def glorot_uniform(shape, mode='fan_in', scale=3.0, dtype='float32', **kwargs): r"""Return a tensor initialized from the glorot uniform distribution. .. math:: \text{out} \sim \mathcal{U}(-\sqrt{\frac{scale}{\text{fan}}}, \sqrt{\frac{scale}{\text{fan}}}) Parameters ---------- shape : Sequence[Union[int, dragon.Tensor]] The tensor shape. mode : {'fan_in', 'fan_out', 'fan_avg'}, optional The mode to compute fans. scale : float, optional, default=3.0 The scale factor to distribution. dtype : str, optional, default='float32' The optional data type. Returns ------- dragon.Tensor The output tensor. """ args = OpSchema.parse_args(locals()) args['scale'] = float(scale) args['mode'] = mode.lower() if context.executing_eagerly(): return OpLib.execute('GlorotUniform', [], ndim=len(args['dims']), **args) return OpLib.add('GlorotUniform', [], **args)
def tile(inputs, repeats, **kwargs): """Repeat elements along each axis of input. Examples: ```python x = dragon.constant([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) print(dragon.tile(x, repeats=(1, 2))) # [[1, 2, 1, 2], [3, 4, 3, 4]] ``` Parameters ---------- inputs : dragon.Tensor The input tensor. repeats : Union[Sequence[int], dragon.Tensor]] The repetition for each axis. Returns ------- dragon.Tensor The output tensor. """ args = OpSchema.parse_args(locals()) if context.executing_eagerly(): return OpLib.execute( 'Tile', inputs, ndim=len(args['repeats']), repeats=args['repeats']) return OpLib.add('Tile', **args)
def permutation(limit, dtype='int64', **kwargs): r"""Return a tensor with value in the permuted range. Set :attr:`limit` to determine a range :math:`[0, \text{limit})`: ```python x = dragon.random.permutation(4) ``` Parameters ---------- limit: Union[number, dragon.Tensor] The end of interval. dtype : str, optional, default='int64' The optional data type. Returns ------- dragon.Tensor The output tensor. """ args = OpSchema.parse_args(locals()) args['dtype'] = args['dtype'].lower() if context.executing_eagerly(): return OpLib.execute('Permutation', [], dtype=dtype, limit=args['limit']) return OpLib.add('Permutation', [], **args)
def truncated_normal(shape, mean=0, std=1, dtype='float32', **kwargs): r"""Return a tensor initialized from the truncated normal distribution. .. math:: \text{out} \sim \mathcal{TN}(\mu, \sigma^{2}, \mu - 2\sigma, \mu + 2\sigma) Parameters ---------- shape : Sequence[Union[int, dragon.Tensor]] The tensor shape. mean : number, optional, default=0 The value to :math:`\mu`. std : number, optional, default=1 The value to :math:`\sigma`. dtype : str, optional, default='float32' The optional data type. Returns ------- dragon.Tensor The output tensor. """ args = OpSchema.parse_args(locals()) args['mean'], args['std'] = float(mean), float(std) if context.executing_eagerly(): return OpLib.execute('TruncatedNormal', [], ndim=len(args['dims']), **args) return OpLib.add('TruncatedNormal', [], **args)
def get_config(self, device, **kwargs): """Return the execution config.""" cache_key = self._op_type + '/' + str(device) for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k not in self._ignore_keys: cache_key += '/' + str(v) try: return self._config_cache[cache_key] except KeyError: def_args, feed_dict = {}, {} def_args_getter = OpSchema.get_args(self._op_type) if def_args_getter is not None: def_args = def_args_getter(**kwargs) device = def_args.pop('device', device) check_device = def_args.pop('check_device', True) no_grad = def_args.pop('no_grad', False) for k, v in def_args.items(): if k.endswith('_desc') and v: name = k.split('_desc')[0] feed_dict[name] = v def_args[k] = '$NAME/' + name op_def = proto_util.make_operator_def( op_type=self._op_type, name=kwargs.get('name', ''), device_option=device.to_proto(False), cache_key=cache_key, to_impl=True, **def_args) config = {'def': op_def, 'device': device, 'check_device': check_device, 'no_grad': no_grad, 'feed_dict': feed_dict} self._config_cache[cache_key] = config return config
