def test_modify_class_attribute_property():

    "Check that the attribute property is changed"

    config = fake.tango_database()

    if "classes" in config:
        clss = choice(config["classes"].keys())
        props = config["classes"][clss]
        attr = "test_attribute"
        propname, value = fake.tango_attribute_property()
        if "attribute_properties" not in props:
            props["attribute_properties"] = {}
        props["attribute_properties"][attr] = {propname: value}
        orig_config = deepcopy(config)
        props["attribute_properties"][attr][propname] = "abc"
        calls = configure(config, orig_config)

        assert len(calls) == 1
        expected = ("put_class_attribute_property", (clss, {
            attr: {
                propname: "abc"
        }), {})
        assert calls[0] == expected
def test_remove_device_property():
    """Check that the property is removed"""

    config = fake.tango_database()
    orig_config = deepcopy(config)
    srv, inst, clss, dev, name, value = pick_random_property(config)
    del config["servers"][srv][inst][clss][dev]["properties"][name]
    calls = configure(config, orig_config)

    assert len(calls) == 1
    expected = ("delete_device_property", (dev, {name: value}), {})
    assert calls[0] == expected
def test_modify_device_property_line():
    """Check that a property is updated when a line is changed"""

    config = fake.tango_database()
    orig_config = deepcopy(config)
    srv, inst, clss, dev, name, value = pick_random_property(config)
    value[randint(0, len(value) - 1)] = fake.word()
    calls = configure(config, orig_config)

    assert len(calls) == 1
    expected = ("put_device_property", (dev, {name: value}), {})
    assert calls[0] == expected
def test_remove_device():

    config = fake.tango_database()
    orig_config = deepcopy(config)

    _, _, classname, devices = pick_random_class(config)
    device = choice(devices.keys())
    del devices[device]
    calls = configure(config, orig_config)

    assert len(calls) == 1
    assert calls[0] == ("delete_device", (device, ), {})
def test_remove_class_property():
    """Check that the property is removed"""

    config = fake.tango_database(classes=(3, 5))
    orig_config = deepcopy(config)
    clss, name, value = pick_random_class_property(config)
    del config["classes"][clss]["properties"][name]
    calls = configure(config, orig_config)

    assert len(calls) == 1
    expected = ("delete_class_property", (clss, {name: value}), {})
    assert calls[0] == expected
def test_add_device_property():

    "Check that the property is added"

    config = fake.tango_database()
    orig_config = deepcopy(config)

    name, value = fake.tango_property()
    _, _, _, dev, props = pick_random_device(config)
    props["properties"][name] = value
    calls = configure(config, orig_config)

    assert len(calls) == 1
    expected = ("put_device_property", (dev, {name: value}), {})
    assert calls[0] == expected
def test_add_class_property():

    "Check that the property is added"

    config = fake.tango_database(classes=(3, 5))
    orig_config = deepcopy(config)

    name, value = fake.tango_property()
    clss = choice(config["classes"].keys())
    props = config["classes"][clss]
    props["properties"][name] = value
    calls = configure(config, orig_config)

    assert len(calls) == 1
    expected = ("put_class_property", (clss, {name: value}), {})
    assert calls[0] == expected
def test_remove_device_property_line():
    """Check that the property is overwritten with the new value when
    removing a line from a property"""

    config = fake.tango_database()
    orig_config = deepcopy(config)
    _, _, _, dev, name, value = pick_random_property(config)
    old_value = deepcopy(value)
    del value[randint(0, len(value) - 1)]
    calls = configure(config, orig_config)

    assert len(calls) == 1
    if len(value):
        expected = ("put_device_property", (dev, {name: value}), {})
        expected = ("delete_device_property", (dev, {name: old_value}), {})
    assert calls[0] == expected
def test_add_device_to_existing_class():

    config = fake.tango_database()
    orig_config = deepcopy(config)

    srv, inst, cls, devices = pick_random_class(config)
    devname, device = fake.tango_device()
    devices[devname] = {}
    calls = configure(config, orig_config)

    assert len(calls) == 1
    method, [info], kwargs = calls[0]
    assert method == "add_device"
    assert type(info) == PyTango.DbDevInfo
    assert info.server == "%s/%s" % (srv, inst)
    assert info.klass == cls
    assert == devname
Esempio n. 10
def test_cant_remove_protected_attribute_property():

    "Check that the attribute property is *not* removed"

    config = fake.tango_database()

