from datetime import datetime, timedelta from dsp3.models.manager import Manager dsm = Manager(username="******", password="******", host="", port="4119") #Example 1: Get antimalware events for all hosts in the last hour # time_type options: "LAST_HOUR", "LAST_24_HOURS", "LAST_7_DAYS", "CUSTOM_RANGE" am_events = dsm.antimalware_event_retrieve(time_type="LAST_HOUR") #Example 2: Get fw events for all hosts during a specific time date_to = date_from = date_to - timedelta(hours=3) fw_events = dsm.fw_event_retrieve(range_from=date_from, range_to=date_to, time_type="CUSTOM_RANGE") #Example 3: Get web reputation events for a specific host in the last 24 hours wr_events = dsm.webrep_event_retrieve(time_type="LAST_24_HOURS", host_id=11, host_type="SPECIFIC_HOST") #Example 4: Retrieve DPI Events by Host Group dpi_events = dsm.dpi_event_retrieve(time_type="LAST_24_HOURS", host_group_id=7, host_type="HOSTS_IN_GROUP") dsm.end_session()
""" Run Script from project root dir: python -m app.intro.c_control_flow """ import json from ..utils import utils from dsp3.models.manager import Manager username, password, tenant = utils.parse_dsas_crendentials() dsm = Manager(username=username, password=password, tenant=tenant) api_version = dsm.get_api_version() #string interpolation print('API version is: %d' % api_version) print(f'API version is: {api_version}') print('API version is {}'.format(api_version)) # conditional logic if api_version > 10: print('we are good') if api_version < 20: print('we are good') else: print('what is going on in Ottawa?') print('we are good\n') if api_version > 20 else print( 'I am on the wrong version\n')
def get_events(): dsm = Manager(username="******", password="******", host="", port="4119") try: print("Getting AM events") am_events = dsm.antimalware_event_retrieve(time_type="LAST_HOUR") print("Getting Webrep events") webrep_events = dsm.webrep_event_retrieve(time_type="LAST_7_DAYS") print("Getting FW events") fw_events = dsm.fw_event_retrieve(time_type="LAST_7_DAYS") print("Getting DPI events") dpi_events = dsm.dpi_event_retrieve(time_type="LAST_7_DAYS") print("Getting IM events") im_events = dsm.im_event_retrieve(time_type="LAST_7_DAYS") print("Getting LI events") li_events = dsm.li_event_retrieve(time_type="LAST_7_DAYS") print("Getting System events") system_events = dsm.system_event_retrieve(time_type="LAST_7_DAYS") event_list = { 'am_events': am_events, 'webrep_events': webrep_events, 'fw_events': fw_events, 'dpi_events': dpi_events, 'im_events': im_events, 'li_events': li_events, 'system_events': system_events } for file_name, events in event_list.items(): process_event_list(file_name, events) except Exception as e: logging.error(e, exc_info=True) finally: dsm.end_session()
#!/Users/jeff/playbooks/se_jam/venv/bin/python3.6 import datetime import json from ansible.module_utils.basic import * from dsp3.models.manager import Manager module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=dict(ds_tenant=dict(required=True, aliases=['ds_tenant']), ds_user=dict(required=True, aliases=['ds_user']), ds_password=dict(required=True, aliases=['ds_password']), host_id=dict(required=True, aliases=['host_id']))) ds_tenant = module.params.get('ds_tenant') ds_user= module.params.get('ds_user') ds_password = module.params.get('ds_password') host_id = module.params.get('host_id') dsm = Manager(username=ds_user, password=ds_password, tenant=ds_tenant) dsm.set_trusted_update_mode(int(host_id), 3, False) api_version = dsm.get_api_version() dsm.end_session() print(json.dumps({ "api_version" : api_version }))
ai = boto3.client('inspector') findings = ai.list_findings() findings_dict = ai.describe_findings(findingArns=findings['findingArns']) cves = [] for finding in findings_dict['findings']: for attr in finding['attributes']: if attr['key'] == 'CVE_ID': cves.append(attr['value']) print("Amazon Inspector Findings") print(cves) #Not secure. should be passed and environment variables to function dsm = Manager(username="******", password="******", tenant="ACME CORP") print("Getting DPI rules from DSM") rules = dsm.dpi_rules_all() dsm_cves_all = [] dsm_cves = [] for rule in rules: if 'cveNumbers' in rule and rule['cveNumbers'] != None: for cve in rule['cveNumbers'].split(","): dsm_cves_all.append(cve.strip()) if cve.strip() in cves: dsm_cves.append(cve) print() print("DSM Coverage") print(dsm_cves)
