def cbNextGoal(self, msg): if not return if self.fsm_state != "LANE_FOLLOWING": return # Pop next goal on path try: # If we can pop another goal print "pop!" self.goal = self.path.pop() goal_msg = Pose2DStamped() goal_msg.header.stamp = goal_msg.x = self.goal[0] goal_msg.y = self.goal[1] goal_msg.theta = self.goal[2] self.pub_goal.publish(goal_msg) #self.Rate.sleep() except: # Cannot pop another goal, reach destination # Stop the robot and wait for coordination goal_msg = Pose2DStamped() goal_msg.header.stamp = goal_msg.x = 0.0 goal_msg.y = 0.0 goal_msg.theta = 0.0 self.pub_goal.publish(goal_msg) debug = False if debug: self.path = [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)] else: reach_msg = BoolStamped() reach_msg.header.stamp = = True self.pub_reach_dest.publish(reach_msg)
def __init__(self): # records the calculated pose of the robot self.pose = Pose2DStamped() # subscribes to wheels_driver_node/wheels_cmd rospy.Subscriber("wheels_driver_node/wheels_cmd", WheelsCmdStamped, self.callback) = rospy.Publisher("lab4_results", Pose2DStamped, queue_size=10)
def velocity_callback(self, msg_velocity): if self.last_pose.header.stamp.to_sec() > 0: # skip first frame delta_t = (msg_velocity.header.stamp - self.last_pose.header.stamp).to_sec() [theta_delta, x_delta, y_delta] = self.integrate(self.last_theta_dot, self.last_v, delta_t) [theta_res, x_res, y_res] = self.propagate(self.last_pose.theta, self.last_pose.x, self.last_pose.y, theta_delta, x_delta, y_delta) self.last_pose.theta = theta_res self.last_pose.x = x_res self.last_pose.y = y_res # Stuff the new pose into a message and publish msg_pose = Pose2DStamped() msg_pose.header = msg_velocity.header msg_pose.header.frame_id = self.veh_name msg_pose.theta = theta_res msg_pose.x = x_res msg_pose.y = y_res self.pub_pose.publish(msg_pose) self.last_pose.header.stamp = msg_velocity.header.stamp self.last_theta_dot = self.last_v = msg_velocity.v
def __init__(self, node_name): # Initialize the DTROS parent class super(VelocityToPoseNode, self).__init__(node_name=node_name, node_type=NodeType.LOCALIZATION) # Get the vehicle name self.veh_name = rospy.get_namespace().strip("/") # Keep track of the last known pose self.last_pose = Pose2DStamped() self.last_theta_dot = 0 self.last_v = 0 # Setup the publisher self.pub_pose = rospy.Publisher("~pose", Pose2DStamped, queue_size=1, dt_topic_type=TopicType.LOCALIZATION) # Setup the subscriber self.sub_velocity = rospy.Subscriber("~velocity", Twist2DStamped, self.velocity_callback, queue_size=1) # --- self.log("Initialized.")
def __init__(self): self.node_name = 'position_filter_node' # Read parameters self.veh_name = self.setupParameter("~veh_name", "megaman") fi_theta_dot_function = self.setupParameter( '~fi_theta_dot_function_param', 'Duty_fi_theta_dot_naive') fi_v_function = self.setupParameter('~fi_v_function_param', 'Duty_fi_v_naive') theta_dot_weights = matrix( self.setupParameter('~theta_dot_weights_param', [-1.0])) v_weights = matrix(self.setupParameter('~v_weights_param', [1.0])) #Setup the forward kinematics model = Forward_kinematics.Forward_kinematics( fi_theta_dot_function, fi_v_function, matrix(theta_dot_weights), matrix(v_weights)) #Setup the publisher and subscriber self.sub_velocity = rospy.Subscriber("~velocity", Twist2DStamped, self.velocityCallback) self.pub_pose = rospy.Publisher("~pose", Pose2DStamped, queue_size=1) #Keep track of the last known pose self.last_pose = Pose2DStamped() self.last_theta_dot = 0 self.last_v = 0 rospy.loginfo("[%s] has started", self.node_name)
def cbSwitch(self, msg): = goal_msg = Pose2DStamped() goal_msg.header.stamp = goal_msg.x = self.goal[0] goal_msg.y = self.goal[1] goal_msg.theta = self.goal[2] self.pub_goal.publish(goal_msg)