def channel_norm(inputs, mean, std, axis=-1, dtype='float32', perm=None, **kwargs): """Apply the normalization to each channel of input. :attr:`axis` can be negative: ```python m = s = (1., 1., 1.) x = dragon.constant([1, 2, 3]) print(dragon.nn.channel_norm(x, m, s, axis=0)) # [0., 1., 2.] print(dragon.nn.channel_norm(x, m, s, axis=-1)) # Equivalent ``` If :attr:`perm` provided, :attr:`axis` is selected from the output layout: ```python m, s = (1., 2., 3.), (1., 1., 1.) x = dragon.constant([[1, 2, 3]]) # Provided 3 values to normalize the last axis # with length 1, only the first value will be taken print(dragon.nn.channel_norm(x, m, s, perm=(1, 0))) # [[0.], [1.], [2.]] ``` Parameters ---------- inputs : dragon.Tensor The input tensor. mean : Sequence[float], required The mean to subtract. std : Sequence[float], required The standard deviation to divide. axis : int, optional, default=-1 The channel axis. dtype : str, optional, default='float32' The output data type. perm : Sequence[Union[int, dragon.Tensor]], optional The output permutation. Returns ------- dragon.Tensor The output tensor. """ args = OpSchema.parse_args(locals()) if context.executing_eagerly(): return OpLib.execute('ChannelNorm', inputs, axis=axis, mean=mean, std=std, dtype=dtype, ndim=len(args['perm']) if perm is not None else 0, perm=args['perm']) return OpLib.add('ChannelNorm', **args)
def assign(inputs, starts=None, sizes=None, copy=False, **kwargs): r"""Assign the value to input. .. math:: \text{input}[\text{start}:\text{start} + \text{size}, ...] = \text{value} Parameters ---------- inputs : Sequence[dragon.Tensor] The input and value tensor. starts : Union[Sequence[int], dragon.Tensor]], optional The start location for each dimension. sizes : Union[Sequence[int], dragon.Tensor]], optional The number of elements from start. copy : bool, optional, default=False Return a new tensor or call in-place. Returns ------- dragon.Tensor The output tensor. """ args = OpSchema.parse_args(locals()) inputs = constant_ops.remove_scalars(inputs) if context.executing_eagerly(): starts = args['starts'] if starts is not None else [0] sizes = args['sizes'] if sizes is not None else [-1] return OpLib.execute( 'Assign', inputs, outputs=[None if copy else inputs[0]], ndim=len(starts), starts=starts, sizes=sizes) return OpLib.add('Assign', **args)
def broadcast(inputs, root=0, group=None, **kwargs): """Broadcast the input from root node in a group. Parameters ---------- inputs : dragon.Tensor The tensor to broadcast. root : int, optional, default=0 The node index in the group. group : ProcessGroup, optional The communication group. Returns ------- dragon.Tensor The output tensor. """ args = OpSchema.parse_args(locals()) if group is None: group = distributed.get_group() if group is None: raise ValueError('<group> is required.') coll_args = group.arguments.copy() coll_args['root'] = root coll_args['operation'] = 'BROADCAST' if context.executing_eagerly(): return OpLib.execute('Collective', inputs, **coll_args) kwargs.update(coll_args) return OpLib.add('Collective', inputs, **kwargs)
def random_uniform(shape, low=0, high=1, dtype='float32', **kwargs): r"""Return a tensor initialized from the uniform distribution. .. math:: \text{out} \sim \mathcal{U}(\alpha, \beta) Parameters ---------- shape : Sequence[Union[int, dragon.Tensor]] The tensor shape. low : number, optional, default=0 The value to :math:`\alpha`. high : number, optional, default=1 The value to :math:`\beta`. dtype : str, optional, default='float32' The optional data type. Returns ------- dragon.Tensor The output tensor. """ args = OpSchema.parse_args(locals()) args['low'], args['high'] = float(low), float(high) if context.executing_eagerly(): return OpLib.execute('RandomUniform', [], ndim=len(args['dims']), **args) return OpLib.add('RandomUniform', [], **args)
