Esempio n. 1
  def __init__(self, 
               function_name = None, 
               filename = None):
    # assignments which need to get prepended at the beginning of the
    # function
    self.globals = globals_dict
    self.blocks = NestedBlocks()

    self.parent = parent 
    self.scopes = ScopedDict()
    self.globals_dict = globals_dict 
    self.closure_cell_dict = closure_cell_dict 
    # mapping from names/paths to either a closure cell reference or a 
    # global value 
    self.python_refs = OrderedDict()
    self.original_outer_names = []
    self.localized_outer_names = []
    self.filename = filename 
    self.function_name = function_name 
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, type_env=None, blocks=None):
        if type_env is None:
            type_env = {}
        self.type_env = type_env
        if blocks is None:
            blocks = NestedBlocks()

        self.blocks = blocks

        # cut down the number of created nodes by
        # remembering which tuple variables we've created
        # and looking up their elements directly
        self.tuple_elt_cache = {}
Esempio n. 3
def fresh_builder(fn):
  blocks = NestedBlocks()
  return Builder(type_env = fn.type_env, blocks = blocks)
Esempio n. 4
class AST_Translator(ast.NodeVisitor):
  def __init__(self, 
               function_name = None, 
               filename = None):
    # assignments which need to get prepended at the beginning of the
    # function
    self.globals = globals_dict
    self.blocks = NestedBlocks()

    self.parent = parent 
    self.scopes = ScopedDict()
    self.globals_dict = globals_dict 
    self.closure_cell_dict = closure_cell_dict 
    # mapping from names/paths to either a closure cell reference or a 
    # global value 
    self.python_refs = OrderedDict()
    self.original_outer_names = []
    self.localized_outer_names = []
    self.filename = filename 
    self.function_name = function_name 

  def push(self, scope = None, block = None):
    if scope is None:
      scope = {}
    if block is None:
      block = []

  def pop(self):
    scope = self.scopes.pop()
    block = self.blocks.pop()
    return scope, block
  def fresh_name(self, original_name):
    fresh_name = names.fresh(original_name)
    self.scopes[original_name] = fresh_name
    return fresh_name
  def fresh_names(self, original_names):
    return map(self.fresh_name, original_names)

  def fresh_var(self, name):
    return Var(self.fresh_name(name))

  def fresh_vars(self, original_names):
    return map(self.fresh_var, original_names)
  def current_block(self):

  def current_scope(self):

  def ast_to_value(self, expr):
    if isinstance(expr, ast.Num):
      return expr.n
    elif isinstance(expr, ast.Tuple):
      return tuple(self.ast_to_value(elt) for elt in expr.elts)
    elif isinstance(expr, ast.Name):
      return self.lookup_global( 
    elif isinstance(expr, ast.Attribute):
      left = self.ast_to_value(expr.value)
      if isinstance(left, ExternalValue):
        left = left.value 
      return getattr(left, expr.attr) 

  def lookup_global(self, key):
    if isinstance(key, (list, tuple)):
      assert len(key) == 1
      key = key[0]
      assert isinstance(key, str), "Invalid global key: %s" % (key,)

    if self.globals:
      if key in self.globals:
        return self.globals[key]
      elif key in __builtin__.__dict__:

        return __builtin__.__dict__[key]
        assert False, "Couldn't find global name %s" % key
      assert self.parent is not None
      return self.parent.lookup_global(key)
  def is_global(self, key):
    if isinstance(key, (list, tuple)):
      key = key[0]
    if key in self.scopes:
      return False
    elif self.closure_cell_dict and key in self.closure_cell_dict:
      return False
    if self.globals:
      return key in self.globals or key in __builtins__  
    assert self.parent is not None 
    return self.parent.is_global(key)
  def local_ref_name(self, ref, python_name):
    for (local_name, other_ref) in self.python_refs.iteritems():
      if ref == other_ref:
        return Var(local_name)
    local_name = names.fresh(python_name)
    self.scopes[python_name] = local_name
    self.python_refs[local_name] = ref
    return Var(local_name)
  def is_visible_name(self, name):
    if name in self.scopes:
      return True 
    if self.parent:
      return self.parent.is_visible_name(name)
      return self.is_global(name)
  def lookup(self, name):
    #if name in reserved_names:
    #  return reserved_names[name]
    if name in self.scopes:
      return Var(self.scopes[name])
    elif self.parent and self.parent.is_visible_name(name):
      # don't actually keep the outer binding name, we just
      # need to check that it's possible and tell the outer scope
      # to register any necessary python refs
      local_name = names.fresh(name)
      self.scopes[name] = local_name
      return Var(local_name)
    elif self.closure_cell_dict and name in self.closure_cell_dict:
      ref = ClosureCellRef(self.closure_cell_dict[name], name)
      return self.local_ref_name(ref, name)
    elif self.is_global(name):
      value = self.lookup_global(name)
      if is_static_value(value):
        return value_to_syntax(value)
      elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray): 
        ref = GlobalValueRef(value)
        return self.local_ref_name(ref, name)
        # assume that this is a module or object which will have some 
        # statically convertible value pulled out of it 
        return ExternalValue(value)
      #  assert False, "Can't use global value %s" % value
      raise NameNotFound(name)
  def visit_list(self, nodes):
    return map(self.visit, nodes)