def motion_model_callback(self, msg_velocity): """ This function will use robot velocity information to give a new state Performs the calclulation from velocity to pose and publishes a messsage with the result. Feel free to modify this however you wish. It's left more-or-less as-is from the official duckietown repo Args: msg_velocity (:obj:`Twist2DStamped`): the current velocity message """ if self.last_pose.header.stamp.to_sec() > 0: # skip first frame dt = (msg_velocity.header.stamp - self.last_pose.header.stamp).to_sec() # Integrate the relative movement between the last pose and the current theta_delta = self.last_theta_dot * dt # to ensure no division by zero for radius calculation: if np.abs(self.last_theta_dot) < 0.000001: # straight line x_delta = self.last_v * dt y_delta = 0 else: # arc of circle radius = self.last_v / self.last_theta_dot x_delta = radius * np.sin(theta_delta) y_delta = radius * (1.0 - np.cos(theta_delta)) # Add to the previous to get absolute pose relative to the starting position theta_res = self.last_pose.theta + theta_delta x_res = self.last_pose.x + x_delta * np.cos( self.last_pose.theta) - y_delta * np.sin(self.last_pose.theta) y_res = self.last_pose.y + y_delta * np.cos( self.last_pose.theta) + x_delta * np.sin(self.last_pose.theta) # Update the stored last pose self.last_pose.theta = theta_res self.last_pose.x = x_res self.last_pose.y = y_res # TODO Note how this puts the motion model estimate into a message and publishes the pose. # You will also need to publish the pose coming from sensor fusion when you correct # the estimates from the motion model msg_pose = Pose2DStamped() msg_pose.header = msg_velocity.header msg_pose.header.frame_id = self.veh_name msg_pose.theta = theta_res msg_pose.x = x_res msg_pose.y = y_res self.pub_pose.publish(msg_pose) self.last_pose.header.stamp = msg_velocity.header.stamp self.last_theta_dot = self.last_v = msg_velocity.v
def __init__(self, outputDictQueue, logger): try: # Get the environment variables self.ACQ_POSES_UPDATE_RATE = float(os.getenv('ACQ_POSES_UPDATE_RATE', 10)) #Hz self.ACQ_ODOMETRY_UPDATE_RATE = float(os.getenv('ACQ_ODOMETRY_UPDATE_RATE', 30)) #Hz self.ACQ_STATIONARY_ODOMETRY = bool(int(os.getenv('ACQ_STATIONARY_ODOMETRY', 0))) self.ACQ_SOCKET_HOST = os.getenv('ACQ_SOCKET_HOST', '') self.ACQ_SOCKET_PORT = int(os.getenv('ACQ_SOCKET_PORT', 65432)) self.ACQ_DEVICE_NAME = os.getenv('ACQ_DEVICE_NAME', "watchtower10") self.ACQ_TOPIC_RAW = os.getenv('ACQ_TOPIC_RAW', "camera_node/image/raw") self.ACQ_TOPIC_CAMERAINFO = os.getenv('ACQ_TOPIC_CAMERAINFO', "camera_node/camera_info") self.ACQ_TOPIC_VELOCITY_TO_POSE = os.getenv('ACQ_TOPIC_VELOCITY_TO_POSE', None) self.ACQ_TEST_STREAM = bool(int(os.getenv('ACQ_TEST_STREAM', 1))) self.ACQ_BEAUTIFY = bool(int(os.getenv('ACQ_BEAUTIFY', 1))) self.ACQ_TAG_SIZE = float(os.getenv('ACQ_TAG_SIZE', 0.065)) # Initialize ROS nodes and subscribe to topics rospy.init_node('acquisition_processor', anonymous=True, disable_signals=True) self.subscriberRawImage = rospy.Subscriber("/"+self.ACQ_DEVICE_NAME+"/"+self.ACQ_TOPIC_RAW, CompressedImage, self.camera_image_callback, queue_size = 1) self.subscriberCameraInfo = rospy.Subscriber("/"+self.ACQ_DEVICE_NAME+"/"+self.ACQ_TOPIC_CAMERAINFO, CameraInfo, self.camera_info_callback, queue_size = 1) if self.ACQ_TOPIC_VELOCITY_TO_POSE and self.ACQ_ODOMETRY_UPDATE_RATE>0: #Only if set (probably not for watchtowers) self.subscriberCameraInfo = rospy.Subscriber("/"+self.ACQ_DEVICE_NAME+"/"+self.ACQ_TOPIC_VELOCITY_TO_POSE, Pose2DStamped, self.odometry_callback, queue_size = 1) # CvBridge is neccessary for the image processing self.bridge = CvBridge() # Initialize atributes self.lastCameraInfo = None self.lastCameraImage = None self.lastImageProcessed = False self.previousOdometry = Pose2DStamped() self.previousOdometry.x = 0.0 self.previousOdometry.y = 0.0 self.previousOdometry.theta = 0.0 self.timeLastPub_odometry = rospy.get_time() self.timeLastPub_poses = rospy.get_time() self.outputDictQueue = outputDictQueue self.logger = logger dsp_options={"beautify": self.ACQ_BEAUTIFY, "tag_size": self.ACQ_TAG_SIZE} self.dsp = deviceSideProcessor(dsp_options, self.logger) except Exception as e: self.logger.warning("acquisitionProcessor initialization failed: : %s" % str(e)) raise Exception("acquisitionProcessor initialization failed: : %s" % str(e))