def fill(shape, value=0, dtype='float32', **kwargs): r"""Return a tensor filled with the scalar value. .. math:: \text{out} \leftarrow \text{value} Parameters ---------- shape : Sequence[Union[int, dragon.Tensor]] The tensor shape. value : number, optional, default=0 The value to fill. dtype : str, optional, default='float32' The optional data type. Returns ------- dragon.Tensor The output tensor. """ args = OpSchema.parse_args(locals()) args['value'] = float(value) if context.executing_eagerly(): return OpLib.execute('Fill', [], ndim=len(args['dims']), **args) return OpLib.add('Fill', [], **args)
def sync_batch_norm(inputs, axis=-1, momentum=0.9, epsilon=1e-5, use_stats=-1, process_group=None, **kwargs): r"""Apply the batch normalization with synced statistics. `[Ioffe & Szegedy, 2015] <>`_. The normalization is defined as: .. math:: y = \frac{x - \mathrm{E}[x]} {\sqrt{\mathrm{Var}[x] + \epsilon}} * \gamma + \beta The running average of statistics are calculated as: .. math:: x_{\text{running}} = \text{momentum} * x_{\text{running}} + (1 - \text{momentum}) * x_{\text{batch}} Parameters ---------- inputs : Sequence[dragon.Tensor] The tensor ``x``, ``gamma``, ``beta``, ``mean`` and ``var``. axis : int, optional, default=-1 The channel axis. momentum : Union[float, dragon.Tensor], optional The value to :math:`\text{momentum}`. epsilon : float, optional, default=1e-5 The value to :math:`\epsilon`. use_stats : int, optional, default=-1 Whether to use estimated statistics or not. process_group : ProcessGroup, optional The group for communication. Returns ------- dragon.Tensor The output tensor. """ args = OpSchema.parse_args(locals()) args['epsilon'] = float(epsilon) if process_group is None: process_group = distributed.get_group() if process_group is None: raise ValueError('<process_group> is required.') if context.executing_eagerly(): return OpLib.execute('SyncBatchNorm', inputs, axis=axis, epsilon=args['epsilon'], use_stats=use_stats, momentum=args['momentum'], **process_group.arguments) args.pop('process_group') args.update(process_group.arguments) return OpLib.add('SyncBatchNorm', **args)
def drop_block(inputs, ratio=0.1, block_size=1, data_format='NCHW', inplace=False, **kwargs): r"""Set the blocks over input to zero randomly. `[Ghiasi, 2018] <>`_. The **DropBlock** function is defined as: .. math:: \text{DropBlock}(x_{ijk}) = x_{ijk} * (r_{ik} \sim \mathcal{B}(1, 1 - \gamma)) \\ \quad \\ \text{where}\quad \gamma = \frac{\text{ratio}}{\text{block\_size}^{n}} \frac{\text{feat\_size}^{n}}{(\text{feat\_size} - \text{block\_size} + 1)^n} Examples: ```python x = dragon.ones((1, 3, 5, 5), 'float32') print(dragon.nn.drop_block(x, ratio=0.5, block_size=3)) ``` Parameters ---------- inputs : dragon.Tensor The input tensor. ratio : Union[float, dragon.Tensor], optional, default=0.1 The probability to zero a block. block_size : int, optional, default=7 The spatial block size. data_format : str, optional, default='NCHW' ``'NCHW'`` or ``'NHWC'``. inplace : bool, optional, default=False Call in-place or return a new tensor. Returns ------- dragon.Tensor The output tensor. """ args = OpSchema.parse_args(locals()) if context.executing_eagerly(): return OpLib.execute('DropBlock', inputs, outputs=inputs if inplace else [None], block_size=block_size, data_format=data_format, ratio=args['ratio']) args.pop('inplace') return OpLib.add('DropBlock', **args)
