Esempio n. 1
def draw_footer(canvas, fonts, weather_service):
    log.debug('Entering draw_footer()')

    # Text objects
    last_update_str = ('%b %-d at %-I:%M ') +
    last_update = dh.Text(canvas, f'Last updated on {last_update_str}',
    powered_by = dh.Text(canvas, f'Powered by {weather_service}',

    # Coordinates
    last_update_start = (10, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 15)
    last_update_end = (10 + last_update.width, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 15)

    powered_by_start = (SCREEN_WIDTH - powered_by.width - 10,
                        SCREEN_HEIGHT - 15)
    powered_by_end = (SCREEN_WIDTH - 10, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 15)

    # Write
    last_update.write(last_update_start, last_update_end, LEFT, MIDDLE)
    powered_by.write(powered_by_start, powered_by_end, RIGHT, MIDDLE)

    log.debug('Exiting draw_footer()')
Esempio n. 2
def draw_upcoming_events(canvas, fonts, calendar):
    log.debug('Entering draw_upcoming_events()')

    MAX_Y = 356
    date_padding = 4

    # Relative positions
    dow_start_x = 0
    dow_start_y = 0
    dow_end_x = 30
    dow_end_y = 14

    day_start_x = 0
    day_start_y = 16
    day_end_x = 30
    day_end_y = 44

    event_row_start_x = 35
    event_row_start_y = 0
    event_row_height = 18
    event_row_width = 143
    event_row_inner_padding = 1
    event_row_outer_pading = 10

    # Initial draw coordinates
    x_offset = 453
    y_offset = 27

    # Loop through calendar events until an event won't in allocated space
    # Loop through keys (dates)
    while True:
        line_coords = None
        for key, val in calendar:
            # Track whether the date has been drawn
            # So that we only draw it when we know
            # there's enough space for another event
            date_drawn = False

            for item_number, item in enumerate(val):
                event_rows = []
                events_remaining = len(val) - 1 - item_number

                # Ensure event title fits width and doesn't span too many rows
                title_str = item.event_name
                while len(textwrap.wrap(
                    title_str = title_str[:-2] + '…'

                total_event_height = 0
                for line in textwrap.wrap(title_str, CALENDAR_TITLE_MAX_CHARS):
                    new_line = dh.Text(canvas, line, fonts['Roboto']['Small'])
                    total_event_height += event_row_height + event_row_inner_padding

                # Create objects for time frame
                if item.all_day_event:
                    time_frame_str = 'All day'
                elif item.end_date is None:
                    time_frame_str = (
                        'Starting at '
                        f'{item.start_date.strftime("%-I:%M")} '
                elif item.start_date is None:
                    time_frame_str = (
                        'Until '
                        f'{item.end_date.strftime("%-I:%M")} '
                    time_frame_str = (
                        f'{item.start_date.strftime("%-I:%M")} '
                        f'{item.start_date.strftime("%p")[:-1].lower()} - '
                        f'{item.end_date.strftime("%-I:%M")} '

                time_frame = dh.Text(canvas, time_frame_str,

                ending_y = y_offset + total_event_height + time_frame.height
                if ending_y > MAX_Y:
                    # If we don't have room to write everything, exit

                if not date_drawn:
                    if line_coords:
                        canvas.line(line_coords, width=1)
                        y_offset += date_padding

                    # Output day of week and day
                    dow = dh.Text(canvas, key.strftime('%a'),
                    day = dh.Text(canvas, str(,

                    # Coordinates
                    dow_start = (dow_start_x + x_offset,
                                 dow_start_y + y_offset)
                    dow_end = (dow_end_x + x_offset, dow_end_y + y_offset)
                    day_start = (day_start_x + x_offset,
                                 day_start_y + y_offset)
                    day_end = (day_end_x + x_offset, day_end_y + y_offset)

                    dow.write(dow_start, dow_end, CENTER, TOP)
                    day.write(day_start, day_end, CENTER, TOP)
                    date_drawn = True

