Esempio n. 1
def resolve_dq2_local_site_id(ds_locations, site_domain, se_hostname, force_siteid_domain={}, force_siteid_se={}):
    resolves the DQ2_LOCAL_SITE_ID based on 3 factors:
     - the dataset location list
     - the site domain
     - the default SE host
     - the dictionaries containing the local_site_id enforcement

    The "force_siteid_domain" gives a list in which the matched site_domain (regx match)
    will be limited to the given list of DQ2 site ids.

    The "force_siteid_se" gives a list in which the matched se_hostname (regx match) 
    will be limited to the given list of DQ2 site ids.

    it returns a final DQ2 site id which is local and containing the dataset replica
    or an empty string if there is no matched DQ2 site id.
    dq2_local_site_id = ''

    toa_check = True

    # get dq2 site ids matching the site_domain and se_hostname
    dq2_local_ids = []

    # checking if the given site_domain in the enforcement dictionary
    if force_siteid_domain:
        for mydomain, mysites in force_siteid_domain.items():
            re_domain = re.compile(mydomain)
            if re_domain.match(site_domain):
                dq2_local_ids = mysites
                toa_check = False

    # checking if the given se_hostname in the enforcement dictionary
    if force_siteid_se:
        for myse, mysites in force_siteid_se.items():
            re_se = re.compile(myse)
            if re_se.match(se_hostname):
                dq2_local_ids = mysites
                toa_check = False

    # if enforcement is never applied, do the detection for dq2_local_ids via ToA
    if toa_check:
        alternateNameDict    = {}
        for sitename in TiersOfATLAS.getAllSources():

            # compose the altname:siteid dictionary
            altnames = TiersOfATLAS.getSiteProperty(sitename,'alternateName')
            if altnames:
                for altname in altnames:
                    if altname not in alternateNameDict:
                        alternateNameDict[altname] = []
            # First search for srm
            dq2srm = TiersOfATLAS.getSiteProperty(sitename,'srm')
            if dq2srm and dq2srm.find(se_hostname)>=0:

            # Second search for domainname
            dq2domain = TiersOfATLAS.getSiteProperty(sitename,'domain')
            if dq2domain and dq2domain.find(site_domain)>=0:

        # Thirdly search for sites with the same alternateName
        more_dq2_local_ids = []
        for sitename in dq2_local_ids:
            altnames = TiersOfATLAS.getSiteProperty(sitename,'alternateName')
            if altnames:
                for altname in altnames:
                    if altname in alternateNameDict:
                        more_dq2_local_ids += alternateNameDict[altname]

        dq2_local_ids += more_dq2_local_ids

    # resolving the best location according to the dataset locations
    #  - get the common part between dq2_local_ids and ds_locations
    #  - pick the first one in the common part
    candidates = list(set(dq2_local_ids) & set(ds_locations))

    print >> sys.stdout, str(candidates)

    if candidates:
        ## pick up the site whose corresponding se is matching the se_hostname
        for c in candidates:
            srm_info = get_srm_endpoint(c)
            if srm_info['se_host'] == se_hostname:
                dq2_local_site_id = c
        ## otherwise, take the first candidate in the list
        if not dq2_local_site_id:
            dq2_local_site_id = candidates[0]

    return dq2_local_site_id
Esempio n. 2
import os
from dq2.clientapi.DQ2 import DQ2
from import TiersOfATLAS
from import _refreshToACache, ToACache


dq2localid = os.environ['DQ2_LOCAL_SITE_ID']
dq2localid_alternatename = TiersOfATLAS.getSiteProperty(dq2localid,'alternateName')
if not dq2localid_alternatename:
        dq2localid_alternatename = dq2localid.split("_")[0]
        dq2localid_alternatename = dq2localid
db_dataset = os.environ['ATLAS_DBRELEASE']

db_locations = dq2.listDatasetReplicas(db_dataset).values()[0][1]

print "db_locations = ", db_locations

db_site = dq2localid
for sitename in TiersOfATLAS.getAllSources():
    if TiersOfATLAS.getSiteProperty(sitename,'alternateName')==dq2localid_alternatename and sitename in db_locations:
        db_site = sitename

outFile = open('db_dq2localid.txt','w')
outFile.write('%s\n' % db_site)
Esempio n. 3
def resolve_dq2_local_site_id(ds_locations,
    resolves the DQ2_LOCAL_SITE_ID based on 3 factors:
     - the dataset location list
     - the site domain
     - the default SE host
     - the dictionaries containing the local_site_id enforcement

    The "force_siteid_domain" gives a list in which the matched site_domain (regx match)
    will be limited to the given list of DQ2 site ids.

    The "force_siteid_se" gives a list in which the matched se_hostname (regx match) 
    will be limited to the given list of DQ2 site ids.

    it returns a final DQ2 site id which is local and containing the dataset replica
    or an empty string if there is no matched DQ2 site id.
    dq2_local_site_id = ''

    toa_check = True

    # get dq2 site ids matching the site_domain and se_hostname
    dq2_local_ids = []

    # checking if the given site_domain in the enforcement dictionary
    if force_siteid_domain:
        for mydomain, mysites in force_siteid_domain.items():
            re_domain = re.compile(mydomain)
            if re_domain.match(site_domain):
                dq2_local_ids = mysites
                toa_check = False

    # checking if the given se_hostname in the enforcement dictionary
    if force_siteid_se:
        for myse, mysites in force_siteid_se.items():
            re_se = re.compile(myse)
            if re_se.match(se_hostname):
                dq2_local_ids = mysites
                toa_check = False

    # if enforcement is never applied, do the detection for dq2_local_ids via ToA
    if toa_check:

        alternateNameDict = {}

        for sitename in TiersOfATLAS.getAllSources():

            # compose the altname:siteid dictionary
            altnames = TiersOfATLAS.getSiteProperty(sitename, 'alternateName')
            if altnames:
                for altname in altnames:
                    if altname not in alternateNameDict:
                        alternateNameDict[altname] = []

            # First search for srm
            dq2srm = TiersOfATLAS.getSiteProperty(sitename, 'srm')
            if dq2srm and dq2srm.find(se_hostname) >= 0:

            # Second search for domainname
            dq2domain = TiersOfATLAS.getSiteProperty(sitename, 'domain')
            if dq2domain and dq2domain.find(site_domain) >= 0:

        # Thirdly search for sites with the same alternateName
        more_dq2_local_ids = []
        for sitename in dq2_local_ids:
            altnames = TiersOfATLAS.getSiteProperty(sitename, 'alternateName')
            if altnames:
                for altname in altnames:
                    if altname in alternateNameDict:
                        more_dq2_local_ids += alternateNameDict[altname]

        dq2_local_ids += more_dq2_local_ids

    # resolving the best location according to the dataset locations
    #  - get the common part between dq2_local_ids and ds_locations
    #  - pick the first one in the common part
    candidates = list(set(dq2_local_ids) & set(ds_locations))

    print >> sys.stdout, str(candidates)

    if candidates:
        ## pick up the site whose corresponding se is matching the se_hostname
        for c in candidates:
            srm_info = get_srm_endpoint(c)
            if srm_info['se_host'] == se_hostname:
                dq2_local_site_id = c

        ## otherwise, take the first candidate in the list
        if not dq2_local_site_id:
            dq2_local_site_id = candidates[0]

    return dq2_local_site_id