  def tuple_arg_assignments(self, elts, var):
    Recursively decompose a nested tuple argument like
      def f((x,(y,z))):
    into a single name and a series of assignments:
      def f(tuple_arg):
        x = tuple_arg[0]
        tuple_arg_elt = tuple_arg[1]
        y = tuple_arg_elt[0]
        z = tuple_arg_elt[1]

    assignments = []
    for (i, sub_arg) in enumerate(elts):
      if isinstance(sub_arg, ast.Tuple):
        name = "tuple_arg_elt"
        assert isinstance(sub_arg, ast.Name)
        name =
      lhs = self.fresh_var(name)
      stmt = Assign(lhs, Index(var, Const(i)))
      if isinstance(sub_arg, ast.Tuple):
        more_stmts = self.tuple_arg_assignments(sub_arg.elts, lhs)
    return assignments

  def translate_args(self, args):
    assert not args.kwarg
    formals = FormalArgs()
    assignments = []
    for arg in args.args:
      if isinstance(arg, ast.Name):
        visible_name =
        local_name = self.fresh_name(visible_name)
        formals.add_positional(local_name, visible_name)
        assert isinstance(arg, ast.Tuple)
        arg_name = self.fresh_name("tuple_arg")
        var = Var(arg_name)
        stmts = self.tuple_arg_assignments(arg.elts, var)

    n_defaults = len(args.defaults)
    if n_defaults > 0:
      local_names = formals.positional[-n_defaults:]
      for (k,expr) in zip(local_names, args.defaults):
        v = self.ast_to_value(expr)
        # for now we're putting literal python 
        # values in the defaults dictionary of
        # a function's formal arguments
        formals.defaults[k] = v 

    if args.vararg:
      assert isinstance(args.vararg, str)
      formals.starargs = self.fresh_name(args.vararg)

    return formals, assignments

  def visit_Name(self, expr):
    assert isinstance(expr, ast.Name), "Expected AST Name object: %s" % expr
    return self.lookup(

  def create_phi_nodes(self, left_scope, right_scope, new_names = {}):
    Phi nodes make explicit the possible sources of each variable's values and
    are needed when either two branches merge or when one was optionally taken.
    merge = {}
    for (name, ssa_name) in left_scope.iteritems():
      left = Var(ssa_name)
      if name in right_scope:
        right = Var(right_scope[name])
          right = self.lookup(name)
        except NameNotFound:
      if name in new_names:
        new_name = new_names[name]
        new_name = self.fresh_name(name)
      merge[new_name] = (left, right)

    for (name, ssa_name) in right_scope.iteritems():
      if name not in left_scope:
          left = self.lookup(name)
          right = Var(ssa_name)

          if name in new_names:
            new_name = new_names[name]
            new_name = self.fresh_name(name)
          merge[new_name] = (left, right)
        except names.NameNotFound:
          # for now skip over variables which weren't defined before
          # a control flow split, which means that loop-local variables
          # can't be used after the loop.
          # TODO: Fix this. Maybe with 'undef' nodes?
    return merge

  def visit_Index(self, expr):
    return self.visit(expr.value)

  def visit_Ellipsis(self, expr):
    raise RuntimeError("Ellipsis operator unsupported")

  def visit_Slice(self, expr):
    Optional fields

    start = self.visit(expr.lower) if expr.lower else none
    stop = self.visit(expr.upper) if expr.upper else none
    step = self.visit(expr.step) if expr.step else none
    return Slice(start, stop, step)