def __init__(self, op_type): self._op_type = op_type self._ignore_keys = {'outputs'} def_args = {} def_args_getter = OpSchema.get_args(op_type) if def_args_getter is not None: def_args = def_args_getter() for k, v in def_args.items(): if k.endswith('_desc'): self._ignore_keys.add(k.split('_desc')[0]) self._config_cache = {}
def batch_norm(inputs, axis=-1, momentum=0.9, epsilon=1e-5, use_stats=-1, **kwargs): r"""Apply the batch normalization. `[Ioffe & Szegedy, 2015] <>`_. The normalization is defined as: .. math:: y = \frac{x - \mathrm{E}[x]} {\sqrt{\mathrm{Var}[x] + \epsilon}} * \gamma + \beta The running average of statistics are calculated as: .. math:: x_{\text{running}} = \text{momentum} * x_{\text{running}} + (1 - \text{momentum}) * x_{\text{batch}} Parameters ---------- inputs : Sequence[dragon.Tensor] The tensor ``x``, ``gamma``, ``beta``, ``mean`` and ``var``. axis : int, optional, default=-1 The channel axis. momentum : Union[float, dragon.Tensor], optional The value to :math:`\text{momentum}`. epsilon : float, optional, default=1e-5 The value to :math:`\epsilon`. use_stats : int, optional, default=-1 Whether to use estimated statistics or not. Returns ------- dragon.Tensor The output tensor. """ args = OpSchema.parse_args(locals()) args['epsilon'] = float(epsilon) if context.executing_eagerly(): return OpLib.execute('BatchNorm', inputs, axis=axis, epsilon=args['epsilon'], use_stats=use_stats, momentum=args['momentum']) return OpLib.add('BatchNorm', **args)
def where(inputs, **kwargs): r"""Select the elements from two branches under the condition. .. math:: \text{out}_{i} = \begin{cases} \text{input1}_{i}, & \text{ if } \text{condition}_{i} \\ \text{input2}_{i}, & \text{ otherwise } \end{cases} Examples: ```python a = dragon.constant([1, 2, 3]) b = dragon.constant([3, 2, 1]) print(dragon.where([a > b, a, b])) # [3, 2, 3] ``` If only the ``condition`` is given, return the coordinates of ``True`` elements: ```python x = dragon.constant([[True, False, True], [False, True, True]]) print(dragon.where(x)) # [[0, 0], [0, 2], [1, 1], [1, 2]] ``` Parameters ---------- inputs : Sequence[dragon.Tensor] The condition, input1 and input2 tensor. Returns ------- dragon.Tensor The output tensor. See Also -------- `dragon.nonzero(...)`_ """ if types.is_tensor(inputs) or len(inputs) == 1: return nonzero(inputs, **kwargs) args = OpSchema.parse_args(locals()) if context.executing_eagerly(): return OpLib.execute('Where', inputs) return OpLib.add('Where', inputs, **kwargs)
def register(op_type, args_getter=None): """Register an operator. Parameters ---------- op_type : str The operator type. args_getter : callable, optional The callable to return the arguments. """ def decorated(inner_function): return OpSchema.register_args(op_type, inner_function) if args_getter is not None: return OpSchema.register_args(op_type, args_getter) return decorated
def roll(inputs, shift, axis=None, **kwargs): """Roll elements along the given axis. :attr:`axis` could be negative or ``None``: ```python x = dragon.constant([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) # A negative axis is the last-k axis print(dragon.roll(x, shift=1, axis=1)) # [[3, 1, 2], [6, 4, 5]] print(dragon.roll(x, shift=1, axis=-1)) # Equivalent # If axis is None, roll input as a vector print(dragon.roll(x, shift=1)) # [[6, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]] # Also, axis could be a sequence of integers print(dragon.roll(x, shift=(1, 1), axis=(0, 1))) # [[6, 4, 5], [3, 1, 2]] print(dragon.roll(x, shift=(1, -1), axis=(0, 1))) # [[5, 6, 4], [2, 3, 1]] ``` Parameters ---------- inputs : dragon.Tensor The input tensor. shift : Union[int, Sequence[int], dragon.Tensor] The rolling offset of each axis. axis : Union[int, Sequence[int]], optional The axis to roll. Returns ------- dragon.Tensor The output tensor. """ args = OpSchema.parse_args(locals()) axes = nest.flatten(axis) if axis is not None else axis if isinstance(shift, six.integer_types): args['shifts'] = nest.flatten(shift) if context.executing_eagerly(): return OpLib.execute( 'Roll', inputs, num_shifts=len(args['shifts']), shifts=args['shifts'], axes=axes) args.pop('axis') return OpLib.add('Roll', axes=axes, **args)