                # Output all lines in event title
                for line_number, line in enumerate(event_rows):
                    lines_remaining = len(event_rows) - 1 - line_number
                    line_start = (x_offset + event_row_start_x, y_offset)
                    line_end = (x_offset + event_row_start_x + event_row_width,
                                y_offset + event_row_height)
                    line.write(line_start, line_end, LEFT, MIDDLE)

                    if lines_remaining == 0:
                        if events_remaining == 0:
                            # Last line, but no more events on date
                            # Use padding between dates
                            y_offset += event_row_height + date_padding
                            # Last line, but there are more events on this date
                            # Use event outer padding
                            y_offset += event_row_height + event_row_outer_pading
                        # More lines for event, use event inner padding
                        y_offset += event_row_height + event_row_inner_padding

            # If the dow ends below the event, move the y coordinate down
            # to give proper padding between the bottom of the text
            # and the next row
            if day_end[1] > y_offset:
                y_offset += event_row_height - (dow_end_y - dow_start_y)

            # Draw line separating dates
            line_coords = (x_offset, y_offset, x_offset + 178, y_offset)

    log.debug('Exiting draw_upcoming_events()')
Esempio n. 3
def draw_alerts(img, canvas, alert, assests_path, fonts):
    log.debug('Entering draw_alerts()')

        max_alert_width = SCREEN_WIDTH - 20
        max_alert_width = 280

    # Text
        f'Alert timeframe: {str(alert.effective_start)} - {str(alert.effective_end)}'
    if < alert.effective_start:
        preposition = 'beginning at'
        time = alert.effective_start
        preposition = 'until'
        time = alert.effective_end

    # Adjust alert text until it fits in allocated space
    alert_text = alert.title
    while True:
        alert_str = f"{alert_text} {preposition} {time.strftime('%-m-%-d %-I:%M %p').lower()}"
        alert = dh.Text(canvas, alert_str, fonts['Roboto']['Small'])

        # If it fits, break the loop
        if alert.width <= max_alert_width:

        alert_text = alert_text[:-2] + '…'

    # Load border edges
    img_border_edge_left = /
    img_border_edge_right = /

    # Coordinates
    background_start_x = int((SCREEN_WIDTH - alert.width) / 2)
    background_start_y = SCREEN_HEIGHT - 25

    # Centered, match start coords
    background_end_x = background_start_x + alert.width
    background_end_y = SCREEN_HEIGHT

    border_left_start = (background_start_x - img_border_edge_left.width,

    border_right_start = (background_end_x, background_start_y)

    alert_start_x = background_start_x
    alert_start_y = background_start_y + 2

    alert_end_x = background_end_x
    alert_end_y = background_end_y - 2

    # Draw background (rounded corners)
    canvas.rectangle((background_start_x, background_start_y, background_end_x,
    img.paste(img_border_edge_left, border_left_start)
    img.paste(img_border_edge_right, border_right_start)

    # Draw
    alert.write((alert_start_x, alert_start_y), (alert_end_x, alert_end_y),

    log.debug('Exiting draw_alerts()')
Esempio n. 4
def draw_daily_panel(canvas, fonts, forecast):
    log.debug('Entering draw_daily_panel()')

    row_1_y = 216
    row_1_h = 18
    row_2_y = 234
    row_2_h = 18
    row_3_y = 252
    row_3_h = 30
    row_4_y = 282
    row_4_h = 18
    row_5_y = 300
    row_5_h = 18

    x = 26
    w = 100

    i = 0
    items_to_show = min(4, len(forecast))

    while i < items_to_show:
        item = forecast[i]

        # Strings
        day_of_week_str = item.forecast_datetime.strftime('%A')
        date_str = item.forecast_datetime.strftime('%b %-d')

        high_temperature_str = item.high_temperature.display()
        low_temperature_str = item.low_temperature.display()
        temperature_str = f'{high_temperature_str} / {low_temperature_str}'

        precip_probability_str = f'{round(item.precipitation_probability)}%'