  def visit_ExtSlice(self, expr):
    slice_elts = map(self.visit, expr.dims)
    if len(slice_elts) > 1:
      return Tuple(slice_elts)
      return slice_elts[0]

  def visit_UnaryOp(self, expr):
    ssa_val = self.visit(expr.operand)
    # UAdd doesn't do anything!
    if expr.op.__class__.__name__ == 'UAdd':
      return ssa_val 
    prim = prims.find_ast_op(expr.op)
    return PrimCall(prim, [ssa_val])

  def visit_BinOp(self, expr):
    ssa_left = self.visit(expr.left)
    ssa_right = self.visit(expr.right)
    prim = prims.find_ast_op(expr.op)
    return PrimCall(prim, [ssa_left, ssa_right])

  def visit_BoolOp(self, expr):
    values = map(self.visit, expr.values)
    prim = prims.find_ast_op(expr.op)
    # Python, strangely, allows more than two arguments to
    # Boolean operators
    result = values[0]
    for v in values[1:]:
      result = PrimCall(prim, [result, v])
    return result

  def visit_Compare(self, expr):
    lhs = self.visit(expr.left)
    assert len(expr.ops) == 1
    prim = prims.find_ast_op(expr.ops[0])
    assert len(expr.comparators) == 1
    rhs = self.visit(expr.comparators[0])
    return PrimCall(prim, [lhs, rhs])

  def visit_Subscript(self, expr):
    value = self.visit(expr.value)
    index = self.visit(expr.slice)
    return Index(value, index)

  def generic_visit(self, expr):
    raise UnsupportedSyntax(expr, 
                            function_name = self.function_name, 
                            filename = self.filename)
  def visit(self, node):
    res = ast.NodeVisitor.visit(self, node)
    source_info = SourceInfo(filename = self.filename, 
                             line = getattr(node, 'lineno', None),
                             col = getattr(node, 'e.col_offset', None), 
                             function = self.function_name, )
    res.source_info = source_info 
    return res 
  def translate_value_call(self, value, positional, keywords_dict= {}, starargs_expr = None):
    if value is sum:
      return mk_reduce_call(build_untyped_prim_fn(prims.add), positional, zero_i24)
    elif value is max:
      if len(positional) == 1:
        return mk_reduce_call(build_untyped_prim_fn(prims.maximum), positional)
        assert len(positional) == 2
        return PrimCall(prims.maximum, positional)
    elif value is min:
      if len(positional) == 1:
        return mk_reduce_call(build_untyped_prim_fn(prims.minimum), positional)
        assert len(positional) == 2
        return PrimCall(prims.minimum, positional)
    elif value is map:
      assert len(keywords_dict) == 0
      assert len(positional) > 1
      axis = keywords_dict.get("axis", None)
      return Map(fn = positional[0], args = positional[1:], axis = axis)
    elif value is enumerate:
      assert len(positional) == 1, "Wrong number of args for 'enumerate': %s" % positional 
      assert len(keywords_dict) == 0, \
        "Didn't expect keyword arguments for 'enumerate': %s" % keywords_dict
      return Enumerate(positional[0])
    elif value is len:
      assert len(positional) == 1, "Wrong number of args for 'len': %s" % positional 
      assert len(keywords_dict) == 0, \
        "Didn't expect keyword arguments for 'len': %s" % keywords_dict
      return self.len(positional[0])
    elif value is zip:
      assert len(positional) > 1, "Wrong number of args for 'zip': %s" % positional 
      assert len(keywords_dict) == 0, \
        "Didn't expect keyword arguments for 'zip': %s" % keywords_dict
      return Zip(values = positional)
    from ..mappings import function_mappings
    if value in function_mappings:
      value = function_mappings[value]
    if isinstance(value, macro):
      return value.transform(positional, keywords_dict)
    fn = translate_function_value(value)
    return Call(fn, ActualArgs(positional, keywords_dict, starargs_expr))
  def visit_Call(self, expr):
    The logic here is broken and haphazard, eventually try to handle nested
    scopes correctly, along with globals, cell refs, etc..
    fn, args, keywords_list, starargs, kwargs = \
        expr.func, expr.args, expr.keywords, expr.starargs, expr.kwargs
    assert kwargs is None, "Dictionary of keyword args not supported"

    positional = self.visit_list(args)