def velocity_callback(self, msg_velocity): """ Performs the calclulation from velocity to pose and publishes a messsage with the result. Args: msg_velocity (:obj:`Twist2DStamped`): the current velocity message """ if self.last_pose.header.stamp.to_sec() > 0: # skip first frame dt = (msg_velocity.header.stamp - self.last_pose.header.stamp).to_sec() # Integrate the relative movement between the last pose and the current theta_delta = self.last_theta_dot * dt # to ensure no division by zero for radius calculation: if np.abs(self.last_theta_dot) < 0.000001: # straight line x_delta = self.last_v * dt y_delta = 0 else: # arc of circle radius = self.last_v / self.last_theta_dot x_delta = radius * np.sin(theta_delta) y_delta = radius * (1.0 - np.cos(theta_delta)) # Add to the previous to get absolute pose relative to the starting position theta_res = self.last_pose.theta + theta_delta x_res = self.last_pose.x + x_delta * np.cos( self.last_pose.theta) - y_delta * np.sin(self.last_pose.theta) y_res = self.last_pose.y + y_delta * np.cos( self.last_pose.theta) + x_delta * np.sin(self.last_pose.theta) # Update the stored last pose self.last_pose.theta = theta_res self.last_pose.x = x_res self.last_pose.y = y_res # Stuff the new pose into a message and publish msg_pose = Pose2DStamped() msg_pose.header = msg_velocity.header msg_pose.header.frame_id = self.veh_name msg_pose.theta = theta_res msg_pose.x = x_res msg_pose.y = y_res self.pub_pose.publish(msg_pose) self.last_pose.header.stamp = msg_velocity.header.stamp self.last_theta_dot = self.last_v = msg_velocity.v
def initial_pose(self): distance = self.add_distance / self.count x = self.add_x / self.count y = self.add_y / self.count angle_l = self.add_angle_l / self.count self.count = 0 pose_init_msg = Pose2DStamped() pose_init_msg.x = x pose_init_msg.y = y pose_init_msg.theta = angle_l self.pub_pose.publish(pose_init_msg) self.needed = False ready = BoolStamped() ready.header.stamp = = True self.pub_detection.publish(ready)
def detection(self, msg): cv_img = self.bridge.compressed_imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, "bgr8") cv_crop = cv_img[np.floor(cv_img.shape[0]*.35):cv_img.shape[0],0:cv_img.shape[1]] img_hsv = cv2.cvtColor(cv_crop, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) mask = cv2.inRange(img_hsv, self.low_range, self.high_range) params = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector_Params() params.filterByColor = False params.filterByArea = True params.minArea = 120 params.filterByInertia = True params.minInertiaRatio = 0.7 params.filterByConvexity = False params.filterByCircularity = False dectector = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector_create(params) keypoints = dectector.detect(mask) if len(keypoints) > 0: self.count += 1 if self.time is not None: self.time = rospy.get_time() if self.count > 3: detect_msg = BoolStamped() detect_msg.header.stamp = = True pose_msg = Pose2DStamped() pose_msg.header.stamp = pose_msg.x = keypoints[0].pt[0] pose_msg.y = keypoints[0].pt[1] pose_msg.theta = 0 if (pose_msg.x > 30 and pose_msg.y < 110) and self.detect: self.duckie_detected.publish(detect_msg) self.duckie_pose.publish(pose_msg) self.detect = False if self.time is not None: if (rospy.get_time() - self.time) > 1: self.count = 0 img_keypoints = cv2.drawKeypoints(cv_crop, keypoints, cv_crop, color=(0,0,255), flags=cv2.DRAW_MATCHES_FLAGS_DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS) img_keypoints_out = self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(cv_crop, "bgr8") img_mask_out = self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(mask, "mono8") self.detection_image.publish(img_keypoints_out) self.mask.publish(img_mask_out)
def __init__(self): # Get node name and vehicle name self.node_name = rospy.get_name() self.veh_name = self.node_name.split("/")[1] # Keep track of the last known pose self.last_pose = Pose2DStamped() self.last_theta_dot = 0 self.last_v = 0 # Setup the publisher and subscriber self.sub_velocity = rospy.Subscriber("~velocity", Twist2DStamped, self.velocity_callback, queue_size=1) self.pub_pose = rospy.Publisher("~pose", Pose2DStamped, queue_size=1) rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initialized.", self.node_name)