        # Text objects
        day_of_week = dh.Text(canvas, day_of_week_str,
        date = dh.Text(canvas, date_str, fonts['Roboto']['Small'])
        icon = dh.Text(canvas, item.weather_icon, fonts['Weather']['Medium'])
        temperature = dh.Text(canvas, temperature_str,
        # weather_text = dh.Text(canvas, weather_text_str, fonts['Roboto']['Small'])

        # Coordinates
        day_of_week_start = (x, row_1_y)
        day_of_week_end = (x + w, row_1_y + row_1_h)
        date_start = (x, row_2_y)
        date_end = (x + w, row_2_y + row_2_h)
        icon_start = (x, row_3_y)
        icon_end = (x + w, row_3_y + row_3_h)
        temperature_start = (x, row_4_y)
        temperature_end = (x + w, row_4_y + row_4_h)
        weather_text_start = (x, row_5_y)
        weather_text_end = (x + w, row_5_y + row_5_h)

        # Write
        day_of_week.write(day_of_week_start, day_of_week_end, CENTER, MIDDLE)
        date.write(date_start, date_end, CENTER, MIDDLE)
        icon.write(icon_start, icon_end, CENTER, MIDDLE)
        temperature.write(temperature_start, temperature_end, CENTER, MIDDLE)
        # weather_text.write(weather_text_start, weather_text_end, CENTER, MIDDLE)

        # Ensure text doesn't span more than 3 lines
        weather_text_str = item.weather_text
        while len(textwrap.wrap(
            weather_text_str = weather_text_str[:-2] + '…'

        y = row_5_y
        for line in textwrap.wrap(weather_text_str, DAILY_DESCRIP_MAX_CHARS):
            text = dh.Text(canvas, line, fonts['Roboto']['Small'])
            text.write((x, y), (x + w, y + row_5_h), CENTER, MIDDLE)
            y += row_5_h

        x += w + 2
        i += 1

    log.debug('Exiting draw_daily_panel()')
Esempio n. 5
def draw_hourly_panel(canvas, fonts, forecast):
    log.debug('Entering draw_hourly_panel()')

    row_1_y = 108
    row_1_h = 18
    row_2_y = 126
    row_2_h = 30
    row_3_y = 156
    row_3_h = 18
    row_4_y = 174
    row_4_h = 18
    row_5_y = 192
    row_5_h = 18

    x = 64
    w = 48

    i = 0
    items_to_show = 7

    while i < items_to_show:
        item = forecast[i]

        # Strings
        hour_str = item.forecast_datetime.strftime('%-I %p').lower()
        temperature_str = item.current_temperature.display()
        feels_like_str = item.feels_like_temperature.display()
        precip_probability_str = f'{round(item.precipitation_probability)}%'

        # Text objects
        hour = dh.Text(canvas, hour_str, fonts['Roboto']['Small'])
        icon = dh.Text(canvas, item.weather_icon, fonts['Weather']['Medium'])
        temperature = dh.Text(canvas, temperature_str,
        feels_like = dh.Text(canvas, feels_like_str, fonts['Roboto']['Small'])
        precip_probability = dh.Text(canvas, precip_probability_str,

        # Coordinates
        hour_start = (x, row_1_y)
        hour_end = (x + w, row_1_y + row_1_h)
        icon_start = (x, row_2_y)
        icon_end = (x + w, row_2_y + row_2_h)
        temperature_start = (x, row_3_y)
        temperature_end = (x + w, row_3_y + row_3_h)
        feels_like_start = (x, row_4_y)
        feels_like_end = (x + w, row_4_y + row_4_h)
        precip_probability_start = (x, row_5_y)
        precip_probability_end = (x + w, row_5_y + row_5_h)

        # Write
        hour.write(hour_start, hour_end, CENTER, MIDDLE)
        icon.write(icon_start, icon_end, CENTER, MIDDLE)
        temperature.write(temperature_start, temperature_end, CENTER, MIDDLE)
        feels_like.write(feels_like_start, feels_like_end, CENTER, MIDDLE)
                                 precip_probability_end, CENTER, MIDDLE)

        x += w + 5
        i += 1

    log.debug('Exiting draw_hourly_panel()')
Esempio n. 6
def draw_top_right_panel(canvas, fonts, forecast):
    log.debug('Entering draw_top_right_panel()')

