Esempio n. 1
def _write_module(name, f_name):
    """Writes an rst file for module `name` into `f_name`.
    if verbose():
        print("Write: {}".format(name))
    subs = _get_submodules(name)
    with open(f_name, 'w') as f:
        rst_name = name.replace("_", "\\_")
        f.write("=" * len(rst_name) + "\n")
        if len(subs) > 0:
            f.write(".. toctree::\n")
            f.write("    :maxdepth: 1\n")
            for sub in subs:
                f.write("    {}\n".format(sub))
        f.write(".. automodule:: {}\n".format(name))
        f.write("    :members:\n")
        # See if there's a corresponding private CcPybind library.
        if _has_cc_imported_symbols(name):
            f.write("    :imported-members:\n")
        f.write("    :undoc-members:\n")
        f.write("    :show-inheritance:\n")
Esempio n. 2
def _symlink_headers(*, drake_workspace, temp_dir, modules):
    """Prepare the input and output folders.  We will copy the requested input
    file(s) into a temporary scratch directory, so that Doxygen doesn't scan
    the drake_workspace directly (which is extremely slow).
    # Locate the default top-level modules.
    unwanted_top_level_dirs = [
        ".*",           # There is no C++ code here.
        "bazel-*",      # Ignore Bazel build artifacts.
        "build",        # Ignore CMake build artifacts.
        "cmake",        # There is no C++ code here.
        "debian",       # Ignore Debian build artifacts.
        "doc",          # There is no C++ code here.
        "gen",          # Ignore setup artifacts.
        "setup",        # There is no C++ code here.
        "third_party",  # Only document first-party Drake code.
        "tools",        # There is no C++ code here.
        "tutorials",    # There is no C++ code here.
    default_modules = [
        f"drake.{x}" for x in os.listdir(drake_workspace)
        if os.path.isdir(join(drake_workspace, x))
        and not any([
            fnmatch(x, unwanted)
            for unwanted in unwanted_top_level_dirs

    # Iterate modules one by one.
    for module in (modules or default_modules):
        if verbose():
            print(f"Symlinking {module} ...")
        prefix = "drake."
        if not module.startswith(prefix):
            print("error: Doxygen modules must start with 'drake',"
                  f" not {module}")
        module_as_subdir = module[len(prefix):].replace('.', '/')
        module_workspace = join(drake_workspace, module_as_subdir)
        if not os.path.isdir(module_workspace):
            print(f"error: Unknown module {module}")
        for dirpath, dirs, files in os.walk(module_workspace):
            subdir = os.path.relpath(dirpath, drake_workspace)
            os.makedirs(join(temp_dir, "drake", subdir))
            for item in files:
                if any([module.startswith("drake.doc"),
                        "images" in subdir,
                    dest = join(temp_dir, "drake", subdir, item)
                    if not os.path.exists(dest):
                        os.symlink(join(dirpath, item), dest)
Esempio n. 3
def _postprocess_doxygen_log(original_lines, check_for_errors):
    """If check_for_errors is true, then looks for any important warnings and
    fails-fast if any were found. When in verbose mode, also dumps the log to
    the console.
    # Throw away useless lines.
    # Specifically, we remove stanzas that looks like this:
    #  The following parameters of DiscardZeroGradient(...) are not documented:
    #  parameter 'auto_diff_matrix'
    # The pattern to remove will be the "are not documented" line, followed by
    # some list of one or more parameter names.
    lines = []
    is_ignoring_parameters = False
    for line in original_lines:
        if is_ignoring_parameters:
            if line.startswith("parameter "):
        is_ignoring_parameters = False
        if line.endswith(" are not documented:"):
            is_ignoring_parameters = True

    # Print all of the warnings (when requested).
    if verbose():
        for line in lines:
            print("[doxygen] " + line)

    # Check for important warnings (when requested).
    errors = []
    if check_for_errors:
        for line in lines:
            if _is_important_warning(line):
                errors.append(line.replace("warning:", "error:"))
    if errors:
        message = "\n".join(["Problems found by Doxygen:"] + sorted(errors))
        raise RuntimeError(message)