def __init__(self): #dimensions of image used by detection node self.IMAGE_WIDTH = 256.0 self.IMAGE_HEIGHT = 67.0 #cmd velocities = 8.0 self.v = 0.5 self.steering_enabled = False self.last_start = BoolStamped() self.last_pose = Pose2DStamped() #subscribers rospy.Subscriber("remote_steering_start", BoolStamped, self.start_steering_cb) rospy.Subscriber("pose", Pose2DStamped, self.pose_cb) #publishsers self.pub_done = rospy.Publisher("remote_steering_complete", BoolStamped, queue_size=1) self.pub_car_cmd = rospy.Publisher("lane_controller_node/car_cmd", Twist2DStamped, queue_size=1)
def __init__(self, node_name): # Initialize the DTROS parent class super(SensorFusionNode, self).__init__(node_name=node_name, node_type=NodeType.LOCALIZATION) # Get the vehicle name self.veh_name = rospy.get_namespace().strip("/") # Keep track of the last known pose self.last_pose = Pose2DStamped() self.last_theta_dot = 0 self.last_v = 0 # TODO Feel free to use a flag like this to set which type of filter you're currently using. # You can also define these as parameters in the launch file for this node if you're feeling fancy # (or if this was a system you wanted to use in the real world), but a hardcoded flag works just as well # for a class project like this. self.FUSION_TYPE = "EKF" # Setup the publisher self.pub_pose = rospy.Publisher("~pose", Pose2DStamped, queue_size=1, dt_topic_type=TopicType.LOCALIZATION) # Setup the subscriber to the motion of the robot self.sub_velocity = rospy.Subscriber( f"/{self.veh_name}/kinematics_node/velocity", Twist2DStamped, self.motion_model_callback, queue_size=1) # Setup the subscriber for when sensor readings come in self.sub_sensor = rospy.Subscriber(f"/{self.veh_name}/detected_tags", Int32MultiArray, self.sensor_fusion_callback, queue_size=1) # --- self.log("Initialized.")
def set_task(self): path_msg = Pose2DList() move_msg = String() # Publish move message = self.current_task['move'] self.pub_set_move.publish(move_msg) # Publish path messgae data_list = [] for i in range(len(self.current_task['path'])): # ith position data = self.current_task['path'][i] ith_pose = Pose2DStamped() ith_pose.header.stamp = ith_pose.x = data[0] ith_pose.y = data[1] ith_pose.theta = data[2] data_list.append(ith_pose) path_msg.data_list = data_list self.pub_set_path.publish(path_msg) rospy.loginfo("[%s] set move and path to planners" %(self.node_name))
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy import math import csv import sys from duckietown_msgs.msg import Twist2DStamped, Pose2DStamped from wifianalyzer_teamgrapes import wifiutils as wu lastLinVel = 0.0 lastAngVel = 0.0 oldPose = Pose2DStamped() f = open('./heatmapdata.csv', 'wt') writer = csv.writer(f) # integrates the linear and angular velocities to calculate displacement def integrate(theta_dot, v, dt): # change in theta theta_delta = theta_dot * dt # if the angular velocity is very small # assume we are moving in a straight line if abs(theta_dot) < 0.00001: x_delta = v * dt y_delta = 0 else: # otherwise we are moving along the arc of a circle r = v / theta_dot x_delta = r * math.sin(theta_delta) y_delta = r * (1.0 - math.cos(theta_delta))
def __init__(self, *args): super(TestPositionFilterNode, self).__init__(*args) self.pose = Pose2DStamped() self.pose_prev = Pose2DStamped() self.msg_received = False
rospy.init_node("nav_home") rospack = rospkg.RosPack() path = rospack.get_path('ank_ris') steering_pub = rospy.Publisher('/lead/joy', Joy, queue_size=10, latch=True) while steering_pub.get_num_connections() < 1 and not rospy.is_shutdown(): pass command = Joy() i = 0 while i < 8: command.axes.append(0) i += 1 home = Pose2DStamped() current_pose = Pose2DStamped() return_home = False new_home = True lin_speed = 0.5 ang_speed = 1 full_circle = 25 full_circle_time = 2 def triggerOdom(): command.axes[3] = 0.1 steering_pub.publish(command) rospy.sleep(0.3) command.axes[3] = 0 steering_pub.publish(command)