSERT INTO decisions (name, arbiter, ruling, success) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s);", decisions)
  self.cursor.executemany("INSERT INTO products (id, name) VALUES (%s, %s);", re.findall(ur'<OPTION value="([0-9]{1,2})">(.*?)</OPTION>', download.getFile("", download.getFilename(self.year, 'categories', "search_product")), flags=re.DOTALL))
  self.cursor.executemany("INSERT INTO media (id, name) VALUES (%s, %s);", re.findall(ur'<OPTION value="([0-9]{1,2})">(.*?)</OPTION>', download.getFile("", download.getFilename(self.year, 'categories', "search_media")), flags=re.DOTALL))
  codes = re.findall(ur'<OPTION value="([0-9]{1,2})">(.*?)</OPTION>', download.getFile("", download.getFilename(self.year, 'categories', "search_code")), flags=re.DOTALL)
  self.cursor.executemany("INSERT INTO codes (id, name) VALUES (%s, %s);", codes)
  self.cursor.executemany("UPDATE codes SET url = %s WHERE name = %s", [("", "Code of Ethics"), ("", "Code for Financial Advertising"), ("", "Code for People in Advertising"), ("", "Code for Advertising of Weight Management"), ("", "Code for Gaming and Gambling"), ("", "Code for Advertising Vehicles"), ("", "Therapeutic Services Advertising Code"), ("", "Therapeutic Products Advertising Code"), ("", "Code for Advertising to Children"), ("", "Children's Code for Advertising Food"), ("", "Code for Advertising Food"), ("", "Code for Advertising and Promotion of Alcohol"), ("", "Code for Comparative Advertising"), ("", "Code for Environmental Claims")])
  for code in codes:
   for clause in re.findall(ur'<OPTION value="([0-9]{1,3})">(.*?)</OPTION>', download.getFile("", download.getFilename(self.year, 'categories', code[1]), post = {"code_id": code[0], "year": self.year}), flags=re.DOTALL):
    self.cursor.execute("INSERT INTO clauses (id, name, codes_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %s);", clause + (code[0],))
 def __empty(self):
  self.cursor.execute("SET foreign_key_checks = 0")
  for table in self.tables:
   self.cursor.execute("EMPTY TABLE " + table)
  self.cursor.execute("SET foreign_key_checks = 1")