with open('usecases/ips.txt') as f: ips = f.readlines() for ip in ips: ip = ip.split(';')[0].strip() if "/" in ip: ip_addr = ipaddress.ip_network(ip) address = ip_addr.network_address.exploded if ip_addr.prefixlen == 16: pattern = re.compile("\d+\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}") ip_addr =, address).group(0) elif ip_addr.prefixlen == 24: pattern = re.compile("\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}") ip_addr =, address).group(0) else: ip_addr = ipaddress.ip_address(ip) rule = '<rule pat="X-Forwarded-For: %s" cmask="0x3" ctest="0x1">\n' % ip_addr rule = rule + 'drop "Found IP from Block List in XFF Header"\n' rule = rule + "</rule>\n" ruleXML = ruleXML + rule dsm = Manager(username='******', password='******', tenant='ACME Corp') result = dsm.dpi_rule_save("Web Server Common", "Block-X-Forward-List", True, True, "CUSTOM_XML", "DROP_CLOSE", "ANY_PATTERNS_FOUND", "NORMAL", "DROP_CLOSE", "MEDIUM", ruleXML) dsm.end_session() print(result)
'Secure Devops Pipeline' import sys import os sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..')) from sejam_python_bootcamp import config from dsp3.models.manager import Manager dsm = Manager(username=config.DSAS_USER, password=config.DSAS_PASSWORD, tenant=config.DSAS_TENANT) # Step 1: Initiate ansible development pipeline: # Opens App Control maintenance window # pull git repo to server # shuts down exisiting docker container # rebuilds new container # closes app control maintenance window. # Step 2: Use DSP3 to put Fernando's Donuts webserver in detect only mode. #dsm.security_profile_assign_to_host(6122, 33603) # Step 3: lauch sql injection attacks against fernando donuts then run #dsm.host_getevents_now([33603]) #events = dsm.dpi_event_retreive(host_id=33603)['DPIEvents']['item'] #print(events[0]) # Step 4: use DSP3 to put Fernando's Donuts webserver in prevent mode. #dsm.security_profile_assign_to_host(6123, 33603)
""" Run Script from project root dir: python -m app.intro.e_classes """ import json from dsp3.models.manager import Manager from ..utils import utils from .person import Person username, password, tenant = utils.parse_dsas_crendentials() dsm = Manager(username=username, password=password, tenant=tenant) hosts = dsm.host_retrieve_all() if len(hosts) > 0: host_model = dsm.get_host_by_name( hosts[0] ['name']) # check out utils -> file for model definition print(host_model.__dict__) print(json.dumps(host_model.__dict__)) jen = Person('Jen', 'Smith') print(jen.first_name) print(jen.last_name) print(jen)
from dsp3.models.manager import Manager dsm = Manager(username="******", password="******", host="", port="4119") # Example 1: Retrieve DSM version. version = dsm.manager_info_version() # Example 2: Retrieve the status summary of the system. status_summary = dsm.manager_info_status_summary() #Example 3: Retrieve the status summary of each protection feature. feature_summary = dsm.manager_info_feature_summary(1) # Example 4: Retrieves detailed component info in current system component_info = dsm.manager_info_components() dsm.end_session()
They needed to add 300 aws accounts to the DSM Add by AK/SAK Add by cross account role run file from project root dir as: python -m app.customer_examples.add_aws_account ''' username, password, tenant = utils.parse_dsas_crendentials() access_key, secret_key = utils.parse_aws_crendentials() dsm = Manager(username=username, password=password, tenant=tenant) print(dsm.get_cloudaccounts(), end='\n') dsm.add_aws_cloud_account_with_keys(access_key=access_key, secret_key=secret_key) # or #dsm.add_aws_cloud_account_with_cross_account_role('randomsecret2', 'arn:aws:iam::5385xvxv281:role/DS_Cross_account') print(dsm.get_cloudaccounts(), end='\n') dsm.end_session()
{ "externalId": String, "roleArn": String, } } ''' import sys import os sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..')) from sejam_python_bootcamp import config from dsp3.models.manager import Manager dsm = Manager(username=config.DSAS_USER, password=config.DSAS_PASSWORD, tenant=config.DSAS_TENANT) #print(dsm.add_aws_cloud_account_with_keys('access_key', 'secret_key')) # or print(dsm.get_api_version()) # How to set up cross account role - print( dsm.add_aws_cloud_account_with_cross_account_role(config.EXTERNAL_ID, config.ARN)) # View DSPS Implentation -> dsm.end_session() # don' forget to end sessions. They can run out!