def slice(inputs, starts, sizes, **kwargs): """Select the elements according to the given sections. Each section should be hinted by a pair of ``[start, start + size)``: ```python x = dragon.constant([[[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]]) print(dragon.slice(x, [0, 1, 2], [1, 1, 1])) # [[[5]]] print(x[0:1, 1:2:, 2:3]) # Equivalent ``` :attr:`sizes` accepts value ``-1`` or ``0``: ```python x = dragon.constant([[[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]]) # Set ``0`` to squeeze dimensions with size 1 print(dragon.slice(x, [0, 1, 2], [0, 0, 0])) # 5 # Set ``-1`` to take all the remained elements print(dragon.slice(x, [0, 0, 0], [-1, -1, -1])) # [[[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]] ``` Parameters ---------- inputs : dragon.Tensor The input tensor. starts : Union[Sequence[int], dragon.Tensor] The start location for each dimension. sizes : Union[Sequence[int], dragon.Tensor] The number of elements sliced from start. Returns ------- dragon.Tensor The output tensor. """ args = OpSchema.parse_args(locals()) if context.executing_eagerly(): return OpLib.execute( 'Slice', inputs, ndim=len(args['starts']), starts=args['starts'], sizes=args['sizes']) return OpLib.add('Slice', **args)
def reshape(inputs, shape, copy=True, **kwargs): """Change the dimensions of input. Examples: ```python # Provide a determined value for each dimension if possible x = dragon.ones(shape=(1, 2, 3, 4)) print(dragon.reshape(x, shape=(6, 4)).shape) # (6, 4) # Set the existing dimensions to ``0`` if it unchanged print(dragon.reshape(x, shape=(0, 0, 12)).shape) # (1, 2, 12) print(dragon.reshape(x, shape=(0, 0, 0, 0)).shape) # (1, 2, 3, 4) print(dragon.reshape(x, shape=(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)).shape) # Wrong # You can also set ``-1`` once to infer the value print(dragon.reshape(x, shape=(-1, 4)).shape) # (6, 4) print(dragon.reshape(x, shape=(-1, -1)).shape) # Wrong ``` Parameters ---------- inputs : dragon.Tensor The input tensor. shape : Union[Sequence[int], dragon.Tensor] The output shape. copy : bool, optional, default=True Return a new tensor or call in-place. Returns ------- dragon.Tensor The output tensor. """ args = OpSchema.parse_args(locals()) if context.executing_eagerly(): return OpLib.execute( 'Reshape', inputs, outputs=[None] if copy else inputs, ndim=len(args['dims']), dims=args['dims']) args.pop('copy') return OpLib.add('Reshape', **args)
def broadcast_to(inputs, shape, **kwargs): """Broadcast input to the given shape. Length of ``shape`` could either be less or more than the number of input dimensions: ```python a = dragon.constant([[1], [2], [3]]) # Shape: (3, 1) -> (3, 2) print(dragon.broadcast_to(a, shape=(3, 2))) print(dragon.broadcast_to(a, shape=(2,))) # Equivalent # Shape: (3,) -> (1, 3) -> (2, 3) b = dragon.constant([1, 2, 3]) print(dragon.broadcast_to(b, shape=(2, 3))) # Wrong remapping shape: (3,) -> (6,) # Only the dimension with size 1 could broadcast print(dragon.broadcast_to(b, shape=(6,))) ``` Parameters ---------- inputs : dragon.Tensor The input tensor. shape : Sequence[Union[int, dragon.Tensor]] The output shape to broadcast to. Returns ------- dragon.Tensor The output tensor. """ args = OpSchema.parse_args(locals()) if context.executing_eagerly(): return OpLib.execute( 'Expand', inputs, ndim=len(args['dims']), dims=args['dims']) return OpLib.add('Expand', **args)