    _, _, _, dev, props = pick_random_device(config)
    attr = "test_attribute"
    propname, value = fake.tango_attribute_property()
    if "attribute_properties" not in props:
        props["attribute_properties"] = {}
    props["attribute_properties"][attr] = {propname: value}
    orig_config = deepcopy(config)
    del props["attribute_properties"][attr][propname]
    calls = configure(config, orig_config)

    assert len(calls) == 0
Esempio n. 11
def test_cant_remove_protected_class_attribute_property():

    "Check that the attribute property is *not* removed"

    config = fake.tango_database()

    clss = choice(config["classes"].keys())
    props = config["classes"][clss]
    attr = "test_attribute"
    propname, value = fake.tango_attribute_property()
    if "attribute_properties" not in props:
        props["attribute_properties"] = {}
    props["attribute_properties"][attr] = {propname: value}
    orig_config = deepcopy(config)
    del props["attribute_properties"][attr][propname]
    calls = configure(config, orig_config)

    assert len(calls) == 0
Esempio n. 12
def test_add_server():

    config = fake.tango_database()
    orig_config = deepcopy(config)

    config["servers"]["test_server"] = {
        "test_instance": {
            "test_class": {
                "my/test/device": {}
    calls = configure(config, orig_config)

    assert len(calls) == 1
    method, [info], kwargs = calls[0]
    assert method == "add_device"
    assert type(info) == PyTango.DbDevInfo
    assert info.server == "test_server/test_instance"
    assert info.klass == "test_class"
    assert == "my/test/device"
Esempio n. 13
def test_add_attribute_property():

    "Check that the attribute property is added"

    config = fake.tango_database()
    orig_config = deepcopy(config)

    _, _, _, dev, props = pick_random_device(config)
    attr = "test_attribute"
    propname, value = fake.tango_attribute_property()
    if "attribute_properties" not in props:
        props["attribute_properties"] = {}
    props["attribute_properties"][attr] = {propname: value}
    calls = configure(config, orig_config)

    assert len(calls) == 1
    expected = ("put_device_attribute_property", (dev, {
        attr: {
            propname: value
    }), {})
    assert calls[0] == expected
def test_add_class_attribute_property():

    "Check that the attribute property is added"

    config = fake.tango_database(classes=(3, 5))
    orig_config = deepcopy(config)

    clss = choice(list(config["classes"].keys()))
    props = config["classes"][clss]
    attr = "test_attribute"
    propname, value = fake.tango_attribute_property()
    if "attribute_properties" not in props:
        props["attribute_properties"] = {}
    props["attribute_properties"][attr] = {propname: value}
    calls = configure(config, orig_config)

    assert len(calls) == 1
    expected = ("put_class_attribute_property", (clss, {
        attr: {
            propname: value
    }), {})
    assert calls[0] == expected
Esempio n. 15
def main():

    usage = "Usage: %prog [options] JSONFILE"
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)

    parser.add_option("-w", "--write", dest="write", action="store_true",
                      help="write to the Tango DB", metavar="WRITE")
    parser.add_option("-u", "--update", dest="update", action="store_true",
                      help="don't remove things, only add/update",
    parser.add_option("-c", "--case-sensitive", dest="case_sensitive",
                      help=("Don't ignore the case of server, device, "
                            "attribute and property names"),
    parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet",
                      action="store_false", dest="verbose", default=True,
                      help="don't print actions to stderr")
    parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="output", action="store_true",
                      help="Output the relevant DB state as JSON.")
    parser.add_option("-p", "--input", dest="input", action="store_true",
                      help="Output the input JSON (after filtering).")
    parser.add_option("-d", "--dbcalls", dest="dbcalls", action="store_true",
                      help="print out all db calls.")
    parser.add_option("-v", "--no-validation", dest="validate", default=True,
                      action="store_false", help=("Skip JSON validation"))
    parser.add_option("-s", "--sleep", dest="sleep", default=0.01,
                      help=("Number of seconds to sleep between DB calls"))
    parser.add_option("-n", "--no-colors",
                      action="store_true", dest="no_colors", default=False,
                      help="Don't print colored output")
    parser.add_option("-i", "--include", dest="include", action="append",
                      help=("Inclusive filter on server configutation"))
    parser.add_option("-x", "--exclude", dest="exclude", action="append",
                      help=("Exclusive filter on server configutation"))
    parser.add_option("-I", "--include-classes", dest="include_classes",
                      help=("Inclusive filter on class configuration"))
    parser.add_option("-X", "--exclude-classes", dest="exclude_classes",
                      help=("Exclusive filter on class configuration"))