from dsp3.models.manager import Manager dsm = Manager(username="******", password="******", tenant="ACME Corp") # list administrators admins = dsm.administrators( admin_id=1, admin_op="eq")['ListAdministratorsResponse']['administrators'] # get admin where id = 1 admins = dsm.administrators( admin_id=1, admin_op="eq")['ListAdministratorsResponse']['administrators'] # get admin where id > 1 admins = dsm.administrators( admin_id=1, admin_op="gt")['ListAdministratorsResponse']['administrators'] dsm.end_session()
from dsp3.models.manager import Manager dsm = Manager(username="******", password="******", host="", port="4119") rules = dsm.list_block_by_hash_rules( ) # returns json object representing list of Block by Hash Rules # adds new block by hash rule. based on sha256 file hash. # The blacklist rules are then applied and enforced on any agent that has AppControl turned on. dsm.add_block_by_hash_rule( "0143f7ba86d17cabdfffdc5247362871ba35ffd431f2c3d314a09b8c568b692a", "Block File") dsm.delete_block_by_hash_rule(1) #deletes block by hash rule by rule id dsm.end_session()
from dsp3.models.manager import Manager # authenticate to DSaS dsm = Manager(username="******", password="******", tenant="ACME Corp") # list event based tasks event_tasks = dsm.event_based() # delete an event based task resp = dsm.event_based_delete(205) # create and event based task conditions = [{'field': 'hostname', 'key': '', 'value': 'k8s.*'}] actions = [{'type': 'assign-group', 'parameterValue': 4201}] resp = dsm.event_based_task_create("Test Task", conditions=conditions, actions=actions) #end session dsm.end_session()
tempDict[field] = type(obj[field]).__name__ return tempDict def process_event_list(file_name, events): fields = events[0].__keylist__ file = open('%s.csv' % file_name, 'w') with file: writer = csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=fields) writer.writeheader() for event in events: writer.writerow(obj_to_dictionary(fields, event)) dsm = Manager(tenant='', username='', password='', verify_ssl=True) print("Connected to Deep Security SaaS") print("Session ID: " + dsm.session_id) print("Retrieving firewall events (may take a while)...") start = end = start - timedelta(days=7) delta = timedelta(hours=1) print("Using " + str(delta) + " deltas.") fw_events = [] while (start > end): chunk = dsm.fw_event_retrieve(range_from=(start - delta),
from dsp3.models.manager import Manager # authenticate to DSaS dsm = Manager(username="******", password="******", tenant="ACME Corp") # list report templates reports = dsm.reports() dsm.end_session()
from dsp3.models.manager import Manager dsm = Manager(username="******", password="******", tenant="ACME Corp") # retrieve all alerts alerts = dsm.alerts()['ListAlertsResponse']['alerts'] # include alerts that have been dismissed alerts = dsm.alerts(dismissed=True)['ListAlertsResponse']['alerts'] # retrieve alerts with an id >= 17601 alerts = dsm.alerts(dismissed=True, alert_id=17601, op="ge")['ListAlertsResponse']['alerts'] # close session dsm.end_session()
from dsp3.models.manager import Manager dsm = Manager(username='******', password='******',host="", port="4119") # get detail for a specific host by id host = dsm.host_detail_retrieve(host_id=11) # clear error and warnings for a host dsm.host_clear_warnings_and_errors([11]) # initiate recommendation scans for a list of hosts by id dsm.host_recommendation_scan([11, 12, 14]) # Immediately initiates the fetch of events from hosts identified by IDs. does not retrieve events dsm.host_getevents_now(11) # retrieve all hosts hosts = dsm.host_retrieve_all() # retrieve antimalware events for a specific host am_events = dsm.antimalware_event_retrieve(host_id=11, host_type="SPECIFIC_HOST", time_type="LAST_24_HOURS") # end dsm session dsm.end_session()