    # Grid definition
    col_1_x = 208
    col_1_w = 62
    col_2_x = 270
    col_2_w = 80
    col_3_x = 350
    col_3_w = 80

    row_1_y = 10
    row_1_h = 18
    row_2_y = 28
    row_2_h = 41
    row_3_y = 69
    row_3_h = 18
    row_4_y = 87
    row_4_h = 18

    # Strings
    high_temp_str = forecast.high_temperature.display()
    low_temp_str = forecast.low_temperature.display()
    feels_like_high_str = forecast.feels_like_high.display()
    feels_like_low_str = forecast.feels_like_low.display()
    feels_like_str = f'Feels Like: {feels_like_high_str} / {feels_like_low_str}'
    precip_probability_str = f'{round(forecast.precipitation_probability)}%'
    if forecast.precipitation_amount is None:
        precip_amount_str = '–'
        precip_amount_str = f'{forecast.precipitation_amount}"'

    # Text objects
    # Ensure weather text isn't too long for cell
    weather_text_cell_width = col_1_w + col_2_w + col_3_w
    weather_text_str = forecast.weather_text
    while True:
        weather_text = dh.Text(canvas, weather_text_str,
        # If it fits, break the loop
        if weather_text.width <= weather_text_cell_width:

        # Otherwise, remove another character and try again
        weather_text_str = weather_text_str[:-2] + '…'

    icon = dh.Text(canvas, forecast.weather_icon, fonts['Weather']['Large'])
    high_temp = dh.Text(canvas, high_temp_str, fonts['RobotoBold']['Large'])
    low_temp = dh.Text(canvas, f' / {low_temp_str}', fonts['Roboto']['Medium'])
    feels_like_temp = dh.Text(canvas, feels_like_str, fonts['Roboto']['Small'])
    precip_icon = dh.Text(canvas, str(forecast.precipitation_icon),
    precip_probability = dh.Text(canvas, precip_probability_str,
    precip_amount_icon = dh.Text(canvas, '\uf04e', fonts['Weather']['Medium'])
    precip_amount = dh.Text(canvas, precip_amount_str,

    # Coordinates
    weather_text_start = (col_1_x, row_1_y)
    weather_text_end = (col_1_x + weather_text_cell_width, row_1_y + row_1_h)

    icon_start = (col_1_x, row_2_y)
    icon_end = (col_1_x + col_1_w, row_2_y + row_2_h + row_3_h + row_4_h)

    high_temp_start = (col_2_x, row_2_y)
    high_temp_end = (col_2_x + col_2_w, row_2_y + row_2_h)

    low_temp_start = (col_3_x, row_2_y)
    low_temp_end = (col_3_x + col_3_w, row_2_y + row_2_h)

    feels_like_temp_start = (col_2_x, row_3_y)
    feels_like_temp_end = (col_3_x + col_3_w, row_3_y + row_3_h)

    left_margin = 8
    icon_width = 30

    # Icon is lower set than expected and doesn't look centered. Move y up a little.
    precip_icon_start = (col_2_x + left_margin, row_4_y - 2)
    precip_icon_end = (col_2_x + icon_width + left_margin, row_4_y + row_4_h)

    precip_probability_start = (col_2_x + icon_width + left_margin, row_4_y)
    precip_probability_end = (col_2_x + col_2_w, row_4_y + row_4_h)

    # Icon is lower set than expected and doesn't look centered. Move y up a little.
    precip_amount_icon_start = (col_3_x + left_margin, row_4_y - 4)
    precip_amount_icon_end = (col_3_x + icon_width + left_margin,
                              row_4_y + row_4_h)

    precip_amount_start = (col_3_x + icon_width + left_margin, row_4_y)
    precip_amount_end = (col_3_x + col_3_w, row_4_y + row_4_h)