    keywords_dict = {}
    for kwd in keywords_list:
      keywords_dict[kwd.arg] = self.visit(kwd.value)

    if starargs:
      starargs_expr = self.visit(starargs)
      starargs_expr = None
    def is_attr_chain(expr):
      return isinstance(expr, ast.Name) or \
             (isinstance(expr, ast.Attribute) and is_attr_chain(expr.value))
    def extract_attr_chain(expr):
      if isinstance(expr, ast.Name):
        return []
        base = extract_attr_chain(expr.value)
        return base
    def lookup_attr_chain(names):
      value = self.lookup_global(names[0])
      for name in names[1:]:
        if hasattr(value, name):
          value = getattr(value, name)
            value = value[name]
            assert False, "Couldn't find global name %s" % ('.'.join(names))
      return value
    if is_attr_chain(fn):
      names = extract_attr_chain(fn)
      if self.is_global(names):
        return self.translate_value_call(lookup_attr_chain(names), 
                                         positional, keywords_dict, starargs_expr)
    fn_node = self.visit(fn)    
    if isinstance(fn_node, syntax.Expr):
      actuals = ActualArgs(positional, keywords_dict, starargs_expr)
      return Call(fn_node, actuals)
      assert isinstance(fn_node, ExternalValue)
      return self.translate_value_call(fn_node.value, 
                                       positional, keywords_dict, starargs_expr)

  def visit_List(self, expr):
    return Array(self.visit_list(expr.elts))
  def visit_Expr(self, expr):
    # dummy assignment to allow for side effects on RHS
    lhs = self.fresh_var("dummy")
    if isinstance(expr.value, ast.Str):
      return Assign(lhs, zero_i64)
      # return syntax.Comment(expr.value.s.strip().replace('\n', ''))
      rhs = self.visit(expr.value)
      return syntax.Assign(lhs, rhs)

  def visit_GeneratorExp(self, expr):
    return self.visit_ListComp(expr)
  def visit_ListComp(self, expr):
    gens = expr.generators
    assert len(gens) == 1
    gen = gens[0]
    target =
    if target.__class__ is ast.Name:
      arg_vars = [target]
      assert target.__class__ is ast.Tuple and all(e.__class__ is ast.Name for e in target.elts),\
       "Expected comprehension target to be variable or tuple of variables, got %s" % ast.dump(target)
      arg_vars = [ast.Tuple(elts = target.elts)]
    # build a lambda as a Python ast representing 
    # what we do to each element 

    args = ast.arguments(args = arg_vars, 
                         vararg = None,  
                         kwarg = None,  
                         defaults = ())

    fn = translate_function_ast(name = "comprehension_map", 
                                args = args, 
                                body = [ast.Return(expr.elt)], 
                                parent = self)
    seq = self.visit(gen.iter)
    ifs = gen.ifs
    assert len(ifs) == 0, "Parakeet: Conditions in array comprehensions not yet supported"
    return Map(fn = fn, args=(seq,), axis = zero_i64)
  def visit_Attribute(self, expr):
    # TODO:
    # Recursive lookup to see if:
    #  (1) base object is local, if so-- create chain of attributes
    #  (2) base object is global but an adverb primitive-- use it locally
    #      without adding it to nonlocals
    #  (3) not local at all-- in which case, add the whole chain of strings
    #      to nonlocals
    #  AN IDEA:
    #     Allow external values to be brought into the syntax tree as 
    #     a designated ExternalValue node
    #     and then here check if the LHS is an ExternalValue and if so, 
    #     pull out the value. If it's a constant, then make it into syntax, 
    #     if it's a function, then parse it, else raise an error. 
    from ..mappings import property_mappings, method_mappings
    value = self.visit(expr.value)
    attr = expr.attr
    if isinstance(value, ExternalValue):
      value = value.value 
      assert hasattr(value, attr), "Couldn't find attribute '%s' in %s" % (attr, value)
      value = getattr(value, attr)
      if is_static_value(value):
        return value_to_syntax(value)
        return ExternalValue(value) 
    elif attr in property_mappings:
      fn = property_mappings[attr]
      if isinstance(fn, macro):
        return fn.transform( [value] )
        return Call(translate_function_value(fn),
                    ActualArgs(positional = (value,)))  
    elif attr in method_mappings:
      fn_python = method_mappings[attr]
      fn_syntax = translate_function_value(fn_python)
      return Closure(fn_syntax, args=(value,))
      assert False, "Attribute %s not supported" % attr 

