# please, uncomment the week you're working on
# setup_google_colab.setup_week1()
# setup_google_colab.setup_week2()
# setup_google_colab.setup_week4()
# setup_google_colab.setup_week5()
# setup_google_colab.setup_week6()

import sys
import grading
import download_utils

# !!! remember to clear session/graph if you rebuild your graph to avoid out-of-memory errors !!!


import tensorflow as tf
import keras
from keras import backend as K
import numpy as np
# %matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import grading_utils
import keras_utils
from keras_utils import reset_tf_session
"""# Fill in your Coursera token and email
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Esempio n. 2
Your very own neural network
In this notebook we're going to build a neural network using naught but pure numpy and steel nerves. It's going to be fun, I promise!

In [1]:
import sys
import tqdm_utils
import download_utils
In [2]:
# use the preloaded keras datasets and models
In [3]:
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
Here goes our main class: a layer that can do .forward() and .backward() passes.

In [4]:
class Layer:
    A building block. Each layer is capable of performing two things:
    - Process input to get output:           output = layer.forward(input)
    - Propagate gradients through itself:    grad_input = layer.backward(input, grad_output)
    Some layers also have learnable parameters which they update during layer.backward.
    def __init__(self):