        "-D", "--dbdata",
        help="Read the given file as DB data instead of using the actual DB",

    options, args = parser.parse_args()

    if options.no_colors:

    if len(args) == 0:
        data = load_json(sys.stdin)
        json_file = args[0]
        with open(json_file) as f:
            data = load_json(f)

    # Normalization - making the config conform to standard
    data = normalize_config(data)

    # remove any metadata at the top level (should we use this for something?)
    data = clean_metadata(data)

    # Optional validation of the JSON file format.
    if options.validate:

    # filtering
        if options.include:
            data["servers"] = filter_config(
                data.get("servers", {}), options.include, SERVERS_LEVELS)
        if options.exclude:
            data["servers"] = filter_config(
                data.get("servers", {}), options.exclude, SERVERS_LEVELS, invert=True)
        if options.include_classes:
            data["classes"] = filter_config(
                data.get("classes", {}), options.include_classes, CLASSES_LEVELS)
        if options.exclude_classes:
            data["classes"] = filter_config(
                data.get("classes", {}), options.exclude_classes, CLASSES_LEVELS,
    except ValueError as e:
        print >>sys.stderr, red("Filter error:\n%s" % e)

    if not any(k in data for k in ("devices", "servers", "classes")):

    if options.input:
        print json.dumps(data, indent=4)

    # check if there is anything in the DB that will be changed or removed
    db = PyTango.Database()
    if options.dbdata:
        with open(options.dbdata) as f:
            original = json.loads(
        collisions = {}
        original = get_db_data(db, dservers=True)
        devices = CaselessDictionary({
            dev: (srv, inst, cls)
            for srv, inst, cls, dev
            in get_devices_from_dict(data["servers"])
        orig_devices = CaselessDictionary({
            dev: (srv, inst, cls)
            for srv, inst, cls, dev
            in get_devices_from_dict(original["servers"])
        collisions = {}
        for dev, (srv, inst, cls) in devices.items():
            if dev in orig_devices:
                server = "{}/{}".format(srv, inst)
                osrv, oinst, ocls = orig_devices[dev]
                origserver = "{}/{}".format(osrv, oinst)
                if server.lower() != origserver.lower():
                    collisions.setdefault(origserver, []).append((ocls, dev))

    # get the list of DB calls needed
    dbcalls = configure(data, original,
                        ignore_case=not options.case_sensitive)

    # Print out a nice diff
    if options.verbose:
        show_actions(original, dbcalls)

    # perform the db operations (if we're supposed to)
    if options.write and dbcalls:
        for i, (method, args, kwargs) in enumerate(dbcalls):
            if options.sleep:
            if options.verbose:
                progressbar(i, len(dbcalls), 20)
            getattr(db, method)(*args, **kwargs)

    # optionally dump some information to stdout
    if options.output:
        print json.dumps(original, indent=4)
    if options.dbcalls:
        print >>sys.stderr, "Tango database calls:"
        for method, args, kwargs in dbcalls:
            print >>sys.stderr, method, args

    # Check for moved devices and remove empty servers
    empty = set()
    for srvname, devs in collisions.items():
        if options.verbose:
            srv, inst = srvname.split("/")
            for cls, dev in devs:
                print >>sys.stderr, red("MOVED (because of collision):"), dev
                print >>sys.stderr, "    Server: ", "{}/{}".format(srv, inst)
                print >>sys.stderr, "    Class: ", cls
        if len(db.get_device_class_list(srvname)) == 2:  # just dserver
            if options.write:

    # finally print out a brief summary of what was done
    if dbcalls:
        print >>sys.stderr, "Summary:"
        print >>sys.stderr, "\n".join(summarise_calls(dbcalls, original))
        if collisions:
            servers = len(collisions)
            devices = sum(len(devs) for devs in collisions.values())
            print >>sys.stderr, red("Move %d devices from %d servers." %
                                    (devices, servers))
        if empty and options.verbose:
            print >>sys.stderr, red("Removed %d empty servers." % len(empty))

        if options.write:
            print >>sys.stderr, red("\n*** Data was written to the Tango DB ***")
            with NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="dsconfig-", suffix=".json",
                                    delete=False) as f:
                f.write(json.dumps(original, indent=4))
                print >>sys.stderr, ("The previous DB data was saved to %s" %
            print >>sys.stderr, yellow(
                "\n*** Nothing was written to the Tango DB (use -w) ***")
        print >>sys.stderr, green("\n*** No changes needed in Tango DB ***")
def json_to_tango(options, args):

    if options.no_colors:

    if len(args) == 0:
        data = load_json(sys.stdin)
        json_file = args[0]
        with open(json_file) as f:
            data = load_json(f)

