Esempio n. 1
    def simulate(self):

        for tsname, simconf in self.simulations.items():

            ts = self.timestreams[tsname]

            if os.path.exists(ts._ffile(0)):
                print("Looks like timestream already exists. Skipping....")
                m = manager.ProductManager.from_config(simconf["product_directory"])
                timestream.simulate(m,, **simconf)
Esempio n. 2
    def simulate(self):

        for tsname, simconf in self.simulations.items():

            ts = self.timestreams[tsname]

            if os.path.exists(ts._ffile(0)):
                print "Looks like timestream already exists. Skipping...."
                m = manager.ProductManager.from_config(simconf['product_directory'])
                timestream.simulate(m,, **simconf)
Esempio n. 3
from drift.pipeline import timestream

from simplearray import DishArray

### Make the analysis products for the telescope. This examples focuses only
### on the m-mode products for mapmaking

# Create telescope object and set zenith
tel = DishArray(latitude=30.0, longitude=0.0)

# Create Beam Transfer manager, and generate products
bt = beamtransfer.BeamTransfer("pydriver/btdir/", telescope=tel)

### Simulate and make a map froma timestream

# Create an empty ProductManager
m = manager.ProductManager()

# Set the Beam Transfers
m.beamtransfer = bt

# Create a timestream with no noise (ndays=0) from a given map (could be a list of maps)
ts = timestream.simulate(m, "pydriver/ts1/", ["simulated_map.hdf5"], ndays=0)

# Make m-mode from the timestream

# Make a Healpix map from the m-modes (with NSIDE=256)
ts.mapmake_full(256, "observed_map.hdf5")
Esempio n. 4
### Make the analysis products for the telescope. This examples focuses only
### on the m-mode products for mapmaking

# Create telescope object and set zenith
tel = DishArray()
tel.zenith = np.radians(np.array([30.0, 0.0]))  # Must be in radians

# Create Beam Transfer manager, and generate products
bt = beamtransfer.BeamTransfer('pydriver/btdir/',  telescope=tel)

### Simulate and make a map froma timestream

# Create an empty ProductManager
m = manager.ProductManager()

# Set the Beam Transfers
m.beamtransfer = bt

# Create a timestream with no noise (ndays=0) from a given map (could be a list of maps)
ts = timestream.simulate(m, 'pydriver/ts1/', ['simulated_map.hdf5'], ndays=0)

# Make m-mode from the timestream

# Make a Healpix map from the m-modes (with NSIDE=256)
ts.mapmake_full(256, 'observed_map.hdf5')
Esempio n. 5
import argparse

from drift.core import manager
from drift.pipeline import timestream

## Read arguments in.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Create the visibility timeseries corresponding to a map.")
parser.add_argument("teldir", help="The telescope directory to use.")
parser.add_argument("outdir", help="Output directory for timeseries.")
parser.add_argument("--map", help="Each map argument is a map which contributes to the timeseries.", action='append')
parser.add_argument("--noise", help="Number of days of co-added data (affects noise amplitude).", metavar='NDAYS', default=None, type=int)
parser.add_argument("--resolution", help="Approximate time resolution in seconds.", metavar='NSEC', default=0, type=float)
args = parser.parse_args()

m = manager.ProductManager.from_config(args.teldir)

timestream.simulate(m, args.outdir,, ndays=args.noise, resolution=args.resolution)
Esempio n. 6
from simplearray import DishArray

### Make the analysis products for the telescope. This examples focuses only
### on the m-mode products for mapmaking

# Create telescope object and set zenith
tel = DishArray()
tel.zenith = np.radians(np.array([30.0, 0.0]))  # Must be in radians

# Create Beam Transfer manager, and generate products
bt = beamtransfer.BeamTransfer('pydriver/btdir/', telescope=tel)

### Simulate and make a map froma timestream

# Create an empty ProductManager
m = manager.ProductManager()

# Set the Beam Transfers
m.beamtransfer = bt

# Create a timestream with no noise (ndays=0) from a given map (could be a list of maps)
ts = timestream.simulate(m, 'pydriver/ts1/', ['simulated_map.hdf5'], ndays=0)

# Make m-mode from the timestream

# Make a Healpix map from the m-modes (with NSIDE=256)
ts.mapmake_full(256, 'observed_map.hdf5')