def drop_path(inputs, ratio=0.2, inplace=False, **kwargs): r"""Set the examples over the input to zero randomly. `[Larsson, 2016] <>`_. The **DropPath** function is defined as: .. math:: \text{DropPath}(x_{ij}) = x_{ij} * (r_{i} \sim \mathcal{B}(1, 1 - \text{ratio})) Examples: ```python x = dragon.ones((5, 2), 'float32') print(dragon.nn.drop_path(x, ratio=0.5)) ``` Parameters ---------- inputs : dragon.Tensor The input tensor. ratio : Union[float, dragon.Tensor], optional, default=0.2 The probability to zero an example. inplace : bool, optional, default=False Call in-place or return a new tensor. Returns ------- dragon.Tensor The output tensor. """ args = OpSchema.parse_args(locals()) if context.executing_eagerly(): return OpLib.execute('DropPath', inputs, outputs=inputs if inplace else [None], ratio=args['ratio']) args.pop('inplace') return OpLib.add('DropPath', **args)
def dropout(inputs, ratio=0.5, inplace=False, **kwargs): r"""Set the elements of input to zero randomly. `[Srivastava, 2014] <>`_. The **Dropout** function is defined as: .. math:: \text{Dropout}(x) = x * (r \sim \mathcal{B}(1, 1 - \text{ratio})) Examples: ```python x = dragon.ones((2, 3), 'float32') print(dragon.nn.dropout(x, ratio=0.5)) ``` Parameters ---------- inputs : dragon.Tensor The input tensor. ratio : Union[float, dragon.Tensor], optional, default=0.5 The probability to zero an element. inplace : bool, optional, default=False Call in-place or return a new tensor. Returns ------- dragon.Tensor The output tensor. """ args = OpSchema.parse_args(locals()) if context.executing_eagerly(): return OpLib.execute('Dropout', inputs, outputs=inputs if inplace else [None], ratio=args['ratio']) args.pop('inplace') return OpLib.add('Dropout', **args)
def transpose(inputs, perm=None, copy=True, **kwargs): """Permute the dimensions of input. Examples: ```python # Provide the permutation for all axes x = dragon.ones(shape=(2, 3, 4)) print(dragon.transpose(x, (0, 2, 1)).shape) # (2, 4, 3) # Or dimensions will be simply inverse print(dragon.transpose(x).shape) # (4, 3, 2) ``` Parameters ---------- inputs : dragon.Tensor The input tensor. perm : Union[Sequence[int], dragon.Tensor]], optional The output permutation. copy : bool, optional, default=True Return a new tensor or call in-place. Returns ------- dragon.Tensor The output tensor. """ args = OpSchema.parse_args(locals()) if context.executing_eagerly(): return OpLib.execute( 'Transpose', inputs, outputs=[None] if copy else inputs, ndim=len(args['perm']) if perm is not None else 0, perm=args['perm']) return OpLib.add('Transpose', **args)
def repeat(inputs, axis=None, repeats=1, **kwargs): """Repeat the elements along the given axis. Examples: ```python x = dragon.constant([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) # A negative axis is the last-k axis print(dragon.repeat(x, axis=1, repeats=2)) # [[1, 1, 2, 2], [3, 3, 4, 4]] print(dragon.repeat(x, axis=-1, repeats=2)) # Equivalent # If axis is None, repeat a flattened input print(dragon.repeat(x, repeats=2)) # [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4] ``` Parameters ---------- inputs : dragon.Tensor The input tensor. axis : int, optional The axis to repeat. repeats : Union[int, dragon.Tensor], optional, default=1 The repeat size. Returns ------- dragon.Tensor The output tensor. """ args = OpSchema.parse_args(locals()) if context.executing_eagerly(): return OpLib.execute( 'Repeat', inputs, axis=axis, repeats=args['repeats']) return OpLib.add('Repeat', **args)
def decorated(inner_function): return OpSchema.register_args(op_type, inner_function)