Esempio n. 1
	def rotate( dat, lons, to_pacific=False ):
		'''rotate longitudes in WGS84 Global Extent'''
		if to_pacific == True:
			# to 0 - 360
			dat, lons = utils.shiftgrid( 0., dat, lons )
		elif to_pacific == False:
			# to -180.0 - 180.0 
			dat, lons = utils.shiftgrid( 180., dat, lons, start=False )
			raise AttributeError( 'to_pacific must be boolean True:False' )
		return dat, lons
Esempio n. 2
	def rotate( dat, lons, to_pacific=False ):
		'''rotate longitudes in WGS84 Global Extent'''
		if to_pacific == False:
			# to -180.0 - 180.0 
			dat, lons = utils.shiftgrid( 180., dat, lons, start=False )
		elif to_pacific == True:
			# to 0 - 360
			dat, lons = utils.shiftgrid( 0., dat, lons )
			raise AttributeError( 'to_pacific can be only one of True or False' )
		return dat, lons
Esempio n. 3
	def downscale( self, output_dir, prefix=None, ncpus=32 ):
		import affine
		import itertools
		from functools import partial
		# import multiprocessing
		from pathos import multiprocessing
		# output_filenames 
		time = self.anomalies.time.to_pandas()
		time_suffix = [ '_'.join([str(t.month), str(t.year)]) for t in time ]
		if prefix:
			output_filenames = [ os.path.join( output_dir, '_'.join([prefix, ts]) + '.tif' ) for ts in time_suffix ]
			if not self.historical.units:
				units = 'units'
				units = self.historical.units
			output_filenames = [ os.path.join( output_dir, '_'.join([self.historical.variable, units, \
							self.metric, self.historical.model, ts]) + '.tif')  for ts in time_suffix ]
		# rotate
		if ( self.anomalies.lon > 200.0 ).any() == True:
			dat, lons = utils.shiftgrid( 180., self.anomalies, self.anomalies.lon, start=False )
			a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i = self.affine 
			# flip it to the greenwich-centering
			src_transform = affine.Affine( a, b, -180.0, d, e, 180.0 )
			dat, lons = ( self.anomalies, self.anomalies.lon )
			src_transform = self.affine
		# run and output
		rstlist = self.baseline.filelist * (self.anomalies.shape[0] / 12)
		args = zip( self.anomalies, rstlist, output_filenames )
		args = [{'anom', 'base':j, 'output_filename':k} for i,j,k in args ]

		# determine operation type
		downscaling_operation_switch = {'absolute':'add', 'relative':'mult'}
		downscaling_operation = downscaling_operation_switch[ self.ds_type ]
		# partial and wrapper
		f = partial( self.interp_ds, src_transform=src_transform, downscaling_operation=downscaling_operation, \
						post_downscale_function=None, mask=None, mask_value=0 )
		def wrap( d ):
			return f( **d )

		pool = multiprocessing.Pool( ncpus )
		# out = lambda x: f( **x ), args )
		out = wrap, args )
		# pool.join()
		return output_dir
Esempio n. 4
	def downscale( self, output_dir, prefix=None ):
		import affine
		from affine import Affine
		import itertools
		from functools import partial
		from pathos.mp_map import mp_map

		operation_switch = { 'add':self.add, 'mult':self.mult }

		def two_digit_month( x ):
			''' make 1 digit month a standard 2-digit for output filenames '''
			month = str( x )
			if len(month) == 1:
				month = '0'+month
			return month

		time_suffix = [ '_'.join([two_digit_month( t.month ), str(t.year)]) for t in self.anomalies.time.to_pandas() ]

		# handle missing variable / model names
		if self.varname != None:
			variable = self.varname
		elif self.historical.variable != None:
			variable = self.historical.variable
			variable = 'variable'

		if self.modelname != None:
			model = self.modelname
		elif self.historical.model != None:
			model = self.historical.model
			model = 'model'

		output_filenames = [ os.path.join( output_dir, '_'.join([variable, self.historical.metric, self.historical.units, \
					self.historical.project, model, self.historical.scenario, ts]) + '.tif')  for ts in time_suffix ]

		# if there is a specific name prefix, use it
		if prefix != None:
			output_filenames = [ os.path.join( output_dir, '_'.join([prefix, ts]) + '.tif' ) for ts in time_suffix ]

		# rotate to pacific-centered
		if ( > 200.0 ).any() == True:
			dat, lons = ( self.anomalies, self.anomalies.lon )
			self.anomalies_rot = dat
			src_transform = self.historical.transform_from_latlon(, lons )
			print( 'anomalies NOT rotated!' )
			dat, lons = utils.shiftgrid( 0., self.anomalies, self.anomalies.lon )
			self.anomalies_rot = dat
			src_transform = self.historical.transform_from_latlon(, lons )
			print( src_transform )
			print( 'anomalies rotated!' )

		# run and output
		rstlist = self.baseline.filelist * (self.anomalies_rot.shape[0] / 12)
		if isinstance( self.anomalies_rot, xr.Dataset ):
			self.anomalies_rot = self.anomalies_rot[ self.historical.variable ].data
		elif isinstance( self.anomalies_rot, xr.DataArray ):
			self.anomalies_rot =
			self.anomalies_rot = self.anomalies_rot

		args = zip( self.anomalies_rot, rstlist, output_filenames )

		args = [{'anom':i, 'base':j, 'output_filename':k,\
				'downscaling_operation':self.downscaling_operation, \
				'mask':self.mask, 'mask_value':self.mask_value } for i,j,k in args ]

		# partial and wrapper
		f = partial( self.interp_ds, src_crs=self.src_crs, src_nodata=self.src_nodata, \
					dst_nodata=self.dst_nodata, src_transform=src_transform, resample_type=self.resample_type )

		run = partial( self._run_ds, f=f, operation_switch=operation_switch, anom=self.anom, mask_value=self.mask_value )

		# run it
		out = mp_map( run, args, nproc=self.ncpus )
		return output_dir