def windows_from_obspy_traces( traces, model_name, phase_names, components, t_before=10., t_after=40.): events = set() stations = defaultdict(list) for trace in traces: event = Event( trace.stats.sac.kevnm, trace.stats.sac.evla, trace.stats.sac.evlo, trace.stats.sac.evdp, None, None, None) station = Station( trace.stats.station,, trace.stats.sac.stla, trace.stats.sac.stlo) events.add(event) stations[event].append(station) windows = [] for event in events: tmp_windows = WindowMaker.compute( event, stations[event], model_name, phase_names, components, t_before, t_after) windows += tmp_windows return windows
def get_dataset(model, tlen=1638.4, nspc=64, sampling_hz=20, mode=0, add_noise=False, noise_normalized_std=1.): #TODO fix when event.latitude==station.latitude event = get_ref_event() events = [event] stations = [ Station('{:03d}'.format(i), 'DSM', event.latitude + 5 + 0.5 * i, event.longitude + 0.1) for i in range(61) ] dataset = Dataset.dataset_from_arrays(events, [stations], sampling_hz=sampling_hz) pydsm_input = PyDSMInput.input_from_arrays(event, stations, model, tlen, nspc, sampling_hz) pydsm_output = compute(pydsm_input, mode=mode) pydsm_output.to_time_domain() = np.zeros((1, ) +, dtype=np.float64)[0] = if add_noise: noise_arr = white_noise(noise_normalized_std, npts_cut = int([3] * 0.9) norm = np.abs([:, :, :npts_cut]).max(axis=3, keepdims=True) noise_arr *= norm += noise_arr return dataset, pydsm_output
def get_output(tlen=1638.4, nspc=64, sampling_hz=20, mode=0): catalog = read_catalog() event = Event.event_from_catalog(catalog, '200707211534A') stations = [ Station('{:03d}'.format(i), 'DSM', event.latitude, event.longitude + i) for i in range(12, 36) ] model = SeismicModel.ak135() pydsm_input = PyDSMInput.input_from_arrays(event, stations, model, tlen, nspc, sampling_hz) pydsm_output = compute(pydsm_input, mode=mode) pydsm_output.to_time_domain() return pydsm_output
def get_station(trace): """Return Station object from obspy Trace. Args: trace (Trace): obspy Trace object Returns: Station: station """ sta_nm = trace.stats.sac.kstnm sta_net = trace.stats.sac.knetwk sta_la = trace.stats.sac.stla sta_lo = trace.stats.sac.stlo return Station(sta_nm, sta_net, sta_la, sta_lo)
def windows_from_obspy_trace( trace, model_name, phase_names, t_before=10., t_after=40.): event = Event( trace.stats.sac.kevnm, trace.stats.sac.evla, trace.stats.sac.evlo, trace.stats.sac.evdp, None, None, None) station = Station( trace.stats.station,, trace.stats.sac.stla, trace.stats.sac.stlo) component = Component.parse_component(trace.stats.sac.kcmpnm) windows = WindowMaker.compute( event, [station], model_name, phase_names, [component], t_before, t_after) return windows
@staticmethod def load(path): """Read path into list of Window using pickle.load(). Args: path (str): path to the file that contains time windows Returns: windows (list of Window)): time windows """ with open(path, 'rb') as f: output = pickle.load(f) return output if __name__ == '__main__': from dsmpy.utils.cmtcatalog import read_catalog catalog = read_catalog() event = Event.event_from_catalog( catalog, '200707211534A') stations = [ Station( name='FCC', network='CN', latitude=58.7592, longitude=-94.0884), ] model = 'prem' phases = ['S', 'ScS'] components = [Component.T] windows = WindowMaker.compute(event, stations, model, phases, components) print(windows)
def dataset_from_sac(cls, sac_files, verbose=0, headonly=True, broadcast_data=False): """Creates a dataset from a list of sac files. With headonly=False, time series data from the sac_files will be stored in For parallel applications using MPI, headonly=False (i.e., reading the data from sac files) only applies to rank 0, so as not to saturate the memory. Args: sac_files (list of str): list of paths to sac files. verbose (int): 0: quiet, 1: debug. headonly (bool): if True, read only the metadata. If False, includes data. broadcast_data (bool): default is False Returns: Dataset: dataset Examples: >>> sac_files = ['FCC.CN.201205280204A.T'] >>> dataset = Dataset.dataset_from_sac( ... sac_files, headonly=False) """ if MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 0 or broadcast_data: traces = [ read(sac_file, headonly=headonly)[0] for sac_file in sac_files ] else: traces = [ read(sac_file, headonly=True)[0] for