# main run loop while (timeNow < runTime): if (picTimer >= picPeriod) or (timeNow == 0.0): # capture photo and name it "year_month_day__hour_min_sec" img_name.append(str(time.strftime("%Y_%m_%d__%H_%M_%S")) + '.jpg') camera.capture(img_name[-1]) # reset picTimer by updating lastPic time lastPic = time.time() # write to file. use type 'a' to append or 'w' to overwrite with open(file_name, "a") as file: file.write((img_name[-1] + '\n')) # upload the image that was just taken to dropbox db.upload(dbx, img_name[-1], '', '', img_name[-1]) # upload file to drop box and overwrite previous inventory count since the program is appending to the file db.upload(dbx, file_name, '', '', file_name, True) # delete image from local directory as to not fill up local hard drive os.remove(img_name[-1]) # calculate time taken to capture image and upload picTimer = time.time() - lastPic timeLast = timeNow timeNow = time.time() - startTime dt = timeNow - timeLast freq = 1 / dt
# img4 = cv2.drawMatchesKnn(gray_crop,kp,sample,sample_kp,matches,None,**draw_params) ############################################################################################ # Display Image # show the edges only cv2.imshow('image1', img2) # second image with item(s) missing for i in range(len(cnts_filt_indx)): # cv2.imshow(str(1+3*(i)),crop_img[i]) # cropped item (indexed) # cv2.imshow(str(2+3*(i)),img3[i]) # cropped item with features highlighted (indexed) cv2.imshow( str(3 + 3 * (i)), img4[i] ) # feature matching between item and template from database (indexed) # keep image displayed for certain number of milliseconds. If 0 then wait for keystroke key = cv2.waitKey(disp_time) ############################################################################################ # Dropbox # upload file to drop box and overwrite previous inventory count since the program is appending to the file db.upload(dbx, file_name, '', '', file_name, True) # calculate loop time and refresh timeNow timeLast = timeNow timeNow = time.time() - startTime dt = timeNow - timeLast freq = 1 / dt