    # Write
    weather_text.write(weather_text_start, weather_text_end, LEFT, MIDDLE)
    icon.write(icon_start, icon_end, CENTER, MIDDLE)
    high_temp.write(high_temp_start, high_temp_end, RIGHT, MIDDLE)
    low_temp.write(low_temp_start, low_temp_end, LEFT, MIDDLE)
    feels_like_temp.write(feels_like_temp_start, feels_like_temp_end, LEFT,

    precip_icon.write(precip_icon_start, precip_icon_end, CENTER, TOP)
    precip_probability.write(precip_probability_start, precip_probability_end,
                             LEFT, MIDDLE)

    precip_amount_icon.write(precip_amount_icon_start, precip_amount_icon_end,
                             CENTER, TOP)
    precip_amount.write(precip_amount_start, precip_amount_end, LEFT, MIDDLE)

    log.debug('Exiting draw_top_right_panel()')
Esempio n. 7
def draw_now_panel(canvas, fonts, forecast):
    log.debug('Entering draw_now_panel()')

    # Grid definition
    col_1_x = 26
    col_1_w = 62
    col_2_x = 88
    col_2_w = 75
    col_3_x = 163
    col_3_w = 40

    row_1_y = 10
    row_1_h = 18
    row_2_y = 28
    row_2_h = 41
    row_3_y = 69
    row_3_h = 18
    row_4_y = 87
    row_4_h = 18

    # Strings
    temperature_str = forecast.current_temperature.display()
    feels_like_temp_str = forecast.feels_like_temperature.display()
    humidity_str = f'{str(round(forecast.relative_humidity))}%'

    # Text objects
    weather_text = dh.Text(canvas, forecast.weather_text,
    icon = dh.Text(canvas, forecast.weather_icon, fonts['Weather']['Large'])
    temperature = dh.Text(canvas, temperature_str,
    feels_like_label = dh.Text(canvas, 'Feels Like:', fonts['Roboto']['Small'])
    feels_like_temp = dh.Text(canvas, feels_like_temp_str,
    humidity_label = dh.Text(canvas, 'Humidity:', fonts['Roboto']['Small'])
    humidity = dh.Text(canvas, humidity_str, fonts['Roboto']['Small'])

    # Coordinates
    weather_text_start = (col_1_x, row_1_y)
    weather_text_end = (col_1_x + col_1_w + col_2_w + col_3_w,
                        row_1_y + row_1_h)

    icon_start = (col_1_x, row_2_y)
    icon_end = (col_1_x + col_1_w, row_2_y + row_2_h + row_3_h + row_4_h)

    temperature_start = (col_2_x, row_2_y)
    temperature_end = (col_2_x + col_2_w + col_3_w, row_2_y + row_2_h)

    feels_like_label_start = (col_2_x, row_3_y)
    feels_like_label_end = (col_2_x + col_2_w, row_3_y + row_3_h)

    feels_like_temp_start = (col_3_x, row_3_y)
    feels_like_temp_end = (col_3_x + col_3_w, row_3_y + row_3_h)

    humidity_label_start = (col_2_x, row_4_y)
    humidity_label_end = (col_2_x + col_2_w, row_4_y + row_4_h)

    humidity_start = (col_3_x, row_4_y)
    humidity_end = (col_3_x + col_3_w, row_4_y + row_4_h)

    # Write
    weather_text.write(weather_text_start, weather_text_end, LEFT, MIDDLE)
    icon.write(icon_start, icon_end, CENTER, MIDDLE)
    temperature.write(temperature_start, temperature_end, CENTER, MIDDLE)
    feels_like_label.write(feels_like_label_start, feels_like_label_end, LEFT,
    feels_like_temp.write(feels_like_temp_start, feels_like_temp_end, LEFT,
    humidity_label.write(humidity_label_start, humidity_label_end, LEFT,
    humidity.write(humidity_start, humidity_end, LEFT, MIDDLE)

    log.debug('Exiting draw_now_panel()')