    # Normalization - making the config conform to standard
    data = normalize_config(data)

    # remove any metadata at the top level (should we use this for something?)
    data = clean_metadata(data)

    # Optional validation of the JSON file format.
    if options.validate:

    # filtering
        if options.include:
            data["servers"] = filter_config(
                data.get("servers", {}), options.include, SERVERS_LEVELS)
        if options.exclude:
            data["servers"] = filter_config(
                data.get("servers", {}), options.exclude, SERVERS_LEVELS, invert=True)
        if options.include_classes:
            data["classes"] = filter_config(
                data.get("classes", {}), options.include_classes, CLASSES_LEVELS)
        if options.exclude_classes:
            data["classes"] = filter_config(
                data.get("classes", {}), options.exclude_classes, CLASSES_LEVELS,
    except ValueError as e:
        print(red("Filter error:\n%s" % e), file=sys.stderr)

    if not any(k in data for k in ("devices", "servers", "classes")):

    if options.input:
        print(json.dumps(data, indent=4))

    # check if there is anything in the DB that will be changed or removed
    db = tango.Database()
    if options.dbdata:
        with open(options.dbdata) as f:
            original = json.loads(
        collisions = {}
        original = get_db_data(db, dservers=True, class_properties=True)
        if "servers" in data:
            devices = CaselessDictionary({
                dev: (srv, inst, cls)
                for srv, inst, cls, dev
                in get_devices_from_dict(data["servers"])
            devices = CaselessDictionary({})
        orig_devices = CaselessDictionary({
            dev: (srv, inst, cls)
            for srv, inst, cls, dev
            in get_devices_from_dict(original["servers"])
        collisions = {}
        for dev, (srv, inst, cls) in list(devices.items()):
            if dev in orig_devices:
                server = "{}/{}".format(srv, inst)
                osrv, oinst, ocls = orig_devices[dev]
                origserver = "{}/{}".format(osrv, oinst)
                if server.lower() != origserver.lower():
                    collisions.setdefault(origserver, []).append((ocls, dev))

    # get the list of DB calls needed
    dbcalls = configure(data, original,
                        ignore_case=not options.case_sensitive,
                        strict_attr_props=not options.nostrictcheck)

    # Print out a nice diff
    if options.verbose:
        show_actions(original, dbcalls)

    # perform the db operations (if we're supposed to)
    if options.write and dbcalls:
        for i, (method, args, kwargs) in enumerate(dbcalls):
            if options.sleep:
            if options.verbose:
                progressbar(i, len(dbcalls), 20)
            getattr(db, method)(*args, **kwargs)

    # optionally dump some information to stdout
    if options.output:
        print(json.dumps(original, indent=4))
    if options.dbcalls:
        print("Tango database calls:", file=sys.stderr)
        for method, args, kwargs in dbcalls:
            print(method, args, file=sys.stderr)

    # Check for moved devices and remove empty servers
    empty = set()
    for srvname, devs in list(collisions.items()):
        if options.verbose:
            srv, inst = srvname.split("/")
            for cls, dev in devs:
                print(red("MOVED (because of collision):"), dev, file=sys.stderr)
                print("    Server: ", "{}/{}".format(srv, inst), file=sys.stderr)
                print("    Class: ", cls, file=sys.stderr)
        if len(db.get_device_class_list(srvname)) == 2:  # just dserver
            if options.write:

    # finally print out a brief summary of what was done
    if dbcalls:
        print("Summary:", file=sys.stderr)
        print("\n".join(summarise_calls(dbcalls, original)), file=sys.stderr)
        if collisions:
            servers = len(collisions)
            devices = sum(len(devs) for devs in list(collisions.values()))
            print(red("Move %d devices from %d servers." %
                      (devices, servers)), file=sys.stderr)
        if empty and options.verbose:
            print(red("Removed %d empty servers." % len(empty)), file=sys.stderr)

        if options.write:
            print(red("\n*** Data was written to the Tango DB ***"), file=sys.stderr)
            with NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="dsconfig-", suffix=".json",
                                    delete=False) as f:
                f.write(json.dumps(original, indent=4).encode())
                print(("The previous DB data was saved to %s" %
             , file=sys.stderr)
                "\n*** Nothing was written to the Tango DB (use -w) ***"), file=sys.stderr)

        print(green("\n*** No changes needed in Tango DB ***"), file=sys.stderr)