sac_file in sac_files ] cat = read_catalog() traces = [tr for tr in traces if (cat == tr.stats.sac.kevnm).any()] sampling_hz = int(traces[0].stats.sampling_rate) lats_ = [] lons_ = [] names_ = [] nets_ = [] eqlats_ = [] eqlons_ = [] eqdeps_ = [] evids_ = [] data_ = [] components_ = [] indices_ = list(range(len(traces))) for tr in traces: lats_.append(tr.stats.sac.stla) lons_.append(tr.stats.sac.stlo) names_.append(tr.stats.sac.kstnm) nets_.append(tr.stats.sac.knetwk) eqlats_.append(tr.stats.sac.evla) eqlons_.append(tr.stats.sac.evlo) eqdeps_.append(tr.stats.sac.evdp) evids_.append(tr.stats.sac.kevnm) if MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 0 or broadcast_data: data_.append( components_.append(tr.stats.sac.kcmpnm) theta_phi = [ _calthetaphi(stalat, stalon, eqlat, eqlon) for stalat, stalon, eqlat, eqlon in zip( lats_, lons_, eqlats_, eqlons_) ] thetas_ = np.array([x[0] for x in theta_phi], dtype=np.float64) phis_ = np.array([x[1] for x in theta_phi], dtype=np.float64) dataset_info = pd.DataFrame( dict(lats=lats_, lons=lons_, names=names_, nets=nets_, thetas=thetas_, phis=phis_, eqlats=eqlats_, eqlons=eqlons_, eqdeps=eqdeps_, evids=evids_, indices=indices_)) # drop dupplicate sac files with identical source/receiver # values, due to multiple seismic components n_before = len(traces) dataset_info.drop_duplicates(subset=['names', 'nets', 'evids'], inplace=True) n_after = len(dataset_info) if verbose >= 1: print('Dropped {} sac files'.format(n_before - n_after)) dataset_info.sort_values(by='evids', inplace=True) dataset_info.index = list(range(n_after)) nr = len(dataset_info) nrs = dataset_info.groupby('evids').count().lats.values dataset_event_info = dataset_info.drop_duplicates(['evids']) evids = dataset_event_info.evids.values eqlats = dataset_event_info.eqlats.values.astype(np.float64) eqlons = dataset_event_info.eqlons.values.astype(np.float64) eqdeps = dataset_event_info.eqdeps.values.astype(np.float64) r0s = 6371. - eqdeps # read event catalog # TODO case when event_id is not in the catalog events_ = cat[np.isin(cat, evids)] if len(events_) != len(evids): raise RuntimeError('Some events not in the catalog') mts = np.array([ for e in events_]) source_time_functions = np.array( [e.source_time_function for e in events_]) centroid_times = np.array([e.centroid_time for e in events_]) events = np.array([ Event(id, lat, lon, depth, mt, ctime, source_time_function) for id, lat, lon, depth, mt, ctime, source_time_function in zip( evids, eqlats, eqlons, eqdeps, mts, centroid_times, source_time_functions) ]) stations = dataset_info.apply( lambda x: Station(x.names, x.nets, x.lats, x.lons), axis=1).values phis = dataset_info.phis.values thetas = dataset_info.thetas.values lons = dataset_info.lons.values lats = dataset_info.lats.values if MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 0 or broadcast_data: npts = np.array([len(d) for d in data_], dtype=int).max() data_arr = np.zeros((1, 3, nr, npts), dtype=DATA_FLOAT_PREC) for ista in range(len(dataset_info.indices.values)): component = components_[dataset_info.indices.values[ista]] icomp = Component.parse_component(component).value try: data_arr[0, icomp, ista] = data_[dataset_info.indices.values[ista]] except: n_tmp = len(data_[dataset_info.indices.values[ista]]) if n_tmp < npts: tmp_data = np.pad( data_[dataset_info.indices.values[ista]], (0, npts - n_tmp), mode='constant', constant_values=(0, 0)) data_arr[0, icomp, ista] = tmp_data else: data_arr[0, icomp, ista] = ( data_[dataset_info.indices.values[ista]][:npts]) remaining_traces_indices = (set(indices_) - set(dataset_info.indices.values)) for i in remaining_traces_indices: dataset_filt = dataset_info[(dataset_info.evids == evids_[i]) & (dataset_info.names == names_[i]) & (dataset_info.nets == nets_[i])] j = dataset_filt.index.values[0] component = components_[i] icomp = Component.parse_component(component).value try: data_arr[0, icomp, j] = data_[i] except: n_tmp = len(data_[i]) if n_tmp < npts: tmp_data = np.pad(data_[i], (0, npts - n_tmp), mode='constant', constant_values=(0, 0)) data_arr[0, icomp, j] = tmp_data else: data_arr[0, icomp, j] = (data_[i][:npts]) else: data_arr = None return cls(lats, lons, phis, thetas, eqlats, eqlons, r0s, mts, nrs, stations, events, data_arr, sampling_hz)