  def visit_Num(self, expr):
    return Const(expr.n)

  def visit_Tuple(self, expr):
    return syntax.Tuple(self.visit_list(expr.elts))

  def visit_IfExp(self, expr):
    cond = self.visit(expr.test)
    if_true = self.visit(expr.body)
    if_false = self.visit(expr.orelse)
    return Select(cond, if_true, if_false)
  def visit_lhs(self, lhs):
    if isinstance(lhs, ast.Name):
      return  self.fresh_var(
    elif isinstance(lhs, ast.Tuple):
      return syntax.Tuple( map(self.visit_lhs, lhs.elts))
      # in case of slicing or attributes
      res = self.visit(lhs)
      return res

  def visit_Assign(self, stmt):  
    # important to evaluate RHS before LHS for statements like 'x = x + 1'
    ssa_rhs = self.visit(stmt.value)
    ssa_lhs = self.visit_lhs(stmt.targets[0])
    return Assign(ssa_lhs, ssa_rhs)
  def visit_AugAssign(self, stmt):
    ssa_incr = self.visit(stmt.value)
    ssa_old_value = self.visit(
    ssa_new_value = self.visit_lhs(
    prim = prims.find_ast_op(stmt.op) 
    return Assign(ssa_new_value, PrimCall(prim, [ssa_old_value, ssa_incr]))

  def visit_Return(self, stmt):
    return syntax.Return(self.visit(stmt.value))

  def visit_If(self, stmt):
    cond = self.visit(stmt.test)
    true_scope, true_block  = self.visit_block(stmt.body)
    false_scope, false_block = self.visit_block(stmt.orelse)
    merge = self.create_phi_nodes(true_scope, false_scope)
    return syntax.If(cond, true_block, false_block, merge)

  def visit_loop_body(self, body, *exprs):
    merge = {}
    substitutions = {}
    curr_scope = self.current_scope()
    exprs = [self.visit(expr) for expr in exprs]
    scope_after, body = self.visit_block(body)
    for (k, name_after) in scope_after.iteritems():
      if k in self.scopes:
        name_before = self.scopes[k]
        new_name = names.fresh(k + "_loop")
        merge[new_name] = (Var(name_before), Var(name_after))
        substitutions[name_before]  = new_name
        curr_scope[k] = new_name
    exprs = [subst_expr(expr, substitutions) for expr in exprs]
    body = subst_stmt_list(body, substitutions)
    return body, merge, exprs 

  def visit_While(self, stmt):
    assert not stmt.orelse
    body, merge, (cond,) = self.visit_loop_body(stmt.body, stmt.test)
    return syntax.While(cond, body, merge)

  def assign(self, lhs, rhs):
  def assign_to_var(self, rhs, name = None):
    if isinstance(rhs, (Var, Const)):
      return rhs 
    if name is None:
      name = "temp"
    var = self.fresh_var(name)
    self.assign(var, rhs)
    return var 
  def add(self, x, y, temp = True):
    expr = PrimCall(prims.add, [x,y])
    if temp:
      return self.assign_to_var(expr, "add")
      return expr 
  def sub(self, x, y, temp = True):
    expr = PrimCall(prims.subtract, [x,y])
    if temp:
      return self.assign_to_var(expr, "sub")
      return expr 
  def mul(self, x, y, temp = True):
    expr = PrimCall(prims.multiply, [x,y])
    if temp:
      return self.assign_to_var(expr, "mul")
      return expr 
  def div(self, x, y, temp = True):
    expr = PrimCall(prims.divide, [x,y])
    if temp:
      return self.assign_to_var(expr, "div")
      return expr 
  def len(self, x):
    if isinstance(x, Enumerate):
      return self.len(x.value)
    elif isinstance(x, Zip):
      elt_lens = [self.len(v) for v in x.values]
      result = elt_lens[0]
      for n in elt_lens[1:]:
        result = PrimCall(prims.minimum, [result, n])
      return result 
    elif isinstance(x, (Array, Tuple)):
      return Const(len(x.elts))
    elif isinstance(x, Range):
      # if it's a range from 0..len(x), then just return len(x)
      if isinstance(x.stop, Len):
        if isinstance(x.start, Const) and x.start.value == 0:
          if isinstance(x.step, Const) and x.stop.value in (1,-1, None):
            return x.stop
    seq_var = self.assign_to_var(x, "len_input")
    return self.assign_to_var(Len(seq_var), "len_result")

  def is_none(self, v):
    return v is None or isinstance(v, Const) and v.value is None 
  def for_loop_bindings(self, idx, lhs, rhs):
    if isinstance(rhs, Enumerate):
      array = rhs.value 
      elt = Index(array, idx)
      if isinstance(lhs, Tuple):
        var_names = ", ".join(str(elt) for elt in lhs.elts)
        if len(lhs.elts) < 2:
          raise SyntaxError("Too many values to unpack: 'enumerate' expects 2 but given %s" % var_names)
        elif len(lhs.elts) > 2:
          raise SyntaxError("Need more than 2 values to unpack for LHS of %s" % var_names)
        idx_var, seq_var = lhs.elts
        other_bindings = self.for_loop_bindings(idx, seq_var, array)
        return [Assign(idx_var, idx)] +  other_bindings 
      elif isinstance(lhs, Var):
        seq_var = self.fresh_var("seq_elt")
        other_bindings = self.for_loop_bindings(idx, seq_var, array)
        return [Assign(lhs, Tuple(idx, seq_var))] + other_bindings
        raise SyntaxError("Unexpected binding in for loop: %s = %s" % (lhs,rhs)) 
    elif isinstance(rhs, Zip):
      values_str = ", ".join(str(v) for v in rhs.values)
      if len(rhs.values) < 2:
        raise SyntaxError("'zip' must take at least two arguments, given: %s" % values_str)
      if isinstance(lhs, Tuple):
        if len(lhs.elts) < len(rhs.values):
          raise SyntaxError("Too many values to unpack in %s = %s" % (lhs, rhs))
        elif len(lhs.elts) > len(rhs.values):
          raise SyntaxError("Too few values on LHS of bindings in %s = %s" % (lhs,rhs))
        result = []
        for lhs_var, rhs_value in zip(lhs.elts, rhs.values):
          result.extend(self.for_loop_bindings(idx, lhs_var, rhs_value))
        return result 
      elif isinstance(lhs, Var):
        lhs_vars = [self.fresh_var("elt%d" % i) for i in xrange(len(rhs.values))]
        result = []
        for lhs_var, rhs_value in zip(lhs_vars, rhs.values):
          result.extend(self.for_loop_bindings(idx, lhs_var, rhs_value))
        result.append(Assign(lhs, Tuple(elts=lhs_vars)))
        return result  
        raise SyntaxError("Unexpected binding in for loop: %s = %s" % (lhs,rhs)) 
    elif isinstance(rhs, Range):
      if isinstance(lhs, Tuple):
        raise SyntaxError("Too few values in unpack in for loop binding %s = %s" % (lhs,rhs))
      elif isinstance(lhs, Var):
        start = rhs.start
        if self.is_none(start): 
          start = zero_i64
        step = rhs.step
        if self.is_none(step): 
          step = one_i64 
        return [Assign(lhs, self.add(start, self.mul(idx, step, temp = False), temp= False))]
        raise SyntaxError("Unexpected binding in for loop: %s = %s" % (lhs,rhs)) 
      return [Assign(lhs, Index(rhs,idx))]
  def visit_For(self, stmt):
    assert not stmt.orelse 
    var = self.visit_lhs(
    seq = self.visit(stmt.iter)
    body, merge, _ = self.visit_loop_body(stmt.body)

    if isinstance(seq, Range):
      assert isinstance(var, Var), "Expect loop variable to be simple but got '%s'" % var
      return ForLoop(var, seq.start, seq.stop, seq.step, body, merge)
      idx = self.fresh_var("idx")
      n = self.len(seq)
      bindings = self.for_loop_bindings(idx, var, seq)
      return ForLoop(idx, zero_i64, n, one_i64, bindings + body, merge)
  def visit_block(self, stmts):
    curr_block = self.current_block()
    for stmt in stmts:
      parakeet_stmt = self.visit(stmt)
    return self.pop()

  def visit_FunctionDef(self, node):
    Translate a nested function
    fundef = translate_function_ast(, node.args, node.body, parent = self)
    local_var = self.fresh_var(
    return Assign(local_var, fundef)

  def visit_Lambda(self, node):
    return translate_function_ast("lambda", node.args, [ast.Return(node.body)], parent = self)